The Chronicie; WHITBY, ONTAIRJO, FIRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1897, w Spring Time YOU WILL WANTI Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, eclipse Dyes, The latter at 2 t. a package. Moth Camphor, Qum Oamphor, Household Âmmonia, Large Bottle 10Oc., ful etrength. A. H. ALUIN, Cl-IFMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - - ONTARIO. Eatablished 1849. whitby sienm MarbIe and Grandte wcà s' Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, (Formerly Wolfenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer iu MARBI.E AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest materiai and deilgns. Al kinds of Cemetery work. Our work gruaranteed.1 2e-SEND FOR DESIGNS AN PRICES. WIN DM I L L S. Sella the Genurne AERMOTOR, of Chicago. Intending purchasers should examine this mil] brfore placing their order. Do not let an agent put an imitation ou you when you can get the Genuine Aetmotor, thoroughly galvasîixed, and warranîed, for less money. Mure ol these mills sold in Canada to-day than any other make. The Aermotor Co. claim they seil one hall the number of wind- miii outiLa sold lu the worîd, at the preseut t ime. Mr. Willlamaon, of Orangeville, sold 127 outfilt duriug the paat three years. Feb 7, 1897-6mno. GEO. ALUIN. %v'il HITBY. WÎSTERN BANK OF-CANADA& Capital Âuthorized $1,000,000 Surplus 105,0001 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JOHN CowAN, EsQ., President. REUSEN S. HAMLISI, EsQ., Vice-Pros. T. H. MCMILLAN, - Cashier. Gênerail eanking Business tmaacted. Drafts issued, payable in ail parts of Can- ada, LUited States,,sud ou Loudon, Eng- lasud, payable lu ail parts of Europe. 3%4 per cent. aîlowed on Savings Bauk Deposits aud creditedhbalf yearly. Special attention to collections of Farinera' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Wbîtby Branci. W ANT-ED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Meu or Womeu ta travol for re. spobsible established bouse in Ottarie. Salary 878o, payable $t5 ceekly sud ex- penses. Position permanent., Reference. Encloselsel(-addtessed stamnped enselope. The N ational, Star Building. iChieagO.-r7-8. j FAIPvIFoi? 8ALE TItb South Xof 1Lot 791Com 7pEset Whit- bjvcntaîions 130 actes, more or lerts, in- gýjnngfron 5 ta xla acres bush, masýv beecnnsdmapsi- bi.buildings epuat*W<f - - à x34 teire frae bow9wtb, estênulouy large ba 1. wtth stout cellara, borse»tablê )tay barn, drvigý shed. etc. T*er. s -~-elksc spoorchard or 12.5 troe, This ftrma, wblch>s) -We i Snat e- ritt>y, l inthe t LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, cEBONICLE COKBSPOINECER. Mr. D. Rets ha-a beeu quite sick with the grippe, tà &înrproving uow. Mrs. T. H armer, of Peterboro, la visiîing bere- witb ber d&ughîer. Mrs R. S. Parka. MOrs, W. C. Heard, of Epîromn. l visitugk here tbis week witb ber daug hier, Mrs. R. W. Ewers. Mr. los. Misuro is quite sick with inflama tory rbeumattsm. At Ume of wntiug he ts b-er 1er. We are pleased to note that Mr. snd MsW H-. Haves are rheir lai.e sickuess has given tbem a severe sbakiug. Mr. Wmn. Pee»rson. jr., of Cleveland, Ohio. came home on -Safurday ro attend hio fahers uera. On accotant of the pressure of work, he was forced! to reruru ou Tuea-day morning. Mr Jas Graham, Dalrymple, Mr S H Grahatm, Wbîrby. sud Mia Godwin, Belleville, were bere on Weduesday ro attend the interment of their relative, %the laie John Grahamx Mr and Mrs W4ardrer, Souya, were also prescrit ai the funeral. At tbe numnerotas cood bot this wioter some fa-st work bas been douec wtb thre saws. sud ce now cali for records. Recently Messrs. Frank Hewsou sund Chas. Wales cut four corda of bard wood in tbrer boums.If sny of our readera bave don@ better wi- would be pîmased to have au a-c- courir of Ir Congratulations iO Messrs. las. McClintock aud W. Boynton fur having succes.%fully passed their int lrîrm exams. ai Tnmity College. Mr. McClintock very nearly massered a scholarsblp, wbîle Mr Boyntou. sith the experience of only hall a years sork ma-de a grand abowir.g. We hope try ma-y bc as succesa-tul ru their future at- tempis. An ifort is bein1z put forth to organize in cou- neetion wth the Sons uf Tempérance lodge bere. a baud of Loyal Crusadeis. To ihose who do nor undersraud it îhorotighly wé sould add, that the work is a junior division for thet' utile folks, lu places where bauds bave locaied the children bave taken a greai interest in IL We hope the par-nts wiliileud a hepn adt make it a tuccesepu adt The Sous of Temperance offilcers for the en- suing quarter are as follow, W P, W D Muro. W A, Mtiss D Parkîu, R S, P C Gra- ha-m' A R S. Miss L Martin;.1 réas, Geo Lyl,-; F S. Miss A Partin; Cha-p, Miss A Ret-s; Con, Fred Lyle; A C.on, A Eweri; I S. D J McLeau; O S. Miss 1. Parlas. P W P, Wm Holtby. Div- ision wiii meer ev"ry Friday evening during the sumîiner mou tbs. It tahoped tht members may put torth ai> extra rchût ta make it a grand suc- Council meets on Mouday. -sud one seat, that of irsi deputy reevé, ciii be vacant, Mr. Weîr haviug resigued and gone 10 Manitoba. lu ail probability therc wiii have to0 be au electron. Dame rumor bas ih ibat Mess, las. Baud sudd Wm. Real catI u. Bath gentlemen are weil known tbroug'siout the rawnahip, sud a lively contesi would be thre resuIt, should a pole be de. mauded. We hope, bowever, that such mai: nor bc the case, ai ilwauld be a pity ru put thé townbhip to the unneces.ary expeuse. The largear lutterai thar bas been seos lu Reacb tor mauy a long day was that shieh ac- compauied the remains of the lare Wm Peargon 10 their lasit est iug place ou Sunday lasi. The gsthering a-t the laie home of the decea.sed sas ru itselt unusually large, but as the processiotn wound its mourulul ca-y rbrotagh the township every concession hune ooutrlbuted ma-ny sorrow- ing frîeuds sho sert cuber laie ru aîartîug or cent deterred from proceeding further by thr unfavorahie zondtion of thre roada îp some i0- caliries. Arrivtug a-r Asbburn the remains were mer by s larige corcourse of people a-mong wbam Mr Pr-ai son bard formerly spent a-o mauy pleas- a-ut years. Thtc inpressive service of the epîs- copalian cburch, of whicb the deceased bad been a-hife mem ber, sers conducîed by the Rev Mr Flereber of Port Perry. %ho alsoi delivered an impressive sermon in thre Preabyterian claurch. the foundarion of wbîch cas laid by the deceas- ed in 1857 sud was the first sork of importancer uudert.aken by brui aftér bis coming to Canada in July o! ibat ysar. Mr Pearson ca-s ccli kuocu sud most highly respected througboui the iength sud breath af rhe county where bis word was as good as bis bond. Monuments lu bis skîi as a sorkmau are everywhere ta bc met with lu driing througb thé Midland district Churches, scbool boumssand priate. residences such as those of tht laie Geo Rickingboltom, Jas 1 D;ividsou sud jerry Lick. bear citucs 1 bis handîcraft, but morsenduning than ail aI ihese is the uiemory of bis sterling quafities that wil long beccrished by those wbo bad the Pleasure of bis intima-te acquainranc.- Mr Ou Saturday uigbt Mns Da-vey rccived a tels gram froin Enniskillen, stating ber nepire, Mr. Sylvrester. sa, dead ansd bis son dyig. Sire sud ber sou Nelson left Dcxi amening to attend rire funeaL. At a meeting of the Irustee on ulday nlgbt tht prosposal of Mr. West cas agrced te, ta ptsrcbasc su encyclopedla citir tireprcooda of the concert. Fic dallars. as added fa ai for tirs purpos fet cting leather bluadîng and a copyingI Mr-. Bd. Webster. Ixie of Duluth,cas home for a couple 4--f days. HR e oc managerkif Duan & Cos commercial businmess irsatate ni Mountana-. VN/e nderstapd ibTIs las oocisitua- dion sud ce congratulate ont aid uc i n hïabi P0ris. Alffl Mr jas Butnet spent Titesday ýlu Brook lin. Mise A KayeswhofWoo40e tlie bs beçu -Nisitîng with ber gurandrothmer Mga ýHayes& bas retter-ued tcuber hoçis iii ue. - Wettare tsnry, to repon t wt - Or Patron mercbssnt, 1fr G Ho maun u 0!tnd --bis bell cith a altack ofthela gfippe alo his, (allier tr las »tilfiaiL - ,Mrjsiup t$eprgii uudo and piftts OO * b pdt k PORT FERRY. The ice will soon be oui of the lake. Mr J B Laing arrived home on Tuesday from Kamloops and vicinity, B C. The pupils of Miss Florton's division wIlll give a concert in the towu hall next Wed* nesday evening and they wailI be pleased to sec theiri arents and friends. It ia said that Geo Young, better known as George the hatter and his chum are malt- ing their way to town from the east. 1< i. a long limne aince George s here. Mrs Curts will give a floral at home next Wednesday eveuing to &Il that may be pleased to go, this lady ha. one of the choic- est collection of flowers in the town. Tbe piuk and white social or the Sons of~ Temperance held on Wedndsday eveuing was an enjoyable affair, everyone present seemned to enjoy tlîeuîselves to their h e arts content an excellent programme s given The methodist Sabbatb Scbool intend holding a concert in the auditorium of the csurch next Mohday eveuing when an excel- lent programme will be given by the schol- ara of the school. Go snd hear the Ihte folks. Jones & Co. and Miss Thompsou had their millinery openings last Priday aud Satur-t day. The weather was bright and suuny and in consequence crowds of the fair sex were to be seen inspectiug the beautiful things of the millinerv art. The ladies werq- lavish lu their praîses of the pretty bats and bonnets on exhibition. Memorili ervice. A memorial service lu counection witb the decease of the late John Graham cull be beld in St John's Preabyteriau church next Sun- day evening at 7 P m by the Rev R White- man B A. A Good Investment Last week Mr. H. Parsons took the initia- tive step lu circuiattng a petition lu towu asking signatures of the ratepayers of Port Perry askiug our towu council to take the necei-sarv stepa and proceed to buy the pro- perty known as the Central lait grou nds. It ia well known that those gîounds aud buildings are the best of the kind est of Toronto. The town can buy that valuable property at a very treat reduction on its original cust, aud it should be owued bv this corporation. Mr. Parsons es successful in ohtaining uearlv every man lu town te sjigu the petition. The petition was laid before the council aI is regular meeting last Mon- day evening and a commitîe e sa appointed to attend te the malter. It la to be hoped thRt the council welli sec is wsy te secure that propertv, as it wilI be one of the best investments that the town could possibly bwy. Mr. John Graham, one of the early pioncers of Reach township, paased away on Sunday asat, and waa laid to rest in Pine Grove cemetery, Prince Albert, on Wcdnes- day afternoou wlth ail the respect aud honori that a sorrowing public could bestow uponi bis remains. Deccased was born in 1834 i-n the townsip of Camden East, aud ehen a child of two months old was borne te Reach townshiip in the arms of his mbther, bis fat b- er. Thos. Graham. haviug come west a fewi months eariier to make provtloii for bis (arn- ilv te followv. The homestead was taken up ou the 3rd concession of Reach, where John Grabam died. The deceased cas the youug- est of a large family, snd cas neyer s very stronc man. Poor hcalth drove hlm (frnm the faimn into retirement several times, and ruade hi. farmiug operations a great burden te hlm chenever his neyer dyiug euergy urged hlm to acain take up hi. wouted avo- cation. His charming good nature and bis unlimited but uuassuming bospitality were proverbial. It la net sayiug s word too mucb to add that throughout bis life no man ever bad any cause te (ccl aggrievcd or vex- ed ai auything John Graham did. Wberevcr sickuess or sorrow eutered the borne of a neighbor or relative John Graham cas there te com fort sud assiat the distressed or afflict- cd. To accommodate muybodv waa an op portuuiîy which gave the highest pleasure to hlm. Dcceascd vias twice married. His firat wlfe was Jane Boys, a resideul ai Mani- chester. Thirteen years âgo he married Sarahi Jane Daniels, aise of Manchester,1 who survives hlm lu great sorrow.1 With these in tutu deceased lived lîappilV,1 aud as a result or hi. second marrisite a boyi of eleven years survives him. He was ai-. wavs in comfortable circumstauces, and1 leaves bis widow sud son pravided for. His1 runeral on Wednesday cas attended by a1 rull represeuiaîion of the citixens of tItis9 part, for snd near, and cith them I joln in extendiug to the sfflicted widow snd cblld1 the fullest sympathy in their sorrow. W. J. NoT-r. Worth Knowing That ouT prices are 25 te 4o pet cent. cbeap- et than any other undertaker lu this dis- trict.* That we have the Best Hearse,. «d the fin- est Casket Wagon und Caket Sîigli lu tbis couuty. That ce conduet funerais clîli decoruin That ce take more pains clionco ak than do the ma>ority of lUudertà kèns That ce use kîd and lisie «loves --nsatead of cheapeýotton g loves That ce use -appropriate door . and aras drapes. fine foot rnags, beatatifut pd. tais sud draperies lu black orwllv e That ce deliver ail Cashets sud l-Coffius lu ont Casket Wagon or Caskt Sicipli. j That ce gise every order ont persona d j prompt attention. Je8sop Fmpn-iture Co# W. J.- 'PT. . MLNUaau iPort Miss Barba-ra Wa-lker la home an a visit. The ladres of the metîmodist churcir purpose gtviug a sociaIou tht evening af Good Friday. Rev Mr Stewart of Sunderla-nd cull preacir a miasionary sermon lu the methodist church next Sunday torutng. Reese j M Real started Io plougir the matin. tain on Mouday. This ts the firet secdiug oper- ations that ce bave heard of. Mr W Peuhal's sale ou Mouday cas largely arrended. and muai of the tlXlugs iold a-t gocel pnces. We uu'lerstand Mr Peubal luteuds re- movlng ta Torouto. The Pedrick benefit contert oeime off as a- notanccd on Thnr-sday eveuiug. Th1w almost im- passable stste of the roada kept mauy si home, bt tbsre was a lsirhv good attaudauoe. As- aitance cas expected in the programme by (rom other parus but tbey did ual (noc coubt ow- ing tu the roads) put lu su appea-rauce, so the commitîse had ra dépend on local talent, but that la ual auy prool that ir c.aof au lierior order, for ce eau îruly say tisa-t seldotu iudeett -bas a- beiter, cItanet- or more appropria-te collec- tion of pieces been given, or chere the audience were soattentive and plea-sed. About $2-o cas rea-hzed. The follociug la aà report of tis e tsuding of tht scain l the senior division of lte Green bauk sehool for Match. Class IV. j Taylor, M Jamieson. B Till, E jamiesen, J McDousld, C Phoenix, R Luké, A McMillsu, N McMiflan, M Peilts, Armor MrMillan, R Burns. M Dua-îy, L G Mark&. L Cragg. D McArtbur. N t R Phair. R McDonald. Sr 111 Clasa-. G Love. L Oliver, F O'Neill, D Isuson, W Oliver, "N Mîichie, E Saluer, E Miller, Fl Cragg, H Bryant. G TillI,J Phoenix. G Burns, A Duaty, E Phair, G Burreti, McMîllau, W Rta-I. Editb Finir. Jr 1WI Class. A Mchfillau, C Gulley. M Tay- lor, War-Vtd, C Love P Real, D MeMilIa-n, L Leaslç, E Frankln, J Carnegie, W Leask. Geu Miller, Teacher. AIJDLEY Rt'. A. MeAulev, of Pickering, preaches bere nexi Sunday uîoruing ai the ustial hour. Peter Perry, a! Greeucaod, ba g a-lun en- gage ith Richard2 Gutbris for thre summer. -Me farina of thse laie Alex. Ogstou bers cere bot hy Robb Brams a-ta reasonable figure. &gr. and Mmis. J. O. hamn. of Uxhrldge. speis Sunday cith ber brother, He"ryPnlkey bers. Most of our people attended Jno. Pocer's saln on the Kingston road la-st ceek sud report ibat-it cas the beat sale îhey cere ever ait. Cat- ti eut high. b#. David Hall ha-s rented the Bailey farn and, 1as moveel theroon. We welcome aur aid neielbors hack sud hope ibcy fiud the And- lcy i1r conigenial. MissE. ULinnl ecomne ack tao ur neigbh- hotbuad again. She bas found mauy frienri, ber-e aud ce hope abe eau stay. Miss L. Linton spent Suuday here. Titre is no bappier 'man that Mr. I. Pilkey at preat-ut. He waîks arouud cîîh it> content- cd smile which ouly the hp a tïer-ta bounc ing boy ca-n assume. Rev. McDouald, af Greuwoad. takes tht bour of tbe league ou Tuesday evening next ouitis bis 1,Lifri of Wesley . F. O. M cQtray led thse Ieaue ou Tucsday asat. Bén Witliamson sud famitly have deparied frotu our midat sud gone ta region of Pickingmi. Mr. W. sud cite havé heen quiet sud good ueigbbors sud it la cia-b regret ce sec thein go. WVili Collns, aioftubarton, cas hère au Mon- da-y seeing about the rentîng of bis houa-e sud lot here ta Mi-.. Ma-rt. of Pickerinug. Audley must do somneihiug ta (Ill ber empty bouses. Came along fr-fends. F. M. Chapman receiveel word thal ira bas beén appolintéed h ie général comm.ttee ta of- ficially visit te Suuday school at Freucbrnu's Bay sud Duubartou. R, W. McAvoy, afiKKn- sale, la- ta visit ours lu s like capaciiy. Mr. T. N. Davey cas lu aur midst for a- fe days ibis past ceek. His ma-ny friends heis te- marked bis good eppearance aud indeed bis cl- corne everychers ca-s hear-tv. WemuitTcn- gratula-te hlm tapon bis hsviug pasaced bis medi. cal exams lu Triniîy. Hurry up friend sotira-t ce ca-n use rire corda M .D. Saine anc cblspered on anc cf Ibose shlny marningsawahile ago tisailise suckers crere up. Uloe the stir eoftisa youuq ladcira ca-uts to go barefoot, or cicha-bils citis loud deligbi tise e- ight thé returu cf rbe ea-ple sap. Tic cord seed ta pois tram ainé tatise othet citis a sort af sprinug sublimnity, nsud accu nt igbt-jack cas pulied ftrm ont the iray-lIt sud thse ele spear btougbt dacu Iteils ycar's roosi sud downwe go. Wbat spart ce have 1 '*Look, dte gos one," is lise signal for tise funan d soon the spea-je are. everywber but on tire fiaIt, clie goo& nat. nred Bill is haIt in tise creek. Watet le nBO 01- Mepi. arc"vi Mr. Wm. Hall-ba-s beau ma-king maple syrup. Seserai in tis section base cemmeucedi placîug. Mrt Geo Tremble has move4 unto bis nec fa-rtn nea-rliaple Groes. Miss Lillie Penfouud, Tytane, le visiîing (rienda lun this neighborbood. Wmn. Mundy iras gone ta Btigdii te belp iris brother John for the suminer. Some frou aaround here atteudcd tish-e of G L Stevensý, moviug some timber or tre purpome cf erectlug a building a-b Cies, chere he Is going ta sped the umeser. lire S El lir and. oamzfwp. .uîîsAac Mrt J Ha-tris caled ou the beys Saturda. c-s cii Mr-W F Haneybhasireenin our mldst of li-snd1 late. Vancapt W. ueticed Smillh Cochrane lu ont midat 1fMr. Cham this ceek. 1Mr S Rusd Mrt Lyman Gleesota le conflned te thse lit. and bouse tbtougb sleui. We hope te soon daugiter.1 sce hlm ont agAis. Muse Ma -lMt Okç-of Wbltevsle officiated lu Ibe tbesfiium sety inuotto sd ppfédetavo sermon te ltadthéir c a- god cofgrogetion. -Tbey hve-commenced t10 hold* cottf prayer meet nluibis appolnt.entm.lcijo finst wus beld at tire pursonge Sunday eten-Jj lug. The attendenle cas not very lue. MrGerryasd famullymove4 tato Tt% nem frkun hfrteia ~ -ic -~e Everso. ls'sick citr grippe. Misn Hanivishted tbeuaster ons iyer meeting on Tuesday evenlug ata-ended. Mros ereTrait slited et 1r es Malt bas lately been eugaged wlth the Bell Organ Co., but bas also bad a long expei- ence an lte farm. diss EtItel Skinner, Dreis Makeri Iusb. clas work doue ievery resp«t.,-- Ordmr taken at lber residence or -sewlnÈ doue et the boracs of cc«tamra Resldetci bil mile Inorth of roo stsato, IJus. S!Iuerrs. DEALL ~a~uP W A KoNuuzoe~ 't 5--Issuer *1 Mautage- Uoôussu~ HopeI laiagj9- ends. ter'~W Pery -ont :ls CBruoewbo bu.,bom vo b4U ib"n tustaedtoLa eglihiguIa. WC are sôry'to er oi b lpgr5~ w'sooasaiUable hoeslmswe Ruorun*l maaIa bi fiah -ù é. I -~-J7-4i5. - VOL. XIL. NO. 19 ELACKSTOCK EROOKLIN. Mr Augus McI.ean Ieft for Winnipeg an Mr Albert Chinn is lu Toronto on the Monda-y la-st. loolcout (or a situation. Mr Wes Clark at timne of criting, la uat l IIMi- and Mi-. Jas Patterson of Uxbridge, being able ta teach. accom pauied by tireir sou Roy, speut Sunday Mr Thos Swain la haviug the sheds of the cith Mir sud Mrn T H Wilson. Royal I-VoIc rebuilt. The annuel cburch service lu canncliau Miss fenie Prout is in Toronto, wsitiug with the 10O O F ofîbe village clh beel in ou ber sister, chu la- ver-y sick. the methodiat churcir owu-Snda-y, i8th unst, A nuberof frmes arundheearea-t 3 P im. mAkn umbrapi armraduarudhre 5 Mr. Fred Kingsbuiy, cho bas ireen here makiuga-ieytm te udlsu ar. Mrwlth bis a-udt, MiesSpencer, for the cinter, Quie alielytim R th taiypul aIMrreîurued ta bis home lu Michigan on Tues- John Beacock's coode on Tuesday uighl day hast. la-st. The methodlsî Sunday scirool is being Mr Peler Hait ha-a q ite recovercd (ram supplied citir a nec libtary sud tire aid bis receut illuess. GIad ta sec you around books areto t e sent ta a conuple ef needy a-valu, Peler. sciroolu iu tire home mission field. Mr Robert McNally bas pnrcbased tht Mauy farmere base eltber sta-rted, or are dcelliug bouse aud bar-utas shop a-t present nue making preparations te start placiug. occupieel by Mr Biugha-m, tram Mr Wr» If present- conditions halel ont tiers ciii be a Taylor, af Part Perry. full tutu eut oun te la-nd neit ceek. The cvii eflecta- of the receut brutal dIs Edura-tionai sermons cili be preacised lu play lu Carson City ar-e, ce are sorry ta sa-y the methodiel cburcb next Snuday-ln the shnciug Ihemselves lu ont village. Que mrning by Res. J. P. Wilson and in the expuen ofthemauy at, ailng a fud ieeveniug by cither Dr. Ha-te or Rev. T. Man- ocu sex , practiced s fec rounds on biselwfe uing, of Whitby. the other evening. White shirts, iaundnied sud unlauudried, Tis folocna ar lie ofierseleed orand a-il the neccai linos irn colored shirts, our Division for tise euauing quarter. aud white shirts ciii> colored fronts aoc ina Wortby Patrlarch, jas Simpson, Warthy stock. Prices range fromn 45 cents to 51.25. Associate, Maude Goodman; Fina-ucial Holliday Bros. le - Scribe, Mrs Norris; Treas, Harry Dunsiow; Rec Scribe, Ma-ggie Wotleu; Chap, Mrs The meeting of te Presiryterian C E So- Ircin; Couductor, Niolet Goodmani; Assist- ciety next Suuday eseuing wiii ire under a-ut Cou, Eddie Robinson; Seutinel, joseph the direction of the mlsslonary couarnttes Raison; S Y P W, Mi-. Reisan; P W P, Wmn aud promises ta he af special Interest. Ps- Bradburu. pers are ircing prepated bea-rlng on the BL&CK ATIMcork lu four of tbe churc'. fareiga fields-, ELACWÂTEKviz, Ttiuldad, India, Honan sud Formosa- Tic sac miii bas. cammenccd operations The singing cull be made a (caturc of the this weck. meeting. AIl che can attend cl be cor- The pi-osent anc ha. becu a- sery goad dia-ily ceicomeri. sesin for- augar makiug. An Unique Social Fa-ll cheat aud other seeda seer» ta bave Tire - Daugirtera of tire Churcis" inteuci cintered el l. giving a- C C supper lu tire sciraalroom of tire I notice tha-t my pactical frienda cwere lest prcsbyteriau chut-ch ou Monday evening, ceek delivereel af another poem lu cbich Aprilt I. a-i 8 o'ciock. A good programme they tell of the general depraviby cf tirase ciii be provided. Furtber aunouncement ho tire the other aide of the lîcense ques- uext ceek. tion from themselves. The public, irocever, The commitîe cho bave charge cf the ueed not bace faithirnl humanity on accourut preiiminary coi-k neccssa-ry for orgauiuing a of this gloomy piclure paiuted by tbem, as public lrbrary irere, are daîug very ccii. If their conclusions are somnechat ta-uiîy. Tbey the udxt hec days' ca-rva-a prove isuccosaful appear to timk ib is about the catit crime the libr-ary in certain ta go. Al cho ar-e on the catalogue ta appose grantiug a sbop readers, or cho Ve iuterested lu makring lic anse, especially if tisé perpetrators go to this a rcadiug comuuity should join at churci or speak iu a friendly ca-y to those once, ou the ather aide of tire question. Tbey Rev J B McLaren prea-chcd a cbiidren's thernselves ca-n fa-ver grautiug s license sermon lu thre presbyteriais church.lst Sun.- citer because of friendshîp for tit, pr-osent day. Tire memnber-s of the Sunday scirool liceuse holder or because they belueve lu lIl- sat togethet sitirhe front peca-. Tire lext cas- ceusiug, but those cho choose ta ta-ke the taken from lire. 1o4t Psam-"The trees af otrer aide lu thia- free country are actua thebbcLord." Tire discaurse cas divided ilubc too apitefut and mean ta live. Such reason-4 îthree parts ; chat trees are gocel for; chat iug as this needa- no repiy. Mr. Gladstone they require ; sud chat recoms of dcad and tbey thiuk ciii continue ta gel bis ilcense. utreima treca. An approptiate application Well, maybe. councîl bas cas mta-de ef ca-ch of these points. uuiauimouaiy decided to ehiat it oansd tbey There is to be a j ubi lce examina-ieon lu the have power ta ix the number. They, no senior depa-rtment cf the public tchool ou doubt, thought these r-bymes could cork Tbursday udxt, a,5tb ina-t., a-o chicir tiepiib- cauders but as ce said Ico ceeksa ago it la lic are iuvited - From 910 1z2.30 the reguiar not vsbly importa-nt chat they sa-y sud Ibis school exercises ciii b. hcld, sud troua a ta 4. ceek we sca-rceiy îbougbî it certh chile tou eterta-lument ciil e giscu- for chich reply. ASJ special preparalions aie bcing ma-de. Tis w iii be a se" interesiing day Worail ciao- Idr. Fr-auk Lewis ina elilunderlire cn-Jcan attend sud ih leboped that m-y cli ther. 1 seau lireinselves ai tire opportwnity nSc ai- 1Res Mr Oak preacised at Zion on Sunday Itteti. le a large cangregalion. U. W. J. Thomson, cho hia been managid Mr £ Wilsou ciii assist ta lookaalter the' ing Mr. F. W. Hodson's faim for scieral fia-b ponde a-t Gien Major this season.I inanlbs is about leasing te tuke a postion la Mu Sa-m Disnecy bas acrareri the services! Mr. Hodseu's office lu Toronto. Mr. Thonm- of r Smo Adinon orthe suimmer. sounires been a bard corker' cule htem and cfMr SWmanRAdns son forndi hePaebas succeeded ilu making muny ituprove- Mir W FenReJdote Woistlii b-nding tie agements on the fa-rua. We are.glad te kn.ow cirefene su lie Wodstck îradili lia-t he bas Itad lire opportnnily of impfrov- Mr andl Mrs C Disney cet-e ai Grantan on1i mg bis; pesilidon aud cisirhM success, His Friday last aîteridiug the faneraI et Mr successor lae1Mr. ltamues liri, et Guelpht, cho Disney's alater. 1 is uoc moving bere cîtIt bis fa-mileý. 1r. NO* 19