Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 6

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(WRITTEN FOR THE CHRONICLL-) (Cotinad.) Contemporary with the Rev. Dr. Thornton was the Rev. Mr. Lambie. Hie was a minister of the kirk of Scot- land and came to Canada in 184o. He was ordaîned in 1841 as mnister to the congregations of Whitby and Pick- ering. For a short tie he held ser- vices in the bapît rhclurch, hait a mile west of the U,.nion ccrnctery, untîl bis --ýwripeople but a clhurch on Starr*s hilI. NMr. Starr made a prt'sent of the -iand to trie people on which the church _waM buit. Alîhougli NIr, Starr was a quaker lie waý, no.way jealous of hav- îîîg a standard of another color raised tor goud lit their mridsýt. Mr. Lambie .also lielii srrlces ntrite school house i n Ilroo k liii, ti nickerinîg i n the stone clîurch on the -,th cî,ncesin and the bilock scîtool bouse. 'I ho- uork men ulio)but the chtirh %st eMessrs. Win.Buns and t. 1ristopher Arm- stroril. (uries of MIr. joh n lHurns, of Wht .NI r. \Wn iNltheýwson, now of lirooklirn. and Mr. Jaslurd ot Rech. The i)JIt.lflt. sers iccs were conducicd hy Rc\s \Ir l.armhîc and Dr. (icorge. -f Scarboro . Mm m. Burns precent- ing,.- LverNv thirccor fi ut nionthq lie mrade short mîissîonary tours t lrrîugh the bat k townsîhips. Ilis vîsits wcre looked forward to with îIeli>ght among the people. as lie was a mai who was herarîîlv i) ouch with thuir ncedils anîd knew hî,w îu symnpàti ize writ i them rulit thaving a ininîset of îheir own chutrcih. w hose prepts 'm cr chertshed. and whu hcld a sacred îla( ( in thrir hearts. lts usetulness wa> cut short by death i îe died in 184- 101 emigrant fevcr. hich he i. îîtractted u~lie v sting emiîgraiit-'.. i h-. %cil six weeks after lits rrîarriaugc. lice rft ai young wite to mourn his loss. 'Sh e remnained a widow until the dav «t lier death, 1883. By bis death the toîwn- ship, as well as the church. lost a powerful agent for good. [lie, like Dr. Thornton, fully realized the Im- portance o! their calling and honored it to the best ot their ablîty. Thete s stil in existence a tribute to his worth. written shortly atter hîs death bv Mr, \Vm. [ow, grandtather of Mr.' John Hall Dow, one of the venerables of the past. He says: -The last sermon Mr. Lambie preached was frorn the text Heb. 9: 28. It was indeed a precious sermon. As a preacher he was cicar. powerful and energeti. f[lis pravc-rs werc solemn and rnarked with great carnestness and deep humilitv. yet ot- ten sublime and elevated. [le was the niost sclt-denied, most laborious ser- vant of Christ 1 ever knew. N)call svas unanswered: no toil of mind or body tua much. As a Divinc e le' a clear, consistent Calvinist, lits path *eemed clear and bright before him. ( uided hy the sacred oracles wuîb lin- t here was no wa\ering.- The tîde of settlemnent in the decad flofflng 183() was so rapid that il reacherl to the Sth and 9th concessions. Among the settlers in tlese vears were a number of families from England and the north oif lrciand, who with theiî s-tui-dy trames and thrîfty habits dîc mnuch to establish on a firrn basis the prosrerîty of the district. As %ýorth-" examples ot these nsav be nientioncc Messrs. Richard and James Ilowdeni, wvho arrived in 1812. and h)v their in- conducted the services for many years 1In the quiet churchyard beside tht dear church lies the mortal remains c the great majoity who worshippe( tbere. While There is no balm for sorrow in the cold and sulent clod, there is a melancholy pleasure in visit ing the silent mansions of the deag which suggests its sulent awaiting th, morning of the great awakening. The methodists were early in th field holding services in school ani private houses and in every availabl place. There is an element in ail nei coLntres that bids defiance to aIlt Iaws of moralizy, decency and, ordel This sect had a stroîsg counter-actixt influence in keeping tbis,,element i checkc, as well as mnaking better citizen of thern. They dlaimr to be th pioneer churcb ancl tQ their zeal Car .ada owes a debt of gratitude. Thse site for the Union cemetery w2 laid out in 1835. about three acre. Mr. Thornton assumned the respons bility of selllng thle lots and so or Pfeparatcry to nreasuring out the lei -tbe. gtoand was ploughed by Mt. Wni Matb.ewson. of Brooklin,, and Di Thorýn in s (ther with- a yoke cf oxet I~eedg4t maO*rtty of the pioneei ha~fuhd ý',gresting-pIacel. 4 htlrtburials - was, Captaiii- Hal greïdfàther tû Messrs. Wn. and AIe, eéfftýy.- Hârvey iin his,, meditatlôî. alnQ4g LJ# tombà, sayu s.. i.,-- -he tcdrs ý rtIi, folap There is a rumor that serve tu keep the boy5 dition durung tle summ( Mrs. Bray received Monday stating tbati law, Wm. McKittrick, iad died that mumning.1 lars were given. Yearr lived at Greenwood. I at Orangevulle for alx years. A couple ut young nie spent Sunday here with lime atter churcb tIt thesefriadly ashet'nolto ' "' e,* tise meenory of injurie&-s,tto f.>a*nt thse fever cf resentment, nom chenus the turbulence et passion, that there may bc as littie animnosity andi disagret- ment in thse lànti cf tise living as in tise congregation cf thse dtad-P# The dninking customes was one of the objectionable features of the day. Tise keg ot whiskey *as considerted aluneet as indispensible' as the boai cf bread. To think of taking off the harvest, or threnhing, or raising the bain without it was almost impossible. In short it was tise panacen tu remnedy te present ilîs tu prevent future woei. Our father saw that this custom must necessarily lead lto bad conseuences and decided if his work could not be donc without whiskey it'would not be dune with it. Acting upon 1hismresolu- tion lie banisbed it froni the house and never swr'ed trom bis decision, or lad occasion to regret it. This caused a littie dissatistaction somnetimies. still he was nul the minttW ]ose a nigbt's sle-cp over that. This was eariy in the fteities and before my remnembrance. (Tti be Contiiuetd.j CLAREMONT S. Bray is indi sposed and bas been so for a fortnighî. -1 Lumblv. Markham, is here now painting for sever-al ut our peuple. Miss NMary Wallace, of Eglîngtan. is lere wttl1cr sîster, Mrs.-Gea. Geruw. Rolit. Graham siiipped Pnother car- ioad oit horses for 'the aid country on Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Knox, ut Brock riau. wete here Tuesdav wuîh Mr. Vîî)ung and lamiy. Talberî and Macdonald eacb shipped a 'carload uft tue, sleep-and pigs ta I mronto iast week. NV. liushby lett fur Michigan Mon- da., wheic lie lias purchased a tarm and intenris residung. Miss -ilie May- Morgan, ut Athal is visting 1er cousin, Ada Found. Nurth (Jaremont. xl us week. Chas. Derusha's violin was taken from bis barber shup Monday night,. but the tliett was întended for a joke and lie has lis instrument again. There are several very bad places on the Brock ruad. suuth ut here, and tle' same nhntisheb fixed as soan as possible ta prevent accidents. A good coal.ing ot graei Is the onI> apparent remedy. The public scloal football teani or- ganized on Nlondav evenung witl the - lloising officers President. Charles Macnac- vice. Davi4 Hopper; captain, \Vm. G secretary and treasurer, john lienrv. The team wîll be known als thte Victorias. 1 The hockev boys hadt their phote rtaken on Wcdnesday and the sanie will appear in the Globe, as thc portrait of ia tram ilat las neyer ienown Hpfet. BM t lacrusse wuîî> in Spning Time got Pure Blood s un good con- 1 by using B. B. B er montîs. 1 No other remedy possesses such pe- a telegram oin f t cleansing, healing and puritying ber brother-m- properties as Burdock TlIuod Bitters. ut 0Oangeville, It fot only cleanses internaiiy, but it but nu partîcu- heals, whcn apphied externally, al s ago deceased stîrcs ulcers, abscesses, scratuluus sures, -lebasresdedblotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the He as esiedskin clean and pure as a babe's. îuî twenty-five Taken internally it remeves alniurbid effete or waste matter trum thc systeni, ,en from Audiey and thoroughly regulabes ail tbe urgans fiends. Some ut the bodv, resturingtise stomach, ey îared orliver, bowels and blod bu healthy action. tuonie, but isefore goung far thse horse shird and ditcised tise carl., causing somne damage lu tle same. Tbey were compelledtu remain over night and bave the vebicle fixed. Thein niistortune created mucis sympathy in île mindc ut our generous hearted village n. A practical joker got the laugis on a number ut our local politicians on thse evening ut Tisursday. April ist. that being "-aIl tool's day." Notices were mnailed calling ton a meeting in île tuwn hall at 8 p. m., visen every persan addressed was urgently re- quesx.ed to attend and assist in getting tise voters' lista in shape for the next Provincial election. Many got these notices who had neveu been active in these matters, and ut course feCLt singuiarly favored. Both parties were uttcluded in the joke, and the commit- tee meeting commenced and concluded witbhLi luge laugis. a laughing chorus -omprising tise entire programme. The perpetrator of the sciseme is as yet uoknown. Report ut Ciaremont public school for Mardi. 5th clase-Cecil Hopkins, Laura Powell, Robt Stakes. Su.*- 4th class-Effie Thomson, Aggie Micheli, Robt Scott. Jr. 4th class-Lavina Sharuard, Reuben l3esse, Zella Evans. Sr. 3rd cîas -John Caster, Ethel Storey. Olive Tracy. Jr. 3rd clam- Ruby Sharrard, Walteu Anderson, kebt Leggott. Su. and clas-Minnie Pcv- rie, Aggie Anderson,' Luta Gîbson. Jr. 2nd clasa,-Ralpis Bîodie, Lena Thompson, Herbent Gibson. Part 2nd class-Jack Farmer. Franik-Russel, H~erbert Fensyth. Jr. part 2nd-Nel- lie Micheli, Edward Pugh, Fred, Eva.s. Su. part ist-May Leggocx, Mary Macnab, Addie Grahàm. Jr. part - ip-Aggie -LeggoM ,Eva- Tarr, David P**rie. Average attcadaisce, Su. rfo6ti, 42, jr. rooin, 48.A.-. -Terrie-sud L. Little, .tcacers. -Ncws CEEU f WOOD Honor report of S 8 No 7, P-ickerng, for the mentis ut Marcis. Standing ot pupils baaed on attendence, recitatous and veekly exaurs. Average attendence 56. CiuasV, Geo Garland, Edie Nuis. Sr 4th, Frances Fengusen, Huboni Hed- gos, Albert Petty, Jus Garland Jr 4th, Chau Laugelin. Je. Aibse, Juso Goumile, WiLiter Hendersos. Sr Sud, Lncila Davideen, Ltîcinda Reesor, Jas Chapnsan Herbert Mooney. Jr Sud, Jue Nounis, Sam L>ixona, Katie lMI Eas, Rey Hon. deuson. Su 2ad, ye aOaland, Herbert Gilchrial, Aile. Palmser, RoMa Judd. Jr 2n4, Freed Green. Lublie Hoblirger, Her- man Osland, Rosa Hendess. Sr pt 2, Mary Meesen, Lu1i. Carter, Mautha, Beoiso. Della Gate&. Jr pt 2usd.- Leslie Green, Lizzie Teefy. Pt 1, Bertha Haro Addie Gilciet. KupiseuxaFengusous, teaciser. »UNEAETON Thos Annan i. visiting friendain Wesk ern Ontario this weki. Meurns Hugis MeInlasis and Robt Toms paid uss visitlutlait Sndy, Several of Îtifa re. M t Iis vionity oomnseaOed eeiug ise l"t of thisilweek. Uni Chau McDonald and fasnily are visiting her ta6itiser Mss T-oms.$car bore. .. Ben Wood bas engaged vitis Jas Found for tise oomnin_ eson and oommen.d' Dselconway"", *ho j" s tgàg.d Wli WM Gilelriti fon -thse *"Muer,,,find . - tise Cisenrywood zair moýtons o aJs Oureiçm on Qood IrîIF v un , i ie ai leadoinsb>lp o),Prof Wigwnspreemù,« - JPILL..SQIPHY0,4' THE CHIEF ENGINEERS The. "Emppe cof Indiase" Chtof Engitner Tels an Intieresting Stom'y. Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best known men in the steamboat tiafic on the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having been engaged in this business for fifty years, and who resides at No. 195 Upper Coîborne Street, Kinpston, speàks as follows uf his recovery froni the sickness whicis bas affecte forOme tue. Said Mr. Somerville: -The gnip Ieft mue with kidney troubles anrd gravel. I had severe pain lover the kidneys and in the smnall of my back, aiso bctwvecn the shouiders and in the bladder. IlThe urine was very dark-culored with a great deal uf muddy sedmment. I werit to Mr. McLeod'e drug store anîd bought two boxes of Doan'e Kidney Pille. Ihave taken them witl what peuple tel me is the usual good result. IITbey bave cieared the urine, removed the sediment, relieved nie of distressing pain iç tise back and between the should- eus, and bave bulît me up un a surprising nianner. In fact. 1 amu entireiy fi-es fi-on tise troubles whucb affected me before taking these remrakable pilla, and 1 recommend them as a certain cure for ail troubles ausing fronu kidney disorders. - W7&k,KIGngstmn -FOR SALE BY- Mr Coli - pz . ý tàF shin gling the lova hall at presot. Mn Walten Gloven, of Oannington, upet t Bnday vitis bisparents in tovun. in and Mi«sai"rnr, ofSButtos, vers Mr John Kennedy, of Grand Central, Orillia., vaa in town on Friday lest. *A "ItonhoT*ýj antist' from Orilla h». ,rnek tovn and atucis out hi$ ahingle on thse Iron Dlok. Mr Ken D)avidson ref used fn offer of $36 for his fine tes'i Of P'hydesdale fil les, lest week, Mu Arvhie Tit3 ie v ho ha. been ser- iously ilI la, vs are pleaaed ta &tâte, rapidly recowering. Messus Barber Bros have c' o dovn their sav-mill on Monday afte'a very suceseful seasna rmn. The mce on the mii] pond i@ aIl cleared off snd that gamey fieh. the sucker, is once mors greatly in evidence. Mr Archie Gillespie bas given up farm- ingl and intende holding au auction sale in the near future. Mr Wm Clark spent Fnidayv in Suttnn, anrd vbile there tuaded off bis driving mare for s lilcely looking trotting horse. Mr P MeMillan jr. viii repussent tht- Cheeker Lacroser Club at thbe C 1, A annuaI meeting in Toronto on Good Friday. NIm A D Mourison is makine prepar- stions for tbe erection of another cottage on bis Ethel Park property. Mmr Alez C MeRas ha@ secured the cont.ract for thse. erection of a building suitacte for thse Eden Cneamnery Aseociîs- tion, ist con, Thouais. The Misses A ard E Harmilton. R Meintvre snd M McKe-nzis and Metta.rç A W Hamilton, T H Trealeaven visiîed friende in Eden. Mariposa, on Mondai' Brookln. Ofice horsr 9. a. m. to il s.xn. Office houreil amn to 2lp.m. ;W- priz'aie Taitph~ eCornmunicatiO». i). P. BOGARI' .D,.DS Phygicea. Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office sud Reaidence neat te AUt saînt's Churcis, Dundas Street, Wbtitby. N B.- Dental SurgsrY i.n ah'i's branches promi tiy, attended to. W. A DAMS, CýSDENTIST. Reculs oer John FergUsOI)'5 clothing Store. Rsidence-No. 1, Thse Terme, Byren St ....rc..s..Tan . ath xR1w. 3~. . WILIS,_.v.3el Giemist and Druggist Bi-ock Street,, WHITBY. C=uumberesnd islomess ue ferbidd.%n fruit" to many persan se eemsdtiuwtedtht tis ehast iuduhgenùs la fellowud hi attacks of cbotera, #Iyseetey, gripaug. " .Tii.. persans are net avare tisaI lsey enu induletzi tbeiu heu omtont if tbey have on baud a hotU.e ofDu. 1. t). Kefl IgmaDpntèry Cordial, a uedieinme tuaI wM ' vebusuediate relief, ansd is àsue a»frâ miber ecuslalita. - The faroweli banquse« to Mr Bayard vl takepim la Londou ou.theYthof MsY. Dyappsansd IudigstWem-O W 8mev Cei8rimme. IN Y, vrAIes t 4'Pieso ssMd ton ~ ~ w ~ emo Us .are Uaxliug moet Parmiel PIsthan envo9her 11v-op fthi.y buwof a gMt <repu"=t1«nme r -lb.ous 'D pssudJlo Cuultt» Mr'. ObsA1 Sh,.dssy-wnies: ?srueleeaFUileare an mneliuI umedieus. Kv uoter ,m>' lo treu~d-vIh mo ensbadaohet but these 9111$ bas J.ft 14 Dr. H. Wi ghtln DENTIST. te» open every BaLturday night LIFE INSURANOL- l~ 8 s ~*m Mn.L. . Anaof PO tunion, vu wfith her motiier qh nn The buptiet ladies, ýaY lait. in the. buemnt r' I miincimeemet <iy luit. tc the church on Tues. .Mina M, friendi '- 17yReesor han been veth In >ere for the last week. de beef ring patrons met asat weak and decided to keep the ring going for another year. Mr. Hamilton, of Stouif ville, who in about to mnove here, will kili thse beevea th in year. Mr. and Mrs. Courtice, of Bowman. ville, han been v @iting the latter'a sîster, M r. ()ke. Her mother hn.s laîely uder- Voile a very succesaful tvçîration at the~ Toronîto hofpita. Mr. Stewart. Pherill han rnve l no the eid lpoat office bouse anrd Mr. VEl8ey Burkhoider lias also upetied up hie tailor shop ihere, Robert Vardon. wbo purcbrised ihe Lt>îîtjfihîî farui, has again stild out. to Mir JIhn %Vhite, of Broughami. A M4r. Thompson. of Motirt Plensant., je about fi open out a ca8h store here grr'TeiIenin Mny. B1Fi l wI î1o have n< special barkrrtin day. Wu wtticernie Mr. Thompson to our vide. The elect ion of uflicer took place at the epworth leagiie la-st Monîlay rîîgh. Mr E.lward Thorotn has rented the Beaton hornestead and bas moved taere- There vas a big jambonse down at the den on Saturday Digbt lest. Mr. Adolphe Tbninpson ias secured the agency for binder twine fromn the- Farmers Compaxny at Brantfordi. As th -- cternpaoy je running eo!ely for the henefit of the ahove clase, every farmier. srourîd bers and elzewhere ebuîuld paîronize ii rind procure their supply for ibu season s work froîn Mr. rhompeon. Misa Grace Wilson in spending ber Easter holidays bero witb ber parent. Mr&. Thos. Pugh and Mn.. J. A. Pugb was in Oihawa on Tiieisday last. The insurance men vho interviewed bhe Ontajo Goveriiment witb refenence to the app>întinent of a Provincial Fine Wiarden, wene iuifornied that if was tua late this session to hring iun legisiation tri stamp out incendiariemt but neit sessin would present orne mpasure t.o meet the' necessities of the situation). La Grippe ifB nouhae had the C"404p yor nom t aches and palmas, tii. feven', the chillathe cough, the dcpression-ou know them ail. Tht Grippe2xhasts the nervous system quklY, IOWefs the vitality. Two things should bc dont at onmet --the bo:iy must bc streng7th- ened, a<nd force must be eien to, the nervous system. Cod- lver 011 wiIl do the first Hy- pophosphites the second. tlhee are permanently and oleasantly combined in Scott's Emulson. It 11f ts the despondency anid licals the inflamed men*ranc of the thnoat and lunes But ycu need not ive LA GRIPPE Yoru can put your systein in a condition unfavorable to it. Yots can have rich, rcd blood; resistive stren gth ; steady braie aind nerves. &oatts Emulsion prevents as well as cures. And whcthen you send or go for Scott's Exnulsion, ke sure you get the genuine. SCOTT & BOWNE. BeflvWe, Ont That Pale ]Face. For Nereoug Prostration aud Anamis thete la uio umedlicile ttwil su ruiipily and rotai 1 ubtY ft-store %ugor andci srsîgth as Scott'ai JOHN E. FAREWELL, 44- .9. Barrieter, Couoty Crcwn Attortiey, snd Gouuty Solicitor Office- Sontb 'V. szig0u Cuurt if ouse, %N bi .by. JAMERS KIJTLEDGIK, Barrieter, etc. Office tormerly occupied by Faresel & Rntledge, nez% ktoyal Hotel, Iirock St.. Whuitby. DAVID oRMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor iu ChaucerY, Conveyancer, etc. Office -In the Office sooth of the post Office, in htcM.sllan'sa Block, Brock Street, Whitby. (j. YOUNG SXITlI. LL. B., Bârrigter, etc. ,-Money to Loan- Ismuer of Marriage Licenees. office - Smit.hsr Biock, South of Mariket. B'ock St., Wbitby. DOW & Mc(,;ILLIVRAY, Barristere. Bolicitore lu Chancsr, stc. office in Mathîson & Haviceus ne'w block B3rock St., W hitby, sout> of Ontario bank. w. B. y A RNOLD, D. L. S.. 3onuty Snrvéyer aud Drainage Eugineer, Port Perry, Ont. Drs, Warren if Moore. J . J. Moore,m. D -, F. Warren,M.D October 7th 1895- WANTED. CANVASS,.'ERS-'Q1een Victoria: Her Lite and Reign.< trhs captured the Bntîsb Eciîe. Extraorduuîary îestîrîiouials f rom the great xsen- send for copy free Marquis of iorne say., -The beaI popular Lite oft rtc Queen 1 have seen." Hem Mpje.sty sends e kind tciter cf sp- preciatiotu. Selling by thousands; giveenrthns- u-4.ic satîsfactiou. Canvassers making $15 ta $4 wee-kiy. Prospectus free ta agents. 1 i-i >RPAnI.KY GARRET5ON CO., LTO.. Toroto, WA ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL .'YMen or Women to travel for me- qpîîI)sible establistied bouse in Ontariu. '--lairy $780, payable $15 veeau' andi ex- îuic.Position permanent. Reference. Encl(u-'e self addrt-sed st;imped envelope. Th e National, Star Building. Chicago.-17-8. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. Fou the neit three moutha I amn giviîrg special attention ta patients trmrà dis- tance. Amn eriui rakiug plates iiu rubber, 58, cetinloid 010. Gold aud iNer fillhauig work èowniuàg by firet-cass operators st the most reasoueble rates lu the city. Whenuin the city cal] in and lcImeue sasa- iue your teeth. 1imalte ne extra charge. C. H. RICSOS, Dentuet, south estcorner King aud Youge Ste., Toronto. No V. 8th. 1892. W. H. WARNER. DEÂALER IN COAL, LÂTH, LUMBER, SHINGLBE, OORDWOOD, SLÂBS, ETC. il ortags0fThe mDvision o<>nrto cOUfTX OF OUTAIO 18M Wuiwr»-D. C. bMacdon6ll, WbftbY Cleyl jan. 3; Feb. 3; March 3; pril 2; ia, 2; JUDO 2: JuJy 7 bep. 2; Oct. 2; IN,v. 8; Dec. 2. OmxÂv-D. C. Macdofleil Whltby, Clerk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Martt4; april 3; Msy4; JUDOs3; JuIy 8 Sep. 8; Octu. 8; Nov. 4-; Dec. 8, BRoUGMaàx - M. Gleeobn, Greenvoodi Clerk.-Jafl 6; IMarObi6P- May b; July 9; Sep. 4 ;N ov.-5. PORT FEi.1< - J. W. Eunshsm, Port PeMr, Clerk-Jin. 29; Marets 9; Msay 15 July 20; Sep. 23, Nov. 18. UBaDOE-Joselh E. Gould, Umbridge. Cler-Jain. 30; MAardi 24, MaY l9th; JnWY 14; oct 14 ; Dec. 16. Cç&,i<15maGoi-George Smitb, CajiningtOD. Jan, 81; Me.rch 2b; May 20;1 July lb 00Ot. 16; Dec. 17.e BzAvzrtToNGeo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, CIerk-M5.reh 26; May 21; Juiy 16 ; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UwTZaROVF-Thns. P. H5tI, Uptergi'ove Clerk,-March 27; May 22; luIy 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By order, AGENT For the PEOPLE'S C04~L CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just E-ast of U ptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 2bth, 1894. ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPARTICÀ>P TAKENO0OTHER. Augm usi38 I8693 CHAS. T CT AU ÇTIONUER; WRITBV, -ONT. Thse ubderoguèebep-,te unuafl ubot ie bis tiMenont*-lieuse -fe in owras -neb*% pBlt â M. Llîg e"à, wbém«al1iafoauiamioa m o oJtia1d. CSCOTT Whtby Nov. 99;'94 . n, mil INOB ou os bis hstIO< my legs, aud I coold uut ride a buggy owing bu the pain tht me. My Ingis elso troubied raised a great deai of matter esnsulted the best docter vs ha, ,section cf thse province. He candidlv that I vas part med -caliapse, and that my rigbt aise sffteceed.This vas inu For tise next tbree montba, e seomed to drav me nearer an tise snd. I vas epre-ffed for time. tisi1Icondnet valk ani wlithont stopping te regain ht mentis of November I begen t Williàr' nk mbPÎUia h as e funlorn hoe and I admit I d peot much benefit frozu them, thern ratuier t leesSe a. fiend mse to do se. 1 behieve I vas viien 1 found they were helpin 1 thougist tvwu beyond thse ait dune, but lselp mue tbey did. aui eentinued Iheir ose. lise re, bawvs made on imani of me- Det a paun-about me. my breet& fueelyas il ever did, »adI and Vas- N». y cm eci.n susmaffl up M a fev verd. àituis Fi--sPt, àha"e given i loua of âfeand I amn gladté! -body ku.v It. Dr. liiams' Pink Pilla are tabzsbeanlig tse rms te ma wm per,(prit-tedlu mcd i lu d tâtDf-. whUvns'Pin cévir ý Id W bMâk ôr by tise &am..u M sy haler -Wheo - iutw-ibths" fi-m is trvngt yoS Man bouta be aveidemi. Tl ealhdbt dbugaaemud nor <uls- hsyarm ail imitaio ~k~ hi>pêta qap a peetlIS ~~ ~thse wsdnu Dr. Vi:tblma P 231 [ I r I 1< 1< e-. j: Thowvz . Johlt&. A Common -Afflicti Peru1 gl îendby Tali AYER'S, A cA ..z:Tz:kl 1-111, pq a ie .r 1<' -L Wnho= gs.. . r.-> the t .'-' Wrý-trnii. T of &tratlord, Ont AyeIS Theasa Admîtted et the World'aF .4yer'a Plla Clense the Il WAS BLOWLY DYI THE RESULT 0F AN AT-ý LX-IGBIPP>E ANDI) VSU<M The Stranze Case of Mr James Johnville-Doctoro; Toid Lunes Were Affected- and Not Recover-Now li o.oi Froin tbe Sherbrooke Gazette. When a man faces what ci thorste-s tell i hm scertain rt-gaine beaith and etrengîtL, h.. ally grateful ta the uîe-!iene re-stored biaSucli a mise îe Gîran. one uft tue hast kuiown Ibe vîeinsty of Jolinvilr.. Q Owen telle hie eîary ot 'hautr and renewed strerigtb as foliov the l7th of DecemosFr, lii4 tacked with la grippe .A w e-k trouble deveLoped iota pneum worst farm, and I dît not lt-av until the first of Mamcb, 189-5. âi was 00u 4eak that I was unabi alone. Ail wiol.er w.v life li balance. Srrrnrner came al, stîli wsak end teeble, thugli1ý ,warm weatber 1 gaîoied a litile 1 had, bowever, bol. mary littde .Cierk ottî Peace. Mr and Mrs Wm Chaimnere, rot Oea- ngina, pa.aed tbrougis town on Wednes- day. on tissir bridaI trip. Mu Chalmertt mnany friendg bers yull visîs hlm a veny happy vedded lite. A movement ie on tont tovards the eetting up à Jubileé Celebration on tht- fifth anniverean ut Heu Maje.stv Queen Victois'Cornation and it is to bho hoped the puomotors viii meet with the heantv. energretie snd loyal support ufthte citiz- en@ ut Beaveuton. Just tr vary the monotony ut thinzS in greneral Mr Arch COlliespie'ibouse broku. lous from in front ofthtie store on Man- day stan sd created a litis exciternent by us setampede up Siicoe St. It vap captured about s mile out ut towu a t rifle winded but nons tise wurss ut bis gallop. -J -- -

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