Thére'are many things to'be, bought in *",-m BAROHL FOR INSTANCE cold Cream, Camphor loe, Camphor and Moth Camphor. These a.nd a number of Toilet prepara- tios~ are right in sea8on now aud thon there ara a hast of thingu that dlaim ail seasons for their own and which we can supply botter than any other store in town. We might mention auhang these Hair, Tooth, Nail and Bath Bruhes, Tooth Powders, Qombs, Spongea, Etc. J. Es WIL LI/S, CHIEMIST & DRUGOIBT, MEDICAL :: HALL, BROOK ST-, - WHITBY. WHITBY, APRLIL 2, 1897 ACOOUNTS Tise CHRONICLE startS thc year 'with a goodly increase in its liis, and so far our renesals have been satisfactory. This veekt se acnd out renewal notices to as many as se could manage, and hope for a prompt ce- turn. It coats money to scite out al ihese accounts, and ve vish ail to understand thai our objectislata secure immediate and full remittancea. Eacis person concerned wiii pleased note tisa, as ve do not do business for our bealtb. "hortNotes. There la a great rush to Manitoba this spring. People are jusi nos adopting a course sbicb the CHRONICLE bas recom- mended for ten years pasi. Those who tbah thse advice ten years ago are vealîhy men nos in almost evcry instance, vbile those who sbouid have taken it but didu't have been drifting about ever since, and pet bapa are far vorse off than they vere then. There ia room for millions to make fortunes un Uic Wst. Hereafier candidates for municipal honora will firai have ta interviev the tax collector and p a p their yearly assesments before their namnes can go on the ballot papers. This viii put a stop 10 lise ruling of those sho psy taxes by those viso do not, and Whitpy bsn viii rejoice in the nes pros- pect. This together witb the abolition ot the abominable ward cvii, shauid tend ta purily our town politica a greai deal. h lsaa sdil known faci that several members of the present town council of this town bave ntt the ncceaaary property qualification, although tbey boldly made declarations to that effect, and ve hope the nev amendmenîs may b. better enforced. The Donsiniou Franchise Adct a to b. ce- pealed, and thse franchises of thse different Provinces adopted. To aur mind this silI be reaching another extreme, as there is mucb difierence in the lava of tbe different Provinces. The CHRONILCs bas for many years advocated that manbood suffrage b. sdopted as the Dominion franchise. anat tat the votera' lista of the Provinces b. uaed asj fast as tbey adopt the semne principle. This1 saiald inake bure ot a unifarm vote from tise1 firat, and vould soon bring tbe Provinces to a uniforin local franchise tbrougbout thc Do- minion. Manhood suffrage may b. going a littie too fat, but there in no lagical stopping place short of ht. The Toronto Daily Star bas dropped al ils advertisements of departmental stores, and bas &et oui et considerable loas ta âigbt for tbe truc intereats of tbe country. No doubt evcry paper in tise chty sould follov suit only for tise lau h vawuld sustain in ad- vertlaing. The vocal of ibis country is tbat ht cannai depend on thse fideliîy of its great inewspapers. It ù% furiber vortb mentioning that people do noi bonestiy support a peper shichs figbts ibeir boules et a losa to itself. Tbcy viii question is motives, and lend bath their coutitenance aud matectal support la thelr enemies, ratber than stand up foc thse journal that makes sacrifices ta figbt their batties. Many a nevapaper man bas found ta biesaorrov tisat a thankiess public viii drap bîti to support a public encmy rigbt in lte face of bis sacrifices for tise generai in - terest. Tbe present figisI la for thse hIe of al tise best interesis of tbe country as againsi the bargaiis bunters and tise trade bugs. The Dominion parliament vas opened on Tbursday lent vitb considerable diapiey and a speech (coin the Governor General promising a nes tariff las, a nes franchise 1evw. and declaring the Manitoba school uesîion p ropeciy settled. The debate on tune add ceas vas a very spirited one, and so fer as tbe press reports go appeeced ta in- marna. ESt8Iataryiass t~r*srsI private gaigmiser T~seI ,p4lsc~ud odttodally IstbI~ columa. Jury Bltttnga. The sprlng jury sittinga af ibe bîgis court oh justice opened and closcd on Mainday lest, bis lordship Uhief Justice Boyd presldlug. The Ccovn vas represcuted by W. A. Huykc, Q.C., Cobourg. Thseocher lavycca present sere, John MCosh, Orillia, T E. Wiliams, Toronto, P. N. Raines, Uxbridge, F. M. Yarnold, Port Perry, 1. B. Farewell, Q.C,, and G. Y. Smiîb, Whithy. GRAND JURY. John Borna, Whitby, foremen; E lames. M McGrath, Peter Kelly, jr., Mars; T G W Loe, E Whitbv ; Tisas Feasb), 1 Wregge. Uxhidge; Sylvester Westney, S R Hoover, T C Osborne, Alex Margacis, Pickerng; D Ross, Cenuing- ton; W H Rundie, Bcack. PETIT JURY. Wm Engflsb.israck; S Sciseil. Uxbrndge; A E Maior, Pickering; R Vernon, Reacis; las Simington. iJxbrldge; Gea Chose, Reacb; I11 Boynton, Reacis; C C McAvoy, Pickering; A A M4cDougall, Thorais; M Smith. Mars; John Glover, E Wiiby ; Gea Rice, Whitby; Wru Ayres. Whitby; las Andres, Pckering; Wm Purvis, Brack; R J Gourley Pickering: Rab, Graham. Pickering; W R Warren, Mers; Jlm Bertlst, E Witby; C Rosa, Scott; Tisas New- tan, Pickering; 1 Radin, Scugag; D Robin- son, Whithy; G R Robertson. Uxbnidge; J A White, Pickrerng, D O'Daneli, Mars - R Hil liard, Oshawa; R Htnton, E Whist,; Tho. Walsh. Reacis; D Rosa, Mare; Jua Menegis. Oshava -Jas Gardon. Reacis; R Thompbo,uu ia;J S Murray, Oshawa; R Hardy, 8-s:t Wm Jameson. Pari Perry; D Ellena. E Whit by ; S i-trris, Wbîtby ; S Kened ,Scott ;J1S BSeePckeriug; H H Btsbop, V ridge; Jas Harrison, Canntngtou ; Geo Semas, Canning- ion; S Shier, Brock; J 1Haines, Beaverion; W A Hainan:,Osaae- Juo &hier, Brck - as Tahanyj. aa ais lrsbtp lu addressing thse grand jury seid their dutues vould b. ligisi, shere beiug no crin mnal cases ta enquire inta. hI as very pleaslng ta hin ta camie Iraîn Oxford couuîy, where crime vas rampant, ta Ontario couaty shece sisere ap peared ta b. an entire absence af crime. He congratulated them upon h tact that tisei dulies vauid b. amal, By a statemeni pleced lu bis banda he observes "ht aut ai 13 prisoners oonfiued in thse jeu ta0 are indigets-pooc aId people visa bave came ta vent sud are cai into jail ta associate vlth criminais. It appears hard amoug au intelligent aud ve.1ta-do people such a sate of affairassould exiat. People sisauld noi Jet their aged ones b. treaied so. Iun any places ful aud satisfactory provision in madle for tise poor, sud ibis couuty sboaid do thse saine. Millet vs. McRac. -Action fac seduction. Archibald Miller is a fariner cesiding in tise tsn- sip of Mars. and Donald F. McR&e is a ceaid- eut ai the tovnshsip ai Thorais. Tise piaintiff clained $5000 damages and Cusls agaînsi de-- fendant lac seducing Elîxa Miller, tise plaintiff s daugisser. McRae ila a idover, sisase vile dted iu Wlsconsin. United States. He managsd ta vark up a cartespaudenco vush Miss Mîier allser bis vile died, sud proposed narriage bv letter, et the saine dime askiug hec ta buru bis letteca. shic s aie did, vist accepting bis proposition aifmmagc. ibTis vasl ntise aummer ai z85. lis Navernber, 1895, XcRae mme fram Wisonuta bis borne in Thorais. and courlcd Miss Miler durlnig thse vinter, as ines seekiug ta bri'sg about ber cula, vhieb bee lhualiy accomplied in April, 1896. Wisen bec condition became apparent se tahd McRae, and lie edvised ber ta go ta a doctor sud gel mcdi cdue ta procure an eborsian. ibis aie dcl uot do, but lels home in July, 1896, Ioa uek empiay- ment lu Toranta, visercabaise ent it afserice li Ociaber, and bired e room unis] Decemtser. flacu abe gained admisim oth ie hayon for (al- len vomen. Sise lhually ccsehed the Burusde haspital, shere P female child vas bora. Tiscu ase sroohbe parents telling ihein for tisefis tiane af ber disgrace, and tisas isle ouid Icave the country quietlY before tise lacis vould b. corne kuosis, sud hus preveni e stigma frons b.- cnmiug atiscbcd ta ber family namne, Sh sent no eddresa. but the old inuMilier v=9IobTas- ontoata once and sougisl ber in ail directions aun- tiI ho founid hec iu tbe hosphial. Hejold bier thse famiy vould suifer tise disgrace and bier parents vould lorgive ber miser then bave bergosa féraver. Tise fatiser ieu eterod Ibis gay. T. L. Williamss, Toronto, for tise pilitf madc a silringZ appeal ta the jury, givlug ail uhe force possible to tise facitisà i tise deliendant hiaa r- ricd mais, hat be sougisi to maire ber perpetrate tise crime off abartian, hat be laiied tn merry1 ber, or even to protid, ber vitissne money sisen se sas lu are need iu Toronto, bidhng ber diwgrce unti ber cilld vas bon. John Me- Cosis, Orllia, for the defece, put ln no evi«denea, sougisi ta crease tise impression lu tise Min&sof tise Jury tisai tise 1ill« girlbad coped is tisel- liocent sidoves hi design, sud vas nov eem ta bit hlm for big desjseg.ta His iorshp cissrged lise jury tu accordance vitistise evideuce, advocà tew iiln labor éndièsfMlgra- tion lava ao severa, m It erpressed lit, that tii. Doulsion would>-sooin -b. asved lut. .eïkini asmexatlon. Nov, however tisatitit la propoaed to pea. exactly correpotidlng lava in thse Dominion perliament, the Son aays Canada la tu a mlghty hurry, snd lied better waîtountil tise la burt. It'may b.e - plalned tisat the Corlisa law. shicis excîndeti ail Canadians frons American engagemedis or employnient of any aort, vas vetoed by Ex-President Cleveland alter passlng botis houses- of Congreas, and was almoat unanl- mnously repassed over bis head by the lower bouse, but the 4tb of Marcb came before the Senete could get a revote on. There la an alien labor 1ev in New York atate, and the Sun was a bowling advocate of the Corlis law, yet It wsema Canada to wait tli it is hurt. The Americans appeer to eed tisai tbey must strikre the firat bios shere and boy tbey choose, and if it does not prove fatal the friendly country which bas been thus ccueliy attacked mnay retaliate. Wben a man or a nation becomnes ao aiuck on bam- self or itseif aà ta imagine that be or it muai aivays be tbe aggreasor, and must be ail the white stirrlng up trouible vltb neigbbocs, it would seens natural that those who are ever hiable ta uncalled-Ior attack sbouid aooner or later takre the lead and use the club firat on a fev occasions. Sevecal countries are pas- sing retaliatary measures againat the United States In advance of the new McKiniew las, and Canada sbould act without besitation. Nothing brings a bull y to time like a plucky counter stroke, and the United States should b. led to believe that tbey are flot the whole vorld, but meiy a badly governed section uf it. Ou April g9M sure. Tise date foc tise appearance of Marv, tise cenowned buffo-hasso singer, is been forth- er changed ta Fciday, April 9iis. Thece wiiI be no diseppointimeut this time. This la tise chance la hear a truly great singer and tise conçert hall ai tise O L. C. should bc crowded ta averfiowing. Seats reserved at Alin's dcug store forc.~ hale ai Alex Ogatou's Estate. Tise ceai praperty dI this estale sas soid ai lthe Royal hotel hece yesîerday. Tiscee lots lu tise soutis sard sisicis cost S5o cacis tisirty yeaca @go, and upon whicistise d . ceased bas paid taxes ever since, soid fi, $2o ta Gea Robb. A bouse and lot near Dr. Eaatvood's vas soId ta Gea. Robb for $2wa A bouse and lot ln Kinsale vas soid ta Alex. Robis for $i75. zoo acres accupied by Bays Bras, aold la Gea. Rbfor lac zo. ion acres cccently occupied by jas. Haod sas sold ta Aler. Robb for $2500. Thse Wabesis Ralfroad. If you ar-e contemplating a trip ta tise Gold Mlnlng Country, pieuse consider tise menits aI tise Wahesi Railroed, tise short sud truc rote via Detroit, Chicago anid St Paul, 10 &Ui pointa ln the Kooîenay District, Pas- sengers ieavlug Wblîby, and pointas eat by eerly moang train, reacis St Paul nert day et noon, sisere direct connections la macle foc ehl pointa lu tise Gold Fields. Quicirest and beat oule ta Hot Springs, Ark, Old Mexico, CAdiforula and ail westerns pointa. Tickets and lime-tables of Ibis great railsay Irons any R. R. agent, or 1. A.Riciardson, Canadien Passenges- Agent, N. E corner King sud Yonge streets, Tor-onto. Bn$mng *vey Fromt Noue Napatsee Beaver : Tomonto Satumdey nîgist la doing goad service la the country by ex- pasiug sane of tise trickemy pi-actlced by tise largse depertusettal stores la decoy utmr andcal ail tisose vis a ptronize Qen, Il also viry cleariy shows Uhe ilury Uhey are inflicting on thecoeu"tr. "Thse"'~ basgains" tise, oger are stmply te deedve, s for very so-etaffle bas-gala tbey give tlsey expeet ta make aad do matre a dSe sale et futl price. sd sorcetinus s leWs. -~-TWpoilcy la ta break dovu thseoppoWlWiseadestblis muonopolieS, andtb iey as-etceeomplsingIrbis very rapidly. lInhointcases ont Jten people vho patronize Queue stores do isot gel as goivalue for tiseïr mneys tisey ooud gel un tise stores In hl s Juitss and belp ta deprecisse i value a ises avispreperty. la ibisvas Que peaple vis pais-anime hiesvmamsuttï radaufiiuly le srdollars for oety ton Cents hby M=111;ba-gin.»Tise departasiental store as 00W contducted, not only mriaithse pWae Inu viuelslLcrst, but al -other tovase In Uce lmmedlate neWgbborbmod, visite onhy emes bcuefitted are tisè foreigis captal- lis visa have hiseir moîley -là weïted:fi tise businscs. ike Ele"y cIScsbubisie, lh.ey muai sud vi0bMM rt ome-, tiebut-before tsat tne oomes -av'selfl do neatim"sb BA RGAI1N S+ WLrCATION.- Tise oade dld m, msufer k vr maucl aller i- Mr. Ir. S. orsltsi tf ooao, slus lavis over udy The flying duat yesterday auggested tise necesaity af Uic sprhssking wagon. Tise bicycle creze là raglng, and on evecy band anc hears of people that mnuaI and viii ride. Miss Hoaken, 0f Toronto,,and Mca. <Judge) Sinclair, aI Hamilton, are Uic guesis of Mca. Wc seve tventy per cent. by b'uyi'ig aur foot vear at Burs' es cash storý(Adth of Haicis Bras. Mens navy serge suitse t S ý. leed smita veli made et 84.5o, $5.oo ta $iooa W G Walieca. Tise cangregation of St. Andcev's cisurcs gave S55.oo as a contribution ta tise India Famine Fund. Yesterday sas Ail Fooi's day, but there la so litile observance af that occasion this time thet anc vould isardiy know Chat it vas passlng. And stili Ibere are no meetings announc- cd ta organize fac lacrosse or cricket. Thse boys viii veep sorte af ibese times vhen tbey se poatoes growlng shere spart sas vont tafiouriab ecashile. For attetnpted rape of a ten yeer aid gii, Chief justice Meredith aiUndsay asse sentenced a prisoner cellcd McNabb ta seven yeaca in penitentory, tise unît of tise lev. justice MeredithIs n addcesslng the prisoner staied tisai in some cauntries visere the people were nal so highiy educeted he sould be isung sathout even tise chance for a fair trial. There viii b. a boom in yachting aititse harbor this year. Principal Waugh is an enthusiastic sallor-man, and bis thorougis knasiedge ai amal seiiing crafta viii be valuebie ta ail sho taire ta tise veer for sport. He is getting bis yacht, Canada Il. ready for the vaves, and vii le unch bec nexi vcek if there b. no relapse of sinter weather. Grand Trunk Eester isolidays !GCeneral public-Single lirai css fece-Good ta go April î5th ta zgth inclusive, vaiid for return not iaîec Chan April sotis. School vacatiotu- Fare and one-third--To teachers and pupils holding Standard certificates: Tickets issued Miarcis r7t t April i7th inclusive, vaiid for return not later tisan April 2ts. Steptten- son, Whitby, issues those through tickets froin Pickering, Toronto, Myrile, Brooklin and Wbitby. Cail un Stephenson before travelling. Last Seturday nlghî. visile Behlifi G3undry. s'as lsking e prisuner named Facrell frum Gaderich ta Kingston pelsîtentiary for thcee years for ra.s- ng notes, Farrell leaped fram ic hemtdniRbt ex- press ans mile wst af Brighton. The express was cuuuîng at the speed af 4o miles an bour Que af the guards leaped after the prisoîser, bui in the dacknesa be oouid not find iî. Tbe train backed up and they found Farrell% caSt and vest. lHe vas sbackied shen ise juwped. The guard vas prou, bedl bruised. The country round vas tboroughlyscrced, but Farcell bas nos been recaptuced. Mc Frank Bryau isas receivcd a letier framn D W Rutherford, Beavertan, wanting Whiî- by ta join a caunîy lacrosse leegue cansist- ing ai Whitby. Port Perry, Uxbridge, Can- ningion and Beaverton. Wbiîby jolned tise otheca once before, and bad ta play egainst 7 rngers at Uxbridge, 5 sith Pari Pcrry, -ind ii itb Canningion. Beavertan sas flot in tisai league, but evcry Beavertonian visa could bandie a club vas bired ouita the aibeca. Wben Wnitby vuanta anything in tiselune ai bioody profesionaiism iî vill agein john a caunty league. Wanted Gond Servent Girl Wanted Io go on larm. Apply ai tLis office. Pumps AIl kinds ai pumnps repaired. Chsain pumps for sale. W'ind-miiis soid and re- paired. 1 buy dirctî from tise manufactur- ers, nai irons second-band dealers. W H Piper, Wisithy. Bicycle for Sale. High grade lHYsiop, 72 inchs geer, 24 inchs trame, 96 modei This viserI vas purcbased tatc lest season, and vas ndden flot more than 150 miles, la in tirsi class order, sud yullbe sold ciseep. Apply ai this office. - Lv- f 4 The Housemcleaning Season is now near at hand and with that object in view we have pnrchaeed an excellent assortrnent of UNION CARPETS, ranging in price from 30c. per yard. Also a fine range of AIL WOOL (JARPETS, i both 2 ply and 3 ply. We asre showing a new assortment of TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS CARPETS, with Borders to Match, and claim to have the best assortinent of these goods in the county. We also show CARPET BORDERING and CARPET LINING. l]Electro +Platd, Ware. 1BARGAINS I Spoons, For and Knh-es,i -A T- J. S. Barnard'i MoaFine Assortment of-'auo- White and Cream Be Sure and See Lace Curtains. Our Range I3efore Purchasing. ANDREW Fanoy me China, ALarge Stock of«Wý Dinner Setts, Full Always ROSSO Hero /M a Good Thing, Varie/y the Largesi! Qua/i/y the Choicesi ! Prices the Lowest . 1are the three points which lead the FJJRNITURE trade. Tea Setts, Re-upholistering donc Chamber -Setts, on shortest notice. Line of Fresh Groceries.' E. J. JOHRNSONI Reliab le. Brock St.,- Whitby. AT GIBSON'S» The Great Wonder, 555s**s5*5*~555UIUsIaisssus IE±AYWLAD 'S UNRESERYED, GIVING UP BUSINESS 0F ENTIRE STOCK 0F SALE Dry Goods, Clothing, - Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., Going On. Big Cro wd8. B/g Bargains. That's /?ight. 50 Men'sa nd Boys' Ulaters and Oves-cas. Men's Heavy Frieze Ulaters, sool lined, $4,'i-egular $7.50. Men's Extra i tsi ' $6, regular $12. Men's Oves-caste, velvet calas-, $2.50, regular $7. Boys' Frieze Ulstes-s,$3.75, regular 87.50. Boys, Overcoata ~ $2.50, regular $5. Men's Sealette Caps 60c, regulas- $1. Men'a and Boys' Curly Caps 35c, regular 75c. Men's Shirts and Dravers 25c, reg 40c. Do., all wool, Scotch finish, 40c, regular 60c. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DUE 88 GOODS. 54-inÂAU Wool Tweeds', 55o, sreg .1. 44-i -Ail Wool Tweeds 25c, reg 45c. 44-in AM WooI Tweeds 20c, reg 40c. Serg% 124-ýe,,ej20; -eg1 20c, 25c, 30c. Ladies Ail Wool Rose> 18e, 2 pair 35c. 8p*i' lua f Ribbed AU -WooaI*Houe large size, 20%, reg 85c, Clujdrena in proporton. «coduataiAucUmion*riou Ires-yDay. Ope"ialBagain SBaturday. GROCERIEÂS'-od, Prmhl and Cheap. Butter sud Eggs ini exohange for gooda at regelas ps-tees E. Rb B. IBAYWARD, 4000 Bpruoé Trees Far s s tp ~ S. $X3perioo, ta 4r~ <hq grafi to 8, C,~ Piokedpê 4mU i - WHITBy. THE OIOI JESE'ACTI i, JOHN ptradu5Ã":1o,.,s hereby ces-ily hhatzte m ueoCiTv cru and S tî Lopsi sue *"tii!ds trk fo tie yga ~ Wasahlva.Tav- era1c,Sos'~ auber of appli. catta~~~~~~~k fo24yaa $j1 sffor:c $aene bopa. kt it kfllag nes havebeesJus. ~wifreees ot wetird Nsoi MsJaDeboe, U Ah tra ovuahlp af fua-won Ofe si Couaty Orgaa.-Larges Cî,rci Uon of aDy local papor il andaa FRIDAY, APBIL 2, 1897. LOCAL LACONICS. Fine spring weat-her. Sec Tod's window on Saiurday. Mcr. Jno. Bryà -n, of Toronto, is home f, turne. The Rev Elliott S Ro)we will preach in nicUiodist tabernacle on Suridav evening Saturday hargatn. Best qualitv ail w delaines ati5îc, wort.h 35c ai %V G Wl -Specials. " Ladies' oxford shoes tan and black. Cheap at Bfurns' new c store. 1 Mr W H Greenwood, of Toronto Unms sity, la home prepaning fur hii fourth yi exama. Suckers are up. Stanley McCarl gels I honor for the first catch, he having spear seven yesterday. Mc C E Westcott, Beaver ton, who is ag. for a London bicycle fi1cm, was in îown c fore part of the week. The clear, modecate weather weather a brscing winds ibis week have dried up t roada, and thse dust is flying like mi sRmier.sfottetnsisso ts runp unidufroy til -omnshes.siso tisai ruassp unuaueisInfom thise mapîr- ire ihi ring. hWafriîingr thasnsubacctfar aur motussadtoefc e rew p n af Mr Geo Cormeck expects ta land a n lion feet ai lumber in tise United St-ýtes face May ri. Tise lumber tride is fouri- ing in anticipation af tise new McKun bill, and Whitby barbor viii he a scen e activity for tis exit nantis. Tise truc standipg af an editor la app ciated suter demis if nat bfore. A laws sent tise foloving varda tuf consolation' the vidasw of an editor : 'I cannot telly bas pained 1 sas ta heer tisai yaur hisba had gone ta heaven. WNe vere bosc frienda, but can neyer mecs again." Rev. St'ephen Card, Cisaplain ai tise Pen tanguisisene ccformatory, a former residr- of Brookîhu, sas here on Fnidav Iast. 1- asus tise bouse accupied 4 yMr. A. Whir las, snd intends ta overisaul i ait once, maý îng a great deal ai improverments He is brother of the laite Mca. Chiester Draper. Tise annuai banquet af tise saivatlon as-m îaok pîace on Monday nigisi, and vas se aîiended. An army band fi om Oshawa va bece ta assiat in lise musical part of tis ertr rnony, site a wisole saggaon load ai bum came Iroin Oshawva ta have a drunk ani relue cain. They made corîsiderabie - noma around tise banquet hall, but did flot eppea S to sorry tise army very mucis, as tise doot keeper seid, They haît a figh isthU a mia fi-ainGreenwaod. sud bandcd hlm ratise - rougbly, Coustable Calveriey thert dispersa- .-. L them, tbey vent homç sbouting - untii tise crossed tise easteru his. Thackeray To.nlgt. Remensier tise lecture on Thackeray b Prof. Keys ai the Ontario Ladies' College t( 'sigit. This sihi b. a grand lecture abat S là semt I tty of Engilis novelisis. VTo foru a Wheel CinS. - a-,-'- -~ A meeting af the viseelme inlu Iistos sud vicinhty lis calied ta take place at ti CHRONICLE office to-suigisi, Friday, ta fao * a bicycle club. Tisose visasha taolue Prof. Keys' lecture on Theckerev t be c lege are not stuppased tai attend, but as oul 2, lbave vor4 as ta Uder good yutl snd sugge Tise Caingon Gleaner priaIs tUc k Cauing a ote ingad olsisgla onthesa paItmeIyotakeyo«. ues~ton:«as-enta - ,~yur $5-téorlovntiseair ch oores-. I roouty sandat aon. eajora priv tmdMdaul ncarns bis motney ae, ts mie oubtïf wybo> >le viadai s-pe çeitalnyoueLve tà al, a-e tis o ofeclr luUc-mn"lerayf rnioffi -Tarastingitgauon gooai arinsIbemuoal, and unIare Que keepeIo -tx brostbamcs-they mey ae law ovcemint e-atisryer.o unn f ïMaefnt a )Ir, Wzs,.. uir, cnttreat 'Ms-. A.. Rc ff« f $ P55lh-Mt-,Whtby'oa Mont tisi oust ,xtcbateuitluo-ltestabhishala TldSrie lcoueçselm esvhrpmeatn of Qodi Rer. lotisseireat iede le t itimm a bttïé > toy 0 e$ and bo aiaub -~1~ 'i - i- . i i 1: 11- May be necessary when you are dealing with people whom you cannot trust, but we have entitled ouirselves to your utmost confidence, and if you corne to us with your Eyes Shut we Wbuld treat- you just the same as though th.ey were Wide Open. It is this knowledge which makes us believe that you still have strong faith in our ability to please you.