w lut ~urniûctc. OSHkWA, APRIL 2e 1897 OSIIAWA PAGE Farinera wilI do well to call at M. E. Isys for boys' ready made ciotbing. Mrs T Sweou--y, spent asat week in Tor- onto. Mrs Stauton visited with friends in Toron- to tbis week. Mia Geo Hall, Hamilton, is the guest of Mîs johnston. Mr J James spent Saturday with Bowmnan- ville relatites. Mr Chas Dingle, Chicago, is visiting bis relatives here. Miss Kate Talbot, of St Hildas college, arrived home last week. Mr M Finnegan is expected home to-mor- row (Saturdaji) front his trip. Mrs John Luke is the guest of ber sister, Mrs W Young. East Toronto. Mr Fred Robison, leit ibis week for Man- itoba where he will reside. Mr sud Pars A Law returued home last week from their Pickering visit. Dr Thomas returned to Toronto asat week afier a pleasant visit wiîh relatives. Miss J Bickell, Bowmanville, was the guesi of Mr Fred Bickell over Sunday. Miss Olive Lotint, Toronto, is the guesi of ber uncle and aunt, Mr and Mnm C A Jones. It is beglnning to feel a little like spring but bang on to yo-jr lannels a while longer. Miss Etta James, of Bowman ville, was in towu over Sunday the guest of the Misses gýonds. We may need a hospital, but do we flot need a bouse of refuge more t han we -d ) a hospital? Tbe tennis club bas re-ornanized and bas been allowed the use of the courts in the park for the year. Mr Wasson, of Peterborough, has heen Ps ying bis friends of Tauniion a fart:well1 vîsît bcfore leavin g for Rossland. Dr McBrien, o! New York, bas relurned home. H-e will assist bis father in tbe dis- change of his professional diltues. Last week an old resident of Osbawv, in the pervon o! Mr Frank Brandon, wenîto the House o! Providence, Toronto. Mr Will Rowe returned fi m Belleville business cadlege on Saturdsy. He bas gone throughi the necessai y business course. Miss Lena Thompson, of Mrs Whiîney 's millinery store, has received a situation il, <Orono and will leave shortly to commence ber new dulies. We are pleased to learn that Wmn McCaw bas succeeded iin getting a Kgod sit uation tl' McVilles grocery store at the cornier of Richmond and \ionge S--t, Toronito. Dr A Pasroe retuined frî,m the Toronto Medicai College on Saturdav. H-e was ;,c corn ianied by bi& brothrr Arthur wýio bai, been iti the hospîta) havîng bis e',es tneatedý WVe are pleased to sece that one of Our churches is rpaking ail efliirt to raie tigiINe to swell the India faminle turd On the îo'.h of April the )ourig ladies of St Gorges Sun- day scbool %vill rive a contcert in be school roem. Admission silver collection. We hope the scbool rooni wîll be packed. The free lesserîi given in art needle wvork titis wînter wene appreciated 1w' a numiben of %)Ur citizens, but teachers are (omilig in April witb a muc.h betici range of patternas rsewer desigiis, and noting tii sel. Ladies bring their owîî material and gel the iin- struction gratis The necessary supplies are %.o be bad at Liti les store. On Mondav nighî the following officers wene elected in the S () T tor the nert quarter : %kP, Si-, Alice Hobbs , PW,%P, lro Wallie Foster; RS, Sis Maud (;alloway , A RS. Sis Flo Bennett Cond. Bnci Ed Win- ters 1 A Cond, Sis Annie Burgoyne , Cbap, Sis Sarah Fo-ter , FS. Bro A Hall, Treas, Bro Ellis; OS, Bîro Geo Cbarîey , 15S, Bro Walter Thomas. On Mondav evening a meeting of nearly Bras., Mr Carnaghau, Mr T Fry. Mr Haver- son, John 1 McLaugblin, Howard Btos., Henry goberison, Robt Lugdeu, G Swan- son and Henry HalleIt. The employees were the only ones admiîted to the concert. Among the principal features of the eveniug were the "Irishmns'essay on the Higher Moral, Intellectual snd Physical Training oi~ the He," by J 1 McLaughlin, the breeder of biack miriorcas, sud music by the Kyle bros. The Vkidlator's Joy The Vin, bas several columus to spare tbis week to enable Its editor and auouy- suonus writers to pitch figto the editor of tbe CHiRoNiCLz for resentlug an insult froru the inew and inexperlenced town constable. It givea a tae acconi o!bow the tbiug occur- r<,cl lmug ltat Mr. Grgaas sepped sgalst , wo anud aiea fslsely states ibat afir à 5 brc lohice Mitae Murton bad Îound I&W to baek lup ithe consable in ail tlhls poig on ilsat lie ta do0ng.Tbere lu Do sucb Iaw, an'd when the ditor -of tht. CIIDORUCLIS iitd Mir. Ijurion- and *sked 1ldau to point ênm aiy pC.b stahite, the4ate addusthis, sud W»auucb n lri b« the Vin.ii. uld- aave made scb en aser- tioo.W. art oai oeitc zFer to any matter W*~çDOctsiS rselve*, but smre case light,au4in s the e eperbape bundredl i I - C1ahaw Who ave bad the amre experience t4is > zreeéu sud o0Mlus policeme, nsd à ," ofra- thieri cm nreadtly fit oui' protest ts bb"n >e. lThe Vin. tries g .io Prp lis ~t~~1tb* liesbJuaiy<th -à o ad- ltiksAidéonà t -*batutht ilau là . m='d vé o auyîhiug further than name cousuaittees. Ont iv named to get statisties as ta the site sud tht cost o! erection; anaiher ta canvass tUe people ai tht tovu sud the manv chuncb- es sud societies ta find out vhat iselp tisey wilI give; a tbird ta fiel out sud ascertain boy vucb institutions are mauaged lu otiser places-bhoy fonds are secured sud boy tise internaI tconoiny la vorked. Thon Mesurs, Murtan, McLaughlin, W. F. Covan sud Fowke vent appoited ta find oui boy mucit can pnebably be Uad front gavernment or cunnty granis. Dr. Kaiser txpressed tise opinion tisai if an hospital sciseme vert floai. td tise tavu sud caunîy vould bave ta pro- rvide bal! its nunuing expenses, tisé probabli- lies bting tbaî government grants vould psy ont-fout, sud tisat patienta wonld b. able, to psyone-fouirls. Of course tisent would b. a gireat deal ta expect from soçittits sud churcises, butthiat cannai bc vtny closeiy es- tlmated ai pntseut. Sncb a scieme vouli! b. an advsumage ta badges mlbich soinetimes bave trouble lu fiudlng à place for a siclI tbrother. No betten wsy couhd b. suggested of celeisrating tise Queen's diantond!jubilee tissu Ibis of making comfort farthtie paon or tise sick, au! tht public spînli of tise tevu tof Oshava appeans ta b. awdkkeued t e âtiut Iîy o( tise proposai. Th bsiness of-carry- a igg ont tht sciseie liasjau nov reacsed tht stage visere tacetbenewont sbemes feun- en-visenethtis alking I lu i fdoue mu! tise - orIt bas tb b. ndentii. - luletaiy to t shli but tise vonkung partt tihie oui the eu-, tiueas i dly.- On. vrould :be.led to hope rtrous tise mauner 10u witisiilaïbe-me bas b..?en -taken uptiht It vii ti câtried to.soae 1!LVICUMtIbarber. alimace ubmni, W. are pleased tai lerru that Mr Win Hare bas surccee- e! lu obtaiuiug s goad position lu Guinane's store, Toronto. A meeting of the Oshawa bicycle club yl take place this, Friday, evtttiig, bu thse roorus aven thse Reformer office. Died lu Cedar Dale, on Saturday, Marcb 2th, Martha Porter, relict o! tht late Thomas H Parler, aged go years and 4 ruonths. Sec the uew wagons, carts, velocipedes. baitmocks, balls, bats, fish pales etc et Littles. Longesi flvh pole lu towu Y5 cents. A number o! the fniends o! Mis Manuena o! the Iaundrv, surpnised ber on Mouday evening by taking possession o! ber bouse sud amusing therusilves as they plea-sed ilîl tht wee vms' houts, A party of vouug people drove ouIta oMr Walters on Fniday evening lasI whene s pleasant lime was speut lu gaines sud dancing. Kyle Bros., the popular orchestra o! Osbawa, supplied tht music. R A J Little bas jusi given a lange orden for the latest and besi assorted shades in bcçlding paui's sibk, aîso smre stamped lînens. This will be tbe hast assoriment af materials for art needle work that la ta be teen in iown. We are pleased to seethIat tht achoal board la flot îaking auy ateps ta bave tht intermisson in achool booms doue away wiîh as it would be cruel sud lu humnan ta confine children in a musty school nooru fon thte hours at a lime. Now ibat the ronds are geîting dry a petîtion is guîng tht rounds o!faIl mer chants, etc., on Sirucoe sud King vtreets, tri bave ibose streets sprinkled during tht dry wenîber, sud thât au extra tax ut placed on pnopeniy on these sîreets la psy for tht spri n k Iing - B onu bii Oshawa, ou the aotb i, tht vile of Mn [)uncan, of s daugbîen. lu Oshawa, on the 21-4, the vife a! Mr Keersteiîd. of a daugbîer. In Oshawa, ou tht 2215d i. the wife of MrLewis Hungerlord, of a son. lu Oshawa, on tht stad inst, tht vife o! Mr Elleswonth Anuis, of a son. InuOsawaa, ou the 25th ins, tht vife o! W H Wilson, af v von.- Tht admirers o! lacross met aI tht Queen's on Wedntsday nigbt sud argauized lor the summer wiibth té!ollowlug officers: Hou presideut, J. F. Gtienson; hon, vice WXm. Lauchlasd ; president, L Sîedbam, vice, T. M. Kinsman ; captain. C. Cravley; ltas, E. Cbubb ; secretary, J. G NotE field captain, Arthur Courtice. Tht club is ta be called thé Maple Leafs, sud the unifon will he green shirt, white ttand visite knbck ers. NexI meeting Apnil r9tb. 'Some anonymoita individul-no doub, oue abose ntisconduci bas been exî o4ed in Ibis journal-is allowed a coluun in tii. %vtek's Vindicator to veut bis hiddeu wrath upon our head. As a general thing auauy- mous writers are cowards-we know from editorisl expetietîce-as îhey are always seekîrîg to bit somnebridy ehsg vithout erpos- ing iberuselves 10 jusi crilicism in reiurn %Wb'en a wrîîer bas to aigu bis nanie be use- no vucb filiby larîguage as is used hy tiis back stalaber'in the Vindicator. We bave- no replv 10 maktibs onslaughr. His bid- den position lastîufficient ta expose bis mo- tives sud sîsiemets. The îown board o! education beld a meet ing on Mouday eveninz, and speni almîssit ils whoile sessio'n dîscu sîng variios acherne! to tîlarge and impruve the lown's scboot aqc conmnrdation. Trustee James bas an 5iSox scheme for makîng an addition 10 Mar%, sîreet %chciut; Trustee Bambnidge bas 52200 seheme for buliling a îîew scbolil. the- n<înhwest w-rd ; Tru-t"e Thomas bas s scbenie ton bîîi;ding a new higb s-boul in - vear or two, asicd n the meantirne imonovin, the bireseni prenisea so as Ici gel aîong. Mr. Bamnidge's s-berne îvas anlopied t0 the ex tent oif ordering that tenders he taken, ho noîhîng (unibî-r i.. to bit dune utithe be o-ire sits on tht plant once more Sevensil l5di'- of tlie îîîsv-Mesdanies Hsmrlii, Willianms \Vhiiing, MorIon, and Rohson-appear.' before the board as a det-iiiation in favon o'* havtiig classes for instrucetion in plain cook îne as provided for under tht new regula (ions. Mrs. Haînhîn spoke for the depiuis tion and saîd ibat tbroîîgbî back o! insinuc- liouin econoasîcal cooking marty petple 1 vasîed s great deal o! substance Ibat couîd be m-sie up in palatable diýhes. She sug ge'-ted ibat s cou-fpeient teacher be engageai ici give three baîf bour bessons eacb week The ladies ofîbhe depiî,t.sion aud orlier bouse keepers would Se willing ta psy Ion iustruc tiotîs sud domestics coubd also attend for a Dr. W, Gea. Beena write.: Dr. levers bas beeau fortannate enosrgb ta produce a preparaion ('Quiokoure')wbiob really hau no rival inithse Mateis iedica of deatistry. I have investigateiii merita, and find it, withont emoption, t.he most useful snd conveeni preparation for the pIrpose I bave met WUS. W. know very well, toc, that c1bainiatsali a lot of preparatiions whioh do mor*a ba'm iban good. Promn personsi ezpeeo, and. the. unanimous verdies,«t Dr. tavatta'con- fieuus in Quabeo ogity and moutuial, w. bave na besItation in reoomnnnding iii. Préparation.,nIou ly as ane rnvaluablo addition to dental tharà pyr. buas-a iaui ily friand in emergeunie., ýWhere ami0"- notâat once wsaeb -tise dentist."- akk UsAt D.. N To.-Oaeerr for a"l, ksserbâl, Wed. dings, Suppers, ietc., m*W. Ao»a&Ukindi i los. HOULPUN - 'Whttb - s&tage un. LeaesOua'a i ta m sad 2ipym.rnd Whitby at 10 arm>n d p mn busS Ouais, ýmaisufacturet 01 fi(e cavriages, carts, wagons, and ail kinde 01 'cuttersansd eidowbe. Ropairing a speolalty. JORNt BuuwiR, painter and decoralbr. Dosier in Wal1papers, ceilling decorations, paints. oit, malnlshines, brushes, wlnde* shadês, etc. JAxsa Pst.igw, dealer lu etovos, turnaces, tin- vware etc. Large stock kept 'oonstautly on harad. Jobblug a speciaty. aimco. street noriih. L. K. HUISTON, B. A. - B&Mflser, SoUlotor, Notsry Publie, Oomivoyaneer, &oc. Mouey ta lend. OfIRce oser bllrnlnion Bank, tBlmoft Street. Oshawa,. D.E. -MAT.-Lealer ik Ozairies. anyChna, Crockerv, Tinware, ud ancy sd. pure Tosand Caftem.;Boy@. resdy mtade suite a specla.tp-very theap. FULr Baos - Watchrnsktrs and Jeveler. Doins n uvainhes, cdocks, jewelery, oliver. vers spctaces, e unrvlng, gold aud afier pla Ici. ud ild rings rmade over. Finewath, ock sud Jewelery repairlng a BLACKWATMIE Our tasu wcek's correspondent 15 a very, rbougbrful ROUtI,. He thinks well gnow despondeni, Wben we lase aur flowing bowl. He nes ta slight my little ihyme Wbicb gave hlm such as sock, I guess il hurt bis corns- About Bill7 and bis crack. He calls my rbvmiug--paeîny, Which is greatly out of place, He @hîgbu my à ugenuiry, He daesu'i like my taste. He says a% for aur ridicule We're welcome ta our fling, And yau bei we're going ta have it Yes. in spite af every tbîng. Now as for aur opponenîs, Tbey, are ail folks that I kuow, Who go ta cburch on Studay And perforru, a holy sbow, They give ta yau their cboicest smile, And on you seeru ta lean ; Their glances sweet would soon begquile, Wbile tbry could cut you memu. They think thsey bave wonked wandens Witb ibeir Uitile bit of spire, But insiead ibey muade a blunder lu the view of public sigbî ; Tbey imagine rbait froru Gladstoue, His liceuse ihey hase snatelied, But tbey shouldu't count their chickens Before the eggs are batcbed. So me didn'î like my rbymin t heu. Some thooghi it puîîy droli;, Llon'i worry fieuds 1 do nortbink We'll baosOui flcîwing bowl ; In wishiug you a fond gaod-bye, I pray vou do not mock, Because I*m just as raruesi As wheu Billy broke bis crock. Bauos S<îR. Blackwater, Marcb 3otb. r897. T'YREONE. A number of cases of chickenpox is îspoîied around bete. The contesi ai the division was nol decided on Vburaday eveuing hast. Mrs Cneepei aas in Toronto hast week order- ng a nr-w stock of goods. Mn John Rysu is aîtering bis fat er'sluera ii (ircenwood ibis week, Mr Geo McLaugblin and aile, of Oshawa, were visiiing ber p.tnenis laat week. Mî-s S Farewell bas retunned after a ta, nonihs vîsit ith-îb rîends in Hamilton. A nrober of frierîds spent a very enîovabl- ime i ibeborne of Nir snd Mrs Hodg1son. t3roukside, ou Wednezdiiy evenîng of I-est wtek. A subscrîption will be taken up ai chtch ncat Saibbath înorning in aid o! the Indian F'amine Fund. and nu doubt tbe congregatIoL ,4i I gise libera-Iy. The Ladies' Aid of ibis place bave ruade ibe chir a present of a nea baoging lamp wbîcb %a- veny acceptable, îhey bave also beeri doîng snie utee'ed repairs to Ébe churcb. The membens of the J unior Epworth League wene prioograpbed ai the cb,îrch on Fniday ast, and also a numberof Young men who werî coiting wood for Mn john Colvîlle. ECNNISE&ILLN. Mn Nelson Davey. of Pickering Township, bas becu visiling ai Dr Miicbells. Mn H Pye ta exercising bis agnicultural abilities n tbe intereat of Mr Web:ey Oak ibis sumnier. A new lor of maps bas been bought sud placed i- or-s- ol bus, u -nakbfore they-v- Onte night recenîly a tramisb«, gang of mnauly-looking feminines, gr. îesqueby artir- ed, were obnerved lu tht nortb yard. Thev wene baving as btap of fun suongsi Iheru- selves as tht>' wetît along, laugbing sud cbaîtiug, andai lnally disappeared in utht ne h. dent-e o! a well-kuown ciitizen, îvhenethîey undoubiedly had s ïoyous urtne. An article o! 'funitu ne" notice7i on an adjacent doot step tht following moruiug-probahiy lefi for thet milkmsn-wvould indicate thai tht p.urtv was s sort of donation ont. Fatal Accident at Valenlia, One ut tht mosi distresSiug accidents that ever occumreai in ibis section took place at X'aientia on Tuesday. It ap.- peýrs ihat about thrte o'chock in the iftlerneon Rabert Bruce sud William Crozier were eugaged in cipping a horst ai Mn Bruce's horst stable. Thse animal becamfe restless, netliîking tht operation, and as- Bruce*stepped back in onder te make tht horse step up it kicked viciously withbobth feet, ont toot sîriking hbu aven the heant, breaking stveral tubs aud kuockiug him back au tise floor. Tise irjurtd min quickhy jumped ta his* feet and turuiug araund came toward Crozier, who vas tht enly ont who happened ta be ini the stable, aithougis several youug mren o! tht neighborhood bad been present a fev moments before watcbing the clip- piug sud jokiug sud Iaugbing. Bruce waiked in a short circle, but seemed unable te regain bis breatb, and then îbrew ont bis bauds appealiugly ta Crozier, vbo uook biauis n bis arms sud carefully laid birn down. Several per- sons wbo were utar by promptiy cause to thse re.sctie. Tht injured in was canveed te tise house, while a Mes-, songzer was despatched to e e Brit- ain. fur PDr HaIll, Mr Bruce neyer re-; gaine! complete consciousness, aud expied about iftcen or twenty, min-> Uates .aiter.tie =iedet ad efe m iciaid amrved. Tisê ~ u CsalsAlLaworLali Týhere lu net ahispecultion at Ottawa andeluewb=r as tô the course th at vii i olowed là yt h e .gove rn- g m~ent in regard teothe lien laborques- tin.Tie geucra opi'nion, ulien Mr' Cevan of SouthI Esseï ga'aiotiae his allen labor bu wu* thtat'tb o ttnflsstt avssMannoùdcëstee n --the frà t. SOUTE nAultl46TON1 There 19s s'on to be a sockain, . aid of tht shed ftind. Mrs Paower. of Bowmanvhfle, visited Mis John Truhi. Somne farmers bave trets tadped sud are making maple syrup. Mrs J Meicaît sud Mns Butterworth, visited Mrs W F Curtis. Miss Edith Rundie, Ebenezer, is visitiug Miss Maggie Oke. Miss Armstrong, of Torouta is visit- ing ber aunt, Mrs Jenniugs. rM Royal Hall bas remaved te a4r Wm Laws farm, which be has rented. There was a wood bee ai Mr John Witherag's; but no wedding as report- 'ed. Mn sud Mis VanCamp attended the uerai et his brother, Mr Lewis Van- Camp at Port Perry. There was a large attendauce at the Endeavor meeting, sud enteriainrueut, on Frîday eveuiug. the proceeds were over $7. Uxbrtdge Majen John A McGillivray was in îown Monday sud Tuesday. Tht Major looks well, sud seems te be bearing bis Chicago-Toonuto uewspaper neooiety wîth bis usual good humer. Mr John Wright, ot Hamilton, whom we mentioued last week as a prospective purchaser et Mr A C Wiley's bakery business. is in town again te day sud will, we are intormed, close tht deal. Miss Alice Bacon ieft yesterday te, neside with heu brother ai Ciaremout. Miss Bacon was an active memben ef the Epwortb League, and her depar- ture wilh be negretted by her many tnienais sud co-wonîcens. Nupti.ai A very pleasaut affair took place st tht residence of Mn sud Mis H Kelch- er. ef Toronto Junction. formenhy ef Uxbridge, on Weduesday of last week, when their daughter, Edith, vas wed- deai te Mn Robert Keisey, a C P R brakesman. The Rev L McK Il pen- tormed the ceremony. Tht couple beft ou the afteruoon train for a tour of the western states. Messrs H G Park, F Moouey sud MW McGuine, et Uxbridge, aud Mr R Shedpard. ot Sutton, have purchased ten acres o! land at Jackson's Point, -md intend fixing itthe coming sum- mtc-. The land is uicehy situated, lv- îng about a bal! a mile West of Stoufi- ville-on-the-lake, aud havîng two sides fronting the lake. Shoulai the propos- cd electr;c railway trom Toronto te thie Point ever be compleîed, this will be a valoable piece of land.-Times. LINDSAY Tbursday, evening basi Norman, tht youî g qon of Mn Frank- Palen, cil tle nortb narci was industriously apli:tine lindling in ibe wocidshed, wbeu be mîsook bis left foot fir -1 stick. and hninging tht axe dlown onitt the ooolo was cui open andl the-large lue ueceivmc a kasb ihal nequineai sevi-ral stirches to hriril the wound togeîber. Tht lad will Se con- fned te' tht bouse for turne days. Mn S P-errin bas a curiosity in bis nu drug attire in the shape of a coctîmber pre- served in abcobol iin an eighî ounce houle Some tbirty years agyo it grew wbcre it nom resis fnom a vine util the boule w;is about filled, wben il waa nîpped off snd tht inter- vening space fit-ai wilh alcobol. Tht- "-frui" ha green sud natoral lookîng, snd presents as fnesh sud lempîiug an app. an- suce asa webl preseî ved old maid. BARGAINS Doit: -IN- ani :halle 28 LUN ESe INOLUDING-4%5e MEN'S FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE SHOES, MEN'S LINED RUBBERS, LADIES' LINED BiJBBEP.S, LADIES' FELT BLIPPEIRS, LADIES' FELT BOOTS, laced or gs.tters. LADIES' FINE FELT TUIRN SOLE JULIETTES. Musi 6e sold b>' Mar. 291hIo/ mnake room Jor our Sprznig Stock. JOHN BAL E, Simcoe Street. o s A W A. Repairilig a Specza/ty. C all at PELLOWSI aud ste his Wrought Steel -AT- $p50.oo. Aise his COAL QIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- ip5.5O to $25-00. This Man-.flm* minister, and that when it cornes be- fore thbe bouse Mr Laurierywill announce that it meets witb bis approval and will have bis support. In this way Mr Cowan wilI retain control of the bill, and its chances of gettiug througb wilI be as good as if it were a goverrimeut one,-Watchrnan. waut bo beUer their positions, and wouid be con- tent for a yýar with $6oo and expenses. Write us, with disctiption andi occupation, and we will maire a propôsition- for now or the future. Also needed, reliable men for Australia. Write to- day, for we are in a bare. THE MANAGER, 49 Richruond St West, Toronto, Ont. SPELI-ALi Hau a Dose of IPRINTERS INI In Éis Eye. We bine a space in tbis paper and pay the printer for puttiug ink ou il. Then if the iuk strikes your eye, we have accomplisbed eut object. The more printer's iuk we get in your oye the betten for our business. You "e the point. We want you to read our ads., aud we want your trade.1 Getour prices, we are offeriug BARGAINS in aIl hunes. Ste our large assortient et RINGS iu aIl styles, at ail prices, for ail people. You are wanted by. The Jeweler a.nd Wa.teh Specialist. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch our Wiudow for Suaps. Grand Trunk ]Ry. Eastor Holidays- FARES-Single First-Class. GOING DATES-Tickets înay be sols! Tuesday, April î5th, ta Monday, Apnil i9th, 1897, inclusive. FINAL LIMIT-AlI tickets good la netuin leaving destination not baten tissu Tues- day, April 2oth. 1897. SCHOOL VACATIONS-Tickets wiii be tas q ed to pupils and leachens o! schools a.1 colleges at first-chass retuin tickets betweeu ail stations in Canada at one way final class fane snd ont third, on suni-ender o! standard certificates, fortn 26o, signed by thse Principal. Tickets good goîng frotu Saturday, March 27th, 10 Sainrday, Apn t7tb, 18W7, inclusive, antd good to returu leaving destination flot haler tissu Tuesday, Apn7th, 189-,, inclusive. BAGGAGE-Arrangeenutshave been made to check baggage thTugis fron Thse Oshawa Ry Station la aIl points. For ail information calon or write la OSHAWA. R. C. Carter, Agt. A. Painted Floor ia econornicaL Il is tasier to taiereacm ofibhaua dusty, iseavy carpet. h is more beaihful because it is cleaner. A nicely painie! faon vkïh a neat rmg, gives any roam a citan, iidy look. THE BN ERWII-WIWLÀMs SPECÎAL FLOOR. PAINfTýý' lu madc ta vaflk on, and la stand bein vke on. I i la de for gflaci , sd nolbrng . It is thse best floor pein tblia: uisbc nm e.. D~ur boolet, O"utPelais,"teisls any tbinga.aWoul41k.t kuov about peints, and ils Ois. Il teleabot lbest pa its user foi abelves, cuphoards, baseboards, bath tube;e bnggjSes,, boase firin tools, hanses, bans., fesices, etc, and Wby',tbeýi are besi. for itto-day, it itfre. Cur peints;are soldby ose ten -thouaanddealns:' For booklet, addrmas 3 St. Auboine ,Street, Montres)e YO U WIL L WA1 Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Eclipse Dy The latter at 2 cts. a packa Moth Camphor, Gnm Oamphor, Houzehold Arm Large Bottie 10c., full stre A. H,.ALLII. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. WHrrBY, - - ONTA Eatablished .1849. Whitby Steam, Marbie and Granite Works, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. Silth (P'ormenly Wolfeudeu Works porter sud Dealcr ini MARBL] GRANITE MON'UMEN'TS, 9 tiselateat materiai and desig-n kinda of Cemetery wark. Oui guarnteed.1 .SBD FOR DIESIGNS AND 1' WINDMILI -axa- Geo. AJlin Selle the. Genume AERMOTORý of Ci Iulendiug.punchasens should exami miii befone placiug tUeur 7orn D an agent put au imitation onyU can gel tht Genuine Aeîvnoton, ibor galvanized, sud vanranied, for less More af these milis sold in Canada than any othen make. Tbe Atrmn diaim tbey sel ont bail tht nu rubeir n mili outhits sold bu tise world, ait the turne. Mr. Wîlianmo, o! Onangevifle, s autdits duning thse psst tisret ears. AUl styles * Wood sud Iran Pn sale. Any information ntgarding these will b. frtely given-by wriîing ta, t Vs Febis 897-6tuo. GEO. ÀAU WÈ"STERI BR - 0F CAl Capital Âuthoixed $1,04 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. Joaw Cow.tei,,Es-q., Presideut. T. H. lWMMitt.aw,-- Dra4fts .payabte lu.ail Rian adaUnitdStasad -on Londo pa ablMe, n& PuaU n oft nE um pet cen and"cr tocoUe' VOL. XIL. Spring Ti.mi IL7-