Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 5

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Congo Canes; Su VER MOUNTEDI 85cts, $I.5 NEW Cuf L inks ILButtons.. . -A T- Ji Se Barnard's, OiKoW1C. nty Organ. -Largest Ch-oui.- toot 9amy looipaper lan Canada FRIDAY, APRIL 16;, 1897. LOCAL LACONICS. F.o riday 10 day i'.tr;tsi1i at exieptionally low pricea Sat W. %l -,fH B laniyne spent last week with r ijîîNmnPor( perr%. T î.'-re are about S5 bicycle riders in town, 1- t1emniaund 25 ladies Buva pair 0( new boots fo)r easter at 1v s SevaiSale on Saturday, 1 i - (h oi of the tabernacle has prepared "".1i Easîrr music fur riext Sunday. \'teird the Eatiter tea in presbvterian roi ch oi thie eveiiing of Monday, April i9. lx~ R lfî)wse, Hamiltoni, was here on F ~.,vanid \Wediiesday looking after i*risoA the C'hisoi tate. %lesrsMv ',tîrt and Wright hait somne .riîîtîitsalmori irout on sale litre last * ivy, caugît in Lakt Ontario near here. Me..srs Vred and Arthur D>ewey lett on cî venitg for Mlontreî,i, where thev r.ec1red good positions working on a I )c case (fQ ueen vs (,ross was started r'. srsieiday afterîloon before Hîs lionor . Ie li,-nsoîî of Cobourg. ht had not pro- --ed far wheil we went to press. 1 il e.iver base bail club will hold an or- zo ii, meeting aitihie Woodrufl House Morr'iv evening Fveryne ienterested r r camdre is iniîted tu 0e present. ýit tlii scie seasî>n lv opening very slowly. t w eelrien and wheelwomen have i thtdr wheels on tihe front stoop (or a -ks îîaîtngdry roads. Next week wîli ~e~level thre roads. I1livre was a meeting or the %Vomen's 11:l1arv 4>1 Ail Saints' Chuîch onu"ediies ýv larch 3tst Officers weie elected for . r .ar as 1 loowa Presidetit. M rs i a rrt si vice, Mrs [)artiiell 2nd vice, , , l- itsirirl dco)i resIXonîling secrectiry, \1 . Ilopper, recording secretary, Miss ga. treasurer, Mliss Devereil , delegates t rrr a Provincial meeting at Toronto on NI q% in and 7th. Mrs Lawler. Mrs East- K arid NMiss L)evt-rcehi comn.ittee for 7 k,. rs Nourse, MIrs Hunt and Mrs ',ano Tunîng lJt (,co 0umipricht is tîininq 27 pianos, C i r : lie lege this iveek Parties waîîting r -i piAnos tuned tan leave word- at Mr (i .irrîr.ck's bouk store. v',)îod Friday. -ceiial services wuhl be held to-day, Gyood 1 a, ai Ail Saînt's church ati xi arn. and p tri The sermon ai the morning ser- o, %% 11 be preached by Rev. J. H. Talbot, i idawa The Rev. J. S. Broughall will f ui. iri the evening. 5v. Worth to beU. Mvlr Jos Bigelow. whn bought the C F 'srewarî stock of goods, is unable to move la 1,,I renioni or want -of room in store there, ,- ic- lias decided to seli the mnsouf0<it bre. Fie goidr, are flot second to any to be found ']rt he country. being stylish, 01 good quality, 3111 jiîcatly kept. It wlll aflord an oppor- i ii v seidom ofiered the public of securing Iis whîch are undoubtedly iraI class in er respect ai little more than hall price. cuîirged with Frand. D a v id Fraser was arrested on Wednesda>' Ti gli by Chiel Constable Calverley, on a wrrani ch. rging him witb an &et equivaleat t raud. Frazer purchased a pairof hockey 'lzaies f rom jobîxaton last winter, and later :riaîîssser to a duo (rom Jobaston, Frazer write he had enclosed the money with a 1-uer which he had posted ait Greenwood. This naturally cast suspicion On the POst ,riice people along the route to Toronto, asid post office Inspector Burnhatn came iere on1 Wednesday to make enquires. He 1 ritervie7wed Frazer, and the resuit wBs tbe i-tter's arrest. He is out OU' 8250 bail. The case is not a Very serlous one-413 fact J uîuot Judges &gs.ln Premier Hardy bas carrled through the Iiniario legialature a bilîl praticaily repel- îrîg Sir Oliver Mowat's measure OffutasIYeu abvlishing lthe rigbt ta aIppoint anly ltrthct1 unior county jud ges. Tht new lau per, mils tthe appointîmeut Of junior jtidgc5 la r eenty counnUes, namely. Hastings, Bramit, Kent, Ottawa, Lincoln, Wetvorth, Mddle- sx, Perth, York, Frontenlac, Wellngton, FESiiex, Grey, Renfrew, Soramiit, Duirdas and Glengarry. (the lasI îbî'ee ini one), On- tarbo, Bruce, Slmcoe, Huron, VIctoria and lifaliburton (the last Ivo lu one.) ht doem n 'il neeessanily folov that junior judges w il beappointed tn ail these cotbles, vblcb cr)tnprise almoot Ivo <irds of the Province, fo)r junior judges exist lu tbc most 01 th=m; but it wl enable tbbcDoMinio g0r1fln tuonaiesome né IFiud$bn ,jghb eva>'. -Il i a more than likely th« ÛOu."l bs APPOII* ed in this coutrty ver>' 5M0, atsd TII0M$SY* Mr G Y Stnitli àas bethait . [tuna>'be aih t lbat th.e rght tb appilouroto 'i P 0< division cut eiy belougu U tO te PÎoitt cual goverument, provided 'It ssw ft tbem. but the Dominofire *Y58te~, and coosequcnllym atea 'o division% courte, boma i$kh >t fées. The 1silrog'0 o ufTî $100 10 4'00 anSuta f couuby, sud ap @ te ni, J cosmties; bhe W. , fbsodling l. the 8 to1o8 ut dos the apppioWl# < judges. Mr John Bm-chili, Cohibus, Was in town Saturday. Ail wool Halifax tweeds iouly @S~c. a yard st W. G. Waltera'. The Lyie Bros bave reuttçdjh Ae Ogaton farrn veut of îovn. ,_teAe My R Buuting bas becu appolntcd poat- Master Of Pickering, vice Wm Logau. Mr. John Burns bas been la Dayton, Ohio, Ott business connected witb bedge lences. Have your photo taken on Good Friday at O'Brien and Stedharn's. Gallery open aIl day. Mr Wm Montgomecry, horse traîner, la engsged in Port Hope with Hoteîkeeper Benett. Great bargaina ln cbildren'a boots on Sat- urdry ait Burns' New Cash Store north of Hatch Brus. hir. Neil MeGregor la borne froas Chicago. lHe bas had bad health lateîy and came home to recuperate. Mr Jno Tbom ipaon. electricara, bas gone la Sauli Ste. Marie ta take charge ol a private dynamo in a large factory. Messr. Wright and Murton, criminal jus. lice auditors, were here inspecîlng accaunts Thursday, Friday and Saturday hast. Port Hope is etodeavoring t0 form a la- crosse league composed of Whlîby, Oshawa, Bowmianvîhle, Port Hope andI Cobourg. Mr N H- McGillivray is home for the vaca- tion, bavîng passed bhis year in the univer- sîî y, and stood a terni of sickness as well. The Ladies Aid Society of the presbyter- ian church wîlh hold arr Eestet tea on Easîer Monday April i9th in the basemtent. Re- freshm -nits 6 ta 8 o'chock. Ad mission 15 cia. When the advertising mailler was marked out on the local page of ast Friday's Ga- zette there was flot hall a columun of local readîng malter. It was the sanie on Tues- day. Tîrere is nothing in thse sheet but hoiler plaie prinîed in a Toronto foundry. No sensible person would go to the post office twîce a week for such a Mess, and the) ail say they are sick of f1. Tht new town band bias heen tooting away n their hall iii tire top of be Get rie block ail wînier, but the sprirîgtime had tire effect of hrîngîng them out Saîurday evening. They gave a programme of muait rendered in a style wlrîch shows that their bard practice liras not been ahI f .r nothing. We congratu- ate the boys, and hope tbey miay keep nt k. It is saîd there is ahways a crank irv ev-erv band who raisea row after ow until bie breaks the combinatioxin u )It la not un- usuai for musîcians to lie a little pernickety. We do not wrie this t0 injure the band but to warn the boys agaînst a danger ta wbich every band is constantly exposed. So many banda have beexi started bere and bave been broken up bit unlintas that the citizens have ver v lutile faîth in the business. Mr C P Stewart's Stock In another column Messrs, Btgelowv and McCaw anîrounce that tht Stewart dry good stock is being sold. Grenat bargaina wili be iifiertd in everv mie. Somnberg'er satili t.. The appeal of the C P R 10 upset the $6,5oo judgment awarded Mr C E Sornber- ger and bis dauRbter for the accident îbey sufiered in crnssing the C P R ait Myrtît, lbas been disvnissed, and thse judgment with now have ta ta paid. Tht case was heard ai the faîl assîzes here. Two Stores*(fu of Boot. M W Collinsalbas two stores filled to tbe doors with boots and shoes and about a wagon load oulside of eacb on the sidewalk. He is sellîng 25 per cent lkelow wholesate prîtes ta get rid of the whole outifit. No htter goods in tIre Dominion. Sale opena Saîurday April iî,tb. Terms-Stricthy cash. AnniverarY of C E. The aiiîniverssrv of tht christ ian endeavor sotiety ofîthe meàirodist tabernacle hast Sun- îlay was interesting and useful. Thse num- ber of miembers in tht endeavor is about six- ty five. Tht society meeta every Tuesday evening, when the meetings are enthusiastie and lai geiy aiîended. The auw of the so- cîety among other things is to lead the young peuple of the congregation to folow Christ Tht Rev. J. P Wilson, of Oshrawa. preached a very practical sermon (nil of encourage- mient to continue in good works. Five young people were reeived int tht eme- bership of the cburch. The christian ten- deavor of the colege assisted in the service by Miss Taylor and Miss Hihl taking part in the musicah service. Eacb weelk thse prayer meeting committee makes special prepara- tion for the weekln, service. Next Tuesday evening there wihh be an £aster service. Printed carda are hanried about by the look- out committet to membera of the congrega- lion givixrg a cordial invitation to ailto at- tend these weekly meetings. Eatertitument aSt te Tabernacle The programme given at the methodist tabernacle on Monday nigbt wus. a marvel- ousty good one. although ouly about two hundred attended. Mr. A. 0. Geiger, or- ganist of Simncoc street methodist churcb, Oshawa, gave an organ recital ta com- mence, and mnother to wind Up the pro. gramnme. He displays a great &Mount of technical knowledge of the instrument, play@ it to perfiection, and pours forth sncb a variety of meîody as rouges téie audience to the higbest pitcb of enthuslasm. Tht bore ber mressema thse grae' Word cornes trom Dryden, Agoma, blrat Mirs C Sterleker la dcad. A few-veeksago lu coMpan>' vit bhel,' voebhy hnband Mes itker lcft here b face tbbc iardsbIPsrOf that uew Countrv. She vasOave but not strpng,.sud ln tihe movlug ah.e caught a bsd, coid"whieb scttled In ber-tbroat snd lump., resultiug tu, ber <Ieabb. The-occurence lsaa sad one under tise drcamtamSc, sud ail Mr Stericker'l old acquaintances la this- section are mach gived b ohmarof bis affiction. A ver>' sd occurence vas tise deaîh of Mesl T5 Arnold ons Sunday munlut. Tise decesedbasfors>uletime beç A victlm of Brigbt'5 disease, suds ,wýeek gemnltsyle contracbed oold viscis caued mplîcalions vhich resnlbed lu paweyliS cf icbraitsý, ctanifsig ber death. 'She -as a Umms estias- sUe layO the esute '09< a <soul charming ,y teýemýed gotoand4amsftes, hlvh have LZ frcmm-h'r hoi. Dot lIld the placed upon the list of sebool studies which could not as readily be taughît t boys as girls, but now it la urged that cooking and thse like should b. a special subject for girls There la reason in thia. In a good many familles girls are neyer madle acquainted wltb the skillcd dutits of tbc houschold. They are brought up exactly as boys are, attending school aide by side, sud wben their educattoîf l completed bbey go mbt the same Uines of worfr. One is as well cquip- ped for business as the other, and the girls more easaly become typewritcrs or lcger keepers Wo whlch they are cduca , than bonsewives for whlch they have had no training. Mothers lu many cases do not train their dangbt"r any more than their sons 10 take charge of household duties, but they do fit thetn 10 go out andcopete wlth the boys (or positions in business, wbh makes so .nuch competition that neither la hall pald. This cuts things down no flue that young tmen are hardly able to Marry lu more than one case out of five, and wben one goca secking a wifé e h. l not duire of findlng one wbo wili b. able to run bis boue wltbont hiring expeusive and saucy skillil belp. The ides of marriage bu to b. aband- oued li many business mien- becaissof the -difficulty h. forsees of betterîng bimself by sccuriug a wlfe wbo vill flot know ber bus!. nusa. How qualifled>'scbool teachers a"c ta ha found and arrangiements made for tesb. lng; how to make a ffie that wilM bot snik a.pound of lcad letoon innocesint hib 1 W manas stoaacb; bow a steak MabÉld soe 'asto Le dIgestible in s stoni*ihwhei4 there la nosausage ssaluê rnuulug. bci i dameu; bàwÀpkIïrtg! &Ybe wades M té eaigé to ew *bkhle 4ih.frfflt COME. 1 -- - - - - -- 1 . - ý .A ND' LOOK. Il k.,v Dr -Lambly, Brooklil, wua in town Monday. 14r. Chas. Smuith {alortb ward) lW. home (rom Creveland. Mr. Wm. Black 19 ait ptesent'employed ai the Commercial hotel, Oshawa. Mr. C. H. Smnith, marbie dealer, Whitby, bas assigned to Mr. W. F. Hatch. The town council meets Monday and the board of education on Wednesday. Mr. Thos. Herrington, late of tb. Wood- ruti bouse, bas gone 10 the aid country. Mr. Alf. Gunyo, Brighton, was in town on Tuesday representiug thse Coold Bicycle Co. Lace curtains in cream and white ai 25c., 25c, 50c, 75c, 95c, to 87 a pair at W. G. Wal- lers'. Mr. Wm. Foy and family are naw com. lortably settied in Uic new botel ai Uic junction. An Easser tes in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Monday, April i9ah. Admission î5c. Canpbel's hig store bas been opened to run offM. Collins, stock. The sale cam- mences to-morrow. Mr Saunders, Guelph, spent a couple ol days ini îown last week, ai the home of His Honor Judge Dartnell. Mr W A Frazer, the new proprietor of the Ioundry, bas moved into Mr j E Farewell's bouse nea- Mrs Rayas regidence. Truste-es Pýarewell, Dr McGillivray and Dow, together with several of the teachers, wrll represent thse towxs at the educational meetings in Toronto next week. Mr W J Luke is building an additton te his repair shop. He will have large show windows in front. It is bis intiention to keep a large and vanied display of bicycles. OBrien & Stedham's Photo gallery will be open ail day Good Frîdey. Frlday's Saow. On Saturday morning many were suprised t0 Ste an apparent (aIl of snowballa varying n aize (rom three or four inchxea to a lot in diamneter they were of a very 6laky nature and b.d probabiy been formed b> the wînd. Reter Day at AU Saint's Churcb. The special services at AUl Saint's cburch on Ester day will be at the hours of S and il smr., 3.15 and 7 p.m. The services wîll be marked by Easter festivel muait and special sermons by ttje rector, treating of the great event of the day. At the evening Plumnmers Magnificat, No. 3, will be sang anîd also the Nut Dimitlis by the same author. Macy &t thse O L C. Unfortunately the raging .storm of Friday night Isat prevented a larger attendante at the Macy concert at the colege, still those who were in attendance were more than de- lighted with the enttrtainment. Misa Mc- Kee played the accompaniments. Dr. h-are asked the audience if they would like to bave Mi. Mscy return at somne future date and their response ahowed theii apprecia- tion of the entertainer. M coulas 3sS aoStock To be slaughtered withovt regard 10 price. I have bought tbis large stock at a rate that will enable me to seil the cbeap- est boots ever offered in the Dominion, It la well known that Mr M Collins always kept thse beat class of leather goods to be had, and 1 will Bell them at the lowest prices ever known. The stock bas been opened out in R & j Campbell'a large store, eveîy shelf and counter being beaped with splendid boots and sboes. Don't forget Campbell's store, next door to my own, Brock St.. b4hitby. M. W. Collina. Sale opens Api'il 17th. Terma-CasIs. Signirîg Petitions. People have a weakness (or signing peti- tions. Onie could go round town with a memorial 10 the Lord to have the north pole-and ils ice region transferred hure, or have Hîm gîve us six mnonths day and six motitls nîght at a time, and could get nine ont of ten to sign at. A few days ago a atranger went through the town of Aurora and got almost every business man in the place to sign a petition ta the Ontario Legi.s- lature in (avor of grantitrg an electrie rail- way charter which was flot 10 tome near Aurora, and which would rob the town of about baîf ils trade and give it to Scbom- burg. What they shoulId have signed was a petition againat the charter. A few years agvr a (armner near Whitby town wanted a more convenient road madu to bis farm, and easily secured the namea of nearly every GOOD8-Mm« 300 yds A1-Wool French Delaines. in cream, black, navy and brown grounds, with neat Floral designs ; positively the very best cloth mnade; extra cho!ee colorings ; 3'2 juches wide; regular price 35o a yard, on sale baturday while they last, at 15c. CLOTHING 8PEIAL8 79 Pairs CanadMan Tweed Pants, ini checks and stripes, double stitched and strongly made, regular4wrice $1.50 to $2.50, Saturday price 98c. S:ýeMEN'S FINE TWEED SACK SUITS -*&,.Every Garment in our store bears an objeet lesson in price economy. SEEINB /S FREE. It won't cost you a penny to look through our stock and see how much you can get for se littue money.Yo will not be urged to buy. Your judgment wilI teuu yGU whsat te do. wu Ge Great Bargaini WALTERS. Sale -0F:B- DR-Y FOR $ff$ GOODS, 30 DAYBa Ha.ving pur chased at a Low Rate on the r ~the Gene ral Dry Goods Stock of Mr. C. F. Stewart, We opened the Stock for business on Thursday, Apr. i 5th, '97., The stock is strictly First-class and well assorted in every fine, and consists of general "'Dry Goods, Xgillinwry, and Geuits'FrWiIda The prices of everything ini the stock has been . greatly re- duced, many lines being sold below the wholesale cost. Barga"nos«for Everyoue. No person disappointed. Follow the crowd ,'to th Great Whtby BarOI os.Spotyu w town., Get aL boom on., We will do our dham that will make purchasers happy and pléa"e4 t< tracteat home. No trouble to show d.We e hc r th-é ing for showing, and very l1t, or wUbuy,&hemé Remember the 1o~ BIGE LOW Référeneesur> Correspond ic nviç4 < ~ABK. IL&cKW~T ~DJL~ 1» L £A N h EASTER *RATES, Round Trip Tickets wiUl be issued as follows:- TEACHERS and STUD13NTS-(on surron- der of standard forin of sehool vacatie.. railwsy certificate, iigned by princiWal SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE.. THi RD. Good going Mar. 27th ta Apt. i7th.' lu. clisive. Returu until Apt l7th, 1897. GEN13RAL PUBLIC SINGLE FIRST-CLASS ZARE. Good going Apr î5tb te îgth, inclusive. Return until Apr aotb, 1897. To ail stations in Canada, Fort Williamn, Sauit Ste Maie, Windsor sud east For Tickets snd ailins- formation write or caUl ou EL.1R. BLOW, A&VLI C.P.Ry. Tickets, Telegraph snd Domintio Express Co. Whltby, Ont.. 10 SE[ 13 Tu ~u[L iFv W'M. TILL- ;id hbc puvincedthat s E5egatliassi FUMiITUE WO-b' -ev DRESS SATURDAY 's -N aple )wett u ber- vIsite large iitby., Mll If you want to buy right, If you want to be treated right, If you waut to F-ave money, make this store your trading home. BARGAI NS. ý 1. icail- On«...Md'olow

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