Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 2

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Resuits AstonIi MEN 0F' SCIENCE. Sarsa- A'YI3R'Sai A MEDICIN13 WITIIOUT ÀAN EQUAL Statement of a Weil Known Doctor " Ayer'us arsaparia le wlthout an equal a3 a blood-purifler and Spring Ipedicine, and cannot have pralse enough. I have watched Its effects ln chronle cases, where other îtreatment was of no avait, and have beetn astonished at the resuits. No other blood inedicine that I have ever naed, and I ha&" tried theni ail, 13 80 thorough ln Ir.s action, and effects 80 inany permanent cure,- as Âyer's Barsaparllla"-Dr. Il. F. MHJI.BILL, Augusta, Me. AyOF'S "eSarsaparilla Admftted at the World'a Fa&s. Alyer'a éFdl-afor iiveg and boweIa. OORRESPONDENCE OZILLIA Are nos pienss" Tie delegates of tie Osillia lacrossa club la lie Good Friday convention cl the C. L. A. are ual pîeased vitisthh ways îbings venL..Tbey say Taronto ciîy cast 5 5 out of tbe 300 votes repre- sented, and so vas able ta conîrol the convention, mucb ta the convention', hasrm, An odd feature of lie affair was tie alleged suppression of the names of Orllias delegates and their important remaries, in lie newspapers. The News-Letter wouid be sorry ta see lie C.LA disrupted, and il may just ats velI tel lie gentlemen via appeai so antlouâ la own tic association that the management of tie C.L.A for the past fs-v years lias convinced a viole lot of clubs up tuis way that lthe anîy way to bave a îioroughly satisfactary execulive is ta keep Toronto out of il altogether. tjndoubtedly a nortieru league vilI be formed l inte ual far ËIUttnt future. Dr Naoveli M e leharo Dr W S Macdowell, of Chicago, via is going ta Eugland to rcw for the Diamond Sculls at Henîey, is expected shortly in Oriflia on a visit ta Cham- pion Gaudaur, Mac. bas ta gel per- mission from the police authorities bsfore be eau leave Chicago, but tiers- is noîbing in tisis an whici tie London Field can base any abjection ta uis rowing aI Henley. He is a surgeon at.acied to the police depas-Iment. He will remain bere in training tilI about J une îst, vien be Ieaves for England. CIO"e season The close season for bass and mas- kirsonge cammenced April 151h, and the Iaw says liat naone shail fisi for, catch or kilI, buy1 or possess tiese fisi until thse i5ti day of June neit, bots days inclusive. These fisi as-e utîes-ly unfit for food during tic above ms- tioned period, vbici is their spavning season, and il is ta be boped tie Iav viii be sîrictIy abses-vet!. Me. George Clark as-d bis deputies wili kes-p a sharp vatcb for offenders, and will make it intes-esting for law-bs-eakers. KIUmS gdeer lua water The- genuine sportsman among the local deer hunters as-e jubilant over tis- fact that tis- proposai ta re-establisi tis- kiing eof deer in water bas bs-en sirangled. Tic garne commission s-e- commendet! this course, and Hon. J. M. Gibson is saidto,1 have badt!hti bill dravu ta affect ths- change. The sîrong apposition ta the sciéme whicb bas been evincet! by experiencet! sportsmen, boys-v-s, indue-t him te change his mi. suad rthe bill vas ths-own in the vaste papes- basket- N ews-Lettes-. UXIDGEC Not Ide brother We as-s pleasedt 10irin frorn Ms-. A. D. Wes-ks that the- man wio perishet! in the Knoxille fit-e, and viose namne was given as A. E. Weeks, ai Locke, N.Y., was nal bis brother, althougl bearing a similas- name. 1%0e SUi Capt. Sharpe bas secured a roomn in the Dominion bank block for tie ac- coutr-ements 'ai No. 5 company andj las bat! tbernail movet! up from the' rat infesteti drill shed!. No. 5 carn-1 pany will commence- drill practice at the lacrosse groands ou May 201h, ant! wiVl go ta camp at Niagar-a about June 7tb. Every âpring thre is moi-e or lms rumug about cert"inparties fishing -for' lui Ill MIL~ :v- V d~ ~ I VK'Ira u Thec Ontarloý gold fields are '-bcbg« writtea up by a -capable anombers of the Toronto GMlbe staffi- and hoi cor.1 roborates the statement which the journal bas been trying ta iinpress upon the public for some times nam-. ly, that Wabigoan scarcely amounts ta anytbing yet, and tbat Dryden is he larger place. He says: "Dryden, a few miles Iarther west, is the anly place of them all that really looks like a seutlement. A number of comfort- able-looking dwellings are here to -be seen, and clearances indicate the pres- ence of humankind. There is plenty of good farm land about, and the state- ment is made that good returns have been had, whereas at Wabigoon "a Shetland pony would starve to death on fifteea thousand acres," as my in- formant graphically put it." - Pur mustagg ent On Strike Fr1, morning.îke yemusaf the bondc If it were not for, honing ber value wouid saY Lliat She balked while dri ing a load of slabs froin J. L. Palm, Mill, A barse that bas intel, enougir ta know a holiday when it rives is surely nat ta be despis, Fact is we have valued her several d lare higher since the çvent above WIIa goDs a ff o li [ls v Canadian READ WHAT THEY SAY. fiheumatiBru, Catarrh, ,Dyspep- sa and Other AiIent8 Cu'ed by the Use of Hi8 Wonder fui Little PeIIet8 ,junor uag«can a lt 0 wbifosabrgmn Mn A Pnyor, 7 El SBt., Toronto, gays : W e are told that a double arcb stone A bill has been passed by the On- I vas a gi-est sufferer froin dyspepsia; culvert will be buiît to accommodate tario legislature, re-establishing the so bad at imes I vas unable to attend Carruther's creek, east of this station. l*right to appoint junior county judges to my duties, andi ha i severe pains in The. new manager evidently believes in in twenty counities, namely. Hastings, rny stomach. The remedies Lisat I toh keeping the road in good repair. Brant, Kent, Ottawa, Lincoln, Went- gave me no relief wbatever. re worth, Middlesex, Perth, York, Fron- emaI riais of Munyoo's Dyspepsia Cure A tramp deluge. so ta speak. struck tenac, Wellington, Essex, Grey, Ren- made a Permanent ours. I besrtily re- the village Tuesday and for a lime the frew, Stormont, Dundas and Glen- comment! t." place was in the hands of the enemy, *garry, (the iast tbree in one), Ontario, Munyon'a Rbeumnatism Cure seldotu but ere darkness approached the storm Bruce, Simcoe, Huron, Victoria and fails bo relier. in one to hree hous, and abated and the city gates were closed H-aliburton, (the at two in one). It cures in a few day4a Prie25c.aIteualhr iotamsap is stated that a junior judge will likely Munyon'e Dyspeppia Cure poitively This tramp question is becoming more be appointed for this county, and down cures ail forme of Indigestion and etoin aand more aggravated as the months go at Whitby rumor says the man will be aci trouble. Prie, 250. by, and each year the army of travel- G. Y. Smith. But rumor is probably Munyon's Gold Cure prevents pnsu. lers, who have Ieft nowhere and are wrong. There is, so far as we can see, monia and breaks up a cold in a few -)ut on our highways searching for a no great necessity for a junior judge mnnu. Pras, 23 Crestps. gb, destination of the same name, becorne this county ond we do not think the Munyusw ConRh Cys ure stoa psengs, nuch more unwieldly. It seems but a igoverniment should be in a hursy to il7 bloi the lungB. Price, 25c. qluestion of time until the state wilI be appoi nt one. When a question of Muuyou's Kidney Cure âpeedily cures -oplld1 da inodth these 'ngh creatirsg a fat office comes up, the peo- pains in ths back, loins or Imoins and aI, of the road." nodrt urn~ pie s representatives ought to think of forme of kidney disease. Prics, 25c. tsaeyobtlf and prophvea uety. nTe tIhe prices the people are getting for Munyou's Hleadache Cure stops b iie n twshaea ueadaî their oats and potatoes. -Journal. ache in cbres minutes. Price, 2ôc. age in this matter over country places, GREN RVERMunyons pile Oiuîmeuî pogir.ively as the former do not alIow of beggirig cures ail forme of piles. Prie@, 25c. within their confines, while the latter Andrew Pipher bas purcbased the D Monyon's Blood Cure eradicatesaail cannot, or do not try to prevent it. Barkey farm a littde t1 the north of impurities ofthle blond. Prie, 25c. As they increase in numt0ers they be- here. Muuyots'a Fetnale Remedies arA a boon corne more bold and defiant, a fact Mrs. J. J. Bell, Who has been in- to ail wamen. noticed by those Who are in the Ieast disposed for some time, is somewhat Muuyou'a Asthima Remedies relieve An observant. As we have often stated better. 8 minutes and cure peraàanent.îy. frire, in hs columrns a pile of cordwood is Mrs U Yun i aIprsetsi.or worth a dorzen dogs in keeping away onto Uderuthe doctoprs carsnbTor- Munvou'o Catarni Remedies neyer fail. tramnps from your door. The dog may ontounde th docor'scar, bu 'sThe Càtarrb Cure-pries 25e.-s-radicates expected home at an early date. the disease fromth Le systeni, and tihe Ca-bemawayro the ard, but ther woodh One of the oldest and most respect- tas-rh Tablets-price 25.-eleanie sandtrempaîn re orreer sot ar as th ed residents in the suburbs of this vil- isai thse pants. wîraupstaeion ecered.inot gonodo lage is Mrs. I3enj. Dcten. She has Muuyon's àNet-vsCure is Ea vouderful we question thesechart giing are been conflned ta the bouse for a num- nes-ve tonie. Pries, 25c. t ayo hs hrces u r berof eek, pincpaîy fom îd ge. Muuyou's Vitelizer restos-es loat vigor. we not doing a wrong to mankind. be fW. Bu rtonc the tfonîîne agfs-wPries, 9 . Many of these fsllows were once good, e Wm Buronon te tonlie, afew Persoual letters to Prof. Munyan, Il law abiding, industrrous citizens, but ýf rods ta the west of here, has every- aud 18 Albert et., Toronto, auswered circumstancs-s frowned upon them and tig ready for his new barn. with fs-se medical advice for auy dissass, they took to the road, not as tramps, but as ms-n out of work. A few miles A sckî, ~WILrEVÂLE. down the road aryother feIlow was A s is a disresa Crudf uiz.s overtaken who had been longer at the s- bfuis urd1ioitm uoddoilstuee usiness and he s-niged upon the of thse parents. Af- Mh iseWtyr, putSua w 1rinsi pleasures of a rambîing lite, chuck full ter pasing wornied th cty 'f idleness. Gradually the man out of r anad aleeplens Mr W 0 Wesse was in Zephyr lasi a'eek with) !igis th ie father friends. %vork slackens his pace, bis sensitive lane forsudts. Mr Hawkeyspent Iaet week witb bis parents nature bs-cornes subdued, and unîess mier for thlier aTyroue. 'lie obtains employment within a hun- household duties. r sud Siple visited in Brougbamon o Wed- dred i les or so. he developes a liking If a woman viii nesday Wat. for the road. Here ag'ain ths- wood- take proper ca4. Mrs J A Pug'h aud Miss Emmna Maj"or speut pile perscription works a cure, If of herseif during Suuday in Atha. somne cose-fisted. and what some peo- tie eio p-ce-Cool Burgess ta in this section trimmiug app:ee caIl an unchatable man, ives the ing snotherhood. îreeplenc n rie , g and sec ta ilt t e- adgaltg fellow w-ad ta eut, and pays him for the os-gans that The two village dsoirs gave special Easter il. h oîeto ewe h îag bea tise burdeus music iast Suuday. itecneto ewe h tag of maternity are Mr aud Mrs W G Gerow speus s coeup,,- f er and industry are renewed. How- kept strong and itealthy. days sn the ciiy test ws-e.. sver, we may vis-w this matter at the lier chidren wili be ro- Mr Frank Orchard of Darlington was at Mr present, lime will corne when the folly bustan sd guod-naturea Sandy Arnistrong's last week of the pe tsystern ilb fril Thse best medicine for peetvl efril keeping these delicate and important or- Mrs Jobn Poucher is seayiug a f ew days wiib brought to our mind.-News. gans in a healthy condition is Dr. Piesce's her daughier, Mrs A E Major. Favorite Prescription. Miss ')ây sud former teacher is apeuding Thousanda of wamen have testified te tise Easter holidays with friends berr. cýrvlous action of thiasemedy, More of Mr and Mrs Alex Thotus of L)uubartou spent it la sold tissu ofai allier medicines for the las Tr'da atMr avi Av,,' saine pus-pose comiied. Il acta directly t uesP%.at C Daîd nut. k M upon tise os-gans involved. It restorea their Last Mouday waa a bo wler in Ibis section as WZJ5i. health asd vigÃ"T. Ir preares a woman for fair as the weauber was eoocerned, .L " thse dutiea of niaIsesh-h I insus-es tise Master Rous Thompson ta with IM frieud C atarrn Cu re isealtis of baby.' It makea its adveut eay Rus"l Taber tn T-irouto this, week. and aimost frec froni pain. Womeu vho MisiaWtesspnugafwdyswt use il do not experience the usuai discotn- isBl ht ssesn e aswt forts of thse peniod of gestation. It ia tise ber sister at Maxweit in Grey county. F moat mss-velons medicine ever kuowu for A number f rom thse village and surrounding wivesansd molliess. It la the prepas-ation couJntry will take lu the horst show nexi wts-k. af au eminent and skiliful specialiat, Dr. R. Mr Frank Weîr bas beu laid off dutiesa t tht V. Pies-ce, visa Sas been for tisirty years big grist miii witb sickness bisi ta now ail rigbî. chef consulting pisysician ta the Invalida' rcivdwodthtbi ise Hotel and Surgical Institute, ai Buffiiio, aRde MrdSwule rived aw orwish a steon N. Y. Womeu vho visih ta knov more bad idsdwsbre MN.ti etMn about it should vs-ste hum, day. -About six yeara a4m my vife became slC h ie s a sverv bad hale in tht bridge on 9 vils femait wes.kntss," ws-ites thse Rer. t. j Curcb st. Patumaster Beare please attend ta Coppedge, of Elmo, Ksufmn Couuty. Texas. that. v Site could not stand ou hes- feet or get iu any positon iu which te did not suifes-gîsti pin Mr Wm His, who hurt bis aboulder last P the wau natýu=mhy a stroug voman. I Sud wiuîcr, bas burt it again aud is uow completely w bevend ipitysidns ta treat her vtiout sypt laid up. i maneut re iefe. i-e o ms-mgsmbe moyeu Sit e s a adtoftietu o v ur MissBessie Moore of Toronto Uuiversity, ta 'Fvorite Prescription' snd spoke tri me aliat spending a week witis ber aeâni. Mis Joseph h IL t XeIber a botte ofth medicietueviici thae Wilson. r soon found 1 as ise5ýn her,. She was _et on util À. A1-k- safelt vo are pleaesdt to earn. &S_______ eïV -Ni sd Mrstiar Of criTeroto ist. We are all pl«asd Lo seé tIre miling T K ~tIroir Bâter vth ther- d&1h- b. ha, atur Sabba h e Bc s rou-E L eMe mOaipbl. service.- MiN 4n 0 istea0her M eek~ Miss Clars Hetges, vIre ha been at- 0f Dr. Agnew's Livor Pilleattor dinner, l* ard img-Iris Eseter vaetion vitir Pe tending high aboot at Newcstle is it vii promote digeston antier. -hie 'br<itierý at lM olam., spentiing ber holitiys vith hgw~parente. corne any evil offet. ba bnIiiv poor TIre promises ai oui- gouja merchant heitotibg.belI ot>ps ewe3hu w are beluti greatly improroti bythe. orea.- , Ie-bi aoÙ"s a tion ai a nov stable'. O DeGoor tl &Mon MtW'l B Iip""»» S Ml IetUb tu are tiie contractors. Ont af Sort&.--Syueptomr5o satglscioloaOf. affl. kppeite iorcdtouuean4gorsjvalapei~ - in. --~s---i. .. .C se ympteml, if vgâ a';4 i11 thé. old c ;The. demand j, - ~ili la mnOatiiaal~. POISONE!)181.0001 Draa4fgi Death-Dratught Cornes Iu these modern day. a mone terrible aud mos-e prevalent poison is deeimating Lhe human farnily, aud mn b ave maket! in vain for au antidate. It is the unrnie paisoniug of ths bloot!, caused by dia- eosed indgUe. The poison violtisse useful organesahou!d filter fi-rn the blooti,, le allowedt! t remain in the circulation and! courses tirough the body, like "Acaus-esti ebenon ..sose effeot Holdo suai an sumily vith blooti of man, That vith a sudden vigor it doth pos- set and aurd Like sager droppinga iuto muilk, TLse tuinansd violesomne bloo!." To-day tiens is a remedy. Science bas diseovered a surs aune. &11i ay have aud apply it. liis oIt! under the nains of DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ILiisa specifie for ail Kdney ailmente. IL eus-es by restoring Lie Kidneym, ao tint bbey ps-apes-ly penfas-t thoir natus-ai fana lions. It la tise ouly known cure for Dia- betes, ant! Bigit'. Disease. For sale by druggists everywhos-e, and the Doddsa Medicine Cao., Ld , Toronto, Ont. MRt. VERNON BROXLEY, Trenton, Ont., gaya :-"For a nnunbes af yoars have auf fes-ed eevenely from Bheumatisr n sd Sciatica. Was îinducedt! Laprocure a balf dazen boxes of Dodt!'s kidney Pille wich I have used, sud from being a arip- pie I amn a weil man." MR. Tiuas. Hu zssSc. Mas-y'@, 1; B , Bays :-In spite of ail otson treatmeut I snffered for nearly s year with Stone af the Bladt!er. I vas selieved by passiug the game, after using ans box of Dodd'e Kidney Pille, ant! completely caret! by a fsv baxes." Ma. Wsi McEvzu,, 275 Fil St., Ot bava, aays :-Tvo boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pille have vorbet! a vondes-ful cure lu rny case. Had been laid up viti kit!- ney trouble for mou&s." G. B. CoNSs, Orillia, Ont., says :-"I moat cheerfuajly teaîify that five boxes of Dodd'e Kiduey Pisehave eus-et me of Diabstes tram viiets I suffmet! two iday Jay. alw- er's lect ar- ed. doe- at ank ,nk. ery iew es- aIt -NERVE PILLS FOR WEAR PEOPLE, At ail Dnsgrists.ý Prie 6 cents par B034 or' 3 for i'$.So. Seat by MaIl on reoIpta pnice. T. MILBURJ'Ia&Co.. Tes-est.. Four Battis Ships, Three Cruisers, Tva Sloops of War, Four Guaboats, and Two Torpodo-Bost Destroyers to Be Begun ini Addition ta Lthe Veaaea Now Under Construction. Thre amounL ai monoy involved in tLIe )rogranime if opwards of $2,000,00 ,mater "thei estimates in any pro- rious year, and showse a purpose -on thre mrt af Great Britaîu to continue the vork of inoreasing lier naàvy andpra- îg for an emsnrgency. Thre plat=l- licates that there is, little disposition to iidschiph in reserve, and thatasm fast m eady for service they wii ho, commis- ned and aasigned to squadron.' it ià arther atiated tliat, in vwwiv tho e, ei iLion of the. povers in ,roatlysrogb ng tleir fleets in~ foreign wtrtg Ldiity viii augment its squroma ii he mediterranean,-on tIre Chineus.tat- )n, andi iitIre Ohannol waters. T4i mpertance et tIre Ohmnseitiation houb6. mle sittîkingly appaîent sd IrasOieè Dr bigher rnigaflueon- th.eh "da RoiAra wasncage %ur "in;-0,à laioipa ste sO t en the Ioots nam Otiree s"ad fe the" ar, ta, b, *m4od to, * 0a~. 3place a&maler vosmsl-on teW~3 et ai a d W est oa l e i Dont Theepcg~wiu~, à2ea inéact UPo" - - - - - ý m--- ýlqý zczim Mr.EBd. Kenny, vWhabau been lu the ospitai iti a sose eg part of te in. te, is oume sd vs are gladt wgay able ta drive into the village. Mr. Hugli MLean, of Saepler,, vnt La Duluth, Mie., ou Monday. Mn. John Oves-eut, ai thre Victoria otel, is thinking of leaing bre in May, Mn. Thos. Bosebe, fornserîy af Ibis place, but nov of Toronto, la about ta re- tus-n La Breoin, ta take up is abode iu ie ait! stand, te Victoria Hous. Bs rany finnda vilbe glati go eîooee iim back. Ms. Tho. Sheridatn is sippig fat EVERY FA-MILY SOULD KNOW THAT la PtrTory renias-able remedy, botS for IN- T sMM tU 4L s d Z T R U L u e ,. a n ti o o - dern!aniin its qulrk action to relleve dists-es., PAIN-KTLLER "em. ,u,» ctila. DiavrbSoa. Dyaaen (ramas.,B PAIN-KILLER T etrme- iunles. oies'. andr.ss-iT'>*1 CIiest eaa.55y r-CPlain lthe w Ilck s.s-orrense. gb»Uuanaîimr. "5'sv bài.7 Sotd ,'vte r .bi,do'i. thie Tise ouly food Baby that viii buiid Baby sp a wea cons- :Chance y t ~surely is Martinsi jCardainal Food~ a Simnple, scîentific and highly nutritive prepas-ation for infants, delicate 'chilciren and inivalîds' CATDWNS- TANSY J'ILLS. omit - :t **m $$91 During th~ Par MuI paruculans. AI t i 1-9n.i7-1and'a Naval Plans. When Urie Âoid Flo*s in the Volas,]I lookis ont of Darkened Windows, peo&ing soon tIe close of Day. The fashionabie Italian poison of1 XVI century was Aga& Trfana. It'Y used by the medicia and &Il the finaL fa ilies of Borne, Genos, and Naples. five yeargs historians tell na, ovOI wives ueed it to maIre widows of tIre A gang of men are now workiog the construction of a new Grand Tra bridge over the Rouge, near Roseba. The old structure has flot beer ve satisfactory for some time. The ni bridge will be higher than its predect sor and the track raised a foot for h; a mile each side the bridge. AIl tl wàwom ? 'q 1 VIN 1 1 ý--ýH E-ART L, à lf.ifoNei sud Xia. Archer -were marrf.dàaSthe.Nama.on the 14sh. Yisltora-léra. Loua Tiexton, Lindsay- iu ÃŽMay ochler, Petnboro; Mr.Imer-. son igtio, EDfllkllfl Un. Gao. Boa. ooek, Toronto. Mr. Go. MoLanghlin anotioned off tbe mi!k routes en Wednesday *aat. The ptrons ave sored the able servicea of Mr. ss!jlmasi forLthe oUing mommer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Samuella' infant baby pasaedl away ons April i5th. The funeral took Plae.on the. 16th, to Seaeru burying groond. Quito a lively appearance at the Royal hotl sama our new hotel keepr, Mr. Hoskin, ha Opeed it. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Shortridize hve moved to a bouse owned by Mr. John Jobb. Mrs. nnie Taylor visited ber brotler. Dr. Gray, of Peterhro. lst week. Mr. John Quinn wus in the cty lat week, purobasing bis opring and nommer goode. e. Mr. Corta ably filled te metho. dist pulpit on unday evning, La a large and apprciative conpregation. Tbe choir d<ladme fine inging. Snake Und1( An li.sn of D' ors Cûlofradeý, it Senue-tha'tj,-wi. gettlu0 a Iititne. s, -I t wai, une ni,ý Septernher that se Ops-n air, evs-ry mat. blanketc, for the ni4 and frosîy. -Neit raamed Adams, Iroan' believe. About the he wsûke nie by calnr 'What s the mal "HIe answered lui toue-ît sas as tifh wtthout brtathirsg hie body. - For (;()d*s sakiý he saad. 'Thre&s under my shirt.' "I caine up on mv Adams. The mou)i en that I c' uI:d set weil as if it had be vas lytng on hîseb"' and hie face was lîko He had taken hie ho, in, and hies sockingi loy the botItom of hi aide one ofthtu-us tro-users ieg w-as tI of a raflesnake-a and fro, like- the end up out of sigit. 'For (;od'e sake. 'His iead a on my comtng hîgher al claties off me. and -'Kes-p stili$- Ad the camip.' 1 exutIs gelis to be a rackf - srake up. He sot let alous. Now he work -, Iltwu an easy blankets off Adania. su his shirt and trou asit ie sakin, The: avay hie clothes. C gan I located the arn eay -thing ta do, f the -reptile felt as hunting knite vas as begsn at btse trousers tie aide. Then I tie aide, vos-king f Adamsa'wus tandin, thinga 'eoansidened- moving a musacle, a breallie, vitis that hb his chot mut! ita hou iu the stili bons tI j-amething as if a ing-lis votlti say 'Hans-y up ! for God "-Up 'round the nl vas tigltit Iwvas1t the shirt lboss villi tIen agaiu n -nie viii nMy bau nsghît head. Bu t glthe top to bottotu. Tis the other -aide ai Ada 'Nov, Bih,' Ia and trousers leg olves bady haro, viii îlh TIre reptile vas abi tain emake, fUfY fie in the baby etobisà& "-At aight of me it lest! aud vent Ira stamach. Thon, sox or offer La attack it, crawlei off tram Adi shelter -of a plant aila "Al night, Bi; "It vs11.ton lier. LIrat whon Ada 1 WA&TCt ex- tbe w'o In 600

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