Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 5

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i BARGAI NS-+ -LIN-- Electro + Plated W are, 4'BAR GAI NS 1IN Spoons, Forks and lInives, -A T- J.S.: Barnard's, OMla1 County Orga- -Largest Croula- S ton of any looa.I paper in Canada FRIDAY, MAItCII 5, 1897. LOCAL LA.OONIGS. An important nmeetmng of the own cotincmî %%ii% held on Nlomdiy nîght. Read tht re- port Mr Burnsmde Robinson, son of C Blackett Robinson of Toronmo, attend,-d tht <)n versaIt At tllt college. Wm Bailev s' u gain runnmog bis -boppimng mmil mt the mld stand. Cusmtom grimmdimmg promrptîr amtende(] 10. 14 2 in. Al taxes ni)t paid bv April ist, Smq-, wmiI he rolI,cted according o 1mw. Take notice and save eipense!t JAS. PI<mIN'.LK, collectur. Mrs lDr Aikinaî dîed suddenly at New Alhaiv. Virgmnia. on Wedmesday mornmng. She was tht eldest dauglîter of the lame 1. Hou k, Vie suppose il s flot generaîîy known hat the mian S ho pay-s for bis lor-al pa1îer in ad- vaici s stldoîni sîck, titrer bas coris, tooth- .<e.or stumnach ache. bis potatoes neyer mm' s-Ale tir-nver rais lits wlieat, the fimst trs- ils bilcoin or beans. I ighm iingtiever ~mî-shi-, hmuse ur bain, bommk agents neyer bis, babies neyer cry at nipbt, and-best <q il is wife neyer scolds. W'e dont ,tc- ii the trutb of the above, hum ssould 1 %ho: ~li are mtdebed ho us for to tesmti i ii huain£ s a liaI of those wh-o have ii te ,-;,,ut .-ek tir-keted via C. P, Rn 1'mm\ iii b>-. Miss Mîîînie Powell, WVhitby 111 , i igiIIMiss Fammnme Faiker, ro.'k- i,-n t, \Imiliven, Man , Mr John Mm himvre, Al,îimn tmn Wmniiîpeg, Man -.Miss McCariv , I 1 (' bmltimv iii Thamesford, ()tt; Miss Ru-HasrdWhihsn ro SuiMan 1 Mr A I1ir-'s, Miss Luitla Orvis, %William tir vs, Mis- Mm-rie orins. and Eddley Orvis. Kin- s 0e i1,I1 m-s-en. Ont , Mm- and Mrs A B ()rsis. Ml iss R nie i rvis, Miss Bertha Orvîs, Geui A Fi lil. Kiisale to W,%abigoon. E. R. Bi-Ow, A gm-mO I tmems tmm ms that ibere -sbould he a good lacrîsar ýc;ub'bere îhis summrer. The truly ( arimd,imn gamnes. hockey and lacrosse, go tiigm-îlîm-î. ad so lonrg as s îown bas s goo)d cti mb mil itr'is no troîuble 10 flourish in the ut ht-m Thteibos -bouhd orgnîze îight aw;ir and tir-h memnher gel a lacrosse stick anud a hard ruhber hall st once. For a long t-me at fimst the b. at lacrosse practîce is alomne. howing tht hall against a building aind -amchimmg it on tht fiy bar-k, or tossing it in tht arr air and ratr-ling it. Gel ho work hu-î>s.(Oshawa and Bowmnanville will h -ve barrosse clubs Ibis sumrmer, sud Whitby shotiid he in il. Snap for $1. The CHRoNtCLE Aud Wee-klY Globe t0 1tan i. i88. and large picture oi Lauîieî'e t abiiet, al for $i 10 uew aubsr-ribers- A Curling Item. Oshawa sent two rinks ta Whitby on Fri- div and the result showed a victory for Wbm ha- bY 3 shoîs. On Monday two rinks rom here paid Oshawa a returu visit and camne out 15 bebind. Dlsobeyîug &a n juisctlon. Retuînîng Officer Bruce of North Ontario and Mr Dalton McCarthy, MP., connsel for Mr D Graham, member-elect for N Ontario, havt been summoned belote Chiel justice - i \Vm NMertd ith eoua charge of baviug dis- .%eved Mr justice Robeitson'e injune-tiou icestraining Hie Haor uaidge Dartucl front un a kming a recou nt of the Noth Ontario vote in the rer-eut cler-ton. Mi McCarthy bas filed an ansaver disclaimiug aIl respousibili it y, be being mereiy the representatlvecotu- sel of the party setlking a recoutit, and ent- ttled to be piesent if lbe ballots aere te bc bandled. A Whitby Girl. May Irain, anc of thse greateet succemee on tht Amerir-an stage, le a Wiitbv girl, bas ing been boîn ln thse bouse now occupied tom Mi. w. H. Crosby. Her father avas R. E. Campbell. sud ber inother avas a sis- ter of tht laIe Chester Draper. lu an inter- view pubished lu lest aveeks New York Dramatir- Muroi, Miss Irain (Campbsell) fle repoîîed asesaying : "T gel MY accent (rom Wbitby, near Toronto, Canada, wbere I was bain, and 1 amn prond of -1, Just as9I1-aM Proud of Teronto, aviete they don't read Sunday papers. My sister Fie and 1 sang in the episcopal chuch Chboit therw--(ef tbree years wben we were girls.1Isuppose YOU would like te ask how loqnç %ce tisaI vas But yenneedu't. Thatile'eeoftlIbse thige thal '-no fellah cari find eut'tas Lord Du"- -drenry said. Don't -think 1I Rn -the last, aâhamued of my ace. Net et al l t le 'quite a respevt.ble age. BesIcles sitsismiin I th chorci choir PFb snd 1 Used te Speak pleme & good demlinlutic lîttje r.< brick selseol »bous. WC - outgrtew - ib Islitti. red >sebool1 bouse nt lest, and saent t, tl*&St.Cecilla cou ent et port Hope. We bh41500nthre ogr-tbree ees we we#QO !*i eid, wenis paçrn The. Consereatlves o1 Whstby township willI bold a meeting for orgarnzation at Brooklln tonsorrow, Saturday afternoou, at 2 o'ClOCk. Speclal Service for Famine Pund There will be special services in the methodist tabernacle on Sunday evening on behal of the famine In India. There wid be an opportunity for any person to place a conr/bution on the plate fur the lamine fund. Special Lenten Services. The adairesses at the special Lenten ser- vices in Ail Saint's cburch will this year be given by the rector, Rev J S Broughall. Thc hours of service are arranged in a- slightly diflerent manner to previous years, and will be as follows: Each Priday even- ing in the churcb St 7.30 P M Subject of address, Christs words concerning Himnself based upon those passages of Scripture be- ginning With the w<rds 'I am.' On Wed- nesdays, morning service at 10 30 a m, and short evening service at 8 p mn in the school room. Su!Ject of addresses, The beRring of the lessons of church hisory on the spiritual fle. Bswmanville Bachelors* Dance. The News givea the following liat, among others. hitby-M-essrs A and B Chisholm, Miss Hatch, Miiss Thoxupson. Port Perry- Messrs Adam%, Mr snd Miss Sangater. Oshawa- M jas Blamey, Miss Bambridge, R Babbitt, M,.iss Coultbard. W and A Coultb aid, A Carswell, Miss French, E Guy Gwyn. R Grierson, MItsad Mie Geiger, Miss Hanson, misses Henderson, Dr and Mis Hoig. Misses Hyland, Mr Lovekin. Mi and Mis and the Misses McMillan, Mi and Mns and the Misses Mackie, Mi and Mrs Miller, A and F Morgan, Mis S and Miss McLsaugh - lin, C Mundy, J P snd C Owens. Mi W and the Misses Thomas, Mr and Miss Woon, Miss white, Mis Williams, A Williams. Division Court. ontarîi Ladies College vs. Moore-Set- tled. r)ow & McGllivrav for plifs. Deft. in person. Western bank vs. Hood.-Rut- ledge garnisbee. Judgment on a note for pUti for $4o 8o Stands as to garnishee. D ormiston foirî>lff. Cook vs. Bailev-Action for wages. Judgment for $487o Dow & \Mc(-,illivrav for pîfi. Dedt. in person. On- tario NMut insurance Co vs. Arnold.-Action forî premium on a life policy. As the policy was floit in accordance with the application the piffs were nonsuited. J. F. Grierson for piffs. Dow & McGillivray for deft. Hunter ýsa Joncs and Cauglilin.- Action on a note. Judgment for pIf,. for $125 35. J. E. Fare- weli for pIff. C. A. Jones for deft. Heard vs, Newport.-Action on an account for $27 l)eft, to file bis offset. Devereil va. Calver- le> .-Adjourned to next court. Celebrating Esrly. A fellow nsme-d Cole from Brooklin cnme here on Wednesdlay to celebiste an instal- ment oJ the Queen's juhilee. He worked h ard ail day filing up bis tank, and made tht ti-ig a bowling success. H-e spoke of Her Maesty as the Old Girl, and his illum- incd imagination translated her back to the esrly d-ivs when she wa& younig and beautiful. With an amnounit of love and loyval attachmerît neyer cxceeded by Britisb trs he cheired and wept hy turna for the gr-attct monaîcîr that ever graced a thione It was afiecting to see such a display of loyalmy fiîom one who had entirely bat con roI of moat of his other senses, and of his physical appliances. In the midat ot al his o> he had a tumble near the Queen's hotel, and cul bis bead su badly that it tnok a doc- loi and bis stitcbing apparatus to close the ga p. Hockey Notes Wi bby's junior juniors went to Oshawa Saturday and won by 13 tO 2 goals. It appears as it Whitby catînot always de- feat the pîcked men of Toronto clubs, and especmslly so when the referee bas yet to leain the gamne. Upper Cînuada College II will play litre .Saturday sftcinoon, and as this rnay be the last game of the season and the local club needs a good gate it s, hoped a good at- tendance will follow. Ag neither this club nioi the Whitby juniors has eveî been beat- en in its class, flîst clasajîockey will be the order of the day. Admission io cents. The Victorias were g-eatly pleased with their visit to Whitby and. speak highly, not onlv of the local club, but also of Minle Host Schiller, of the Royal, whose gueststhey weîe. The local club is also pleased te -ac kuowledge the kindness of the Royal in en- teitaining, fiee of charge, Uhe visitors who, were compelled to remain over night. 1 t is bad'enough to be pitted against a st of unknowu ringeis awho are bired tu cithet wiu or die in the allempt, but 10 add a rtf rite who is bliud of one eye and keeps thai blînd cyt on the biiebînga as loo mucil for humais flesh sud blood to stand. Vet tbis is an exact description of the conditions under which Whitby played b-xkey at Cobourg or Frîday nigbt. The Midband hockey association ie uoth- ing but a abinuey league aItishe best. Tht Wbitby tcam is thc only one that dîaws big bouses. This je veîy pleasant to know, but wbeu we comne to cousider that the big gare mouey people psy to se-e oui last club is used 10 bure burly ringers to knock thexu tbrougb tise leuces it becomes a very differ- eut îbiug. To ain in sucb a league carrnes no honor wltb kt, fou hooes ran only be won lu playing wlîh honorable clubs. How any town r-au see ils ewu boys laid cmW. sud then howi like crazy i copie toi a lot of biîeliugs playing under false natnes ls a problem thal ave canoe soI-te. Whitby hockey club bas wthdrswu from the Midland Hockey Association. It was wlth mauy misgivlngs that oui club joiued the league. aud k le aithout any regret that itleaves il. Nearby eveîy gamne lu the ser- les bas been protested on one ground or an- other, sud te wmud up with thse thing haiz corne down to ringing and slugging. Whit- by bas no reputation for bull -inthedng. sud' seeke ta caun none. Oui club pisys far bet- ter exhibition ganses witb fast Toronto clubs tilan auv of tbese local league ,matchses, aud ailI finish the season wt aviIssew fiendly matches if lie cold aether bolda out. Next year Wbitby wlll joie one of tbe senior les- The Wbitby seven suffered a rnyerse At Cobourg on Fridar nigit by a score Of 4 t0 2 ln a fast gante. Ois llning Ùp te play etar boys found six ringers, three of wheus aere tire regulai Varsltv or onsee rom Trlnity, snd twvo unkxsown. This would bave madle ne diffDm an sd avould not have preventëd Whittq (romu winnlog, but the releree, EL PFieldï, whei le an oldtlmelsockey player, avas not tp-to date là'lis. rulings and for tise fluet h all of tise gaine C-Alem Whtby's fameous icomblîsatiots play oft4lde every Ùi00. Oufor*ards.,.were thus cota- pelled tà rey ion iildî$tdual irushes, ana be- iug light were drlvmw o-te ie (uetnvry tins by two ig feliowe wbo played the Cobourg desesace. .P'iltsalowedti asyms~ pîîii etblstlots oiuost every -oçcas1on, but soeiuSald them,,b*ck fer neli eu ..He 8180 allowodt»>= to jVuP frop 1 'ommrative meeting at Broolln 1 No more commutation lares Tht management if tht Grand Trunik Railway bas decided 10 issue no mort com- mutation tickets. AUl people who travel will now bave 10 psy full f-.îes. Tht up- shot of it wili be that tht few who now travel on tratns wiIl now have to do their business by telephone snd telegraph, sud tht railway trains will be comp e tel y des- erttd except by muembers of parliameut who bave fiee passes sud by counvicts who are on Ibeir way to prisons. There is no profit in business 10 enable people to pay 3,1- cents per mile for raiîway Iravel. A bad feature about tbis new regulation is that il will effer-t 50 mauy students, wbo in future will be îaised 10 half farts. For many yeaîs large nunibeis have corne itre to tht collegiatt by rail fîom Brookliu, 'Myrtît. Oshawa, Columbsanad otbnr places. Thesýe will be aIl right, as they still issue these tickets for i15tmiles or lesa. In ont way thter-bange will benefit towns lite this as il wilI stop a cîass 0f commutera <rm spending theiî mouey in Torouto whcn they have $2 Or $3 tb spend. A Fathericas Child Tht way tbings are going the Gazette will s;oon he denving ils pstrit of the amalga- miaiion cild-provided Ibere is enougb of il t0 r-ahI a cbild. Counicilors oflen set off with a big bluster, but stop sud bide behind silly pretexis before tbey bave gone far. Ont vould have tbougbî by tht way 'Ibis year's council slarted out with resolutions com- rnanding ils commttets 10 unire and amal- .tamate the town offices, that it woutd bave i.een al donc by this lime. Instead of that me find that even Coun Bewebl, who moved tht resolution 10 combine the committees in r-ing upon the maiter, does not kuow what bis resohution meant. Tht committees have iever been calbed mbt joint action, sud no person eau recali who was invesîed witb authôrity one nîontb ago b r-atil tbemtu gether. This is s matter of no great con- sequence, but it is asîounding how boldly aud unblusbingly men will dissemble, sud e-ven lie, when tbey know the records are -gainst themn in black and white. lu Janu- ary everybody wanted 10 laîher amalgama. tion. Ou Marcb the it most of the eithus- asîs basten to deny that itlei their ofitpring, It le somnetimes saici tht reeve la not easy 10 keep track of, but he bas set the council s mise sud consistent exampie in this malter. Points &bout a Niglswa±chman Tic business men of a very smal ares lu Whlîby toavu psy $36o by epecial assessment for a watcbman sud S25o peu aunum for sprinklig. This makes over $6oo of a spec- il evy, sud is a great buîden. This was made manilest lu gettiug signere for the petition et preseur under cousideration lu council. It avas onîy after a moutb of bard pressure by cvery influence tiat could be trought 10 beai uhat sigucis-enougb couid be secared, sud ave doubt net tiat il the business men k'sea tie ieavy spcial lefies tiey are beiug plsr-ed under they woubd net bave signed thc petition. The uceve did avel to look m ttis malter witi a vlew te baving lie ceet of tise watcbman r-ut clown, qud h. bas euggested s scieme by which $r8o, neariy one-third the avisle special levy of 96o, r-an b. saved, tins ssvlng one mili on the tuxes of business men. Il has long been clear tIsat this bav cannet afford tIse luxury of a fully paid ciief conîstable. uer cau It do avtheut. a respousible- peste efficr te enforce Its bylas anad proteet lis cititens. Tiser. arc a tbousand-sand one thinge for a constable te do, snd thse duties Urereas -yearly. Thse teavu cannet afford a fI! allary to elîher ils constable ouravatchosair, sud ase it muet have isoth, Reeve Pingie does avel te seek ta amaigansate thi e ooffiesand psy haîf s salury fer eacb. Chiie! ConstabILe Calverley is a cempetent iman, valuable both as a r-euuty snd teavu effir-er1-sud Iis tise proper instincts te make a goo-d vatchnIatu and nigisi deter-tive- B y amasauathug t'ise offices and appointlng litheîb.town od be alle tacommsand hies whsle, time, sud -aIl ltsie testi- weiad be-- weIl lookc-d afler. Tie Idea set -up by CeunsBeavelltiret sonse of thse petithitieïs wtuldpot supporta sslgist- -watch aI aIl if Mr M'eCou rt ,0 l a ipott is intworth a ssseet5e-consiid.rati n«ue dees kit ntoe,,asy legal-ptolut wbatever« Tise petition ekIIrO1îs i ug-els 1dW-e ce. F. STEW T. Our Great Annual Winter Sale $350 for $1. The CIIRON-ICLE (SI), the Weekly Globe ($1), snd large picture of Liberal Cabinet, (50c)-all lW st 10 new subscribers.' . How we are Goverued r" Major J E Farewell, Q. C., will lecture under the auspices of th.e literary soclety at the collegiate institute on the above subject Ibis (Priday) afte-noon at 3.30 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to al Oh for Manitoba and Gold Fields B. C. Marcb 2nd, and every Tuesday during Msrch and April, (sufficient business oifier- ing.) a special colonist train for Canadian Northwest via North Bay and C P R, wîll leave Toronto at 9 p. m. Coloniats witb or- dinary baggage cari also leave Toronto dailv (except Sundsyl at 12.20 (nuon.) Coloniat sleeping cars on ecrh train free to ticket holders. For through tickets reading from Myrtle, Biooklin, Whitbv, Pick.ering or To- ronto and eveîy information apply to E. Stephenson, telegraph, express, general railway and ocean ticket office (opposite Hatch Bros) Whitby. Hlgh School P-ntrance Clasa. ,Honor roll fui tbe months of Jan and Feb. First class bonors, minimum 65 per cent. Ruby Stephenson, Edith Downev, Jessie Jobnston, Robt Dow', Victoria Tramblyri. Second class honoîs, minimum 5o per cent Edas Strain, Lawrence Keati, Ernest Dever- cIl, Edith Ross, Bertha Hawken, Willie King, Aither Howden, l-arry Bryan, Irene Hvland, Mabel Hoyt, Edmnond Richardson, Mabel Mowbraý-, john Meeni. Rosella Turn- bull, Herhert Paxto, ,jas McArdell. Third class honors, minimum 45 per cent. Nor- man Richardîson, Herbert Manning.-Maurice Murphy, Mead Brown, Douglas Stewart, Maud Crcsswell, Agnes Nixon. Numnber in the clasa 42 ; tht biphest standing taken by any member ofîthe css 67 per cent ; the lnwcat 38 t>er cent. Miss Rasays Recital A very guod audience braved Tuesday night's stoîm ro visit the music hall and hear Miss Alexandrins Ramsay's recital. Miss Ramsay is not a singer or elocutioniat of great power or emotion, but she ba% a charmir'g simplieity and grace of manner, and a sweet smile. Besides this ber peces, both musical and literary, are admirable adspted to ber gesture and voice. As a re- suIt she won the house oveî ai the start and held il to the finish. At the same lime the programme was so varied as it could pos- sibly bave been, and it was wonderful bow quicklv and completelv Miss Ramsay adapt- ed berself to eacb character or dialect as sumed. In the Scotch hiomue she is perfect, and bas the spirit of Scotch humor 10 boot. WVe need flot dwell upon the matter. Tbe audience was deligbted, and tbose who missed it missed a treat. Mr Geo Holliday, Btooklin, sang a fine solo in capital style, and the HiRhîand Club orchestra filled in the spelîs with music which was most accepl- -Able. Reliahie goode at positive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annual eveint. andi the success which we have attained ini the past is directly due toL our VERY LOW PRICES. will present the best bargain chances of the entire season. We itemize below nnlv afeiw as samples: 100 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, blachsansd colora, wiil be closed out (for your, choice) at the absurd price of $2.00. AU our MILLINERY will be ocleared' out at out aud under. Bee our $300 Hats for $1.75. Bee our $2.00 Hats for $1.00. c- Ail our Ladies' IJNDERCLOTHJNGt the very best goodslata very loweeî1 prices. See our Ladies' Vesta aI 2bc., rworth 50c. Dies. Gooda, Remnants in Drea Gooda, Flan usîs, Prints, Sateens,' Linens, etc., al t be cleared out aI very close pi ces We have the beat and oheapoat Dress Goode in towu. If yon wauî a nie PLAID BLOUSE I or DRESS be sure te see ours. Set onri Plaids at 25o and 5Oc. Fanoy Blousel Silka at 25c, 5oand 65c.1 EF SrTJE W.RT WB Ge This great sale rspecial bargains Now ie the time to get a SUIT or au OVERCOAT made to order. 0k« prices sud styles are right. Be sure te r-aIl sud see our goods. No one can boa our priee. Gens TIRS, SOORS, SHIRTS, UN DERCLOTHING, etc, at right prices. Ail goods marked at- Lowest OABH PuICES. W~I TBYE3 WALTERS > Nlý>EW G-OO:DS. 30 CASES RECEl VED, Our shipment of Spring Novelties fr-om EUROPE are arrîv- rîving daily. Already some 30 cases have been re- ceived and the goods placed into stock. Our aim is to supply the latest and best in ail uines- at the Lowest Prices Possib le.1 W .Ca1 and Sco Oulr NewIflottns* w. Go ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK, Eil. CLOSE PIRICES -MRo- Leirten M. m.' 8ea8on. WA.LTERS. WIIITBY, Hleads of Yamle WHO- Stud-y : cu wil find. it ttlwër interests tQ bu.y I Grower48 WHITEFISH5 SALMON TROUT, PIOKEREL9 PIKE# CODe BMELTSp LAKE HEIýRINGO LA.BRADOR EBIG -YÂRMOUTH BLOASEI8 -AND- GC. I COMMIEN.--ES ce i OIi- i1) ie- mIrv lin'>- t se lie the i yen mnis- ;ets' peu.- hall i me eb. , fuit- sud - 0., -ý&wTT %JUI.Y Eb AJUTU

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