Whitby Chronicle, 23 Apr 1897, p. 5

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09 ~lPUtra Jblge*st nW ~~one"ft -W friqîndu lna own. SILVERMONE, R f.,v afier »Wn put Lilat- isit- ha&. eof tMr sist- of bu y cers ie of ew it h kie Mens and youth's ready-made tweed prts, worth trom 8î.50 10 $3 50per pair, reduced 10 98c on Saturdu>., bargaindu>, April 24LII, at %V G Wsalters'. The price or eggs bas declined earlier ihis v-er than usual, a comparatlvely mmild March having coniributed t0 bbe supply. More eggs should be esten in every famnily as ihere is no better food for children. H, n J MI Gibson, M P P, Hamilton, Pro- viticiai Secreiary, and Major Sam Hughes, M F'. Lindsay. have been re-etected Presi dent and Vice-presideni, respectively, of the Domîoîion Rifle Associatian. The Junior Soldiers Jubile. beid in the S. A harracks on Monday evening passed oui nicelv, the attendance w as not large. The children did edmirabiy, and deserve great praise. A repetition 0(1 twill he given in thir barr-acks rn Brooklin on Friday even- ing 2;d. Ail are învited Mark Spraguieof the 0 A C, Guelph, sa that if aIl the biter O! Otnario were mxade the creaniery the gain lu the Province wot tie $,( per cow, <r 18,ooo,ooo a yeur. )!ier words, we loe nearly $s per head, $-,t per (ami>-, in (>nt-arîo ,by reason o! t qualty of our butter produce ulone. Ve feei ashamied ta have tosay thut aft the- adjuurnimeîît o! the towtî council( Monday night grey headed members cal t-ch other liars, and it i. reported that son of thern wr eî%gious pA ---fs--- s ys ' n Ild In or the er on led oi erc wn mae jucirelgios pofesine E W Kuowles, Torouto eat Mr J Richard- used far more expressive language. Out "OU'&. towr poliics have reacbed a low ebb. Mess Jones, o! Port Perry, ut Sherifi Pax There was a drunken man uround town ton S. elling recempes on Monday, and several Miss Fuller, Toronto, a Rev J S hroug- wvomen Lad tu pay himi froîn 1 tO 25 cents5 hail's.for bis receipes to get rid o! him. in places Miss Bogue. Bowmanvîtleut tDr Gal. ahere men were available he wasebhrown braitiba.1 out. Finall Constable Calverley locked Mr aud Miss Shepherd, Muni-e>, at Dr Ihîm up tîlI he was sober and ihen gave hlmn carsou's. 50 long 10 get out of town. Miss Bellea Daw, o! Manitoba, et Mr John! Dr Needler, 0f Toronto University, will Bail t>ow's. lecture in the concert hall of tbe Ontario Mr ad Mr WinMadli, eteroroa I adies' College. on Priday evening, April Mr ad Ms ~in adil, Pteroro St2.3 on B yron and Goethe. Dr. Rare desîres las Madilîs us to claie that it has been decided 10 tbrow Mr a"d Mrs Frank Hiayward, Toronto. at open the doors fCee to the public. Byronns F R B Hayward's works are being sbudied tbis year bvi Senior Miss Belle Nicholson, of isest Toronto. ati and junior Leaving pupils and bbey ahould Mr jaN cholsons as-ail Lbemacîlves of ibis splendid opportun- Misss Bes ad Kae AdirIlowa-iv of bearing an eminent lecturer on Ibis ville, ai Mr Tbompso--n's. ipplrsbet MisaN Sundr-. nd r FIturen, 1. he Granîd Trunk Railwuy bas decided îo MissN Sandeý, ad Nr F urdn, Bw- llolw Inu live stock bo run ai large within mans-ilte, ut NMr C T>d's hilf a mile ofits tracks in bbc iown of Whit- Mr-, McGilivray and daughter o! King- hv us well as osher places and posters have ston, ai the Misses I)unaldiion - be-en put up tu that effet-t signed "~Chas M Mr and MN.r Jas Turner. Sr , and Mrs Jus Hayb' whichl the wags have ciîanged mo Turner, Jr . ai Mrs jas Thompson's. "Chase Me llevseed" The railway men Miss Ilowden of Muskegon. Micb. who are instruucied 10 imp..und ail cattle running s attendîog tht- Presbylerian Ladies' Col- nc contraverîtiutii b this law, and bberefort crge, Toronto, ai Mn ir 1 Howden's the cosi question mnay be regarded as Bolved NMi-., E Darinel. MNiss Brough. Toronto,» n Whitbv. The hrlaw as it now stands for. Mr B 1) Sauriders, Guelph, Mir Guy Dan -hîds tht-m running et large ut aIl until May neîl, Toronto, Mr Bert Danr"ll, Fenelon isth. althongh ,1le rît of May bas been the Pattes, at Judge Darnell's. usual lime for ýurning thetn oui. Messrs W S Ormîiston, Jas Hall Melville Hall, Robt Mctiurnr-y. Rubt Huiden. j FH Thompson, Sain and ERd Vartiî:i. mu Mc- ;regror, AIez Cbisholm, Fred Bruwn, AIex Smîith of Toronto B rtb s In Toronto. on Tuesýda%,. April 201h.i, j'7, the wife of Mr Jas Hall, ut a soi: At 'Nhitby. on Monday. Aprîl 191.1 î i97. l'e ivife of Mr M Colline hum 1th wardl uî a d au ghier. S port±ng Notes The collegiate football team went b oa marivilie on Good Friday to 11lae>the higt sc,ral t-ar of that toman. Tht-y came hont vi1 tors, having defeaîed the home team b) a .core o! 2 oý Thse Wtsîtby Choral Society The WVhiiby Choral Society will give iheil hîsi, concert.in the music hall %Viiby or XI rdnesdlay evening Sth May commencing ai i oclock sharp. The Society 'bas made gît-at proRresa urader the able leadership cl Prof IW rrison and ilîl give the music loving c )mmunity a rare treal consisting ei rousing pi rt songe, quertets and solos. The concert -,-. bt-en ptepared with the view o! celebrut- î'%g the Queens diamond jîîbilee. The soc. -itv should be scrved wiîb a full bouse. Look oui for posters and programame. Trwo ways to get rid of hlm Deput! Reeve Jeromie Scott le arixioni that thse Castiron Compact Six ai the towî cîuncil board sbould reeign and bave au e tt-lion îo tube the voit-e of the people o: the town as 10 their conduct ince january. We strongly advocate thse saine course., and will guarenice that if they do so thse cead. lot-k iti council 'viii 6e broken. Il 'vould le worîb tIse expense of au eleciion 10 gel r:d of thse Six. Providcd thse Six 'viii soi &Zrer 10 go oui of public life 've recoin- :iezd Deputy Scot 1 accepi Coun Noble's challenge to both resiga and take a fiy for tle deputy reevesbip. This 'viii save Dep- uty Sctot any urther trouble about mu.nici- pal. maliens. Asn Awfui Mlsfortune O)ne o! tbe most horrible mishape 've were t-ver called upon to record toob plae betre on Friday nigbt ai Mm Jas Mayuard'st resîdence. Miss Mar Mavuard, his second daughtei, wbo ia weli bno'vn la town as îh-rk n A. M. Ross' store, bad made some iaffy for bbc chiidren and bad placed il .!own rellur to cool. Aftcr a ime she toob a lanp and went do'vs to bring the taffy, ind in ascendiug the Blaire missed ber foot. itig She fell bacb'vard witb the broben làm p i n her baud, caugling the oit to rus out :)f tIse lump upon ber breast and face. It augbi fire, and she acreaied, but it was -mme lime before 'vater could 6e had to <rench ber and putont tbe fine, and b Liis ':rme ht-r face and tbroat were badly ýurn- rd Hem hair was butait <rom the front part of ber bead, anîd, 'vorse thas ail, ber eYes îîrobably deeîroyed. lu ber efforta 10 saue her lace and put ontth1e lames Mis May nard bumsed ber bande ao bedly .thaitla have to be amputated. Mb 'f;i ad h orror the poor girl efee u.ften. crced by a pyramiid of lasce 'Effrosu t burning ou la spast tbe imagintion OF guy person. Dr. MeGlllvtt WU sbuf J t-ailed 'vheu iL 'as <ops ititat lier =, face and Ibroat vert borned 'M"'. Mor- phine 'vas used 10 afleVI9t tbe pati.-bllt1 tbougb conaclona thbrout m i"liSMr nard bas sot yet opened M e 'mand k las ucertain whether or iot abk- wlb-llin4 but theme -,orne bope that Wse terrible - fate àztay lt -. .)Ided. 1Wasrted Good Servant Gi Wanted to go on tarin. Apply Box 5. Whitby Post Office. A Runaway. On Sundav evening Mr. Henry Gilmnore and his mother and sister were reîurning home from church, when opposite Mr. jus. Maynard's residence. the breechlng strsp of the harness brokre frlghtening the borse uvhich began tb run and kick. Wben near Oi-miston's corner the rig was overturned ard Mrs. Gilmore rather aeverely injurcd; the others escaped with ashakîng Up. Statistict of Pickering Township. R. W. Mowbray, assesçor of Pickering township, has computed the following figures (rom thia year's asseesment of the township: Value of real estate, S3,432,332;, No. of cat île, 7338 ;seep 4142; 11oge 3766; horses 3018. Acres of woodiand 2742; wasteland 189,8 ;(ail wheat 3094 ; orchard and gardes i202. Population 5213, births during the year 89 ; deatba 31- Childres between the axes of s and 16. 1092 ; between 7 and 13. 658 ; between 8and 14, S3; between16 and tud. ade r, : cafgW Miss Elale Walace la homne to apbend a week. witle4uer motiir. ,. - I town vwstingIlrienda. Cycllng rergea lunuvy blue, geys«'b and black at W G Walters'. Miss Minnie Powell is home again a. spending Borne ime in Chicago. Mr. S. H. Jeffrey, o! Toronto, waa in tc on Tueay and gave the CHItONICLE ac Monduy'e Arctic wave le a ssd t have the bons bsck in ibeir summer'e calcu ions. Mies Ethel Wilkinson, Lindaay, js vj in~ laowu, the gueat of MAr and Mra eh Wîkinson. Dr Ford of Kingston a late graduat Quentis University spent the holidseai t> Ormiston'e. Mr McKim of St Jois churcb was uss ed on Sunday by the Rev Prof Mitchell, Wyclifie College. There neyer was sucb a chance to b cheap and good boots as M W Colline. off ai Cumpbetl'sstore. Corne one, corne ail. 10 the opecial sale chîldren's boots, Saturday, at Burns, ni cash store, nosibho!fi-Iaich Bros'. .Mr. no, Andersonas son Willie met w, an accident the other day wbereby bhe bru his armn betwen the wrisî and elbow. J.S.Barnard's, OUIc Coauty Organ. -La.rgenaîCircula- tion 09 any locml papfr tu Canada FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1897. LJOCAL LACONIOS. Buster Viitors IMisa Rogers at Jno Draper Mr and Mrs John Willî-,, Barrie Mfr Clarence Burnisarn of Peîerhor, i Miss Blanche Nicholson, Coldweîerý Miss Burk, Port Arhur, at Mus Annis'. Misa Btlia Smith, Toronto, ur t-onRîte's. Miss Alice Field, Toronto, at W G, Wal- Miss Bengough of Toronto, at A C Wil- son S.a $L0150. Thse Gross-Jackson Case Settlad This case was caiied before Hie Honor Tudge Benson, of Durbaan ad Nortbuin berlaud, on Tbursday lai. j E Farewell, Q.C-, prosecuted, sud John BaIl Dow repre sented Groas. A nusu ber of witncessee were beard, the testimosy being the saine as that talien at the pretiminary trial T. G. and Albert Jackson and Grossalal gave cvi. dence. &fter bearing itail the j udge sug- gesied a settlement between th~e parties, and after an bour'e adjourament it 'vas re. ported by MesassParewell and Dow tIsat as agreemeut had been drawn by tbe terme of which bhe crown 'vas to withdraw tIse charg againat Groas, ibe Jacksous 'vere bo viîhd raw their two elundier suits agaiuat Cross, and Cross wax to 'vithdraw a division court suit againet Jackson. The costs of tbese criininal prcceedingp yUl <ail on tbe cony, Cross paye $4o towards settiing the siander suite, sud $Sm for loat tasse and medical ineatinent cf Albert Jackson whilst laid-up witb a cul face. Tbe division coutm suit wa over a note held by Grose againat T G Jackson, whicb 'vas offset b y Jackson witb a larger susu on uccount cf groceries and o16cr 'vares eupplied. Cross wili 6e out about $60ono $7o, and the Jacbsoni; pro- bably $20. The counîy 'viii bave about $75 21, 461. iNames on roli 2377. Estimated 7own Council. -Grit majority 300. Met Monday nigbt. Alil members present. *Sale of Richard CoUinaEttate The foiiowing waa ordered to be paîd on e. There waa a big crowd at the sale of the streets and improvements : Jno. MIcCarl Richard Collins estate at the Woodruff $8.75, Wm. Hopper $9.38, Thos. Wilson bouse on Saturday, but the bidders were $2.25, Jno. Bravener $7.87, J. T. McGeary very scarce. The bouse in Pickering vil- $4.5, Jno. Riley $1.12, Win. Ashby $2, S. lage was firet put u p and after considerable Siater brcaking,5 cords-of atone 5i5, Fogarty bidding wseassed over to Wm. Westlake and Colline do. $iS, M. Johsston shovelling at $î8ot, it eeing assessed at $160& Thris snow 75C., Jas Smith $î.îo. The committec was conaidered a very good sale The farsa recornmended the purchase of the broken of 75 acres On the bascline was next Offer* atone in the jaiu perd for use on Dundas et. cd. Cirer 5o acres of this inas g»od as any The following sldewalks were recosnmendeel in this vicinit~y the balance being grazing to be built --24roda 2 board waik to the re- Sland. The bîdding was very slow on nhis uîiesoe of P. McSweeey : 4ô roda 2 board tparcel, and wousd up with a bld of 50 Per walk to residence of Mrs. Foie, on eetaut acre froin Wm. Westlake. There are about et: 8 roda 4 ft walk north o< foundry ; 37 f wenty heirs to the estate beaides Mra. Col- ,*<s 4 ft waik on Asb et ; 40 roda 4 ft watk lins, "hoi preyp.oviedhifor eason Dandaa at; 5o roda 4 ft wsik on Brock et othe twntywil feMe smetingleuSouth, 10 roda 4 Il walk on Green et;o than st thonsand eaeh. roda 3fI waik on Green nt ; 2ornodftwak The HowI Agaluat the Bicycle on streets west of Brock st;2o rlea do. on W ben Stephenson set out to buiid a rail- streetseesat of Brock et - 3o roda 3 ft walk on way an Englilh member of parliament baae lie ; 3o roda 4 li walk near Foy'a aought to prevent it lest cowa might.be kili. hotel ; i4o feet roôft walk from A. H. Allila' cd by lis operation. In-:like manner every tolold Ontario bank. The foiiowing drains modern invention for acquiring speed bas were ordered to 6e laid :--6 lu. drain oppo. met wltb the fierce opposition Of those whO site D. Ormiston's; 6 in drain frons P. do sot see fit to adopt it. Ve iry people Ryanle corner to W. J. Luke'a corner tbence havebec dîcommded61'the" bicycle, South to baptist cbtarcb thence est t r wblle in muddy or bubbY 4eatber lt lo a Guonna corner The comnmittee on fire and gr= convenlence to be able to ride on the water reconmended the payanent of te fol- siealks. Thebe .willI fot bartu the Iowlng :-Madill Brog. $4,Sa, J. A. Bande] walk, and bas ne> cow..catcher os it -to tbrow $i.2_, mo. Blow $5.5,jno. Edwards 4o. people into the guer. t laesot In avy ElectrIe lighta are to be .piaoed one eate sense dangerous, ind the feat ofasmashing a corner of(Chetnnt tend Kent atreeta and one bundrcd dollar bike mires ridera carefrut. near tbe residtace of S., M. Newtoz. J T. StflI the howi goa on. If ose la seenArding McGeary was iafrded thé',atreet waterlng up the walk when the Street la so d srte contract at $1z85, and M. Hlarper for pumping that cnnon practice couid aafely be carried water 1ý0 -Couii.Jlackson ntrodlce<l and on witbout danger. -everybody. raises the read a byiaw to d"mis» Chtef ConUatble bowl. If people have to atep aside oncea Calverley.,,The pleiaibi. of the bylaw week or so to let a bik. peu along, they satated ibat .wher=s I t hideoirabie and ex. bowi about It for teo wboie week. AndI so pedi ent.that' the chief çwuatable be diamia it -goca. .The bib. la an eyeaor becauséis.ed. On motion for tliesecond reading of of tb. hgwl, ud beçaus iepeo 1 t* the bylitw »a$ 4çféated - y ý ai tie conaplaia. 0f coum e bere art foos stde ff V$Béows %Wtb,~ of bikea am weill neafioot.TliereatÇ a1s0 'Crosby, . Wbon. SSft 0as -he myr fqiols *ad drunltaicla bo daliw* borca bt ansd: 'tast Bewlliy«ard, Xç_e w aot clear be roads on tbst De . lxp $çtt , qgis"e thb.e- ayora riglet The bib. lsa neccourY thn »totb - iVan t6té and apatdthb eun11 or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~W t,.q,~4l est frl w#inrnba*J~Worablp, but wus e e crums hibd Jegiolited $ baune-, ut of Oc~ rder. Voit.Haywagd tato- Jeaïvss 0 uastbr C' Ibat. i teeee, cùfwbyaw bat açhe ijegI toï tb. 61*. asd evry6ody.,5. t .4 fyom. want Vto buy right,, If you want tbo be treated right, If you want te save Money, make tis tore your t-radiiig home. SATU R DAY NEW BARGAIN.S. Cuf Links AN D1 1 ra. W. H.W 3exlcontined o i bouae through iliss. Misa Anderson la apending ber vacatot wlth friends, in Toronto. Mr. Geo, H. Hogarth, wife and fumily art lu Solîna for the holiday. Mift Manderson, Myrtie, bas been riait. lnt ber aster, lAna A Wbiteiaw. On Sabnrday evening the Cltlzen'a Band wtll Play a Programme os the four Corners. Speciaî lise children's ribb cashmere hose, dOuble ksnees, only 25c per pair, at W G Waltera'. Mr Wm Skitch or port Hope is the new ksight of the shears in Mr A M Roms' taler- 'Dg establishment. A meeting will be held this Frid-iy even- ing ut Bandel's hotel for the purpose of or- gflnizlsg a base bail club. Mm Will Spence, Toronto, la here ai pres- est and wil ass Mr Thos Devercîl jr, in ereçtinx two bouses tin Bowmanville. Attend the tree lecture on Byron and Gocethe by Dr. Needler, of Toronto Univer- sity, in the concert baillof the Ontario Lad les'-Coilege, to-nigbt. The Port Hope Guide of April 2oth Bave: "If the cold weatber continues, there May If some hope of the Ontario Hockey Cldb laYi ng a final match wîîb Cobouarg or Wbîîby. E~ Gleeson, Greenwood, was sumtnoned before Police Magiatrate Harper on Tues- day, on a charge of keeping tiquer for sale without a license. He owned up without trial, and paid $30 and costs. Messrs Biglow & McCaw are doing an enormousitrade, rushing ofi Stewart's stock. They hud to summon extra help within a few hours alîer opening their doors. Thirgs are being sold et less than half of the former prices. Sec their new adv in othercolumns The big sale of boots nt Campbeil's store i8 a drawing card, and no mistike. People Who go in bheie say they neyer aw such bargains. One larmer boughi as miany as would fill a smail wheelbarrow. He got them (or leua thun bai! of the original coat. Msr F H Annes me home egain ufter spend- ing thrce weeks a» associated press reporter in the gallery of the legisîsture ai Toronto. i-e wîil attend the military school ai Tor onto mhis aprIn g. providej hle inot drafted to represen:ed the prowesà of Canada as ont oflthe 2oo jubilee corps whlcb le io accomp- anv Premjer Laurier bo England. On Wednesday tbe body of Arthur Arm- strong, wbo died in Philadelphia, was buried ai St John's cemneîery here. De- :eased ta highly elioken of by old residents here wbo knew hum before be WHt Canada a quarter ola century ago. He waa a Mason and bis remains were forwarded to Canada by the breibren of Philadeiphis. He was a son ot the laie l-ugh Armstrong, wbo me- sided at the bay for about hall a Century. Thie Temple of Faine. The great succese which ettended the te- cent production of the Temple of Fume bere has inspired the ladies o! the W C.T.U. t', have it repeated. This i!l be donc about the middle o! May or à little later. The date will be announceri in a few days. It is ex- pecied that norne changes wiii be made vhich will add greatly 10 the performance. Jnder a Lacky Star. A young man, J. Stanley lAcClean, of Port Hope, a receni graduate of Toronto uni ver sity, fel ofi th- Mixed on Monday afternoon, et ween Oshawa and Whitby wheu the train as speeding ai the rate of(3o miles an bour. ro the surpriae o! everyone who eaw the oc- rurrence, be was very litîle hurt, euataining niu a few bruises He was apparenily well when be arrive-j iti Toronto. ASlanghter ln Reality. The advertised opening of M Collins' tock for siaugbîer at Campeli's store on aturday drew a large crowd of buyers, and undreds of pacirs were disposed of at a great ecrifice. Mr MI W Collins, wba huabe tock on band fioids that hi C ar more exien- .ve thun he anticipaied, and iherefore muet get rid rid of it ut once. The sluugb- er wili continue for a mo)nth ai lest, but he first on hatd wlll have the pick, and ick, and probably tbe biggest cnt In price. CLOTHIING SPECIALS: 79Pairs Canaian Tweed Pants, in checks and stripes, double stitched and strongly mnade, regular price $1.50 Vo $2.5o, Saturday price 98c. SýeMEN'S FINE TWEED SACK SUITS .«$4 50 to $1.0.Oae~ -*4bEvery Garment in our store bears an objeot lesson in price economy. SEEINO 18 FREE. It won't co8t yott a penny to look throuqh our stock and see how rnuch you cati get for so littie money. You will not be urged to buy. Your judgment will tell yGu wbat to do. w. G. WALTERSR E Bigelow & cCaw, ~*sw b*b wpe~ Dry G R I Goods Stewart Xe * e * e Sale Stock, are Clearing Out the whole Stock at and under wholesale prices. We make in buying and you make in b uying from us. In the mmilnory Dopt.,3 under' the charge of Mies Harvey, is a large amount of ... 81>RING MILLINERY GOODS.-. in ail over $700, ail of which ia being trimmed and sold at HÂLF REGULAR PRICES. We do net keep Millinery in our Trenton store and ail muet besold here. Uv I B ?ointers-'--.ý 40 pieces fashionable Printsi, regul&r, loc., now go, 30 .pr. Wool Blankets, $8.50 sud $4.50, now $2,50- and $2.75. 15 pr. Chinille Curtaine, $8.50 aud,$4, n»w $2.501 and $8.00, 25 to 49 per cent. off Ladies' Drees G£Toode. Cotton Thiread 8 spools for 10, cents". Pins 2 papere for 5 cents., brains ln Everythin. OreNw IGELOW WILL RUN SETTLERS' TRAINS EVROM T-=..T DuzLgArilaAPE at 9 pm, should sufficient business offer, To MANITOBA and the CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. A Colonist Siceper wiii be attacbed to Pacific Express due to leave Toronto at 11.30 p.m. (Doon) on these dates. Ask or write for "Settler's Guiide,"t and ail information regarding above, 1<> ]EL.IR. BLOW9 Agt., C.P.Ry. Tickets, Telegraph and Dominiola Express Co. Wbitby, Ont. JO SUEF 1510 DELIEVE WM..TILL aad 6e coumlpced that au 1Rlegaat fin. of FURNITURE -AND- UPHOL8TERED 000D8 in beinge oldawa'v-ydown pulcS to 1keep in tOU& ntltbtheHBAR TIMIM HAVE IT DONENOW Re-UpholMtring ani Repairing before ie 1rush commce. Pices vesy chtap. Baby Guag YP7inea frona 't. & BUTTK, EG and PC OUR- SPECIALTiES.L Highest Pricea Obta!nad. Referencêt, aur shippers ev4 Correspodence luvitÀ PÂRE, 4BL&CKWZLIi. 0 19 ISin. of s] DRESS GOODS~ 300 yds AII-Wool French Delaines. in oream, black, navy and brown grounds, with neat Floral designse; Positively the very best cloth made; extra choice coloringe ; 82 inohes wide ; regular price 35o a yard, on sale baturday while they lust, at 150. Buttons. -A T- ra c h h Si i h e y on Sg le 9f s 1 eV j, 0 0 1 UESDA Y Price&-ý . imm, loi wu Ge WALTE

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