Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 7

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Ayer's Puils " would like to sdd xny testimony te that of other, wbo bave Iised A y rs PliLl. and tb gay it1 aveha'.taken them for many yegars. snd slways derlved Uh» bust resut from tiieir on. For Stomach and ilver troubles. and for the cure <if headaclie caused by Liiese derangenwnts, Ayers PlAs cannot be eqnaled. Wben my tri-ends ask me whaît isthe best remedy for dsorders of the. stemnacit, Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer tx A yer'a 1111.. Taken Ln sasaii tbey n-i break up .1 cckd, prevent la grippe, elleck fevet-, liîd rerulate the direstive organs. Tme>'are JrAre the bestý all-round family inedicine 1 have ever known."-M ns. MA v Joawoois. 3MRider AVe., New 'York City'. AYER'S PILLS NlgheetAwarde et Wold's Pair. «à vr a .mpardUafor the btoo.. PCVERTY 01P THE BLOOD. A TROUBLE TilAT IS MAKINO THÈ LIVES OiF THOUSiNDS MISERABLE. lt Bring@ la Ita Trai, Nervouenes Pnîtîs in the Back and Sida, Head- iîelieo4. ieart Papîration and Rasulti Vlaly Wbere Efficacious Treatnieni 'e fDot Reuorted ta. m il nt he S u4se XM. B.Record. Fiionre aae ny wayA in wihîcbpeople ii%.i provo benefacturs oftLbe hiîiau race. 1eeare those wbo of their ahnhdarice kyeMd large soutis in erecting pnbic bud- à i as and beantifyiUg pnbiic parks8. Oihons spund their tnoy ini charitahle- ".(rk, aud inaialevîating t1ue euffriuigso 0 l.-ss furtunîtte tellows, sud for thoae acté theio people are bonood. The pert3ou wiio lîavug obtained relief fromi ickues: tutti Malles pubiic Lb. utians by whicli bh-%1lrh was regained, is noua Lb. lemesa pulic benefactor, Annong ti-se .lattei mi,%ss E loua ON il, danghùter of M r Jas; 0 Neil, a well-to do fariner living inean Millâtresm. Kinga Co., N B. M iss 1)N4eill was attscked witti aniemuia (pcv ertv of the blond) a trouble unfortuntely tuoomunon among Ibe Young girls of the preseut day, and ci. wbich is cer- tain to terminate fatally if flot promptly checked, and the blond enrîcbed and r.- n)ewed. Hiaving dîrcovered a remedy that will achieue this lhappy rasoIr., Miis- O'Neill le williogthint lette fort unate sui lart may resp the benefit of nar exper- ience. To a correspondent ol the R~e sord, Miss ONeil relsîed thet story cf ber illnuansd cure. She eaid : 1I b. haeve that bad 1 inet begunuLb. use of 4r Wiliams' Pink Pille my trouble would bave endcd faW.aly. My ilinesa came about se grsdually that I eau scarce y say wben it bega». The. fret sympton.a were a lees et celer, and a feeling uf trednents followiug even muoderate oxer- tien. Gradzially I becamoe as pale as s .orpse, sud vas extremely nerveas. Then I wuas aêtacked wiîlb a pain in the side, wbieh dailly gi-eu more sud more intense. 1 eoughed a gi-est deal and f nally crew au, weak clhat if I veut up- stairs I Lsd to rest wbeu I reached the top. My optite fomsook me. 1 vae subject &0 speillecf dizuiness, sud severe headaches aud -vas çradaally waatiug avay outil I lest ail înteresý in life. I hsd tried a ntimber of medieines but feuud lae relief, lu this appsrently hopeles. condition, while reading a newa- paper 1 »w a atatemeut of a yonnit lady wbose symptôme vere almeet identical with my ewu, vwhos. bealtih Lad been re- snored tbs'cugb Lb. use cf Dr Williams'. P'ink Pli>. Tbis stasemeus vas se en eouragiug that I deturmlned that I would tu-y this Medicine. lu My case as in Abat of the oung lady whom I had read about, the reeul; vasmairelIons. Thbe pain In my aide 'ficm wbicb I ha.d suifer cd so much, dl*gpeared, my nai-ves vers st,-engab.ued, y appetite rsturned' and ml, isole ."stem»seemed W o sireugthem nad udienewed. _I amn nov as vol as auy suej» n Û b. fsmily sud have Dot knowu viswait icknes as since 1 discnouiued1 itsnueof Dr Williams' Pink PlUs. mi My graitude taward Ibis grand n»e stuc ia unboeundeàdud1 hopàeMy etate ment may b b. e ns c" f bringing en- couragement and beaLAite somne ether suifer. The '«SlUfYiPQ4moaula 6 fwinthe use ,of Dr WiWiam» PîpkI'P11ii4-1 nthe fflo Kisp 0'gIeihl pro#e tli#V-ihey are linequal led as ï,1>Ieod purilloe' and qerve tonie In theLb m osf younu girls- *ho are pale ~ aallov, litissronbled i 0th a ftý».r 9 ~p or pljltof theiihe4il, eak sud »f~plI ~-hl #Iie lsboold be lpst'n 1 FkiPg a' 6«» f Dr ' WlWanas!Pink r nus R'lue. Ib w illspoôdily eurich lb. blood and tici4sg a sfc$* -lp*vof 1a hwdleoine On accoujit of the anniversary of the Nlethodist. churcb, Whitevale, there were no a"nrvices here Sunday evenîîîg. W G Barnes of tîte bruah fîecrory on the Gireen River, is getting ni a large sr.ock of logsanatd putrung in another war.er wbeel. We bave a fan- cases of soi-e tbroar. at-îund, and 1 was onqiiiring of the doc- t.on so thar. 1 could gîve the diseas8e us proper naiune. He calîs iL tonsolitîs sud flot near so fatal, if treatoç lai timo, as di ph theiae. The annivorsary services at Whitevale Mer hodist church n-as n-ail at.erîdad ar. oach service (roui bore Sunday lait sud on Monday evenin, our folks turned out a-ell bo hear one of Canada'. best elo- cutionints. John King gave s five c'clock tes Wed nesday Iset lu a large number of invited guesta. iL being tb. eveniug eoftthe 44tb atiniversary of bis svedding day. Ha saye that auld acquaintance sbouîd net be for- gotten for the days of auîd lang syne. We are glad to know thaL oui- public school Lachor, Mr- Flummerfoît, keepsaa coe. watch on bis pup-la when he hotu,, thern oou-bing, more ihan muaI asate the condition of thoir thi-oata., It in cf gi-est importance ai thiasssuon ofithe yoar, sud espect*aîiy since n-e have had s case cf dipbtboz-i of Lbhen-oraL kind vbich defied medical ekili. We think t ha hould b. suthorizod to compel any cf bis pupila to i-emsit& st home until aIl soreneSa lcavoa thoir thi-oas. Many in thi. village sud lu the sur- rounding neigbboý'hood yul deeply regmbt hosring cf the do-pt*h o f Mies Christini, Moiton, cf Dunfs.runî' iîe.Scotland, Whoe fel1 asseep Feb 8tit, :1897. Manwy yeare -igo Miss Moiton dame to Canada in order to taLe cau-e cf an sged nSle sud aunt. f toi- their desth, ait' remaiued boere for some yeara, but ber beart yearued for her native lanud, sud three yeara age ah. re- Lurned tWScotland, vhere the rssided hsppily among ber old friendesed. neigh- bors. But, in the Iidat, cf -11f deatit surrounds us. MisMrovebd been suffet-iug fi-cen eoict, a1- vnter, vas seized with soute pueumonia. sud clî.d after a very short.-iups..8e a kind frieud sud ueigbrbor, Ïauan arneSi obristian. Her only surviving relative à, s -brother, lbe Rev NMr Morton.vite0 deoply mourus ber lois. Intense pain fr0Ï Eatcaf it bu two day. The. follewingIàom gfiom tbhéqjt~ lumberm" cf Meterlçuille, OtaLfK E rrt. Por-aaunbr of >h~t suffered ltos ~I'i~ sud scuatiesl y 1i- leuato ocoy Iii*y* but vitiüteu 'Aila porary re1wq. ORua mahluns vs a*i vas lt4 a~glq ia mind $ha* Dr.Wiia 'PmkPsar a.,., m.d in -bulb . y4-ore o bandr.d, and sUy dedaLswbwo"f.IS&ab-' itut.. in his form is üTryg to defrsud yot md bould b. avoidd The public «areo îosutloued a.«ajnst ailothpr 6o ealled blood buidcusand nevistombas, put up in similr tortuin itended tW de. oeive. They are &Il imitations whoe inakers hope Wo resp a pecuniary advan- Cage froithe. wooderfial reputatiot achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink PUfls. ÂAk your dealer for thein. TIi... Pille are matnufactured by the Dr Wi'liam's Medicine Company Brook. ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., snd are sold only in boxe@ bearing the ârm'u trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxe@ for 02-50. Tbey msy b. bad 110W .ny dernier, or yull be sent by mail on receipt of price.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille msy be bail of &Il druggiste or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Oompsuy from oither address. The prioe*at whicb tb. pilla ane sold maire a course of treat- ment cooeparaltiveiy inexpensive se eoanpared with other remedies or inediosi treatiment Cherryw.ed A. Burkbolder bss moved inte the Wood residence, a mile euet of bers. Nora Judd bau been considerably indis porned for tbe at week. Teer.knng we be- lieve. is the trouble. Many people around bers are saffering frorn severe cIdes ad many more are cornplaining of poor underotanding. Many young folk& from hers attended the Wbir.evale ai2fiversary services laaî Snndsy, and aleo the. excellent concert on Monday evening. The result of Mr. Neel'a excellent tui- tion ia easily to b. seen at the weekly Bible class meeting. Mis& Maggie Gilcbrist, asoorpanied hy ber cousin, Mise F. Gilebrist, is visir.îng with ber parents and callîug on ber nom- erons friands bereabonr.s, A surprise party wus enjoyed at Ezra Roach's on Fridav niaebt. A splendid ime was spent. The friende bid Mr. and Mrs. Roach glood-bye and expreseed the wrsh that tbeir new bomne i Wabigoon would be a pleasant one in every respect. Wm. Spencer hsas returned frotn Eng- land bring with him s partneto,. grace bis cornforr.ab e borne. We welcorne ber to our rnidisr and trust. Ibat bbrough the sbadow and scinsbjre of r.bs liraebe will always find that sbe bas cbosen for ber abode a quiiet and friendly neigbborbood. Some ponderous effarts bave lataly been made ini view of rnakiniz botter ar_ rangernet.nL for the rnananamenu of thif out poot or tbe Scarboro circuit. As jr. IF we are indebr.ed Lo local talent for far too~ ntn. orationi4 and r.houeh generaily venv enterr.aininz there is alwas somte little- 'lueappointment ini not iseeîng one of t.hé regular pato(re. Gît£" nRIVER. Mn. Farnieny moved to Toronito las 1 week. The W C T U seoured te services of Col W G H1askell, officiai lecturer of the National Kooly Loague, who gave the people eofthis village ou Thursday oven- iiîg lu Lb. basomont cf Lb. methodist oburch s vci-y iuteresting, instructive, sud eaiest tomperance lecture. He condemned iu Lb. strougeet lauguage the. legslized Lu-ffluecof intozicating drinks, sud called lapon the chiitiau public te arias sudindicato their temiperauco sud christian principles by demsuding fi-cm oui law makere the prohibition of the manufacture, importation, audalde cf intoxicants. In sp.aking of te great evil of intemperauce ho showed very aloarîy th&% ne Longue eau tell, ne peu eau write, neomd eau oncelve, te sai resulte cf the uuhely tralfic. ThIsela- turer proseutedîhie clama cf the tbous- sud&, aud the, téns cf teumds cf cou- fi-bled drunkards a u rluid b teamosu -fessible mannr. eHý prola inb- obebiy and morphiueiim "die. cs Dot incomabe. H io W ýDr - -4ey,, 9physil b agratiase pf, $"Ueb Idicîîlý 0og, sad Pr-Iau.Of mbusmumi8n l Uwvrwf ,woha seî' 's Maf Mod nlela~<sdaeiin I 'il g ________ -s SWEET CAPORAL Our boate he wýji4bez1g refereuce l Ai svjôrnAiùty of oueblh. zng proposed by Otiliu td $bat the ONOgrLE i"was ne authorlty in the matter of the feéling cf the residente of thsprtion of th.e ouufiy of Ontario, bas ibis8 te s"Y :-"4Wcli, if the. Express la gRood authority lot ils peak eut, andwie wUll belil oui peso. Befor. we are abut off entirely, however, we'shonld liii. W aï. an observation or two. Ia"te firsi place tbe coanty of Ontarbo se vcry ehightly cencerned aus ote .ontoome of thbe maLter one wsy or the other. It cosse a greât deal to bring witnesses ana cou- stables from the uortb part of this coune ty on criniinsl cases, wbilc jurymen sud couuty councillois bave collected about $8W0 s year in mîleage. As te tbe nuis- ance th. pi-sent system is to mon in the uorthbhaviog business ini the ounty town we are scarcely able to forch au estimate. but any person wbo taltes up s msp sud notes the large out of tb. wsy districts wbich bave to go to Wbitby sud Barrie to transet county business will b. sable to kuow at les.st that il 18 a grest nuis- ance. Ou the other baud OQi-iai is cen- tral. wealîby, beautifully situar.ed sud convenient. Bauides iL is s.lao s historie spot sud judgment telle hiu that it sbould bave been a coanny town from Lb. firet sud if tbis b. so then ever-! day'. de- lay meanes anther dayes wrong and iu convenience. These wlîo oppéè the for- mar.ion of this new counîy eau cciv do en on eelfisb grounde.-Wbitby CHRacu ICL.-It May possibly b. wîîhin the MeMOry (if the CHRONICLH Lbhat Mr. Peter Thompeon, a nuch respected gen- tlemen, bast bis seat ai the council board of Mars township for slîuwing bis sympa r.by for thîs movernent. Alfso that the township of Thorah, sud the municîpaîity of beaverton have committees appoitited for Lb. purpose of watcbing and blockînst legîslation in this direction. As a maLter of fac,' there is much that is crue in whar. our oont.emporary urges buthîle people of tbis section bave put np wr.b existing conditions for many years and old asso- ciations and traditions ara not so readîly shaken off as oun fniendo of Wbitby and Onllia seei t supposa. The Expreits is id flot antazoniBtjc to Lb. sobleme, by any means. We eu appreciate the couveni- ence from thbe point of view urtzed by Orîllia and also the fnet r.lîst conditions; bave sowewbat cbanged of laie but for many reasons poli tical and municipal we dIo not helieve the people Qf M ara. and Be-averton are desirons cf a change. We would like to, see a vote of these munici- palities tak<-n on the question. We don't tîeliu.vr in petitions, whîoh it te proposd Lo cîculate-tbey are seldom if ever hon esr,-Expre8q. 10e Per Packai Standard of the World KINJ\IEY BFýOS. NEW TORRU --I fi fi i 'ES go -I I I LooK for this Prin in the Soow It is the patter-n of the heel of the Granby Rubber and Overshoe. The next tirie > ou buy a pair of rubbers or overshocs ask for Granby',; and look for this patterni on thie liel There is no need to take a Granby that ta flot tVie same sli-pe as y our boot, because thev are muade to fit evex-y shape of shoe. A rubber that does flot £tt Cie borit suill drawv the foot- Granby Rubbers are thi n, Ilijt, clastic and fi perfectly. They wvear like Iron. o N Intellectual Feet. Large feet indicate ability 9 intellect, perseverance and integrîtv. Sýcore of distin- betnasmuchnoted ' for theiiwbig feet as for their large rIoSes. Aiyour-luothould look. G-eorge Eliot, Madame de Staël and Cther supremely intelligent women had also very large feet. It is flot the size but the siapc of the foot which makes it beautiful or ugly, and the .tkoe worn décides th shape, as well as its comfort. There is more care used-more time 1 spent-iu skaPing "Siater Shoes," and in taking the streteh out of the leather 90 it will retain that shape, than in the entire makring of ordinary shoes. The Goodyear Welt process admits of this fine modelling, and the stamp on-the sole M.W. OOLLIINB, SOLE ÂGFxT lRwu W. have thé FiuOuI sle- lion in town oetIhom BEAU TIFUL AMERICAN WA LL PA PE88& Borders to Match C~i. .,ly sMd qolfirois cIsoiu. P. B. WARAM, Bryac'. old Stand, Brook St., Wlbt DOMINION BANKs Surplu, - - $1,500 000 Whitby A geuoye General Banking Bumineas Tranacted. sAVINO DBPÂTNENT. taterest allowed at highest eunrent rates. No notice cf vthdrawai requfred B. J. THORNTONt manage - ix /?eal E8tate Column, Sinaîl Freine House and Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby. WiII be sold very cheap. LO TS-To be sold, lots 324 and z58, poril, ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Asb street, north ward, wilI be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine twi story brick bouse, with brick stables. Suîuated on Byron ai, Whitby, the finest fesideutial street lu the town, within three minutes walk of the poset office. There are three lots of land wath an entrance on two streets. House in perfect repair. 'For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. YIM, 1(1080 f, and VITALITI RESTORED MN 80 DÂYS. OÂTON'S Vý1!L!ZHR cil" ors. Us 'i I il 4 8ý-CIGARET AT ISTITTAIJLLE! Tlhe Town'@ Leading M3er-hant Lid P.beunatism ini various far-t s Reoie of the moc4t comtuon diseaseà thber e la. It arises, ge-erally froîn impure blood and a brokiet downn avtoîn. !il the liaibe h is pd inîul , iu ioi toaof tjie Ili- zti-iîal orgazih duagerous, and ini tbe haýrt uýu-i tly fattal. hIle eaperience of Mr. S. Manu,. the %%(Il kuowcu general nierchaut o: Stitus ville, ie iuteresting: .La@et wnlter I vas badly afflicted with rhetumatiim. 1 dpecded 10 r.ry Pir. -ha8es Pillei. Tocnix surprise. 1 trot inîxuediate relief, aîîd heforý 1 had utied otne box un. affliction 'vas -one. -I1wasAiiugo *rouhîsil withbiot- nens for yearR, and nt intervat, ot thnee ,r four weeka wonld be laid rip nith a severe lta.-i . istomàah. isirce utîtînz i'l ts I have not had au att.ack cf either. .I nay add that Dr. Chase'@ Oinut - mont for piles snd ekin diseaser, in just a@ effective O -.Cîq' il for blood troubles, 1 have a cierk n-ho su.' e re.I1 terniibl rrn '-e'n iles. lHe tried Ghase's irtient aud lu a few daya waa AI' dpale-s and Edmanson. Bates & Go., manufacturera, Toronto. 25e. Chase*s Li»Ned aad 'lurpentime for coMaL, brenchio tisads conaumuprion. Sure cure, 25 e.uta. ý Capital Paid ups .- LowFST :': PRICES, $115W,000 FAIRBANK'S

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