Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 4

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TIIft ~ mny thiugs FOR INSTANCE Coid Cream, Camphor le, Camphor and Moth Camplior. These and a number of Toilet prepara.- tions are rigbt in season nov and then there are a hast af things that ci" &Hl -seasons for their ovu aud which ve can supply better than any other store in towu. We might mention amongý these Hair, Tootb5 Nail and Bath Bruheu Tooth Powderu, Qomba, Sponges, Etc. J. E. WIL LIS8, CHEMIST & DRCGOIST, MEDICÂL ::R*LL, BROOK ST., -WHITBY.1 ih orkrnmilt. WHITBY, APRIL 309 18971 "Or% Noe. Should the new Canadian tariff law prove to be a violation of British vresties it will be disallowed and the former tariff act will re- main in farce. Sie the Canadian tarif vwas announced, the Americans are studying out scbemes of reprisaI. It la perfectly rigbt (rom a Yankee stand pylnt to squeeze Canada to death, but the squezring must be aiU on one aide. Pive veamn ago the CmRoicz.a tarted an agitation in fayot of county grants to pub- lie libraiea, and in favor of daing avay vith the old narne-mechanics' institutes. The naine vas chauged thronghout the Province and flourihiug libraries are be- ing tarted up in every vllage of tis counâ- ty. Last week Brooklin bloomed ont vitb anc coutaiuang nearly a thomdsand rolumnes. Lest year during thetwtelvc months the Christian ru4era of Europe could not agret upon concerted action to tare tens of thousands of chtistians f rom butchery. Tis year it did not take themn a day toacst in concert ta prevent Greece from aîtopping urther laughter of Christians. Tht cou- duct of the Christian ratiers la a travesty up- en true religion. Toronto la a.iming at the "vwide open" policy af big American citiems.- The cry has been raised that tht christisu aabbath and moral community dae nos draw money enougis inta the city. To encourage Sun- day pleasure. tht vide open people say, means tht speuding ai more maney. They vaist Sundsy cars ta ride ta tht parka, and ofiecourse there ts no use in going ta 'tse patk unes thert le Sunday bail and Sun- day papera. Tisere ar-e mauy lu Toronto viso are rtady for "vide open" or amy other style af governmtnt, provlded they can bu canvinced thât opcning tht door ta vice yull put s little moretoîoney lu circula- tion. Streral urnes this attempt ta des.- crate tise sabbath han heen thvarttd by the peoples votes; but virtue if olien sttacked viii aometimes succumb. We shall flt h greatly aurpristd ta se the vote recorded lu favor oiSundày cars, sud fllovtd by Suudsy sports, Sanday papers, and Sumday ever-y- Tht nev Dominion tarifi did mot have a rery startling efieci upon tise couuutry--in isct vas anly as ubject for tais for a day or tva. It vas so arramgtd as ta affect busi- nes as tile as passible, nmoareIssann article oui of four beiug touched ai ail. Tise change o( importance ta ordiuar-y people are as fellove : coal ail dutie reduc.ed front 6 ta 5 cents per gallon, sugar a fraction af s cent lover, binder t vine reduced, sud ta be free alter onc year. Tht feature of tht ncv tariff muet talked about in a prepereential list af duuie lu*(avor ai Britishs manufactur- ers, by vhlch thcy cone luut a lover duty than tht American or other gooda. This la intendtd as an oifluet ta tht new McKinley bill Tht vooder la tisat tht goverument cut dovu duties on iroa, cal ail sud binder tvinc visen tbey vere anrlous ta bit tht Americaus. These concessions vert made ta tise fariner no doubi. Spirite vas rsised froin8225 per gallon ta $2.4o, tobacco from: ,25 ta 35 cents par lb., sud cigarettes frou 81 .50 Ço $3 per thausand. It vas expecied 1 hat a duîy af 5 or io cents per lb, vould hée placed! ou tes, but ibIs proveduadisappoint. ment. Ptg iran for manufactring lacnt dovu b>- about $2 per ion, sud wyul average about fi.5o par ton. At the sa itre there le ta hé a bounny pald for home produced irou. Upon thtevisole tht changes vould not have been conadcred asvrysprlu had tbey becu m aade by tht late govrnt- ment.9 Tht deatb strutgglt betiven Greece sud Turkey continues. Ail tht vorld eyanpai- izes vush Greece, but kpares ber ta, figist the battît of fretdom alone. Meauvisile the Unspcakabic Tur-ks iart slaugisingCri-- lau urce, sud fastut IMaknway ta the his- torie Atheus A grest battit vas fougbt ou Satrds. :snlin5lu thtevisolesale tout of tht Greebsat Mati, sud Latins, tht main stroughcId in Greece near tht Turklshtou- fier, vas taken. Tht Turks bave abandon-4 ed sea-fiahtinig, and &ai land operationse e CCeIXsncb as vill tend ta capturq tht Grtek1 seat otGovtrsnmt.As s reanilt the GrecS fient sud GrecS amuies are unopposed lu the.pmaimr a uos u 1dirçctias abut ont.1 Tlht ldest- 6Y tbe av!,1 b$oe4kes thet isaand -af Cgete, butlIbs Oudacion their pari idaa usppçlar, UsaIores tât B iritiaS trlaeobé watcbd ta; pro"=utbteus tbat poo, tiWe Greecs appeaW ogbt-Iug *0 btopelm baffte. of liberty ail tht wodd, 5 1 i,,cowrdly ustliaspi-Europe an unusual delajr? or la what »aY en kt adbeJoatfied? It bau ed a vaàtanmut of< uumesans, -s&id no d of, duiIfe Irti. It baî, voiked upueoealau# lb idlvlidual feelint, aad su aifoot oflîi- 1"«caletrangemeplwhich. Je vholv. un. idcsfled for aud wholly lneircuàabW-le.ras "taxred the patience and sîralned the vit- "tue of mot a fev. The Goverumeni, and "'especially the Miniater of Agriculture, may imagine they are iunifeatlug fore "of character'and utrengtb of determina. dton, lu thus rcaisting publie opinion- "tbey migbt also eytise prudence and pro. Idprlety by repecting publicesentiment&sIl Hatd the CRONICLE given the Ontario gorerument a ulap in the face halif s severe the Reformer vould have denouuced this paper s the vilcet af Toiry sheets. The Cil oNICLa, ae elIs thelpublic generally, la not particularly lnterested in the asaumed grievance complained af by the Reformer, > ad vould pay no attention toa ha article were it rot antended to create a false lus- Çaio n the mmnd of the average reader. cr ano vacancy in the reglaîtry office ai this or any other county. When the late registrar, Dr Rat. died, thse statute stepped in and appointed Mr ina Hay, the then deputy, who ln uramap pointa hie avn depu. tv. the emolumenta aithe office remaining the unie sud geing in thet me direction Se formeriy. Tht office being vithin thet glu ai the Ontario Goveru ment, it remainq for the goverumeut ta determine visether the registrar, appointtd by statute, shalh con- tinue in the discharge of tht duticesuad re ceive the emaluments ai hie office, or ahaîl be set aside Ioo nc hom it chooses ta ap- point. At present there la no vacanc, snd moreaver theire vilI be noue untii the gov-1 trriment decides not ta abide by thteststute. (f the reglatrar vert not eerving the public !atlsfactorily the public vauld have a grev- ance, but such la nat claimtd by tht Refor- mer. Those interested in tht decisioa af the goverriment are the applicantesuad their re- 9ective friends. Public opinion la nat be- ing resisted bv the goveruiment lu delaying ta decide agrainat the statute, for thse sole reason that public opinion la far (rom heing nitd lu favor oaiany ont ai tht numerous7 Lpplicatlts. Should the public ln a general sense unite an ane ai tht preseut or future LpPlicants. sud the goverument decline ta exerciat its riRis t taannul tht appointsient) msade by atatute, then the Reformer migitSi have a grevance. At present the gavera - mnt bas given neither tht Reformer nor ay one tise cause for coneplaint. News Itm. Tht lateat reporta frous the battit field ahoys that tht Greeks are being defeated an ,erery had.-A British fleet has gou< ta Souths Africa ta make var upon President Kruger should he persist lu rioiatiag treaty agreemeuts vlth Great Briai.-About =o Canadian officers hart rolnsieered tc fiU the 2o places on tht Jubiiet Corps vhicla is ta escort Premier Laurier ta Egiand ln June.-A maguificent monument ta Gen Grant vas presentcd ta tht United Statesata New York an Tuesday. Presideni McKin- ley, the rice president, mauy governara ai states, and orer a million people taking part in tht parades sud ceremonies.-A French fisbmng uchaouer vas vrecked by an iceberg near Nevfonudiand and aIl the crev bait but threc, these earaug t.hemiselres frous starring by eating *nother member af the erev vis ad ildie&-The gald lever in easteru cities appears ta have subeided, sud very littie la rend about Britishs Coluimbia nov. Thoat visa purchased stocka are lookiug in vain for their companieta do soin. miuiug. Tise most af thse mines vert umaginary, and viii remain s.-The re- gionIdong tht laver Mipsissippi bas been dreadfuUy flooded this spring. Tht con- stant filliîug up ai tht river by sediament ilwng rom its tributaries bas raised tht bcd of tht river until artificiai banka have been inade ta prevent its averflov, vhich even at loy vater vouid flood tht aurroaud. iug countr-y. Tht damiage froin this eprimgs overflow viii be millions af dollars. The Chorai s Sovt. For tise first time tht rebtareal vas beid lu tht musiac hall Wedneday uîght, viser-e, a veek later, thc musical erettoa tht ses- sou viiélse esociety'e firet concert. 5ev- eéty-fivt ucats had been arranged lu tiers- on the ptatfor-m wvu au elevated stand for tht couductor lu frt. More thaa enougis members vert present ta flii tht seas. These th"y viii accupy ut tise concert as placed by Mr Harrison. Tht piano, aver vhlch tht accapanlt; lire. WHI Ayres, no ably presides, la ou the foot of tht hall. Tht practice Weduesday ulgisi vas a very satusfsctoey ont. At firet the vastes ta their ovuers saunded straugely froin tht unse- cnstomed aurroundings. But ta the hauer lu the body ai tht hail tht real beauties af choral singlng vert pleasantly resiized. Another reiseareal ai thç full programme viii add gretly ta tht scpbothutss sud fiih o( tht faittîful vark under akillul directions Usai every veek duning tht past four mouths lias been put into thse sdy ai tht moyen part sauge that bave been s. veli sud sp- ptaprlately selecteti. lu addition ta tht vtekly rebearsals of tht chorubes the lesd- iug paria of these sauge have for a couple of veeks betu almost nigistiy prsctised by the ladies and gentlemen ta vhous thcy bave betu asslgned. These practices hart heen attise homes of either lirs Ayres or airs Fred Iiatch. Tht effct oalibis severe utudy vas meut gtatifyingly apparent. Whatever tise Whitby rnay do, ta celebrate the mens- arabie erent, that lu tise afier tare viii cause 1897 ta bu rtferrtd ta as the year ai tdidamnd juhilee, tht character af tht Composition sundied by tht uocltty sud that tht mualc-loving Public ai Whitby sud stirtouudlug coasmunitswvIii ut-t Wtd- nesday eveulug bave tise apportuuity ta bhear sud enJoy, thetotav'e reputation lu this con section vil bave bues sared. This cons- mendable direction given musical enitiration bue fa proring attractive la aur uelgbbora lu Oushawasud BovmnUile, fram esch ai iqbicb tovus parties are auaking arrange- ments ta attend ont patriohie entertalueut. The progrmme opens ih the nationat aatbcm pramptiy ut eigbt a'ciack. ut vii) b. veil for ail af the audience ta W prescu belore tIsat unît. F. B owoAirsus, Pres. Wiss F. Dattueli ii vlth fmets ln Tarouta. Rau. Jna. Dryden vas in tav saturday. J30ys' sciool boots ouly 8Oe et Burw nov eash store. iss Lanra Joues, af Bals>ns, lea gium of tht Misses lasses, Tbt baya s cis any amouat ai tlatfusu id NI. Motgon ery Sa anseftïa ai rto f« or q a i copeo eek& utl coSe*ts, at WQWles Msjeaun iàgu nttvïieltamA a feu ia %M'v Mlswa bu rtunedfresOakvm reu's i base, doebl ,sol, aadtooaiy 2eCper paIr Be suri and I am t t eRecit- i Kouday evi &'90d program yl be preututed. Admis"als xcts. MiL" DaeyWatson, eldeet daughter af Bir. Johu Watson, of tt b bk. bas been sufferlug 11ron: lndammatlon, butina lmprvng. Mewur Gea. Whitelisw and Fred. Calver- ley, ofthe. Whitby Eedge Pence Ca., are out plantlng the tree 'ludib'ereut Places. Mrt O'Brien vill hé lu tht Whitby photo ÇalIerY everY Tueaday, Friday aud Satur- da.O'Brien & Stedhans, photographers. 300 tDtfla uew style fedora sud Christie bats at pricca that wil asave tht purchaser 50 =rettaSt on erery bat et Bgelov & Mc- Cav' s. 38 acres, kuovu as tht Wm. Sadler fur in, Greenwoo4,vaa paut up for sale under a mortgage on Saturday sud uold ta the martgageeat $îoa hlch vas considerably leu than tht dlaim against it. Remenîber thse annuel meeting ar the mnembera af tht publie library lu the librsry ruom aon Monday evenine MAY 3rd at 8 p m. A.s important mattere viii couse befare the meeting, a full atteudance la requeted. Excursion tu Toronto. Tht excursion of th e sson. Tht ladies ai St. John's Churcb yl bold an excursion ta TorantôOnu My 7th. Tickets good ta go an ail p.m. trains Tburaday, sud Friday a. us. Whitby tickets Si, eblîdren Soc. The choral .eoaety's concert neat Wed- ncaday vilI bave tht biggest audience ever seen in the towa hall. Some %Viby ladiles have already adopted tht, idea of takiug off their bats, and ve snggest that Ail others who have bigb plumage or flavers do tht saine. It la the intention ai the G T R to in- troduce a new type ai passenger coach an ail their divisions. Several ai thers have already been coinpleted, aud contain the new featsme af a smoking raom buuilt afler the fashian ai those la tht Pullmnan cars. Thec G T R yul lui ail pirabability muake inurimpravements lu tbe equipment af ibeir rolling stock during the neat few years ibis being anc ai the points of policy ai the new management. To Rent On Euclid St, Whitbr. Goad Brickr House. Good garden. Apples and çrnali fruit. Modern conveniences. j B POWELL. April 29-3iu. Reiuova.1 of Custom. Houe. Tht Whitby customs office bas been re- noved ta the aId stand et Dr. Carson's af- 6ce. This change bas been brougbî about hy tht customes uthoritices t Ottawa. Boots aad Shata Thit d vtck of tht great slaugbter sale ai Vl Collins' stock at Campbell's store. vill commence to-morrow. Tht rush continues, but. tht immense piles ai leather goods there on sale will hold out for weeks yet. Prof. KM, lecture. Ater tva failurea oving ta missing trains, Prof Ktys vili lecture on Thackeray ta. uight- He a is e moat popular lecturer that bas ever erer risiîed tise college, iseving de- livertd as many as Byve lectures there in a s'est. Ht promises ta make hie Thackeray lecture espediaily gaod ta usake up for the dlaappoiutrnents. Thoat viso- attend this lecture viii bave a treat. Adission ia cents. rSngrgeian ta the Ladies t In connection vith the celebration ai thse àsixtietis anniversary ai tht reign ai aur be- clavtd Quten, Her Majesty bas requested àthat as far as possible any monument tisai 1may be erected ta cammemorate tise grand Levent, shall be monuments oficharity, (a me- quest ver-y mucis in ketpiug vititr aur Qneeu's cenerai char-acter), and the request stems ta have met vitis a ready respouse by our Canadjan people. The heart er sponpe ta tise cri' of ur feltav subiects ilndia.In their sore dtstress, bas buili Cana<ô*n manument visich yull stand the chanzes ai trne botter tisan if buult ai granite. While, tistu, our- minds ar-e tmmcd tovards deeds aof chanity, Ici us remember tiser-e art mauy vays in vhich ve can, sud sisould, practise that iseavealy virtue among aurstîves. There is sud sbould be s constant consider- atian for tht comfart ai aur ntighbrs, sud esptcially in public gather-ings, viser-t ve are so apitao jostie tach oailer, and are often actuattd by tht ancient mIle, that "migzhî lu right. " In maay of the cieai tise United States it bas become tht customs for tht ladies ta remore their bats in public gather- luge, ont af consideration for thse comiort of aisose viso 'uay he seattd bcbind thes, visa hare a rigisi ta bu considtttd as vehi as ousretîves, a etwsta wviicis ve are aur-e would bu hafied vitis delight ilu aur own communlty, if once etarttd. It only rt- quire a start. Tise choral society of VWt- hy are giriug a grand concert on Wcdnes- day evtulug, May Sth, visichis l prepartd speciliy wvhs a riev af celebrating the Qutcu'e jubilet, and hlat c xpected ihere viii bu a MuI bouse. lu such cases it la ,vell kuovu that the ladies' bead gear le of- ten a maurcofa great diecomfort ta, thost seattd furtierack lu the hall. This concert should furniah tht geandeet opportunmy for those cbartably diepostd ladies ta initiate the custom af remorlng their bats, lu houar ai the special occasion, as vefl as ont ai con- sideration for tht comfort af Uscir frieuds sud thensacîres. The rorameyl W optntd by tht full chorus=mi arty-flret t eigbty voies elnglu.g tht firet tvo verses af tht national anthein, luvhIlch it in deslred tht audiencejoiu, sud sing t isck s mn- uer as it bas neyer been sung befare. There are many vho are aot avare that there, are tbret verses lu ibis grand aid anthtm, vbich ie but a prayer, that bas becu sung by millions of Britis subjecta ail these ycaru, visicli pryer bas been ausvered in a mark- eddegrec. For tht bcucîof alivceglre tefirst tva verses, visicis vii) Waumsg ou that occason. Ererybody uhould commsit ttiem emry : GOD SAVE Tas QtTEN. God are aur gracians Quetu! Long lire aur noble Quets! Send bevî Qreus! Happy aud glons Lwong to relgu aver us God saet the Que.. Thy éhoicest gins uMare On (air Victou Mas aeaddarlw Aud t-rer gire usiaus TO clod m arttMdue.., ANUAL >IEETINB flt7~@05v O bM@uday iiuthtè 24b. is uelat SY asVMi tunt mattemus MC to S d«eîe.C- KmaO reiet * --.*.-~----- Carpets, C arpet M g; -~ . W751am -*Patterns bo Select From. -'~'-No other House in South Ontario will Show You One Hair the Assortment That We Are Showing 1 T We have the Neweet Patternis in ÂLL WOOL OÂRPBT89 UNION CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BRUSSEL8 CAIRPETS, TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS BORDERINO, TAPESTRY STAIR CARPETS, HI3MP STAIR CARPETS, ALL WOOL STAIR CA3PETS, and CARPET LININGS. Al80 a Fine As8ortment of LACE CURTAINS. Our Tailoring DopartmeinV.wu- We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentleman who bas had large experience in Port Hope and Bellevile and who is favorably and weIl-known saa First-class Cutter. He is now in charge of our Tailoring Department, a-nd we Guarantee every garment to please or no sale. Leave your order with us8 for a Suit at $10, $11, $1-2, $13, $14 or $15. ANDREW me aD FRASER, Mrchant. Tailor. New Business. New Goodls, ROSSO Here M8 a Good Thing. Vatiety t/w Largesi!1 Quality the C/zoiceilt./ Prices t/w Lowest. are the three points which lead New Equipment the FURNITURI Re-upholstering dune The Subscriber has started a nov Merchaut Tailoring bouse in Philp's on shor Block, and iz prepared to execute orders Having fitted the people of Whitby with Suits for over 20 years, ho looks confidently forward Wo a liberal share of patronage. E. J. JOII Goods viII ho what are represented and at as low a prioe as possible. A. D. FRASER, Whitby. Brock St., -m WiyAil81t,1897. The Phren4 Fancy China. A Large Stock of-" Dinner Setts, Tea- Setts, Chamber -Setts, Fuit Line of, Fresh Groceriesa Alwayit Reliable. AT GIBSO-N'SJ W ar Has Out =Hostiities Deelared .At - Terrîble Sa gtrof aul Dry 000" -"" eucs Saturday Of4mi. Thi Ebrade. rtest notice. NSON, Vhitby. THE ONqLY ABSOLTJTELy RELIARLE PREPARATIONS ON'TISE MARKET.- Pleasat, Pmr Md HX thfUI pii IIjil -il" MRL Gsaruteed ta cure Rheuatisme Selatic, Lumbago, Gant, sud A«Srecurefor ]Eeadacisci Dli- Dess, Coustpatiou, ladigestion, Bilios uas, iýBnt'es Dis- tas Dshtta, eaulse, eCouvai-t Mauuhetured sU oor sud sod cmusedt, Wod lsWhithy oulyby gtldiMsjî, RPeGSOW;-Tm=.;- - - - --- -- -- Ne~tApril Goegê~. SILVER mu w Bu J's S. Bar ~wJ OMOWa Gouaty Orga»n. tieu of aDy local pap FRIDAY, IIl LOCAL LAC Miss R. Palmer is v~ Mr. E. J. Johnston is bicycle agency. This town has bt-twren Worth ai bicycles. Mrs M Ray is having ï arouud ber residence. Mr. Walter Gîbst3n, base a Miss Hester, Tororit,> White and rolored co a bail ait W. G. Walîers', Lace curtains in white ai la 8700 per pair at W G %V Tht Flora Carveth cleai feet of lumber beonging t Rev D>r Lamblv. Brookmi fotcibly in the tabernacie ii ing. Blîgelow & McCaw's rnili is drawing crowds fur si>, price. The fat stock buyers iw Wm Mason, Audley, for th-, fat cattle fed an thas vicini'ý Hislionor Judge Darîne. and.Miss B. Dartneil were i H. G. Roberts, Toronto, las, Frank Atkanson, son of Ni as home (rom Central (<i near Peterbaro, visiting thi The people know a gý stream aif customers buviný the great sale of tbe Stess best evidence of unaasually 1 Mr Geo Shaw, eldest sc Shaw, la borne visiting the i years' absence. He live'. aud reports times rather du A recital vil4 Se gîven in O.ldiellow's building, Wbîm evening May 3rd, by Maiss F *pupils, assisted by Mliss Lei onta's most popular elocuti( wiii begin ait 8 o'clock sha a pleasant crening. Admis At the t>asebil met ing h ruiffbouse an Monday event officers vert elected : Hati ren; pres., S H Graham: * Allin; manager, Frauk Br Thompson ; sec. -treas., E, corn., F Mathison, W D Bai loir, curatar, Sid Thompsar Nicholson. Thse fce la o ci decided ta stick -ta the ol, Beavers., Practice begins n athîchic grounds. They a challenges from clubs whos4 sixteen years, Bowmauv-ille ferred. Wanted * Good Servant Girl Wan:ec Appiy Box 5. Whitby Post (X Bicycle for Sale. 1876 model. Suitable for gain carniage. WIi be sald * ernie easy. Apply ta i1 i 9-an. Times the Circulation. Those visa-ad vertise are great a circulation lu tht Cii an? other five local papers This journal circulates in cornmer in tht county. Thn take it ekher bcg, borrov a: S ou" to Cos itOut M W Coltina la pressing tI tovai. end tht prices arec bas been kuavu hère l in_ tavu. 1 ma Bicycles la Town Wheu prescut ordersb there vilf bu over ane bui sud vbtelvomen ilu Whitby le, the llat given alphabtico L SArnad, W AYnold, R A C -Adamsa, Ilas Audero' bilS5Barnard, L T T.4s teachor, Jhu BrovnP... #Mrat. B Byau Rev Brou~ E lv C Cornaei, R Downey, àA Dent, Col Di c Eavod isEaploo OrouMlu Grs.S il +'A il the- Newest Deïigns.*< k. [i I 1- i - f i - *1 *1 * il -u 1~ 1. , -[ 'i I 'I * i Brok en ci b 0 p ýý 1, NE1 1- 1 ,1-

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