Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 5

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Congo Canesl SI VER MOUE O 85cts, $1.25e $1.50. NEW Cuf Links AND Buttons . -T- J. S. Barnard's, 40memHITBYB MomealCou yOrga-Larg.st Cumcula tton eofa&" local papeauliCama&a FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 189-1 LJOOÂL LÂOONICS. %Ir. W. J. Gibson, Toronto. spent Sundai in town. ir. Wm. l4mlop. Belleville, has been cal ling on old friends. A number af new bicycles have been pur- cbased in love thts spring. Specias-Metta Box Caif Boots in tan ands IDIack ut Burns' New Cash Store.r Mns. Orr spenl a few dasa ast week vîsit- îng lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. James John-c Mr. M. McTaggart, base line, ia round againaaiter veatbering îhruugh trua months ai atckaess. Mr John McCulloulgb, ai Ontario Buum- rit-msCllege, Belleville, was in tuen over Suaday ast- Attend the Easter tea in preabvierian church an the evening af Monduy, April 19 Admission itac. Miss Berta C Huyck, of Frankiard, Ont., a student af Toronto Caiservatory of music, ajieni Sundsy v,îb lier tnend, Miss Beatnîce R Decker. Next montb fifteen prisoners cill be lib- ereîed irorn lie Kingston Penitenttary and sixty-four tram tise Central Prison. This niimber aloce'i iheir freedom in anc munth ta the largesi record in msny years. Lord and Lady Aberdeen pussed tbrougis \Nhîtby on the mail express Thuraday morn ing, en rouie for Rideau Hall. Their ex- cellenctes had been in Toruonto attending an1 enîhuuiasiic meeting in the Pavîllion in con-1 nectian vith the Victorian order ai nurses. j Complainte are made ihat more psy îs aI- loved ta mea corking or teamîng for tise corporation than others equaily good are ai- fermng la vwork (or. We ure not referring ta Miesars McCari and Happer, cho buihd ide- waiks and ve believe fully eara $1,25 per day. The argan recital. vocal music and lecture inn te mt cul tbe rnacleaoning.oranist ing the mthoiat ternuclearon.Mouda even Mr. Gelgcr, vocalists, the Misses Hansen, iecturer, Rev. C 0 Juhnston, of Toronto. Admission i t ci: chilîren bih pi ce. The recitisi hegits prOiitY tiya730 There ciii he a splendid sîretch of bath- tng beach east ai the gap ut the harbor this veer The caves have ceased ta csst up gravel on the beach. and are ieaving a beau tîful layaut ai sand. Those cita intend ta biribe on that part ai the beach shoîîld pro- vide baîhing %uits in advance, as modest people should siol be driven avsy from a.îch an opportunitv. ehicis is made use ai by baith sexes ai Oshawa harb,r. GOod servant Girl Waated to go on farra. Appiy Box 5. Whiiby Post Office. Soid to M W Cails Mn., M. Collins' stock of boots und shoes vas oflered for sale by auction an Wedncs- da y. aad purcisssed by Mr. M. W. Callass ut 55 cents on the dollar. A.niveruu.r of Christi-aa Endeavor - Next Sunday is the anniversary ai the Chrisian Endeavar Society in thse Methodisi tabernacle. At the evening service tise Rev j P Wilson ai Oshawa vil! preacb. there vilI be a receptian ai members into the churcis and the chair viii bc assisted by a solo from Miss Hilloattise O L C, and by a duet frain Mise Taylor and Mr Richardson. A special oflering is asked on behaîf et the super- atinuation fund ofthe churcls. Viewiur Venus sud Jupiter. Mr Thos Mendersati, Myrtle, spent Satur- .iey evering in lava giving people free looks ai Venus and Jupiter tiraugh bis big teles- cape. H ondreds af people vere favored wth the viems of these great planets. and One instrument brigs tiser es mii itin neech ai tise bumau eyc. Mr Madenson undcrsiande thise ruireent ulorougbly. and did thie honors of tise occasion ln sucb gaui- al style tisat he vas surreuaded by ladies all the eveniag. On behaît ofitbe people of the lova and vicinity me tender Mn Mander- son a hearty vote ai tbanks. Changes ia A 0 U W Mi at hi Yori lu t< Ing1 Hat Ai pros Adi posi Gui T Cou acre A ton h. Wh al Trii FM hi fu ia m fr C( eý ir w le 1 c hl hl a L b a L d s y On - he firsi of July, 1897, tbere wiii be a change in the system af assessmelit of thec Ancienl Order of United Workrnen. Here- t->iore the assessment was Uic 9ame for al ages, men eniering ai 20 years otaâge payh( the same as those entering at fifty. It bias Ieen sought ta abviate ibis unfairnesu by reducing the rnaxirnum age at whicb nm were aliowed ta juin. Tbe agitationi for 'a more equiabie assessment bas been carrieti an for years la tbe face af strolig opposition among the aIder imembefias the. 855C& ment ai the latter dhtes vill be conshderably increaaed, wilist that t fIc yôtnguf mcm- bers wili experience a «orrcspotidhttg de- crease. hn future young ien vIi b. able te jota the A.O.U.W. at '1ev rate,'aad tMi ahould bave a tendebntdtgbow the Ësnfli bersbip, and esp.clsRy è@ inne mate as- sesurnents are te be alloimed eai laftett American 'nen,= hp.t1ie a»fl *5,000 Canadian Memsbe <tise«d,*aec ar tbese bsd topay$ t,or W$So là ID SU keep the AmetiCita esanefifosced ing the lmhia f t ij ýiÇ. iam ýote' had broken offa yqw sii&tbe $e,obo wÎosI14 aow formu a liw su $U lb whk t ee sa ider â Q îta- .y the. wbele tas i proves* goodtq ifaafots r. Thos. Willkiason, Lindsay, was la rn Monday. r P S Emmons Is spendlng a feu daye ls home in Kingston. gr. Rol>î. Richardson lia gone te New rk to find employment. gr Geo Seldon, Pitkerlng, spent Sunday ýwn witb bis .ote, ehas Seldun. .ateut styles in Ladies Oxfords and walk- boots at Burns' New Cash Store north of ch Bras. Ln Easter tea ln the basement of the %byterian cburch on Monday, April 191h. dr. Alexander Pratt bas been appolnted etaster at Cobourg ln place of M r. Chas. liett, dismissed. raking advantage of Sunday nigbt's rain, uncillor Smith had a force of men on and -ped up the streer.s Monday. %bull weighing over 22,50 was led througb un yesterda y to be shipped ai the junction. waa from the stables of Mr. Wm. Jefirey. M essrs. T. M. Davey and S. M. Palmer, hitby, and E. J. Holliday. Braoklln, have passed their firsi year in medicine ai nity university. The Londan city council bas decided that people wha want tt seli cigarettes tbere will have t a y Stoa a year for the privilege la future. The fee is practicaity prohibitive. The Ladies Aid Society ai the presbyter- ian church ivill hold an Eester tea on Ester Monday April i9th in the basernent. Re- freshments 6 ta 8ýo'cWok. Admisiîon x5 ct.s. In anather cotumn wcul be found an article copied tram Saîurday's Globe givitîg mn expianation ai a new device in butter rnak- ng, which if il prove chat iii naw looked for wiii be e gîcal boom lu dairying. Mrs Doraîha Orr, of Ontario medicai coi- lege for women, has passed her second year n medicine et Triniîy univcrsity, îakting hancirs in aIl the subjecta, with firsi class honars in anatomy, phyaîoiogy, chcmistry and physics. The municipal committec ai the Ontario Legishature has sîruck oui Premier Hardv's bill tu do awav wîth wards in lavas of 4000 and under. WVe very much regret Ibis, bot t ta only chat might be expccted ai a legis- latîve body which does ual aim nt reform Mr Wm Pearson, who buili Mr Jerry L-ick's astone house between Whithy and Oshawa, was buried ut Ashbura on Sunday ast t', the presence of a large gathering ai mournîng friends Many from Whitby drove out ta pay their hast sad office ai re- spect ta departed menit. Weather permîîlîing the Citizens' band will play the iollowîng programme on the four corners on Saturday evening : March, * Avenger,' Querrie, schoitische, "Rocita, t)albey . match, tDallas.- Hall ;wahtz, * Auîumn Breezes," Calderwood - trombone solo, "Encores,' Coffin, galop, "TIhe Win- ner," h)albey. American expGrti of fruit ta Germany la- creased enorniouly hast year. Have Can- adian growers taken any steps tacards cul- tivating this market Our importa frora Germany are incneasing more iargeiy thon from any other country and we should ea- deavor ta make our orchards assist in pay- ing for these importa. As an instance of how the rining invest- ment craze fias seized upon the people ai al- mosi every town and village in Ontaria, if not the whohe IDominion, we werc inforrned ast week that a well-known citizen ofihe village ot Port Ferry held no less than 2ooc,- ooo shares of certain mining stock, repre- senting an nvetment of ai leat *2o,00. Miss Berta C. Huycik, of Toronto Con- servatary af music, whose iveet stngîng and charming maniner so pleased her hearers at the haptist church social on Friday evening, thât by special reques.t she sang a sacred solo in the presbyterian church Sunday nîorning, and in the evening a sacred solo and also a duet wîth Pastor McAlpine in the1 haptist church. Miss iHuyck ha a voice ai great power and sweetnesa, which bespeaka for her a brîlitît future , and shouhd ahe again visit Whithy she wilI he very warmnly received by the musical people and otheru ai our town. India Famine Fund The foîhowing additiutsal subscriptians ta the hndia Famine lund are acknowledged ai ihe D>ominiîon baak here - Sussex Lodge S. O E. Benevoletit Society, Whitby, 85:; Friend, Columbus, $2 ;Fiead, Brookiin, $i ; Frîend. WVhitth, 25C. S. & M. Eiiott, Wiîiby, $2 ; S. 1. Brown, Wbitby, $t ; AI- mond Christian Endeavor Society $ts5o. Cheap Easter Holiday Trips G;rand Trunk Easter hotidays !Generai public-Stngle irsI clissa fare--Gaod to go Aprit î5th lu 19111 inclusive, valid for return n(>l later thon Aprtl sath. School vacation- Faire and anc thrd-To teachers and pupils holding Standard cet tificates: Tickets issued March 77th ta April î7th inclusive, vulid for returunulo later than April 27th. Stephen- son, Whitbv, issues those ihrougb tickets froma Pickering, Toronto, Myrtie, Brooklin and Whitby. Cail on Stephenson before travelling. a..nkswss Acquitted. Banks, ai Pickering, wbo vas cbarged before Police Magistrale Harper here wilh breach ai the Charlton Act, it being allcged that the crime was committed upon the per- son ai a fifteen yesr aid girl narned Rosy flowiett. The girl avare thut Mrs Banks, vas absent fram borne uben the assault vas cornmitted. and thai she bad not aflered a great deal of resistance. Dr. W. O. East- waod vas cailed and tetifled that b. bad mnade an examinirtion ai the girl, and lied found that ber btary of tuis connection isl an impossible anc in vie of the impossibility of ber ever beving bud connection witb any mian. The magistrate pro.nptly dismlssed tbe case, County Attorney Farewell net pesng bard for a conviction. Mr. G. Y. rnWeiub acted for defendant. This case sbould open the eyes et the public ta the danger there les ai lockring mcn up as (lous on the testimotiy af a yaung girl wbo dona net understand bow serious a watter it is tc tiump up a charge against a man and break up bis famnily and take away bis liberty. Tbree [aglarh on eths, Cquncilopr jac4son. apeaed lits municipal c pagu for 1&)7 witb a street fight wbicb thled ietown and those engageti in lt a muost undesirable notorietY îbrOughouIthie province, and -wbicb bas yet te be aired lu the courts ai great elpense te theratepey- ers of ibis çounty. Durlng the lntervenlng tbree months te ibis i me lie las kept the bal! ef faction rolling, ad lustilietst . Ih would appear as if uthe n council's year's businepss and the tepn's Interests are te be made subservieut te liii bellgerent notions of persenal politici How long are the gney- bonds of our couacil going te Ien4 themsei- ves, theïr personallateresto, tbe town'a mie- faire sa is goed tnome to this sorto4fublng ? i l5a tn5 t*ti ta en fet yar* rmuta- thon sud exberieàcéiwil saler tbemselves teo b e4 b-y tbe noies bIt a oembet rieds nef knew irtob bdçevea nc nemotion tegallUy beforo ibthécoqnei1l na vitale nlgbî'sý altting 1The cea#duet of Dcpnty Scout and l fobs th Uee miters bas loercd theni laetimtau wthe pltso b, ra>b Il requires about lhirce trnes as rnucb broken atone as cas apprapriated ta Sîsrr's hill Arnd Brock street south couid bc-bet- ter if the atone were let off il. Fuhiy 25 persans left Lindsay station asat Tuesday for Northwcst and Dakota points. Sorne inlend înkiag a praspecting tour, but the majorily vili becorrne selliers The Wbitby hockey club bas received a cansigriment ai 22x28 photographa, which are being se inla ramnes according ta the dimferent tastes ai those buying themn. MnrJS Willia.ms Macy, comedian and basso singer, at the college îo-night. There bas been a good sale ai seats at Alli's, but as one sent la as goad as anothet there are lots of thees ta be bad. C F Stewatas stock ai dry goods was put up et auctian hene yeaterday and sohd te Messrs Bigelow & Sons. Trenton, at 64 cents an the dollar afinivoice value. The gooda will be sold in Trenton. Wah Lee. the young Chinumnan eho emn bezzled a large sum ai moncy (rom a brother celestial ut Bocasanville a couple ai ceeks aga, was iound guîlty ut Cobourg assizes and vas senîeaced by Sir W R Meredith ta ane year iv the Central St bard labor. Mr E F Webster, an aid pupil ai the col legiate instîlute, laie ai Fargo, North Dako- ta, in the employ ai Duns mercantile agency, bas been appoinîed m&nagmr ai tIhe State of Montana wiuh head quarters at Helena. The western climate appears ta agrec cith him. The Flora Carveth left the harbor Salur- day night vaîh 5.ooo busheis of bsrleV tor Oswego. [t vas orsiy ane-third ai a load, but was aIl the barley contracte-i (or belote the nec McKinley iaw camne ln, and conse- quently eau ahi that couid go just nov, as tie duty ta prohibiîory aI present pnices. Mr J W Dovnev, visa bas been here about a year ln the office of Messrs j H- Downey & Co., returns to day to bis home in Oswego. t- li a wanthy young man, and havan a warm friend in every acquairitance he has made here. He carnies back ta bis home the hearty good will of the choie tova, and we add aur wishes for hia future success. rLet each do a part. It has be-en suggested te us ta advacate that there aboald be a good atone noad buiht ta the j ail. We agree with the idea and would auggesl Ihal as the caunty hba lots ai broken stone il should furuish the mater- iah and the tacu do the road-making. Solution for Washmng. An esteemed correspondent senda us the foliowtng :--One ounce parafine wux and hall pound cammon soap sbaved and dissol- ved la one galion ai boiling caler;- pour ibis mixture into hallsa bolier of coid cater. Stur ce!! and put ini dry soiled clothes ; let the waler came ta a bail and bail hall an hour, stirring occasionaiy, rnse the clothes and biue as usuai, Soiied paras and extra dîrty ciothes require a rub. The Baptiats'Social. Thc baptiata gave a lharougisly enjoyabie social on Friday evening. Ater partakîag of a repasi cbic.cwas raout creditabie ta thse ladies, the Rev. Mr. Gold ably preaided aven a litenary and musical treat, wbîcb vas greutly enjoyed by tJe fair-sized audience. Excellent addresses *ere given b y tht Rev. Dr. Hare and the Rev. Mr. Abraham, chîle Pastor Vichent, ai Braokiin, recited very ac- ceptabiy. Miss Huycke, of the Conserva- tory ai Music, Toronto, sang several solos raout sweetly, euth Misa Decker piaying ber accompanirnenta quite pnoiessianaliy. The gospel duets by Pastor Rosa, of Uxbridgc, and Pastor McAlpine, ai Wiby, were sîm- piy grand, vhile Mr. Will Richardson vitb bis solos and Mrs. Wm. Ayres playing bis acconspanirnents bath (uliy sustaincd their veil knacn musical reputationa. Word bain Oea Ham. Montreal Star: Mr George Ham. ai tbe C P R, bas just concluded bis spring trip îhrougb the Narlli-West mitb a vicc ta pro<ntng immigration. Mr Ham states thai danpite the scverily of tise vinter the settlers are ia good spirits and bopetul ofithe future, for he sa) s heevy snavialis alvays 1mean plentifol b arvests. Regina mas the fartbest Mr Ham vent on ibis trip, and la that place lie could nat flnd ane indigent setler. At bath Regina and Rat Portage building aperations cure active, nev hatels, business blocks and private residences, and ai Rat Portage a magnlficent opera bouse 1lu being erected. Mesure Graham and Hanm are constructiag a new boant or the Rat Portage-Fort Francis route. Aecordiag ta Mrn Ham Immigration lu ponring into Mau- ritaba, the C P R veekly excursions taking 1lu about tour hundred etlersa s ieek. Sermon b7 Rer. R. S. Rov«. There vas a very large cengregatian au thc inethodisi tabernacle on Smnday <yen- log last te hear Rev. E. S. Rame pneacta. Thae tert mas St. Mattheir 8: i9-tMser. I milfâ1oamtbee wbltbersaeverttaon gos' Every nian bas a master mtae nfuence dominates bis lire for gaad or cviLI. f the master passion be ton geai lu viii lead ties op almesite odivinity. If n be atherwuse it mnay degrade hlm tote lomest sensuallty. Men de aat wvlhhngty admit tbat they have a mastr-passIon. They preWtert bave thc vonld belleve tbat ttaey are ceepetent te guide ulémselves; andi thene la îgfilcleni, çcf-assertloa about evcry mas if tac viiiu» it teenabie hlm te Say Il wlvIl'»or I mlii nat ! I No power can dictate totales if be wiii but firmly eboose. -Tbe scribe said unto Jesus . "I1 mlii toilom thee "-neta Uitile may, bear la mind, or to a certain Point, but Il hitbtovrto es. The scribe -made a decisivo utahigoôf h ;'and he ira right. Ail subsequcat h"s"'rbans Justlfied bis chilS.ChirM uleada te tbints that are goad in ube hlgbçst degres. No suber belng ubat over ilve4cý>u1d take upon blmselfto say 11Iam thevway. " Thene is- I%>other medium.isHi aaibas been ad.- mftted by au gréa i tiouasaà" vise moa. He ite nly one whooeId teactaus boy to liv&. mielyd", ant rastemptedbut i1tbtai =, Se s laat~- i de Àiray, and e.. tabitsedspaeuulblite. é bl.eed guld- ýTSuce.-Jceue aays > fLaca'eltun Uicllght.$# Tottow Ciirlit's ki~leoai ai nesi COME Mn Robt Brawn, Seagrave, vas ln talus on Wednesday. U4r. Frank Bradley of Hamcn's Corners, là on tbc slck liat. Miss Warren, eofliisop ScraclianSctool, la borne 1er the blpidsys. I you ua moUd com fort buy an amenlcab sboe at Burns' Niew Cash store. Crowded oui. No room for Pinedale, Raglan 4nd Seagrave ncws this week. Mr. Clayton jobaston bas netunned ta the ciîy, feeling tbat bis figbî witb rhcumatlsra lu won. Mr Stanley McCarl la carrying bis arm lnaa liîng these da ys, a (lan on anc of bis fingers being the cause. Wç are pieaaed ta be able ta siate that Mrs Wm Weetiake and son arcernuch ira- proved la healtb. Bowrnenvilie's chiei of the fire departracat is in Caliiornus for a year for his healtb and the mnayor purposes 10 appoilit a substitute in his sîead. Rumubiing thunder vas distinctly beard heie an Msnday, sud word carne doua that nigbt that there had been a big ibuader- stores ni Lindsay. lAN-D LOOýK. If yon want to buy right, If yon want to be treated riglit, If you want te bave money, make this store your trading home. BARGAI NS. GOODSom 300 yds AII-Wool French Delaines. in cream, black, navy and browu grounds, with neat Floral designs ; positively the very best oloth mnade; extra ohoice colorings ; 3'2 inohes wide ; regular price 35o a yard, on sale baturday while they last, at Meo. OLOTHING 8PECIALS«Om MY ]Paire Canadien Tweed Pante, in oheoke and stripes, double stitched and strongly made, regular price $1.50 to $2.50, Saturday price 98c. j:3"MEN'S FINE TWEED SACK SUITS 4m,.-$450 to $10.00.aab .4b&.EveryGarment ini our store bears an objeot lesson in price eoonomy. SEEINB 18 FREE. Lt won't cost you a penny to look through our stock and 866 how much you can get for so littie money. You will not be urged to buy. Your judgment will tell ycu wbat to do. wu.Go FOR BEST RED CLOVER, ALSIKE CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, and GARDEN SEEDS You man aiea get a sample of1 WALTERS WALL 11R Just EtRooved 2000 Roils of those very beautiful American Paper8, with Border8 Io Match, whioh will be sold e*-hesper the hest MAPLE YRUP than ever this ever offered for sale. Also a lot of Gurranteed a.bsolutely pure maple Remnants&..mmm& B. RI GL which will be s W. B.P I G E1 c08t and under. & CO.j Every Day is Bargaix 1 W iIh us. Watt Papors Spring iu here, and s0 18 A. C. WILSON'S new stock of AMERICAN AND CANADIAN WALL PAPERS, which i8 an entirely new lime from any- thing ever shown in Whitby. One look at the designs. and coloring8 wiIl convince amy- one that they are up-to-date and cheaper than ever. Painting, Paper-hanglng and Decratngdone on short- est notice A. C. WILSON, -wIIITfl. FOR 8ALE A.od dnving herse, veny gentle, a lady orw cbea drive. Also Mikado buggy, barneus, uten and robes. Will »Il cbesp.- Appyte JAS SAWDEN. Whtby, Nov117,11897- P.B. year. ldIC at SDay WARAMI WIIIY W ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Mon or Women ta iravel for re-* sponsible ertablished bouse in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $î.S weekly and ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National , Star Building, Chlcago.-17-8. -Od establishod Wholesale WA1ED House wants oae or twiro n ust and tiodustrous representatives for ibi se- tien. CRU pay a bustIer Ébout $12a'a vee to start euh. DzÂwna *tg, BIÂuWFoED, ONT. TO REN T. South hait of Lot 3o, efrConcession, Township of Whuîby. Apply to MIS. MARY SERVOS, Niagara, Ont, or J. B. DOWN, Soiator, Mardi 25,1'97-41n1. Wblthy. Executor'a8aIe10of FanA a nd Thierm ii b. offéecifor sale auctula auWoodrufPo Hotte, M 2 o'cloek, p.m., o« SATURDI x7tb, 1897, Parft treaiaat RzCIgAI» CoLL - ecsai&g r, Ttaatde*qLrblcbl'lck rcsdomc log villge, lnegnly nov, adl ilon. M.Te11 llherdseatp W.- ai CAADA -h.C1F EASTER RATESe, - t -i Round Trip Tickets wiUl be issued as follous : TIZACHERS and STUDRNTS-(on surron- der of standard forni of school vacatien railway certificate, signed by principal) SINGLE FIRST-CLAss FAR£ AND) ONE- THIRD. Good going Mar. ia7th to Apr. i7th. ini- clusive. R.eturn until Âpr 27tb, 1897. GENERRAL PUBLIC SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. Good going Apr i5tb to xgth, inclusive. Retura until Âpr 2oth, 1897. To ail stations in Canada, Fart William, Sauit Ste Marie, Windsor and eaut. For Tickets and elU in- formation write or cail on B. B. ]BLOW$ A., C.'P.Ry. Tickets, Telegrapb and Dominio Express Co. Wbitby, Ont. Notice. le bereby given thst"' The james Say Rail- way Company 11wlll apply to the parliameut ot Canada at fts neit session for an act authorislng the Company to extead 1w lUne frrnt Parry Sound, ln ftic Province of On- tarie, te the City of Toronto, ia tbe.nid Province, by constructlng a raitway trep»n a point la or near Parry Sound te the sai CItW of Toroato, or a peint ia or near the mid city, and te atitbortze the. bad Compfany te constrnet, maintil and operate- brenc Uines, tohulld ma1atainand operate teca and telephene. Unes. te generate elecit for the supply of lglt, heut and poireÏ, *" for al unal, inci«dena, necessay, aira. tageous or preper antbcnlity. nlgbto, pdlvI. eges and powers la copectioa w.tb or lani- dental te theoblectaaforesaid-. KERR, MACDONALD, DAVII- SON & PATERSON» Sollcfton for Applicarts. Toronto, Jan. z2& r8jv. inl. 10 SEn 10 fER OaU OT ssble co"nl t"hiau MeVg dence r -rrsv-r~vrf Lint EB. J. JO i ter= i LEADUÇG, UNDEICRTIU, V. l% BROOK, 8TREET, #ÎTY 1-1 the sums J i SATURDAY DRESS 1 a 0 - 1 Il

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