Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 1

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'i The VOL. XIL. WHIITBY?, ONTAR1O, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1897. N.2 Spring.Time YOU WILL WANTI Diamond Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Eclipse Dyes, Thse latter at 2 cts. a package. Moth Camphor, Gum Camphor, Heusehold Axnmonia,, Large Ilottle 10c., fusil strength. A. H. A]JLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - WINDMILL S. Geo. Alin -.gO Selis the Genuine AERMOTOR, of Chicago. lntending purchasers should examine ibis mill htiore piacting iheir order. D-)evolile ant agent piut an ittiion onlSou w hen vii cari get the Ger une Aet-rmuter, the)ruutgtily gaivawtzeil, and warranted, for less mont ' . Miore oi these ills soid in Canada to d«Ay than any other make. lTe Aermotor (oe dlaim thvv seilione hait the nuniber of wind- miii eutftts sold In tre .%urld, at the present inre. M r \Villiamson, of i ranzeîille, S(ld 12-, outfis durîîîg the pasit nre vears. Ail stvies of W~ood and Iron Pumps for sale. Any information regarding these outfis wi be freely gîsen i writing to GEO. ALUIN, I-eh 7, tS-;-6mO. VsHi i B WCSTERN BkNK 0F CANADA. Capital Authorxzed $1,000,000 Surplus 105,000 BtOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JOHN COWAN, ESQ., President REusN S. HAmLlIv, ESQ., 'Vice-Pres. T. H. MCM ILLAN,--- Cashier. General Bankin~ Business transacted. Drafts issued, pasXa he in ai parts of Cao- ada, United Sttes, ,and on London, Eng- land, payable \jn ai parts cf Europe. 3 pet centt. allowd-n Saviags Bank Deposits and credited half yearly. Speci.al attention to collectiorn of Farmers' sale notea. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Wbitby Brancis. 1 xecutor'8 Sale of Farm and Residence. There,, will be offered for sale bv public n'îction,', ai WoodrutPs Hntel, Wbitbv, at 2 oclock, p.m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 17t h, 1897, part of the real estate of the LATE RICHARD COLLINS, deceased. coyppîasiiig: i. That deairable brick residenceîn Picker- ing village, nearly new, and in good condi- tion. 2. The R M Ricbardson farm on thse Base Line, Pickering, containing about 75 acres, part of Lot NO 4, Broken Front. This sale wil afford an izeellerît opportun- ity le obtain either a mail desirable- resi-' dence or farm. Now is the lime ta buy when property la selling so low. Easy terms cf paymneat. For particûlars enquire of Licvi FAIRBANKS, auctlnter-- E. DE_- HART, Esq., F. J. RicHARDSON. Esq., W. V. RICHARDSON, ESq., J. E. FAREWELL, .Cor Dow & McGiLLIVRAY, Solicitors, Whiîby. W ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Meni or Wospen to gravel for re- spoissible ertablished bouse in Ontatrio. Salary $78o, payable $z5 weekly and ex- penses. Position permaneni. Refererîce. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, The National, Star Building, Chicago.- 17-8. FOR SALE A good drivlng horse, vus-y gentle, a lady or cblld can drive.'« Aise Mikado boggy, harisess, cutter and robes. WIU sell cbeap. Apply te JAS SAWDEN. , Wbllby, Nov 17, 1897- PARA FOlR SALE The sauth X Of Lot,,COnU 7, Essi. Wblt- by. containing i.5o acres, mos-e or kes,' lu- cluding from 15 to s -0 1rbob sisl beeceband maPie. The b rildinge copiai of a 19 stcney framne bouge, %wltls exs.eMloos, ii large bain witb atone cgilarg s, uwe, hAy barn, driving 'sheS. êe. t " Ifi o-ial oscharS of 125 trous. TlUsf*ies wl4 Seli k novn asucrue of the -b*et, InktiS ahih of a sat Wfttby; t. .Mrmstaed 4'- Oqbgwa. Popeseln.ýg$ven , iu» .897. Apiy 'ta R Lo4 bourdec St., Toronto. _k, ~<Mar-. 24, i8g7.-l-z4 S(Y LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CHIIONICLE COaazsPONDZNIxîc Seeding thia wtt-k. Mn Wm %Vard psid us a visit lateiy. Mr \,%m Arbuckîe visited Torontc, last wtt k. Mr %Vm Edarards is very Iilwilh bron- choi is. Nîr John W Disney visiteti (niensis in Ux- hirit it nSutday Isat. %Ir. Philip bas selti bis horse ta Mi Ed \Vit.,.,r. of Glien Maor. Mr S liisnev soid a vatuable boise lasi veek fer ihe smm f fiee. Messrs Alonro Joncs ansi Bert Washburn art laid up wvînt the- mumps. Mn T C NMcAvoy dispostd of a fine loati of hys at Brook lin last veek. Ouer tea mierchatîts are ai present on strike as tht reads are bati and eggs are cheap, Mn J E Disney' wetît te Orangevîlle tast wtt-k ne attend the tutieral of bti deceaseti bruthbtr. Mr WVm Prît paidtius a fliing visit lait wtt-k. lie loî)ks as if anc i-arming agreeti vîtî bînt Mn James Jones returned tei bis work at week on the(S PR betwee'n Sîitî's Falls sel (Claremeorrt, whert- he lias engageti fer tht- sîîtnuer as hiige t-arpenter. Movttîg seenis te be the onder of the day arounittiase paris at prusent Mni G Johnsorn s mîvinr on te ibe Bînnell farîn wbere he once restieibt-fore, Mn Emprnngbam bas left loi Scat bore. M r John Bartîts fer Mark- bar ir ile Mn Pikey moîts reste the place Mn Johnson le vres and Ed Graham te where Mn Bannes resititt, Mnr\Vm Bushtby bas leit for Michiigan whlire he bas bought a faim. Wt wtsh our iteîighboirs success. WVe are son' te leain that Mnr John Anson bashetrn fercedt tehave ont cf bis eyes ne- moveti, wbîcit he get hurt wlii!e iin tht bush abhout new years Whiie he wa% cbopping a lwig fit-w up strîking botn tii the eve. resaIt- ing in inflammation. Ht venit to Toronto te tht hesîjitai wbere he recefiveti akîllul îreatment fer soetim re, aimd returneti hoine wiih the holbe ihat he coulti still ste a littît out of the tn.iured eye , but later ors it seem- tsi 10 hecome verse andi lie reiurtsed agein .Tiîr.nt where he uoderwent the trial of tosîng cite of bis besi niembens. There was qutie a senstaiion un ibis place on Stindaty ast when it became known tIsat J V D)îaîey 's yeingest bov Stanley hati strdyed away frons home, whîle tht parents vert avay fromn home vi-Qiting a ait-k relative Tht litile felîow vas teft un charge of bis eider brothens atid gransimother when be mâriagedt t get eut of doona te have a play anti be Ieft BaIsant wikb tht dog whicb il îî itought lielîre-t o ltat i bimaway. Wben t frst lt-carne kn<rwn that he vas lost lil vas about 5 ut-lut-s; tht- alarm vwas gîven ansi anti about 30 cf tht neiglibors tarneti eut cli i. at ant iat h rtgs te kir>k fer tht- mtssîng oune, anti evcry crook anti corner was se.rched ihgh andtt low fur about 3 hrs wben thlie bov's and the- tig's track% vert traceti geiig tat as fan as thet tcntie anss then riont t f One cf tht nîgs met some ene corn- ing lin tibedirectionwvtb vhat appeaiedti t ht- aime ting on bis back 'vhen le anti be- hnid it vas Fred Creasor witb tht chilti on lits sbouititrs wbo vas comîng along the Cbalk Lake roati ansi met tht boy ansi bis fithiai frîiînd thetdig. Tbey vert about _s miles from home. Mn Creasac happeneti to knoiw tht ctîlti or tise he voulsi surety bave becîr oui ail night anti peihaps perish- ed ag he is only about 4 yrs olti. KINSALE Mrs Jos Harbion bas quite recovered front bt-rnet-eut ltness. Mn Jno Lewis bas been confined ta the bouse fer a fev days. Sirs Tises MrBnig-an bas iseen apendins- a few days witIs ber son ait Uxbiids-e. J W Saîton is s-oins- ta vonk tbc model faim. Ht bi-s already bes-an operations. Mr E A McBryan's"second boy Sas bean quitç il! cf late. We trust ise viii necover. Mnf. Bales, mother of Mn Thos Bales near Salet, vas unteiresi aI Salem cn Monday lait. Mr A Parkias bas sold bis beef caIlle at a splendid figure, andi nc vonder, as they vwere excellant quality. Mr Rdi Redman andsi wfe are niaI7y settleS ln thein ne% borne an tise lovline. We vins thetm uccesa. Colonel Dennis bas engaged to do sVy- vice with WW McBryan. Aithougis a ftsl fiedged vet. Se likes farnsing. Mr Walter Rogers Sas eneclesi a vinS miii upon hlm barn a fev sisys since ansi ncv finS tish o ine cf tIseomat. Mr R R Movbray bas iscen gcttug in smre lively vork of late vush a tenant cm- der bis supervision in thse Cotztwnist dis- trict Be, like mrny more, thougisi bu couidse ttuc bis accoants mos-e eàssll by moving eut of tise ceunis-y aniuowu lt. hits creditors. Ms- Movbraybsis faund cousuS es-aSie trouble lu bookiog mtes- this geâtsi-. TIse sud intelligenée asrived- here'a few days aluce of tise auddeus deatis of $s-s Sterricker,st Wabagoon, iShe bad not, dvýelt qst v ek i ber new homae E- fore *l~#soemmole bthe oêit- band ' of Tise many friendi.cf Dr and Mis Robent Hickitîgbottom, laie cf this section, but now of Vanicouver. were sorely grieved last week on bearing cf the deatis cf their eldesi son George after a painful illness cf eleven weeks in the bospital at Toronto. Mn and Mrs Hickingboîiom viso vere among tise best known and most higbly respectesi of Our Youlig peopl-, moved b oBritishs Colum- bia severai years ago, vhere tIse doctor bas since work ed up an extensive pradtice. In June Isat Mn Hickingbotîoni vho ila a daugbter ol tise laite Mi Huburtus and a grand daughter cf Mn John Nicol, retutned te Ontario wvus her interesling fanîily of1 three children, to pay a visit ta relatives and fniersds bere. The sad and unttmely deatb cf Miss Mmud Iltiburtus caused Mrs Hick- ingt.iottorgi ta prelong ber sîay in Ontario. Esnrly in the vinter George was tairen iii, and complications setng in he was remov- ed te the hoç;pital but the best medical aid proved unavailing and tise little sufierer passesi avay on the 4tb inst. The remains vere bitoughi here otn Wednesday andi inter- red in the presence of a large gaîbeninz of sorrowing frierîds. The Rev Mn Abram of St Andrews Cburch Whitby conductesi the neral seprvice in a very impressitug mannen *is Hicktngbotîomn's visit bas been marked by nîucb sorrew as welI as joy, tice she bas bt-en caîted upon to follow lovesi cnes ta the grave wbile at prescrnt ber husband is Iving srck at Vancou ver and bis agesi moth- er is seriougîy ili in Whîthy. We extend our heant feit spmnpatby ta the afflicied fami lies. TOWN LIME. The farmers have nicely commenced seed- inîg. Miss May Courtice is viaiitig at Mrs Car- rut bers. Mrs West of Litte, visiîed ai Mn A H WVest's aven Sunday. Mnirlenrs Rîîidle, of Columbas, is visit- ing at Mi Walter McGegor's. Mri Net! McGregon arrivesi home Tuesday romn Chicago, 1<> remain a couple cf monîhs. iThere bas been a great many suckers caugbî in Lyndc's creek Ibis spning; they stem îo be uiîusuaîly deliciaus. A horse trade toolc place nean the scbooî bouse. These cholars vere all iooking on, and tbey cou Id tell just boy it was done. As Mi El Pbiîip vas driving ta tovu the cI ber evening bis hoise took fnîght ai sorte stone recently put iu a bale on tise crosîng ai McGregor's sideroasi. It jumpesi across the roasi and feil into tbe deep dîîch on tia back. The barnes ad ta be cul belore thse horst couid get up Thse buggy vas nul damagesi mach, andi Eu cscaped all îigbt. We vene in Mn S C Wiison's ntrsery lately sand vere shosirt a pear îree which vas gîrdiesi one year ago last Maich. Lasi yeaî tise branches mtade a growtis ai sixteeti incises. Thse tiunk grev also, and i t vas riuch langer aboie tise girdle than belov. Mr %Vilson cul into the girdlesi part to show ub il vas realîy deasi; th4e rec is nov busi- ding ouI again and looks flke living. Lait Thursday afleracon tise Res-. Mr. Manning and Mi TIss ray called on &lY Coakvell ta bld bit gond bye preious toa trip te England, and presented bit with a puise aI gcld, and tise foillowiag asidres from bis mauy friends :Mn. Geo. Ceak- weli Dear Friend,-We take tisis oppor. tunity of sbowing te you tise esteet in whicb yau are iselsi by your many friends in ibis communiîy. You are abouito leave us for a visile ta visit thse old land," andi betore l.aking your departure we ask you tc please accept this irnali gift as an expres- sion of thse goosi will cf your rny fieuds. May Gosi accompany, guide and pretect you. and if it be Hîs goond pleasure, we Isope you rnay retura borne safe and abun- dandly recupenaied iunIse4lth. May Re aiso waîch over your tvife aud children in your absence. We have bien iaierested la you duiing ycur sevene illness, and are glasi to say tisai yeu have borne il vitit truc christian tortitude. We greatly sympathize Witt. you in yon.r affliction and we pray tIsai you rnay corne home greaily blessed in soul and cempleîely restoresi physically, and eveniually rnay ve ail meet s intai bright dlite vhere siekuess, pain andi partisg are unkuowa. 319OONLIN Heasiquaricra for wal papers, HalIiday Bras,' Rev. P. G. Mode, of Port Peris-, vii accupy tise pulit in thse baptist cisurch on Scnday next instead cf Rev. Dr. Hoopei, as announcesiIsat Sunday. Mr. W, Morrison injured ose- of bis budsnlu tise tumrsp pulpes- lait vec sod a few'day. latis fotand that blood-polsoning 1usdst auad rpI- 17 vent up bis atm, Jprtnuaiy ecimd oenia mmeinent at once and tise disesse va arzested. li$ue sncardy bettsm ise, -od 1 tise Arnold &Mare dvertisd for Wcdnesday à( t9Is eau ld st"ne off as Mr. G. W. Arnold*edd la geulng a à novl Mfandi pit -off tie iîOtggo wbuvs w du bmnu. This farmsu vas uly eneusnboedviei 14re ArnaldtopS hou CE. IaMd bissbu ale bard d- tn bdgdw IoIdb.~ms is rcissare glad %unowtisaib. 11 iiI av tlid u , astise C C iuppurlJhb»re mi.1 have flot done much blowing about oui jubilep celebrations but as usual, Brookian as abead of eli the rest. Public LUbrary At lastit i a settled fact that ihere will be a publiec hbrary in this village. On Tuesday even- ing a meeting was beid in the couicil room at whÎtb the mille. that bas been securing moembersgg their report, whicb sboved tbat the requisite- iàumber of subscriptiîns bad been receivrd, Rev. J. H. Harris stated that be had had the liai of members registered as required by i law. A board of managers was eiecied coin- posed of tbe following :--D. Holliday, E. R. Eddy, Chas. Grass, A. Keichen. D. W. Mac- donaid, Rp-v. J. H. Barris. A. C. EUliott and Rev. O R. Lambly After adj-urnmenî the board of managers mnet ansd elected these ofi- c-rs :-Chaîrmnan, A. Ketchen- secretary, E. R Edily;- treasurer. F. Scott. A comimittee for se lecîing books was appointed ccnsisting of Dr. Mocre, Res. J. H. Harris, D. Holliday. E. R. Eddy and W. A. Holliday. T'Me selection is to be made to-day, Friday, and the books wsll be ready for distribution next week. The first order will be for one hundred dollars worth. KillIed in South America On Monday morning Mr. A. Milîs rpeeived the followmng letter which had been forwarded ta bîm by bis sister, Mns. B'trreît. «'New York, April 8ib, 1897 Mrs. Barrett, Campbellford, Ont. Dear Mada.--Our Mi. Barros writes from Iquitos, that your brother, Mr. George Miita who was living at Santo Antonio, on thse bead- waters of tbe Amnazon, was IuIled on t he mornîng of thse -. by the indians. who on that d:4y as- semb1ed at the bouse where be was stayinR andi kilIed al thse white people. aumberîng sixleen, amoagst wbom was Mr. Milis. Mr. Barras vis- itcd the place the day afier the assault had been given by thse Indians and lound notbing belong- ing to Mr. Mill&, as everytbang had been taken awsy. even bis body. In bis bedroom was fond a little peeket book ccntaining a few papers cf rio value, amongat wbic'h a letter trom you which bhm givea tIse oniy cdue ta bis relations and wbich 1 enclose. Vours n'uly, SHIPTON GREEN." "P. S.-Mr Barras neg)ected ta gîve tbe date." The sad intelligence conveyed in tIe above was a great shock ta Mrs. Milis and the members of her family who bave aur sinéere synîpathy. Mr. Georgze Milita bas Iseen in South Amneriea for ten Veais. Thse last letter received fîom hlm wan writsn in October and aItishat time lie waa mnak- iag arrangements to be homne &t Christmas, but afterwards made a change in bis plans. Mr. A. Mutas bas written thse New York firm from whom the above letter came. and the British Consul ta Peru. ia an effort ta gel <urther information con- cerning tbe lragedy. Thse fact that ne bocies were fourd leaves raom for a faint bope tbaî somte cf the unfortunate wbite men may bave been carried away alive in whîcb case there would be tise baie possibility of escape, but the writer of thse letler, who was on thse spot, evid- eritly bad fia fait in lu Iis tbeory, W.A. H. Diess Making Miss Ethel Skinner, Dress Maker, first- c ans work donc in every respect. Orders taken at ber residence or sewing done ai the Isqeecs of customers. Residence isaîf mile tsqçth of Brookl station, at jas. Skinner's. M;ar. 24th, i896-17-4in. BEALL, IL - lttmier of Marriage Licos«.. ResiAence opposite Town RaU, Brooklin. W A MCNUEBLY, D V S.-OGraduate cf tise On- tario Veterinary College, Toronto; Honorari meniber cf thse Ontario Media.) Society. Treats &Il 'limsefaithe domesticatedl animal@ b7 thse mont apprved methad. Alec particislsr attention uo urgical operationai ansd d.eatfmtry. Day or nlgisi callis romt> attended to. Office and reidence aso~l Ontarlo. "Where oid Ynu UeltIhat Hat?" Sbould tbis questio be âïskcd a wcck or îwo from now, you should be able ta answer "'Wby, ai Holhiday Bron., of course." We have a large *ssortment cf new gcods in Ibis Une, for men andl boys, in black,. grey, brown and aigar sbades, ai pricsrang ifrot 4_c. la 83. New styles in Caps ai z8a, 25c, 3oc and 3ça. 5 per cent. is. count for Cash. WALPAPERS Everybody who sees our new samPles et once aya îte" are tbe preuiest and eheap- 0.î we have e1ver shows, md I hat meas a s»n to Ms-sud Mis Leouard Newa. s ,s-m Ilj a atie Heur left hast eek for Ottavia,vith1 te ps-ops-e hermchf for isursing i he s. ieS tO #,f Mr- Lyiban Forsyti fs-on Uxbidge vhS bis tvo littîs girls vore bere tise eaïripus-of 4tits week. Tke Sudayaboard bure luabout addwOz Fi sorno ton dalas-sw«orttf librqy books to 41 their prome t stcit. ai Ms- Jam",sMoffqa maS*Ire (roin Teik$.id- utidç were vlsitlngtbW r slek relative Mrs- A P u Hosige on usaiat MssBarahay vbl, hasbém uusrplng-'Ua* Af P'*Hadges for soMe veoks-ýýpssaw» * ai.t ý4r' -home faluPrince Albert for- a. ( 7 e ':7sV nuar ils poSt-mce a, -bas-a. 854 auter> Muu..fr sQfilauvsi rlo5f as UL"CazaTERlî.1 Mis G Gibson bas moved ia oMis Bryaat's bause, Mi los Munro la mach better this week, and able te leave bis bed. Mr Percy Stone bas bired witb Mi R S Parka, ta work iis season in. the cheese facîory. Mr L McCaipin bas bured with Mns C Thomp- son, and Mr Fred Masters wiîb Mis J Graham., Carpeuters and masans are busy this week fxing tbe bouse in whicb Mis C Tbompsea in- tends ta move in thse fai. Mi Wm Smith's youngesî ahild, Jean, bad a bad fai lasi week. Under thse careful eye af Dr Archer, abe ia itnpîaving. Bills vill be out in a few days proclaiming Tuesday, 27th inst, as nomination day, . A igIs is anticipated, and we hope il may be a lively ane. Thse abeese factoîy will very likely Qpenl on thse itiof May. An effort wilI be put roîtb te malt iis easoa's business mare successfui tban aay cf herciofore. Many farmers bave tound th-- faatory s great iselp and ve hope mare mnay look itlcthse matter. Mi A W Campbell. Civil Englacer, and Pro- vincial Road Cammissioner, vili lecture in thse îown baIl here Tuesday eveaing, 27th inst, on "Geod Roads, We hope a larize number ma* attend for i wuld be a greeat advsntage ta kncw boy ta improve oui aumerous' 'summer follcw.'l Mr W E Yarnold bas handed in his report on tise condition of tbe aiak bole on and con, la bis opinion thse state cf affaira is not sa bad as bas heen represeated. The ioadway or bridge bas no& lowereti any. It is tise ccntiaued rising cf tIse vater that asakes matters look worse, The water could be easiiy drained trom tIse south side of the bog, and by iepairiag the bis somte- whaî, tisg may look mare brigisî. la thse first place tise vcrk vas neyer done cariectly, and now it wili take $25o te complele tise jab. Iseems quît. a suai ta expend on a icad so little îrayelled, white aur main roads are ai cer- tain tîntes almost impassable. We bave many turupikes thai preseat very aften magnifiacat sceneries, but very eldam much gravellîng donc where it should bc. We could say more, but probabîy Mr Campbell in bis lecture bore on tIs- ainsma may save us the, trouble, Reacis Council. Met iantthe towa hall, Manchester, on Monday lust. Ail members, except first daputy reese preseat. Reeve Rbeal in thse chair. Minutes cf lat meeting vwere rend and caufirmed. The falioving communications vere icad. From W M Weir, in faim of resiguation of office af irsi depuîy-reeve. F'romn Allait Stewart, restignatian of pathmaster. Prom clerk of NMariposa, te towa line expeaditure. F'rcm General Accident, Empîcver's liahility and fideliy Guaranie In- murance Go. Fîam Mayar of Peterboro a"king council to appoint delegates ta interview Domin- ion gaverarsent re Trent Canal completion. From Robert Michie, chairman of meeting re- commendiag tIse appointment of Robert Ak. burst for patismaster cf road division No 85. Promu Municipal Wortd ackaowledging recaîpt of 82 for paîbmasîer's list. From Y N Raines af Uxbridge, in relerence ta payaient of vire fence. From J E Farewell, infcrming tise cauin- cil ibai Hoîiiday Brus, Brooklin, had takeu out a pedlar's license for Sauth Oai. Promn A W Campbell. C E. P R C. sîaîing tisai hae vould view ths ink Isule and deliver a lecture in lise town hall an April 27, topic "Good Rjasis" Front cleris of Brock .ivlng aopy ai resolution paased by council of Biock,,ire Thotupson, Indi- gent. Alse anc from thse reeve of Bioak on the smne subjeat, totally ignoring Brock's liability. Fromn W E Yaruald. townahip englacer, enclos- îng report cf condition af sink Isole on and con, loi 113- A petition signesi by Chas Rene andi slxy olisers asking a grant cf ntoney on con 13, opposite lots r6 and 17. The acuncil vas ad- dresscd by Messrs Wallace and Rennie in sup- port of tise petition. rbey only asked tise mcd- est suin cf s4oo. Mr Jas Watson addressed thse couinciluring then tot give a bonus ta parties who would put wide tires (4 incises) antlir wagons. On motion of Mr Lamb tise resigna- toa of firsi deputy reeve vas acaeped, and the alerk vas instructed te issue proclamation cal- ling nomination on Tuesday. 2"7i 1maiOn motion cf Mr Meonalsi an order vas grauitedj la faver ci lobs Clyde for $z. belng refond cf dog tas assessed wierror 1h 'g6.Ordeus were granted lu laver cf folloving: Wm Stone 750 for filing vashouts ln Madabester ; W W Pile 75C. for assiisg engineer 10suspect sisk boIe,4 On miotion couneil adjourned.- P C Gs.iuàx.- AuDiEY Are tbe Easter hlies abluont? Min Laura MoCarthy is lu Toronto., Mfr. Ira Carpenter hm bens I our âelhbor. hooadfor afew days. WnUilMaddaford sud Albert Beilbave botb' aoopied goil utualina luthe N.W.T. The-e - -so- tls l-orwnhVU nv PONT PEnay. Mis M Scott bas removesi to Toronto. M rs A rmour la viaiting bei parents Mr andi Mis D Campbsell. Rev H M Manning viii accupy the meth- edist pulpil nexi Sabisatis. Mr' J W Marra y, cf Oshawa, was visiting oîd frîcasis bere lasî Sanday. Mn joseph Calvert bas gone to Oshawa te çvark in one of tise tailoring establishsments of tisaIt ova. Jusige Dartacil bas given bis îJecision ln the noîed cow càçe cf Phoenix vs Noît. 'lhe jusigment is for »tle plaintiff witis$4 dam- ages and costs besides the cow. Rev R Whitemnan Iast Sunday evenlng de- livered an carnesi, iisaaghtfuî discourse <rom tise texi --Let net your beart be lrcubled:ye believe in God, believe aIso of me" la coanecîlon witb the memneilal ser- vice cf the late Jchn Grahamt. Chief Constable McKnigbt isad a ratiser uapieasant duly 10 penfoint last voek, Mis Albert Blake for somelime is showa signa of being dementesi. Lasi Satw'day be had Mis Blake conveycd to tise asyluin t Miatico ansi there placesi for ireainent. On Saturday nigtst mre person tpck eut a vindow ait the rear cf Wrig hi & Cols store, and dlien stole anc pair or boots ansi a amaîl amnount la cappens. After helping himself he coolly openesi the back door andi vent oui. There are trong suspicions of tise guilty anc. In Tuesday's Globe 1 see tbat Chas Sers- berger bas been agalu successful in bis suit vi th tise C. P. R. Tise court of appeal vere unanimous la bis favor. Tise cornpany lest au every plea lu their appeal. The only way ta make lise C-P. R, more careful of humas lives, la fortem10 o bemuiched inl heavy damages every tirne an accident oc- cars There are three or faut crossings in East Whitby that are dangeroua places. Only a short lime ago a ladyand gentle- man driving toward Raglan nearly got caughi by' au englue ; they. got aver tise crossing just lu time ta save their lives. Thse trainnien did not blov a visistie or ring a bell and an accaunt of thse track bc- iris hisiden b7 tise cuttins- tiseysddati sec thse train until tisey vere at tise track, Concerts Tise methodist aabbsth school concert an Monday evenias- vas very ci-editable te tise çpsils wbo tok part, every eue did well. Th oldilvas amusing ; tise vand drill alone vas verrth going ta sec, ivelve young ladies al dresseS lunvwhite vil sases o resi, white and bine, and vanda decorated vilS tthe same celas- cf ribbowu, vent tirug drill tisai vas veildoue sud iicsvsperformed tte sts-aine of mar- ~tial.musie. Tise teachers as-e deses-ving cf pi-aise for tiseir efforts ta teaching tise mem- bers of liese mhool lhiser respective pars. Ou Wednesday evening MasseBas-ton s division also gave a concert sud il vua succesa iu every vay, each pupil tsking part deing tiseit beat to make il successful. Wbile Mr Orr Grabat the weil knowvs veterinaiy surgeon, vas drivlng ta Caàri- vnigbî lasi Fiiday he met vuS anu accident whicis bas larned5 out veiy fortungte -for hlm. He met a team t ohie embatskmnsst opposite Mr Ham's tam, azîsinla me way the vheeLs became lackred and 1fr Grabau beins- lu a cari vas thiovu over' theibrisige sud <cil several feet. For a day.or .so,,be was very sore, buti1 am pleasïedtOvs-ie be la around agail andi able te aitesid 4io bis business as usual. Ou ltuesday evtàtog cf this week MiaWm Pars, *511e goinghome frointMis Cars-y'e sale. (clz on the Shlpes- sidevalk on Bigelev seetanSýbs-oke ber left ieg bMcv the Suce. DNeigsbom mri-ed ber loto Mis Has-vey's baume au-$ Dr Robes-t Archer vas sent for to met thse injus-ed.-, lmb. aftes- viîce Msm Parr- vas cars-led home on a coucis. Dus-mg the -opus-ites cf se thie broketi part -s raPars- uevbr. flincbed, but bas es-ied conslderablepais meThé accident viii place the, la yata odSeai of inconvenbeaçge atthsiseasoas Mais. eB but bcbig lu thu hada of knSln Mudsei wjfl b. Ïeli aa sddtoé'siewasel" ai tsomby tiseacint SpmlagPul_ - --i hW-h Pot Pervyou TsUida.y, " t es. ola aSt, iurn t h. pastthe offides& 4k- 1 rectos-s bave put liot-h evcs-y' Il> rtt>susmk this fais-,asuces. JTsooo(s ibu i (fair Ialsteuded t0 f4rtberýthiir1nterêmb 'dé, uMt takethat istes-ust ilu ttat-tîiysbQwm, nesy of tlie pri= es tat.as-p sot .vep buhsg ~ fattrse inztl- ib mdub 0 - ONTARIO. 1

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