Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 2

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Almost a Hopeless Ca A. Terrible Oouirh. No Reat -flOr Day. Given UV by Doct A LIFE SAVED BY TÂKUiG AYER'S ITWI "Several years ago, 1 caught a sevci attended with a terrible cough that a me no rest, elther day or night. Tli tors, afier working over me to the t thelr ability. pronounCed my case hol and said they could do no more fi A f rend, learnlng of my trouble, ne a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, it began to take. anid very soon I was m rellcved. By the trne 1 had used the bot le, 1 wss completely cured. I have had rnch ot a cough since that trne. àfrly belleve that Âyer's Cherry Pi itaved my lite."-W. E. WARD, 8 < Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayo's Che"î Pecti HJGREST AWARDS AT WORLDS Fi oral &ver# Pusthe. Deai FoiMil Phv.io OORRE8PONDENCE NANfilL Mis S Conwmy is at presout visiting ber danghter, Mis Geo Coono. Mu R Hamiltoi. and wifs, of Port Perry, apent Sunday in the village. inspecter MoBrieu viaiied oui uchooi lat week and fouund eveiy t.hing in fiaut claisordor. Mu A Carter and fmmnily, of Onillia, speut a few d.mys ilu week undor tbe par- ental roof. Misa Millie Philp, of Buock, is apeud- ing a few daya with ber frîend, Miss Beauricc Berry. We understand that Misa H Dizon bau secured s position ln Lindsay muid viii shortiy leave us. Mr H Glendiauing is progresaîng favormbly sud vo hope t nsec hum arouad &ain uhort.iy. Oui Literary Society ia stili being car- ried on and good programas are ieadered eveuy Smiuuday nigbî in tbe ucboolroom. Mua Malcolm McLean and daugbieu, Miss Jeusie, ut Lindsay, apeat a fcw dlaya witb friendsinluthe village lai veelu. We mue pleaiod te sec oui uld friend, Mr Geo Gibson, amnong oui cirole of young mou once more, af toi a long sick nea f rom itypboid fever. Miss Hattie Minthoru teck heu dopai. turc for Canîingten on Moay, April 5, where she intendu to isa th.3 art of dreaa-making. We wib ber every suc- Mu Clarence Edwmîds, wbo wai thuowu froin the platform iu front of Mr G Douglas' store on Wednesday eveniag, Mai 31st, vau quite aeriousiy injua-ed sud had to ho caîried home. A t time of wrtng ve uuderatand ho in in a raiher critical condition, but we hope te soun see bit aamn. Several have been on the aick liii dur- ing-the lasi week frota la grippe ad othoe auses. Among othors ve migbi mention MuaJ Squires. Mua Robt Mal- ien, MuaJames Cuene, Mua McColluoi, Mum H Harper and Mr Jas McDougall, ail ut whom, under the akilful treaimaent of oui genial Dr M MoPbail arc ai the urne of writing on the moud. CANYOIZEGTOU. Mr Lachîmu Gilchiist, of Woodvilo, vas in iovu ibis yack. Mi John Daynes spent Friday in WuodVille. The l2th of July celebration is te b. held in Uxbridge ibis yeaî. Mosrs. W Glover and W Birobaad uf Boaveuten, voeeiters on Sunday. Mi F Hefasi left ou Tuesday, 10 t.ake a conuieelante Royal Miiiiary Sobool at Toronto. Tihe Rer A E Duncan, paster of Knox cbnreh, moved bis tamlily te tawn on Tbnrsdy. Mr Hugb Wilson vas lu Toronto on Fnidmy atteuding tb. funerai cf Mi John Wright, tbe manager uf the Walkeî Hous. Mr Henry Parvis and J H Taylor, vbo have been te Landau, England, witb a osi 1usd ut boises, ueacbed homo on Wednssday lui, Mie M Brown, vba bas been visiiing frienide in Ibis riceinlty during the pust munt, returned go ber homo lu Toronto on Thuisday. The entertainnicut giron by the Jun- ior Leagne lu connection vlth the mette- 81.1 obuich os Wsdussdy evoning wae a grand susses.. Mr James Joffrey, lite cf Detroit, 1waI;ý inu îovu$bis waek. Jtnt basthe gol4 forer agi iitnda startiug for Remmbsn',' B 0, Dert ek Dr Biceizaanumd R à( Noble ws Inu Oitiaw tiis .e' A U d bus»i[nessý-. Tite a The Kipid That Cures. The Great Spring newer. Health-Re- Paine's Ceiory Compound for Men, Wouaen and chiidren. Read the folloviag îestimony tbat cornes fram Miase Blake, uf 8083 Hagbson Su , Hamilton:. -For yemrs I auffered groatly, and vas uider the care ut doctort; vho flnally toid me I1vau going ie oconsumpiion. I vas becucning vorse tbrougb the use of medicines, and 1 gave op my doctora. Whils in a very oritical condition, not able lu sleep or rest, alvaye faiuî and veak, appetite and digestion bad, and uny sysieun inn down and litile life left in me, I commnenced to use Paiue's Celery Compound. Aft.er takiug oas boule I felt mach relisved. I have used in &Il seven or eighî bottiles, and amrnenova nsv voman, oaa enjoy life, anddam s veil as I visb to be. Mmny thanke for yonr great medcue." Hvampton Miss Ada Hastinigs reîurned fuoni Toronto lasi week after a pleasant visit witb friends. Miss A Armour is spending her Easîer holidays with friends ina Bow- manville. Messrs A B Cr-yderrnan and F j Groat wenî îo Toronto to purchase a new library for the S S. The eniertainmenî given by the Women's Missionauy Society was welI paironized and everythîng passed off in good shape. Collections vere taken up on the Hampton circuit on Sunday la aid of the Indian famine fuud, $25 being con- tribuied. Mrs. Trewin, Bowmanville, speni Sunday bere with ber parents. Miss G M and Master W N Brown spent Lasier with their brother, Mu C E Brown, in Toronto. Mu j T Williîams made a trip îo To- ronto un Friday. Oui cheese factory wilI begin tions nexi Tuesday. opera-1 Mr and Mrs Wm Allia are improv- ing. but are confined to the bouse yet. Mr Thos Ellioti is busy repairing bis dam. He expects to have- the mill running nexi week. The Easteu antheuns ueadered by the choir Sunday were greaîly enjoyed by the congregations. Miss Ethel Curtis, Tyrone, spent Sunday wiîh fiends bere. Mu W Inch, r.eacher, Geaev'a. is spending bis holidays wit.b fîiends here. Etaer istor:.--.m Davey and *isigbteu, Tm onto, are guestusof Mr JI i Gleo;Mms E Elenues sad SonAi bert To-rnto, guesus ai fýDr MItchell; Mis Mage.Por Hoe. Miu Lee; toota $60 pilu. ai ithe iemozeamina. lions st KU91 psuubyodria001o10e6. Wheqi drlviug Ie * own from theb senti lt liionday Mr Thompson's horme took frigit ' neir the uafiroad eresaing and ian avay, lhrowîng Mr Thonipson out and gl#ing him à serions sbs.king np. The buggy was mimost eulirely demolieta- e.. Mir W H Hoyle, of this town, is, if anything, a repre»eatative Oddfellow. ElBe bas filled every office ai tbe «iii of thie bretbren in this province and at ibe gi1i of the order except îbat of Grand Sire, and titis bonor we hope to see bita receive somne dav. He is io address tbe breibren of the Grand Lodge of Quebeo, ai Montreal, on thbe ZSi ma. Capi Biok baot been asked by the To- i ronto Veterana' Ar-sociation of 1866 for the naines of any of the veterans who served ai the suppression of the Fenian raids tbat may nov be la ibis section. W. understand tbe Capt.ain bas oecured se sixteen or soiventeen naines among whom -are the followiag citizena of Cana ington:. Nlght Pa& MeGar, Jos Harrison, Wzn Taylor, ;os G J Hoyle. Long mmy you live, boys, to be weareas of any honore that may be obuferred on you for your noble delence - ofocountry and Quem.-Ecbo. tRY UDOI" RY Mr Albert Shier, of Wilfrid, was here RAL AI roSunaySnodden is visiting wt receold, friends ia Udney. flowed Misa M Bagishaw, of Brock, spent e doc- Sunday witb Misa E Snoddon. best of Mra M Carpenter in apending a few olcme. day with freda in the north thia week. ent me Mi John Bromd, of Derryville, ha pur- whlch 1 chased the farta lately occupied by Mlr greatly Annand. We wisbhlm succesa. i mboie never The 11ev Mi Bridizman, of Sunderland, * and I held services in the achool houie lait ectoral Sunday. The achool was well filled and uimby ve uodersîand ho ia te continue thera à through out the summer. DUNEAaTON Miss Lily E Parker is home froun the Toronto Preabyterian Ladies (Joloege upeuding her holidays. Gregory Conwmy le mway un s trip to Eugland. Ho loftiliai Friday,,%morniag witit David Annan. Miss E Short, vho his residod in To- rouitoiorsome timo put, ia home mpend- iug a twe week'e holidmys. Misa Amoli Pizer hie served heu con- nection viîh Pickorig College aud le spendlng a fsv daye ai homo. Misses filmesansd Becker bave euhi made tbemielvos a preonet cf a nov piano. Wc believetem.to e ofeta roi> file toue sud olegant fli1iL Visitera :-Rsv McLaren and vifs. of Columbus, ai Rev Ohisbolm'a ; Mia. Peu- îîy cfTaentet T Ieondeoun'; E BmrnosoetR, Gee Whites; Mead, cf Torbuto et 0 Gillespie,., GoWood hie purchseoda fin.ltMm ut herses and vigon and le on t - road collecting produco for Toronto ,nir#- AusGooinalerenergetia yonnupi foit confident oe bs "mm sin bsu eniorprise. NEVERW-0RY Mlm YON>8 TRItIMPH8, Eloctrifving' Resuits of Hisi New Svstemn of Medicine DISEASES. SEING CURED ln the Mos at llw Mariner By Munyon's lornocopat hic Remades. [VEBY 0OHOGlSJ NAS JHM1 Mr H A Gibson, Mount Biydges, On tario, says : .-Idoctored. waîb many docr.&rs sud used difforeui4gaibedies dur- ing the pai sixteen yeare for nouraigia. lu firai appeared iu my bead and grad- uad.ty vorked its vay to rny tomach. I oould Dot get relief na ii 1 Lried Muayon's Neuralgia Cure. Two boîties of that wonderful remedy cured mne ibree unotitbamgo, and 1 bave had no retun of the pains." Munyou'a Rheumatiom Cure seldoin fails Io relieve in one btbuthee hcurs, mand cures in aL fev days. Prise 25c. Mu.ayou's Dys;pepgia Cure positively cures ali fornme of Indigestion and atoLn- aci trouble. Prie, 25C. Munyon's Cold Cure pievents pnn- monia and breaks op a cold an a fiýw hours. Price, 25c. Munyon's Cougb Cure stops coug's, n îglt aveats, allays suieness, auid speed îly iteals the lange. Price, 25c. Munyou's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all fortas of kidney disease. Price, 25ic. Munyouis Headacbe Cure stops hemd- ache in three minutes. Price, 25c. Mcanyoni's Pile Oinîment popitively cures aIl forma of piles. Price, 25C. Munyou's Blood Cure eradicates al] iinpuritîes ot the blood. Price, 2.5c Muuyon's Fewale Remedies arfi a boon te li wouOen. Munyon's Auibuna Reinedies relieve in 3 minutes and cure permanently. Prie, si. Maunvoa'p Cat.arib Reinedies nover fail. The Catarîli Cure-price 25e.-eradicates th. dîseage froin tbe nystera, and the Ca- tarrb Tabiete-price 25c.-cleanse and boul the parts. Muayon>s Nerve Cure is a wonderfu] neuve tonic. Puice, 25c. Munyon's Vitmhizei restores losi vigor. Prie., 8$1. Personail letton teo Prof. Munyoa, Il and 13 Alibert si., Toronto, auswered witb fiee niedicai advico foi any diseaso. NECAVELTON Mr G F Bruce vas ut U xbridge on Sut - urday. II Mr Arch Campbell, of 'Voodvilie, vas bere on Monday. Mr Duncan McBae, of Thorab, visiîed frieuda in teva on Sunday. Mr and Mua Win Turner jr viuited frienda tsar Sutton lasi week. Meuars Dan and A McKinley, of Ou. illia, vhere bere on Tueâamy. Mu John Overoud, of Brechin, visited hlm frienda liere lasi Sunday. Messra John McCarty sud Donald Smith vere in Kiikfield on Monday. Messrs A C Mcflme and Geo S Wallis visited Pefferlaw lasi veek. Messrs C L McRae. J Hickgou and Il Ain umay samy c:thanit jwhat he pleaaes butjut thie cuti a big filgure'lu succeas. ~1/A well.dressed, neat, eal coustenance cf hemith wvi, outstrip the man vho istuawholesome-look.- ing. M[any menu ixLsgine that bard vork-1 bnstling' they cl it--conts for every- thing. Ianlte long run the easy.going ma» wbo takes tiare to tbink uof bis heaitit sud bis personal appearauce oututrips the teck- leas, neglectful 'bustier." Masy mou are held back in the utruggie of Hie by their persoual appearauce. Tbrough negleet ut tac digestion theïr blood gets funfi t i- purities and bumrnos vbich shov theutielves un the face mud bb>dy lu the shape cf skis affections, blotches, empions, ectema and scrutais. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Dimcevery drives amli mpurities freim te blood sud cures ail ferma of akin a&fciiouu.. It in lte gteat biocd purifier, liver Mzigo*tor sd flesh builder. It corrects à= dsrdera"et the digetio. Thoumada have testified te its mnenut. Duggists selI il Wm. Sunothers, B ofc(Mison., jackwou C»., Wls. wrtes - "I l %È,to aMy ltatDr. lcu Goldeedicsl Dwa"erya c beat mè-Icne I2r die grip ltat 1 bavie ever rie** auh mthe-b.bestendovutuIl sud a beaith.-prseirver tac beât zuvemluzesst. Dr. Pl>eroes Celaumes Sense MedIesials ebeu O o elbocm flt 4evq4te4 ,te the ripre4ttc4Àve pllahym1Is.of ve*0 mn dtm*sg IbsI wuùirOt'ounK wo- ms for éfhod eand yuùe g vme, f snotherh od. r piper.eor.rdos.pyi penüd lJi ore-çnte affpsuto coe mithe.Numl WÀu &ç éncs o tf.telt qrd Ds ?be fin- wba luin is mo ,gives proise eof a thmUnt cîop th"syor, and vo epasItexpec that promis e oified. John Nicholson lbaves vith hit faily for Wabigoon ou Tnssday. He wilU cae a ful niaettier's oenîf it ih bim,.including stock and impîsments. M. Link and David Annan left for the old country on Monday. Thoy vili make the ocean voyage in charge of a cargo of G. W. Docker moved bis family ta Tor- ontô on Tuesday, wbere ihey wiii in fut. ure reside. Tbey have taken possesesion of a coununodious hotel at the east end of the city, sitnmîed in Small'a park and op- posite tbe Woodhtne track. We are very sorry to bs Mrs. Decker ad blîdrea froin the village, yei we ail trust that the reinoval wiJl resuIt beneficial te all con cerned. D. Birrell jnil ahipped a cmrldad ol stock and sucb like te Mooboro, wbeîe bis son John bas engaRed la farmaing. Tbe place pu.rchaaed is considered to ho one of the besi farine in the veut, having heen fitted up by Mi. ilobson for a son, who died ahoîdly afier the buildings wore *comnpleted. We congratulate Mi Birrel upon huving procurod sucb a desirable place. Those chesinat trees have arrived and are nov being Pet oui upon the flue hall rproperty. These ire, forty in nmher, were pnrchased at an outlay of some $25, and while that seenia a lot of rnoney, lu s thongbî 10 be well upent, as these tises irow xnuch more rapidly than do almost any otîser veriety. It is expec'ed that in about five or six years the nov baie and vacant pistaises will have been con verted into a park where people may congregate wlien ai leisure and enjoy the shade. If the pathmaeteis of this township tre iequired on any special occasion to cse greater exertion than nêtnal, thar time is the sutnnier of 1897. The past vinter hua been, an exceptionally severe one upon oui highvays, andl in many places te bottom bas apparpnily fallen out These bsd spots will bave to be iepairpd bv Rriint, but there are innumerable Sunaîl dangers& that may be repaiied by staînte labor, and it is to such as tbese we would oull the attention of the ovri- seers. Eacb paibuntrasiiuld ai once tako a valk over bis beat. and map oui a line of action se ibat the roade viii re- ceive the greatese possible benefit frora the gratis work be bas ai bis disposaI. When be doos, waîn oui the ratepayers, il is also bis duty te ses that every man woîka faithfnlly and veUl, or bis labor should be returned sa oly partly donc. Mfany are in favor of commu ring statuts labor, wbils an equai nuinher perbape are opposed tu lu, but sncb vil be dons rinleas statute labor is nuch more faitu fuilly performed than now. In smre beau the prAseni mysteun works aIl rigbi, bui ibey are few indeed.-News. BEAVEEITON Arch Buchanan, of 5th enncession Thorah, vas committed to Whitby, on Thursday asat by G F Bruce. J P to avait a vacancy in the asylura. Bunchan- an bas beea tnentaily dermnged fur s nuînbeiof year but tely owinz te a quaàrrei with a heighbor hohba beeu con aidered dangerous. Mi and Mia James White of Main st., celebrated the fiftieth auniveraary of their marriage, on Friday of lait week. There 'ere no apecial fealivities at tii '-Goldlen Wedding" but a huit of friends wish the aged couple many yeaîa of con- îinued heaith and happiness. Mi White is a Thormh boy uf a muai prouounced type bsing the firai white maIe bora in tbe townshitp.Be bas reaided iniabi ocality ever aînce.-Express. OIRILLy-a. Burgiavs Make a bit haut Borgîsîs succeeded lu enteiing M. . B. Ors' houe on Qoîborne hireton- Snnà'y evening last, between six bnd 8.30 ock. and in seauning &bou~t $800 Worth of jewelry, a gold vsWb sud a re- volver. The crime did cnet came as- t surprise te Most cisomns. Is hie long boon toit in levu that tlhoieo l a gang of Young fooa aI large, Who dle not gain auoeat living. Tbey donot work, but foia atihat they were -&igste pSieio, 9ve*y traveling ontertainini lta&&cames &long ail wiuter. Thé authoritie, con. eidered lteeeng oe tebiw, liai w.ek au a sps-ug epiuii* ou i-ie par; i 4h... goe, Roide measum es wqM At once laken 'and by TUudXyl moring tite arre#t ita boeu mide,. T*O Of. te boysa *ràeut e R » ~isosad, Wslter- Partndg. ua ~alitt16 yeais .18d, admitod ltaIttsey wre the hous bwekes il, em e 1.qusUling",, wxrc1ESr Durlng the Year I189r. For full particularamead vertisemen ts, or aPPIy tO LEVER 8008., Lis., 23 Sem T ., TOOUTO SUINDERLLAND Mr Thos Bu ni, of Wilfrid spent Sat- urday here. Mr Geo Shier, ex-reeve. was in iown on Saîurday. Mr A F Brethoor is doing a good trade this season. Mr Fred Wood, of Manilla, was irn town on Saturday. Mr Allin McLean, of con 8, Brock, was in îown on Saîurday. Mr Rich Purvis was ina atiendance ai the counicil on on Saturday. Mr Lou Smith, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr James Brethour. Mr G V Sr John, of Vroomanion, atiended the counicil on Saîuuday. Mr James McEnry buought severai ioads of hay in îown on Saturday. Mu Wm Taylor. Of Con 7, Centre Road, Buock, vas in towu on Satur- day. Mus James McEnry, attended the funeraI of Mus Wbiteside of Little Britain on Friday last. Miss Nellie Welch has secured the sercice uf Miss Lillie Breihour as mil- lîne»r. Mr. Cross, uf Beaton, and Mr. John McKinnon. Sonya, were guests of Mr. Frank Bryant, V.S., ibis week. î UUL~pswsV&N.v terk. THE FLFTEE OF1 Our villge t 1 oiInora"xn. Mr. Pitdiok Kelly vas Pwsouaed iih a Yeung son lut week, and Mr. Thomas Eagen with a sot, aise. MMifiihael NoCratb, T. Sheridan and E. Kennedy are doiug a great busi. noss iu seliig sprintz implementa. Mr. John Ovorend took a drive te Bei. vercon en Sonday lia. *Mr.- and Mis. Aaron Grifflui, of Ux. bridge, paid a flying visit to Mr. E. Ken- nedy on éheir way te Hawkstone. Mr. J. E. Balla was preeentod witb a yuang dangbtoi Iately. Mr. W. J. Baî'ker is preparing to st.art out on the roe.d again. Mr. Daniel Buttie and son left 1 àg week with a carload of tarin stock aJ implements foi tbe Nortbweot. ~ John Santimo went wîtb thein. Mr. Thomas Kehoe bas taken the gold fever and bas lett for Rat Portage. %Ie wigh bita good lnck. Mr. Thomas O'Donald vent witb bita. Bey. Father QuiRley is at preseat vis- itinjz Father bdcRae. - e preacbed a very fine sermon in the cburch 1ai Sun. day evening. Lillie Kelly, dauRhter of Mr. James Kelly. died last veek of orysipelas. De- ceased was 16 years ol<l and an only danghtei. Thé romains were interred in the R. C. cemetery ai UpterRrove The parents and Iamily bave the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. OREENEANE (Too laie for lasi issue.> Mrs. W. IEkneon la, we regret to learu, serionsly ill. Mr. and Mrs. T. Baller vap on Monday sumnroned by telephone to the bedaide of Mis. Salteî's father, who ià very low. Mr. W, Taylor i8 home froin bis trip to England. Mr. Thomas Black and family haveM moved to a faimu nemi Oshawa, The S. of T. are talking of makinet soins Improvement in their hall and sheds. Tbey have ioom flow 10 make a very Dico and convenient prof erty and the sooner tbey set about it the better. Capital Account Rest Account. Notes in Circulation Deposits with Interce Due to Agents in don, England Dividend No. 29 At Credit of Profi Loss Account. Moved by tbe l port as read be ado, Carried. Mui. Mclaughi:l Shareholders are di and Directors Of th> affairs ot the Bank Mr. Paterson.. ShareholderS be git attention to the int ,drî. Conant. s ceed te eecsby that Messrs. C. W and thiat the poli r boldeus. but tbai been taken the po $4 each for their s The scrtinee unanimfou3 vote o Esq. W. F. C Esq., and J. A.G 7ycar. A -vote Of duci in the cha At a subsequ inously elected - Taite tem and .bey de tue DrAgee ui, of] I THE WEST] - OS/fA LiNFs. R.OLÛWN F-sq., and Tii,,. MI; 1 The lre-îîrt, Mrý M ilan acte>1 a- ->ri'ir The ir- ~.t r-* T he net rt t of a bc-t r11t pan!, and atn '> înoo, (or adb-, 2 on t. anIld >.i' t, 1 The i (-A-ofrthe the bank, when in, Oshawa, Apr i4t. > STATEMI-NT OF STATFMENT (,F~il Balance at credit of P> and Loss Account 29th Feb. 1&96 ... N-et profits of the veà PAIN -KILLER FamilyMlediCine of the Âge. Trakon IntomnalIy, It Cures Diarrhoen, Craad Pain' in the Stomach, 8o,'e hroa 8udden Colda, Coughs, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, B,-uises, Burns, Bcoids, 8prains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgiu, Rheumatlam, Froeted Feet No artido eer&Umitaio le mubounded popula,. liy.-S"dm Obarrr. W, c me r itmn e = offiy Cth., Pe. EiDuer. W. have e nla atff- ub o.,hrnir 1h, mweverfflt pu tu. ma now la tu e b. agoodar-c.. a" DIsputeS l<.Ihig h. 5t m'aasdthe. Pain-Killer. wblrh te Il.moauaaloa anvAu mo..nnw na.»-Tear.s Ilmtbu ml moit -: as àa socf roavtngpai g.ne Mne dha» aquited acua ton @quitaPM 0r.rDay a* i'ab.-KDI-- Newport NJt.s hav f lnmfftiona Bay osiytr genutris.Paaur Yoyiaage.b batth 25c.

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