Lce ai ýh 2 4, à tutu r, bruide anti ltev. Cou- sud scîsuoca. Steeplenssuls nervouaneise ID a report to the govonoreotns- lW aiO o v# sud dyspepsia onginate 'rom an imper- O~iVauha the seretar> fIb yItoto! d& ik1~ ' fect. condition o! the uirvous c>'cîam, andIariutueadvises, assoont!,.eondi- alww sa~ *',an er al iiiirsuuîtt ~.0. auesaperfect sud permanent cure oea oahy b. eie f utato às . w ,i:YoL-nta-lan1 ts-"smo~it qaLt$ lr in ard, ou acouni, 83. tes ooked for from Paines.Celer>' Com- Win pernitia Msut$ liiuqoi. Mr Iarnes, ceconed b>' Mn Underhilh, pountd. o!fa aitb tp forf#4 ibo aes moives for lesve te introduce a by-iav to In the spring sesn, when the bloed on tbe waterob o oor bath mâ b appotnt tewnchip officers for the year 18 ipri lnDaoeihde !seag.bnsz~rz Pnsl a gSp:I~lWS8 1897, that thbe came b. nov read a firet Paiae'c Ceher>' Compound le thbe agent Vsnis, by1Ittîigths «"'Iaiir 9 toIlgp 14ï * sudseon unean tatth go o! life that quioki>' oteanses and purifies states sud b. e.da uiui,*Î,h. antosecond itteao! th voithercoon. the ife streani, brnging etrength, vigor ,..nffuce b.wtzepj The by-iav vas put tmbouh tao var- sud robusînes URScduttedine. by > ' '1eite si.nsi houe stages viimh Mr Barnes lanIjhe chair The uce of ons bettbe of Paine's Celer>'mnue.tion, 6f $b6 (4Oita p0it t!i# wShiwhNbI. Fo g and finluat> passed. Folloving le a ulstO! Compound wiii quioki>' cnvins the au!. CURES iiiCipieflt- atarrh iii- 1*a the officers appointed: ,ferer that h.e on ahe heatrahy laid botd o! from one te tbxee dayls. 'Y OVICRSKEER.a pigmdcr ht'dat «t CUE hoC aa,1h Div o 1 WmKem; 2W Mrcobe;anti a new life. Thocsauds lu the Paci fever and rose fever. .1 W R Broya; 4, John Powell; ô R T hv hoaaietei iidtobe; COimplete, with blower fres. 1>hti; , BHartrick; 7, JonSo-YOD May do thecame if yen geL the tned- ho tson;8, ichadoPnlar; 9, P Licine that cures. Paine'c Ceer>' Corn- SOLO UV ALL OltALitRS Courtîce; 10, Jas Prouse; 11, pouiaisd it alone, can meeLyour ex- fl 3Qb4 Wetsh; 12, John Remmner, 13, G Smitb- poctstions. Take ne othen inedicine Pric 25 Cont' 14, Peter Aunan;15S, Wm Cowan; 16, n' 'u elen atrWwsteg> --~- C'hester; 1", M W Browa; 18. Wm EThebemrm Lreeteamrmendit.:I .S liobhs; 18, W W J Dale; 19 J Gordon; arive a atif 2ai over ds.feiL 20, Bsn Favcett; 21, George Parker; don. Imm" Cuhbert Holmec; 23, Squire Hoiboara; , ~jo<~.îe4fbaopti id. N 24, Frank Sloop; 25, Chas IS . Palmer; 26, filT Dl o~ebee*m er'sntelargsà ,sh Jas Ferguson; 27, Ândnew Alisoa; 28, A Rit pn1Uf ifimsudrl-ig:117 of1 Parient ('ourtas>'; 29, N W Burkholder; 29, 8 9n h niuu r bé E Poynter;, 30, John A Sinclair; 31, Jas Posi#tïvely Çureat1qis'»- > wibti tnade McCae;32SironIrving. 33, James COUdI46 andCQL.0Oa5 &i(a i Ostd .vt, aaLs ]ttcBrady; 34, E Crawford; 35, Thomas lnslsilgy îsIw.lm* o hs>tusasa4 i.woe*d S Covert; 36, George Raveon; 37. W EL auicMn euo~tgnrld nilt'd Iawgo"u Banks; 88, Geo Walters; 39, F T Smith; fiî 1c'.c4wh bnoth. 40, John Percy; 41, John Mitchell, 42, WC. lcoCeulanst SooS n ttc euane .treegtb, Is * frceles-î-U creator of appetite., v*Aitalit"d!5#tms t t W J Pugh; 42, 8 L B Gourli,; 43, E J euncamouêtweN, dfetîm>'c l. Nes Coben; 48. W M Stever; 44, James Plus- £eofrwd lsIeroensu -a5 s B urn (LsS imovand, -ti »e ginS <Zt ha% kett; 4.5. Thos Madden; 46, E W Bad- rtso essy agth eenoDa t gero; 46 W H Elicts47G0D ià nton, . f 48 W mM-Iaor; 49 EW8 Maor-,49, W d<*eu, xmedrs vw,. t:11 T flagerma'i 50, Elles Bics; 51, N 'k* Jb Mackle, 51 W W Saddler; 51, J; ,OI Pitkey; 52.Edward .Jackfein; 53 1X K Oheesomi; 63, W G Pbi1ip; 64, W 19-Boit- ' b>'; 55, Ueo Wagg-56, 'G D_ Mil ta; 58 ,J G~eorge Harbron; 59, Anthu r 1jobnst<hs, 60, E Arbram BoyerI 0W! 61. John IHam; 62, John (icà yt; 5 1 1 Bnnk; 64, Frank E Joues; 6I5, ei m; 66 9 S $1-< pil4j 67, Bi 08; « ob*M Whitcôn; ?Iusplin 69N hB Hoover; 70,,Johntl&i dBf; euh as M A YP:R Wr; alrt4. ifthrhia ls rfmedbut how e- ai 75, Hugh Qregg jr; 76, John R Hoover; quickiy the grass springs up te , 77, W Saddier; 78, Armond Pugh; 79, and how much cleaner and brighter & ~ ~~~Prise Puizh; 80, È Reecor; 81, W J vrtiglo Monkhriuse; 82l, Geo Oowan jr; 83, Thos e sellen soit aking s Knox; 84 Thts Gammace; 85, John M grass are eclntmchgfor beds L< iL N~ I ~ I~ Geow;86,Oba Baola; 8, EE Pgh;of liles, etc. for filling up uneven places L A NA N S Gýeow88, , Hutch clay,P w; 9 , N s h in the sod, or for composting. With 88,oneF 90, SJ Li; 8 9 1, Jas ide tt NSthe rains of summer to belp rot thern It P O IA W T R 92, James Cochrane; 98, J'ons'aghi and a tittie earth thrown over they at 94, Mioheal Kennedy; 95, John Ander- wlit make splendid moid for potting son; 96, John Smith; 97, Samuel King; soit ate in fai.fS re THE 98, Judson Gibaon; 1.9, E E Vanatone; A yard kept tidy through the year is SWEETESTL100, David Jones; 101, 3 W Dunîi; 1()2, In very fair order 'in spring. Thehard- z MOST FRAGRANT George Couliî; 103. Wlm Thom; 104. est part of this spring cleaning is from IY lSAno hg MOST REFRESHINO M*mino Burkhotder; 105, Otto Guibner; the dead weeds and patches of long, AI ENDIJNC 0F ALL 106, He-nty Gordon; 107, Samuel Pen- mar.ted grass left standing in fali. Re- À C IE rp PERFUMES FOR THE nock; 108, Marshall Turner. membering this it is a good plan toofQ HANDKERCHIEF, POUNÎD-KEEPEKS clip the grass closely before it is wilted È BT.Sylvanus Austin G IB Hartrick, San] by frost. This iast raking cornes inree Linton, Thosa Holbourn, Sam MeConchie nicetv for muiching beds of hyacinths Wm Clark, (>eo Dotwning, Fred R,,ach, and 'tutîps. Nowadays when a realiy N Isaac Puckerin, P J Rowe, Wm Peebtea. good lttle iawn mower of the band iL.BRI isTs, PERFUMERS AND tyeo D Lintout, John Busise, Theo Haizer- r cao b had fr $5, here i ian, O P Ferrier, J M Gerow, Joseph n esnwyayfml nmdrt A GtEERI DEALRoS.Flarbron, Hugh Mowbray JasB k ît csn h ay ail o oert lamies Uîîderhil.t, John A Joues Robert circumstances shoutd not keep their Uncerbi, John White, W H Costes, awn neat. 4 and Ralph Foryth. The practice of coating the front FE.NCE VIEWIEE yard with a thn layer of stable manure Tho@ Field, D W Carruthers, David to enrich the grass every spriog t think Pickering Gouncil. Gormie>'. Wm MaCausiand, Tho& Cheat ao abominable practice. There are During thue Yeur I89?. or, John Annan, Wrii Hollinger, J L other rnuch more cleaniy and sightiy Frfupreh eavrimu rayt -The above counicil met pursuant to ad- Balmer, Chas S Palmer, Ger) Wilion jr; fertilizers that are just as effective and [D O DOUIina, dcdsmnaorptt jourrumeut un Monday, March 22rd, in Ctarkso n Rogers, John Cober, John not so offensive. Bone-meal scattered ML~838, LmD, 23 SsSTt S., TOUU" &he Township hall, BJrougham. Mum.Steib PtRohert Milne, W Hl Burk, R thinty is fine for this purpose and sO 15s bes hprcnt eeeinte nhir Ward. Edward Meyer, Martin Nigh- wood 'ashes, ieached or uoleached.X "LE )£ioutes of tact meeting read and ap_ awander, Win Scott and Joseph Siavck. These should bc applied late in fait so Tbree of sur citizen@ sMt Wood lu a proved. Mr Barnec ceconed b>' Mr Undurhill, that wioîer rains mav wash therni in. nsigho bush on chars. and the Wood A number of accountis vere presented whereas oowplaint baving been made tii Where burdocks and raok weeds wvas pdled b>' the aide o! the oreek. Two P L and communicatiîons read and referred tu the counicit of certain persona5 cutting have becomne established in the soit the o! the part>' brougbt theit shares home the vartouc s tanding committees. down tretes on the highwayc of this safest and surest plan to bc rid o! themn before the tbaw set in but part>' No 8 I L A C R I. Eliao B Hoover and 12 others for a municipality wuh aud in corne cases With .st i hr u n oke ndg a nn atclrbrybvn un gatof $125.0o o wnt n froin8 ou,,tconsent o! pathmaaterc; notice i odg hmo1an9oke o i-wsii op'ti1ahrybvnaun co ot oaeadgrantlon on towy ie ta n thefutureian ging so long as a sprout sends Up its tity o! wood on baud, ce left bis ehare co nrt t gad ad raetouco hrey itenthi n hefuur ay head. until one day last week and vasdisagrse APTta TcN YtAR S uFFEi dition that Mlark ham townshiîp graint the person cuttîng down, destroyi ng, or To cut up a smooth. beautiful green sbty curpristed wheu rsaehing the place ame amount. mutilatîng any tree upon the public C A A4nnis asked that aid be granted higbwayc tif this township vithout th sward into numberless beds of diflerent wbere the jile onght to-have-been te fiud to Robert Gîbson, an indignent. written order and authorit>' o! the reeve shapes îs very questionable taste. and that tbe high water had removed ail but TWo VVOUZ Mr Barns, ceconeKd b> Mr Richards, eut hbe prosecuted under the provîitoi likelv to bc troublesome in mowing one solitary stick. MILvrTOý, 28,MJULYG moved "La the clerk bu hereby instruct-o! No 59)5 of thîs corporation. around the edges. weeding. etc. A The bridge near the foot of the Utb G;entlemen -For t.helaMt teyerla eil to comînuu.îcate wîth lion J no Dye The penalty fîrcuch violatiot, beiag $25. few targer beds, so. ptaced as to mar concetbîon on the Markham-8carboro been troubleâ wtth kidnteydi"aeen tht Muiatr o Agicutur rssecrin Mr Richards, aecoued b>' Mr Vrnderhitl the lawn but luttle, will hold just as townlinew vasabsd away b>' the flood no bad at tutervals th"a1 ioud or iel the services o! Mr Caimpbetl C E expert mnoves that the reeve Vrant hic ordea oin mari% flowers and be much more casily of Friday ni.aht. This le the only bridge bed ab ight or stoop to theground the reasrur u faor o Foter lutcis cred the township wbieh bas been waahe I had tried ail the rem edies s oul0-C n road iniker. to detiver certain lectureis tetes ri ao fFotr-luci a o.wthout effect., bÙt heard ef Dodd' Id throghuut.tho ownhîpou rîadakî~(o for the sum of $150, for services as The practice of cluttering up a fine ont mand but litth. damage bac been done neyptIIs adpoueab thnd if n esr îerc hip cîînsîrhlchîoîî coltect,-,îr if taxefor the yuar 189.ï. ard with singte specîmens of thrubs s an> o! the net. ID nurbers o! places eIammo S urhpp e us>aItbox. mo of a certain poriîon for guid&tct. if path Mr Beare, ceconed by Mr Richards, also to be deplored. A fewv choice the water ran over the road tesa eonsid- ske as well as for Othe"s that I anpe muatera and othiîrs at as early a date _ ives that the collector s roll for the shrubs pianted in groups here and erable depth, on tb. road north ofe! L. Sty red ater nain&tour boxeS posasible. year 189t) as ret urned, aud the statement there at the bend of a path. 50 as towet Ruebrigesa in a epth oillaoefeOtNraL Mlr Richardis, chatinîai, put Ibrougl cm,.aiiiig a list <of the amount of ttaxes tcave open s.paces lof uubroken grass aatm over thotlua d. Man ofyo!i e villae the follîîeing road anit bridize coiiitîee's "ftîhe allc41co e sud arte ho idy about theni give a much better eflee t. were dowa earty to cee the river wih 1grlsfrSokPe report, reotni iiîlicdiii z parucur -'t te sadc etrAesdae ee~.nd in plant îng smalt shrubs beside hy Doon had gone to almoat Magoda orSoormaldng suma. A Bîrreli, rtecoverîiig îi ru1t- aîcdî aîks or gatewavs remember the sîze flow. nra at Pickerinîg, $2, (;t-()L Stiîtt--, rtoîitr iiiZ r Richardts, secouded be NMr t1eare. towiîihte ivgo Ntife r.Jh If the ground can be weil peae ice front 211d cou 'nt'ar l'altiier'bnu iiii i 4, iîro,s tht the, rot-vegraîiî bis .rder o o it, hvna rov o nr- M onWeir, er., Scarboro, pacced arl>' in the sprirg and the secdsw S Lntuuî,cupt>'andbrekiig t~ iho reasurer in favor i.! the parties re- quentlv thrx .ýpread si) as to comptete- away aitbh houBe.o! Mr. Charles Monk, at that timie, the chances for scrn oue $21 NI Sealtue, brtakîiiz 2Li t1te coiueidt-d iii the reports o! heaihoaS shtoIafîit lkrVe Brownus Corners, on Saturday, ln ber a good stand of beets are muchgrar if suoni kîngston rosît $ (t.l mîstanîding cîîuîînttees as prerîîted thita -~ -9Oth year Mns. Weir was bora in Lan than if the sowing be deiayedt l M ars, uppyiig aîd boakiie~ ~.~ a~ Sr HnryJol Dearkshire, Scolmand, <'n October 21, 1807, later. One serious difficuit>' inec- ins. ii Kîuigsiiît road $3 i Ir Richards iukol anîd vas grauii1ý and with ber hnsband came te this coun ing agood stand o! tbe beetc we l"vnc ly gaelîg i îfptt ' uIriîuîu u av i~h.letosopuiLotbiniere's Son. try in 1833, andd eeîled in the township sown later in the season is, accodn ib.clii 1, ir (ino~ .0i189, ansd seit]riiad asite atiice foîr road betweîî f Scarboro, where ehe reeided until hben to a Rural New Yorker corresponet .lu Lsbi!liih , t13 yardîs oiLraveisuppçl 1ot, '~2 and Z3in the. 9th con, laid user. Sr ur.uîvleotniesouE- death. She leaves oae con, Mn. Geo. ta the youngplnsd o riat lv N 29rî,rîh #l en'. laitl M Unerbllsecnodb>'MnBarnesl moud G Juty de Lotbiniiere. advocate, Weir, and one daughter, Mris. Chartes etbie eoetegoa eoe Ainis, '22 vante<if grass-t supp!hd t 1110fues tlat this cinucil do now acjiuri Quebec. hag writteu 10 the author o! the Monk, hoth residente of the sme place.sdr hthesueifhy M <sa8rs ita-ýrr andl agoverseers foit o ieet agait unouMonday, Aprîl l nh ew preparsîxon for toothache, healing 1Mrs. Werantikesperbbad, aa ighbandsdry that the> suiffer, i thelbcm beais 4;1 adîfîîî L I 2();, Caleb Ftravb __ - - ionîs, atuJ renoving pain. eavîng, oewoawaehy aeseml h kithed entirehy from the drought Te tir;à wiiîa lims, i d utfLravel ou 9 b ciii Pheno Fai 'or 'ucer'hMmohLn e n h îî4îîîî o i~ $c 92 )vt -lîh F ALLa83uu uccue al- hearta o! all who kuew ber. The ne Mmnt ogRdadteYlo 7 ,te-t of Colicii it- FOR TUU FR! L!ways rêlîoveui the pain iusanI a d d Imains were înterred on Tuesday i Oni bv roe teSttstifc 'i u e ii ie 1..~ ii sknw1-~lru-wuli nover be without it. Audrew'e oemet.ery, Scnrboro.-San. tory wîth me. The Yellow Globc a ______ flnot givea so great a yietd peraces TUE P EAT IEEPItED te varities named. Maagoldslk& T E G ET LIFELUIVLfl- BordeauxMixture and Fangiriod. e* e O* . .. C deep, rich loam that is quitte w«r, Paie's Ce/ry Comoun R .H P. Gi nid o! the Maine staî>on re- * elie~f>for * d ry. A danrp towhand will sotme Patné Cley Cmpun R-* produce large yieids o! mangoid o a moves Every Load and ou ots01 xperimenti wîitlî hordesûx mix- infenior qualit>'. A deep, ricb oh ud futîgîrotd for ibe preveution o! *aiiLLTae f ulivtin 7a Burden. potato rot The use of bordeaux mixture 9 dabigh sadie o! c uit or htisw a8 s proveulive gave tbe inost satislactor>'y 7 roub ei*daindofe adirbystdfo hecl -- ~results,. Fuugirvîid is a fungicide wbîich, * tvt0no hi rp col ed,1. H. SOOTTiý Whitt»' sud Cehawa NEW es quickest remedy ever known Ire Burns, Bruises, Scalds, Cuts, 3, Bouls, Sprains, Strains, etc. he many weII known peop>le, of standing in the community, who spoken and written of the mehtu lckcure, show that it is an honest ,y of great efficacy. )te the testimonials ini this issue. Mr. Thos. Rowe had one of bis toes broken corne tirne ago by a beavy plank falling on it, and consequently bas moved around with diffieulty aines., Mr. George Cornish oeoved to bis faim near Salam on Monday. The break in Mr. T. Efliott's dam is a bad one, and owing to the large amount of ice in the pond tbe water canL be turned until it tbaws off, and then the break can be repaired. Mr.. B. Ashton and wife have retnrned aftr cpendiog most of the winter witb their con sud daughter near Newcstle. Moudoat.. bave beau caugbt in Elliott's pond cince the water bf it h, weighing 3 Ibo. Wben the report reached Bowmanville Saturday week that Hampton dam was broken, scores of emUsosturned out ex- peotîng to cee 'Vanctone'. dam wash away but were pleacngly disappointed. Mr. d. Law is moving te Dawn Mills, and Mr. Royal Hall, month haif lot 20,. cou. 1, Darlington, will take possession of the Law estate. Now for some weekc moving and bots. eleaning will b. in order. Several wood bescin this village re- cenfly. James Burns, Eeq., brought home à large supply of bee.bives Ist week. In my last weeks~ correspondence dis. oribing root cellar at O*Bow Park Farm" it ehouldi read 60,000, and chould have read milk féd, to calves and. w, l ot pins, Colic and Kidney Difflculty -Mr. J, W, Wider, J.?P.. Lafareeville, N Y., vritec: 11 sin ouhject to cevere attackc of Oolio and Kid- ney Difficulty. and i fnd Paoeeleccs Pille afford mne great relief, wbule &Il other remedies have f ailed.;, bey are the becst nedieine I have ever uned." In f sot co great i.teii. power of this 'nedicine to aimsane andi purify. thaï; diceaces of *1moct e very Dame and naturi are driven from the body. H. SCO TT PUMxPMÂKER, WITBY. (Suacessor Io H 7somson.) The Subscrîlber bas again opeued business -here. Hic office will be-at E. R. BloW' telegraph office, factory at Mis. Ncwbery'ca bouse on Brock Street, soulU. New Pumps luanufacturcd and old Pumppa repairtid. Firat clsam maierial used and woîrk warrant - ,ed. WeUs dug or. cleauod onït Oidérs , -1,;