Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 2

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I 1LK'TTXT 'i d ~5aluessgeodhbt. >fsu lwnt te pakt the littictigl aoteh home, butdo nuotonot-ega abouti it. It's easy. PuITS are prepared neady for immediate use- no mixing ta gei the shade desired, no in- " . courenieuce, ne bard work. J ust open1 cau, st-jr the paint, dip iu your brush sud go shead.1 Our bookiet, u~ Palat Pints," will help you. Tt tells just the things yuwould like ta kuaw. Tt i. a practical talk &bout paint. It tells tbe d!6 betpaint for tables, chairs, settees, for buggies, for boats, for cupboards, for shelves, for baris, fences and roofs, for bath tubs, for houses There P is one good paint for each pointable thing, and only one. Mailed free q to any address.Send to-day. For booklet, address 19 St. Antoine St. Montreal. TESNERI-WIWIIS Ca. CHICA GO OORRESPONDENOE LINDSA Five tovu boys argsnized tbemaselves inr.o an emigration aooety lat veek, vît-h a conbîied capital oai85.50, -t-va biniz sharehoideresud t-bs-e bonorary mcm- bers. They at-arted for the veut-ern gold fielda, but did ual gel an y urt-her t-haD Orilî. A box car vas sngbt- to secune a ride in, but- tee oold ion comfatabie Bleeping. Tbey cuare. tringinii back ta tovu a trifle saddsr but viser, tise lut one arriviiîg about tisa and ai t-ho yack. Thay may make auothar st-art wbeu t-be veather gels annirer. A bout- four o'cioek ou Friday afttarnoon iat- auma beys v-ors piaying vit-b fire- orackcns at t-ha corner cf Lindsay sud Russelli st. A yaursg voman came slang puahing Mn.. W.-Skinuar's baby canniage sii front- ai bar. Oue of thse boys t-aased a isgbtad cracker inta tisa carrnage, prob-t ably tbinking it a good joks. The ex- plosîve vaut off, fght.unn t-be baby bsdiy, beaids sattng fis-eta thes rug. Tise young miseresut snd bis conirada made e off halons tihe police aould ha aummauad. The baby niglit bava beau senîously in- j ursd. Sucis onaduit aliould ha sevcnsiy puniahcd.f Tisera vuan suattempted double bang- ing in lova n 0»day lsu vaek tiat- caused quit-a an axcitenufor a visile, sud gave at- lesat oua afi-ais.participants in tisa 'f». ti Ps'&y #m r ralistie idesai visat t-bl %ed?éaliug" rsaUly meass. Tva w1n tlo a rion va&ali cal] Jack su n, bar ba paying atton- tiens for smoirn aepual t-a acoupla ai tain listera ln tisa nortis yard, sud t-ha iutimacy ripeniug lut-o love, usannioge vas propoaed sud sgraad ta, by t-bs fuir oee. H-owver, t-ha "aid folka"-tist obsacslet ln so muuy casas ai true love-lutart red, sud t-ha young men w-are ionbidden to corne nean t-ha bouse. Tise.tva leve-aick swaine grev despondeut, sud decidcd on suicida as tis e asiest and quiceat maous ot ending t-hein trouble. Accordiugly, s fev yards et atout nope vas pnocured sud divsded, eaah "lover" takiug half sud msakini ut ana eud t-be ttue t-but-biuds" t-o suit t-ho aize aI bis neck sud t-haesape of bis coliar. Repairng t-o tise voodehed ot t-ha young girls' parenta, tise repas vene tastened t-o a canenient- beans, box - es ou vbicb t-a st-sud placed in position, snd t-be "noosos' adjust-ed for tva neeka. Bili's nope vas just isung tise igist bcight-. sud ha issd ne trouble lu adj usting tise alip-kuot-; but Jack, baing sanrter t-iss bis companion, vas unabie ta reais up, sud lu at-asptîig t-a doo a sipped aif t-be box. Bill, suppoaing t-bis vastise preas- nsngad signal, svung off also, auddvas scoun isnging bat-veaearesean dsastii, sud kicking wind like s mule. Jack took oue glances a bis ooern onian sd tissu at-nuok ion t-be bar yalîng 4"murder" t-o hast thbe baud. Tise lumates ai tisa bouse vare quiakly au tisa scene, sud t-be dang- liug foraivas eut dovu juat in ime ta sans funes-si expauses. Wbst-her lise st-arn heartted parents bave ralazeti or net va ara unabie t-oasay, but il lenbss-diy like ly t-bars viii heanay funthen attampt on t-ha part-ofetht-e youug meu aI suicide by t-be, ropa-route.-Watcsmun. BUNDEELAN»2 A largo stack ai excellent books la ha- ing sddcd ta aur publie library. Mise Lathbnidge, of Midland, vas bore vieiting bar sister, Un. Sbiar. Mr. James Ander-son in lu Tarent-a vs. ing bis brother sud ether fienda. Ban. Mr. G. Maekay preacbed in tise presbyt-enian ehurcb moang sud aven sng. Farinera brng sloug yens- caIlle, hoga sud sheep, thara la lots oai nenwSon. derland. W. do not kuav eofeasy article lunlise building lin. but visaI eau b. gatinluSun - derlaud as cbeap ma sy plaeein tisa couuty. Mr. Wood, ai Dukebov'e Point, la stiil ho Sunderland undas- tue cars of car madiesi mon boe. W. lbink hlie h in. proviug. bina. Jane Campbell, vidav ai lh. lat. J. Camupbell, <ied at Little Bniluin on SaIns-day, Apnil Ord, aud vue baried on Tnesday, 61h imet, Mn. W. itobi*onsan as-pool letart a weekiy nevapaper fer tisa village of Bun derlaud sbortly. Subsoniplioné, adier tilemeuts, etc., eau ha lait viti Ms-. M. We bearasta a social vas beld at Ms-. B. 13hieasoua eeniugasat wsek:-.salurge numbeof fies-lusud soquaitanees Bt- touded, and a pleassut anauing vas- fipeul. Ms-. Sler sud bis goa hldy are -Mu, ~ ilowdo m reiof tise lR athone erFU w v*»Irde salay. tb erdsb-, rrdu$wsvd t ' éfb«r- -tsori* Picu.gEeIN Whiie oiling bis bicycle the ather day Archie Kerr had the second firiger of his right hand badly crushed be- tween the sprocket wheei and chain. The bruise was ai such a nature that the finger had ta be amputated midway bet-veen the end and th-- fi-st joint. R. A. Buntang bas been offlciaiiy natified fi-rn the department at Ot- tawa that he has been appointed post- master at t-bis place. and be is having the office fixings nov manufactured. There viii be lock boxes as weli as lock drawers, ail canst.-acted- in the most modern style. The cabinet is ao>out compieted and the transfer from Mr, Lo)gan te -Mr. l3unting viii be officiaiiy made vith but littie deiay. The new location wiii be more central than the oid one. One of aur citizens vhilc driving be- tveen the 3md and 2nd concession an Sat-uiday evening had rather an excit- ing experience. When, opposite W. H. Banks fat-m. just sauth af the bush, tht-ce men formcd s bine across t-be road and one attempted ta catch t-be hanse by the rein. The vhip w-us speedily applied, and t-bebat-se spnang foi-w-ard-, not befase anc of tbe party pulied back t-be buggy top. There is a probability t-bat t-be affair vas a faolisb pm-ank ai somne miscbievous young men, and if so iet us advise themr that a epetition of said caper may end very .eiui as many people who drive after nigbtfaii at-e pt-cpat-ed ta deiend thensseives, and vhen a man is or imagines be is -heid up' bis actions at-c prompt. If t-be above was a genuine -hoid up" aur advice vould be the same.-Nevs. CIICA I..CONDITION 0f Thousands of Canadian8. BLOOD I8 FOtTL AND DIS- EÀABFD. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND THE GRtEAT SPRING CLEANSER. Io yonr blood impure sud poisoned?2 It is if yon have eruptions, blotobes, pimples, sores, eciema. sait rhoum or eryuîlia. Witb suoh troubles the bloo il fut e«rring poison and disease ta every part of your systeas. Ta be dean, sound, vigorous and beslfhy you must use Paines Ceisry Compound. Its vitahsing and health giving properties show at once upon the blood ; it is unequailed as a health« pro- ducer sand eleamsr. No bitters, nervines, sarsaparillaz or pilla cau pouuibly ramova the dangers &ha% lnrk in yonr systea at thia lime. For pure, red blood, rosy obeeksansd good digestion you need Pawne's (elery Cùmpouud&bt han asdone sncb a migbty and vooderful work iu the paat. Beware of the subetitutesa t an refre- qunutly offered for Paine'@ olery Cern pound-those wortblea imitation. that are puahed on the unanspectiasg for the saeaof te large profita they bring the retailer. Insist upon baving "I'szne' the kind that makes ptople weILl S------------------- PainmKiller. M"ista rS taeetS «VUd l stb CurPa, Ce0"1s, Zeumatta, CoUn, Ceid, 1Neursigl Irrboea, Cro",Tfflthai&e Kow to Outivato Buts. Beets tbrive best in sella that are rather light aud' well enriched. The seed should be hown luf drilla oue foot or fifteen iwches apmanasd one inch g4eep. as early au. theground ca be- worked. When the a m r large enoligh te thin outtoL' ndsx'Wc~ spart~ ~ ~ aÎ * , s çd cenh pt hèsel P Ç -Pava Wei .'- Ji CARNINOTON. Mi- McBrien, Public Scbool lnspect-. or, vas lu tovu ibis week inspectwÜg Canningien Public Scisool. . v. Mr T H W'aisbe, o! Sunderland. is- baving bis bouses on Carnet-on sttesat, re-sbingied and sided, and tbot-ough1lr renovat-ed. Mr- and Mrs Chat-les E Francis Se ebraîed t-be t-weniiet-b anniversanyèt- t-hein vedding t-bis veek. We#Ueh t-hemn long tif e, pt-aspenity, anduy happy t-et-ut-ns afibeir vecding day'-. r' es Jeffrey, late ai Det-roit,' ba resi g cd bis position lu t-be Edision n t-e Rossland Gold Mines, as be tbinks he can look ater it 'beit-e t-han solicitors and land sisarks. He also contem plat-es caut-nact-ing t-o a large ex- t-eut lu Rossland, B C. Capt- Bick bas"t-bis veek neceived lt-rmt-be Tot-bnt-o vet-enan's association ai 1 866, a nuemot-lit-o t-be Queens muost excellent Majesîy. pt-aying for a recognitian fan t-hein services lu sup- pressing t-be Fenian Raid. Any ai t-be vet-esans vbo set-ved ai that are re- quested ta leave t-hein namnes vit-b Capt- Bick at once. Mn Bett Penry, vbo bas been at- teuding Trinity Medicai Scbooi, To-. routa, passed bis examinailan for M D. taking honora lu Medicine; Climnical Medicine; Surgeny: Climnical Surgeny and Medicai Jurisprudence: îaî Class -midvifery; 2ud Casa -Geuealogy; 3t-d Class--Sanit-ary Science, sud ou t-be total number of marks obt-ained be t-aok firat place lu tise fitst-dlas. Oaa uight Lit weelc a numnber ai t-he young men and boys ai this tovu pur- cbaaed bs-aad, cbickea, fisb and et-ber necessaries vit-b an int-ant t-o have an evening's ou-ling. At about nine o'clock t-bey betook themaalves toaa veil kuavu augar bush, tise proprietor being absent-, placed t-be ket-tles on thse fine and commeuced operatians vit-b the abject of baving sema taffy. sys-up and a generai feaa. Tise chicken dressed and prepareti te obcooked, and ail at-ber arrangements complete aud t-hen, juat- tian, tise owaas- -.tise bush said, -Gaod 'night boys. -The lait- seau et the -boys îhey voeevend- ing t-li- ay home at a 2. îa gate, d. cept-t-he f elIow viso feiL.-Glener. Dres!ng HandaoMel u f lat &arSa& ot A lady (rient .auerof Dimo.ud Dyo £isa o.ows: mWît î D a edDy a'X*,ýÈngdpà isnabau's tadad psY suit i. 9 aw SIA fol R NUANITYS Peopie la Every Waik oaIfe Aoknowledge H/as uocee8. WORDS-FROM THE HEART WeII-Known Citizena Teatify to Great Benefits Recelved. FROM BROAD HOMoeOPATHY. Get Muuyou's Guide ta Hcealth sud Cure Yoursali With s 25 Cent. Rom edy-Pouitive sud D$aent cures for Catarrb, Rbeumatimni, Dyspepsa Liver sud Kiduey Troubles sud Alil Specisi Blaad sud Nervons Diseuse. -- i Mrs. M. O'Brien, Bradford, Ontario, aye: 111 suffsrsd vit-h lumbago in my back for tva mont-ha. At limes I oould soareely turu in bed. I draaded la gai up lu the moruing, tbe pain vas Bo èe nana. I aecured a battis ai Munyoua Rbleumat-lani Cure sud lu tva <laye t-be pain vas irons, sud I havaeualtaIt any raluru ofet i sca. I am 66 yans ai age sud arn peniect-ly haalt-by." Munyan's Rheumstism Cure seidam fais ta raliene lu ane ta tbnee bours, aud cures in a iaw das. Price 25c. Muuyon's Dyspep@ia Cure positively cures.aIl formaet Indigestion sud eibm aoh tronhia. Price, 25a. Muuyon s Cold Cors prenants pneu- mania and breaks np s coid in a iav haut-s. Prios, 25c. MUnyon3,s Caugh Cura stops eoughs, niglit aveats, alsays sorsuessansd speed ily beals t-be lunga. Pria, 25c. Munyon'e Kidney Cura specdiiy cures pains in t-ha bacis, loins or groins aud aL forme af kiduay <issas.. Pries, 25c. Munyon»e Headacha Cure st-opsbead- ache iu t-bras minutes. Price, 25c. M unyan'a Pila Oint-meut popitivoly cures ail forme ai pilas. Prica, 25c. Munyou's Bioad Cure eradiestes al impurities af thbe biood. Price, USa- Munyou's Fenisie Remedias ara a boon t au aiwoian. Munyan's Ast-hme. Bemedies reliera ina 8 minutes and cure penmanent-iy. Price, il. Munyon'. Catarrh Remedias nover 611 Tihe Cat-arrhl Cure-prie 25e.-eradicate t-bs diseasa from t-ha systens, sud t-ha Ca- t-rrb Tablas-prie 25.-cleanae sud- beal t-ha parts. Mnnyan'a Nonne Cure ila s ondanful nenve tonie. Pnice, 25c. Muuyan's Vitaizer rastores loat vigar. Prices, 81. Parsonai lettons ta Prof. Mnuyon, 111; sud 18 Albert et., Tarante, asaes-a vit-h free medical advice for sny disea. Chrmue Iavasids Ratsed Tram T.t-r SMax Bads Afier Glviîug Up Hope. Landau, Ont.-Henry R. Nicisalis, 176 Rac tony street, cat-arrna; neconered. Dr. Clisses cotairis cure,. 25e. Markdale-Geo. Ct-ave'. chi id, itching ezerna; cured. Chose'is Oint-meut. Truro, N.&-R. H. Sutherland. travei- lere. piiee-vsry bad casa; eus-ad; Chss's Ointrnent. 60C. Luesa-Wm. Brnt,' rdeuer. pin vorme; a&l gone. bels jus. L'Àm&bla-Peten Vau Alias. eceafor t-bs-e yeas. Jus-ad. Chaseo iilt-liOiL. Gaver Point-Robana Bortard, dread' fl itehiug piles, 80 yea.s.Wei aain; Chassa& Oint-ment. 60f_. Mej'oerabuirg-Nelson Simmons. lteinIKl pilies; cureti. Clisse'. Oint-ment. Maloue-Geo. Riechardson, kidney sud linon ouffaner;bat-t-ar. oua -box Cham*'@ Pille. 25t. Chesley-H. Wili's son. enipplesi vitis rbeumatism sud suffernug fs-amp diabolos, coxupieteiy recoverad. Chase's Pilla. Matchard Townsisip-Peten TaylOr, kld- usy troubla, 80 yeas-; eus-ad. Clisset Phllb. 25e. Tcsormtlo-if! Hattis Delauey. 174 Omrword at-s-e.s.ruhjeet ci ppewnal- coid. Cmi-d by Chae's Syrup ci Lk. ssad sud Tus-pentlss. -25 ceats. Dr, Chams'@ rexucdee are saIsi by al dealers. Edwnaus, Bates & CJo., mam.- factures-s.Teoiat. OnIfoudy nigbt a b1urlariaus gent entaxffd tisa mWdnd Rallvay vork.abQpr qstyho entas-ad te bew but b.. ycsnd lesvîiu m ae bsrath. dit Uoisn¶te viW"isremsonais -obi>a#*Pu À ao.Atoupi. ofl ui*tIcin looin érmteu s hover. obures -îtt a Petr sl ts W sok ard sf eVs nIghlssav Mr K, Pr -J. binn u his week pur- aobasd thbe utoek and business of lte west amci butebei x*op froià Mr.OClark. Ur. Chou has tadtn years' experiene i th». businessi sâd us oooeteft t ecarry on in a manner saîiafactory te the patrons of thse sho#. Mle& la Prisen Michael Morriaey, tbe man wbo killed hi. uncle, Lawrence Brennan, formueriy ai Ux.brîdge, died in prison ut Jsckson, Mich., an 28rd tit., of- drepsy, aged 86. Ha was a lite cauviot and had spent eleven yel.rs in prison. Sanie af our readers vili reulember the oeurdered man, Lswrence Brennan. Iu a letter from Dryden we learn ibat the Uxbnidge people np thera aie ail do- ing weli. Mr. Skene's miii at present is runningnght snd day. There are about tweuîy bouses sud 200 inhabitants. The wniter says il is a very "dry" coauntry, but there are sorne men oonaidenu the starting of s botel. A carpenter eau get work, but thera is no demand far any otheroass of isar, A subscriber suggedte that -every farmn et should set ont tracs this apning, aloug the front of bis place-anane ov aiever greens juat inside tha fauceansd oue nov of xnimed mapla, basswood, elmo, &c., about 8 feet outaide the fence. This plan csrnied ont, would lu s fow years, make s great protection ta the arnaamnsd pies. saut drivewsys for the people. Thé townahip couneils could psy s littia per hundnad for treas planted sud living tihe second summer through. Thuis would spur up thosa vho viii do uothiug witb eut imSfediata profit in it." Suddn deati We announeed a short lime ago that Mu. Aousa Rose, of Sharon, forrbenly af Greanbank, bad died suddauIy. A Nawmarket papar gives the folio wing ad- dhtional iufqrmation : Mrs. Rose died au Mateh 2nd afîer only tva dsys' ill nus. Tha deceaed lady had beau in poor eaith duriug tha summer but was up sud &round until four days o( lier deatb, when she became suddenly iii Deceased was higbiy respectead uliavas a aband sud four cbiidren, the Youug est being 7 yeare aId. ta monru bar loge. Mr. Rose had euîy moved juta the local- ity a short tima bat, ruade mauy frieude duriug that tima.- Wa undorptaud t-ha. eausa of ber deat-li as a cancer of t-he A joke i. baing tld at the expenea ai s Brooe is-et business man. A fev mare- ingaago, in the mialy gloom of t-ha day'a early hauts, bo vas at the bock ai bis store sud dwelling praparing for a trip ta Ie -tara ta look sitar t-ha 'ugar-making, wben ho naticed a ligbî in a naighbor's offioe, upatains. Ha at once ooneluded mcm. persob vwas thera wbo badnn ilht tq betiare, perbaps a '"burgu lar ! He -peeded ta t-ha front of the block and ia11.d lupstairs, but gaI na respousa. Ha 4hen, returusd ta bis stable, took thLe hoýte sd dreve up osât t-O the residauce ai abs tenant lu uhose ofee ha had sean tb.Iight. The latter gentleman thaughî etbynight as waîl b. îbhorouRh about it, SO'seeured a constable on the way atowu. The tbree thongbt lbey wonld be equal ta 1'4hauiy.bloomin' burglar t-bat migbt ba iurking in the roamos, and up t-bey baldly ,weu$to find there vas no persan thero, thatthere vas no trace af any persan, "du tbat the doors vera lockad as light as they vere vben the owuer ieft t-hem ,tha seaing baera. The axplsvstion of ýth,m sur lthat tha gentleman vbo gave alps-tu*jÈ» probably saw a refiactian of the 4*tfro bis own lautern-a very esy fiâe-r s persan ta make.-Journal. Mima Maria Bopkius isit4d Mim Hat- t'. Batobimn Buaday. Miss Nellie Barton spent Smndsy with ,Mr% Alphas Hoover. Mrs U Young spent lasi week iu Tor- auto visiting friands. Miss L Fraser, of Loceuat Hill, wus vis- iting at P R Hoover's. B Wilson bas been under the weather a few days witb la grippe. Miss Edith Micheli, of Stouffville, is visiting ber brother, John H Mîicheil. Ge asn4 Miss Annie Ferrer were away ispendiing a few <laya st Aurora. 8 Pence had the miafortane ta jase iâu horse before help could be procured. ,- The farmers here are talking of cm uiencing seeding. Mr and Mise Musaleman wele visiting Miss Leanard and Miss Maggle Spence Sunday. Mr and Mrs Armastrong, of Whiteval., spont Sunday with Mr and Mrs Nigh- uwander. P Moore ha. moved int.o the "Allan. dale farït" residonce. Mr Stewart in- tends wotking it himoseif thia sumumer. Our veteran root grower U Young is look Ing Up his seed bed s1 noticed hiiii in bis lit tie nursery the ather day. There are soma striking out for the north west from hure every week and lots more going wben the 6Banks'" get fairiy opened for that purpose. W C. Barnes ha& sold to Mr Gouin, of Three Riveta. Quebec, Pogis Stauton, 2 231, No 19979 for tke sum of $800.00. We wish Mr Gouiu every success with his horne, and tbink if he starts him in any race he will shaw some of the French fellows the way home. herself *ith gooo By so0 doiug she vili 'meure lier owu aI- tractivenecs mnsak s ber husbaud and beri home happy, sud crov tht s ama nia ve t o et t she muai take proper. cas-e o9 herseif, sud sec to fi that the delicate organeS that are distinctiy femnine are aivays healt-hy and strong. Thousaildsof t onen fali short ai good bealth in this one respect, sud as.a1 resuit sooti become but wirecks of their former selves. A woutan cannai long retain ber generai healtb wba tas uffening tram i weakuessansd disease of tihe organes that1 make wifebaad snd motherhood possible. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription acte directiy on these argane. It makes the=s webi sud troug. It pteparOsawomanflto ho a vite and mather. It docs away vit-h thse discomoforts of thse expectanit period and makes baby's adveni easy sud simost pain- less. Ail good druggists seli h. "I arn glad." wrftes Mrs. Louisa Arthura, cf Oivalt. Iredell Co., N. C_., La express my grati- tude Le yen fo the benefits I bave received (ro-n your medicines. After the birth of my second rhild I sm'astricken with derangornent of the stoxuach and liver sud , full lineofo female weak- nesses. For soyen year I suffered uutold rnlsery. Tben iny husband, J. S. Arthurs, sont fors coPY of vour'Conuon Sense Medical Adviser.' T e booýk described my suffêrlngs sé plalnly thai I purchased botules of your 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Golden Mfedical DWsovery, sud s vial of 'Pleasant Pelleta.' Our docior prauonced my case bopeleas. sud laid aside your medicines. calllng themn nostrums, and for six menthe 1 lay under i-1 dfsgusting treatrnent At the edof this imne I eoumnenced Laking youumedicine sud hnproved veryfast. I vas wn able ta do my housework. My baby thrlved fast. snd la to-day the healthicat child I have. Your mnedidune savedl my life. My recovery was astoni.-hiug. 1 rec- ommend your medicines constantiy.l Dr. Picrco's Pellets cure Constipation. Outario Agicultur-al Col] THE FARM PROPER-rs-ES IT 1' EDITOR CHRsuRI I t Y: SIR.- i t it is due t-oOui- Farm Sul--riîai and t-o the I nstitut o)n wiu i 11r1 sent t-bat 1 shouid sâav a word in t-ust-be att-acks ms-sentit- rni]'- s,, tlic Lcgiý,;,turuCA O,- /ccdu-C (sA the inutiiit- and 1) i.on r ti hi ur t.-ru1 --'i The- instituiti vu. 1i hîs-r-",' nus e( sat t, 'î. ýýa d ';t C - .-;i ierlin 'f c -'u -.a! - . us j s h s] 5 siit disIedi-imithei -c aSti rus-::ru -fact thait uru:It aui ' -t-î s-dt-o a nv s'd a.ee~ t-s lues-t-,Issu, <su:Cusc p-(-s;u i rrîuch abouas.t t-->am'nt- us 1 c be ubarged for the k o--pcf arr the prices whi' h shsrild t-s put (, ý1raîn. irotns. s\u. ,and theiu s -shssîId be aitus-weci for varloLiS se 1 hîspe it de:s not f issw frus t-bat our bossk-kec1sng s s icits - t-bat wc need a specri a cu put thîng's in proper sisape ( )ur tai-m is weii tilced ansid. .u.-d-economicaitv mdnaged, a a ai, we Il as such tand can bc ma pav in connection wit-b a coîle, under goverrnment cont-rol. 1 s: hesitate to affirm thus publics neither the Gov.ern nient nomr z: position can select a man- thý- make a better shawirsg t-han îs by aur superintendant Mr Ren.- the speciat and pecu!ihîr circuim urider wbîich he bas t-owai. 1 give below a summary oif fa( figures. 1 would ratiier givc t t-ails, but t-heu would occupv to( spce for a newsPapcr artisÂe. F-!\"AN'Ss lU -TATRN\tNT (siC %k 1ER (360 ARS.> t1";ORiEl- Credît i895. Cash sales of stock, grain. &cS;. Feed, todder. teaming. &lc, for s-t-hem depatments t. Expense of ieedingand loo-k-- ing aft-er animnais not need- ed on thbe tari-m.but re- quîred for educational pur- poses------------------- Loss frysm ns-t heing allrswu-d t-o seil animais bu pi-s vat-r' sale, and from baî-ing tsi keep so many breeds that there ate not enough ani- mais of any anc breed ta make a goad sale - - Time of Superîntendent wiîb cxcursion îsts in-lune - Ainount pais1 iin '5 for steCi-s soid in '96 ... .... Debit- Amount paid hn '94 for steers sold tin 95------------.. Expenditure i 95, less hli o! superintendent's salai-c BROUGEAU Gea Bunk bas rentad the Hoit-by resi- denca. Isaac Littiejohn sud family have gone ta Taranta ta reaide. Jas Williama has angagcd vits Colin Pbiiip for t-he season. Messns Wilii, CGenaw, sud Badeli vare in t-ha City Sat-urday. Alex Birrel husmoved la Marbisam vena ha bas engagcd for s ycar vit-b a Mn Reeson. A load of succan-fisheru vent saut-b tram banc on Tucsday sud bad conaiden- able auccasa. R J Pricebas finisbad his varandab, sud bais engaged vit-b John Miller sud sons for t-be asommer. James Beat-tie, ji-., h@bas aed bimseit t-a John Bell, sud John Littiejohu viii t-ail t-bis sanmen vit-b Major Brou., near Wbitevale. R Buffington Varden, va are iuforrnacs bas porcrsasad t-ha lsac Lit-tiej>,hu fatrn, t-bat is the tilt-y acres fronting on t-ha 6th concession. Be vill likeiy work h isimo- Thomas Young bas passcd hie final medical exarna, sud viii hea f ull fiedged M D, vhcn t-be council sec fit t-o posa him. 'Ve muet cougnot-ulate t-be peran. ering yaung man. ALTONA John Wbite, af t-be sont-h au!. bais had a nov Toi-anto vindmîill neot-ed ou t-ha top oI bis barni. A lange numbar around bars are btsy vitb t-ha 'juicc ai t-ha mople" business. We believe thbe rn ba been pratty good. Tise Inusteca intcnd put-tmg up a large flag paie ut t-heacsoool. The pole bas at-nived sud viii soon ha lu position. A number ai aur piacat-ors vers dovu t-a t-ha front flsbing, va heur, Fish sud fis-atoniesaaegalars nov. Bi St-orey, of Glasgow, bas moved in- t-o Mnr<if' s bouse near thli miii pend. Weieome. Jacob Bas-bey bas vacates bis fsrm te tise nortis sud moved juta aur tavu,, aud nOv occupias tbei bousie lalely occupied by W A Heudarson. H S Wismer, of Mount Joy, preschad bis fareval sermon -ber. uudoy evening laet. Hidiseounse,««Vvery pbaasing snd instructive. A nutuber arouud liera have baS tet suspend buaiuaua, ud ha" alinae an assigumeut t-o Mesuisan la grppe. How- anar, latesl despatlabas tl-,uu t-bal a nom- oreinisa liasbeau aifacted- sud -tbue> ar once morE s-egaiuiug Sound footing. - Albert Davis. formerly'ex ,r.as i"-nuof Stounvile, hua take-a pýosseso thte furnu r eatby vacafed bi Jacob.1 Baik y. W. exteud ta Ms- Davis tise1 rigis t-Ic volcoanud hopo.his alay umeng asvini ha pleasaýnt.L - OU04 ...~ EVER~Y F~AMILY, li. a syrabie remsdy, both for TU- TE.r.wal sumd EXERVAL use, &rd Won- derrul LaItiis quiok&oUou 10 reb.&vs diaLire PAIN-KILLER t . b mr C13111s. DUsrhoen, D>ar.erg cramt, PAIN-KILLER le.c sIcausess.Wb t eaabé. pain 1%0~i Iaci re e:,KlemAI»sd INeumslà. PAIN-KILLER *ti MADI &brLl> I anmnvl: KXAF5 ar, Ia&Uetc. Me-ebante. Parmer. oPiaiefarSaer. àand fa.t ainelmawaftlnga cdlieuf 1iat h..,&. and "ArEr. IMV9ER lsioiUay or csexts.ailj w I' AViL**deai avarWlar 5. agl" 0".. S0W5 .4S nelSTATEN"T bar ci Pà avmcw"rendlered e :.Yda ciber b entirlr.y unul laSinianssM iser D:o=a 0<~ ~~~b t» 0(UIfSb flc ber limbe NoVe hoerted barý but t la yb*bshlgsrutellag bur fliancis boa "k.rcm.ae bar lir e and bs &Yoirn taJuy 10,loe IbutorsJ-W. Sej'uooe OalyNOtsry Public aweuu STATUEN. V M GATII LOm Wbfte, tineas m tgwb muus i Zoama s dncsber buts, bas basa etfrey ousai sd baW gunrai yeysm hula p by RY&aMs KootSmay Cure.n4 boe e laci u <irelua &Braru Mt* vaent ma"e by baru tio, i.GeSpre BLno. t aml ic', Oa" Ou. Newman, 1'$WuhoogSTeuo ont,, bail a c".= i icatroubles, liba- =ma, 4unrs £ trouble sMdcosso. Wus frsquutiydwqbmIe4 a sit. tu i pe Rychua~ "Kotsmay aru~ a -main ca -tisetuethse se -mal5. . sjaoo oodq Isiu'zabo msals ai any ane tbneed ta make. a good msle ....... Speciai vork -in reclaiming vaste iand--st-umping. at-an- ing, blasîlug, giading, &c Time ai superiniendent at Fisjrmes-s' Institutes aud vitis excursioniss. ..- Amount paid lu '96 tor at-cens t-o ha sold lu '97 ........ Debit- Ameimt pgid ig '95 fan stcar.; sold in 1196.......... ,Espendituta- ta 96, lesbalf ai superîit-etidet'ssaiany whicb vas pai-for vork oa' instruction and lookiug ai'90tuelt.......... Batance -iil fayorofai lamir Thse mas-ed- diffe-ance bat aid #I5Î due to-t-alan _crOp#f <ay . upttnded for,-fai wintérof 1896, vasd<estrayeý -.Onsthe." 1 t and 220.d Mayà î tiu -iio etpôund frle - -'w'P~ se oniderably lI - - 1O be B t-

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