Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1897, p. 7

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_ t Almost Passes Bel ief mý Ja...B. Nicholson., Floreno.vmne, N. B., Struggle. for Boven Long Ye.rs wtth CANCER ON THE LIPI, AND 1M CURED EY AYERSparilla M r. N iholsonn saa: conited doc- iors ah> ro 5il> for mel, luit Lo no purpose, Uie cancer bug"n Lo Eat into the Flesh, <piread tni my ebin, and Isuffereel ln :,s)iy for %even Ion years. llna.Jy I 1 c~etaking Ayvî a Sa8.rsapa«i-jUs in a week or two 1 notkeed a Lqýeided Iinprovement. Ene raredl hy tis resuit. I perse. ve ed oul I n a rnonth or 50 the sors uuecr ny chiai began to heal. 111 three nioiths rny Ili) bgan to he ai. and, &fier us4neg the Sarsaprila for six m.'nthq the Las t trace of tre cancer disappearet.'. Ayeî's Il Saîsaparilla Adznftted ut the WorM'u Fua&. An Engineer's Btory 1 ()N A RA-ILROA[) CON- lDUCIVE To DISEASE. -Win Taylor, of Kentville, Attack-- r4l Wîth Kidney Trouble-So- Callvd Cures Proved Useless, But I )r. Williaams Pink PuIs Restored 1 -ai the Kentville Advertiser. Thert, are v.ery few ernploymnts 'n ,rr' rying to the bealth tbaxu LhaL of a r-w ,wav engirieer. l ho hours of labor ire ti îrently long, meals rregular, and rceit sud ieep lhurriedly snstclied *be- w<en ruais " One of thie troubles whicb %ery freqaieatly attaok railway trainren sb kiduey disease, wbich Up tb a late pei""'> bas been Iooked upon ai; a diseiise Micult, if not impossible. to totally -lre Albhough there exiai numerous rf-mediae claîrned 1.0 b. cures, the truth 'thiat aiothiog had bpen fouaid 1. suc- rgRfully cope witb f bis terrible dit.ease uî,til the advent of the now world-faîned li r. Williatua' Pink a Ils. Chaaicig t iie-ar one dav that Mr. Ww. Taylor, a te-aident of! LiIs own, liad beon cureil of 1iney trouble tbrough the agency c.! Dr Williams' Plink I->ls, a reporter called mpon him at luhri4 o -lo ear from hiw per-Bonally what be thougbt of bis cure. ~-~--~ ~-~- 701 ad houl b.uoDMesi. Thse Dublie aieaiai isilosei gaînet au it4or mai eldbloosi lUiden * nd aueeonloi; puat upi lmiar louis intended tai de- Oêlie. Tbey are ail imitations whoe Msuers hope Lai loup tépeeuniary adrau- tige froms the wonderfuî reputatiot achieve4 by Dr. Williams' Pink PIls. àsk yaiur dealer for tbem. These Pilse rmzanutaqtiured by ibo Dr Wi'liam's Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, and Schenectuady, N. Y, ad arn sold only in boxes beariaig tbe firm'u trade mark sud wrapper, atu 50 osuts a box, or six boxes for $2.50. They may Ibe baa rrom auy dealer, or vil be sent by mail on raiceipt of price. Dr. Williames, Pinsk Pilla may bo hsd of aIl druggistas or direct by mai[- from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from oituher addresa. The priceai whioh tubs pille are sold make s course o! treatu- meut comparstively inexpensivo as oomparedwith otuher routedies or medical treatment The Public Liorary has at last sup- plid a long felt want by the issue of a càtalogue of the books which are now at the readers disposai. The amal sum of 5 cts as charged for the work 1.0 defray cost of pninting. Mr C E Westcott Ieft on Monday morning last for London, Ont., whers he has secured a position wth the flrm of Hobbs & Co., bicycle manufacturera, as traveller. Mr Westcott should be a successful salesrtan un this lune. he being a connoisseur o! wheeîs of no mean order. We wush hum success. The Checker lacrosse club, that ancient and honorable. great and glor- louis institution wa s organized for the comuing season with great ceremony and speech making in the parlors of the Ontario hotel, where about 5o en- thusiasts gathered for that purpose Iast Monday night. The officers elected were: Hon. pres., G S Wallus; pres., T j Overend; ast vice-pres., A Ilamil- ton; 2nd vace-pres., j j Holmes: capt.. Sam Weeks; sec.. [) W Rutheriord; treas., j Ross; com.. D M Smith, W Murray, H McKunnon and S Weeks. The outlook was very ably presented un a short speech by Mr D M Smath, who showed what could be done by all pushing together and workuing ta put the Checker lacrosse club once more at the top of the ladder. He revuewed the history of the club and offered ta come out and practise with the boys and do bis share along wîth the rest of the bovs and at the same turne traan up the litle Smaiths to do theur dutv b y the national game. Nir T overend S speech was also one o! encouragement and the enthusîasin manafested by bas hearers, af sustaîne(d throughout the season, lacrosse ought Lii boom withb b great bug boom durang 1897. The meeting broke up wîth the club*s yell and cheers for the queen. Sînce Beaverton has adopted con- crete sidewalks a- the wàlk par excel- lence we apptenidthe following Instruc- tions for ts cunstruction for the use of those of our readers who max' be dus- posed to ]av' the saine as garden malks: . 'To lay a cont rete swalk about a12 inches deep and width desired fill in about seven ]rnches deep with ver> coarse gravel. and after ratmuing t down welI cover this wth sand or fine gravel about one inch deep. This us the foundataun for the concrete ta rest on. The concrete should be four anches deep ndilmaxed(up1n nth& fol- Mr Taylor in au engineer on the Domin- make another mixture o! fine gravel or ion Atlantic Railvay, bis mun béing be- si!ted coal ashes and tar and spread on twéén Halilax sud Kéntusille, sud hé is a thin coat, caver it with sand and ral one o! thé mont popular drivers ou thé or beat it well. This should be well riad. Whéu askéd by the reporter con- rarnmed. Before it has had time ta cerning bis ilinesashé saisi : "It was thé e h ufc hol esrthds spring o! 1896 that I hasi a severé attack sttesraesol esrthd5 o! kidraéy trouble, brougisi on by con. as ta hold the top coat. The top coat tînnous runniug on the road, and 1 snp. as made as !oîlows: One part Part- posé it in causesi by the oscillation o! thé land cemenL and 2 to 2$ý parts cleama locomotive. ht afféoted me but slightly fane sand.-Express. at firat, but gradually grsv vorse. 1 cnosultais a doctor andi thén triési two or three variation o! se called cures, Borné belpesirme for a timé, but after atopping A FAMO[JS lMAN I thbe use of ibern I grev vorsé tban err 1 basi noticesi numerous tbotimniala an What Bisa Ressarcbes las"s Done for the theé papers oonoerning Dr. Williams' Vorid. Pink Pilla, andi réading of eue cnrs that AUI suecesaful andi vas almosi identical withl my own I de- distinguiahed men eiadsito give tissai a trial, sud purclaased -.- harpé imitato-re andi four boxés at a cosi of $2. But it va» Dr. Chase, the, veIl- 82 weil spent, for 1 vas completely knowu author of surési by tisenueof thbs pilla, sud havée -Chatses Recipe Bock. foL m ains. > ~ - -~ pro reitn o eceptions ntbean troublesi vitb aykidnéys sinetule. Dr. 1 eau iberefore recommensi tubenito C"i - aela discoseries ochérs sioiliarly sfflicted."'. bve ~ssa-pretend- Thé experience o! ysarie bas pros-éd . v t rivait, but au thai thraêin, absolutuoly dnr diseas, due to e quahs. ai vitiated condition ol tube bloosi or Long fsc ae n t f ic shaittéresisers-es, tbat Dr. Williamus' Pink D& CRASE, reearcbe producés Pila yl nt pompulyocr, asi uboeChase'@ Kiduey-LiYOr Pill-anad Clases Pill wil no prmptl cue, ad t os iaitm>nt. thé hrt a certain cure- 2<3w who are suffenung frous snob troublés ashl kidney. lis-ar, etotliMh, bis4êOt 8ui&- vousi voii siue xbuey andsi av rhu aibe troubles; thé latter ste~ moucy by puQIptly reaortuing to this lute specif je for- chroüifb d off*nsi0, tuestmn. e9t he gonuine -Pink Pillae k<ss diaeaoe. Aaaooq eg aeotites- dw6ve-, es-eus-tîre neud do ipot baipermuades t.7 ver. CIa»elg C&tarrit cure sud ('hane81 take an imitatigon oat ome cuber remed,. 'eed "cdTUea'<Xcds AI frein a dealor, wbo for thbe sake o! di1. ibiita extra profit te hioeoI =&Y7 sy Ita "Ju8t ufactureus, EdmauoM îltu & CII., us goos." Dr. Wîlas'p ill a oPn nFDicre Lombard atreet, TorohntoO 6iý visesathegmodollaiJ aL.500.000 saaspee -h 1basO'5 Idm*7L4rý [Dr. WliJI uuallsh >l1Isus sIdi 0lyPilléansd 100,)000 uaMPl# E ' soiszesbsm-lngtis Or'strde ar ents. The- ratura tuebr t i4- îc bzm brin thefir"etrd Bas- ho'v auch they vire" "druppore (ph). Bai &me lre tribitttuao ýM - lu slnd Dr. WWhu au Pille Mie eb. < ud --gj i«~ ~ »M-e 8dla bulk Or b>ylise doses or &utwtanee âdiorns seas-~ henbdrs, sud ty mW i ho àera suis-and alS rée* 01, stits..'à 4 $kizWIlng 'to ddfrui 1sI0 tgu uI$ý' * . . t I i _______ 1 GOOD WOMÂN-BÂD HEAIT! 'Vbeai Could thé Life of a Lovêd one be More Uncértain thaai Whén Attacked by H émut Diséasé ?-If you have a Hint o! it Have Dr Agnéw's Curé for the Héari Alvmys at Rand. It is tuhe only Remedy Whicb can Relies-e you àn 30 Minute and Cure You Permanentuly. -This is to cértify thatu ay vife ha been a sufferer from heart diseuse for ovér tvénty yaiara. Aftér having tried doctora and remédies innuinerable vituh- oui bonefit I paocuréde two botutles of Dr Agnev's Cure for tubé Héart, and she bu receis-es more benefit f rom it tusa ail thbe doctuors and ail thé cures usesi beretoforai. 1 amn pleassd to csartify to tuhe excellence of this vonderfual renîedy. "AARON NICHOLS, Peterboro', Smeituh Tp." A Duaksrb mExpooi. <'I tried a botutle of Dr. Cobuaê% Syrup cf LAi- seMi sud Turpentins for s trouiblesomeaffec- tics of the ibrost,' write. Marnager Thoinu Devson of the Standuard Bank. nov cf 14 Mel- Isourue Avenus, Toronto. " rsetefcie I regard the reusedv us simple, cpean sd ex! eedinély gocu. t. ibas itherto boss my bh, it to commuit -a physicisu ia troubles of this nature. Heroufter, bevever, 1 intend to t My -ovu fumily doctor." Tbe Dominion lins bus ordered a nov steain- iaip frein Barlaud & Wolff. of Belfst. It M~ay mavp von inas sud monos- to b. in- fouinaitht bat len s-ou nesd a blood-purifisr, ros'p iursaurflain the- kind most lu fas-or vi tl, e aped Iprofession. It is the stand. qkr4d unit, suetMthse only bbeod-pSiller admt t<iutet the Cbie*o World's Pair. Soe" kn toe -r SM4fron tise T 9 W#uklti Ooupuy sale ai HaSiDIJ, li UE C W, Bomis, Dreeosdn, 0èt, u i ilbt ti.tbaabavetaev00M 1*'i,~:~i~ the asioui sars> Mr. lUttas Street bus Dot hunded dovn bis sieision yet i thbe ce aet QDuinvs. Oilla, au action to Upset tbe fire limis Dy-law. The case came up ut tarrie last week. Afier lir. Quinn andi Mr. Wm. Duun ad given evidenais, Bis Lordsbip aaid tubaituer. oould bai no doubs tbaitubhe building wu.&a breb of tbe by-law, and tbat tube decision vouid hinge upon whetber tbs by-law w aS valisi or mot. Mr. PépIer, for Mr. Quinn, sr- gued that tuhe by-law veut beyond tuhe powers of the counot an requiring partial ly destroyed buildings touIbe rebuilt wituh main walls of brick snd aions. He also raisesi several technical objections to tube oy-law. Mr. McCosb appeued for the town. Thes'. vers quit. sanuber of vitnessea on botb aides, but lhsy weré Dot called upon. Other tovais are quite as much intérested in the case as; Orillia, for an adverée decision would upset moat of tube fire limit by.Iaws in the province, and no doubi the gravity of tie situation us causing Bis Lordsbip to weigb thé maLter well beforé givirag a doois-bon. Har-vi".ohaft4a The reaideaice o! Mfr. Neil Jarnieson Mt. Siavin, wastube scene of a very pretty weddiaig on March 17tb, tubs contracr.ing parties being Mr. J. M. .ohneton sud Miss Maigie Barsie. The bride, wbo is s siatuer o!flirs. Jamiéson, looksd oharut ang in s creamn costume witb natursi foyers, and was attended by Mise Janet Johnston, who vas handaomely atiire-d iau fawn. M r. Will ilarvié, o! H wk a tone, did thé honore of béai man and ably saipportéd thé groom tkrough the irying ordeal. The e orimony was per- f.irtned by Rev. Dr. Gray in Ltae présence o! a few o! thé immaaedjaie relatives of the brade sud groom. After doing justice 1. thé sumptuond répast provided for thé oc casion, thé happy coup:e left for Forest Hill, their futursebhome, where upvsrds of one huaidred gués weloomed thsm. hestowiaig tbeur good wiabés and con gratailatuons, aftér wtîcla a mosi delight- ful eveninR vai sapeatit n dancing, music, gainés, etc. The bride recéivéd many handsorne prés4enta froan ber bost o! friénda vbo joiti in wasbuniz Mr. and Mrs. Johnatoai mauy long years o! weddéd bliase aaid prospérity.-Timxes. Attractive Woseua. Wby as oue womeai attractives andi notha'r not' Théeanost cdnma-a bléand attractiave thang about an attractive wora in ber wolmaaiiaiss Ersrybody adire@ à wornanly woman. Sb@ muai bavé beaith, of course, becaugé wtbout it PhA would loue thb binées.off ber eyea the fauines, off ber cb--éka and her vivacity. Real héaiab rmust maéaithst a womaaa je reslly s wo- Man. That oabs j, atrnng and perfect an a @ex- ual wsy. s. seil s ianaevAry other. That as in c..pabie off perfermine péerfecily thé duaisof maternity. Soins are bora, witb wbat as caa¶éd .cntatntionnl weakness " Thosé vho do not enjq perfect hesitb, need oniy také abs propér precautiîn and thé propér rsonédy an becotué pert-ctiy welI and atrone. Dr. Pierce'@ Favor. te Presceription wial cure &Diy derangemuéat of the dittinctiy fenniinaisorganisma. Sénd 31 cena@ an one cent clampe t t World'a Dt..penaarv Medical A4ssaasan, Puffalil, N. y., snd recpive Dr. Pierce'R 1008 pave "Coin. mton Seaise Medîcal Ad%îseea," illuearatéd. ÂÀL Strong Points AmOUTur Bu .B 1. Tts Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Economy. le. a dose. Regu-d«theStomach, Liver and Bowels, remove luthe c ionmPuri troe a oonand A Nerve Telegraph. Cukpersons frequently owe their ir- rasc îli ty to the wvearing of unt-onforfabié A ~-~t-riustelecr-i hy exists between tlue ner-ves of the feet and the brain. Dr. Brownî Sequard telis of a patient who, whlenever lie bore upon his great toe becamne vio- I, lently iinsanje. The bisection of a ner-ve cured hirn. Constat though slight pain from inflamed or compressed feet wears upon the system, as Y) the falling drops of water do 7EiubeUpon stone. ose' An illfitting shoe puts an ac- cent on trouble, and shrouds enjoyment with a xnurky veil. " Siater Shoes " have more fit-more of the beculiarifies of feet in their ska/*s, than any other maké. They have camforl first-appearanc next -wear according to the leather selected. A tag tied to each pair tells just what it is made of, and the service it wil give. Goodyear Welted-makers price stamped on the SoIes--$3.oo, $4.oo, $s5.oo. ý ro m. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. ~~&s»~&am umm MstalemMW* M» f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =i Wod' hipodoo-n img, "wblch nmonled te Jsuw*rlý a.uplm uis y~W-~p thMM lbds.s-assmb""d boen nted b W uèeuwtdp11i toW*fsgcvosb.pae...bua wWs Ir~ê*~ i~SPI'i Mrwodsoçhodhm m , su uu- tst1$ 0s VI 354d r e* o 1 y g r Ik 4 s, ~ g ê4 . g ~ sl tmwobs tv.y. UM ~ elaowwIPt'W' 2 usuels, ià Has-lug movedi nto our nov prembiss, ve' are prepare ta tutetend the uge of busine. ----l ork pàrtalsng to the hurnesu-Making andi saddlery business wi11 b. dons tai satis- faction. Collan a upeeiaty. Cal Md ase my shop ansistock W. CALVEBLEY, Second dloor veut of olsi shop. Dundas Stroet, WhiÎby Iailway TMme Table GRAND TRUIRK AND MIDLAND SWEET CAPORAL *CIGARETTES 10C. Per Package. Stand ard of the World. KINJNIEY FFOS. NEW iYODxU Honestly made (frauiof pure Rubber. Thin, Light, Elastic, Stylish, Modelled each Durable. year to fit ail the la Rubbersshaes Extra thick bal and heel. S.old everywher.. They Wear 1ke Irou. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MIDLÂND DIVISION G,3130 NORT3-IDLAND STATION Mail ............ 420 aPm Mil........et................ 640Qp m MixesTo LUau.........640pa Xixed ýF oou idso........860a Maxi l .... ................... 86 M mail........... ..... .......... R:40 ipas DOMINION BANK. Oàpital Paid up, - $1p5000000 arn arn sin pa a m a m pr Sp as ýpa Surplus,- - $1,500000 W"hi-tby A geuoya Gainerai Banking Buoiness Transacted. SAVINOS DEPÂBTMENT. lutereut aUowed ut highestourrent rau. Nonotios of withdrawal rquired E. J. THRORNTONO Manage FAIRBANK'S R>eal E 8fat e Column, Small Frame House ad 'Lot, corner of John and Byron streets,* Whitby. Will be sold very cheap. LOT«S-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, nortlx ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, north ward, wiIl be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine twc story brick boume, with brick stables. Situated on Byron ut, Whitby, the finest residential street li the town, wîtbin three minutes walk of the post office. There are tbree lots of ]and with au entrance on two streets. House in perfect repair. For particulars apply to 1- FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Wbitby, Ont. V/M, Y/OS OR, and Y/TA LITY RESTOôRÊ] IN 30 DÂYS. GO EFIECTSAT. ONCE. OAT0N'S VITÂLIZ. Cur«esm.ral or ap32u2dalfittywskoMui moga, masmaeoe iuA., mpe- t.u.y. Perestsetc. ta fualma L 4tsordewu, .aussd by sucreor suceuses quioklY res*brulmIo$ Uuale4 ftuoldor youug, givin viffes andadsreagm i wmfori- mer weakneum prevailol. Conveuisut puok&gs* simple, effetuaIMd lunit IgIM t.' CURE 18 QiJIOX ANT TOBOUGII. Von't b. deceiveit by imitations.- Mstai on douSe'otuIae.»saleitU m41r utru- CAON àI. Co,. BOTON. MASS. Meuisrs1 vere hapu 1 million s-SAINS GozoINWISTIWAZD No 8, Express t>aily Mail.... 5:481 No. 6 Limited Express*......... 6,24j No. 7, Local, except uundY ... - 081 No. 18, Pasienger 64 .. 2-641 No. 1, Express, Mail daiîy-....8:061 s-SAINS 0090 O ATvAID No. 6 Express. daily, excepi Sun .. 8:121 No. 4 Express, 1' 9:571 No. 14, Passenger si " 2:871 No. 8, Local,# 6:221 No, 2, Express, Mail.dy.. 10:071 ..ow" do- ..0

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