Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 6

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- 'd' - !I~. à oma4tam is Frons the Limùday Ward "r. Amurmer came ses thse wave; I beard litwth prophetic ear; T1hat Grete vas Dot a Turîbisi save; The endi of Turktth .way was near. For Holu a id espouscd ber causse And dared tlsç wfmb of Moslem law&s Ah Greece 1 That noble nation, far I That higis born race of bumaiskind; 'Tîs wonderous in the face ot war isai wien tise oliser powers are blind, 8ih. s hould alone stand firus and truc To battle for the Christian few. 1 krsow that Greece wil win 1I know Tho' Gaul and Cossack powers mnay rave, Thnat out of Helias' signd wil) grow That independent Cretans crsve; Shskme on the power ihat dares desitroy That freedotisail tmeu should enjoy. Shall Britato too with ber fair namne Maki- fast the stocks on Candias race No! No the îhought wîth very shAme Malte ehot bloorl surge my face. P'm Britsh, and I couid flot hring Her honor to so foui a îhing. Greece once was bound, but flot for long She put ht-r would be lords to rouf, And now avenging Cretan wrongs. Shr. spurns the tyrant aliens out Shall we Canadians who are frve Not wish tiod-speed Io Ltiertv CHAS. Nl( ('AUGHFY. OLD MOSINEZ TOM. In the late fifties the WVisconsin val- ley above ['ortage was a wAildcrness. The lumbermen who traled their m-av up the river passed through tamaracik swamps so thîck a deer could scarcely penetrate thein. and over drN rîdges clothed wtth splendid ptne without underhrush. dlean as a park and of in- estimable value. OAd Mosinee mounitain rose out of the wide, grecen reach of the vallcy, dark and witb bis robe of pines. Ail about was foi-est ]and untoucbed by the axe, aimost untraversed by Lbe pioneers restless foot. But year by year the loggers pushed northward, seeîng points where the pine trees could be felled into the river, or where skidways could be con- structed to make hauh-ng unnecessary. The whole river bad been ransacked and every favorable river point stripped of its timber before the movement back into the foi-est began. From short hauls and heavy timber the movement was toward long hauls and srmaller timber. Each vear the attack widened as weil as lengthened it.s battît line against the pines. Two young boys from La Crosse county in 1859 pushed up the river to 'iGinny Bull falîs," and being attracted by the old Mosinee mountain planted their camp at its foot and set about preparations for winter. They were beyond any othei- camp as fat- as they knew, and when tbey blazed out a ti-ail in September tbey had before tbem a great deal of stern labor. They had hay to eut in the mai-shes, vood to cleai- out and shanties to build. They were sturdy young fel- iows, of that indomitable sort raised up in America to do such wor'k in face of everythitng. Holland was a 'ridegîooim of only thi-ce months' dur'ation. and his wife was expected to be the cook for the camp when the snows came and work of ioggtng actually begun. He was a taîl, young fellow, with a broad, fiat. but powerful, ehest, ver-y et-ect and ac- t ive. Miller, bis companion. was a short man, inclined to be fat when iood and sieep wei-e plenty. H-e was forever grumbiing, and yet was a gi-eat jokei-. He assumed great ai-s at tîrnes, and told how well he lived at home. This he did when it would emnbarass the IlSeems to me. tiese tbings get leatherer'n' leatherer every day. I znay be mistaken." He worked bis jaw meditativeiy on the problemn. ",Ail in y'r eye; they're rîght up to btgh-water mark. You're a little off y'r feed, I guess-Lampers down or something."- In secret Hoiland was a littie bit worried about bis partner. He cbang- ed t4e subject. *"I heard a rifle to- day, Jack! Off to the nort." , Doc Adams, 1 guess."- "No; the Doc wouldn't be up here *so soon as that. Ih's some other party." Miller took littie interest in this, but vorked away stubborn.ly' on bis slap- jacks. Sudden'y bis jaws stiffened and bis eyes distended. "fHan k,,look >thçre !" Holland turned to the window, and saw .thec luge- furry head, alert eaks and p<>inted muzzle of a bear, vistf uily looklngin. *-i 40 hr rifle,#" he'whispered. Millet raised bis han.d, to feel for the rifle on. the vall behind linS, but the bcstrva~sshcds1ejlcu#y end -,swiftiy- ik vas hWrd to gsxsk ,tItrc hd be-en a .-bar there t ail A fller'l ~ped-for the rife-p- -land à n1t4 ~ oe.ad - aC #aýh'oJ 1ig&tstrdid out etpward tIe i0oïren td ip 'thé.miasto kwu* a "Wolves are different; tbey're viai- ous, na tv a vs about that. Tbcy mean figt-" -Espccially vhen a lot of 'cm git to- gether."l The aId man vent on: "Wolvcs ain't covardly, as some folks say. They've vot sense and judg- ment. Tbcy knov ho* to ize Up the other fellow sa'st flot ta tackle a croWd 'tbey cannot whip. They are all'fired spsart, valves is. They do cot walk ita any traps, but tbey vili cat a f eller up quicker than lightain vîen the chance is good. They'dont"alliato a trap ansd tley dont bluster-iheyý mean biz. (To be Cmtwd.) 1%tiljn'gà oPC>Mt Mifler dasbed. i fortis Inté vhilc HRolland- Waited for the& voicê t6 ensbody itself. -1 wish I had ol' Zip bere, we'd bave that feller shore's aigs," cou- tinued the voice, nov gctting near thc house. As the ligbî from the shanty shone on him the strangerappeared a middle- aged man, vcry tali. with a ragged beard. He lhad a long and weii-kept rifle in bis hands. --'Ã"id you fire, tao ?'- asked Holiand. I didn't dast t' fi-e whers he vas lookin' in the winder and when ho got down 1 couldnt sec hlm tili you open- ed the door. But we gai 'im. Miller- appeared with the iantern and they ail wcnt out to the spot wber-e the bear was iast seen, bul he vas gone. There was blood on the ground. but not enough ta ti-ail bim by. -"He's- bit, but hes safe enough. If 1 had Zip. we'd ti-ce himn in fiftcen minutes, but we might just as Weil give him up-withotit a dog. - said the oid man after a pause. - Ail riglîx." said Hotland. '-We was just eauing supper. ('ome in and tak'e a snack." - -Don't care if i do," laugbcd the b u nter. - I didn't know vau vas here tili t'-day.' he said ashe sat down at the table. -- Jest made a camp m'seif up hcre a couple of miles and saw yer srneke t'-day. thought I'd come down and make y' a neighbortv cati." He laughed again untîl bis mauth gaped wide and bis littie twinkling eyes dis- [appeai-ed. -(;lad yo1] did. jack, siap in a couple o' dabs' o' that pancake mortar -th!s feilow seems to appreciate n1y cookIn'. "13> the wa,- put in Miller, as be set a couple of buge cakes sizzling. - 'wbat's vour name when you're au home ý Mine is Miller."- --Mines Tom Welsh, otherwise Mos- m ec Tom." ..-I've bear'd of v'ou -, said Holland. -A 'AsI as saVin', thi nks l'Il jest drop n on 'em. Se 1 built a fire an' 1 says ta Zip N-\ow Zip, ai' boy. you better hug that fii-e purty close 'r the wolve_! 'Il pinch y' '-an' came downi." -"Glad Y' did," said Miller. 'i feeling kînd o' lonesome these davs.' ,-'Lonesome Y' the old feliow laugh- ed. '-W'v young man i tramp from bei-e to Lake Superior an' neyer sec a human bein' froni one rr.onth's end to another. and 1 dont know what lotie- some means. 0, of course, when it's handy I like to drop in this way an' have a little confab-bbt that aint git- tîn' ionesomne" - -O, it ain't, eh ?' said Miller, ironi- caliv. - -Weil that's the way 1 feel when 1 get tonesome. How's that f'- a mouthfui ?' he sýaid. as be slid a huge cake ino the strangers plate. , - 'Bout my sîze, - cackied the aId fellow, as he tut it into quarter-s and i-oued it Up like a quilt. In fact he kept Miller turning cakes tiI) ne cried out; - -Look bei-e, you must be baller clean ta vour boot beels.- Supper being aver. tbey drew rouni the ire and lighted their pipes, and thse oid hunter told star-les of the woods. lie knew vise waods as the Indians do. He could map the whole land in the ashes of the bearth and he general. îzed sbrewdly about the wild Illfe. "A good many yarns about bears an' wolves an' painters an' links (panthers and ynes is aIl1bosb. Bears an' 1;Ink MURRAY & LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER AU. M UISS FORFTHER SUMERAI DEALERS. BEAVZRTO N Farmers will be interested in a state- ment made by Mr Joseph E Gould, of Uxhridge. lecturer at farinera' institutes, to the effect that up lin Nottawa.sag.4 t.ownship, near CoIlngwood the farmerf. inake enei lage of nettles inst.ead of corn and that the cattle greatly relish the food and thi-ive upon it. Mr- T Earnest Godson, of Toronto, bas bought the business of Mr Jas Miller. Solicitor, arld has commenced practîce li the offices ocnpied by him. Mr Godsoîj b&8s. )r the paat six years been connectee wîîh the weil known Toronto legal firni Messas Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chardwick and Riddle, wbîch is a sufficient guaran tee as to his professional ability. And now Canada has the champior lady skater of the world. Speakirng oi Miss Mable Davidson thbe lady skate, whose beautiful figure skatingz was vit nessed in Beavertori during the seeisson oi 1895. The Paris correspondent of tht New York Journal. write ; It is a pleas ti-e for several reasons. to record tht triumphant àuccess of Miss Malle David son, the Canadien akater who has jus' c0ncluded a three month engagement a' ~the Palais de Glace in the Champs Ely- sees. One reason is because Miss David son is a very genuine Canadian girl mak. ing ber own way in the world and whose conduct in à trying situation reflectk credit upon Canadian womanhood. She lias been pursued by ail the mas»hera iii Paris, but assisc.ed by an able chaperor in the person of an English lady, haF kept them ail at a proper distance. Tht annoyace towhicb sbe bas been put t(, by these polished ruffians would le in- credibie anywhere out aide of France For the firat mont.h of her ergagement ai the Palais de Glace anywhere from haif à dozen te s score of beant.iful dresaed Frenchmen, with vinning armles, would wait outaide her dressing-rooip door at the oncelusion of ber afternoon and even. iog exhibitions, escort ber and ber chap- eron in a body to their cab proferring carda and paying ber bigh complimente in Frech, w hich the young lady does not understanci, and even made efforts to enter tbe vehicle with tbem. The mash- ers followed the cab to ber hotel and made every effort to force tbemselves Up. on ber tbere attempting t-o bribe the servants to show tbem ber rcom. It vas a long time before they could be made to understand that a girl vho earned' ber DOAN'S Kidney Pille DOAN'S Kidney Pille DOAN'S Tunny Thlngs. The more scandaI is spread out, the thicker ik gets. Wben anc woman another-; iben cornes thc îug of var. Whcn a man gaes ta tying fat- profit, he is beyond reformnation. The difference betveen a samnam.. buiist and a messenger boy is trifling. One valks in bis siccp, and the other- sieeps in bis walk. "-Big yards and fine ciothes. said Uncie Eben. "is ber-y frequently alike in no k-bbering much dat reiy amauntý ter ariything. As the hurricane swept the deck and upset a few yachtsmen it breeziiy r-e- marked: -1- guese I can turn an oc- cassionai summer -sait' mvself. Ibere are persans, who, if lbey awn- ed the earth, would neyer be happy hecause they did not also bold a mort- gage on the heavens. Blobsan says that he neyer had but ane early flame, and thaï. anc bas made hlm keep aid times in remembrance ever sînce by 'kindling the kitchen ire at six o'claýck. Hobson-[>on't yau think that Mai-- tin girl is frightfuily duil ' -'obson- Weil, bardly. You should have seen the way she eut rmc on the avenue yes- terday. Uuncie-Weli. Rohbie. baw did >-au stand at schaol last term ? Robbie- Sometimes wîth my face in the corner and sometimes up at the teacher's desk. Miss Welialong ýwho hopes by mak- ing light of ber v'ears ta be tboughi qu .ite young)-Realiy t prefer ta look on. i am getting taa aid ta dance, vau know. Mi-. Affable (wbo prides himself on alwax's saying the right thing)-Oh. came. now, vau.re not aid. 1 don't believe you are within ten year-s as oid as you look' Kidney Pille IDrs, Warren cg Moore. .Remem ber..n DOAN'S Kidney Pille ARE THE BEST -FOR SALE BY- J. E."WILnLIS, Chernist and Druggist. Brock Street, WHITBY. Aitation lu the world of boinashlo iedi- aines bua b.. in vsry sso of ea.asi poicus sd reUfgIon-tise d=fiute o pno a he tise nvidssslity of men hava boen parent te tise dlsagreemenu by vhicb tise standard off il... bodies have bean elevateti. Sa viti mues of or lamons prepartios-foreutini illustratIon oh siicitruth stands thse woriM- $&amous remedy taKg«e delility sud Isogour "Quinine Wine,"-aond vwbicb vissaobt"i- in lu UNomine a, gtb.La *iesiracuous ereaonaf1poltevft mety s nanieàt. ta ibé ;ohzthp s.ti n ofu(long" WM iner, tauWsproveueut las, fromtb ie as a m~felaetibeau CE ftéise sstsar' M~~~~~~ --N .brp -i~lSDc Teiwbv cl, otiepule ure êtuiS cfehbdu ieo tsvbéiptl e, nd ,tu -leu.lperfeco ep.silet *. dtsggia"s oei the Stdlsg bel usu msop4uqm y 1 bbir is on utadSyts a)a JJ. Moore M.-D. Brooklin. office l'ours 9. sa. m.j ta i1l a.m. F.Wsrrno M. D. Whîtby. Office.hoursIlh am ta 2 P.M. X-Privaie TeiePhûiitCOmmuaien c D. P. BOGART, I.D.,L*Do. physica, Suîrgeon sud Accoucher etc.. OfIfice and Residence nexi ta AUi i' Clinrel, Dundas'Street, Whttby. N B.- Dental Surgery in a11 iii branches promrptly attendefi ta. W. A DAMS, CCýDENTI ST. Roatus over John Ferguson'5 clething store R;esideuce-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St Whitby. Jan . îgtb, îSg6 Dr. H. Wightmanl DENTIST. G=o àron Grùor.L Whitby. Iýe" Open every Sa&toruydotnih WANTED- Mien sud 0Wh is o Sbar d akuug and wrilngsIdXbosou4 aqlyb tesixday* a week, aud viii ho coutWit t s datlais vekl Ahl~reD~EwIDEAS col, emufdd. Weak Longs Hot weather wWnt cure weak lunei You inay feel better be- cause out of doors more, bu the trouble is stil there. Dont %stop takcing your Scott's IEmulsion because the weather happens to be warm If you have a weak throat, a slight hackin cough, or some trouble with the brorehlal tubes, sunller 15 the besttiie to get ridof it. If you are Iosing flesh there is ail h more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should neyer go to- gether. One geatly' increases the danger of hE othr. Hea] the ffiroat,-cure the cough, and stren&then the whole system' now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion ail summer. 1 Pur sale by al' druggists at 5oc. and z.cm SCOTT & BOVINE Bau.vtfL. Ont. J011N4 . FAREWELL, Q.C., Barrister, Connty Crcwn Attorniey, and Couinty Solicitor. Office-South 'Wing of Court House, 14 hitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office lorinerly oocuizped by Farewell & Rntledge, next Itoyal Hiotel, t3rock St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-ai.Law, Solicitor ini Chancery, jonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Ofic iouth of the Post Officeii McMifl's Block, Brock Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., îiarriater, etc. ,-Money to Los.n. lainer A Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith'a Block, South of Market, B- ock St., Whitby DOW & MeGILLIVRAY, Barristers. Solicitors in Cbancery, eto. Office in Mathiaon & Hawken'a new blocki Brock St., Wï hitby, south of Ontario baak. W. B. YARNOLD, D.L.S.. Oounty Surveyer a.na Diainage Engineer, Port ýerrOnt. OOt3TTy 07 -GTAEIO lm. Wm.EY-' O Mad@iI WbltbY Ci.rk Jass3; eb.; Mrcb 8, ipril 2; £isy 9; Dec. 9. CsÀv-. lio doii511, WhitbY, Olerk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; March 4; A pnl 8; hg 4 June 3; July b; kep. 8; oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8, _I.Gegn remod BoOEUGÀ f'11tO~ Oesod Clerk.--J&UI 6; Marais 5; May 5;Ju.iy 9; Sep. 4;Nov' .5.B ba Pr Fol? Fxla? - . W BrssnPr peu-ny, Cierk-Jb'- 29; )«"aOh 9; isp 1 July 20; Sep. 28; liov. 18. UxSIDGJosh B . GuUzbzidge> Cierk-Ja]i- 80; Mrh 2; May 1L"; ni 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CANUWT,ý-.-111Smith, C"nsgtofl, Jan. 31; MerCis 2b; hIaY 20; 'July .b; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. '.Brc, esetn BzAÂZT15O?4-Geo. F rcBattOs Clek 2Mrch 2; y 21; juiy 16; Oct. 16; D pe, 18. osp. Hart, UptergycOve Cterk,-hMarch 27;,MaY 22; Isly 1 c.1 Dc1. By order, J.B. FAILEWELL, <JIoni of thse Ome.- October 7th18. "Tht Beat Fop-îler Life of Her MAajsRY t have ever seeli," vniles Laid LOrT, a 'bO*t "Quecu Victoria." Sales - edn ed asy to rnake 6ve dallar-s daslY. Blg cgoWtui5- OusiBt free to canvassti-m TIRE BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., lAN TED-EYEAL FAITHFUL WY Men or Wousen Wto ravl for M"- spohaibît establiithed bouse in Outarlo. Satary $780, payable $151 weekii' and ex- penses. Positioni permtanetnt. Refertiset. Enclose self.addressed atarnped envelape- Thse National, Star Building. Cbicago--i7-8- DENTIST. Cor. ]King & yonge St. Toronto. For the Uext three moulus I su gi'vipng spcll tteiiktioiste, tieiits trous s dis- tacAm etl rnakin< platesinau rbber. $8, oel1utoid #10. Goids. sle aln work crowvnh'by flrt-'lasUoopertar st thse mnoat resoiabie rates lu the cily. When in the cuty Cs"i in &at'elt me exain- ieour t.eeth. I mskO Do extra charge. c. i RIGOS, Dentiat, mii sicre King sua Yonge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8th. 1892. Wu. He WARNER» DICÂLB II OOÂL, LATZ LUMBER, BHINGLER, OORDWOOD, BLABSe,£TU. AGENT For the PEOPLE'B COA.L CO., TORLONTO. Office and 'Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR 8-TATIONER -FOR- SPARTICAD TAKE NO0 OTHI Augus!3151 1i9n. to D~k, l~i*, OsaC, ut. bbibg GRO. BURýC4im-Pltit as, as AI~C~I Yfir' - wud ik2', %, p1uia d t1k"ttO' ýa. for rMA"jv-'-Ir% . best reulti Irf z.Lii-' Foir Stomac and lvPr tcîIn Ayer¾ 'q ii'Lsrn Msy friands3 a.,qk rn. remedy foidh r,r Liver, or B my invaril-< 1-' Taken in coid. prevp-nt a.. re iui.et tth ,- j - eu3> Wtake, Are the be~ all-round famiiv rmf'1t Are, New York (îLy AYER'S Mlghest Awrardls a-t A' Uie?' Sarsaparia THE ciRoUIr- CHRISTIANITY jý- HIS ZEAL ADE_% * Hie Life Duning tise IfethodisalaiiCanada af Great EHard8bîp-1 Nov Enjoying a Ripe, Fi-ou the Simncoe R.'foru In tbe earl'y days , ,Canada tle gospel wa, the laud by the active ci'rouit rider. Iv~ require, ordinary heaitis an-d eti- constitution ana unflisg tiou'to fulfii tise arduot bout Ã"MO ie wbo under Salvatiais to hie feliow me~ eaay LaSk tisithese Men ta, but they were strotn and lapa of ultrmate reu by tihe WaLyade, wbîle en and proapered, aud a -joiga ripe aid a_- kuovied go ibat a lastin eoon be tbein. Most of L are flot nov engaged Ini vans, but lave boen plaeîn anuatod liât, and are nou life in town or on a (arni cafes of the world, tkaey a corne Up bigher. Iiev David William, mile Ssouth Weat . (ot Nu -' ovnship af vsindsatu, wau ane of these eariy da% HO vas a mnan of vigoit -&ithougb wjtbout many tise vay of early education by dint cf lard and con being admiuted ta tbe was tle firat boru in the fi in Gien Willi§kms near Gi 'Georite Kennedy the fouis town, being a brother 'of To-day ho as 70 yearsa i Past 28 yeares bu lived un Panr many years ho lad k IramS idney -and kindred tried ail Sunds of reusedies, aomnefimes temporarily relI ualiy grew wonse uintain Ise Wua stichen- wich par bis pçvera of speech but badly wrecked, snd hie M paortisaibie could ici nasse of Lise person te vis ta speak vithout shunking aeeal minutes. On. da chmchehoviaed to, speakc vise lîved noxt to hlm for blt heo uld- not recall e isur or more. In addition trouble, ho lad intense lad ain tiseisead, acrosa -in tise temples and behin aonoestise lover part of tht tbeint of aIthe neck. 'weakness aud pains in Lb. b legs.Inacut no mueb di *àloep 'vas almoat an imp bd fol %way i eight uni -Oiy145 Rounds. By th Ibo# , â. bcme deSPOUd - Iat if hodid nos soon obi w~ Oid mson bid adieu te $hSvo.-.Dà the200h Of Y*eaIe seiltise D, È W l Rna Pin ill., and 9 âriddM .M -inspiration $0< Broo*uU.for 'a supplyo rewe~uady. lJmmediate dmingat I -tb h 4 e,4 10- For the successful Treatment oi ait DiseaSes of the Kidneys and Urinary Oigans, Kidney Brigbt's Disease, Diabeesand Paralysis, and ail forma of Blood Poisoning. bWf iliesoPU&s amaput uap in kIse s boaàt 60 *ont& 8Sotd by ail 0rggat D 1nr- neyer by ceunt orl uk awas. PILI4 Genktàem-Â new meîcnoled' 'DOddsxlduvPlleUsbarçzni ed to me by ypyiinml'I a 1 =,I od'yo ofaLla6o~< w 1m.PleaSe" thîmwiû ilffid- le4d ýat t;he-li

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