Tue -C-brnicle VOL. XIL. Spring Time YOU WILL WANT Diamond Dyes, Turkîish Dyes, Eclipse Dyes, The latter at 2 ets. a package. Moth Camplior, Gum Oamphor, Houzehold Ammonia, Large Bottie 10c., full strength. A. H. ALUIN, CHENIIST & DRUGCIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Establjshed 1849. Whitby Steam MarbIe and Gianite Worà s, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H9. Smith, (Fornteriy Woituuduu Works. ' Im- porter sud IDealer iu MARBLE ANti GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., ef the latest material sud de-igrîs AMl kînda of Cemetury mork. Our work guaranteed. "-S4ND FOR DEsiGN'S ANTi PRICES. WINID MILL S. Geo. Allin~~ Seils the Genumne AERMOTOR, of Chicago. lntending purchasets sbotild examine tItis MOl before ptacing thetm erder. De not let aîn agent put an imitation on yen mien yoo an gui the Genuine Atmetor, theroughiy Valvaiuized, sud warranted, for fesa money. More oethie-su milîssîotd iu Canada to-day than any other maRe. The Aurmotor Ce. t-ait thev subIlene hait the numher et mmud- mill outfits îold lu the world, at the preseut time. Mm. Williamson, of Oaugeville, sold 127 outfits during the past threu yuars. Al styles o! Wood sud Iron Pptnps for sa le. Any information egarding these outfits wili bu trecîs given by wrîtiug te GEO. ALLIN, Frb 7. i897--6m0. WtT W&STERN BANK 0F CANADA. Capital1 Âuthorized $1,000,000 Surplus 105,0001 BOA RD 0F DIRECTrORS. JoHN COWAN, EsQ., Presidesi, RECUBEN S. HAMLIN, Esq., Vice-Prea. T. H. MCMILLAN, Casher. Geseral Banking Business transcted. Drafts issued, payable inri al parts of Can- ada, United States, and on London, Eng- land, payable lu ail parts of Europe. 3%~ pur cent. allowed on Savings Bank Deposits and credîted bslfyearly. Special attention to collection of Farmers' sale notes. E. D. W&BRRN, Manager of Wbitby Brasch. w A NTED-SBVBRAL FA ITHFUL YVMon or Women te travel for re. spohaible establî.shed bouse in Ontario. Salary 878,-payâble. $tS weekly and ex- penses.epositlon permanent. Relerence. Enclose aetf.addresaad statuped envelope. The NaitionalStar Building, Chicago.-'7-8. rftRMfoR?,8AL4t' Tllesoseti Y4 cf Lot 7, Cou 7, Beet Whit- by, contaiiiing i50 acres, more or leu, ip- cludiug frein 15 te i8 acres bush, mostly beecli spzd tsgPle. The buildings conist af a 1 % stotay trame bouse, iii extension, a larg ban uttiStone éelirs, borse stable,_ hay, basý',, tving bcd. sti - Tiare-sg in 'orbax Qi-1 tees -This,- fas», wbkhin- l well knowrin soa-oftic hast tinr»e ti Shp f EatWhilis situatcd x6 ile eatofColumbus, sud 6» miliapnoreuas « Ã"s4swis. Possession;,gIven l- fie -iAi-9 1897.- Apply <o l»Ré GREIGO ,31 iShael- - -bourb $St,, Toronto. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CMCacLB COaazmPowNusIcNC. OREENffWOOD. Miss Etta Gee of Toronto mag honte Sun- day. Munps are quite prevalunt amound hure just nom Birth. Ou Fridsy, Msrch 26th, the wttu et Mm Henîy Adamacun, ef a dsngbmer. The bouse lately rvacatud by Mm C Stur- ticker is nom occupieri by Mm sud Mrs Jas NO. 18 I I T WIEXTEVALM House clesning is on. Oliver Pugb's cbild bas the diphtheria. Mr. Bowes. of Pickering, bas moved os the Westgate tarra. A lameu fiock of w'ld geese lit iu Mr. Albert Majori flais last week. Mr. John Pencher, of *roronto, spufi last SUn. day at Maple Avenue. Miss Nigbswander bas buen visitiug St Mr. Alr xander Aruistroug's, Miss Laurs Pugh bas been spextdiug a wuuk witb friendsataiClaremont. Bîrth-At Whitevale, the wife of Mr. Fawcett Wilson of a daughter. Ail doing moU. Mr. S, B. Lyonde bas gene me Ottama te sct We are pleased te learm our old fr-iend as sussiortal irriter, duriug te presnt session o! Mm R E Job nston is speediîy rucoveriug parlîsteni. trom bis'attack ef diphtheria. Thure emeste bu as unusual numbur ef fana. Ruv Mr Thomt of Pickering, occupied the ami' sales mibhin a very leir miles o! bure Ibis pulpit Sunday memsiug, sud favored bis spmîng. cengregamien with eue of bis usmial good. Mr. John Kirton bas resîed the farm lately ou- sermons. cupiud by the late Thos. Todd, sud witllshertîy At a meeting ef the trustees of the Salop i mne thereen. cemetumy, Mr Thos Ricbardson mas appoint' ed as grave diggum sud cameta-ker ofitbe We notice that or Dominion represeumamive. Salut cemuîery. Mr. J. D. Edgar, bas be made s membur o! Misses A Adainsou sud M Stewat, the the privy couincil. ntissiouary collectera, have been caîliug on Butcher Vanstone bas bougbi nome vory âine the people efthIis vicinity, sud havi. been hogsin u iis locslity duriug the past weak. Tbey vemy successful in tbeir buggitng. menu abîpped Thumsday. Tbe lea-gue mas witirawn lasi meuh 10 Our councîl is tryiug te secoure the services of give tbe members a -chance to attend the Mm. Campbell, CE, te delivur lecture-s îbmeugb- chicken pie social givun by the Kinsale oui the townsbip or. roadtnaking, sud if noces- leagu. Owiug te tbe bad rea-da net masy samy te ove-se the construction o< as ralu per fret bure attended tbe social, lion et saine for tbe guidance of patasýters Fer the pasi fuirnths Mm M Resu bas The mik preducers o! Yomk counly mon à vic- been confined te bis room, sud on Sunday tory last Friday. A leugtby deputation protest- be quieiiy passed smay. The decuaqed ed against computsemy inspection o!fntilch cees was nearly etghty years et age and spent as theowomers expense, aud as a result nif thuir tbe greatur part ef bis life lu sud around represeutatieus Premier Hardy said the epera- Greumood. His remains weru iuierred in tiens of the law would bu for the present sus- the R C buirial groundsata Picker*ng Tues pendud. day memuing. The beresved family bave tbe sympatby of the people. The new liceuse lac bas buensom amended as Theausai eetng t te ta-cersaudte meut with general approval froin a greai oThiers etaienay f chol wahed Mou- many. The p-an persued in Ibis province ba@ daycr ofgbîthem ma-ay oed atthedaMne been yte pass a fairly strong sct cbicb would sd angrut Tmeu"t t siness Satentane -plusse rthemrpemance party, sud then te appoint terestiug discussions tok place befere the "" eamns- b cicoddntmttt inreingcloed. he undy seoolbasserthe liquor trade dturbu-d. As long as the meeting eedin the aSuenday schteortebas lir nierssa as sufictent influence 10 con almvaenenetof :me oatthre on, butnfor hQ.t tue this <ra-tice, they u-rti net came vemv much boneniehnce et some thealer nes bas chat kind of an &ci is passeil. A atringeuh mnrning. The scholars and teachers will meqlure whicb there is ne att!m<it made toeun nom have te get there by nine o'cloci, so as f .rcî. is net of as mnuch value te the tempFerauce te get thrcitigtî with the lesson tn lime for camse as n loosely drawu sut which h s srtîy ad the service-s. The following offbcers and ministered. teachers n-cru elected Supt. W Wilson B ROOKLIN a.sst supt, G Law , secy. j Gerry . treas,, John Seldon , lih,% iss Meen , teachiers. boy.' 1Tocushit counicil meens nex! Mouday. bible class. W G W~aid; girls bible class, G-ass seeds, gardt-n seeds. etc., nom tu stock jackson . No i eirs, Mrs Stldon . No 2 ai Ho!liday Bros. girls. Missecs Gibson sud Gee . infant clasi, NMss Armstr-'mi, pf Troute, is visltiug ber Misses Ward u----.r-- PO TOWN LINZ. MIr John Power is going to Manitoba, Miss Maggie Brown bas gene te lîve in Ditn ban on. Mm M Maguire is iroing te meve te tbe Hon-elI fart urar Gruenwood. Mrs, Hall enls-rtained a nunîber of triends on Tbumsday eventng et last week We teere glad to sue Mr S C Wilson driv- ing te towieapaitn on Mondav. His pleas- aut face aud familiar tunuut bas bt-en mis- sed. Mr Coakmetl is going to ake a trip te the- oI) coutry for the beurfit et bis bealth. W'e hope it miii bave the- desired effect He staris the t- tbApril. Several efthie farmuens are getting seed puas fret tiear ilewmanville. Tht-y are calied Canadian bt-soties, sud are a large chite pt-a. a splendid sample aud yielded 40 bushels te the- acre is year. La-st Sunday be ing eyium day in the Sun - day school, Mrs Davey, Miss Harris, sud Mm Niilien Brown teeS cbarge, sud eacb ru- viemed tour lessons. Miss Lilian Rowe sud Mr S T lKempthomn eacb sang a solo. Tbe session cas very interesting. Mm NeiliMcGregor, ubo is living in Chi- cago. iuteuded te cornte home last meuh on account et bis heath. mhicb bas beun vury pour He had bis trunk packed Pud mas ai the station, chen a gentleman telloe-di hlm sud offemed hlm a situation whicb uould kuep it outaide, sud a butter sal-. amy. Ht- acceptud, sud me hope the change wil agme ith bis bealth. The ronds are almostimmpassable miii mud. Mra Jantes Davidson o! Baisant is visitiug at hum faîbers Mm L Burneit, M P. Mr MarshalIl O'Neill bas finished a large tile shed at bis brick and tile yard. He expects te do a lively business this season. Noir that asother electios becontea nec- essamy te 611 tie vacancyin oui- township council. uould it set ha a gacefui suct te allom Mn T 13 Cagg (mie tmade sncb a plucky figit at the isat municipal electios) te fin tbe vacant &st for Uic balance of tic year, sud sava tic township the expense and sunoyasce et asotiar electios. Mr Crsgg bsethe ability te fIll this or asy othur office in tie gtfi of tie township wih credit ta htmself and satisfaction te the mnicipaiiy. Tiecocetest tbat bas beau on in Uic S cf T iras brougit tei a close at tic is meeting, Uic sida led by Captais G Miler comisg ont ahead. Tiare has becs sema very good programmes yien. Tic foilowiug are the officars elaut for thc neir quarter W P, John Soiserville- W A Clans Prkils; R S, Theodore Sjauer; Â R S, Josephisa Wad ; F S, Waaten Phoenix; incas, Gea Miller; cbap, Rdgar- Cragg; Con.,0O MC- M illan - A C, Katie Wiiteferd ; S, Charles Phoenix ; 0S, Bert Dobsen P W P$Al- bert Phoenix. Mr Wm Psn ie just about iiimme tus meelL Mr Anges MeFarlaDe, Seagmave, pald Mr D 1 NiuLean a short vinitt dit emee Mi- Jobn Grabats à .Very sliÇitt PbeaL sMd ittas feared -Ibat ha May MetrecOver. A M ilataeonacla raquted ai the goect> lodge on Fmiday evintng - as î u5f' c once mIlUbe dlsssd. Mn W H Hay eu s woverseis.irok. hitrs Hayes ila aestikeu downs, ,4 js oVes stor daugurous ehau baer busbaad. Mr Mm laebe lihir $hfonirW sMa isstwý Sait Lak it ot ,- iUua b5 'aW>iéeDâ8u bciý in fturwe. e "wisiihus !om !!.S Hie mwx .Old 11ims beax of the omm#. t"nmr n - 'e. Inçpecter McBrien pacau officiaI visit te both F Lawtos, after a short vacation, bas re- turnd (o bMr H McBrien and will remamn for the somnmer. Most of tbe farmers have securud their belp for the summer. Wagcs arc a little highcr than last year. Mrs Henry Adams& .of Salem Corners pireseuted ber husbaud with a bounciug baby girl s few days since. Mr jas Routley has tolowed Mr Wice sud uow eccupias te Michael fart, having lcased the sarne for a term of years. Albert Waddingto,6 an old employea of lýan Wagoner, bas eugaRed wîth bits for the summer sud is at present on dnty. Mr Wm Newton luft this week to )oin bis friends la the Wabigoor. district. His fat- iiy wili fellow sbould be like the country andl iLs prospecta. Mr Parrot, wbe bas lataly taken unte hlm- self a better half. will taire possession of Mm. S4dler's fartu lateiy vacated by Mr joseph H4rbron. MmJuejn Pallister purchased a valuable hoVse at Littlejobu'a sale asat wcak. John la gaing to wr the H yfield estate this seeon. WAf wish hlm sucesos. ýr sud Mrs Rodd sud famnily entertalned. s Soodly number of yeuug people on Fniday ni ht lest. Ail kinds of gantes irere heartlly lniulged lu and ail eajoyed ibemseîves. Siephenson Bros bait a valuabie herse aset week. Veterinary Wariug iras in attend- awe sud did alF be could to save luge, but h4ld eut but very feint bopes from tbe first. I#Dtftamatiou, we uuderstand, iras the dis- E W Wice bas movcd bis famlly intoe Kin- s;le. Tbev will reside for a short trne wlth 4rGeo Salton. Mr Wice iuîcnds golng te Lryden about î,5th April. He bas purcbased 3b0 acres of land in that district sud intends IYItigthere pemmaneutly. Mr jeseph Harbreu bas moved te Salem Corners sud eccupies the bouse knewn as the Snel ostate. Je bas lu the absence of M4r Richardson been appointed caretaker of the Salemt cemetery. aud will perform the deties ef grave digger etc, on short notice. Mr E Redman wilI centrel bis fatber's farm here lately vacated by Mr Routley. As Ed is weli and faverably kueun here, having lived here for years, ire melcome hlm apd his estimable wife jute our ueighbor. hbod and wish thent every advantge tbis world can afford. Mr T Colwili has purchased some excellent beut cattle front diflurent stock producing farmers here. Prices rtile better than last yuar. Somne have bueti offered 41 a peund and would flot accept, but are looking for better retumfis. We hope tbey will sot meet disappointment. auKaiLE1 of heart bas taken tic leniest way with tbe Mud pi-evails everywbcre >j s w. yoang lad of whom 1 uxote twe weeks ago. Could the Croira Attorney have mesn the Wood bous are very îhick at present ; soms boy this pasi week sud se hou cheerful have te attend tire h a day te get ibesi al in. sud light-hearted hie in, I fuel sure Mm Fare- Mrs S'ork sud eblîdren of Columbus, bave wrell would have considered himiself weli beus BPPuding a week with her parents Mr sud remuneratud for his klud services. It wii Mrs Btrker. do more good te Wiid Huera than any We are pleased te state that Miss Ethel fiue, reprlmand or imnpisasmnesi. This ta Grahat uho bas been under the doutors came oeeof those cases where kindness and leu- evur since New Vears la graduaUly intpreving. lescy pays the besi. Mns Isaac Vlpond and four cilidren le!: lie A Thrîvlng Indnstry. f.atham's home lait week for Manitoba, te rejoin 1 In tielut cightecu mentha C L Vickery buy busband who prectded ber te ltat land off bas orked binself ie a splendid trade anoir sud blizzards soeatirelve mentsîls ga. in furnishing wmndoir screenssud cioor We are hsving a suries cfte boit reivscamens. For soume menthe irorkmen have mteetings evur heid ai Betbel. Soete re becs workisg luke beavers te get the lurge about 6o pursous bave cornteeut as seekers o!fnsisge fsre Uc pckes cf sie Itensur-a Salvation, sud ubile perbape therma ay be 5ot5 ae gi e the pcaig e@ o sh ed hs tae chaff among the wheat, yat me are satisfied tte MxVl e e ma mrtseds tnsae Mr Vckey nme ime te iork un sucb a are a groa many gencmue conversions which mi I fine irade,; it would be bard work fer as- redeuud te the glory of Qed. We cannet sayI othar inute ury sud secure part of ibis toe mach in praise ef eur minister Rex Mr trade as hae bas got ihiugs dem se0 fiue that Wetberall fer bis earnest labor arong us. ha is able te quota louer prîcesthan any The lest victim tot Manitoba lever la Mr jobs cuber dealer posly cas do. Hardware Castes. He caujZoht irbwile asal.ting Mr Wer mna sould gai Vickary's quotatieus, as hie lest week aud the atiack là se severat ha le i furnmshes a good samen at lesu moee than pieparing te beave ibis, bis native tous, lu a fuir Uic saine article cals be liad fer elseuhere. days writh hie fantily un route for Carrmi, Man. Wa o a o He Intenets bavng a sale os Saturday sert. W* o a o Tbay ill bu miesed vemnucb, sud their places Tlhese are soea htngs tht a bey eau do: wIlb bard te fiL Webhope the fever mliiHa casu histie se Ioud thc air turne bine; abste soos or there vrli seau lie frue grant land He ca inalte aIl sude of beasia and bird, around Shirley. And a tianaand noises neyer beard. Mr Wm Weir aIse paclied up la bot haste HaecSn croir or cackle, or ha cas cluck tast meek sud butor. any of us mure awaru of ht As mail as a reestex, bai, or duck;ý bu was loading a car at Myrtle bound alec for Ha cas ban Uic a deg, .ba cas loir lue a the north-west. He bas retnovud da is e and cou, faisily te Columbus for te summer ubile ho And a cat hiael can't beat bits "nia-eu»' geai ont te search for mealtb in the prairie country. We are norrvte loke the famlly front Ho has seunida that ara ruffied, stripad, sud our ntidst as Mne Weir especially ira a caeraI plain;- favorite wlth everyoue. gal aud klud = Hae au thuuder hy as a raiway trais, sud evor ready go do ber part ln every max. Be- Stop at the stations a brcaîh, sud tues fore vie get over the surprise about Mr Weir ire Apply the steaz anad be off again. me learuad itat Mr Frank Orchard bail aise Ho has an ie tspewers in ssch commnd suddenly packred bis valise snd Jolned the army He cas mmr righit i a full bras a nd, o! entigranîs ubo are secking their fortune lu With al of thc Instruments ever playcd, anev country. Hia family expecita ohlm afte As ho nmaes cf iinelf a street parade. a uile. Wu are sorry ta report the deati of Mr Thos You cas tell thai a bey is vet7 iii Espin om esteemmd sud faithful oId mail carrier, If ha's vide airake and keepîsg atill. wbo die d ualy ou Fridav ntumnisg frets conges- But carmt would..bc-God bleas tiai soise I lieu of the imain cauaed by a <ail ou thu e aou A duli eld place. if ibere wreensebeys. à two weeks b4-ore. Deceased had uarrled our Qulte an adventure. mail bag te Port Ferry sud bark for sexuntepn On Monday, Marci 22t1d, muile tue e- years sud s bal! sud mas a falîhful trustirhy spectable citizens cf Cartwrigbt mcxc driv- servant is Hem Majesty's service lu one of.tbc ing irest on the =d concession, tbey came s»ortns a yuar ago when neo othur mais weut for to a piece of roaduay that for fart7 or fifty mnuy miles aound bu usukel sud carried the rods was covered ywiti mater aud ica, sud bag, and bis tamiliar faoe wmliibu badiy tlssud isnsente places iras vexy dangexans. Inu amng us. He iras 70 years 6 mondis baviug saine tanner tic mbiffletrea broie leavisg lived thu ailotud tinte for tan. He luaves bu- thc occupants of the r*g inÃœmidstream. bind hlm a sormoiug wife 6 sens sud daughters The mas seeing thc dileima'lbe and bis ubo bave tbu beartfelt sympai by oethte ueighbbcr.mife irere in, got enta thc siafis sud us- bood uspucially the poom widom who bas becu fastened the hoid bnci stmaps sud then got ueariy bliud fom a number o! yuars, on thc back of tcherse sud ment for as- a!vis-ions efth1e scisool lait JFrida.sy . Mr Thtomas Neal sud tamily, ubo bave Mrs (Rev) Creightou is visiting with The me-eting e! the Peshyterlan C E Society livud hure for tbe iast len yuars, have moved friends in Waterloo. miliib held at the residence et Mr Wm Smith southward te the Rosi fart i3tutiles trot rIoDecn oono pn nutct Sunday useuiug. Audley. This famniiy leaveusni ith the de-I MmGo eaoTrno sp t Mr% O Benne, et Quaker Hill, butter kuomu to surviuîg respect oft heir mnany triende. They Suuday with his. parents. Mir r--ad-ms as Miss Galecway, bas been visiting have proven themisulves te bu test indus- Mr Wood, Liusday, iS visitiug wiîh hem tmtund Miss Bing bat. ýrious, hoeut, morthy citizeus, sud me me-bibrheM T Wod Mm sud NMms JamesJlactson le!t ou Thnsday gret to beau such s useful- family, but join ibrteM TWod momnîngz for Alczoma Mr Chas Agustus ta new è" h mir many tiends lu mishing ilium At urne of writiag Mr- Sam Bea- on the tarmn thuy have juat ie!t. abundant succuis. cock's litile chiid le very sick. Mm 1, E Prandon, G T R agent. bris ieaserl Rev McDouaîd officialud bure on Sabbath. Mr Hockin, of Oshawa, bas taken the new part ti!Miss Milnte's bouse, sud ciib-is remarks deali princîpaily on amuse- psesion of tbe RylHtl short',' take up bis resudence thure. munis, etc, in counectien mith the christian pssRylH e. Mm John Calderm ot Seagmave, a brother o! Mm liit. He vemily believes if a person is a Sad to relaie t-be deaîh of Mr and Chq Cader dirt ui hurdav Th fuera thorougb good living christian tbey mill net Mrs juhnb Lughlins' litie child, took place ou Saturda,' te the Union cerîetemy. caste any itne cousidertng mhich ef these wode nTedy ac 3d %trs D A Rv-esor sud Miss Kathleen Reeson. questienable gamnes are mnost profitable, but wode nTedy ad 3d oi Brandon. arrjved hure on Meuday evenine on will tulîy devote thuir tirme sud talents to;The funeral took place te St John s a visiit te Mr sud Mns B F Campbell. 1'bey the service et Grod. Mm McDenald deals out, Church cemeîry, on Wednesday rte intend te remaiu tili September. the choie lruth as it preseuts itscîf te i 24th. f rot the Holy Word. The choir iras net as' Prepirations a-ru undur cay for au untentain large as usual. The following.offlcers were elected ment te bu given by the pupils o! the school 1frteesigqareo-h fT about Ensser. Onuetofthe fustumes ml be s The chicken pesocial utîder the auspicesW t i nsng qarter, cfWrte S cf T broum idrill b,' a class e! sixteen girls. et the epwortb le guegven at Mn Tho 1 MineMi-or A ar The remamkahlv fine cuather of this ceek has Neal's on Wednusday eveuiug ef last meeuh Hyland; R S, Leslie Hooey; A R S. made s condertul impros-uteut in mthe condition cuis a great aucceas considering thc state et Stella Holmnes; Chap, James Baacock; ot tiie reads. If t continues onu ilîl see sorte the roads. Eacb sud ail mare anPly 5iP- F S Sara Moore: Treas WinSuais; af ur early gardeners a-t mork issde of ten pliudculsticth luscious chicien PIe, antd'Cen, Virgie Hooey; A C,. 1H Swais;, dams ca-hea of No. i quality mare plentitual.A For nuariy foortuen ycars the Royal Templars short pregi-arn ias mndai-ad, R W McAvOy 1 S, Anaie Pollen; - 0 S, Matthew have been meeting ou Mouday uights. They ably filied te chair, sud Rex McDonald Robinson; P W P. J amas Bruce; Ore, have nom chauged te tise first sud third Tues- made a noat uittle addrcss. Soe suitable Emmna BeaCock; S Y W, Lizzie Pankes.- da ys o! each monmth sud ciii sobd the first In fl MUSIC iras provided by J W Salîcu. Reci- ing under the nec conditions neri Tuesday tations by F'rank Mowbnay. The test in- ISEU eveuîng. terestîng part In tic programme mas tice5 Mm husGrss asbu-cd heBrokia tlireading of an address by tiec baman te Lxiv -rCmuaxG-HitYIIS pmbaaed lte Idy- te n Wt Bbuoit f Lkefeld lie n-wMiss Maggie Neal and thc prescatatton Ofu et-Y Buaiseat reoeatly exldo yl.li tenntisme psssson t nc. t s roabenesy chair sud table, being sslilght teken cf ttiBartI r ipared lba aUumuo. tennt ake posesionai nce Itîs robbletxsiv.liers à sud os ýier vlu 115 aireonble that b. miii add sete nec îsacbinary, sud do 5ll the iigh appreclaîles hem assaclates lu 1;be raies. Comsmercial Men dealav#it boealy. he can tn pash lsuesu bis lins. Mn Bab eagne sud tetupemasce lodge vlewed hemr sMa o asm u cdoe ie coek sud !a-niily mil move bure ux m . utiring 5051 to prompt tie bastilnteýresMsof-Otsà i mbytrlaimu L.Oh. ytby betwek umauity, sud buid up the cause Of rlgit at and MYÃŽuti.0 a e saso raoâ .un '.-- W. 4.. H. aIl tintes. Mi«s Neal replted in feeling DÂvW Absut&fNq meSt îon torts thsnking ber friantds for the --racogul-, Dreas MkIDE j tien cf ion cflorts, satsing, af Course, the oTP Sv Dress MkiIgubole tnatcnr as a surprise ta ber. W. Miss Ethel Sktinner, Dreas Maker, fi-gt.l kncu cf 'DO persop -mare desérig at the ):lsr openiisp Ii a c'ass wark doue ilu every respect. Orders bands cf the public lu* md ameund inlsail Mises Mipsile Dond ,wbo. bastiatta Ihome ùn% taken at ber resideuce or sewlng doue tathtiian Miss NeaI. Sia iras alirsys foeata tviss.. ret#rnedt,.o 'Pretos tblà meci. botes of customers. Residence balf mile l br es elà suofert elvai. soçicîy Ded ipReac, itar Sagmuve0 me-lw ffortbh ef Brookîlin at James Sklnnam's. Mar. snd bud up thec cause cfigit. 1 eg s'a- day,âiMa tc t,' John Cidér, 6s yaof- 24th, 1896-17-412- meval fret Kismelhbas-laIt a-blank liai mge. - miii set bca f ledfr sact ure to coma. Thlii ss hockey tésm itpegnz She vesa excellen t quisition ta tueaS S. toUxbiie on Md * eeantrlt owin ansd cIntrch. t4the bad rso-ti.j4zê* ot go. BCALL, S.I - lasner ef Marissge Lienp Reuidance opposite Town Eau, Beii. W*-are 1gl5d %o report îbhu MX f Ãt o s»Ze athnd,,irt wb ifr .iÀmjîZ ý- tare Viernar Colag Toest; Bsorr>HokMos laaiatustar "bciqg iOdbspoftd W' A MaNuEL?, D V S.-Qrudosle of tu on.fox a feu daya, ld.45ofor menier ofthé a i. ostduiea o . MessiE zP»gi sund Wa Coates ucre b kéeubwib* <enP*L Ti ai &U Usasses e lof ouelessêIbayisg lbon" ÃPtu iyack.We nderetan *ae dorsatn s-~ aniaIsbyliestmi ~rvediUbO~ A*@ tc lttr gntétianPurc ased one ig sieb suddentsiy. ay r uab~~ljWe lsfos'sttat. w-acres e Ontario. Th-M edbu Pe oala pr71«, tiyr ropte= -lm$ Our famsartbava e os .Ȉ =>î~ P stock tl W Jotle.ub o&f p[p"d: bel ,,-. -t Asillsiaticelm~at~a. uei~. fau.l'es~ batve a wlare frmsu-gd c4 ftpe 45c-. tels sistance. Relp sc05 arrtved, and1 a yousg mas got on the horse and irent to wbere the buggy was and rot the lady from the rig. Four in later os went fo bring the buggy firont the water. They .procured. a teant with a farmer's wagon and ini ibis masser secured the buggy. Ose mas got bold of the buggy shafia, two ailiers got.. the firat mas by the legs,. and the fouila mas drove the team, and l this *Way the buggy iras lasded iu- safe.ty. Lt iras rater, amuingsnà tth.a~etie it wasans adrenturè tht wai ot dcsired by ,tise 1iay_ and gentleman. 'Bad th'ose peoie drIve twesty or thirty roda farther--tuaitthey dld ty ould likelyhayebeau upsetasti iesbad; adukugWoUld havebeau serions enough, but tbey wold bahve fixe« far worse as they migbtý have ýbeau dxowned. as it wns tbey are tbaiukfuithey, ascaped se fortunately. W. J. lOTT. Worth Knowig That eux prces are 35 tlç> 46pe ent. UL bepp. er. than au ober emdertakar tlitts dis- est Casiet Wag-on anzd Câsket Siélg4 moiu t cmi -v WIHJTBY, ONTARIO, 1#-IUDAY, APRIL 2, 1897. "y, t BLACESTOCE 1 NO* 18