Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 5

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1 > bct '.licer p. Cuf Links AND Buttons. .. -A T- J8S. Barnard's, 400--WHEITBy. Oficiai Coity Organ - Largi trmj &ton 0o &1a1Y 1001U paper tu Canada. FRIDAY, APRIL, 30, 1897d. LOCAL LACONIOS. M- R t'ainer is visiunlg trierîds in Pick. M! 1 olinsion is t he lasi to takre a v e r encY. 1 hi own bas betwuen So oand $70(x) ) rih of bicycles. Mrs NI Ray ib having a new fence built a-ind ber residenceý %Ir \W*;ter Gibson, base line, has married "i M:ss lester, Toronto. A hbite and colored crochet cotton only Sc. "ba: ai W. G Walters', 1-aue curtains in whie and cream ait 25c iS-x per pair at %V G Walters. P ie Flora Carveth cieared with 240,c-XX) S luanber belonging to Geo. Cormack. R-s tDr 1amblv, Brooklîn, presched very r t t, iynthie tabernacle on Sunday mo- Btgriiow & McCaw's millinety departîmeni i, drawing crowds for st)hlsh hais ai hait The fat stock bu%-ers award the palm to m MNason, Audley, for tbe besi stable of ,,t catîle ted In ibis viciniy. Iiis Honior Judge I)arinell, Mr%. I)arinell, i,%l Miss B Iarnell were the guests of Mr. li ,. Roberts, Toronto, last week r tani Atiînson, son of Mr Thos Akînsýor, ime fror central Ontario junction, li,- ieterba ilmi vsiriig the famll y The po(-)ie know a gonbd tbîng. The t rarn <i)f cusiomneri' buying large parcel it r e breat sale of the Siýewart stock ik the 'evidence of unusually good bargains. %Ir î,eui Shaw, eldest soir of Mr James <ý,w. is h ruie sisiting the lamîily after nîne \ rbs absence. lHe Ilves in Milwaukee, Jt tttýoits taes raîher dulli n tbe wtsi. -\ rýcîtal wiP be given <n the music roomn ý1i 'ow's building, Whibs, on Mîoda)- eueîîî'ig MaY 3rd, b)- NMiss B Fidlter and ber 1iupi;s, assisted by NMiss L-elean, one of Tor- ý-1 JsMosi popular elocîrîioruîsîs Prograni su <Hl begin ai S o'clock sharp. [limnt miss a lileasant evenîng. Admission only 15ct5. bo t he tasebili mee-itig held in the Wood- r hcbuse on M,,ndarý evening tbe followrrig ,.thcnrs acre elected Hon jlires. E D %Var- r-n i pres , ", fi(raham; vice-pi-es., A H -lin manager, Frank Bryan , capt ,Srd 'rhi.mlptn, sec ireas. Ed. R Nicholson; týrF Matiso)n, "' D Barries, A W Tay- iiir curaior, Sid Thompson , mascot., Willie Nichuulson. Tbe tee i icicents and ia was '1<ut Ided to stck tn the oid namer, Whiby 1-eavers. Pracrîce hegins next week at the âthlvîic grounds. They are open for ail icballenges from clj-bs whose average ate is ,i xteen years, Bowmanville or Oshawa pre- t'rrr d, W anted î;'oulS-rvant Girl Wanted to go on farim. Apply Box %. Whitby Post Office. Bicycle for Sale iS76 model. Suitable for ice delivery or gun carniage. Will be sold at a bai-gain. Terms easy. Apply to Theodore King. rui 2-in. W Tmues the Circulation. Tbose who adver-irse are aruaranteed as grent a circulation in the CHRONrCLIE as in anv otber five local papers in the county. Trhis% journal circulates in every haie and y',r-ner in the couniy. Those who do flot taire il eiîher beg, borrow or steal it. Sound ta Close litOut M W Collins is pressing the sale of the M Collina stock. He has marked the good ata sucb prices ibat ail must go in a month. No better gonds wcie ever offered for sale mn t<îwn, and the prices are mucb laper than bas been known here in the history of the 1»8 Bicycles in Town When present orders have been filcd Perry, W PringleGeo R Ro@s, Geo A Roms. Mrs Gep Muf ,HMRosa Msot Rutiil p oè ihA<U> w RcadoSidsO mtl Stewarto C Se~l.Ibli snmitZu w Sturep ,s' son, 4 c~(po T T;sker'ý F H duP fwI*5 *ladies' manties atlligelow &MvCaw's Ou*£çl«ead t bal( price. ÃŽo*qt A)ba fe w days'emî wdek. Mr Gea Clarke left an Tnesday mri- ta assist ini Printing the Burks Falla Arrow. SPecial Une mnanscilles quitsar0/4 sîze worth $1.50, Saturday price 89c at W G Waiîers Mr Wmn Smith, ai Columbus, attended the unacrai ofthbe late Daniel Whitney ber.e on Suuday. The new Whitby band gave another verV nice lrogtamme Saiturdsty right, which sas listened ta by a large crowd. The Misses Gnose, ot Newcastle, remched topa Monday with a view af the yaunger anc rcturning bo the Coltegiate Institute again. It in reparted that the prospect ion a good crop ni apples, peaches, pear- ' piums and other amali truits, mn Oie Niagêa district and sestward sas neyer better. Doa'îtfaita attend the recitai on Monday cvcning Msy 3rd. given by the pupils ai Miss Eidier asshsted by Miss Lelean, anc ai Tror-1 onto's weil knorn and favorite eiocutionjsts. Concert ta begzin nt 8 a'clock, ha the Odd- leliawsabuilding. There set-e 12o items ofitown news in iast week's CuiRoXICLE. aind le-s ihan 40 in bobb last seek's issues ofithe Gazette. In newsa tram outaide county points bbc CKRONICLit bad aven five items ta anc aven bath issues ofiounr cotem. We are very glad bo be able ta ne son that Miss Maynard is hmpraving ver-y iaat from ber dreadin um,,rut recenuiy cauaed by an accident. Ib is nos almost certain that ber eyectigbî sili be pr-scr-ved, anîd that she wili nat be sou-se than scarred iu any say. The greatesi cure-al ai bbc x9th century is Ozone, lb ha a poserfui banhc, a great cura- tive, a penieci aniscptic and a germ killer. fi cures rbeumatmsm, eczemna, sait-rbeum, kidney disease, netaraigia, dyspepsia, cat- arnh, dîphîbenia, fevers, croup, measies,t cbicken poz ; in tact ail disesses shicb humstn f6eb a hein ta. A cheap course of~ treaîmeat can be bad by using Ozone. Sure cure guaranicevi or money reiunded Ask ion ci-cular irom Wm Kirkiand, sale agent tan Whiiby and vicnîîy, sha will be pleased to give you ail information regard- ingr ibis great nemedy. A Piinters Dcvii Wanbed ai CHRONICLE office. To Reat.- Two comiortabie nesdences ai los rentai to good tenants. wimîstia uma ilic. Good Iocaiiiy. Apply ta j R Pbîtip, Wbiiby. Apnil 27, :897-tf. Weddmng Belis. The home of Mn. and Mms. Jna. Anderson sas tbe scene ofia pleasant event an Wed- rîeday evenîng ai lasi seek. Tbehr seconrd daughîer Haitie sas united in marriage ta Mnr Samuel Mayne by Rev. ina. Abr-4ham. The happy couple sut nresîde an the McGilli- vnav iarm. The bes i shes afube CHRtoN- ICLE ha that tbey mây bave happincss and pnospciy. Deaths. HAItTRicK-Ab Whitby, an the 215t hast., the infani daugbîen o& Gus a -hnîck. WHITNEY-In Pont Penny, an Friday, April 23rd, iQ97, Daniel Whitney, aged 47 ycars, 7 months and 17 days. NE%%wsoag-Ai Boston, Mass.. an Thurs. day, Aprîl ?3rd, 1897. Belia Hamlin, beioved site of Mn. Alfred Newsoaie, iarméniy ai hit. î y. WHITSON-AI Atha, Pickering tcwnsb4p, on Monday, Apnil 26th, Adam Wtàitson, aged 47 yearsanaid 6 mos. The Whitby Choral Society. An eveni of irteresitao mushc-ioving peo- ple here is the finst concert ai bbc Choral Socirty, founded in this taPa during the winier. Great vîgar and enteuprise bas cbai-acterizcd ila OrKanizatian and gnowthb Mnr j W F Harrison, a muaician afube high- est aitisiic repiJtiiion in Toronto, bas been conducrîng the weekiy neheansais since the .bolîds>-s, and ironi tbc amnithous nature ai the work be lias undenta-ten ia sbudymng the beat class of pari sangs, a field ai choral music in wbicb bbc masi considerabie suc- cesses bave of lste becnatatained by simular societies n the large cities, a most interest- tmg and profitable cvening's eabetainimeni mav be czpcbrd. The date ai bhc concert ma fiixed fur nu~it Wednesday eveniny. May 5th, iii the Mumc Hall. Programmes, shicb suiE coniain the sards ai the sangs, are bcîng prntned for irculation. Te Sarrender for Mander. la reterence ta thre rurde ai «' Fcpd Murray, neceniiy ofiWhitby, shich r tagedy took place in Toronto hn Auguat hast, Tues- dav's News says : A nurnor ha in circula- tion ta the efiect that Harry Badgley sil surrenden to the Crosnasuiborlihea on a charge ai munder, and bhnatzgh bis counsel, T C Robinetie, sil ask for a spccdy trial. On bbe ahght ai Auguat '9 hast Badgley, Bert Lyons and Charles Murray gai ia a acuffie an King street opposite tbc Pincesa Theatre, the result ofiwhich was that Murray sas kilied, his akuli having been Iractured. Tt sas ailegcd thai Badgeiy struck the bios that cndcd hn Murray's murder, but be dis- appeaned befone sufficlent evidence came ont tajustitV as arresi. Lyoas sas arrcsted aadihanos an bai. On being asked as ta the truth ai bbcrumnor Mr Robinette statcd ta a News reporter that be had been iniorm- cd ihai Badglcy was ready ta surrender i assnned a triai aitirhe preseni court, but that he dmd nat sant ta remain Ini jai nil the next court. Mn Barron witi coasider the case to-morros pubh a vies ta having tbc trial brougbt an. [t ha quiitiy hintcd that Badgely ihaiaready ha the city. Death ai D. VWhltaey Word reacbed ber-e on Saturday urorniug that D Whitney, Port Perry, bad died the night previous, and people lcarured the sad newssith great regret. Dcceased h84 been uffeiaj for a long timee sur con- sumptiou, w hîch discase sas soinewhat ag- gravated by a gr»eat nervouanmw hicir of1 laie ycai-s iroubled hint. Dauniel Whituejy sas born in thae soutir yard here. Ris father was an bouest, industrioue tastr,1 and ibis woriby example sas followe by1 the son, wbo sas kIng Of Uhc labozig classes in tbe souuih sard bere for msny a1 ycar Heýhandlcd bundreda of ttaouSands ai tons of coal, and shen a poor person coutd not put up bhc money to buY coal from Uhc boss, ih sas aissYs dclivcredjusb the smanud cbargcdl to D Whiney, Who did flot aissys reccive bis moucy, but wbo1 neyer rcpotcd as ta wbom ire could stt colleet firont, His bit hcart antd bluff masu-9 uer ruade bmm populaf ini the sard, sudl shen be some ycars ago mau forceUnciOrt bis ticket not only defeated that of Mgeaam1 Smith sud Fox, whQ had long metved thre1 sar-d..bui carried aintoot evm y o& >irath, t division. A ytpw or two after'waîd# be maS for itchool trustée, aud tbtough both by las sud otersisedisiqualified, bce camDe vitidut sine votes of bciugeleçcd.Deçeu*tikeXýt thc Junction Houfe hete, <e«,i.aeYçm.53, but for Aive or six yemphias, kpt ptlin Port Perry. n lesvec a wd*tzVMtP t ,eldest darîgiter of the lut -e ~o,~PPI, -tbiatIstosu,,sad twp ouaaa48"t "-'r daygbt nd on ndy.Wemu St. loln's cemtero__ mis Wi vMtaa. blk', r1U S~ W G ~ ~~-r----- - il'e t,.t Soalday, Brookln, ws iutown SILVER MOUNTEO, 85ets, $1.25Y $1.50. Oh ior Manitoba, Europe and the Goid Fields Sec Siephensina, Whitby, ior cheap tick- ets toanad irom Engiaad, Scotiand, Ircland, British Columbia, Manitoba, Calîlonnia, ail United States and Canadin points, anysbcre evenyshere, boat, rail or *ocean. Raies guaranieed right. Tbrough tickets froni Pickering, Toronto, Mlynte, Bnookiin and W,,hitby. Cail an Stepebason befane travel. 1ling, and get your choice ai ten bcst acean uines and al raiisay rouies. Baggage checked thnough ta destination. Birtha. Ross--At Raglan, on April 2oth, the wiie oi Thomas Rosa ai a son. Rows-At Whtchall, Pdich, thre site of John E Rase oaia daughte r. JAmE-s-At Columbus, on April the 2ist, bhc site ai John James ai a son. TaEMBLE-At Greeasood, on Tbunsday, April 2-and, the wife ai Alfred Tremble ai a daughter. JAmits-At "Long Vies Farm,"' near Ca- lumbus. Aplril 2mai, the site ai Mr. John H. James, jr., oais son. A Freshet. A regular midaummer ihunder stanm made its PSY cast via Whiîby on Friday lasi. The seatben bcd been ihreaieaiag and casting black look& ail the atternoan, and about 5.3o icil et it in earucst. [t firsi came dosn in sprinkliugs. nextinh draps, Iollowcd by buckciiuis. Fhnally i broke baose and ail came dasn. Forty days and tonty nigbts like lb sould bave caused a del- uge of average proportians. Wben the abonni gat startcd lb bried its besita break God's covenant thai no mare floods sonid be ailowed. It sas bound to keep gatng ail nigiri and for iso or ibree days woutd lump the tence every imne no person sas looking and set to spoubîug again. lb sa% a damp occasion, as a party reruarked aiter beiag baptised in the take.. Belng reasouably sarm the raja bcd a simuiaihng eflect upoar tbe fali shent and crass, sud shen tbe.fiood sas over the roadsides sud ureadows, ere carpeted sitb green. Mare About the Bicycle. It accrs ta -be tbc opinion of tire tosu. authonities tiratirhe bylaw ta regulate bicy- cles ianet a very aie anc toa ct upan, andi h just as sel ibatI i hago. Coararculas maires tire rider oais bicycle responsible for an>' damage be or sire may do, or for an>' reckless ridlng siricir causes or might cause danger. It would be as sdI to leave It this say. A bicycle does net take up more rooni on the salk tran a souran, sud one bas equally as rach moral nlght ta Uic salk as tire others Thre. lano ueed of an>' wronan getting ofla four 1oot walk because a bicycle sisires to pesa. Sorue ladies do sbep off, snd do so plecsautiy. because ht docs. not Incouvenience tieu cir, but there in tic need ta [cave tire satk at ail. Any rider ai practice cati ride c mile on a plaak s foot side and cati pana people on tire edge of tire salk sitirout tire stigirîest danger. Tirose sire are isot scae ridera dare nat risk breaklig $100 wieeis on a aide. s.atk, As se pointed oui lest seek tire bicycle does the salk ino barra n« if sen- sibiy ridden sut net do anybcmdy cisc auy burin. This tasabac c surah population, but a largteaof land. and those residing bhe are 90 sccttered that tirere are net urg'tairo e ou tire selk nt Auy nue tbue «o place, sudif troue virahave bicycla nd" those sho.have on. e a b.brougit te remobleendertndng of the respeeM_ bqr owe tgu'Public convonieuc, li e »be, -00 tr o w > 1. - y jr a o %tre b y c e s c v e . *nlstralertopîthue, but no ws mk eise -veMc1=wM-usl P= b« ».sue'maii la .V1bded frw t* so, Ti Sl,.fI~ W B clE aim toù hbave -a rnnch better stock thié season tha we evér had. -You'11 fid ,wehav 0 b agnde the néwest styles, the greateet variety s4 the lowest prices. Present values will enable economicsi buyerg to get jnst what they want. To show you how cheap we can seil we make the following 4b*mý8PECIAL O PRICE&,..mi DRESS GOOIPS You nçJ 1 T'NIUN SITAIR <FlAlR Meu'* ready made tweedpauts g8c per pair ait W G Walters. î Bifelow & McCaw are offerlng 150 pleces ,44duwnDice fi ne tweed suiti ngs at wbolee SDisaey bas been very iii wlth the gtipe but we-are pleascd t erta h lasaboutagai oha tath James, eldest son of Mr. John Anderson, sas mnarried on Wednes<iay niglit ta Miss Susie Sheridan. 49 Mdens' ready mode tweed suhîs, regniar plriceswere S7.50 ta 812, Saîurday price 84.90, at W G Waiters. Corne one, corne ail, ta the speciaisale ai chidren's boots, Saturday, at Buras' new cash store, north of Hatch Bras. Mr W H Greenwood has gane ta attend the clam. of bis laaî terin in Toranto uni- versity, after which he wiU enter the legal study. The Messrs Noble are repairing the big dredge "Quna t the harbor. There is sume mare dnedglng ta bc donc here before it in taken away. The tasu councul meets on Moaday next. lit would be a relief ta the town if we were able un announce that it would not meet again tit. next faîl. The cows hill commence decarating and tertiiizing aur tapa sidewalks ta-morrow. Ladies wiii uieasc note that a rect should he takten In theun akîris ton Sundny. -Farmning " ihis manth publishes an art icle an Berkshmre swinc tram bbc pen af Mn S Cazpa-tli, ai this town. He quaies the low prUces of coarse grain as agahast the hîgh price ai pork ta show ihat tbe advan- bage in tsrming ha enbircly wibb the man sha grass coanse grain and feedait. A meeting ai bbc creditars of Chas. H. Smmî th, mnanLle dealer, was held la'-t Fniday attennoon, when Mn W F Hatch was con- rrnued as assignec, and Messrs G Y Smith, David Wison and Dr Wightman were ap- pajnted hnspcions. It sas decided tbe in- spectons shouid openate the business ion the present unden bbc managersmp of Mr. Chas. H Smith, ta sec if aIll daimus can bc mci wibliaut payiag a percentage on the dollar. Mr John Thampson, eiectriciaîî, who ne- ccriîly sent ta ihe Son îo rmn a dynamo, ta back alneady. He found bis job was an ail- amghten, and 14 hours a night ai ihat. The noamn in wbich bis d.vnamno sas placed waa nexi a gas bouse, and the smell sas s0 vile that bis cap sould fluat in i. He only had ten houns a day ta est and siecp, and neyer bad lime to takre a smnoke d unîn gthnec weeka that he wonked Sunday and Satun- dsy. As a nesuit Tbompson camne back very ti ibhn f6mb. Mn James Beith, brother ai R Beith, M P, bas been appoinbed customas collectai ai Bowmanviile ai a "oary ai Sro0o per annun vice J Rankin, sho iasnsperananated. J. Rankmn,s salary bas bceiî $r2oa a yen. The Statesm an a nd News are at lb ham mer and bonga. The Tories ai West Durham left the change ofi îa long. and are nos kick- inR bhemselves and everybady eisc ta think they lam sncb a gond thhng. Tbey came verv tiear doing bbe same thing bere. Cheapesi Es-ar Knasa. Sec the iront smndosai M W Cailin's iso large stores, shene $2 and $3 boots and sboes are marked down ta 45C and 65c. Choice in eitber windos ai tbc prices namu- ed - 3ooa Rols Wall Paper. Over 3ooo rails sali paper ha bchng sacri- Bced at and bclow cout ai R. S. Cormsack's, for cash oniy. in some cases isa rails ion price ai one, firsi-comera geis cboicest pat- ci-ns. Aiso great bai-gains in baby carniages .0 clear tbcmn out. Don't miss these chances. 44-in. Blacek Cotton Creppon, Warth 800, re- dueed to ................................ 15e 42-in. Bhot 811k and Wool Aipaca, (extra), Special at a..... 0 See aur seleetian aiRajeDresses for ... Specials on Sale Saturu1ay-...m& HOSIERY Children's Bibb Cashmere Home, double knee, sole, beel and lice, Special, at-. onl ........................ Ladies'~.. E..a.in..ib asmer2H5o Ladies, Extra Fine Moao Thread Blftk Cotton Hase, double sole, splîoed ankies, Hornsdoff dye, speoisi at ... Men's Extra Fine ÂAU Wool Cashmere Bocks, double heel and tic., Speciat, Ma ........................ 250 25o Special line 10-4 Marseilles Quilts, worth $1.50, Saturday prie 89c. 49 Men's Ready-made Tweed Suite, reguler prioe $7.50 to $12, Saturday price $490 Lace Curtain 25 cts. to $7 per pair. w. Parasols 25 cents to $5.00. Go WALTERS, TuE-m Stewart Crowds Attraotod to the Great Elearing Bargain PRICES CUT IN TýWO.8 Notking like it seen in the town of Whi*tby before ! The combine to seli Cotton Thread at 4c, is broken. Now 2 for S5c., 4 for ioc. The stock is well assorted in ail uines of Staàp1e and Faêy Dry G<oCIJ14et.., ail being cleared out at - and under wholesale prices. $91000 worth mnust go, within the nextp3 days. gg'Everythiag down in price. FOR SALE- The Shop -F7rniimre COal Stove, Etc. one Nekw Sale, cosi $2 2.5cash, uvi be sot'dfor $1 -,25. Ladies' Capes $1-35 to $8,00 Whitby. WILL RUN SETTLERS' TRAINS PROU TOROINTO Durng APP14l1 at 9 pin, shouid sufficient, business offer, To MANITOBA and the CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. A Colonhat Sieeper sutl be attached to PcfcExpress due ta teave Toronto at 11 30P.M. non)on these dates. Ask or write for "Settier's Giuide," and ail information regardîng above, ta EL. R.BLOW9 Agt.9 CP.Ry. Tickets, Teiegrapb and Dominion Express Ca. Whktby, Ont. 1u SUEF 1lu0 IFLIEVEI Cadi On5 WM. TILL and be convinced that «an Hlaune of FURNI TtRE UPNOL8TERED (OOODS is beiag sold at sway downprl0"etow eep in toneh witls theHA>TMS HAVE T DONE NOWý.. Re-UphoLstering and Repaireg before the, ruh cÏÃ"pêuinces Prices very-icheap.-- JUST RECEIVED Baby Carnages. AU othet g --~prés- ---1 Pnice -fOO WMS s Bigelow & Meaw FAIM FOR SALE Firet clam faniof zoo in tg ireomp et cati Durbuemrsn u 4ti com. 60 acr«s-Cht sud fira bns. - 1- 'w- 4,4 in. Black Figured Mfecetian Oloth, worth 60c, reduced to ............... 44-m,. Priestley'& Figured Serge, reRutar price 75c, rsduced ta ............ 44-in, Sheppard Checks at 25o, 40c, 50c, 1LNEW 43C 43C rh/n g. ~ 1/ <.1/ i. ' t : Stock Ill VU Dib- t !n ilie< 1 ISTn ammmmum 25o E VER Y 7 UESDA Y is hitbylo 1

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