Whitby Chronicle, 16 Apr 1897, p. 8

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,OSHAWAt APRIL 16e 1897 OSIIAWA PAGE OSEAWA. Mr Wmn Bunker, Pickering, visited with frlends thîs week. Mrs J Guinette visited with Toronto friends this week. Miss L Olcott, Bowmanville, is visiting with Oshawa licnds. Miss Eabier Lyons returned lrom her To- ronto visit Saturday. Mr C May, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr E B Morgan asat week. Mr% Wm Hohbs and son, Pickering, visit- ed here with relatives Saturday. Miss Ruth Hastingç h s returned home aciter spending the winter with Toronto re- latives. Misses L Thompson and Eva Wilson left on Friday for Orono, where thcy have se- cured situations as miliners. On Tuesday nîight Messis O Hezzlewood Chas B.iiles. and D Spidel f, rmed a boy's brigade at Sîmncoe-st methodist chu rch. We are pleased ta see Miss Kinver an the street aaian ater her recent illnessa She 'will resumne her workir n the high school after Enster. Died, In Liverpool, England, W H- Pel- low, aged 56 years. Lecased was a former welI known resident of Oshawa, and a brother ta Jas PeIIow. On Good Friday morning the lacrosse club will hold their first practice in prospect park. Those who have laciosse sticks are invited ta be present. W H- Morris, 1) 1) L, has returned home from the Philadeiphia Dental Colleve. He will leave in a sh)ort tirne for Ca.garv. N W T, where he will open up a denîtal office. The concert in aid of the India Famine Fund which was ta have been heid Mondav rîiiht Ini St Georges school house, has been pStponed until Tuesday night, Apfil 2oth A splendid programme will be given by local talent. Today, (,ood Fridav, there will be ser- vices in St Georve's chu rch at ii a.rm. and 7-30 p.m. The Rev J S Broug4hall. WNhithy, will preach in the mornintz. The collectionr will be given ta the missions af the church ai Jupan anîd England. The Prospect Park Tennis Club has or- ga.îized for the season wîth the follawing officers : Hon pires, E S Edmondson; pres. J P Owq;ns vice pres, j LeRoy; sec-i reas, C S Jones; committee, N Johns. D Spidal, * Balles, A Chambers, F Braithwaite, Mr Teet er. Married At the methodiat parsonage. by Rev G W McColl, B A , B .. on Tuesday, April 6th, John Morrow, af Perth, ta Emima Crowvells, East Whicby. At Oshawa; on Wednesday, Aprîl 701. by Rev G W McC.11, B A, B D_ Fred J Tantun ta Miss Lizzie Gallagher. 'both of Oshawa. At the residence af the bride father, on Mar 3iîst, by the Rev G WV McColl, B A.. B.D., Mr Chas A Lander, ai East Whithy, ta Miss Florence M, dauuhter af Mr Sulas Thomas, '?sast Whitby. The music hall waa packed an Mondav night (mostly ail ladies) ta hear Mrs Rorer, ai Philadelphia, lecture on good coo)king She gave mnanv gaod pointers on the kind or food that wauld huild a person's health up. It is quite ikely there wiii be cooking classes formed in the schools. as thai was; Mrs Hamlin's motive in getting Mrs Rorer to corne here ta lecture. It wiii cost about f700 aà ear ta get a good teacher in cook- inir. about $35 ta get a5 ofl-E -r he cliss, and s,5o ta equîp il.. The ladies think thev cani born a ciasa ai about fifty who will psy' $5 eaenh for ltrssnsi. They wilh also admit dîc,nestics for a fee who wish ta taire a Ctuse hiot corne ta tavn to, b. buatled by Hoover. That lu so, and If the same thing wcre so ai Wbltby tnwn tbe CHRONICLE wouhd report ItL The (suIt je lu the authorities ai the to*n, Dot in the CHRONICLIC. The Vin. ia largoly ta blame for boomlng thse constable's hustling. It ta tthe one who dot a wrong that mbould alays be blamcd, not the ancevisa exposes IL Thse Vin. lat veek reviled us for saylng that Mr. Murton had preîended ta know tisat this huting je legal. This week It save he did read tise hatatise editon af lh. CîmaJoNCLE. Thse factAe as we firet statc4l, shat Mr. Murton nove r pretended ta us thitt tiser. le any sucis la. He admittcd tiser. waa none. Thsis le the point we have been bound ta mske (rom thse flrst. Thse Vindicaton le exscthy lu the smre position a» it vue a year ago now rcgarding thse fire cotnpany-wrong but detertnined ta manu- facture evidence ta suatain its position as be- ing correct. Sémrow Work For two yeare bacit men sud teau bhave been eanployed lu haullug, dirt auto thse town etreete, aend ismer-iallowing the same, »s If it 'rp lnteudqd to make a pluy ground or wodyrd of tihe ttiroughfmres. This yçog -there ha bees a change oi gaverument, ja nç of tse laborers retisrked on Wednes- 'day, and a change of Goveromnt leaid te b. alwvaye good for thse worklâg seau, for ail the mate* -tisat has beeu P' aceà on thse trets for yesrs le nov bdg ýscvated tJiÏrekrn< Md hasled eay. ' ce xer- é4ws ook very m Ilus'1k.workitig l vin, -b4toy itigsaile, loue. lu -valuinitis Half tbe «>toit ibde b) mnsle ~tswoil- "Ytrifoly. ,-Oàîe nsmm or set of m i m 'WV-bngoeay.,qd tie nezt suc- ice *p à( offUals- hoatu, h bacit. No >ý ' oer get ittupassable Wlmpe. 0"W* bm, v« ee1 <. in trets tà haeds miLàd if thè.oanncîll are to com- W. bave a os*bebod cU db - *seflou1 on Momday tslght tise members of St Gtgory'S club w111 give s social hop lu thei rcoons. This makes the third anctt. lu wI- Thse revival meetings whicis have been conducted lu Limcoe et methodlst chas-ci for tise lest foar veeks, acre closed Frlday niglit. Great interest la being takelà lu thse caurse ai sermons or Ohd Testament subjectu by tise Rev. Mr. Eastman in thse presbyteriain churcis esch Sunday evening. On Sunday last he preached ta a large audience a mosi ioterestlng and instructive sermon u Caia and A-bel. A great rnyn people wil hb. surpimiesita hear oi the deatis ai Frank Brandon visa vas taken ta the House ai Providence tva sveeksalato. He vas tisere ten days when on Friday a telegram vwas sent dosa that he vas dead. Tissone by anc the aId land- marks ai aur tawa are pussing ino their re- ward. Mn Wrn Black of Whllby is acting in thse capacity ai aine dispenser ai tise Commner- cial bouse bar a couple of weeks. ht seemas ever s-iace the Corbett-Pitzsimmnoas figisi aur sports have been prîsctisang (wbenever they cou id gel a suhjcct to practice on) tise hhow wlîich kaocked Corbett oui. Tise bss dis penser aithtie Commnercial vas tryiag tise other dav ta sec abat se. couid do in tisai line, but bis suhýect dadg4à bis isead. Tise rt-sult was bis band struck tise watt antis suci fat ce as ta break sanie aitise bances, and be noa carrnes it ta a sliag. Oshawa Busineme Direotory. E L. VICKERY. barber. Slmceoe treet. BROOKS' LIVERY, imnca. street, nonth. Wtt. ROLPE.brng îsknSlcestreet t. B. MOTHERSILL, bîttober, King St., Wesit DR. PArnaus@os, Denti4t; offce aven Ravies store. A. J. WSTrss -Dominion pianos and arganp, Simnca. street. W E.- Dyxa, (leneral Agent Ontario Muteal Lii e Assurkine Ca. iagenit, wanted. WVILLIAM9 J. DFAsi Dominion and Ontario Land eurvoyar, Civfl Engineen. Box 5'l, 0mb- atra. Couwssacri,. onsx.-J. C. Woon, propiator Mtodern boateiry, neat and coomfortably equlpped. D. Mi. Toi). -Caterer fanralse, Aembies, Wed- dings, Suppers., etc, etc. Alto a&l kinds ai flowers. Jas. Houu:sas - Whltby-Osisava stage lins. Leases Oshawa at 8 a m sud 2 p m., aud Whitby s 10 a min sd 4 p m. Josxit HCRiAI, manufacturer af fine carniages. carts, wagong, sud ait kinds af cuttersansd aletigisa.Reairing a speciaty. JoHN Bazvxs., paluten sud decarator. Dealer iu vall apr a eiiiug deconationa, paints, ail, i-arniaine., brushes, winaoaw hadea, etc. JAMS PILLaIS. dealer in stoves, furnaces, titi- vans.etc. Large stock kept oeustantly on hand. Jobbîr-g a ispacisty. Eimaca. street nlortis. tL. K. VWUwTon, B. A. - Barristor, SoUcitor, Notary Public,Coanveysncer, &o. Mioney UW lend. Office aven Dominion Banik, tilmoos Otreet, Oshawa. fELT Bana Watelhmakeres ad Jewolera D)aIers iu vatches. dlocks, lewelery. silver- ware, slpectacles. etc. Engmving. gold &.no hilver plm.ting. and aid goîd rings rade ovai. Fine watch, cluak, aud jewelery repafing a *peciaity. EOWICPSVILL. Dr I C Mitchell. Ennaiakillen, attended in To rroto be annual meeting ai Trnîty Medîcal Alumni of which he was presideni. and tb- Worldasys 'he opened the oratorical pari oi the progrim with happy reminiseences a( aid colirge da"." ai the banquet Dr A S Tille% wascîecied Vice Pte aident lor Esasein Ontario. éind rmsponded ta t'-e toast The Ladims. t the banquer. Monireal papers lasi e'eek gave a lengihy ac co>unilaf the closing exercises Of the 57th session of the Congregational Codae a f Canada. A fine portrait was given af Mr j Lambert Aies ander of Bowmanvilie, senior student, wbo as aur bovs sao aiten do. leada the graduating hast The Wîuneau asys -Mr Alexansder deljv-!red s very cloquent and impressive valedictory, a large pari ai hîs discours being extempare." Mt Chas R Ashdown, vaiedictortan, who preached in Trînity cburch hast fall is second on thse grad. uuung liat. Hîs portirait is aiso givea. We omitir-d ta relier last week ta thse dests ai Mrs (Capt) James Wight, abose kindly Sc-otch face was sa familiar ta aur citizena befare the affliction came upiso her that aide ber aimost beliess lot over five years, an affliction ti sae bore witb tancomnphaining patience. Her deatis an April xst alhbougis not entirely unexpected. came as a starîhong mmd reality ta thear rnany tnenda and nueigihbors. Her bu-iband and famîly will greatly miss ber in ber borne, but knowing bow terrible were, ber suflerings, tbey could flot wiss ber back agn ta suifer longer. Altisougis tise funeral vas pnivate a large number ai busi- ness men ansd -ailer citizena turned out Sauday ufiernoon t0 psy tir hast tribute af respect te, ber rnemory. The .a.te Mr Goode Ou Thursduy, April isi, Mn. Wq., Goode vas stricken with paral>sis (nom ahicis b. died early thse ollowamg marning. Shortly belosteh stroke he walked bnîskly inta thse bouse te note tise uieand thon vent ta thse stable taoeSil bis sou ta dinner, -wbo wus enguged in fceding tise stock sud a moment after inforng hlm of tho urne. he calcd again saying tissi ho tbaughî lbc vas bscoming paralyse* in ane aide. Thse mn immediatet# vent ta bis fathen*s assistance and vus great diîfilculty suemeded in geîting hlm ta the baume vison b. lapsed inta ucnciosmm ,fram abicis b.neyer necavered! Medical aid vas suinmoned but ta o D iail; shontly after 3 oclock Friday marning h. passed peaoeiulhy saa. He bad been quite xllin sthse vinter tram thse eflects ai a had cold sud ince tisat tdrne had Dos been feeling "eny tnang, but no sernia e- malts acre. suticzipted. He was bon atCal- bourne, Isle aifWight, Nov. 4th. 1825, sud came ta Canada witis a campany ai fltierdsî-n 5849) He reslded for many years in thelova ai Bow- maissille sud lattenon the tanin aber. ho died, He leaves five daugisiers and thre omnata mouen thse lame af a gaod suand otler. He vas abn carnest abnistisu sud vas for minuv yarrm emnected with tise methodist ehnre-Sasss- Mt Biveldrives ane ai Uic tony rips. W 1 Moore started for Manitoba haut Tuemday. 1 Mn Edwin Collin je vlsitlngwlth is omtis- en sand sister at Mr Stabbask. Fred Luke bac engaged with tir Gardon,, oi Cunnington, for thee mummer. M Doolittle, W B Guy and R Glover, are gninding extensively tht. eprint. At tise recent communion services ai Uic Presbytenian churcs, six nev nienbene acre 1Mr Richardson isu ld a demi 0< trouble altis bis isoreestis time, came-elx'or leven being sulk.1 Word omoes f(n o ur toboys. Greorge Wlcket s"d W Luxton. Th"ey ae Settiog aloug tslcely and enjoyed their<ip. W A Fillier ahI be ila Columbus ut the oranebal ecisTneeday for the purp'ousof 0buylqg bqUer ind epfo b the bitigi e cOpt prlê WIllb. pald From thç prlated report oftal"sb.s*ud BrSyîin prebyterian chureheu It ios se titt17 Ie* meoibons Were *ee~-l4 4eI*g thse year î*ndite lass toretsbd -th" Ille rs r,,: Tise raU pe aère, ebt(rlbaued ta ouUd4u "e - - ______________________________ h Sundey5 Mr A S Tooly b«s bis saw miii rus- ning full blaut. Miss Eva Saidens is visitiug at Maple Grave. Ms-. Herb Penkin, Moorefield, visit- oct bis aunt, Mrs. Litthejohns. Mise Elha Thomas, Peterboro, is guest ai Ms-s. W. E. Courtice. Misses Elliott'ao Whitby. visited Ms-s Frank Everson on Sundny. Mes. A. J. Courtice has returned fsrn visiting friends at Wiievale. A littie visitar at Mr. Jno. Wesley Brook's bau corne ta stav. It je a girl. Mr. Fred. Costitice has secured the assistance ai Doc Spry for the summer. Rev. R. Taylor. Newcau, ailI preach oducationiah sermons acÇpnezer Sunday. Mr Wm Lowrie has moved into the house latehy vacated by Mr Thos N ichols. Ebenezer heague visited Bowman- ville league on Monday eveaiag and report a good trne. MNr Geo Richards and wife of Picker- ing were visiting their daugister, Mrs Ira Truil thîs week. Mr D Pickle, who was living with his mother when her resideace was buraed, has moved up tise concession inti) Mr jas Courtices hcouse. Mr. R. A. Osborrne, ai - -Lakeview farm", has receatîy introduced the nem- popular breed of swxne, haviag bought a pair flflroc jerseys for bseediag pur- poses, They are a very handsome pair and wihl no doubt be heaid from at the faîl exhibition. Not long ago Mr F Courtice had several ai bis qheep won-ied by dogsý The other morning W E Courtice gai up lrom breakfast, took bis gun and wcau out. Anyone missing his dog may corne and dlaim him. He wili neyer warry more. The snotv storm of Fridav remniads us that tise -sturdy blusterer- has aot yet yieîded the vitory ta geact-( sprîag. although several ai the farmnerý have done some sowing. It is report- ed that several farmers north of Osh- awa have about completed their spring seeding. Tisorutans Cen nae The following is a report ai the per- centage of marks obs.aiaed by each o! the pupîls in UaiQz S. S. No. 5, Eas:, Whitby, for the rnonth of March: 4th cass-H Happer 7o, L Laîngmaid 57. L Davis 46, M Morris 47, F Annis 43, S Drtakle ;5c L WVhite 34. Sr. 3rd. Part 1-M Mart:n 54. M MorphY 48 L Luke 41, A McwbraY 32. Sr. 3rd. Part Il-A Maideas 71, 1B Or-ton 69, I Mowbray 67, %V Laiagmaid 61, K Ban- ner 47, R Fliatofi 41. M MorphY 36. Jr. 3rd-F MowbraY 70, S Maideas 67, F Garrard 6o, J Brown 5 t. F Hamilton 48, C Morris 47. E Stephens 37. Sr 2ad-M Cooper 55, W Morphy 48, E Hamilton 33, R Luke 33, F Garrard 29. Jr. 2nd-W BratleY 48. Part 2nd, sr.-N Martin 67, J Harlock 6o, H Stevenson 26, A CockerhaM 24. Jr. Part 2nd-D Flintoif 53, G Hamilton 51, G Smith _-9. No. on roll, 5; average atteadance, 40. Scisool closes l-r Easter holidays April t 5th, and re- opeas Monday, Aprîl a6th. W. W. McLaren, teacher. SOLINA Miss Minnie Werry has returned from Bowmanville. Reeve Pasce and aile visited Mr. and Mrs. Edaard Pascoe, West Whit- by, who are very ill. Loyal Crusader closed a livehy liter- awy contest Sausrday, and then enjoyed therneelves at a taffy pull. Tbey fura- is a programme aitihe division Friday night. Ail members attend. Recent visitors; Mes. W. H. Pearce, Newcastle; Miss Ida Moore, Haydon; Mn. Jos. Garfat, Woodstock; Miss Jtdia and Ms-. Gea. Gibson, Enfield; Mn. A. A. Bowerman, aoolen mes-- chant, Part Pers-y, and son Walton; Ms-. and Mes. Gea. Gray, Newcastle; Mn. Thos. Williams, Coesas-en: Ms-. John and Miss Clans B. Littlejohns, Cous-tice Seeding is sloaly ps-ogsesing. Miss B. Scott is home faos Toronto. Spectal Eastes- services rien Sabbath. Ms-.'James Bînghain i esuffering fsrn a severe attack af pueumonia. Miss S. Cale, Bôwrmaavîlle, aas s-e- cently guest of Miss E. ut!. Werry. Ms-. and Ms-s. T:» Bingbam, Boaman- ville, visited hic brother on Sabbath. An nked resident, Mrs. Curtis, gs-., aidow of the late Tisas. Curtis, passcd ista sest on Manday iast aften being an iavalid foi many yeaa-s Tva heay ase were sustained by Mn. ee=rrylnst veek. the ane beiag a fat stenr value avez $50, andt the ather bis fine chesitnu drives-. The junior division aofans- public scisool as closed for a fea days owspge ta <ho prevalenceof muaspo, the teaCis-ý or, Mise Potes-, beiisg among the si fes-es-s.0 Ms-. A. B. Clemens receivedal Ii fsrn a hanse be vas clipping Fnlday last that resadereal bis unCbusciou5 for la - rne. ,,Dr. Mitcheéll ctked Up tke wound nd b li snv<ing nicely. upi- lat- o '-SI.,. mach. wh~ thse able cuptansbips of Mr. C. Rates.. buny and P. RipIey. W. Roger's side baving won in <lhe recent contect a treat wass eeved by tise defeated si4f Iast Tuesday nigbt. Tise Bennett bouse lu îgndergoing saine repaire. A sune ulga ai sprlng--cnowir cangregating on sîneet êarnens. Samos and Woodward have gai in a fine stock af eut glass. A speclal ciidren's service vas beld lu AU Saint's cisurcis hast Sunday. Res Mr Harris ai Beaverton pneacbed ln tise metisodisi cisurcis ber. on Sunday last. An enîcrtainiment vill be given in tise base- ment af tise meihodisi eburcis on Easter Mon- day. Marveis af taste and beuuty, in tise shape af spainR and satimer miliey nyb ena Miss AllIta. ieynyh cna On Tuesday evening, falaawing Easser, tise ciildren ai AU Saints Sunday scisool adI give an entertainnîeni. Tise juntor division of tise epworth eague gave a concert here on Tbrsrsday 8:h, in celebra- lion ai their flrst annivcrsary. A gaod example of tise aId saying about -tise pot calling tise kettie" bai bean gainiz on ber,- througb thse lttuer boxes oltishe echo and Gle-mer. Does naitishe rdiior aif the Gleauci ,hi nit tier unfiiîr, thîe (aise 1 mena agaînst ounc. and ibat anc-an inxpeat enced ackaas ? M9APLE GIRaVE Mrs Gea Trimbhe ta ihh with broachitis. Mr Fred Hyland, of Witby, bougbt some fine harses bere ast veek. Rev R Taylor, Newcastle, witi preacis an educational sermon isere next Sabisaîi. Mr anîd Mrs Wood have reîurncd tram Lake Simcoe aiter S 3 moatha absence. Mr James Abrahsam, Manitoba, calied on irieads isere rccently enrause for Halifax. Mr Gea Gilbert hast a valuable caw tramn mîlk lever, Mr Gea Paver also hast a fine reneard cow. An excellent programme vas given at tise league Thursdap evening-topic:-The mini îsîry oftSong." Mr and Mrs Samuel Saoaden cehebrîated thse 4ais anniversary oai lier aedding Mon. dlay aeek. Tsey gai bcred home in thse eveniag and presented tisomu cach is ir an easy chiar. On Monday Mr Samuel Forai-tise vas moving and slipped irom lus load and was- drsgged some distance botS viseels ran over mis chest and breakiag several rabs and in turing bim iaîalty. Dr Beiris atiended hin butt on Saturday mornitîg as 6 o'clock St died. Deceased has been a resident isere abouts for 2,5 years. He was a member af tise Salvation army and vas baried under tise army flag ut tise cemnetry Hamptonr mIonday afternoon. He leaves a vile ancr an adopsed daugister visa have tise symparisv of thie entire cammunity. Cartwright Counril mat April 5th. with Mr Anson Tay 1.,r, rrt-e presidn.& Other mnembers preseai lt-ao McLaughiîj. deputy-reevc ; las Beacochu, Robi Jotk and R Thompson, counicilous -.--eral communications vere rt-ad. Tawnship fitbru acere appatuied as tollova : Patismasier- - Daniel Knapp, 8 Paîge, A Demîili, W A Vancamp. John Toms, John iaaaffy, J Fret- mr. Sianfard Swalu, L P Weriy, W Hunier. o Hooey, J Wright, Geo Wî son, Samuel A, 1-rgtsson, las Parr. jr., Jehn Smith, 1) Milne Robt Spînks. W S Beacock, Win Hooev. 1 ! armer, John W Hooey. W Foaler, Thomar H>ond, Jas G Hooey. J Larmner, J Engliib, Jobn McKee, Tisas MrKee, D Galbraithi, haa( .Vhitfield, G Fallis. E Montiromcry, Thoma, Wood, Wm Hanna. Robi Philtp J Lin,I Wnight. Robt Hyland. A Beacack. Rtcb Phîlp. John Nebxttî. D Malcolm, Walter Saincîla, Jab Nit-ilar, lni V-aI, Josephs Campbell, A J Glenny, Serh Dean, (s-o McGiil. Ed Fice, G Gîe,-r, D lt-alir,, J Holmes. Geq Prout,I Brown. Fence-sicauîrs - Albert Werry, 1 P i'reain, Samuel Beacock. Arthur Gîbson, Wnî ý«tnirhe.îd, Rcbt C Jackson. C P Powe. John Edgertc-n, John Mi Jobnston. Pa.îî,d keepers- -Davtd Mtlne, John N -Sanderson. L Banîlett, h-aieS Irvin. Tht- reeve aîgned ardera on îbr rre-.sîsrer as folloas : H Parions, prînîing, S16 5a , indigents; Jas Kirwtnî, Ina Morrison, kobt Elgerioan sd jas Crozier, $4 each. T ht council adjourned tai May 3rd ai x o'cîock, EVAN 8VILLE Mn J Aikens ai Kinsaeebhaneeently rnoved an ta tise Woadnuitfar(mi. j Miller & Sans shlpped tes head af fine voung cattle ta the stases smre tva veeka ago. Our nov harnes maker lu doing a- rush- ing business. They say that b. le a gooçd workrnan. Our council mot laut Mosdsy, sud got tilrough in gaod tine, but tlsey hacd veny- ittîe business tise ime. Ourn friend j Covan and his encarse ont ,>n thoîr annuai rounds. Tbey have agý ky nutben of buildings ta buîhd <bis sumin r. Our friend Tisas Young hba passed '- bis medical'examnaîlim veny creditabIynd la, nov a full fiedged Il D, se you sec tisaS aur Broughsamsbaye are-net beiid waisstbey tnyý W JBodell vas aptte icty, lut wek buying a new stoçk. N 4 Seeno aJ 'A Stevenson -vent up witb ý a Pd ef pork 'Ope day last S c. Tisey repartmarket Ola- C=ubluatkan atictica p44W came oft lasta6attsnday and vue qisite a sucès- Imve sia unuîl auctiotisale hite @ bis .ay ose casa put-uap any calmai-ort hng, <at, 46100 8p1'uoe Trees Forssk From sta 5 féesbigla. Tel.c trnsaplanted. #5 5per 1ao. A-Ia oco=0appt. Incas 2 yeuus roms the.grat t, ssyclinpnoved valle. Apply taoS& C. WILLSON, Hanse Narseries, Pickernag, asiasiles veut cd Wislby lavu, Whitby F.. Mancisigth. '97.-il 61a, WANwTh odEOnatc)9 vans ta betten-tis-positioý ns, s u ld ibecon- tent for a year vus $600 aud expenses Write us, witis disciptios sud occupatli, sud ve vil1 unaie a proposition for nov or lise future. MAJ8 nteded, reiable muen for Ausinalia, Write ta- day, for we are la a hur. THE MANAGER, 49 Richmnond St. West, Toonto, Ons. Your Price and Size Tbal's ail we want ta know Bath Foot and pure can b. fluted satis- iactanily, sud it is impossible ta get better vaines than ve give. See These Prices :V"" Boys' Heavy Laced Boots, pegged solesl, sîzas ta 5 .............95c Boys' Paggad Lacad Boots, lined round toe, sizes 1 to 4 ........ 75e Mfeus Fine Caîf Needla Gaiters ... $1.25 Childa' Button Bootsa at35c, 50c, 75C JOHN BALE, Simcoe Street. O s l8AWA Cail at PELLOWS51 and see bis Wrougbt Steel RJ.A -Wz G ns -AT- Aiea his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM-- $p5.50 tO 025-00. Go to Logan's, -«ýPiokerngp FOR PATENT NEDIOINE. 25 per cent below Drug Store Prices. Paine's Celery Compound.- Hoode Sarsaparilla ... Ayers' Sarsaparilla ... California Sys-up Fige .. Pies-ce's Mcd. Discovery .. ScoWts E mulsion ....... Castoria .............. Thomas' Eciectrie Oit..-- Raclway's Redly Relief... Wilsos's Balsam ........ Dr. Williams' Pink Pille.. Butter CQlor .......... Blaod Bser......... Dodd's Kidney Pîll... Rachelle Saits..... w. Lganikr 19-2W'. 75C 75C 85C 70C 85C 40C 33C 20C This. .Mn-. VOL. XIL.- Spring Tim Has a Dose of PRINTER'S INK In His r.ye. We hire a space in this paper and pay the psinter for putting inik on it. Then if the ink strikes youn eye, we have accornplished aur object. The moire printer'e ink we get in your eye tise better for aur business. You cee the point. We want you to rend aur ade., and we want your trade. Get aur prices, we are offering BARGAINS in ai] lnes. Sec aur large assortment of RINGS in ai styles, at ail prices, for ail people. You are wanted by 130YD~ The Jeweler a.nd Watoh Specialist. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, 1N. B. -Watch aur Window for Snaps. YOU- WILWAI Dia.mo-ad Dyes, Turkish Dyes, Eclipse DY The latter at 2 ets. a pRck.ý Moth Camphor, Gum Campkor, Large Bottle 10e., full str A. H. ALLI CHEMIST & DRUGGIST WHITBY, Grand Trunk Ry. Easter }Iolidays FARES-Siagle First-Class. GOING DATES-Tickets may be sold Tnesday, Api-il i5th, ta Manday, Apnil 19112, 1897, inclusive. FINAL LIMIT-AII tickets good te reteis leaving destination net later than Tues- day, April*2atis. 18q7. SCHOOL VACATIONS-Tickets will be issued to pupils and teacisers of scisoals and colleges at firet-clasa returu tickets between ail stations in Canada at one way firat-css fane and anc third, an surnenden of standard centificates, formu 260, signed by thse JPincipul. Tickets good going from Saturday, Marcis 7th, ta Satnrday, Apr îi'ti, 1%97, inclusive, aud good ta neturu leaving destination net later thuui Tnesday, Apir 27tb, 1897, inclusive. .BAGGAGE-Arrangements have been made ta check baggae tisraugh iron Thte Oshawa Ry Station tealal points. For ail information cahl on or write ta OSHAWA. R. C. Carter, Agt. ILL PA111 juat MR00oivod 2000 Rol&sW of thoso very beauWul American Papera, with Bopders to PMatc,, which will be. sold éheàaper than ever tfila year. Alse a lot of 20C Rm us.~ 20C 20C 37C 22C 7CEveryu 49C 45C Whicl ile oda cost and rnder.-, Day is BargamD wztk Uk5 P.JL w ONTý W INDMIL -AND WIRE FLNI Geo. Allun Seils the Genu-ine MOTOR., of Chica the Ketaleman Wire1 Intending purchasers shouhd exat milI before phacing tiseir order. LI~ an agent put an imitation on yau s can get the Genuine Aes-notor, lh galvanized, and warranîrd, for he-ss More os these mihîs soid in Canad than any other maire. Tise Aer:r dlaim tht-y sehh anc half the number asill outfits sahd in tise aorld, at tý. tîme. Ail styles ai Wood and Iron Pi sale. A-ny information regardin, Stce wilh b. ireely given by writing ta, - GEO. ALI Feis 7, i897-6rua. W*CSTEBil BANIK 0F Cl Capital Âuthorized $1, surplus a BOARD 0F DIRECTOR~ JoHN CowAN, ESQ., President- RsunEXN S. HÀMLi"i, ESQ., Vie T. H. MCMuLN,--- Generni Banking Businessw Drafts i5hÈued, -payable ln aIl pa scia, United States, and on Lan land, payable lu ail parts aif per cent. allowed-an Suvings Ban sud credited half yearly. Special attention to co Farmers' sale notes. E. D. WARB ManagefiaiWiit W ANTED-SEVEI&L F VM on or Womnen, ta <ns rpansble eetablîise os alary, $78o, payable_ $rS -week penses., -Poeitiotn permanent. Enclose self-addiessed stampesi Thse National, StuBuilding, Ch FARM ýýFOR -8AU Tise si" j ofLO7,Cou 7, by, cobbtanngg 350 acres, more clun i non 5rte Ï9 acres lmb -beecb sud. maple. Tisebuildin a 1,4, t«reyfnt4ine su itis langé balmu wfthctUoue ellurs, be-y barùü, driiing shed, etc. orcisard of vuS trees. Titis adi ,khowuneaaf-te best i ship of East Wlsiti, 1lu citen - eatofahtiiibis, ud639 miles Oisawa. PoseesioS v n l 1897. 'Apply <o -DI..G9REI Mar. 14,19-n4n >. bas b=o is able t(

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