Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1897, p. 8

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Y fi' OBU4WA YIIL 80e 1897 OSRAWA PAGE OBHÂW& Sec the new jubilee flags at Llttle's. ioc. Mise Fia Carsweill l visiting with western relatives. -,W; jI Foley, Bowmnan ville, visited herç ast wtek. t Idisi R B»teman, Newcastle, la vîsiting c Vitlh friends.a Mr C Wilson visled with is parents at Brooklin last week. P Miss K Talbot bas returned ta ber studies t( n St. Hildas college.n Miss NI Hallett returned homne this week l ioni ber Toronto visit. ri i~pý Misses Hicks and A Burgoyne spent Sun- et lav with Tyrorie friends.a1 Wiil Trenough, Bowmanvjll]e spent asat ai eek bere wîrh relatives. 0 Mr McKay, t'oronto, was the guest of bis on. Dr NMcKay, tbis week. hE Mr j Hurst, reported kiled, returned ne orne on Saturday mnornirg. wl Mr and Mrs Thomas, Lavton, are the "sl utests af Mrs and Miss Rowse.si Mr and Mrs Barker, Maple Grave. spent an unday witb their daughter, Mrs J Thomp- wl )n. tri Last wee-k there wero îwo dogs killed b)y no B in fir di s' hi, Su soi ani id a fox terrier. , %Y~Uj E Desrborn is homne (rom Toronto (ora -.cv .-e. a. 5.M>Usitua- tion in the Queen city. Mrm J Phillipps, wbo bas been visiting nt Toronto and Grimsby for the last iline montbs, returned homne this week. The ladies, aid ai Metcalf street church held a social in the basement ai the church Monday nigbt. The vas a very good at- tendance. Miss Annie Merritt. Toranto, visited tbis week with ber brother Wîll, before taking her departure ta keep bouse for ber brothers in Manitoba. R A J Little is gettung a number of ord for baud atampa. These rubber stamps 'very cheap sand a Il arders filied are Xivi perfect stisfaction. )Jr Kerr, formerîy ai the malleable Ir works ai this tovn, maved bis fmniiy li wee tato Walkerviîîe, where be bas be voi-king for sorte time. Dr A A McBrien, vbo bas t'een homne w bis parents on a vimit, leaves this week1 Taronito ta take a ummner session in anc tuhe medical caileges there. The members ai the Sons ai Temperar wish it ta be tborougbly understoa<i that lheir box social next Mondi4y night ail i members will be velcome. At the foot bail meeting an Monday nil it vas suggeaî9ed that ail members psy their dues ta the treasurer, Mr R A j Littl belore the nert meeting ai the club The Rebecca ladies gave a boz sociali their lodge roorn Tuesday nigbt, wbicb tracted s gaod crowd. The baxes were s6 at a very good price sand ail seemed ta enjç eatinq tbe contents. The boys' brigade is makring good pr gress in the dillerent churches ai this towi Tbey have bad ane drill and an this, Fr day. nigbt there wiilbe another in their ri spectivec eburches. Burgiars made an attempt to break ini Mr C Wiliamson's store, by taking out preof glass. E. Wllliamson beard th noise, but by the time he srrived with bi gun they bad made good their escape. The Oddîelaows parade on Sunday vz spoileci owîng ta the starm, the band wa uuîabic ta juin in the marcru. Tht servic was beld in the Simcoe street methodiE cburcb ai 2 30 a'clock p mn, andi vas wtell ai tende&, Rev j P Wilson preacheci a grani sermon on the religiaus, moral, oial an( financial advantages ai the order. Our readers vili remember that s yaunl feliav calied Hodgson, ai Toronto, who ha( been working ln the Pedlar vorks bei-e, va kilied whilst atîempting ta board a traix running vest. The reports at the time actai cd ta indicate that !e vas seekingtao takei ride on bis ovn book. H la motber sued tb. the G T. R. for $200,osmad the case val ieard in Toranto last veek, vben she vai nonsuited - On Manday eva'ning a meeting ai the foot- bil club vas hield in tht town hall, at vhicl at vas decidcd ta cati the club the Jubilec loot bail club. They al"n choaSe a very at- tractive uniform, snd Mr- Kînsman vas re- quested ta llnd particulars as ta, price, etc. The membership of the football club pro- mimes ta be vcry goad. There are aiready close onto fifty members. As the fine is oniy -5c every anc vbo deiigbts in the gaine car easily becomne a member. Thse MISai. The Oshawa mili bas been sold and the new firm vili be orn for business un a few days. The nev àlim ili be knovn as the -Oshswa Rouler Mill Co. Mr H E Sharp ai Durhamm la the nev paflimer wba viii look sîter the office business wbile Mr M D Camipbell viii attend tai the farrnitisiand keep the miii running.v The people af Oshawa wyul be glati toabae the miii run- ning agaliu as it brings the. farmers ta thia tovn ta do tbeir trading. We visb auccesa ta Messrs Sharp & Campbell. The difSerent cadeavorers ai aur îown comprising tbe Baptiat, Christian, Metcaiie sud Simca. si-cet Miethodist churcimes, met by invitation ait the Preebyterian ÇIurcb on Tuesday evening, snd had a very social time together. An excellent programme vas pravided by the different endeavorers con- slading ai -short addresses interspered by musical num bers. The addresmes by Rema Wilson, MeCal, Fletchuer and McLaren vere encouraged aimd inspiring toaial en. - deavor uorkeres and any vho may flot have been luterested un ibis vark belore must have been entbused by the varmth of these adtiressesi After the foot-bail Meeting ln the tovu hall on Moaday evcing a Mont meeting of ,tii hiercase, foiotball snd basebaJî clubs vas beld at whlch Iît vwsdedidedtaorgaazean At11liletic Amwadtuciaton o ofu a 0'membe ,aooclubs or ' *ny otheswslsgt j'i iL - AÀaSmàiltee vas chose coastng af [ouremmbers o< escclub t*meet o4 ues da "piagsid draft sac sttution. nu. a~odtIn a o.rlg ilcub. lntm4ielation witiiCa onhi-e, and as EocýM nebi ' obeI--àeg tor,4 > l bibt loi Il ý ýPm. o.me eït Little'9 ew0 tock ishlngbooks, jak ite'&.lotrs wl~ Mr Frapk Blackford, Torontoa, la the ,:est of Mrs R Williams.Hwitkear iSt Geor'ge's concert, being an excellent violiniat. Mr Wortalk bas the contraet Wo movlng the Meclntyre house wb'ch Mr Borsberry bad bought. He will put in a atone faundation aR AeneeLitlwbsh presed brick. agestc or A J crtckers jua ot icnnoa laesc omanr cackes, tcrpecamoncraekers, FReoman Cd pany fcHadiret on.h Hn FMr.wArthur campan flahme (tomn orn Mto rhu o raMcîlSincl oe andm Toreon- taîn Scbola Prcica Sence, bicyla cai- deng. Hrme wsamewbaîo sleersbicycle c lent He wasint frdinghon Collegean, enr ed idrundce into roollirsriyon erperi- Idi rCoie nd ord hin.Thcolsion of the*av oigtowar him nthe latiormothe bein drav thru imithe ck slaue r i ahn witbple reasul hth a adu o i coupe ol days. k t hv lealt phtmad epltr re ds btdha et1fcsie tbtrust ho ani teirebto gntcard oe tut causeoriginalaitret ant ss lth whatecaeas In a ret ny cas tes beytfu havner.OBien&returedhataer igbfulaw ersmairelsien &hotdectmar mreared fotahae le saite photodr, mor inargied inmtheir ewaleatie pomad ind arised irn therew pbsltinumperoanet )'Brien & Stedham, Oshawa and Wbitby. Mr. H. A. Pascae, Salins, braugbt a bull )ere on Tuesday tor ahipmnent ta Wasbago. iar Orillia. He took it ta the lunction, and hen be went to enquire the rate was son- bced ta find that it would be Sia 8a, and bc- ides this be would bave ta buy a return tic. ne (or himseîf Hc could nlot stand Ibis, md proceeded ta take tbe animal homie. ?hen a friend recnmmended bim te abip rm Wbîtby, where be paid $7.20 anmd did luars ta the . ketMi ss Wood, ot lackstock, irn th' The cars commrenced the seasan's trips dre'ts-making business. a ta the lakte on Tuesday. There will be Rev Farnsworth, of Scugag Island twelve cars a day eacb way.. The passenger addressed the cangregation of tbi trsflic to the beach ia beginning ta show up mtoitcuc eeo abt t Iael already, and those wbo were dawn aon ehds brc ee a abt eruesday and Wednesday brougbt back last. word tbat it la deligbtful down tbere. Somne Mr Milîs, the teacher of this place hfamil ies are prepsring ta maove down i .e the home an'd vicinty f hi! Mai.. Appearances seem ta indicate that 1Y O the Oshawa railway wilI bave s big seafon's boybood days during the Laster vaca- run af passengers ta the beach. tionm. About 2 o'clock Monday morning an at- Capt. Rall, the popular manager oi tempi was made ta tsuriarîze Mr. C. Wil- the steamer Empress, intends ta rut liarnsan's store, by taking out a pane ai glass 9 nawindow on the north aide. Mr. Wil on the old route this season, fronr lîamnson alw îys bas some ane sleeping on the Cesarea to Lindsay. 5premniaes, and the noise ai cuttlng the putt), awoke tbemn. The electric aiarm sconNewmoste routscd thec iamîîy in the bouse, anmdEstc Mr W T L.ocknart was in town or Williamsan vas quickly ont vltb a gun look- M4onday. ing for the burglars. 1! vas well tbey bad made tracks as Eustace ia a very gaod abat. Mr J C Vanstone, Bowmanville, vas and vas not in the best of bumor ai heing intw - s ek turned out ai bcd sa, early.ti wnlswek 1 On Tbursday an aged farmer iamed John The fielding tariff bill is favorably Learin, living on a farm near Roseneath, in commented an in Newcastle. Northumberland county, came ta Oshawa on Tefmla omo rFakWl business. He went ta the Brook bouse for Tefmla omo rFakWI dinner intending ta take the 2.45 train eas don is again visible here.- Itefore train time be was attacked by a ser- Mr C Beman, Toronto, is visiting iaua ilîneas. Dr. Hoig vas sunimoned but hisfteM enn lie Rraduaîly sank until about 6 p.m. wben i ahr rECBmn be breatheci bis asat. The aid gentleman vas Mr and Mrs W H Creeper, spent about 70'-years of age. The body vas pre- Sudya rJh oga' pared for burial sand on Friday a braîber udyaMrJbnD gls came and took it eaaî. Heart failure vas Mrs (Rev) Leslie, af Gobles, Ont, is the cause ci death. He haci not been feeling visiting ber mother, Mrs Hunter. well simd na doubt the railway trip affected bîm and aggravated bis complaint. Miss Gertie Pearce bas returneci Dr Cross leit tbis office on Tuesday ater- from a pleasant visit ini Darlington. noon for a few minutes and vbiie away bis House cleaning is the order of the vulcanirer bleui up making s report "kt' day with the pruethuekeçs that ai % tgun. It vaç beard by Walter Fare- uetbuekees weli, son ofiArthur Farewell, vbo bsppened Miss Julia White bas returned from ta be on the sirlewalk below, vbo ran up ta Peterboro hospital mucb improved in investikrate and found the place on fie ehalth. was just in time as the crial ail whicb vas spread out over the table iromi the ail atave Mr N T Selby,. aur energetic Nur- in connectian with the vulcaniser, vas jusi seryman. is senigotabgspm t cammencîni ta catch ire. He quickly beai 01mdruittout a big shiprn e the ire nut, and spart from the lmofaitht futtesti pig vulcanizer, th.e damage vas faund ta bû The Temperance band is getting ini- verv amalI. The doctor cannai account foi ta odsaeadNwatepol the accident un amy other way than that the ma rn sm good shaeusdN ctstl eop lamp must have exploded, as it vas braken ayeptsoegd ucthsu- ta small pieces. Walter deserves great mer, Messrs Charles Warren and praise for the brave vay in vbicm be sbowed Ernest Rinch have joined. 'lu et - Ioswwu C amuat niofaifnecoi art , W On &Ba d A&U in ds- of c at er bm, RBuWu., painter and4 decorAtor, 10 JIAxuaPLrLow, d*Qlerin ta"es, trnas vaisetc. Lrestock keps constant] north, L- . K. ivai, B. A. - Baiister, soli Notary Public, onvencoer, &o' Mon lsnd. Offie. ver Dominion Baak, à eew, Oshawa. Vai'r Baoe- Wa*OImkrs sud 3vm DOIR Deara vtoee ock., jeley, ad v ar p t ces, etc. BnE rv ing, gold oliv" 1 pIan, and 015 gold rings made Fn. WAIGI, clok, andS Jewel..y repairi bi, to, ley ta Lmoo. tiUer- aVer. heir oc- CaMS&IEA Farmers are busily engaged n ti spring seeding. Eber Frayer, the elverton sch teacher, rides a bike, Mr Stevens' building is nearng ci pletion and will soon be ready for It is said that a ncw fishery overseer bas been appointed for the south shore of lake Scugog. The fal wheat has been somewat winter killed and looks somnewbat sick- ly un sOmne places. Chas Williams is lying seriously ili (rom lever andi is under tbe care of a physiciaft and nurse. ýd The Tornto "LkCa Ltd., operating tbe Oshava Sove vorks, is nov in full oper. ïg ation- The change meana that in addition ,d ta the business formerly carried on by Mr ýs Balles there bas been sdded a brasa foundry nsi ofcanaiderable dimensions, simd the tva are >worcng under ane management. The coni- s pans la doing abrisk rtrade itheir saab ie veighstq, and shipped s car losd ta Moutreal ýs on Saturdsy last. They vili also continue s Io maire ataves and furnacca. Thi. nevy- Unes are brtcly described under the tom -mon term aof 'cabinet snd boUidera' bard- h ware," but that dac" not by any m«eu cors- evey:an adequat: idea ofthme extemt uid gi-est -Thty make ail manner af aruamental and plain hat hooks for bail racks. brass furnlsh- anga for umbrella stands, Iknohs and drop handies tar wash stands, anmd dresseransd inish them in brass,, ilver, copper or oxy- dized gilt. Tht-y alsa miake ornasmenîs for funtur, finîsbed in the sam.p manner. Those bsndsomne stands vlth hronze legs and frame, witb onyx centres are made at these vorks, anmd lundreds of ailier aftlclcs ifor desk furniture thai mke p the msoat expnsve ri-a-brac ai tiZstattanery -stores are tbe output of the new industry. Boa-do dc dono. The board met Monday tlgbt sud spent r another vhole cvenlag discnasuug uchool buildings, thme result ai it ali being thai ithe buildings at present uaed are tô b. .ieed for a tes nm ai years-Soas'baIli d Diselpies' cburc.-.provîded the. owners viU Msair them Iot suit tbe board. Trustt-e Bsm'bcige gave bis pet schenie of buildingaà new pub-j lic achool -building lu theaiOrth-#et ard anrother sting. The , dof itie' building vimen compîcte-..groud snd ali.i-would b.- about 8300.Truste. Jamesbuiasïsacbent. for building'an ansise I er aMryreu-ÎeIg A majority ai the trustece a0aIn, favorof a nev high scluaol, but do not favor galdug enu vith it yer, Wbcn th"y do tbey ho e . able ta nmare tic presm e h él ceo1,ulj ing 11>10 a bg public achoOL. Tii. tuklng- vas Wel ta the point, but <id Ïoct chkuuge tuic opinions of anyof thse ammeu r i ay de. gree. Trustee Tlloina ina»>'aiy dté lesse tbe priment buIlinlWfr teM of 0 vears, asud bis 'mation , arsied, #as -c4iPlw Yeas--Guy, K. J. Mekie, jsasjýTon Joncs, Mundy, Murtou'-i.;' àssc Burns, Sameils, Caa,,<ry<Gic& btldge....6TrusteS Sott regiuted lôr is s la comitteein laveri ai a lilg scoai V ==»tain o hu9 awwe ail the. sciools ia Lb. cauuty 'vomfid-be_@kedi ta join. Christian Endeavor Sunday evening. Woiod bee and quilting bee at Mr S Rundlecs recently. Several from this vicinity have enjoy- ed themnselves euker fishing, Mr Geo VanCamp bas returned to is home in Western' Ontario. Mr A Moore as engaged with Mr James Pearce for the summer. Te congregation was smal on Sun- day, owing to the eavy ramn storm. Miss Gertie Pearce, of Newcastle, is e d. le el The recent cold rain and weather as delayed the farmers considerable witb tbeir work.-0 Miss Vida VanCamp does not intend returning to the B H School until after oidsammer bolidlays. Base Line Sunday School anniver- sary next Swnday. A large crowd is New Uav.a, Mr. Walter Fley bus been ilI Mrs. S. Werry la id4Spaed. Miss Mabel Witeragebhas gone ta Scrboro tu spend the summer. Base -Une Sttndsy, school wifl ,bold their anniversary on Sunday, May 2id. mms H. Bmtttt andLviBtc, Cesarea, Mr., aâm i isW.- W.4Ailla îown, vii*itm d tM . W . W ooda., God-attendance aut eC.E lt le d b li M i s à e a M u d ' L iu a i d Foley. Mr. W. c. G oe f G drb.M ia Ihica o. ere1 he-deaith ofi tbeirl Xie, hiavé fOturu*çd ti Mr Smi-th is engaged these days building a house for Mr Story on the 8th concession. Miss Maggie Tait has returned to Norval after spending a week here with her mother. Mr Wm Burk Of tbe 7th con had his poultry bouse raided last week and about tbirty fowl stolen. Mr Wm Gerow bas laid in a good stock of buggies. Any person who wishes a new vehicle sbouid consult bim. If a smouldering fire means any- thing same of the back yards must be getting a great overbauling and raking up tbese days. Wbile Mr John Besse was returning from the station last week, bis team ran awaày, He escaped injury himself, but bis new buggy receiveci rather rougb usage. On Monday last there was quite an amusing racket in the village. A young man was about to take b is young lady for a drive, when the latter*s daci appeared on the scene, and in bi1s rage landed a Fitzsimmons punch at thc gay you ng Lothariao's coconut, but m is- calculated the distance and sent bis tist througb a hardwood panel of a door. It is needless ta say tbat tbe young man did not stay. DBOWEN"VIILE It is rumored that we are ta bave a Victoria county battalion, composed oi six campantes, witb Major Samn Hughes in commandi. The two com- panies un Durham caunty, situated at Bowmanville andi Lotus, will go aver to the 46th battalion..headquarters at Port Hope. There is louci andi numerous com- plaints against the Streets being cover- ed witb gravel at this season of the year, spoiling tbem for bath driving Lnd wbeeling ai summer. Certainl% bhe good or comfort of the cammunity was not consulted. Some are balci enough ta say tbat nepotism is more in vidence on the roads and streets than Rev. Dr. Henderson, missionary secretary of the methodist church, was greeted Sunday witb two large congre- gations. and be certainiy got a most attentive hearing. He was laboring under a severe cold so that be coulci not speak with bis usual vigor. His morning talk vas good but many would have preferred a sermon at nigbt instead of the missionary ad- dress, the matter of whicb was, much of it at least, almost as familiar ta us as the alphabet or Lord's prayer. At t e e COURTICIU ro îales i The undersigneci bave received lnstruc*'T &l M an tiens ta ask for plans anrd specifitans foi atone cattie and herse stabling, ufider build- ings on lot 2. gth con., Pickering, tae çcan3 rmodate o0 head nf cte stid .io horses, witb sufiýclent rootecellar, accompanied bv tenders for the work and maeriala. Apply fr in- formation ta M'and MrsSiple aêi'tect this week. ai nteCt Miss Lulu Thornton was with Brook- lynfriends lat week. Mr Jacob Turner lst a good bouse last week with paralysis. Mr Hugh Pugh was in the city for a couple of days this week. Mr Pete Woncb of Chicago is with' bis parents here for a While. Seeding has been going on rather slowly this year ini this section. Mr Wm Burton of the town lune, is building a new barn thjs summer. Quite a number of Oddfellows at- tended the I 0 O F at Pickering Iast Sunday. Mr Arthur Poynter of Toronto Uni- versity, was here last week with fricnds. Mrs E Annes of Dryden, Algoma, is Your Price and Size That's ail we want ta know Bath Foot and Purse can be itted satis- factorily, anmd it is imupossible ta get better values than ve give. Boys' Heavy Laced Boots, pegged soles, sizea i ta 5.............. Men'. Fine Caif Needie Gaitem... $1.25 75e Diami Bas a Dose of PRINTECRSIN3 In RUS Eye. We hire a space ini this paper and pay the printer for putting ink an it. Then if the ink strikes your eye, we- bave acconiplished oui object. . The more printer's ink we get in your eye the better for our business. You se the point. We want yau to read our ads., and we want your trade. Get our prices, we are offering BARGAINS in ail lines., See our large assortment ai RINGS in ail styles, at ail prices, fer al] people. You are wanted by The Jeweler and Watoh SpeciaHie KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch our Window for Snaps. Chld'Buto ooa 3e« 0e 5 JmOHN BAe Sîrncoe Street. Cali atS and see hie -AT- Also his COAL OILM5.0 and GIS STOVES -FROM-- $5.5o to $2500. R. C. Carter, Agt. FOR .msteamahipi Ckets ON'L OS HAWAS Moth w w'- Intenc Mill beft an agen- can get1 galvaîîzi ]%Mare i than ani dlaim tbh Miii ont4 turne. Ail st sale. Anye ig viii be fr Feb 7, iA WC"STI Capitai JOHN Ca1 RECi T Gener Drafts -h ada, Uni land, paý per cent. anmd credi Speci Farmer .w tponsibit Salary penses. Enclose The Nati Establ Wh#by Ma[ Grinikf Dur WH Chm~ (Vo Sud MO tein voit FOR 8~ Ammuwui VIvat-chia b, Mr J M Roberts' two cbildren bave the chicken-pox. Miss Hunter, Bowmanville, is guest of our postinaster. Mrs Anett, daugbter af Mr j Beer, is verY low witb consumption. Mr and Mrs Thos Langmaid, of Mr Chas Wad,, sr., wbo bas been sick for soute tinte, is not much bete.r at time of writiug. We understand that Mis Jno Pîckie is gaiug to rêbuild ber. hanse at once, wbicb vas rcceutly destroved b> fice. Mis C Osborne. who bas been, aick for àom~e *months -at ier .danglitors, Mis Oke. Whitevale. bas rewrned. home quite r ecov ered. j -otthousu tvgi.1 , Dsot t--r in thes»e ti htook ;tazamisgnnî ,m etods>ndgc)t ass- the work weli finlshed. One kind fa È pain i not do fue o ustblbggsa s tub any more tisu Onkx ome, tble voWand a at TNE S ERWII.Wwg PM té u madle fer J liai an. paint -for alsraebt~ifrap tel4mny mteruhtng bnss93 P â ~ Ï ut~t gadhwoic tt 7Lag ~~ ilhp~ Fe bolct adup ~ t.AtoUW= R..e.SueL -1~ Il ~ j, b~, 1k il 1 CaU at lq- 1 1 1 à 1 1 1 81 1-11 I i e7ý r: ý )À AND Son" Daruatton 4000 Spruce Tree8 For sale. Fram a ta 5 feet high. Twioe transplanted. $zS per zoo. Also aooo apple treps 2 years f rom the graft, mostiy improved varieties. Apply ta S. C. WILLSON, Home Nurseries, Pickering, 2j miles vest af Wbitby town, Wbitby P.O. D<arç,h 29th. '97-18 6in. ýFOR JOHN BALEf

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