Illle Resait of a NegIected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS Wh" h »otoru ]?&£" hi op, CURED BY TAKINO -P coral. 6.1Contracted a severe cold, whlch settled ibnniM lungs, snd 1 did whiat is often doue In such cases, neglected 1i t, tink ng lt would aay as IL came; but 1I brin.!, afier& flîlie while, that the sllghtest exertion pained me. 1 ihen Consulted a Doctor wbo bond, on exainilntng niy lungs, that the lJPper part o! the . lon0e was badl y aff ected. J le rive me some medictine whiilà I1took as 4directet,,but It did not seeni to do an), good. FortuwateIy 1 hapriened to read lu Ayers A!manac 01 the effect that Ayer's Cherry ]Pectoral haet on othera, and Y determined to give It trial. A fter taking a femw d("%("; ry trotib le was reUleved, and Fiefore 1 bai fin- 1wahthe tiak1r O ran evî l , t. à A tshstcheti e I r, a cured "'-.L ar.a V Aye's CerryPectora Hithent Âwa.rde at WorM'.O Pair. Lwr'a PFU Cure Indigog«en. OORRESPONDENOE PICKINUlo Peter McDiarmid shipped four span of bot-ses to Manitoba on Tuesday snorning. Donald McDiarmid accom- panied the shipment, and be will t-e- main wrest for a time at least. During the winter that is now pretty well frayed out, many trees that have sîQebi upon our various sideroads and concessions have been cnt down and the timber appropriatcd by their slay- et-s. In some cases consent bas been gt-anted by pathmasters, and in somne instances even that humble official bas flot been consulted. Now to cnt or mutilate one of these trees is a serious offence, calling forth a penalty Of $25. The path master of a beat has no authority whatevcr to consent to such destruction. The reeve of a munici- pality, and he atone, bas that power and he rnust give his consent in writ- intz. [n this township the reeves have contended for years that trees gt-owing upon the highways are ani ornament to thern and have refused ail corners the right to remove themi. This is proper. Why should the township pay a bonus Of 2S cents cach for trees set on the road, and then consent to the natural trees being removcd at the request of a person interested oniy in getting cbeap wood. We at-e authorized to state that the by-iaw in connection with this mat- ter will be rigidly enforced. without re- spect f0 race, creed or color. Those wbo at-e opposed to the com- mutation of statute labor should take a look at-ound this spring and sec what a great arnount of damage has been donc t0 the roads through the watcr wash- ing the gravel into the ditches. The damage will cost the township perhaps hundreds and we might almost say tbousands of dollars. Much of this might have been saved had a few minutes work been applicd at thc pro- pet- places. For instance. look at Pugb's and Deckers his on the Brock road. At these points the ditches are filled up, and duting the present weck streams have been runninig down the centre of the road and washing out the grave!. At severai places along the sîxth concession conditions arc the same. Pathmastcrs as a rule, wiii flot bother their beads with sncb work... and land owners do not seem to feel sufflciently interested whether the road opposite their premise is in a good or bad thot-oughfare. Until such changes at-e made as will provide for the per- manent engagement of men to do the wor-k, water sheds and the like will flot be contained in the assets of the town- ship of Pickering. Friday nigbî and Saturday tbe river overtlowed its banka west of the village and the roads leading in from the west were ail inundated. Much darnage was done to the Bt-ock and Kingston thoroughfares, the gravel h aving been washed off in places. These occasion- aI overflows have greatly injured the old Huribut fat-m while Messrs Pugh and Deverell have some complaint of a simillar nature to make. At Mr Pugh's v~ place the - water was neyer before so 1g,hI it is said. Unless some precau. laýti s taken and considerable work yi«(bormed the west side of the village wvll -be fiooded every time a big min Stormn visite us. It is believed by some hhta ne îiciaethe ree"k flowed. :4 I f lr e, 4 ils- A fcw frorn bere attcndcd Jno. Whitc's annual marnmoth pig sale on Saturday last. Exhorbitant prices were paiîd, according to report. young pigs nctting $5 a pair. John deals heavily in thc rcaring of swine and the t-aise in pot-k belped bis sale, no~ doubt, very mrucb. A few from bere atîended a social last weck in Brooklin, given at Mr. Daniel Hollidays residence. Of course an excellent time vas enjoyed. Mr Frank L-awton and Mr H W Mc- Brien bave dissolved partnersbip, we nndcrstand. Mr Arthur Prouse is engagcd fora second term witb R W McAvoy. Robt is an excellent man to do service for. Mr Jas Routie>' is rnoving some of his eflects onto the Mitchell fatrn, wherc be viii reside aftcr Apr. zat. Many and varied arc the rcmnarks passed upon our items publisbcd ibn the CHRONICLE front week to wcek. 0f course iu cvcry neighborhood you viii find some people who can enjo>' a good sarcastic item wben tt is not applicable to thcm, btt heu it cornes borne and cannot be mistaken. why tbcy actual)y teed s0 nasty tbey almost gnash their taIse îceth at you as they îbink tbcy pass you on the rvad, and relate to others their diflerent opinions of wbo is the scribe and boy mean and con- temptible a pet-son be or site is. Nov, for the speciai benefit of one and al these cvii disposed ones, we stafe fear- lessly wc care nothirig about cither pleasing them or hearnng their opinion of our correspondence to this paper. Out- business is ont- owns, our actions arc out own, ont- desîres are ont- ovu. ont- motives are ont- own, and ve in- tend to retain them. rf it were at al necessa->' e vonld ual mind giving our signature. We iutend ta continue9 giving the actual occurrences that take1 place in and around Kinsae. accom-1 panied vitb ont- opinion of base society may be benefitted. We do not ask an>' persan or pet-sons ta acccpî ont- vieses, or yct ta teed nasÃŽty about it. but sim pI> ask, thein to put the cap on if it is the proper size. The price cet-tainl>' cannot be tound tanît vkb as we dlaIm no consideration at the bauds of the public. We bave feit called upon at1 ,different limes ta censure the actionsi of some in ont- midst, and wec haveg doue so vithout fear or fayot-, not claiming anything for ourselves but a desire f0 lift up sociely. 0f course vit did nol and do flot nov expect ta please one and al who irend ont- items froin lime ta ime. The humnan famil>' are a tam il>' af varions opinion!; and for that reason wec do not do ont- *ork cxpectbng the sinile and approbation of ail concerned; but nevet-theless if lu- consistencies continue ta exisî, as I ail pt-obability îbcy seul, sec viii un- doubtedly refer to thein as they came under ont- notice fram lime ta lime, and if sec should strike saine a little beavil>' at imes it is ual for any, pet- sonal t-casons, t it h the best inter- ests ot the communiîy at hcart, and au>' nasîy assertions they may make viii not have the least seeight wth us. as wec intend daing as we have aIsenys done-staîing Ibings as they appear ta us-and no man or set of mein can budgc us tram adhereing taoOur osen- pet-nuai vieses, sebîhout proviug con- ý clusivel>' aur vieses are inconsistant and intended td degrade thse huinan1 rac. I popl'saqans are above ne- pt-oach îbey need tcdarceiy wait ta makei passing reference ta aur sa-caiied mis,- -.i- (7h. lau /or aùme) Meus Silver and Richardson loaded two cars on Mooday asat of effecta foi transportaio2 t< their future home'iii the Wabagoon'district; the,.y and their families took tht train on Tuesday morning. Both of these gentleman arc most industrious, hat-d working citizens, and if by trying to succeed ln life by honest, fair dealîng and con- stant hat-d woî-k at-e found among the at-ibutes of success, there can be no doubt about their future, sbould the the couuît-y tut-n out as is generally an- ticipated. Ail their old friends join us in best wishcs fot- future pt-S perity. At the cati of Rev las Thom on Sab- bath several out of the congregation came forward and took charge of tbe singing. We stili have plenty of ma- terial to constitute a good live choir and no doubt the formation of one will soon be affected. We congratulate Mail Carrier Scott on bis reappointmeut as mail cari ter frorn Whitby to Broughamn, a position he bas for yeat-s attended to satisfac. torily. An old and tt-usty servant should neyer be dîsplaced for one less capable. 0f course their cornes a tirne in every rnan's experience when the cares of life. accompanicd with its swiftly tleeting years, calîs for a change, but Mt- Scott is capable to at- tend to this contract for ycars to corne and one would rtot be casily fonnd that would satisfy ail Oicmands like be bas donc. Rcv Matthcw Gold, of Whitby, visit- cd friends in this locality the fit-st of thc week, as wcli as ,attended to Mis farrn regulations here. If You Are Ailing, no blatter What tho Disesse la or How Many Doctors Bave Faiied to Cure You, Stop into the. Noareat Drug -Store, Âak for a Guide to Heaiffi, Buy a 25 Cent Rem- edy and Cure Youraelf. Mr. Emanuel Harrison, a pt-anent sud wealehy resident of Brampton, Ont , says: "I suffered vith rheumatiam aince laat Februsry. sud the pain vassus- vere at fîmes that I could nof sloop. Munyon's Rheumatîsmn cure vasrecoin- mended to me sud 1 purchsod a botule; touk tbree doses that nigbt, and the neit mornbng 1 feit, greatly relien-ed. 1 h~ave ouly usird the one twenty-tive cent hottle snd amn nov entirely cut-ed. i consider thia Rheumatism Cnt-e the most vrondut-ful rernody I ever beard oU. Munyou's Rbeumatism Curs seldom fails t0 relievo in nue.ftit-ree bout-s, sud cur-es in a few day.. Pries 25a. Mnnyon'o Dyspeptaia Cure pomitively cures ail forma of Indigestion sud .tom aeb trouble. Price, 25a. Munyon a Cold Cur. pt-avents psl.en- moulsansd breaks op a cold in as kv bout-a. Fric., 24c. Mnnyonus Congb Cure stops cong4î, night aveats, aliayas oirenea, and apeedj ily beals th. longs. Price, 250. hlunyon's Kidney Cure spood.ily cures'I pain. in the bsek. loins or groins sud ail. formas of kidney dise&».. Prie, 25o.. Muuyon'a Headache Cure stops bead- ache in Lree minutes. Price, 25e. j Munyon'a Pile Qistwent potaitively, eut-es al torm& of pile@.. J>ice, 25c.1 Monyon's Blood Cnrs ers<heate. alil lrnpurities oithte blood. Prise, 25e M unyon's Feuxlse Remedies are a boon to a&U vomen. Mneyon's Astbma RamesIl.. rehieve in1 8 minutes and curs perman.ntly. Price,i si.t Msrnvon'e Catarrh Retnodiee nover fail. The taaarrb Cure-price25c.-eradicates the disoa&e froni the system, snd the Ca- tant-b Tablets-price 25c.-eleanse sud beal tka parts. Muny'on's Net-vo Curt-o ta woudertnl net-vo teule. Frice, Liii. M unon-n'a Vitalizer reatores lest viger Pries, $1. Per*ousl letters ta Prof Mosyon, Il and 18 AIberit et., Toronto, ans-vered wiLh fre odical advios for any disess. IX BRIDGE J'T Elliett, V S, bas been appointed Vecetinary Inspector of dairy catele for this section by Dr Sheard, Neiiical Heslth Offlmu, Toronto. Mrs Dale on ber doctot's advioe, ha. feit obligod te give uRbher mission &mn day achool. She stili attends ber dusties as preacher Wferb Quaker Congregation. Th., soholars et the mission achool bave mosty joined other aohools of tue tovn. Mns Dale hae, hsd remarkable aSicees wbtb ber miselan achool sud many jiar- enta wull regret te ses it diabandcd. During a vccent lectnring tip for Fat-iota' Instîttu, Mr Jeu E*Q.mnld came arsot w.'large siloslu Notiawas- aga filled with notties, takon f romé the vicinity. of the Noîtawaaaga rive.n. Iearned that the atorage sud fesdLag of of netties- instead of corn vas m»t su experiment thece, this being the seeoud year of ita triaL It had been. fotnd emireutlysastlafatory, tbe cattie voish- iug the fbod sud thriving on it. A nuraber of illicit stilla have- been dià covered in the -country this wiutr, one being at Peterboro sud one noar Ps- Souud. As whlakey ln sncb' s doar .r.7.,ebey an4 sncb a chesp oue to inake iL la a wouder thora are not many more atill in te"eountry, uotMithtan- bng the hesivy penalties of the law. The seome Who buis iber owu womnanly at-gaulant duigtepet-lad precede- ing nxotberboodi la jin,.- cently and sithont realiv- ing il. as mnch responsible ffic' er chlld's deatb, as the =,,/ rad wornan seho slays ber V bah. after iLs blrtb- Thou- sanas of babes are stili-boru evyyear because eoinen ln- noeenly sud ignnrantly. neglect, dnring the expectant pet-bd, ta balte propet- este of the delicate and important organs that bear Uiec but-drus of msternity. There la just one known medielue that prepares a vommu for çapable molberhod ILl tir. Piercees Favorite Prescription. Il sets direet1y aud oui y on tbc organe con- cerned iu motbet-hood making Ibemn at-ong and heallby. Il 10 Ihein vigot- and elssticity. IL all~r inflammatiouî. beals ulcet-ation, soothes pain and givra-t-est to tihe tartut-ed nervses. It dae aseay witb bbc discoinforla of thtexeipectaut pet-ted; suit. makes the eomingrof baby easy snd almoat painless. Ilb mauzes bbhe bealth ni baby. O-ver gaooa bave. testified te ts. irtues. Ail goosidrugglat.' sel il. t-nInlth fait of î5pjýF writes Mma N. A.TTomas, of l00 St., 1*11e Rock. 4rk.. " wbile on a. vWst ta Trexarkaus. Ark. 1 vas tatou vitb a se- vere pain iu my head auà vas bardly ate ta gel bomne. 1 vas praatrated for four weekrs.nat able le ait up. Du!in that lune Lb. doctors failed tojgive .e M freifwhalever. At lenabli i vas« inucd tt 1 EeeDr Plece'a Pavo,-lte Ps-e- soiptin. anc bat tle cured me eutre3't 1 bel relievedafter the Erst bree doses, sud bave neyer frit thc pain siuce. 1 seud this testinuonial that oticrs may bho 1snefited by iL. Ybarw"i a ll.oussnds th--uka! Il la as much avwomsn's dubyto lbok after the bealth of tbe family as to case- for lte cleanllicas of the borne. Dr. Piezcce Com- mou Sense Medical Adiser euaba b er te do tbis, lb contain er ages;:ud 300 fi- luatratins, and frwdtiL î an age Ibut any eue may uusfrrstaud. Over s- million vomea own copies. A new edition v is mat out sudl for s limitedl tinte copies wVlb. . en vans te those vho write for theta Ifyen vaut s paper - cavereil 0py4 senti thirty-oue one-oeut stampsto coers'tb ceaI of customuss audEl *bi Ktt be World's Dlspenftuy Medi -AeeoocbLtiou, No. 66.1 U&in Street, Bufflo, K. Y. Mer Visitera: udree Týng1e, ast e Pà r kar'se MsaBirehard aI KMmUeDonuIde Quitoa usubor e u otuh eongageti Witt lte fariera i.I iiinty. Mm w Allhon - bas" .lurâedM-*er' MUN YOA8 S TA ND ANT OLD FOC Y/SM. Blgotry end PreJadice muet be Burled WIth Their Coui.ta 1'osa Victime. AGE 0F ENLIG HTENr-NT Eirmet Frcu EditorWin. hi De- Poisonous Drugs and Danog,#ou8 t<otrum8 muet give way to Advanced Science. HEUNDREDS ARE NOW BEING O;URED. 8ine th. article appesre* by -1B. levers lu- tiso las issueï & largonunsier. ef <ýestimouîab froua outaide: sud imper- ual sources, have besu set te uss t. hie ovalue e01'4niokcure.' BEmmeut phy- dians*eproes te "meopiou n em E ectical expw"ueno. i ilsme in, boges sud wounds.W. baie bcl paslol I expeonceut is ffoaoylitexpoedt phia, nd-ssuu'.aloloaialeoduêuou OW t1e iùs ud or e 06- 1d'_ on 1 LAEUUÃ"nT Bd Evantai able to go aboal now. Moi Mangin a tiil luna very eritica ondition. E Buaanel and wife, of Ssudford, viaited with Charles Middleton on Tues. day. Geo Cooper ham purchased a wind-mill and the saute wîll bo plaoed directiy. Mrii George Mlno la vet-y iii this week, and her recovery la very mach despairod of. Mia. Gullick, of Oshawa, la bore for a short Lime with ber Sister, Mrs David Hopper. Mibse Pugb, of Whitevale, has been spending a few day. witb frienda bhere about. Robot-t Bo-wes' sale ou Tuesday was well attended sud vory good pricea were realhzed. John McNab la on a business trip to Bt-trie. His fit-m is intereared in s fat-m in Fiosa township. John Gerow returned Satut-day mot-n ing froni Uiby, M-iobigan, wbere ho hms spedt the winî.er with bis siater Mrs E Bell. Alexander Wilkin Look s parslytio stroke Sunday inorning sud is now lu a critical condition. Hia frienda fest that ho canuot recover. Et-akine cburch will be auppied noit Sabbatb by RovIl1 Cowan, graduate of Toronto University in Arts sud of Knox collogo in Tbeoiogy. CharleasGGraham is ber. helping bis brother Lhrough the buay season. The blscksmitbing business appears to be good just nov in the village.0 Fred 1)owawell writes that hoe has eached Portage -la- Prai rie and socut-ed a l!ood situatio.n at carpentering. Tht. bis frienda viii b. pleased to hear. Daniel Forsyth sas in Toronto tbe othoïr day sud appeared witb the deputs. lion that waiîed upon the city council iu the interes uto rural milkmen. David Russeill baves nexf week for Diakota where he bas seenred a situation with bis brother Bewry. May bis move be a profitable oue te al parties concert) ed. The social beld at !>sniel Forsythos on Wednesday under the auspices ob the haptiat Choir was a great suocesa botb socislîy sud financially. The ladies of the ongrega lion pt-ovislnd tes insplendid stylo, sud the repast vas- uuacb enjoyed. Atter tesa Rev A White souk the chair and a good program vas rendered. We hffle not apace to, go into, detail, but wiii junet houe say tbat bofb chi and you ng were hrgbly pleased. Mr sud Mn D Foreyth deserve the besrtes tbhanka of ail for thonr kindneuan sd hospitatity in th rowing open thei r spaci>ssa residence to the gatbering. snd vo must also, on be- haIt of~ those who vere driw4.i, thauk Mr Fovsvtb for bis stable accosnoeod- stion. Sumo $25were takert iu through the social. - News. ulcrne s~onod by run mves for Ielc tro uce & by- apnwibpflssfr~ -18MI, lhat the asme b. now -read aads, biae n4 h21the a-oi jut e~itteofthe ehole thori The by-law wu . put iihrouRh îL lu jsahr Baries ini tht -,M J gy me. ý;Following la DvK ,Wm Kemp;.2 W aMo phiU; giB ~Rtrick; 7, Joh Gourtice;W0,Jas rouas; Il, Ws1s1;, 2, j'Ohu Remiumr, M, 14, ÈPsr An nea; 16, WmOowaa; 1obs8, WW J Dalo; 19 J E 79w ý a.u ueatk-4- Qaerm --,Pari SUFFERINO -WOMEN, Troubled With Weakzoss Po- mular to Their &m. HOW THEY MAY BEOUREOS Dadd's Kiduey PislaAct upon tb. Fe- maie Organe as veills Upon Lb. Kid- neya. Many a Womin Suifera Need- less>'. Womeu suifer mort-eLbu mon. Froni the Lime a girl-child borna tb. corner lote womanhood. ahe bas more troubles than mon over dream-of. We look upan women as veak snd fragile, but couaider ing vbst Ibe>' endure Lhey astat-age- b>' fat-. Womeu suifer rny limes more thau tbey need to. Part>' bocauso thoy don't kuovwbat ails them uat fit-st ; thon ha- cause fbey are ashamed ta bell a docter; lattorly because the>' bat. ta be a con- tinuai mont-ce of expense to their hua- bauds. "Female Waknasses" st-e visat we tort the di8eases peculiarLato tofmai. soi. They are of tan ofounded vith temale Kidney troubles, sud Kidue>' troubles are often mistaken for othen troubles. AIl those delicato organe are closely eouneeted. Wbat affecta one affecta the others. WVhat cures one. cmres Lb. othera, boa. DODD'S KIDNEY PILL8 vbicb are a soveroign cure for ail Kidue>' illa seL regulate and control the tomais organe and to relievo thein diffictulties. This is worth vbii, for ever>' wocnau La remem- ber. Mrn Lue>' Csabbo, Chambers P 0, saya :-"For years I vas a suflerer froni we>aknuss poctzliart- t my nez, combined wiLh kidue>' trouble from ail of wbicb I was eomplefely cored b>' Ivo boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pilla.' Mrs Elmena Ady, Walkerton, Ont., ays :-"For a long Lime 1 bave suifered from a complication ut Kidney Trouble and Frinsie Disease ;sud arn glsd ta sa>' have no pain or achie since using Doddaà Iidnev Pilla." T)IDD'S KIDNHTf PILLS cure Kid- ney lYlseaae sud Female Weaknest. Try thez. The>' are ou sale at aIl drugrgisa. Prie 50 cents par box, 6 boxes for $2.50' I)odd'a Medicine Ca., Ltd'., To- rounta, Onbt. W0odvlflo Mr. R. Brunker, of Oakvood, vill open a biaeksmith and est-ring. buildingr huai. uss bor'. in a faew dsys lu tb. abepe of the late Gree r Campbell. Farcssrs are propaning for titeirr ting seor-k sud local implernent agents are busy anupplying Lthe demand for new ma- ch inet-y Mfr. W. Wailie, of Udora bas the egn tract for thse brick vork of Mrt. A. Ji Stitils nov store sud bas art-ived lu towu for work. The building lanLa ob eoapieted by .Tne le&. Mosans. Cî'outtb.rry C <o. have taken possession of t.he business of Ros Bras., aud at-e nowse orting up tbeir stock witb a largo auppby of the latest sphbug goade. The road Co the stationo sec va gravelled la9Lýyosr aL mucb ex-pense la ta- diay bu a very bad abat. la would pair tu village ta have Mn. W. A- Caupbell, lbe provincial road iuepeemor examine the t-oad sud have iL rebuit in a ecientifio snd thorooga manualr Mom"y vould udoubtedly be' saved lu doing so. Mr. Biruj. Bbea lest seeek nepnrobaaed Mi former livmry business fron Mr. W. i I iI.o I Mr. G. L "sDig sdfryhv moved to Bad Axe, Mdiobigau. bf The choir is boomhug, DOW memb T eun child of la,. B. Baird ha& been very iok lsteiY.' Mr. Nowson wîli need soother assia- Ant ini the singing sahool -since G. L. As- ling bus left. A. Most plearlng evenit took place at the home of Jas. 8. Baird un IMaroh 24, boing the marriage of hie yonngest aister., Mise S., te Mr. Wm. Boa. Tbe bride ws asisted by ber uistor, Margeret, and the groom by hi. brotiber, James. Bey. Mr. Cameron, of Wiok, offiuted. Con- gratulations b the Young couple. Mr. Jas. B. Hatn took bis departurol for Manitoba luat Monday. He will be greatly misod. May ho have prosperity in his new home. Mr. G. L. Anling's few frionds presoat- ed bima and bis wifs with a handsome dinner and tea set of diches and-an ait. dresu recently. EVERY F'AMILY *HOULD KNOW THAT la a vsry r.niarkable romedy. both for In- TZRNlAL and IEXTZRNAlà u», sn4 wan- derfltinxici t qnok actio rel« iaisdAtruu PAIN-~KILLER là MMS ursr PAIN-KILLIER n'u ve- 91ohul.. S IgDudmfhe Palm taleh 0att r BdRemU a n*lemwuagi PAIN-KILLER LiEam NADL Iltbrw$ gr«" PKXIYAD ?tKAPsT NâÃue on au mom atoe rime, cmi. Spislae Brans. etc. PÀIN-KILLER tru fdriendsor Lbe Heetiante. Faruer. Pmael Siorand in *-S ailt Ca"-wansI a gMedicine s1ways et ha. Mud IgAPE TOuat uSEermmlly ero elmeaiy W"i outaiitr 01 relwL BOaMM r 1 libMtoua. Tako nUe btlg tiuial 'i'Ksar DAVIS.-U4SO.M wbae. la.. MbuelaO& --ý vap largeboçua, hoc- MURRAN .ILANMAN' FLO-RIDA WATEk S # « E T -- S r DAOST F S G AAN T AND ENDURr,(jO F A] PE "eJ:sF Oq u HA N DKE R C H:; TILET 0C-E BATH. aul. RUGISISt PERFUMERSJ SENERAL DEALERS. Pickering Council. The abo)ve council met pursuant joflrnmient un Mouîday, Meîlch 2:" tLte Township hall, Brougham. bers ail presant, reeve in the Minutes of at meeting read ari proyed. A number of accounits were prv and communications read and reft- the varînu8 standing committees. Elias B Hoovet- and 12 others grant of $125.00 on town line fr', con north to grade and gravel-, dîtion that Alarkham township grai same arnount. C A Annis asked that aid be i to Robert Gibson, an indignent. M r Barns, seconied by M r Ri moved that the clark ha hereby in edtlto corfmuicate with Hon J no 1 the Minister of Agriculture, re st the services of Mr Campbeil C E road maker, to deliver certain Iý throughout the t.ownship on roaci and if necessary oversee the conqri of a certain portion for guidatîce - mnasters and othcrs at as eariy a a possible. Mr Richards, chairman, put t the following road and bridize coini report, recoininending paymern' suma: A Birreil, recoverîîîý.ir(-ij at Pickering, $2; Geo L S , r ice frorn 2nd cou ntrar l'aitIler 8MI,& 8 Linton. suppiy and breakîng-3t atone $21; M iSwaliow, breakiiîg of atone on kingston road $1 Marks, suppiying and broekîrEr 5 stone on Kingston road ~ Evans,2 days graveiiing hili opp 15, con 9, work done in Jlune 189 Jas Laughiin, 13'yards of gravel si road div No 29 north 41 cents; Annis, 22 yards of gravel suppi Meuars Cober and Wagg overseiý beats 43 and 55, $2.20;' Caleb I drawing 6i8î yards of zravel on 9 opposite lot 9 at 28c, 8$t9.25; WV J 171feet of concreta pipa $8.75. fouur commnittee beg to acknr, sent the following wvords . so' the widow of an editor : "I cannot t how pained 1 was to bear that your h had gone to heaven. We were friends, but can neyer meet again." Rev. Stephen Card, Chaplain of the tangzuishene reformatory. a former rE of Brookiin, was here on Fridav las owns the bouse occupied bI- Mr. A.- law, and intends to overhaul it ai once ing a great dirai of improve ments brother of the laie Mrs. Chester Drapý The annual banquet of the salvanior Gi ve The only food** te that will bulld: FBaby up aeal ceons; a titutianl gradu- ,Ch'anCe ail>' bý .unc1y s > Martin's Cardinal Fod~ pa simple, scîentitfit and highly nutrftive Préparation for infants, delicate çhildreu iad nvalids. IKCRRY WATSu-OS .&* PAIHAITE» Iv C a-WomNW~TD~ lia aeMMm flà sgrd% 27 Radenrot 8k, Toronto, , nl-, wears tt Ryohýn*b "KoteuayOurs" ured. arr 01 Pansivai.WhIcb Z drad on. e a erofZbody ent.roly ueelea&. Phyiiaas nd ibers wae ochanus A ber averu reevrtlboueo! ber limb& . hope iejerts-d ber. buit to-day ah. in walklug around te.ling lier frieuds baw Ryokmaws "ltootenay cure » gave ber lte ad happnesa. Sworu to, .July 109 1890. iielore J. W. Seymoaur Cosey. Notary Public. eWOus BAAIEUH.NT8 0W A G"AEFEJI lOuuaWhit. aine ysau eki, "0o uffed atth Ecrema since herbirth, bhm been enth-ely oizred and rr ge:iertel asysîsut built rephy Ryakmian's "l5ootenay lire. "Thie above tacts aie girom n aa ant lIte- nent madSe by ber niothe4 MmNus.eorge Waite, 1IiUt Encan :tSt., Elsuiflton, Gt., dd&Wjuly 3, 1896. clfore J. . Monck, Notaiy P*blc. t(ONBLNATseN MLflJRREI- BW0ea STATEMEST MARE. Charles E. Ne-man, 13 Masfbormiîgb St., 'Imuato i..had a nomplicatlae of blaod trouble@% Riieu- azimn, secam &îidney cea.bleansd constipation. e.'.. frequeritly uliturbedatag&. lhrýicut is ppetile ral %vma avery sick min. Bis Kidneys ara aow in a ýeaalîY conditIon, hi, ap5etite irt@slee7 unifde- ,£rS&d naid ooSuipation eured; aul "a as-doue by 'yckmau'Ia"Koatenay Oure- e n2&ku- avaru ae nrta the abon kam b~raJ. W. styojuo 1