Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 4

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There are many things. ta be 'bought in FOR INSTANCE coId Cream, Camphor Ibe, Camphor and Moth Camphor. These aud a number of Toilet prepara- tions are rrght iu season nov aud thon there ara a hast of things that dlaim ail soasons for their own and which weecau strppiy bottei than any other #tore in t.own. We niight mention among those Hair, Tooth, Nail and Math Brushos, Tooth Powders, Oomb&s~ pongea. Etc. J. E. WILLI/S, CHEMLST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL :: HALL, BROOK 8T., WHITBY.1 WHITBY, APRIL 16, 1897 Short Notas. Mean people bave niggarded business ta death. They have starved it and its consti tution is rua down. The public is to blame when there is bard imes no matter bow grear the produet of the soil is. The (arm- ers started jr by combining to cul down everybody else, sud now the curse bas corne homne ta raost. If everybody must have everytbing at a less price than wili enable the producer to live, bow is the world ta get along ? The departmental store is the medium of entait- iug ruin ro everybody. Wben goos are cheap land is cheap, and wheat is cbe#p, and burrer is cheap. Those who play hog to-day sufler the consequeuces to- morrow. Seven years agh Erastus Wlian vas rhe bussest man in the worid runniug al aover the continent as a a pretended friend of Canada. The burden of bis efloits vas ta show bow Canada coutd b. assailed in mRny weak places by an unlneundly Amercan taiff; snd as a reuit ve soon had the McKin- Iey tariff, whîcb proved a great ls ro Cs.n- idian producera. Since Erastus Wimnan stopped putting hi& foot iu things be volun- teered ta do for Canada Prof Goldwlu Smith bas succeeded to the job, the only difference being that while bath Smith snd Wiman professed fîendship for Canada, Smith s au avowed annexationist sud Wîrnan claimed ta be against political union. The same merhods do for bath. At present it la Prof Smith who is pointing out Canada's weakr spots. He urges as two chier reasons fr suffering withour com plaint that we îwallow the new Mckiniey bilt vithout resentmeu: or reprisai, as the Americaus could iruin ourr lumber trade snd cut off the banded privit- eXes ofour raiiroads Alilthe farm products Canada sent to the United States last year dd ntot amount taoue-fourth thre barley atone sent acrosa the liues twenty years ago. Bath farni and lumbher products exported ta the other &ide lae, year did nor corne rp ta barley atone 2o years ago. Most ofthtie Ium- ber and raitway intereaLa of Canada belong to men in the United Statesansd Engtand, and rhey are weil qualified ta look after rheir owu inreresta. We have no desire ta join witb those wha delight lu reviîng Prof Smith, but we do not hesitate ta express thre opinion thar a man's opinion sbquld mot b. adonted by parliament afteî he bas declared for the annexation of this country ta the United States. For such a nman to, offer advice s evidence of considerable nerve. Thar is evidence wouid b. safe ta accept lis more than doubtl'ul. We would ai lîlke ta believe ini oue's fidelitv before accepting bis counsei. Whitby Town Losis Aprit shovers. Boy youî dog tag. Houote-cleaning is on. Schools cloaed yesterday. I tira publther is ohiled ta seud it, su-ad -the subscribeî vitl be respousible unril a notice wlth payaient of ail arrearages le due to tie publisher. Meeting of LieaeComnnsslouars On Mouday next the South Ontario Li- ceuse commissloners, Mesurs P R Hoover, Green River, Jno M Burns, Matnchester,, snd Robt Mackle, Oshawa, viii meet here to cousider thre grantîng of licenses virerever Lbey msy b. legaily issued lu South Ontario. TIre action of thre Resch idlucl passbng s by iav toa show four in Chat tovnulip anstea-d of two necessitates thre pranting ofa- new Il- ceuse there, pîovlded signatures enoub-csi b. oItaiued for eltirer Uties or Satfield, sud provided furtirer tirai the cowmisuaere (ccl Chat anc should b. issued. As nsbt have been expected of sncb a masu, o0"@ the leadrngr membens of tire Reatcoetiict vira rau iris election campaîgu on Cbliiipût- icy of increasiug vhiskey sllng, and ;who in order ta do so diopped a cmpuga of ten- perance vork vwhîcirho fred Carced On ils- oiously for years, iras gone to t.he dog vU" drink sud otirer vois. Inn ince tir m'uni- cipal election. and Iras ieft theparto., -bit vas instrumentai, hovever, W-eforelSe loft -10 psuga mor-vwhiskey bylàw' for Cihé rvsrP cf Reac, bvlihb1"the effefftof destroving aIl synrpatlry for bim inbmadovn- fall. . IC la unneceusary Ù; a.46 hat he whlskey paity have no smet f thlm since they have no furtreerstpd0fbmn etr ends havitrg been aSconpie - 'Wbé now eyprerlY luntt h. Bsig«,w iOc~iomat li'"M ~ente pré ï WU, 4- > >1 _, . ,, 1 i barralis comnmencirrg st 8 o'clock. An ietereatng progrmm» baslsaps ad Admis"lo 5 cents. 1Au *iodtior ao tt ht ev*W vOr. ed by kiusng grass 7wi4odm ÂIaow editor iys le te caused by a grau s vldo*, iklssinugIa fellov by Moouilglnt. -Au lova edîtor "masit la caused by the (ellov kissiug the. hlred girl whtiie la feeding hayto tee cow, sud aneasaterun Kansas exchange la of thre opinion hat le la cased by misslug Che girl sud kisslug tire cov. The fottovlug are the officera of Whitby divisiGn No, _ie Sons of Temperance, for April quarter :-W P, L T Barcly ; W A, Miss Grace Hallett; R S, Frsnk Bevel ; A R S, M L Broyw; FS, T E Hougtou ; Treas, W H Bewel; Chap, Ros Johuston; Cou, Aler Wilson; A C, W B Piîngte; 1 S, John Noble; 0OS, Geo W Bevei; Sirpt Y P W. W W Tamblyn; P W P, Geo Movat. Tire earty uiser ou Saturday mornlrfg asat vould have thought tIre srtitlery of heaveu in tire storur aoftthe pierrons evenlug Irad uaed anow as cannon--bals Thre balis varied in ase front a fev luches ta a foot lu diameter. Dr Warren ls Ieartifful lavu vas literally cavered vith these balla sud Lpre- aented s very peculiar appeaance. Were the balls formed lu tIre upper regions or vere thev the resuit af lover cross currents of air is tIre question. W'anted Grood Servant Girl Waured ta go on faim. Appty Box 5. Wbitby Paou Office. Sasa for $1. The CarRON'rCr.x(si), the Weekiy Globe (P),ansd large picture of Libersi Cabinet, ý,c)-att for $i ta nev subacrîbeis. Snap foi $1. The CHaR.rILcr.ansd Weekly Globe ta Jan i. 1898. sud large picture oi Laurier's Cabinet, att for $i ta nev subscribeis. Nev Subacribera. This is not a good rime af the yearin laook foi nev subacribers, yer for 3o daya irast the CHRtONICLicbas taken vitbaut solicitation an average ofaoveî anc s day. Pumpa Ail kinds of pumpa repsired. Chain pumpa for sale. Wind-mitts sold sud re- paiied. 1 buy direct fram the manufactur- era, non from second-baud dealera. W H Piper, Whitby. Greatest Staugbter 0f boots sud shoes ever kuavu. 5,0 wortb ta ta run ofi in Campbeil'a store ln s fev dnrys. Baugbr at haîf price at the sale or M Collins stock sud must ta staughtered iu a montb. If you vaut boots or shoe nov is your chance. M W C4î.tlins, Wbitby. Sale opens April 17th. Terns-Cash. New Piper. The Newcastle Times, s nev pubtication baru latsareek, made iLs infant vay into oui %nctum ou Saturday. Jr is s bright little feitov of frny cotumus, and lu a aveet clear vaice utters somne fine sentiments. We piaced the nevcomer on oui table aud shall look forward witb hope sud pleasure ta its success. Conunlà.x Reteins, The foltoving are the United States Con- sular returus froin thia district fai the quart- ci eudiug March 319t, r897-APPtes, $2.893. 00; Barley, 88,8S5.85; Cattle, $1,000.25: Emi- zrants' efftcts, $775 00 ; Horses, $867.50 ; Peas, 7,032.46; Shinglea 758.25; W001, S1, 304.56; Miscelianeous, 63S.14. Total, $24~, 141.76. Inspection of Sbaep. The aecrerary of the Pickering local board of healtir. Mi. Beaton, bas received instruc- tions that sbeep for shipmeut muse b. exani. ined by a qualilled inspectai before beiug taken (ram the Carin. Examination aithtie point of sbipment yull not be permitted as beretofare. An examinanion vili b. made fiee of charge by C. J. Biodie, V.S., Claie- mont, or Major Lloyd, of Nevmaîket. Wben requesting an examinatian b. sure and give your exact place of tesidence. The Wabaah Rallroad. If yau are contem plating s trip ta tire Gold Miulng Country, please cousider the menite of the Wahasb Railroad, the shart sud true route via Detroit, Chicago sud St Paul, ta- al 'pointa lu the Kootenay District. Pas- sengers leaving Whitiry, snd points vest by eaîly moruiug train, icacir St Paul neat day at noon, vbere direct clsonectiona is made fur ait points in tire Gold Fields. Quickesr sud best route ta Hot Springs, Ark., Old Mexico, California sud ail vestern points. Tickets snd ime-tables af this great îailvay front sny R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richardson, £TQCAUTiON sntb vitii nierai oft dem. Wbem tii., bav w 4b"thg awýsào elgsnaad vi tii.li ;Uea~roh ey. le h b 1. Iel hbî $* mId limes vere hsrd-*bep ikt iia4 aal b-bad N pttos snd vbeù ie had potatoehbadb 'Do esait. Licenses should ont b. Iaaued ta men vho art iriovu to b.e nsIle -10provlde decent accommodation for the public. That should b. one of the stongesr testa made by the commlsoaers. aed the inspector. Cheap Rester Holiday Trips Grand Truuk Lister hoiday 1 Generat publc-Single firac cImes fare--Good ro go April i5th to xgtb Inclusive, valid for return not lter thon April 2oth. School vacation- Fare sud one-third-To teachers sud pplas holding Standard certificates: Tickets Isued Marchr a7tb W April 17tb Inclusive, vaiid for reruru not later than April 27th. Stephen- sou, Wbltby. issues those through tickrets fron: Pickering, Toronto, Mdyrtte, Brooklil sud Whitby. Cali un Stephenson before travelling. IEENWOOD Mr F Harrison has engaged àýa for the aummer.IF Mr L 1 Gleeson le able toattrend 'to bis dunies lu the store again. A few have commeuced aeedtug, but onty those on light Iad. Mr H Hodgaon. Toronto, ns the guet of hia cousin. Mr W H Gee, this weki. Some of(rire boys bave great fiali srories ta tell. but as yer the catch bas been @mail. Mr Wai Wilson. ve are sorry toaay, bas been coufined ta the bouse tbe peer veek or tva, We trusr be may bave a speedy iecoveiy. Mr Bd Jackson -onducted rbe teague lnst week in a very intereatng vay. ia Wag er, of Brougham, is ta rake charge afiti thi, week. A number fro«n tare attended tire lecture k7iven by Rrv C O jobuàstou, of Toronto. in rhe methadist tabernacle in Wbtby on the uirb Inar. Tire remains aofrthe lana Mis Bales vas laid ta resr ar Satem ou Monday. Tire sympatbv of tire peopte ia virh the aorrowing fannily in tbeir affliction. Mr John Salton. Kinsate, tead thre pruyer- meetiung an the parsonage Sunday eeuiugz. A inoat enjoyabte sud instructive hou aàsapen by al] ptr6ent. 4, gloona vas casr over rire neiRbboibood the firmn oi there ek vhen the nev îeacbed here thar Mia C Sterricker vas no mare. She sud her busband uroved f rein tre ta Algoma the s'il ai Marcir ad vas anly tireaabour iva weeks wben abe vas called avay. The deceased was a joi'Àal, good-bearred persan. makinv many frienda vberever ah. vent, snd It is viîh feelings of deep regret we chronîcle ber death. We exteud ta thre bereaved husbaud thre heain- felr sympathy af thei mauy friends. CESAEEZL The ice onr Scugog Lake has broken up, and drifted juta the bays, and in a few days will entirely disappear. Thre wild geese appear to be unusual- ly plentiful this spring, as they were seen in thousands laet Sabbath making for the open water in the lake. Wild ducks are ver>' nurnerous. Thre saw miii is nov in fnli blast, and and parties are busy hauling their Iogs and lumber away from the miii. There aple production of sap has been large, and ever>' person appears to have enougir and to spare. Mr. Hedry Deacon made a business trip ta tire town of Lindsay last week, and reports business good in that nortir ern town. Mr Stevens has the material for bris building now ou the ground ready for erection, which wiIl take place in a few days. He intends keepiug a general store, also a summer resbit or place for camping parties ta make their home, when they visit tis place in mid-summer. lZarriod Cat-ILTN-BROWN-At Pontypool, March 24Lh, by Rev Mr Sexsamitb, Mi Gea CouItou, Port Perry, sud Elizabeth Broyn. Cavan. STARK- HALLF.TT-At the residence of the'bride's parent%. Whltby, on April 7th, by Rev T Manning. Mi Chas Stark, Water- The iHouse-leaning Season is now near at hand and with that objeet in, view we have purchased an excellent assortment of UNION CARPETS9 ranging in price from 30c. per yard. M.so a fine range of ALL WOOL CARPETS, ini both 2 ply and 3 ply. We are showing a new assortrnent of TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS CARPETS, with Borders to Match, and dlaim to have the best assortment of these goods in the county. We also show CARPET BORDýRNG and CARPET LINING. Âlso a Fine Âssortment of"-'~ White anzd Cream Be Sure and See Lace Curtains, Our Range Before Purchasing. ANDREW me A. D. FRASER, Mercharit Tailor. New Business. New Goods, t ROS-S. Here lB a Good Thing. Varie/y the Largest!, Qualily the Cizoicesi !/ Prices te Lowes. are thre three points which Iead New Equipment the FURNITURI Re-uPholstening done The Subscuiber iras started a new Mercirnnt Tailouing bhouse in Philp's onl shoi Block, aud is prepared to execute ouders. Having fitted tire people of Whitby with S~uits for aveu 20 years, ire looks confidently forward to a inhera l share of patronag .e. -- E. J. JOFI Goodu vil) be what are represented aud at as low a puice as possible.1 A. D. FRASER, Wiritby, April 8tir, 1897. Fancy Whitby. Chi*na. A Large Sitock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always G roceries. Reliab le. Brock St., Etrade. )rte8t notice. N SON, - Whitby. The Phrenoline THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIAISLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET. Pleasant, Pure and Beaithful. rilliGliD ikonait Swmcik Guaranteed ta Cure Rheumatiaur, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gant, sud NeuralRia. A sure cure for Headacire, Diazi- néeas, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilions ness, Brigiit'a Dis- ease, Diabetea, Paralysie, Convul- sions, Heait Dia.- case, etc., etc. ~ongo Cail SIL VER MauNrEu, NEW ~1,3O, Cuft L i ANI) BuUtoins1 -A T- J5 S. Barnlard Omfa" Conuty orgau -Largest Ci tion of auy Iowa paper tu Cano FRIDXY, APMIL I1u, i9 LOCAL- LACONIOS, Goxd Fîîday to-day. Parasols at exceptioraally low prict G. Walteis'. Miss B Hat lantyire spent last wt2 frinuds au Port Periîy Tirere are about 85 bicycle riders 6o geutlemen sud 25 ladies- Buy a pair of new' t.oDts f 'r eî Burns' Special Sale on Saturday. Tire chirn of tire tabernacle has specia Easter music fori nexi Surada Attend the Eirstei tea in pies chuîch on tire eveuîng of Mouday, Admission z5c. W R Hovse, Hamilton, vasi Tuesday aud Wedaresdlay lookii busnness ai the Chisolrr estate. Messrs McCourt sud Wright h; magnificeut salmon t rout ou sale i Fîiday, caught in Lake Ontario neý Messrs Fred sud Artirur [)ewe, Sunday eveniug for Mlontreal. wh have secuied good positions voL, dredge. The case af Queen vs. Gross waé here ynseiday aftrnoon before Hi Judge Beuson of Cobourg. la had ceeded fai vben ve yen: ro press The Beaver base ball club will h,- ganization meeting at the Wtodr-i au lMouday evennng. Everyone i iu tire game is invited ro be present The bicycte season la open iug ver Oui town vireelmen aud vheeiwor had their vireels au tire front s verks avsiting dry ioads. Next a% likely tevel the raads. Tiere vas a meeting of the Auxiliary of Ati Saints' Chu ici on day, Maîcb 31st. Officers veme ce udxt yeaî as ilows: -Presidt-i Lawler ; isL vice, Mrs Darriieli Mrs Eistvood ; con rtsponding ý Mlisa Happer ; recoiding at-crerai Logan ; rreasnrr i ns Deveretil . ro annual Provincial meeting ar Tý Mlay 6tb and 7tb. Mus Lawler. 1 wood sud Misa Deve-riAl- comr, woik, Mrs Nourse, Murs Hunt Walters. Piano Tnnmg. - Mr Gea Gumpricbtst annz at tire coilege this oeek. Partie-, their pianos tuned can lea ce vor( Cormnack's book store. Good Pridal.. Specîai services ylta ireld ta-d Friday, at AUl Saint's cbnrch at a:i 7.30. p.m. Tire sermon aithLir o vice wiul be preacired by Rev. J. I of Ophava. Tire Rev. J. S. Brou preac inatire eveniog. $:u.o Worth to beIL Mr Jos Bigeiov. vbn bougbt Stewart stock of gooda, is unable t ta Trenton loi vant of roa n st, sa he bas decidcd ta, seil the most Tire goods are not second toanay te in tIre country, being stytisir,.P 90g sud ueatiy kept. Jr viii aflord tunty eldm alecd irepubico goods wirich are nndoubtedly fi every respect ai littie more than Chargel viii Frasil. .David Fiass vas ariested on '1 Ight by Cirief Constable Calv May be necessary when you are dealing wieh people whom you cannot trust, but we have entitled ourselves to your atmost confidence, and if you corne to us with your Eyes Shut we would treat you just the same as though they were Wide Open.- It is this k nowledge which makes us believe that You stiil -have strougi faith in our ability to please you. lem= 4

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