Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 2

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I tinmaA. Jis A Common Affliction Pormanenfiy Cured by Taklng .Sarsa- A VERSprla à CÂB-DRIVKRs STORY. 4i11iwu afticted fom el g'tyarswith ISaIt Rireume During that ire, tl tried'a great rrnsry Medicines viricti veru bigîmiy r-uc- omnnended, but norme gave nie relief. 1 was at lit advised te tr- A yers Sarsm- parilla, ny a friend Whre told Mu -Unît 1 mnue purcliase six bottes sud rie ihem accurng Ledirections.' ieded ýàtohie r siasion, hought thes sx bottes, anrd lok 1h. contents of1h re of these boL- ies w1toittrmrinnticing any direct benetit. ]Before t1 usd tfinisi he tirntirbotti., Mey hands wveua Free from Eruptions as evfr ths»y vers. MYhuies which i rîrat of a cat'-drItvcr require me te liu ouiti cold amtt eattîr ofren avitinout gloyes, anrd te trmritelsiras rever rtrnirred."-THosAs A. jo)ajs, âtistturd, Ont. Ayo's ,_SarsapariIIa Adrnltted ai th e Word'm Fair. .dyer'a PilaCicanse the BoweLs. OORRESPONDENOE HÂMPTO N Mn Tihos Elliett's nuIt daim hînoke away Saturday. Mn 1 L Brownr attended tire ureet- irrg of Supreitre Cinrcle in Brantferd last week. Mn Ernocir Steve-ns iras leased thre Tordiff farrn, vesi t' uîîiisk lio nsd xiiI muve iL once. Our churcir choir were entertained at the parsonage Saturdrîy everring. Mrs Oliver, virile trying to aaalk witli tie aid of eruteires un Sunday, fell ad hurt her-self. Beinig sboire aire iay for aurne tirne before 'aid an- nis'ed. Aàatp te9Brantfordt During unr stay jenLire city ot' Brarnt- ford, on business, we received an invita- tion Lu vien thtie-Institutinifur tire Blind," andl glad ly acceptud lu Lb. ab- sence et' the prnlcipal, Mr DnsmoncÇ, Air Wiggius sud otirer eacirurs kindly ne- osivuru us sud escorted us Lirougi tire raosti important divisions ofthie institut.. Judging (nomvirai we miv tire taff de- serve great pnaise for Lie very efficient ianer n lu icir tiey are training an.d eduastiug tire blied out ts country. For the last thity years vu have heen faniliar witih thre naine cf "Dow Park Farm." sud viren in tire Iocality decided Lu visit that armons place. %N'te secumud a liveny snd venu accu on our vsy. The farre ia ituated lu tire southeast of Brantford and about fiv umies dictant. The drive out, tirnougir s tlerably good aenacltural country, vas a very pleasant one, eeîiciug by Lire vay a large ares cf falireat virict vas luokîeg exceediegly weli. Airiviug at tire farm e vu enue cuived by tire foreman, viro parud no p aine Lu reake unr viiL pleasant. Tire farte centains 963 acres end migirt pro- penly b. termed a dairy farte. It is al- Meut surmuonded hy tire Grand river, tire ueck of land tirai connecte it Lu tire maie land b.ing only about iraîf a mils across, sud Lire distance anound tire farm, te fol- 1ev tire river, is about sua-eu miles. ]Doge have been irnowe te go ie on Lire farte and wander anouud by tire river for daym, sud not bing able Lu find thirr way off, fieally had to e buaiot. Mr Shuttle- ver-tir, tire propnietor, residus ou ilý tarte, havirai receutly builti a very iflue reaidence. Sevenal efthie employue are marrued mnen sud have bouses povided for tireur ; tire single mnu are boamded ie a boar-ding bouse equipped sud ruhy tire Brin. Tventy-five me are employ- ed Lire yesr LirouRb snd fit ty daring tire busy eason. At tire pr-meut ime 218 cattle are kept on Lire place, about 100 being milcir covu. Pume-bred Jerseys ad Ayuhir-es, witir crosses fronathtie abeye, lagel1 prdominate, altiroagi nmie fine Dur-ham grades ar-e kept. A milkieg plant iras roentrly been put i which vfll milk litteen ovu at oece, tire pover being upplied trot» astationery engine on Lthe preoia» Tirs ests are inmeted inte mubbem tubes viricir are cou- meted to home that rue te tire machine vhich supplies Lire pover, tire operation beîng.perfermed by air pressure, causing an eoillution moe-uent. Part efthtie milk je eeld in Lb. ity of Birntford, the re"ander is mrua througirà a eparator, th Lb mlk ted te calvsmansi pins and the ereainmanufactured mite butter, viricir la etto Teronto on contracit, receiving 21 cent* per lM. At tiré preucat Lime Im- hoe are .kept, <of viicir about 100 mu réeedmug os; ate thLie number a"sm *,uevM finse peenen, alil ot 'hicir svèýthe improwed Berks irmu. 57 uheep »114 25 hon.aa kepit. The buildings an àti udL-al 'uodçm n lutheir consIs-uc. d'Lon, -b 'mg ileIted frôm each otirer te asoid thre rimir ot ire, The -cat t1p are leâ onellage, out hay and pulped a~feWlth 'us aAdded Tre-à 7vrjtV4in a A &t Whltbl on I süjô j,>fjthe bejtdge 0#0 eisumjed befolre 9 atiüed ,bed* Terethe O týt4disposai of the monue ir r UL UV .Obtanèd durng -tbeb Put year. The - ~ ir~Ied reditors reoeivid Véry littie enlighten. uwiàpiano, b1it îMd er fo~thêelme ment tbrough the investigation. Umd n à~~ dd not James Brinlâ1ad a letter the Otlter day ha 'od ,otssr te demt con. fl**"l _ n og from John E Brooks, better known bers tre f rmela Weîtém' Ontario, u heIiI ehould an opportunity prisent iLseif to as*tk h sDw uiigabtla embrace iL.- Cae -w, tnh Atrica. For a few 1. L Bbis friendo were somewiiat alarxned, but 39" uefr dntfiLe L T E Umon U ED tbs noetb ilg was he arld of h as td Mr Wm Carter returned last week bis sale ty. frore a visit Lu Claremont and adjacent Increases Each Day, Until a Re- Jereome Scott han again been awarcféd parLs. thedin or a be ae ht~mail carryirag con tract between W BIC Mr Hnry -leninni6g n prgresing ord a8 een ade hat y ad Brougbam for anotber term. He IN Y ILE N very favourable though it wiIl be orne -lias carried tbîs mail for the past ton Lim bfor h wiI . alete eae bs STO ISES VEYBO Y. years at leaet, and it would see pecuiar WATl"' #r timebefre e wll e abe t leve is UTONSEM ICERY ODY tosue any other purson pursuiug the lied. duieg of raid officte. Quite a number of villagers have bad The itmsoth ieeWoHv Teotrmrin abu2o'oka severe attacks of Grippe, which is very Viim ofheDse.WoHv Tbohrmrngaot2occls are glad Lu esay. Naine of Munyon. their siombers by a fumale applying for 4N I I I M r Fred Savage who very unfortunate- admission £0 tthe various bout-es. The ly cu hisfootaomewhatisevrly hileweîan je frein Breugham neighbbood *6 A ly utbi fotsoieha mvelywhle Mr. James Finlay. 257 Victoria St., and is to bo pitied, but sire bas nu ressue-d choping in the weodm, isn nw abIe Lu get Toronto, aye: '*My daugbter had an to bu about Lh. streets at mucb an hour, around again. attack of sure throat accempanied by a and if sbe dues nuL refrain from Buchr The camera craze han reached our quiet higb fever. We secured a boe of Mun-counduot the local authorities sbould be little village and je now unsafe te venture yon's Sure Tirroat and Fever Cures aod asked to intertere. near th.e ethusiaatic -kodaker" unlea safter using half a bottle of eacb ah. ex- The funeral of thre late Captamn Jas yen wear a pleaat amile. perienced immediate relief, and in a few Hlilta vas very largely attended on Fni- Durlng the Year 1 89?. The literary ociety is again flourisbing days abe had fully recovered.' We be- day afterno, and bad the ruade beenFoMIarel eadrtsmnsravyo like the proverbial "green bay tree." lieve tirat Muuyon's simuple treatiment gond and tirs wusther mure favorableFrIrlprcl e avrieerrpat The meeting@ are very succensful and it saved ber from a serions ilînesa. thbere weuld have been mnany more warm LEVR BROS., LTD., 22 SGom 8ST., TORO is the intention of the officers Lu make Munyon's Rbeumatiem Cure seldore fiends present. The members of tire ther no8 until the end of the season. fails te relieve in une Lu Liree houris, and [)urc Ladge A F & A M, eonucied Lthe IIC EVII W. ary iuformed that our old friend cures in a few days. Price 25e. tuneral. Service vas held in thre Metho Mr C E Kelly je Lu corne Lu Lindsay in Munyon'e Dyopepsia Cure positively diret cl]urcir in whicb Reva Bates and John Leunard will finish rnuving this the near future for the purpose of study- cures ail forais of Indigestion and stuin Thoin took part. The bereaved widow week. ing law. WVu are glad Lu learu this be- aoir trouble. Prie, 25c. 4md family have many sympathizers in Mrm A McNealy, of Brouklin, visited cause as thre distance b.tween ber. snd Munyon's Cold Cors prsvents pneu.-tIreir trouble. frienda Irere. Lindsay is very short vu shaîl undoubt munis and breaks up a cold in a few Wm L'dgzett, uof Ciurcir streut, vire Mrs Eli Nighswander ia recuvening edy avu heitaBie often. mz hm hours. Prie@, 25c. bas been rll ith dropsy aud uthrrcoin- rom ber recentilînese. quit ofen.Munyou's Cunirh Cure stops oougbs, p]ica'ious for tire past virile vas taken WV S Dunâheath is tbinking about tak- Oni Wednesday, March thre lOtir, t the niglit sweats, alsys Bi-reuese, and speed muddenly worsu ou Tuesday aud about ing tessons on the "harp." borne of ber mother, Miàss Hattie Coono niy beals tire 1ln29. Pries, 250. Il p m bruatlred iris asat. Deceased bu- A Conner, <of Brpughani, occupied tire was uuited in marriage witi r M A Clark Muuyon's Kidney Cure speedily curesr c.ame a re@id.-n t'ftins village soins Len Baptist put pit agaru Ilut Sundav evening. Saritir of Mariposa, pains lintire back, loins or zroins and alI )years ago. PrevionsLetoirat ire vas en- eakplsdtohv MisGre Ïorms of kidney disuase. Pnie, 25c. gaced in t'armiug near Kinsale. Il W repeae ehaeMssGri Munyou's Headache Cuire stops head- vite dîed smre tirirteen years ago. lie Pleatc girrgs a tI tu or8osoeek ache in tirres minuteR. Price, 2.5e. was runiris seventv-fourtir year, aud Pesn rne r odfrsresr hMunyou's Pile (lintinut positively leaves two Pues sud ene daugirter, tire eyes. c ures sU l orms eof pi les. Price, 25c. 1' tr t of n mresided vîth bir r fatirer A Irs. hoongiiîg te J B Wutte, of 31Yuncs Bloud Cure eradicatesaial Tirnrsday eveui.ug Walter Barick S'ouffvillu, vas taken sersously 'Il at N impuritres ufthtie bluod. PnicA, 25e liad ratier au unuvelcumu expenience Bice'is. A couple of votea had to bu called Muns-on' eiuaI. Remedies are a buon l ad driven W Remrner heure (rom hut hy somenveright of my informant toal oenhib, n wsreunighume b h ir oit, hirnies V tryan Muuyou's AsthmrnsRAmueries relieve in base line. Wireu ire came te tire fatr geL partîculars flext Wnting - 3 3Minutes sud cure permneutly. Price, just east of Lir ki1nsa corners Le found tire A little Lo the north weest of bure thre $I. roadway subrnerxed bY vater sud fi oa- rAsidence of' E Maditl, sr.,* corne near bu- Mp Mouvon'( Catarmi Rermédies neyer fail. ing ice. Tliri, reo trempted tu vade, but îrrg conitumed by fire Friday last. It E* TIre Catarmr Cure-price 25e.-eradicates irielIrns siried aud gotL mb îleep water seenitéit caugiriire in a boarded up fBru tire disease fromeinti.ystern, sud tire Ca :ied likewise into tire carret. 'The boy place. and ront uritil two wells veru tarrir Tablets-piicu 25c.-cleanse sud pirnpéd (rrm tire cart sud waded back, punrped dry was tire ire extirrguishud. lien]tire parts. but rire herse couild oct a gain reaci tire MunonsNere (rir isa vud rfu oadway, as;tire cari ser.eil te keep tun A SU1BTLE THIEF. trerve totaie. Pries, 25C. towu. Assistance vas seon calied but Mtrnvouse Vitalizer etores lest vigur wiren at hast thes beast vas drrrwn eut of Kiduev Troubles Steel on oe Insaidions- w'sen îfevasalmat ene Tie art ly-A SILIit CottI-Tîren Congestion Personat letters Lu Prof Munvon, I 1 aseso neirat darnaied. Thpir)sAl -Thoen Inflfan)matio-Tîen thre Dead. %tu d 13 Albert st., Toronto, auswemed ' f tiee herse ne te ire regrented, but file et; y Maîadv B bgis Dfess.Sut viti r fee inedicat advice fer any disease. tape of tire boy serv'ed to recouche ii Americ% 1e in Soud N,'lWB. Cure is a Kde OHILIA prent lotr. mhap ~we.Specifi-li Retiêves in Six Heours d A raoe fer 24tb of Iay Cures --Neyer Falls. -Rogers, oet %Vorcester, Masis liras chat h reswr rJm- IBie fJret.n heuged Camrponred u rdspThe cf lphysieathv perfect sud Ont.,sys : -I believe Stouthr Amemican t Ir-ne ws rpored n te dspache ofbeautiful beeause thev Kidney Cire saved my lit'. I vas se Moudsy as au oflen te nov for s purse. were healthv. Tirt e erety affilited tirat iny t'ieuds hadLuto but eb letter te tire Globe ou Tuesday man viro sufiers (non attend me daîhy Lu taku tire urine frein frein Worcester saye tirai "Rogers is pre ili - healtir canut hl. me." -limo.CsmsOf pared te mev for a stake eof $500 a aide. physieatly Mn A Wilimo.C trsOlcer, Notiing je said about a forfeit beieg pot-nobuat aun d Kircardine, Ont ,wrireq :"I eau iriglly etI sud cha'mpions are net accustomed to ' auty. The recornienul tis specific as tire greaâtest Lae oice cf cirallenges eut issued iin om an-r t on usf"nn riaL o I taken . siktv eu- Iff-ctingscf tire bladder sud kiduuys." ' frprfr.Rgr at ora t' nt be beau-.odb ils mi'-raceu-a wcoursFe fracrunbpîon tud . olt yJE iI shp ytire ay-sud offens $100 ex- prupenommu.Rogersvantete rowaMtst pessto Gaulaur te go te Lake Quin. auty or s o s&aod - On iris ove courise sud ite"..H1-hat PILL- N H O '~~ tirat ciase condition Rogers a sir te e ptienii- rhlehoyoiv e odieli tire champion a bird argument for t we -eptininO --atrp t ieyo odhelh - mites. Tire latter, irowever, wîlI eut ruv 1isorderg uf the digestion. WVheu the fr2 et-icc t m - e îanc-nam seey Mr P Ceenon had a great displsy of uiiptio,and wasting disae. .it cure vemy large, but It la only when tire7 he -tunh -nd $ed farte impîceaentu a few duys &go. nervou prostration. Dmuggists ueR it. occur ine mre public nseumtionaî Canadjan wheel for fis Mr Neil MoPhaden bas gene .to Tor- The -an wbo stop tee ereegietfuntto take mte tlrem. riatetinj (r an occasitnan deseothat generalta te offithe sodrawn nou nt. The same easy ente buy additions! spring stock. evt iefets of conssipton deerves to die. And Palpitation and fluttering e4 tins runnng ualtie tht hlp- Mr m Bird or-eev, vs i at bewil suely Idadesrts, for- costtpaton le heart are commnon complainte. With tins runigqultis ht ep- M W Btd x~eee 1 11 th Ie liecaeeu ouci n oees..Dr' PiSes heart itsf there te nothieg radically cd Canadjan Red Bird tendance ait Couecil on 8aturday. Pleasait Peflets mconfstipation. They neve ro.Bttheutmisdsr>. vasa petaoratdb.Ocncl nRaed- el Uen. d otme pus"rma s pie .*. o!order, sudttie soah te eti cea. Riders win four out of five M onGednlg tVletyne !if'wo a eMÛ&4 inaruci. it good [ led. tn iey u irane eut of te Clss BChamion- day.ditlcm te du iluwork porperly.Be. sh 'SOf 1 C 95s a ionou .r day. d u, o C nnp ttweea tem al, tiny throw to c nucl> ship of189 an for ~ MrCC MPhaenof annngien. OR H TE KIEY. respnsiblity on the teart and tins offveo heCnain6 o pent uesday hure the, guest of Mr N latter le unable te stand tin. utrîlu offsivo f t he an din pro-M0PadeUn.frGalbraith# Of Sbabume, Ont, wue a at a coutof 25 eb wlU giat tu fçss onal cha npio shi of M r A len Turner snd f&m il bus go e r eta ufferer frM dig tiosi, the oeyatmui P $!! ir b oo s 4n ke a ,'896," assisted Kellow in te Msnitoba, a"seMr John Laeou.son Bine of SQ m Amr. sos:o svry slei4 'unt ou scoring a marvelously bril- in Winnipeg. .-eles-s . n.,ay -Lna fo'lv<ad ttostels'n liant succession of wins on The Sunderland Public 1 «"Iws fori - og limagu2.arer 4rsEmnen-aii the Australian race tracks. ginninn ie and imprau. Alrefo niýs À pu~Ila ~rno e p os gt stcklfv!! eeted booka voe« adàe ie n azoa~es o~n~4. ______ Write to-day for our to it this veek. tbf ealment. - 1 tfied m- rémdfA IR Cna' iredadt>iti There vas a good atteodso.. att,,aa ps a da o ieos~>ls~ éD& maLs-geo btan ~T handsome '97 Catalogue; meeting ofthLe sbytM & t UWeias wihu ses'w s eudsp.%e. e sT1 a .otcrd bring-s i.-on thie 143mb. Thre.vuoas eaIime. li a simi 'omsdd~ - "' amymetin i Lb bUs Pti~rh. uyfait l uts w#mvn, t v e e Thedp vsmaks~~e issi4uh ont- i îr~eem . Z i~- éïd ffdamil 4 andufWt-nndog'. - -* 44 ïwltelel., tbejsa~f de deIL G~m4 Brantford, Oni JohnN.E.;WMnnip eg, yd bss-e boa aigLmi~ ss fer Lv. "e h&v» insutsemi îunds asd eel bétter Lbaafi*," Ais the tisse for droppiug ber ait « proaches unleu the Cow in.-weýII f.dr qualiby aà well s qtujtity of milk WIUb unfavorsbly aff8cted. It dom not psy to lot tbe 00w iget in this condition, sthe caif may be injured. it is much botter pelioy tw feed the cow liberally, &bus se- curing a payiniz milk flôw to within a month or six weeks of her ime to calve. This wiil increase the daioy value of a calf, if a heifer IL jà by- thus foroinng the dairy capaoity of cowa that this espar- city for giving milk bas been uîicrased. Under the conditions whlch affect the wild 00w her cali coald neyer suckJe ber more than two or three montha in a year. Now smre of the best breeds have the milk capacity developed so largely that uniese care is Laken the* bag wîll spring for the ce ing caif beforeî,th. evowof milk from the. previous year bas heen stopped. This is bad for tb. 00w, and should be avoided if possible. To Cure RIUMATISIY1 . ....... F ' - - AD . FALS J:L * J' r De -r - '~,,---- ~ IN r PAINm KILIER THE GREAT Family Medicine of the Age. Traken lnternally, It Cures Dicrrrhoea, Cramp, and Pain ln the Stonrach, 8ore Throat, Sudden Coida, Cougha, etc., etc. Uscd External*ly, It Cures Cuts, Bruisea, Burna. Scaids, Sprainir, Toothache, Pain in t he Face, NveuraIia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. Ii Ne tstainsi r. .,-b .nbmx.ded popuiaî. 0i --e.r lPt-Ii rrv tor in ,Mi'-'v cf the Patln. eirr- h .-- lien I .nc re et U làB.fraille the a..'mtr'o.a.ri kn.w iltu ibcr..asgou Ic..Cre z a, ztas -t .'.Ic..a-d thePul r' urrr,m,5-b la 't tty4lut.-bi.d rar..rr tutm,,d. rrr. t. u a.-Teie.saag 1 1 has ,-e.,.merlet a. asea Sucf removint 561,. no meýd..t'. t-,a1u-1a rp"ituon equa to P.rry avra bvkdOýr.rywe.lrntge ttle, - V.ry iage bourde. a00. lins. 3Mdeis Ma lint Rdebursg St. Tonto. înL, mwears tint R ckrÀwae'm '¶eenacure- cmred r of Paratysis vhzcirndemed me Mie et ber body îri essI- leu. tithirne se t m rvus nechance he rreevumng ce'us. of ber 11mb.. flop. certud lier, but te-daY Smime wakingare.u..,jtsiling er frinsehw R kc anig .. C riOrs » <mve cr tIe and u ap u m WO - " M L ? I oi , le lore J. W. sey'ujour ou,,elars- Pu1)ýblic. LOeUI h it, Eniey.a .ot, Wvir e ug d V U~ nenu ine emr b as irmes. estiml ai, ue ansu - enerai sstem» bulti up b>- Ry ckun a a"K ootees> ire ." Tins steve faîne 5 e n u s e w e ae et ruade b>- ber £kmrm, Oe sg oev iîs . 39 'nson Bt-, aretOmOntoi,44d Jnye, lu& tors J. P. IMock.irNoturpubIo. STTUINY MA-DE. hart aO=rrktlios c01 blo , M lsRie. 18 treqQndy dlmttnrbed e&% ut MW dwaa av ve * mie ias. 51. =yenIteu, iris lup at z0uent trol" r.abow'fus Ontario Agricultural and Exp( mental Union. AI 1r'F.F tNIl iil\FýN 1i- cro(ps bave been tîec1 iunr r -X: mental [)epartment of tie (i)ý .rgr cultural (iothege, (;ue';.Iir.v. tire past eteven veirs, antd-- r)! tirte have been gru,)A n i r byve years inl succC-ssitt. \." Canadian sorts and severr 'r new varietres rmported bv tin-.mental Department from ditirlunt i cf Europe, .Asra, At'nita. .\r-.tràeî.r tire United State!i have buen rni ru these earefutty condîrrtert ex, ments. Some cf tire new'.rr have dune exceptronahhv veli anti atready been distrrbuted cv-r (e)--: through the medium cf thv - I mentalbUnion, witir ver-v lir.t'!i, sults. Tire Siberian cats, t.t:. r bartev, Henison lleardedl ~ 'i and tire Ctcud's EartvyeN 1 .Marmmoti Cuban, Wiiccnsin Lkîr White Dent, and Saîzer's Nttrth t).. varieties ut' corn, whicir are nt w ing su popular in Ontario, were irer; ed by tire Experimentatl Dupnr: and a(ler being thorougirtv te-tedl disînibuted in steal quanti'tres. Tire present system (çf coop-eri expenirnental vonk in agricultt started In 1886 wîtir 6o ph(ts, v vere situated on twetve ditierent fi in Ontario. Since tirat date. hou,' tire work iras ineneased frcm y. year and in 1896 there were r: plots, wbicb were situateçl on t'arms. We ane again prepared t' tribute unateniai for co-operative e-x ments with fertitîzers, fodrier cr roots, grains, grasses. and clevers lnterested pensons in Ontario wisir to joie in tire work. - may any eue outhtie experniments fur and int'orm tire directon at once -i ciruice made. All matenial wr'iiý- nisbed enuireîy free et' chargetr applicant, but he witl be .pe'- conducitirhe -test according t rLI structions sent witi tire seel-s. à report tire results et' bis test aà '. possible after irarvest. LIST 0OF EXPERIMENTS in n-Testing nitrate of siruXr.- phosphate.,inuriate ut' potasirhma and nuornanure with Cern. 2-Testing nitrate ot' sodia. s. phosphate. muniate ut' potasir. mixr and nu manune vitir Mangels. 3-Testing six leading varietie Fodden Cure. 4-Gnovnng thnee Legurninous c fon Green Fodder. 5-Gowing tiree mixtures of a for Gneen Fudder.ý 6-Testing for varieties eof G fer Hay. 7-Testing four varieties of CIe for Hay. 8--Tesirrg îhree varieties of B wheat. -9-Testing four varieties et' S Weat. Wi&..Testing four varieties ot' Ba i -Testieg fBye varieties of Oai I 2-Testing four varieties uof teý it3-Testing three varieties of Be i4-Testing five varieties of Car i 5-Testing five vanieties of Man i 6-Testing fà.ur vanieties eof Tunr Mateiial for Ieitber No. i or2' - expeiment will be' sent by express for eaclî *oftire others iL will ire fo èd - by mail. Ail, fertilizers and - will be seÏ nt , riod Lime for S $ ia~ St, huer,.

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