Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 3

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- i - - - t- - PA INE'8 CELER Y COMPOUND 1! Saves Sleepless, Nervous and Despondei Il People from lnsarnty. j Nf, i o o ~0/ o NI, No, NI/ o '3 NI, Nf' o Nf, o >1 c-EAT MEDICINE HAS NO EQUAJ Metijoal men ot t-ho hgheet standing, suDd a l0tetof et-bers cempetent te jutie, declaàre mîat Peines Celfry Comupound i@t t-bu ouîy efluotivua medieîne for t-he ban- 'aliment et atil t-ho troubles t-taiead t-e sleep;essness and ineemnila, In t-be spring eeason thonsantis are resîles, tàetfuI, nervous, deqportient anti gloomny. They fiud i imposibe teoh- tain resîful anti sweei sleep, anti soon bo come phyeically exhusted ; seme already are niera vrecks of humnit-y. Sîîch sîifînýere cannot wîîih safety tri6ek with leeplesanessud cotîtinued unnreet AUin îa noh a condition doînand i mmed laie eurcor and aîd before nature be romea t-ou overtaxeti Thet weakeined, exhausteti anti irrît-at-etisystem usnt be strengtlieneti, For every fernu ef eleeplestqnoe or in semnnia titere te but one remedy, one healer; it ie Peine's Celeny Ceompound, A Butter-Making Device- (Fnom Sat-urday'e Globe.) A number of membu,,-,.of te L-.au. nt t-be only taedicine t-bat acte Fn a ruly natural vay t-o preduce sleep sud perfect- rest-. This vendrons rornedy et nature shoulti be used at- once if satistactany, anti immedjate nesulte are dosireti. De net altev yonr rt>n-dovn, narvons systeru t-o lead you t-et-ho very brin ofet the grava in epriug t-me, Puttîng offm-iI only omplicata yonr t ro u biesi, anti deeper m ieervy wl boyenura. Use Pine's Ceîery Compoundi and yen are assît eti et perfect- siti n ot t-eha oa Stoinach, kiîlneyiq andi liven, andi aveet bleep wîli h o yur lite biessing. Get «Paine's," the kindti -at oure. Reruemben t-bat t-bore are miserable im ttators-ce tory preparatiens t-bat- are wortbîesis anti danuerous as velI. Asit vouir dieale.r for 'Paiue'st' sud take no et-ier, if yen soek for lite and bealt-h. t-bat- by feedinz t-be cattIe et> roots mc albumen m-as createti in t-Se miik, ei t-hie net- being propenly and thorougi exîracteti fnom t-be butter fat- an interi iena and lily VI llie L.-jeta Legtslature, who are intereeted more or article was prod uced flot only in tante loge in the dairy induetry, assembed Fni- but in preservati ve qualities. In the niew day morning at the office of the National procese invent-ed by him thie did flot af fect the quality of the butter at a.l, and CreaeryComany 732 Yoge treitfarmere night without fear feed cowe on for the purpoae of examirnng tfltA a reis what ever food they wouid eat. Climat* proceas of making butter, wbich, itle c>5 ngydid no unadtesm clajtried, wili revolutionze the whule in qalcof but tercunt, and athe ame dustry and bring incalculable benefite iniqaiyo utrcnb auatrdi ita rai. ]r. . -Brtu.eberfor ainter as in aurrmmr, gxving ain eflrmoua ite rai. wr. . brtu.e er i m pet ne to the induetry. As bis8 procea North Brant, bad made arrangemente for ~etrl uîmù oaiiwane the meeing, and with him were the fol-i cd and no hazard wa.e rut> in the manu- lowinit membere :-Meuser. Anidrew Pat- facture. The smre quantity and the tullo, South Oxford H H. ar, North a Renfrem, R. Truax, South Brc s anie juality of butter cari be produced, Ilohiisîr. Brue A ie said. frotu equal quaîîtitiee of the IoiirNorth Waterloo ;E tC ar, penter, North Notrfolk ;T. L. 1Perdu salur ik.h ieM.Coewsepan WKerlnt J. Hggty. Mrh'ouh asîiring hie proce-as butter wa@ being rmanu- erlo ' . Hggety, ort Hatirgysfactured, and exactlv haîf an hour after There wa.e also preoent MIr. 1). NI. Mc- the air h;1d lien turn-ed to the receiver Ihereon, a large Glengarry dairyniar r Y. ý» utte-r hâd gaihered at the top oif the The new procesw&8 uxlatiuîî by Mr. jradwi ae u ob rse o Walter Cule,lite inventor, whui113 arraiig ja a T hewa taeniboutotohe preged f ing to place lite patenit tri the Lands of a tur li e wr.h-nenibu-re of tesegîsla. comanywhih wll perte l i Caiad. watthey saw, and wîthout doubt the The thnee prinîary essentiase in the mantu- àa uuewl e hsneu n o facture ut butter accondîng to thie mt hod nu-ar ft ur, iil encthuse flaa oe are a suflable tenîperature, a suppli it itOtiiofeaiue air anîd a supp'y f pure creami. Thent iii), churiiing t,., be dune, tiOc butter ýa i Poisonous Plasters.f ini ho creani boî.g extnacted b> the ac Plagters that contait> the powerful t iii f 1he air on the contituent ilenienîs f the creamr. fhe cretin le brought to i poisons Aconite or Belladonna sbiuld hi tOie factony uand put ini cane holding prob Us, d only when vour physician permite, abtly five or six gallons, and those canà as your syetem migbt ho poi8oned by ab-1 are thei placeé in aî vat of water, which surbtion of the druge. Doctors, now use sà kelit at a ixed terotperature. A atate pasaters madie with Çuickcnre*" epreaui1 'f fermnntatitoin i id uci-d ati whle ni t hie rt-acht-s a certain stageu the. cru-artisPour on canton flannel. linen or cotton, whicbi cd into a lar ' ge gîs jar, lOto which air is zuve more prompt relief from pain than fî,rct through a tub, attachm-oît. Thip any knowrî meanis :the effect is almaosta air, w1 fut hlà cleaîi-d by ilîcarîs of a ruotor beyond belief.n anid fortcd t hrouizh a certain arimount of y ubtiiii ilio the receiver, acte on the con- UTICA tituelIîr of the creain andi fruestshîe .lob- Th e following le the standing of thet a ilethef ottr- hhr een eenhethetop. pupile of Utica echollfor March. L. Gil- l &ilueth o suv- r awnti the (7hieui bthes ry, teacher. Clase 1-W Cairne 171. B étlurien te m-,r ad he h,8J,;îe8Heard 53, (G Lawton 53, R Hort> 10. 1 cllorîdvs, the spclic graiwny oUt bih î l'artî il-B M urray 452. W Tennysoni thialth kîuleufbt:te r at h in.j291, 1 Walker 281, 0O Sandison 193, A fi bien roleaisedt by thet tiîeelvîng , f iî e aI- Hoîliday 19,L Wge 5 1-G uin eack which sijrru>unidiiest-h the airne 390, P Stephenson 387, E Harper el huier a rinoed ndthoouitil- wsh-38, H ( )rchard 372, P Cairnes 359, D cd.Ths cn eadlybe i,-, , -A1lV rozier 348, A Waîker 276, M McDer- t ho globules of butter are satil iii t ht-tr nLt 227, J Lawton 210, A Wagner 201, atý)ic frmand he ater t LHowsarn 110, A Kite 9î. Jr. III-L rlioug te htto wen ek-n turt itieTawi645, FH Tawn ô599, B Tennyson w ýhrughthebuter he taen outuf Lesori 453, C Lakey 434, D Ballard 168. 8S' jar iin which it bas biet> rmade, JU5t as it Howsaan 131. T Ballard 91, J Steavens 48. would filt er thrîîugh a similar qutntîty of Sr. 111-G Beîîtiey, 5U5, J Medd 515, M haanîd. When the procese tof cleenîng bas Howsam 29. Jr. IV-Ella Lakey 1162,e 4îeli thoroughly conîplu-tet the butter ia A Wàltr9.0E cad75,Eike rý)1Pdan prsae ito omercal or. 72,W Walker 711, A Bentiey 668, C Lb In the whtîle precese; of manufacture nto Sonley 656, F Lse!ton 615, W Holliday fo chemicals s hatever ar e eployed. The 553, F Sandisoi 532, F Crozier 492, M action of the air introduceti upon the cotu- Christije 407, E Horn 261, A Horn 102. u etituetits elementa tof the creamn in euch a Sr. 1V-S DeFoe 942. au matiner as tti free the moleculee of butter ___CU____ -at bv means of fpipriUii îcn1. oh e openation.1 AtîVAN'TÀîES tOF THE. PRO<'ESSE Thene are gneat. snd crownîng c:airnedifor the procese, which iti î-îî,îI 'il lite t. tif, ble dairy Brlght's Diseae of tbe Lidneyu BaZfed the Wor ld's Moult- EminentMedical Au- DON0'S KIDNEY PluS Came Le t-ho Rascue sud Dalivery Mankinti St-îpping Forover t-ha Dea Assanits ot Life's Most Insidious F Only a tom -i'aya ago SirfHercules Rob- insorn, t-hoetougbîy Governor et Cape Coleny mas torcedtito rosign t-bat post bacanse otferucroacbing Brigbt'& Diseaise. Llandly hati hi& succeseor been appoint- ad vhen the wîres bnought- tidînge et the daath etfiVilliam P St- John, a Nom- York banker, anti narnembereti ly everyono as t-ho trassurer ot t-ho National Democrstic part-y turing t-be istest- national carmpsign. Bright-s Disease carnied im aoff. It- ba killeti maay bt-t-or mon t-han meet- ef ne Se has Diabetes, its t-m-m ourse, Yet t-bers is oe cure (and only une), t-bat- neyer tails in osiios of Diabata anti Brîght's Disease. lot-t-hase t-est-- menais; bear wit-nase: Ma FRED CARSTxauS, Palmerst.on, Ont., says:--After mauîy ysars suffeting vith Bright-a Disease, 1 amn a nov man, cured by ueîng tbree boxes et Doduis Kidaey Pille§., Ma F X GtoIJLY, Ot-sawa, Ont, esy:- Doddt,@ Kieuey Pille bave been s godseont t-o me as t-bey have cured me ef Bright-'& Di8ease et t-hoKidneys."' S G MeoitE, King St, London. Ont-., sys: Aftt tking a tom- boxes et Dotitis Kidney PilleaI1aam as m-aIl ever in my lita, tiespsiring of recovery frein Bntgbt-e Diseane. " MR Cn às T By E, Garryeven P O, Ont-, says: "For the pasit-lre. yeara I have suffereti of Diabetes, but- noticiag curas publiabet 1 bave useti Dotti s Kidney Pilles mhich have perfectty cureti me." DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS are fer sala by druggiâes evenym-bere, and by t-be Dodd e Mediile Co., Toronto, Ont. Price 50 conte a box. cf adly Foe. unks Sof that of Recetît visitons :MNr. J. fIL Elliott, Toronto, home for a week ;Mr. Clark G(reenaway, Pont Hope ;Mr. Manley Crydermari, Mi-3ses Cryderman, Miesa Gîf- fordi, Bowrnanv-ille; Mise Anitie Cryder- mian, Blacketock. -er. C. C. Merrili ha8 returneti from visiting her fniends in Anrora, 111. Mr. James Bradley je moving jute Mr H. Fursiere bue. Mise Salisbury wiil reture to ber home in Miîcnell ini the luear future, We would congratulate Mr. Frank Tre- blecock, of Bowmanville, on hie succees at the recent examinatione at Trinity medîcal echool, Toronto. fie tcuk Su-et year'm scholarehip. Hampton Cheese Co. are puting in a new vat in the factory, as tbey expect, a large inîcrease in businiess this season. Farniers have started to work on thbe landi t iis locality. Mr. fi. Elliott, jr., and wife visited friende in Bownnanviie Sunday. The Surgeon of "Queen's 0wi Dr. Chas. E. Eliott, MID., Quebeo, writes : "I have ueed 'Pijeno-Bannn' (or 'Quickoore') with mnch ences in many caes of feni and Ouppnrating wounds; specially in one case following vaccina ion, wbicb reeistad ail treat-ment for bras menths, t-bat vas qnickly cnred by 'ur dreseing et the above. I amn nov sing it in many ferme of ekin diseaas Lnd u1ber. vith apparent benefit. For ,uts aud bumns it makes a splendid tires- ing. ', n j 1 ' Break Up a Coid in Time mente Y USING te con - I_ y îî dus rYNid -PETORUAL XT? Çsuttuk Czre for COUtilS, in(OLDS, C1ioup P. 1-- u-u-j çIîçî, 1i0IOAWNESS, st- 1 f fS, jýtsnieNi. sv-IIc, be of 6-s So-ajeiAte,Trouo. wries. *,c-- sîbua-v.er ft.tt.d to cure tin m- r-o f croup l a f fw dotes.. N1d -ut iiidilihar i re, an etii -.-ii ý.- b iigicure. for uy . t-y. -- it to surîiîler uedicut W, .ir cut. cru o r &st i nemia ainti H. 0.BARB<t1i7 t i of Litte Rocher, N.B., w-rItes: h s8 A.a a 'tn-.fior eM-nh PYJv-PetnnreIo th -t i m-tflmdfrine 1 mvet auj cu. ter ki.,awtilbave no o&,r." ilti Larg~e Bettie, 2M Ot& ll DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, Lix>. an________ utFn u T in a oen Sha-Yon won't objeet te baving deai m aamIn a liva witb seafter we are mamied, wriyll you ? Hu~t fe (a youug dotor-Not abt&.1.In Il u. tact-, shie wilî b. meet veloome. atit1She-It'sgo good of youto Bays00 t fiHe-Net at ail. Yen ses, as ei. ai- ,ro- waye ailing, and I really ueed snbüdy te exparimnt on. Mis. Jackson-Dai's sobëptoeznlies Mr yos o;:~le meshilhin. dijffgt'Yt e l 'ast-us Jacksom-rW-wbad- amsul 8 ery skillion, am. He Mt-e. Jackeor- ur oaýh yonug udai'sgo ýh-fadd*el9aIoodîn t n am t and ti Thomau--Hpw do- yàu ,kerow tat he Bramloy'e vifeo ~4Iê0f-othe fatbl»7:, ,[id Horton-Ddd*ê ooe into -thé 0t-i rien fice sieay tbs i.bnl#4 He sbe had bûtigtad 1ÀÏvthem fôï hfW-Ãœ c t-o carry bons. .tbit. &adMâM li blt m-as anyoftubosauf' -,- A When Pigi Pay Buat. When a pig reaches 150 pounda it j& vert-b fully as rnuch as one weighing 200 pounda, as iL wiil bring a higher price per Pound than the lai-gar oe. When a fariner keeps a pig until iL i-eshes 2W0 peunde heasacrifices 60 pounds, Iwhîch may have coat sot only the. , additional fead, but extra labor. Thora is a period in t-he life of an animal Whoun it oa bej t-o t-he best dvsntaga, and that jenviiereJ t-ha fariner'. business abiliîy on be. &p- plied, fur t-ha fariner muet be a busiais mfan and ha înfermed regarding the mar. kets if ha deaireoi as. 40 RED-COATS Pu 't to route an Aimy of Formidable Trespassers. Constipation, Dizsinees, Pain Under the 8houider Biladges.Sic*k Hsadace, Dapressed Feeling, Bloatiug After Eating, Debilfty snd Zuseýmnia remilt fr6zo an Inactive Liver. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pilla, 40) la B.d Coatsi &, a cai 0f 20 cents wili »byen rigbî lu eshort omder- Piles of testmn te prove ih. sala by J. Y. Wilhis. Profeseor Joseph 1 _ROàiy. i>* l ai, ý'$v .York, y$iu:. Cq ave uped -Phono ïanno ttn.ku,' u he T RIGHT FROM THE MINS. Family Tiee may be Broken in the Grand Rush far Gold, but Wbat's Wealth Witbeut fiealtb-Dr Agnewa Ca- tarrhal Powder la a Wondedfui Cnre- 1t Neyer Faite Le Relieve in Ten Min Fred Lawrie, of Trait Creek, B. C., writes: -I bave u8ed two bottie8 of Dr .Agnew'is Catarrhal Powder, and have b)een wenderfully helped. 1 can recoin- menti it verv bigbly to al aufferers from catarrh.' Ald here je anetiber :-Mr B L Egan. Easton, Pa., Étaye: "When I reati that Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder- woald relieve catarrh in 10 minutes, Il wae far from being oonvinced of the fact 1 decided t-o try it. I purchased a boutle. A singla puif of thbe powder tbrougb the blewer afiorded instantaneous relieL" Solti by J E Willia.j A small amount of the right kind of foodi is better titan toc, much inferior Stuif. Tbe best me ans of obtaining a profit witb any ciass of stock is te keep the best and keep it weil. If the farmer cannot aflord to breed 'anti raise pure-bred stock he can at least breeti and rmise good grades. In erder te pnsh growtbs it is quit-e an item te teach thbe Iambs te teach the lambs to eat as early as possible and t-hen feed t-hem well. The best feeding at ail times is that which gives te each animal just wbat its systein can best assimilate snd malte use of. Clean up the hog pens, the horse and cat-tle stables and disinfect thor- oughly with carboiic acid before thei spring opens. enU] le invaluable, if rnaetn lafood u -t a The 0. à L £qEptin lathe bustaMd miou at utable ptoua1ad'sc ICMd Liver M 4lgw .54.1. moe stoaisobo ispemmind bytu $csL IYo au . L nW* Big ads. are needed to boom bad medicines. Maley's re ve lm da by Ce neit alone to commend it, Dei fr iI auem mi-tu Ig .y au I1tM O Lkite tsnc adu rstoratveçuliUm t o e r- n u "se. 1 wu s feelin p ooly ftw so s i a thr u " vhW a k m8 h rs Iba" taka om . » Mtis y o u r a o iisi e , 1 I f t it s p e t e y but«. Tun r y, For 8ate by J. E. WILLI8, WHIITBY. For Nias e re-Mr. iains.!Brrn,.Tbod- fard, w"aie. «For itesyeau 1I fsrd WUt nieraw d zon-on My lmg; 1 sXPusDM -ed vr l aii4l4lo2v ity e , ., - - 0 OtaOph trOsWs5andtalad m easu& but oouid RU neoele&Iilse a vs- mm add to giva , L TRÃ"NAfS1'EOLUOTin O n trial, w b ieh a o lt , ts u o a ght bottl"s (seig Itts1li a" d mods ie.m VOQ nt h mdl rie e h in "h »Ai ni UiauWboat.. mm 04,oMt won eu yfrais I a ong s s u#! * qrs ýý -à I -- 77-1, PU-MPMAXER5 IWHITBY4- JH. The Subscriberhas again opened business here. Hi, office will be at E. R. Bow's telegraph office, factory at Mrs. Newbery's bouse on Brock Street, south. 1 New Pumps mnannfactnred and old Pums repaired. First class material used end work warrant- ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Ordere 1 F e.183 paî, OU vitIPaius. I'aàa lu (heo 5h10, fa. jprcmpttyIý5iev =,md cm-esby The De.& L"e Wapr e d jiaur D, L T.tàtgssso DAVIS & LW EÉéltc3 O. in W-METS ALL Ei$ H. BOOTT7 T aid Ina 4hoi i c îTHE HAMPTON 1 4-4>4- Live Stock Pointers. J' Tbs Pari-ySound8 Star unys: W l Hows, & Young rmsbeionging te Orilhu&, vas ebargetibefors Justice Farter on Wedneedy sorning wih p8rjuy. Frein the evidance given itapleas that defend. ont soid a teanu of bornsos to j. jolliffe on Mai-ch lith at Emadale sud signed bis name volantaril'y te a deolaration thst t-ha horses vers bis propsi-ty, vheu they bolonged te bis -nt-ber, Who ba since takon possession of thein. B]19awusen- mitted te stand hie trial at the semions thbs finaL veek in joua.,, Noetre te a fortune Neither Dr. MuLnan, Mesrs. ngus McKaY nor James MeKerril are losing rnuohB leep over an alleizet fortune âup- poed ge bava been lefst them by a distant relative in South Africa, but if thbe money cernes weli andi goed. The vili by whlcb t-hein gooti fortune le made kuovu in in possession ef Mii. Neil Moi-vison, et St. John, N B., wbose maideti naine vas McKey, ant init-be lait testament et Wffil liaun McKaY, a miner and specniator in t-be diamend fields ot Kimberley, South Atnica, reputatad Le b.verth fittean mil- lions et dollars. This monoy MeKay, Who Was nnmamred, laft te aIl hie rela- tives, amoug whm-h are Lb. McKlays, et Belle Ewa.nt, McKays, ol Hawkestoue, JobuStouit et Metionte, MoBachreus, et Oro, Blache, et Ore, MoKornouîs, et Mo- denta, MeKayel, of At-herlsy, aud Morris- eus, ot Orilia. The vii vas madeienl 1877, Communication le nov being lad vitb the mayor of Kimberley, sud the uecesary steps te prove the clef un vii b. Laken as8son as the money le located. County et Ceusheczng The toilowinRganetier on coruposod the deputatton te Toi-onto, ou Friday, toen. quire et the Ont-sioe 0-eornineut (rat eteps m-are uaceesry for the formation et a nem- county: Mesure. John McCosb, Goe Thompeon, T B Lafferty, R J San- dor@on, Obi-j Moore, R D Gunu, A Tait, J R Eatou, T B Mitchell, MelviUe Vbliar, Gee D Grant, aud T H Shappard. An interview vas bail wigh Ministore Hardy ani Ross, andi the mattar laid before thern vary ably by Mr. MoCosh. The dejtota. t-ion vere verv oounlieôuaîy recoiveti, anti introdnced by M-. A. Mfieaznpbell, M.P. P. Aft-r a uibar et question. bad been Pot by t-ha Ministere, anti commente matie, il;vas intimated It atetps eimilar te those takeu for t-be formation efth-e nav county et Dufferin wvesrequiulue, and t-ho committee vas adviaedti tePro- uteed in t-bat vay. ÂArnootingofthe ouer mit-tee vas hbeld on Igonday evening, sud the report oftht-e deputation preeented. A Pub-cem mittesvas appointad Le gaLber fnnt-hen statistical information, and until ail t-haie mattara f et tail ai-s ID compre tiensive shape ne fui-t-er action vii be 1 unammumumu ,Jw- v i7-ýM ly >57 y - Mr m 1 1 1 1 tg i 1 PAIN-KILLER rTHE GREAT Famlly Medicine of the Âge. Taken Intemally, It Cures Dl rr oe , Cm a , < d Pain in the St m a h, Bo e h ro<n 8S dden Cold , Cougha, etc., etc, Us.d Externally, It Cures Ccrt. Brulaie, Burna, 8oaIda, Spralna, Toothache, Pan In the Face, Neurigia, Rheumatiem, Froated Feet X ô m ut i e a e v u r a i sal u i a u c d u u z b o u u d e d p p u ia w - iiy.-8.a=eOiacp.-e,. %e ta eatîiuay totbueis.% i h -m i-Dia..m . ba »a.n raUSubayc effuo. ta shi thin 1e &eVIerpt ptsnad kuw t waàgood nli.-Ca- n' itai a 7.1 ?amdtu aniW.,wib il1 ha eai ma-it .uesaauneaua of ".notg pn unetise -t usauueu arusIo en s 1 to -ny Dvl DAi Va-dy largue bottloa. IT HIOLDS TEE KEY, Inignificmnt Begiunings - But Tbey Steal on oes as a Thiet in the Night, sud Beore oee as turne te Wonder Wb at ailsehumna. e luinLbheFirin Grasp et Disose-South Aminiiu Kiduey Cura yull Breait the Bonds sud Liber- te, ne matte oi-he- treng the cord. The thousanda et cases tbat have been helpet, sud oui-d by the grot Sutb Lmsrieau Kidney Cure le t-bs bestri- emmnd et ls curative qualities. The remdv le a pcifie for all kidnay troob- e. The formua is comounded on the rev latet sidentifie dsoveris in the meical venld. Thrs are theusande t- lay vho do trt-fully say 11I1arn liing )esune I used Sont-b Ainaiican Kidney use. It rliavs lu six heurs. Solti Cure for Sore-M outhed Normes. Many herses, especiaily during t-be first year cf their working period, are constant-Iy in possession of a sore meout-h. This, if cent-inued for severai mont-bs, is fiable te leave t-he animal with a chronic habit, such as 'throwing the head while hitcbing or unhit-ching. The nnest effective plan cf cure which we have ever trieti censists of wiuding any ordinary bit at t-be corners andi down on the same for about one inch vit-h tanneti sheepskin (wbicb can be precureti at any harness store). being sure that it is net toc thick snd heavy. With t-bis weIl wound on have a cup of sulphur anti each t-mue as the bit is placed in t-he horse's mouth moisten the leather and mub on a littie et the pulvenizeti article. It is well also te leugthen the bridle as much as pos- sible duning t-he turne and not drive vith a tight cbecking rein. Odesmuner mforssOmlnnpasm iu Amenica.Wo bave a Mshqteos Patent ao brufNn £V ev ne" ainotios itue SOIENTIFIO AMERIGAN, "Tm oej. 8, isan sd Au, Ir O P"M 86Mfros.Addreu MUNN & COf., 1 Mon ara dî-opping tro t-hoei-at avary% home. Cut dom-n lu t-hofloyer youth or t-ho tmuitage of manheeti by ti rut-blase tetroyer-Bigbt's Disaease

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