Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 3

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-s- ,e '- - if Sp- i, thé aili ho lily to t.4 rt botr 0- t c !I ilt To Cure BrSALPAtoi'LLs 7 PRO M ZT AND i\LVCr FAI'LS X ~~.1 MBP1 L L . Ontario Agricultural and Experi- mental Union. S-e nee w&s hsndsome an' fat, Fr puris in10 iok at. 1 trua - - t riotou i ci a nickel for that, i )I. ikA 1 1 l' 1 \II ISl 1 N 1 ,IN- Ai t- Gd]besi the (lanadian ces! IUt1 1 t 1-tf. Sur fioltrtnrs mav make a greai fluiter, t he Jerserys are in the s% ini nou, J'Msi rdiiS f (iiîSîrei-- 't I. ri Bu îhey nrvr tan milk e make butter ut<islis ht-uit t Ili t-tu th eF SPecn- \Wuh cur home IV Canadian co% mn) ita1 i )u-pà r t 1ileu1)t (ft tt'<iut(ariî te ati-The K .grii titiîcîl t ollegc, Guelpih, ssItliî Risdte1-m tiii' p live \'iS.andt m'i\hîîrrî tt\v %vi,- r n iic( es,-îîîo \e.iIlx ail thi aniauiano.,orts anti sev-mal lîîînîir iNId itew sartet ies iip~orîeuI hv r e Fs~Expri- T e D u& L )intlDTartnieft front dliiflîrîntits ()f I c J -sia, Afîiîa. \isrîla r tue i Utiît'î tud iîve tutiilui] Ioluls o iii thesc- ctaretîî!iv co ndîîcteil expert-i ncittiti-. Sirite(4 ifheni-w%, anietit-, Is Invaluabie, If' you are rt iii flt cexcept i naiiv wIli and hius r down, as It is a food as wel airuîi vta' di stri bttred ov-t-c( ltari'l edcie tiiiîiLt tîumtîiiîus f he scn j ho D. & L. Emulelon Ihftmtît Il i i n ith s-crs(if Ille s iuig ce- I <tilt> yu Up if yurge e hiil .Liîii, i lu- 'îtri,iuî .i-at.. hot .leuiD. & L.. Err-ulslor .ii li t is i ýgiris I tlia Iho C th, t » and 111-t a -iihib peparusîc adi thcii ii ( i s le nt.< ~ >ri ( O raie mi îî b tiiit.anut Sii7er's N i 'rh [) iko, i ToD & L. Ermulslori tt " i~iiptîirîu Iittaui, iee ittot he D. & L. Errusiori t-i h li u lp ciiei.î - p.rt liviitI1 is a4iani s lIcOu îitoduîcer anid M il t aii >1<- r iu thiiîiiîîýhis te-'t-t csrcI -îan xpjenf. iii.tiliiîti ~ lrdiiîj-dtitti".50c. & $1 per Bottile i li pirg.--- tt-it > tii l i '1gert 1dOt 11< ire iiui t' i DAVIS & LAWELNCE CO., LI e slieci ocoii yak na~.ci'<tîîîîii'-Ft le genl ue t MON1TREAL -tateît Ini silh G)ui )1.it" s u Il wet' -itIiatcd gun tiîs-ifiît-rentt tarit i n iita r iii Si ith at <Lite c iat- trFeeding Horses on Old Pota tht wîc lia,;ini'ieast- iruit str ti s-car aniîtri i SOi the - c rtc'1I1t.1 i-4 hwonîd appear titat theré le tintit" 'hit ii' ir iit e(lrct ion '-s tig ncre tian a modîcum of dan tîîîît tAr ti oi'iuga uîin e ft-e-ulng oid pet-stees Lu herses. t-ltsstTlutr hier ur ci cr,- ttueaizo we r:ferred tote Ai oe kraqsses.ý and g. t s 1 \ci Baker Farta, Wttiiingfor irttîvtstr?1Jersos i (iloe ite iedeathus vere ebrond wih t iiu t i t iiithe wi le- i stecv, but a ray oet igi't bas a n\ -ic ti it he mx periroc nts fý r i8o-SeL teî ut pîîrîthe cause, wt ici>sbonid dnit l ru t1il dire( tg)r at i iii"f t hr, a wartinig te tarmersanad others si lit g fiiii ri.e AHi natcrtal usni t, Lir - Ysituateil. In a great many ps iit-d h i tirel:' frre a(i ilîr't<ecouuntry the teeding ot petato ap,i;îîirt fuît I Is- %Ill îi'c" ') îCunIîiucn, sud ve bébleve 'hol ' i lit tle 'tce-t ai t rin<rîtut rî ,ct it-iii e-îîng, pracîlce. But if thèse pi t l'sting nitrate <if - t -t [11îsiî.t urite of iii-t. ti tae ,îîtît ut'inoat re %ssiti Cor'<nt 2 I estuoig nitrate iI s id'-jtr phsIî i g'at e, muitacat e i'f() af i-zut s ta ce aMtoit î iature 5m ith laok'eIs.t i st ng sIixcaît îJngsaitlsc 4-î;cîwlttig three Leguminous crops tocrt treen Fiîdder. llGrowîng three mixtures oftgrain for c en Foddec. 6-i esting for varieties of Grasses forlav. 7-Testing four varietues ef Cievers focrhiL.v 8-1Testing three varieties of IBuck- w i eat. î) -Testung four varieties of Spring lu)-Testieîg four varieties of Barley. i i --Testing five varieties ef Oats. i 2-Testing four varieties cf Peas. i j-Testing three varieties ot Beans. t4-TeSting fîve varieties et Carrots. t 5--Test îng five varleties ef Mangels. io-Testing four varieties ef Tucnips. Materiai for either Ne. i or No. 2 experiment wiil be sentby express, and for each cf the others iL wiil be ferward- ed by mail. Al tertîlizers and seeds wtili e sent lu geod time for spring smeding. prevîdiug the applications are receivmd at an early date. The supply of tnaterial being liited, those who appiy first will be surest cf obtaining the desired cutfit. It might hé weli fer ach applicant te make a second choice for tear t.he firet could not be -granted. Particular varieties need net be men- tioned as ail the kinds te be distributed are those which have done exceptiona.i- iy weli upon the triai plotis in the Ex- perimental Départmnent. C. A. ZAVITZ, Director. Agricultural College, Marcis 22nd, '97. Extract of the '"Amnernmystezn of Burgery." "4Boita AIE cÂusED by . Microbes, ( -"germe) -csied Cocci, vbielî panat.ai. "6thé skio, Usaily aloug a !- fîîilîî'î. &tsud urtiese destroyéd tiséy c - e boii. "suad . nrtno1e, 'being FAVOURED by "ooustitutieîs.i disturbances anti certain $Pai mopberic conditions. Cnula "oare lîka Bue--t firet auiaul.L, bati &tanea cansd, wl- fie atomoas rz- "t5&5S », tor juto e Dveiseue. "ukloiisa apeu vit. finstu AS pimplés, on dêpittle.' Quikoué'removee Ali b" orls i' tP' K.haný -u as' rif die ,nen in Se me1 ten'ons Mr. A. d. At I]ed in i been à act as Àioilar arts ot tes is s lesome )Otatees lire etai-, and merely uséd up for food ieeaeii-e tht-y cannot profitabiy hé soid, then tht-rt- is a certain amount of danger tncnrced by thueir usé. Mr. Wells ted Lis borses on h)oiiédl barléy, béase. and pots tote tweive menthe nid. Thé deattîs cotuld nutl e attrihnted to poisenîug in tbe orcliusry wliv, Uer coul t-bey hé trared Io thé bt-ans or harley- Prof. Me Fads'ean, howevér, cenducted an exçéri- meint wttb an nId cab hoars a t thé Royal Veterinarv College, and hie investiga- tions cieariy estabilehed thé comphcity cf thé potatoes ais thé causé of deashb. Wheu hoiied. thé potatoseéasily broeéilatwo, and occasionaily turued color- Lt vîli therefore hé vise policy on theé part cf farmere t-e ciearly coruprahend thé condi- tion et thé potates tbey visb to feéd te théin hersée suad feed modèratéiy. Report From the Government Physîcian, Poit tof Quebec. 1-1 bavé uséd 'Phéno-Banum' or 'Quickcnra' in a suppurating vound fol- lowîng a séevare bité cf a caL: aftén thé usual reméedies séemed ineffeel, tis préparation laanséd op thé vouud sud heaiéd.iL aften Lb. second application ; ite effeot ivae most satisfactory ; it han alec pruved a valuable namedy fer nemov- ing pain, and déstroyiug thse cecci that cause boils aud carbuncles, healing iu soe case more quiakly tisa if thé_ microbes bad been ont out; as la nov ne- cegnizéd te ho propen treatmeat lustéad cf poulticiug, etc. This nemédy ha. a grand future beoere It. Signed, J. ELH EcEETf, MD., M..B C B., Elng. Poultry au a BtPItY. Usetise-faim for poultryby gng hs view te pM46ethi eus py, e-uue in dâe afor 'tisae OWs, msud ibresa v ho .tiafactory. 'Wity bebaou o,»bmi couid gives tlofa ei tI&'i u dollar ahe. o ildnt-to the ap*- a d tisecoamt for ahetten vil) holu thaùi fer lsTgertSStQOki.; 'rhelueS t- "t <*0 w knov how-to-kip large fcleb or-1 týt& tproof ithat farmeis ai1 sloiig Mpe#é poultrry niuî ho Ullôéda 1i the farilos iinU*i lu cows and cheese, aî 4 tiinga that psy t take cousiderable pride in% I got s tarin report to-day- (i thank you. Mr. Dryden). John knows that t amn partial te Good asricultutai re.'din, He sendsinte sumethin.i resh an' new On butter, cows an' feedin'. His Jersey made a ton of bidder, A woeidtr sh2 mut bhé And, oh. thar rny longue could udder Ebe îhoughts thai arise in me. Wben i read ihai hie Holtelas chururng No pencil or pen cuuld compute, An nos 1 amn anxiously yearnîng lu j .zc un îh4î note tbruie. But where*s the Canadian cos? 1 liu- une a-ah the- c.um-pled horn, That filed the buckct up îo the hrow Briore Jobn Dryden was born? Sheterird on the Ire of astsack, t h-ot be-st and ii-ughesi of cows 1 hrer iches tof smos on her back, lier brIýy haf lied up with brouse. 0I-bh .di-e ehoppers all right, I o leed on the usîg an' the huid. Oft si(ept un a hrusliîPile ai n.ght. A-one wuth her conscience ai' cud. Sýhp furnished the- auRar an' ieu, >he turnished the a1chool bookse and shees '0S e !urn;s<rd ili-r butterik free 1 hat fattened the pig-you'Il excuse. TIr tact iluai 1 mention it herr Mjýtof ty( U ail have tbeen there. t I r ri, n' hl, stuTC bîil, 1fer, i Was rfi tu ber sensible care. DUNB&RTON Samuel NMcConechie vas in Toronto on St Patnick'e Day teheae the résulte of thé scrsp. Viitours-Mrs W T Dunbar and famiiy at Mre J R Dale'@, Robent Miné at Mis J Brevn's. Meuers James Found and G Smiths ara mourning thé losa et their doge tissu have racentiy died et thé la grippe. L M Grcatit, vise has héen snffernug vith a sore thumh for semée time paat, va are pleaeed to ssy, le much improved. Wm Campbell, our ova blackemnith, le having hie bouse on tise hili ten dovu ia order te maka preparations for building a nev oe. Mise Olive WaIton, vise han beeu iII for eméime pasti, vent te Toroute laeL Tuesday to undérge an operation. Wée hope fer han speedy necovény- W. uadénstaad tîhat Wm Corbett bhs disposesi of a teain cf horsea for a hand- soea uin, Peter MoDenaad having bought tîhein for tise Manitoba manket. Wa tisink Markisai Draught club play- ed s very ehabby trick on car boys, hav- ing arrangéd for a match on BaturdsT last and at the at minute ba#ked out. We think they vere van"ig a littie more Vratioé beforé meeting car boys. Manfsstndby The 'CookC, wu*ô4 o-ùOt., undDehtrIicbh iltbe osa deea41 *lc~ut Aiur aisd lime ai »Ugo *amp with,~. ddeu 4br4A~ lulirLe Wla l' 7v' DL' Wo DS NORWAY1 ! ~PNE SYR URP THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasnt and Perfect Ouref f or Coughs, Colde, Asthme.,s Bronchitis, Hoarsoneas, t Bore Throat, Croup, Whoop- c ing Cough, Quinuy, Pain in the Chest and ail Throat, Bronohial and Lung Dise"«e. The healing anti-consumptive virtues c of the Norway Pin, are combinéd 8 in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbe and Bai- saea W make a true specific for al forme of diease orignating f rom colda. PrIce a 25c. and 50C. Food for Growing Pigs. Pige during growth, should be feed on feeda of a rnuscIe-makingr kind. A M X- ture of ground corn, oas and shorts with as mali proportion of oid prucees oimeal, makes a good conîbinatiun. mixed lu; such proportions as; suite the feeder's fancy The mizt.ure ahuuid be suaked from one feed w. the nexr, or wet up when fed. If soaked from one f ced to another care must be, raken flot to let it ferment or sour. This kind of ferd May be fed until ehe iiew crop of corn la ready. Care niust b- taken snd maie a gradual change althuugh hogs at tio tîme should be per niîtted to depend npoii a ration of corn aloue. Twenty-four O'Clock. After àlay ist ail official time.keeping in Beigim wil hadon@ on the 1 w i24 <o'ck cprîncpal. sud docks ihat ubey the goverlîment regulations wili be kept s-ery busy striking the hour. as mîduiglit approrches. Whether the Beliîs people in gpneral m iii readily fallinluwîth an innovation of 'hie kind remaînes to be seeti, but alreiîdy men are at wçprk re- paintinîg the face-s of ail the officiai clocks and in places lîke raiway statiurns, PueÉt- offices. etc.. the diale nuw bear, wîthîîî the uid cîrcie (uf trman figures, anuther fcýried of the Arable figures from 13 tu 24. This will heip une uver the ditticuiîy uft ranslating the afteriîoon and evelling hours 'nto the terme of the new system, or rather of the old one revived, and the advocates of the change are hopef ni that il sîli soon be possible for every one tu say "16 o'ciock' or "22 o'ciock" wlth- out jerfhrming a problem in mental arithnetic. A RHEALED HZRALD. Thicks Rbéumatism je Born of the Lower Regions, but Proclims South Ameriran Rheunmatîc Cure a lleayen- Sent Heaier. Hesnry Humphreye, Euat London, sends bis unsolîcîted testimony -l was seized witb paînful rhenrnatismn in rny leit foot. 1 could not reL with it day or night, the pain was so intense. I tried marîy remédiesl, but they bad no more ciTe-ct on me tlîan water on a docks back. I was persusdèd tw try South Ainerican Rbeucnatic Cure. I foiiowed the direc- tions cioseiy and in a very short ime thie wonderful remedy effectéd a corn- plete curp, and there bas not been thé &1*lgtest int onf a rtnrn (of the disease. Mrs Murrisen, Scarboro, vas visit- ing frieuds hère last veek. Henry Barkey left fer tise North- west on Tuesday. Mrs Sebeck, Uxbridge, vas visiting relatives hère this wéek. Miss Leisman, Manitoulin Island, is visting here. Chas Robinson, Mérkham, lu rénéw- iag old acquaintances hère this veek. ~4~Steuffer intends starting for Manitoba. Tuesday. Sete cf car citizens atteaded thé funeral cf thé lute Eid. J S Guy, of Stayner, at Mount Jcy on Wednesday aftérneen. cmul. E.... Fuxrny Things. "And yen bave thé impudence tesy that the jirnmy fonnd, on you was flot iutendéd to bé used in brèaking into bouses 2" said thé judgé. "0Of course it ain't," said thé waudérer. "It is fer breakin out o' freight cars." Where le your father 2 ie's down te, thé 'Corners, tslhing about bard imes. And vour ruother, where lé shè ? She's having one ont at thé wood pilé, Hie aire ia lité séeme tW hé a poor one. Yes ; hé inherits that from hbie mothér. I once saw ber tbrow a atone at a dog in the stréét sud bit ber hîusband in thé back yard. I underetand thé consul éeél that shé isn'î getting propér support frem is i gov- ern ment. Yes ; hé toîd me that théeselary waen't wbat it ouîibt te hé. Our casiers defaication wus a gréat surprise te us. Wîy ? Hée wrote such a beautiful uprigbt band. Caler-Wbat le that terrible odor, sir Editor-That's thé poeer yon loft hère yeterday-in thé steve, sir. ,-Tell nie somnetbing peculiar to Ver- nient, Ilsaid thie teaz-her. "D)ey all aleeps in stone beds," said Ilans. "Why, how de yen kaew that ~ asked the tea.:her. "Thé book say 'great beds of rock is fQuiîd dere,' " said Hlars. A Foot as "Black as Your Hlat.»y "One of my cbildren sprained ber ankié, whîcb becamé mach ewollén sud discoloured. Soeé Qaickcnre' vas spread onu bnèn, and spplied ; thé pain céaséd at once, thée wélliug was gene the néit day, suid on thé fourth day she svédked te echool as usual." Signéd, HENRY lEv-ERs, L.D.S.9 Quebe &LTONA Miss Pieket, of Claremont, was hère asat Tbursday. R J Daley paid us a flyiag visit laist w éek. A horse vas solti on the markét s few days ago for 817- A tiotisén vas sold at Mr. Aknéy's salé l a énisfor 8104, sud a féww eéke ago axiothér brought oniy $4; ail of which gees to show that herse prices vary more thara miniug stocks. Tisé market gardenere arouad isere sffould try te rmise enougis éarly veget- ables tomatoes and sinaîl fruits te supply thé tovu dealers this yéar. Thé fréight and express rates are higis anough Wo serve tisé purpose cf a protiective duty in local gnower's favor. Yesterday a boy vent arouad rnging a bail sud cailing out thé folloving announcément. Read iL fast if yen vaut te, undarstand It. 'Tis' gra pni fi teen Corbuzimmoas ti Plize saltanoon an' fullaport'II ha givea a ths' inklsaftauoon. 'mish'n ony five cents, th' cuy place 'n towa.' Tise déatis on Sunday cf Mr. Wm Kydd rémoves froin this vicinity cne cf thé oldeet résidents cf tise county. Mrs. Kydd, whose m-aiden name was Margaret B Walker, bad neached tise unusual agé cf 92 years lèe 5 days. She vas a woinen of remarkabia vitality, sud enjoyed good health np to vithin a veék cf hor deatis. She valked to ova last faîl (a dIistance et a mile and a haîf) calléd on friends sud wslked back witîh hon daugister sud itin j said she could have waiketi the saine distance Lvo véeks ago had thé weather beén propitiotis. Mn. Kydd bad many friands ln town viscinah. vas in thse habit cf iavitiug np to a "re-umioa' once s year snd Lhay vil ail miss ber very inuch. -Journal. H. SCO TT, 4PUMPM AKXEPWHITBY. (Successot- Io H. 77empson.> Thé Subscriber bas again openedbuslnesO here. His office viii be at E. R. Blow'@ telegrapb office, factory at Mns. N'ewbery's, bouse ou Brock Street, scutis. Nov Pimpa nianufactureti sud eld Pumps repareti. Firat close materlal useti sud wcrk warrant- éd. Wells dug on cleaneti out. Orders solicited. Feb. 14, 'S"5. H. SCOTT; Whltby snd Osisawa Mein mthol Pasetter DAVIS NEW Or- I M ýýALL-:<- T IruR'tAttie BTd Imm71efZ$hm8blSI hapd, ýWednosdyi-btdoing -vu Ré* 9 T 4IUi.>V1 A ndgitwithLawi i$uw e eol -'tee~ Wh.o Knows? At a récent dalry meeting the question came up about thse value cf eutcocra fod- der ovér thé about, If théCoOws WMereet- ing thé latter reasonably aléa, and ever it, there wus mach divided opinion. One part beld that the cutting added nothing to the value cf thé food beyond thé mère tact tbat thée ows would consume more of it, because mnade more présentable and demandéd cf thém lés@ expendituré cf force te get iL. Others ssid that where thé cows consunièd the stai-ke nucut rea- sonabiy dean, that it did net pay te cut the entire mass to savé thée mail part othérwiee uneaten ; the ex pense over- baianoed thé gain. Hère ie an lutereet- insg qoestion for our readéré te, think ont sud sée at what conclusion thèy arrivé. Wè cube triéd cutting thé part rèruaining of the uncoasnmed staike, wetting sud adding thé meal, and maiug thie thé rougbsge leed util caugbt up, ad 5 far as we cauid sec, there wus no changé la thé milk, yields se long as thé grain was net diminishied, 'Ibis was a great saviug in labor in- thé cutting expense, but it settied uoti*. Lt _.Io ZtfI JO UO!WI!Ilu .10 aisqns &toe ;)snpi puoe l:sino< oil aTU Qq sÀrl3Me pzu ul MÀIZU:Dqm 1- ':7 Ilt, uKDRIDGE Mr Jos Anderson, formerly of Glen Major, writes as follows f rom the new MLcountry: 'II like the village of Dryden and have beeu cucceseful since 1 came here beyond expectation." His family jonhlm shorly. Every in.gredîent in Man- Iley's C:îery-Nerve Corn- po)und is a blood maker and hea-lthg<ver. If you are weak or run down, try it. Dear Sire : It is with pleasure 1 caniecoinrend othera tét ke Man- Iey *g Cv.ery -1ferve Compounîl, as 1 =rnthorocghly aatialien t la aster- 1kgn preparation, and as a tonie 1 tILink tL isnotquai. Othermem- b- s cf my tamily, besidesmyself, have ased it, and ta ail cases It g ve the most grstiffvng and pluas- ,z re»ulta. To rryrnan Dry Gooda1 Merchant, Èkrmi 260 Yonce St.. Torénto. For Sale by J. E. WILLIS, WHITBY. A Genereus Offer. (PuUished by Requesi.) Dea r Mr. Edilor :-Wifl you kindly n- forai thé readers of your vainable .rpaer tisai I wyll gladly send FREX to any suâerer fromn Lost Msnheod, Nervous Debility. Night LoSesl, Varteocele. Impetency snd the rrsults of youthfül folly, Oarncuiars cf a simple and iexpensive means of self-cur whicb after be- ing humbugged and imposed upon for yesrs by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured we in a few weeks.1Ihave nothing te seil or give away, nor amn .1 advertising aay patent medicine business, but wilI be plessedti t bear frein any suffrrer axiaus te find a cure for bis compiaint. Ie whom 1 will expiain cenfiden.. tially bow- and by wbat means 1 wss oured. Hundreds have been cured thlrougb MY ad- vice. >CSes tutbng te lImmuwbat 1 psid hua. dreds cf -dollars te id eut. Address-confi. dentially and enclos stamp if conveaient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. RiversWIdeP.O. The cultivation of ugar begaun luSpaila the tenth century. being întrc6Iueed froin Âtrlca by thse Moors Agitation in the wvend cf bhecepatblc meds- oins. ba tien iýa very seuûo0 progrewasa, M l politdes sud religion-thse difficulties cf opinion snd the individuaiity of mou bave toutpaen to the dWaareeeonuuby wiuh tisesandard c-f tise.bodies have beeaueiayated. go with méat cf our amons propsratio-fnsoth ilustration of whièh trut# Mstnde lb. on4 %amous reuîedy té geneual debltsdlagn '-Quininte Win,'-'àeud whicb, wbsn obtai able in itit genuitu. tregthi, eau lclt ereator of »Ppetite, vltàlity 'ant$"siulnt the general fitiIc h',am~~u Wine suan t la -làa pro UL, baà, tri i rat diaos r o t<et*o,èf etQuits.e oughly diaouased reasedme ve s té I

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