Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1897, p. 5

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)iVisxofl courts. >qTAIO 1896- t,-WIuity, Cberib ri -2. bd &y8 Ajrî Ltv, Mayr 4; Air,, &y 4' j P Le i a v:i I *~.\- 't't - i L i H, i . \UBNER. SEINGLES. CORDWOOD. SLABS, ETC El ( IIls TA TIONER 'ICA. OTH ER. ' &eds. "-st-I 1 tt-~ t.4.i ~t- t- - i. - 't -'- LOTT, t 't -'i - ' . i f-p - t i r t] t il-i. i ait- -~. <tI I rid Blinda, Fret-Sawing. ai'sil Itmthe vonduu repuair NwMto fPatn Thua. by Dr. il&itPNe lgàdo Pi, or elr for theim. n il.-oaiis lt D The 1Pila re mafaf5<red ~by the Dr Wi'l arn'a ModiÉo.Comany Brook. With a large number of farmners vil, ntarjo, and Scenlectady' N. Y., POtato growng is not a profitable '112d are sold Only in boxes bearing the branch Of agriculture. Successive fail- firrn'Is trade mart and wrapper, Bt 50 tires in procuring crops have led themn ointe albxtr o xes for 82*50, to despair of making the line a succes Theac Mayw any dealer, or and indeed if it were impossible to will ha sont by mail on reept of prie. h v etr rsis t a o e h v Dr. Wlliams' Pink Pilla may be bad hv etrrslsta oehv of &Il drugist r iet ymilfo they might well be justifled in their Dr. William.' erdircineComail frorn opinion. Yet il equal care were taken fieradreos TMeice Cmatnybih thewith this crop as with many others, Plla are sold mnake a course of treat- despite the low price of potatoes, it Daent COMPfRICtiV i inexpensive aswouldI1belivebring better results ooprdwith other rernedies or medjoal than some other lines which now have th **treaLmaent the preference. Potatoes cannot be grown success- tfully on poor ground. Perhaps the ail iCLARILMO14T around best plan for the immediate R m Stornm L Neal. jr.. has moved to a fat m crop and the enriching of the ground Te near Go<)dwç>od for future crops is to have the manture the MRn got very wet. ha Miss HIoward, of Brechin, was here rotted and mixed through the ground. wettiflg gave hun aoold. The. ViSiLng Mrs Evans.Inti athsreg otemrue cold, neglected, detoped to Geo Scott adwf.o cIbrae1.snt'swa te s tengtheo utimnurhe acough. The cough sent hiix eadwf, Sabr r owas .Thisasnitis wendoput indh a abdohikns.A o e re with friends this week. rw ny hspa sedre n tof aye'Ce rry Pects.A ose, Hn practiced by' the Guelph experimental Chery Pctoal, Heny Booker, Rat Portage, is here farrn. A common way i some locali- tfAlce tth tMwo for a week or so with friends.tesitopnuptedlîorhsad haentpedthe sacold ud ie i t oenuthe dils risss n MisNettie Gibbon Deer Park was then drop the seed and then cover, buand 8avipp d the lolniii t he hre with her people on Thursday' flrst with manture, then with earth. teufferînig, and exPense. The W W McLaren, Columbus, was here B3ut perhaps the least tried plan is the ~)uehl1remdyfo ~on Wýednesday calling upon old frîends. one which 1 will here describe. In- cgls, ndaillu fo r le . Mrs Peter Macnab has returned rn stead of dropping the seed on the hard Ayer' S, nd all h n troublesngea fogtground in the bottomnof the ows, we th e cs y ,I tray s pedwîth rt ig t a e f r the lasi e o if e n years Adam * -lier fiser.dMrsmàde a practice of haîf filling the rows EllîottrMrs with manure, then dropping the seed hery sed awEeki Audley, where she wîll and covering. This rnethod bas paid -Y Chas. l)erusha has d situation n plant more than an acre of potatoes Pectora al. toresura nd eftî d'aiereth - d),and always have a yield if from two to tr) rsurnehis dcies.three hundred bushels, notw 'thstand.. The Erskinc church people are mak- ing years of drouth, floods, and rot. Sel ~ino pages free. ing somne preparations for the erection When grown in this way the potatoes Lwl Ia& ofaporch oe the etac or are unîformly large and free froni scab. Mr ad Mr McCeigh Marham The roots of the plants easily penetrate were here <)ver Sunday with .Albert teraueadfn meit or AN AUNT S ADVICE. and Mrs Rawson and other friends. ishment; and the potatoes find an es Rob Grhan shppe a arlad groixth in the soft bed where they fierstMo ntGahm rhpea n Wedsfaywould otherwise have to press the'r k ~ i SuLAY u- fine tnchor o th e nlshnmaet sdywaY in the hard soli. In very wet T!I ý i(i N( LA)Y UT F (cstnedfortheEngishmaret. weather the manture drains off the ~4 DEI N rs Thos Thompson left the other water, and in dry, unless it be very divN for Rainy River ta jin her hus- coalse and strawy, retains the damp- -band, w!îo has been out there for some ness and nourishment. Also in plow- ~ l<IlSri4 .-th V viiy Shows months. ing out the crop few of the tubers are ti., ~~ l.1t rtnlg Power I)urînýi the wind'-tormn the other day cut wîth the plow, being chiefly in or f1i>r ' l s1one of the corner pieces of the Erskîne above the manure. Try this plan, fair- (hur<-h was blown off and somewhat mers, and vou .-ill have the pleasure of i rein 'e ýt. '(l Bner amaged digging a plentiful crop of large pota- Ihee . 1îonit at &II l at tflany The memlucrs of the Epworth league tocs.-Farmuers' Advocate. art, ;re ti l ce..i aOamt tPrapnetory spent a sciable lime on Nlo-.aX v --- ms. - u4aV54\ nu duub lin) ng. The vounger members ptovîded Depth of Covern Beeda. îO.ýUa ul i u e iai ulisLed ais the prograr'mdp i jljýi.1: h bsu-of auhte etîued Mrs CrokerMiss Sophia Wq,:L lsleîn thïme a fr nt Tho inson, is at present ver-v il] at the Ag a Reneral truie, the amaller the seed o inrt.-I. ijai its don bts re- Bulfalo hospîtal. FIer rmany friends the lighter should be the covering. We in \'~- t- tI ) ~ Pîîkhere are anxiously awaiting news of are very apt to cover too deeply. Par 1. cLctrltOw~, nrtîs- quaîris he reover. nips, <nions, sqraabes and lima heans, ci 'urL eir~î~ e u,, ive Iten adie, I)u ronvterriblthndr Stormi of such plants, especial'y, EaS ptash up the of %JIC ri1lLJm itsv ben m de, I)uiniZtheteribl th ndeshelîs of the seed isel, find it difficuît to s lu0C-i I thteir sîîçtçor. Fridav Adami Sîear's barn, niear Atha, force their wray ap through rnuch depth M[cie, -1,: i *j t rolig. Bt it i lewas struck bv J;ghtning and somewhat of earth, after it is packed down by raine. b Wa-. î l,' '11t.0 serases in Lile'r Own 10 damiaged, but did not catch fire. H is A quarter, or baif an inch at most, is visi i. e1ujt aîtdu vtila: stoc k escaped iniur%. qîîite sufficient for these seeds. ' ttC lint d îîot , Sndis- lacnab 13ros. are having a new Ca.re sbonld b. taken that ne lumps of J folow Stei aflx) u t nh old store. which has earth ahould be left over thera. W. like U su 'i is %elmt-ilît, fucî l'ie case bten used for years as a storehouse. long rows of beets, carrots, parsuips, etc.,aj lm U:tli i N1-< ")rrsîllll ir an es The weight of goods was too much for and don't believe in wasting half the land thnà î.înute %, i, î f twtîareKiiles ini Lite the o1d J'Oice and flooring, hence the in uselessa patbs and walks with short ti Enlî ý1tri - t aî.V e were talai necessity o f repairs. roua runuing cro8swIse. Long rows are Pa èi more easily worked sud kept dlean than 411.- s e-t [rU i <s uto eath'lk Adam Whîson, aged 47 vears, who short oee, and the. labor for the same last aur ti a] -J --reSard ta bealth has resîded on the 8th concession al- number of plante in long rows i8 loge dat tltr)URL tila t, ncof Prliellîawe' Pink most ail his 1l'fe, died on Monday after than in short eues. Wi5 Fl&es -i\%(. at uetgtroursel-an Iliness dating tback for years. De- Mill________ ti( u ietgtfo u-e ceased rented bis farm a few years ago ot VIiaî nzalii itueadmvdt ootwer fe tChf&~g ai au I ot a IJOtop li dy ii Pckeingwi.h r. ud n. Wheu Dr RL V Pierce, of Buffalo, N Y, pubanuel go t 1-.op.iedy i PckrngwthM. n M iihed the firsi editinn off bis great work, The cuit rt-cuver my breaîh Uriah Jones5. People@ Common Sense M'slical Adviser, b. S t5ll f mke -tlettn, my cheeks Mr. Crawford aud faniily have moveti anonoe tbat after 680.000 copie@ had beau local wre i- Wtismti, 1 lip!scol'orbes. 1 into Aleuzo Jones' houae.. .ld ai tthe rcigular price, $1 50) par cnpv.the M ai"<.etil I wy misaIs ofteu profit ou vbieevonld repay him fer the great M t--. ~ttj4. iedcin aemedteamount ef iabor aud money ezpended in pro- hemt ýle1jcineseemd toducing it, ha vonld distrinute the next baif Tyrc t' "c î n te. 1 was eettiug million free. As tbis number of copie. bave R andat astbegn t aresdy beau sold. hbe isnov gi viug avay, It - ' ~t- tf r-ave~-.My prens ~absuutely free, 500,000 copie. of tbis mocot ment recoêry.M> pren 111 ýl iý mcomple, intereatiing and valnable common sudi In graîdisretas andseilse medical work ever publised-tbe reoip- 1475, nt.ýle Libaitht-y thouglit 1 a-ve dr q1,rD-etmam ai0 ie n,75 i ',Ii laail earlv donth. Thon a aiceai et mainig only and jçhe book wiii tha sent 1iýt nd1ruuae otA C "'s fost-addreaatis eàeeri st.ampdial tr c ors ' i i tercomploe.nonevolume. (Joutains 1008 page. 15, a a- L0 (rll nyself ta ber fun AND... . prottaeiy iilustraîed. The F'ree Edition ils vaste -euISatiuu uf aoeeng ber laid preciaely the saine as tuai sold at $1.50 ezeept1,4 Iel1I la i w'uUAU soon ,t-,,-o A iuly it s he bcksare in tog anl w c oDe s orIv af erpapor co era in te d et cioth. Seud NOW be. ho f- t i 1 u ce te vîWi ai n r of r fr i r ie wy e Jt îîct- My cl e iId h ourMr Henry 1 Modliu, cf Hamilton, la dead e as w 1,ýC"-My oriilt()utrobie he vey E CLAIM tereis nlyonePreRf&im the recuit off uwabiowig a brasa-beadod t,<c W fltcî,su sh îstted On Mv trYin2 D)r buCanada te-day ihat îa guaranteDed £0 cm l'à SiXars aga. Pt~Ilnk lP1118. To plea. ber I BRONCHITIS, andthat is A 8IM$YE~P No personsehonbd irfrom hoius vithout q W [,,,tit-j wia lîttle hope of suy MuU#SEKoUm1jW8TpgTWIi ii MOTH. botle of Dr 1 DKelif«g's Daner oriaWhoîI Lit I ".-' lt ii. etie i, o w e v r, itS E R S cu re for- h er ch ild v b uh t ks a il s u fe d , ntb e ir p o s as io u, a s ch a n g e o f .,- o k t fr1:atila t- gsupie om., climate, etc. frequentiy bring av OS hlier idly1 - , tubgu~pOso upiet e uwith CROLPand cougtingitslittle binVe :-mplamt,wes there la nothili1k. being T ,Kr ofeel more cbieerful andud __ wihacrermd a ad w o t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u et'tlLtf- togr hnm >.Otwith WHoopING COUGH. Oe SilSlray îhasrsrmd t ad oftsn nri I eh.atîa roe. uTheo r . mmda±lysop ia eug By qivoq grat snffering, and lrequsntly lvaluaâble look i re c0Lt im cheekad lipe. Fomlodose nîxîg te plegm. 0 p ttie e.to livu.. Thia CordW aîbas gned for itasîf B i rt-jý n t eleeti nd ipe Fom K'sn'n te ple9' Ptsthelitle e ijj spread reputation fer affedm prompt O UlMEjÀ liir I si.adîly gaiîud sîrength, andd Sp and rest. %r. Chase cOmupolded tii relief frcuatallsenmmerocomplainte. o %vs ttt itj COX ng ,,y former exceljent valuable s"rp se as te to away tb u- Spain je coftemiplatiS training a loan off fifty extra t- -f1 .iin sincere in expressiug pleasant taste of turpentine aud linseeod. W thoaaand dollars for War purposes. very 1 llv itaita oDr Wiliams' lPink OFFER te i-efund thepic iI Q CaWS abtsowrAiLEPzLUDr Parmslee hall pea1ral F 0î l ae wY recuvery.. SyrnuU -ilnet do ail tai it is cLaimedîo dO. Wive to the vrld thefruits OUflong scientiflo Tht r a ,-nueigh bors eorroboratod "od ona guarantee ai ail dealer, R Edutan. .;OMle 'a thevbhoberam off tedjo a cience, P R 1 r, ltn->r1sstory as îe ber ilimeus, tes & t~Co.,45 Lombard SLPÎ AS Do nd witb novnad valuable diacouveries 1eve i Suî ~ rcovery lu brcase sknowa toumi. For Deliiatesud niglit al)iell,-ikiiiie @eoery In prDasePOhtated Oosstitutie sP.asrnsloe F1P1llaet a, "-~ l>r Williams, Pink Pilla have isî,pth Tosle n imulnde, the<liy mit-buenda iitsrkin,, proof that tIi.y posslees 11k. a 0and aeu lu maIlde, the effet beni WufiterfulWtt ~9~~9 V V V ~ ~ gssocr thea<eU.bpd ,glviug toue and Who hi ,-Dr. Wll iams' Pink Pille are aoid only .1, 1. report ?boxes besrng the firm's tià&emark -et P.801100BoasHab" at wu, tr.iig The Tbirteentb R«Oluiet 'off Ramltoseyiamodbe&. h ""l wrf*PPer, (pninted in red ink). Bear pov ootuptey arsned vith the DWV "ED 4W iO tittd that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are field rifles, Whouait lotho# 0gr >a OU an, l ee neyer sold in bullr or by thse dozen or g~Uou'-4s 0com sOurm "Pm 5 hs±ever, slp huindred, sud auy dealer who offers - mb- UnxeqWa lle-r Thos Bruît, ad-o,--o-1 ln -B stittute8 in ibis fr( tr godfadOnt. lerites -I11have to thanal r esi- catecioýn b ugo o i DcrinOiAS' Erng ru dOui *ud nItudrin*UêDRhlpsumtu frelimMuw tebf«oblwt You sud ahould be avoîdedà. The publie mnegs utobe ihto are 81s0 eautîoued againat &aIler oosehyfif easrs aud t#Wdal or1~15 oalled bio10,-builders adnriinsoflldbeerorIlnk of. Bor - b el £.th pult u1P in similar torru intmnded to de- gi ' linotomporary tn W te' tt O5v.Tbey are al imitations whuu so i>pan or blé@' ai. l5 id ~oeî~~ tme 11O niakers hope te reap ap0fil .vnrhp e i]cniu .1 R&Hving moved ia o os new preznlseO, v* are prepeared to extend the. rangse o bu iness. All worikperteining t e sharnessmaklng sud saddlery buainees Wiln b. don. to satis- faction. Collars a apeoisb±y. CalI sud sou my miiop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Secon d door weotof oîd shop. Dundas Street, Whutby GRAND TRUNE AND MÀDLAND TRAIN@ GOINO wXSTvARD.- No 8, Express Daily Mail....... 5:48 aànm Ne, 5 Lirnied Express*.........6-24 a mi No. 7, Local, excepi Sunday .... 9:08 a mi No. 18, Passeuger - 64 .... 2:54 p m No. 1, Express, Mail daily........8.06 p mi TRAIIS GOINO EABTWAED No. 6 Express, daily, excepi Sun -. 8:12 a mi No. 4 Express, . i 9:57 asru No. 14, Passenger "2. 987 p rm No: 8, Looal, " 6:22 p nM No, 2, Express, Mail. dally.. . 10-.07 p In 'Stop on signal MIDLAND DIVISION GOINO NORTB-NIDLAND a-rTIOV aIsl ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. 8:20 arn Mail ......................... 42 Miled To Llndsay.............. 6:40 p mn v ceEINt SOUTE .dlxed Prom Lindsay ........... 8:60 amn vail........... ..... .......... SAC P M .OMIN0N pANK CONFOUND IT! t lVZ FORGoTrTENi TO GETj, -A PACKAGE 0F OLD CIIUM -1 ~SMOKING TOBAGO 104 PKGr He won't use it, because its " shine" lasts too long, and seems too simple. i'Pays hini better to use a - waxpore-filer, and polish up a previaus polish. Paid by the week, -instead of bythe pair, -he'd shine the actual Jeather, hard and smooth surfaced, with 3LSreR lSHOE Iouisn M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. HAMPTONq M4r W J Langmaid sud vife, off Zien, ited at Mr A L Brunts on Sunday. The S 0 E wîll celebrate the Queen's ibiles in this village. Thbe S S off ibis village will bold their vsrsary on the first of July as usual L year. The cernmitlee will spare lie ins to, make iL a buge succesa. Our ceee factory started eperamions ýweek. Thie fact.ory ha. an up-to- te maker and saleaman. Persona who h t, rmali1ze the top price for their k yul do el te patrouize tîhe Hamp- ifactîory. NIr H Eliiott jr i. improving hi. pro rty by the addition of a new fonce. ,epheuiab Job and family have moved m enr village locaring seme place near rketon. )wing te the wet weather Mr Thomai ott is tnaking ratiier slow progresre- ring bie dam, nartorly services vere held in the ir ber. on Suuday. Tii. pastor Rev ?Hovard, preacbed an excellent ser- î, ai ter wiich tii. sacrament of the -d'as upper vas sdxninitered, 4r George Blanchard has leaaed Cap. J Bunts farm aid taken possession. Lev Mr Wilson, off Oshawa, will preach adu.-ationaî sermon ou Hanaptcn cdr next Suuday. eeding ha. bein rather slow in tii lity owing te the receni heas7 raina. rr Fred Howary Cîoyne, vho was ie for a viait last week, preaciied on one circuit Sauday week. ,capitînlation of Darliîgton'a anses- t. Total assessment real, personal income $2,492,975, number on roll 5number of persona in fausily'a 4,297 iber off caîtie 6,665, nuxuber of aheep 8, number of hogas 3,827, number of «a 2,741, number if doga 467, bâches âcres off voodland 2,567, swamp and A land 7,092, orchard sud gardai 8, fal wheat 666, st.am boler 11, d olîdren between ô aid 21-1,31, reen 7 and 13-U67, betveei 16 and ,389, eatimated refera, majoricy 800. Roy, Assessor. e are giad t ela-n tissu E Madii, lias beeu very ill for monthe, la rap- recoversug. MIadill left Monday, lait-for the i west. W. believe lie intenda to ap a guitable spot te locate baffe Mg bis family. Sunday luat about noon we had ans heavy aboyer accompanied by a hsigii vissd fs-r thewe.t. The. ap- mce was 11k. a aheet off vate-. eWhitevale A 0 U W lodge held lin Hoover &Sono' hall hure ln I -b.- addisg te is numbers every lodge nov since thse gs-aded siatemus k adqpted. Corne boys let a wh6e le off un jolislisnvuiliutm. Thoès iave, joirted let* Î;V Tr go tef ot ta"body., Nfsbers umeaft uthalt any umdo4a&ùig. -< apt"muson~'- li*y "-afiern@on 1-and' thsaà ha& isn4s, AND NERE PULS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. At au Disgglsss. Prie 60 cou"aper Box, Or 3 for Sî.ao. Sent by Malusosipt of DUMBARToN -Wm Dunbar, sr., stili continues to be ln very poor bealtb. Miss Ina B Anderson, wbo bas been home spending tbe hoiidays, returned Le Deseronto te resume ber dutiesas teacher in the public schooi there. Jas King, jr., who bas been in very kpoor ealth for the past five weeks, is stitl in a very precariotis condition. He intends going te the hospital for fur- ther treatîment. Lewis M Grant bas returned froni Bowrnanville, wbere be bas spent the past montb visiting bis sister. In bis VEGETABLE PILLe, Dr Parmebas bas given to thp worid titi fruits off long scisutiflo rearut in the whole rosIr off médical scence cousbunod vitb uv sund aluable discovesie. noves biffure kuowu te mn. For Dilicate aid Dobilitmated Constitutions Farinas Pillit set likes a hana,. Taken iunminaIt dosses, the effectinl both a tenicansd s stimulant, niildly exciiing the sèsetiona off the body, glving taie and vigor. Prince Bismarck la muc i inproied tn béai- TheotMo déesable quimdipallona, ploasant te t»edst tahlb.saine tima ectu«al vae te be ffouud lu Mother Graves' Worm Bxtetmia amer. Cbild ma liko it. Whei foiesasdoaiLespidmmu aaouu3d safety lies lu fostlying thse sYdmUa hAYer' Sarspalla, A Pm= sia n mung thu sd uim- purs bloodî lis utise mcm aorbecodto ta $"catois' viateverdimsaseiabu aomi909t40 theais. Be issia ine, -c motusaIretaul« br aa raI eby. Cout *â tise dpsaii trs Capital Paid up, Whitby Ageno: Genera1 Banking Bus: Transacted. SA712108 DEPÂBTMENT. Bou.leee;wthdrwarquîre ______manage FAI RBANK'S Real E8tate Column. SmalPrame Houae sud Lot, corner of John aud Byron sireets, Wbiiby, Wiiî be seld very cbeap. LOTS-To be seld, lots 324 sud 258, uorth yard. ROUGH CASI HOUSE-On Ash street, nertit ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stables. Situated on ByVon st., Whiîby, the finest residential street in tb. town, vîthin three minutes walk of the post office. There sre îhree lots of land witb au entrance on ivo streets. House lu perfect repair. For particubars apply te V/M, VIOGOR, and VITALITY RESTORED IN .90 DAYS. GO0D EFFEOTS AT ONCE. OATON'S VITALIZER.- Ourez geseral or spesta deblltty. waMtU ag:e,&= ýàý eMIsaleus, tmp.- te M. CcsfBt@îu dUosders oaused by essors or oxcemes quicklY restorlug lstMsau.od lu ocM or Young, gtviîg vizor snd sirouglI viie tqr- mer weakneaa prevaticl. (3onvenfent pokage, simple, effectual, snd legtirnate. CUifHl1laQUTIOK AND THOBOUGR. Dont be decslved Vy Imitation& . mtou Caton% Vttailssrm. Sent seatud il yn drug- Rli dois not have It. Prie s i pu 6kg forus 85, witb waItten uauanet.. oRE.ples cume Inormation, referenees, etc fre, sud confideutiai. Bond nsstaismeut icase sua 25ec. tors weeks trWaitreatnt, Ouiy one sent te eaoh persan. CATON NMED. CO., BOSTON, MASS. WOOsixPHOPhoBINE;a 8I*Muk. usà au aw O tner, a leu ns, aadallaffoettlef p si=me'vsbbe Suld by ÂAH ÂA#n, DUnga* Whiby-- $1,500,000 Y ae Inrae@. M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY.

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