Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 7

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Resuits Astonush MEN 0f' SCIENCE. A MEDICINE3 WITIIOUT AN EQUAL Statement of a Weil Known Doctor IAyers Sarsaparilla ts wthtit an equnl as a blood-purilfer and Spring m*<lliclîîe, and rannot bave praise enough. 1 have watclxed i effects In cironic cases, w'lere otixer 4 reatment was of no avai, and have beei astonlhed at the results. No othier blood niedicine that 1 bave ever tised, and 1 have tried therm ail. la so thorough tu its action, and eflerts so mary pernianent cures as AyerS Sarsaparllia."-Dr. IL F. MIERRILL, .Augusta, Me. Ayer'sO'nlïrSurIs8 arilia Admitted at the World'm Pair. A y Ver'. aPUil for liver astd bosv.ls. A FARMER'S WIPE. TIýI.IS A STORY 0F YEARS 0F PAIN AND SUFFERING. L)octors Utterly Failed to Help Rer and Morphine vas Continu élly Re8orted Lo Becamne so Weak she Could Scarcely Perforai lier Housebold Dutxes. Frora the Beaver, Napanee. Mr and Mrs Robt Stone have been r,.sidente of the township of Ernestown, ab)out ten miles eaat of Napanee, for a period of about tbree year@, and in thati trne bave gained the emteew of aIl their neighbors. For six yeare previons,, L( tliis time they bad lived ini Glenwood, 'Springs, Colorado, and it was diuring tbeir residence there tbat Mrs Stone w-as attacked wîth an illnieïs thai made e ber lite iniserable for years. To a reporter wvlo recently intArviewPîl lier Fh@ tbu ttie following estory "I)Duriîg lte early part of our reoidence in Coiorado, mv ilînegs first cawe on, At tlhe nut@(,t every two or tbree weeks 1 would be at t tcked with a pain in tumy stomficb Later on it increased in severity, and et times va8s 50bad tbat I would ecream aloud with pain. A doc!or wiîe called in, but the only benefit I ever rt-ceivel froin Ljis treatmnent vas throngix the iinjection <f morphine int my arm, as a resulit et wibacb te .pain vouid gzraduaily puas away. The. medicine vbich was given mue, howver, bad not te slightstsî f- fect, and the doctor apueared toL be greatly perplexed, and thoreater con- tinuaily resorted te injections etfimor- puiie vbnever the attacke came on. I'be8e attack8 continued at intervale un- tii outr retnru Lo iC.anada, vhen Lliey in- creased in frequency and intensenese Tha reenit we.s that I gi-ewvevry voak, and my vbole systeai appeared te ho giving out. My compein turned a yopliavieb hue, and 1 bad littile or ne ap- pectite. Latteriy I would b. aitacked with tainting spelîs, preceded wih at- taeka et dizzideap. I bacame ntterly un- able te stand fague, and e,,tld wite tee greatosi diffieulty pcrform my bousehold duties. A docter vas ealled in vbo txeated me for soea ime vitihout heu- etittinR me any. Thon lie gave me vhat 1 nov knov to ho Dr Williame Pink Pulls, and atter 1 Lad used Lvo boxe. 1 f.-lt somevixat balLer. 1 thon pnrchased i lu pplls .nvself and siontinued the treat- nu-iip. I tound that Lhe pain we.e grad- tally decreasinti I conld gpt reet and xulcep at nigI)t, which had bitherto beeD alinost InpeSsihle. I conîinuod uging D)r \'illîax-ne Pink Pilla for saveral inontbs, sud the resuit is tht they have (ffýrted a complote cure, and I amn nov enjoying the Lest of hosltb. I cau a@- c;ure Yen it is a great relief Le b. free trea iLite trouble that mnade niy lift mi- erable for omany y""and soT b ave te tixatîk Dr William%' Pink Pille for euc- coeding wben docters bad lai led. g' Dr. Williamse' Pink Pulls arc sold ouly in boxe. hearing the firm'. trade mark and vrapper, (printed in red ink). Boer in mind that Dr. William.' Pink Pilla ar nover soid in hnlk or by the dosen or hundred, and any dernier witeo ofers ouh- -8 -in thua feri àtrying tedefa you sud sbould b. av»ided4 The. publie are aIs ec"toed a«Ainst %Il other se ealled biood beildèe sand -nerve tonles,4 put up iu ulmilar tere iutended tel*4î eeive, Tbey are ail imitations çàwqm mskers hope te reap a peouniftry a'a ba.fomt the vonderful rput schieved by Dr. William.']Pink PUIa. Ask your dealier -for theux. These Pille are mauulaturd by 113e Dr Wi'I.am'a Medieine Company Brook- ville, Ontario, aud Schenectiady, IN. Y., sud are eold* OUIy1» boxes beîArng the firm's trade mai an vrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 02.80. Tbey may b. baad hem any dealer, or vill b. sent by mail on receipt of price.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla may b. Ladl oi aIl druggise or direcet by mail frorn Dr. William. e'Medicine Company fromn oit.ber address. The prioe.st vhich the pille are sold make a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpeusive as oempared with other romedies or medical treatmeut OLILLIA Wben Professor Ferris, the b *Vpnotist,' left Orillia lie took vîth hiai a veil kLiovn character, "Jitnmy" May, vbo vas fais cinated with the idea of sleoping by the week, and being the alk ot the tevn dur- ing that ime. May vas put ixito a long tleep ait London lasit veek, but when tbe Profesor atteniptod te renee.hirn on Sat urday evening ho faiied Forris faixited tvice anal bad Io be taken 10 hie hotol. Local dootors; tried te vake the sîceper but vithont succosg. The failuro caueed considerable excitement in the Forest City, and wben Pi-otesqor Ferri@ estayed te arouse Mav on Monday evening ho hsd a large audience. Ater Ivelve min utes vork ho suoceeded, May slept for one hundred and sixty-@even hours, the longeât sieep rerorded in Canada. Our enterprieing tovneme.n, Mr. R. H. Jupp. bas laken advantage ofthb. tact that there will be a large number of peo- ple fruai these parte in Ottawa noat veek to organize a depotation and arrange for an interview vitb lte Miniser of Finance on the proposed expori dut ' on loge and pnlpwood .This is a quptstion of quite as; deep concern for this district as the ceai- pletion of the canal, and va are glad te bear that Mr. Jupp expecte te have a large represontative delegation ropresent- ng the lnmbering intereot to vait upon Mr. Fielding Mr. Jupp biaisoît advo cates vhat je undonbtenly a strong and agirressive policy 11n replying te ttie on- friendly Amprican legisiation. As the nov tariff bill is so fortned that whatever exporit duiiyjixiposed vili siaipiy te ad ded to the duty on lomber going into the United States, lie fevore tee totatl probibi ion of the expert of loes and polpvood. Hie vould aise enart an alien labor lav similar te that of the States. The pro sent condition of affairs, tunder which Canada is beine rotibed of ber timber ro t;onre-as for the benefit of the Cnited States, is intolerable, and the Govern mont viii ho stîpporteil in tahing the Ptrongest measurts in iLs pover le pro- tect Canadian inieresta. Canada lias re peatedlv made edvanoes for friendly com. mer-cial relations vitb bier neîght>or. The Amerîcans have rejected tîxea, and de- ciared for a. commercial var. War lotiti be-Lo the knife, and the knife Lo tbe bult.' -Packet. Mr- Jas Fraiieey was lit the village on Saturday. Mr E Sonimerville of (oodwood vais here for a short ltte on Friday. Mr Joue Bell moved Lu ies fax-m near Bradford out Tu-slay. Mr Bell bas se- cured a tiret cla.as grain aaid stock farni tiear that place.. Mx- Richard Ilynard and Mrs Rynardi have rutux-xied trom theîr honeynxooni tripe Lu westernx towns arîd citie, and are now rtccuviiig the congratulations of their truiede. Mr .1 (Shriîxîie. harnees maker, han sold hie stock te Mr Chas Wilson, who han moved into the nort.h wing of the nev tuwn hall building and is comaiencing wnrk at once. Wr Wilson learned hie trade wîth Me 6Gregg of Mt Albert and has hait considex-able experienca in large ahope liitToronto. Mr Henry Meyer has pîrchased W 0 .Law e prîze vinnin1' Dennison marc. Hank viii raine the duat thie sumamer. A reception committee in which cir. cular aaws, old nîonldboards and cieviceis tignred exteneively. vaited the arrivai of the vedding party on Wednesdxty night and drev tbe customary treat. A CC>MPBIfIATION o RARE, SEARCI4ING mis POTENT ESENTAL DIsnLLATIONO FOR lImp'IAMMATioNd EXTERNALLY m'or au Pains. &Che*, Boe jointe prslns, Brulee Scelda BUrna, Stngen, Bits Md Cbilblalne INTERNALLY Croup. Avastm, Colle, Diarrhoes. Plourlay, Oto. Bv*..Dsi0iM e &D aum lies 5mm a. 5emso seCa Ig ray y i 1 The Distance of a Mile. The ordinary mile, or statute mile, n the United States and in Great Brîtain 15 1760 yards et three teet each, eqUdl tO 5280 feet. A geological or nautical mile is i) the mean length of a minute of latitude, equai te 6082.66 feet,*i(2) the length of a minute et the meridian co-esponding tri the radius et the curvature oftthe particular latitude, varying f rom 6o45.95 feet at the equaî.ur ta 6107-85 teet at the pele%; 3) the leogth ef a minute et longitude on the equater 6o8-. 15 feet. To re- move aIl uncertaintv the United States Coast Survey bas adepted the value of the nautical mile as equal te ene-six- tieth part et the iength et a degree on the great circle of a sphere whose sur- face is equal te the surface of the eaxth. Tbis value gives one nautical mile equai to 6080.27 feet, which is very nearly the value of the admiralty knot ç68oo f eet). adopted by the Brit- ish Hydrographic office. One square mile contains 64o acres, 3,097,600 square yards, 27,878,460 square feet, and 4,014,489,600 square inches. PARALYSESCIJRiE-4WOEN WFATEE . lh. MlUriMIoMrtàn. 27 Iladenhurut t ..Toronto. ont., swesrm that Ryakxmnn. "Jootenay (Cure" curer ber of Paralysie ehidi rendered oue »ide of lber bod> mntirelyseso.Phyicmasald there vas nechanc ai ber ever renovering the. une of ber limbe.k Hop. deserted her, but to-day mixe Je vikiqg.amoud tellnt ber Mrendu boy R ckmanau "Kootensy0 »Cusavc ber liteansd b= «&nss.Sworn t . Yuiy ioýlZu beloe J. v. eyinour Oortey, Notai-y Public. akwoau STATENENT 0 Or A GKATWJI NOTZMI. Leubb Mlle, Dne .years aid, wv ue Drsd VUt Ecrenia ince lier buSth, bas beau unUxeiy curei and ber generai asysia bufit up by Ryokum'a "Keotenay Our." The abocu tactss<e a ni n a secs-n miate- ruent Dinde by be moxlxer, mm-s George Wbite4 139 stinson St..amilton, Ont., dated Juiy SI896 berore J. Y. MOOCà4 Netay Puixht A BNiAflN sDIITETRSE - SMOU 8TATEXENT RADE. Chautes & Newman, 13 lMarborough St. Tesete- Ont., lied a comnplication of bloosi trouble%, Rhmu. tonas, sers Kides, trouble snd constipsation. Nas trequentr ydWieeud 5à&i<Met. Ibis sPPOUtS sud was a veryeck moa. ait KldnareWovluaa bMtycondition, bhs appetit. goo*lea ndis- turbe and m«apa on red; aiise vas dons b7 Ryocias's"Kootenay Ours. e tnas secin stemenit th e above tsars biese J. W. Biffm Porlvi, JUIY loi18M 1 To UMake 1Dh7fry tnESucsibi .Dairy and ioil butter should 13e sent to the market us quickly as it is churn- ed, for ever>f day it lies around the Store or sits around the hoUSe ih gees off flavor and loses its freshness andi deteriorates in value. Roll butter should be nicely wrapped in cheese dlotlx, eachý roll separately, vhich hbquld be wét -in strong brine befere it psut on the butter. It should then be 1 packed in tubs, cdean boxes or hàlf beiIeIs, w4ich- should alvays bce lined wiih cheMs cloth or partchment paper. Tub buter should be packed in tubs yhat -%vil hold about the amonut of ont çhurniug, po-that tbere von't 3e t*o [gifferent coýorslu 'the.tub. lunsalting' yoihr butter put in naarly an ounce loi, Lalt~ to <ue Ã"ondofbtterý, and e luving moved mb oOurw ov miss, v and saddlery business 0111b. doue t1sls faction. Collare a specisiy. Qailland me., my u&hop and stock. W. (JALVEBLEY, Seonud door veet of old &hop. Dundae Street, Wbitby P Railway Time Table * ~ GIAND TRUiIK AND 19IDLAMd M. W. COLLI1I8, SOLE AGENT FOR WariTBy. Âpply a little l"Quiokeure' tO a pi*Mplo, or any blemieh of the akin, and oTer vith thin paper, and it vii disappear in twenty.fonr houri, leawfing thi.e kin nature1 and healty, as il deetreje the. germe vhieh enter the "kn sd cause pimuples, houaà, et.., eapecially if eue is unweil, or even rnn dovu freux over- vork." Manufaceturm4 by-'Tl .4ooCe.ý, WindaoTt. mot ny edicino on wlbi hlaIssU. cam deocu d ti w and5*MW age e staxpvitixÙ= ai i sud IL M& i-l186 Drolet Steet Ntbli. lu Yoms sufered. Ordc hsiIolgPl. WlamBuder.PaaanOt.Sfhs Pabano Bsar Gowsr>Point. Oit. UBd- fered o80yrs Curedc t.iiur Plesýbyv dout. TheOsaa.Lue Uaewrw Up M aualt OoutroUling the. Apple Grop. This in a very important question, hov te change the bearing years cf the. apple orchard. Tt ianet a difficmlt matter te remnove the bloesm or young fruit frosa amali trees. and thus put thexu in the way of bearing a full crop the aucceeding year With such large trocs as are some of mine where the fruit can be gathered only from a 25 foot ladder plsced around the. out- aide and a long handled fruit-picker te reach the apeles in the. middle of the treea, it is a tak I should greatly dread te pick off all the blosaome, or t.he amal apples as soon a8 they had set. It in possible that such work would pay, even though difficuit an expensive, had iL te bo done but once. Lut my expprience prompts me te throw ont a word of cau- tion to any oeswbo însy think sieriously of making the experinient. It in not certain 'that the change, if mnade, vil! be a permanent one. A front or cold storai, when the treos are in bloom, may des- t.roy the crop of that year and bring the bearing year round again where it vas boforo. 1 have fonnd another diffioulty, and tint a small one-ihii influeûce of insecte. Lt should be remetnbered by those who may propose to change the bearing yearB of apple urocs that under ordinary management, or lack of management, when therv in a funll crop of apples there may mot be insecte enough te allow for emch apple; so there xnay be qui te a crop of eound fruit at the end of the season to put in the cellar -Jutït insecte enongh to thin the fruit as it ought te be thinned would bo a bleasing to the orchardista, especially if they would do thpir vurk earlv in the season vhile the fruit ie amaîl. I do much of my thinning hy shortening the bearing wood in late fall or vinter. and find it much leus vork than Lo pick off the fruit. 1LBUR INERVE PULLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. At agil Drugglsts. Prîce 6e cents per Box, Or 3 for 51.50. Sent by Mail on recSlpt of price. T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto. 1surplus, i Whitby A gezacy. General B&pxing Business Transaoted. BAVINGS DIPAETMENT. ltereat afowed st hlgheut eourrent rat«m. No notice of vitbdxawai requlred 1 . J. THOINTON, FAIRBANK'S Ii>oal E&tato Column. Smaii Frame House and Lot, corner of ,ohm and Byron streets, Whitby. Wiii be sold very cheap. LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, north *ard. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, nortb ward, viii be sold cheap. Cbeap. A fine tvo story brick bouse, witb brick stables. Situated on Byron st., Whitby, the finest residential street ln the tovn. vithin three minutes walk of the post office. There are three lots of ]and vitb an entrance on two streets. House ln perfect repair. For particulars apply te L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont VIM, VIOGOR, and VITALITY RESTORED MN 80 DAT«S. 000» E]&"BC" AT ONCE. OÂTON'S VITALIZER. Cuwesese" ra1crpeell deWtty, wakefl- &m e, furat«3tIMoS<kemsseu, mp- sirm7l.emectu l: eitra laE 18QMIIK A» I TROVOL. Dcu't b. demeiveM by lit&Qt&I edt oM olre. informati, r#uee.* $e re coufideutla. Send n staàet0ocas su tote4clma wmskstr tritaset. 0hl» *» sont tae uh person CATON MoE»., 0,. OTON. x&B. $1,500 000 L ok for Ibis Puit in the Soow Itis the pattern of the heel of the Granby Rubber and Ovm*sboe. The next time you buy a pair of rubbers or overshoes ask for Granbv 's and look for this pattern on the heel. There is no need te take a Granby that is flot the saine shape as youir boot, because they are made Lo fit every shape of ehoe. A rubber that does flot fit the boot wil) dra w the foot. Granby Rubbers are thin, liglit, elastic and fit perfectly. They wear like Iron. IuAN8 GuirGOIXoWETWA». No 8, Express Dafly Mail....... 5:48 a m No , 5 LAited Express.......... 6-24 a in No. 7, Local, exoept Sunday .... 9:08 a m No. 18, Pasuenger 111 i .... 2.64p m No. 1, Express, Mail daily ...8:06 p M TEAINS eo01110sAuziAB No. 6 Express, dally, except Sun .. 8:12 a m No. 4 Express, Il 9:57 a mn No. 14, Passeuger 64 84 2:.87 p rn No. 8, Local, 44 de 6:.22 p m No, 2, Express, Mai. dally.... 10:07 p mx ZStop on signal MIDLAND DIVISION eOIXu O E]TB-NDlLAND 5TLTI0 Mail .......................... 8:20Oam Mail.......................... 4:20 Pm Mlxed To Lindsay.............. 6:-40 p m 00h10 s OUTR Mlxed Prom Lindsay ........... 8:60 amn M &il ......................."*«12:86 P M Mail ............. ..... .........8:40 P m DOMINION BANK. Oapital Paid up, - $195000000

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