Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1897, p. 6

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OBEýAWAs MAY 7, 1897. OSHAWA PAGE B Williams, Toronto, visited with frienda last weelr. Miss Mldred Webster is visa ting Pickering relatives. Beldîng Pauls silks in skeins and spools at Little's. Mrs A Thompson visited this week with Toronto relativirs.. Mr Hoover paid his son, Chief Hoover, a short '.isit this week. Mrs Geo Arscott, Toronto, is visiting her (ather, Mr. Allun Cook. Miss Etta James, Howmanville, visited with relatives on Tuesdlay. Mr J James and Miss Ellie visited with Bowmanville friends last week. Berlin wools ai Litles for Sc an ounce. Latesi shades and niew stock. R Rae, of the Schi>ol of Practical Science, Torontto, is home for his vacation. j j McDonald lias purchased the borne- stead ot the laie John Rundle, Simcoe-at. Mrs Henderson and daughter, of Peter- boro, is the gîtes! of Mr and Mrs J Hyland. Geo MicLaughlin lhas purchased the Mor- gan honîcestead, but will îlot occupy it utitil (ail. Miss Mabel WVhitney was in Toronto last week attending the sLu:ïimer millînery open- i ng. Misses Eva Wilson, B Pope and Mr Dan- casier, of Orono, were the guests of Miss Flô Wilson on Suniday. We have 10 congralulate Brer Nicholson upon the successlul introduction ol a daugh- ter t bis lhappy household. Miss Gîîlbock, of Es-sex, visited in town lasi week. She will spend the sommer in Claremnont wttb her sîster. 0 Fred Warren bas talcen up bis residence in Trail, and bis goods which be Jeft bere were shipped 10 hlm lasý, week. The ladies of the presbý'terian church have engaged the Garden City 10 run an excur- sion to Niagara Falls on june i5th. Tuesdaty, Jufle 22fld, will be proclimed a national holidtay, and the day for the o~ficial celebration tiroughiiut Canada of the jubîlee of Her Majesty's reign. Mr. Wm. Huniers new buildinîg on King st. west will be known as Domninion Hall rbhe True Blue lodges will have one part of it for their lodge roomn. Maried In Rochester, N.Y., on Monday, April -6, Geo G Wigg, formerly of Oshawa. 10 Miss Lîzzie Fox, of thai ciîy. They will make their bomne in Binghamion, N.Y. The street railway is, proving a blessing in a way that liad not been ihougzhî of. Four dogs, several cats anîd a roo-ter bave been killed within the past few days. Mrç'Paul Miss, who bas heen aîtending the Ontario Business College, Belleville, for past three montbs, has reîurned home afier bav- ing passed his examînation most creditably. Congratulations. The E. L C. E. of Metcaîf st. methodisi church is making arrangemetîts to give a grand concert one week from Tut sday night. ' There wil be some outside talent aecured sud also tbe best local talent. Births In Oshawa, on May 2nd, 10 Mr and Mrs C F Nicholson, a daugliter. In Oshawa, on Sunday, May 2nd, the wife of Mr Stewart Dewar of a daughter. Mr R McLaughlin has purchased the fine brick bouse of Mr E B Morgan, Simncoe St. noih for bis son Mr Geo McLaughlin wbo is now in chargze of the McLauibltn Carniage Thursday nightî wss a grand success, --e proceeds amounîing 10 $80. A number of youtig girls dressed in white gave a fan drill which wss ont ol the prettieat sigbts imagin- able. The choir of tbe cburch gave an ex- ceedingly âine programme, wbich was great- ]y enjoyed bv aIl. Miss Maggie Desmond won the lemnonade set, Mr R Morris the fancy pin cuabion, wbile Miss Minnie O'Leary claimed tbe sofa cushion. The social held in St George's achool houseIsat Thursday night, under the aus- pices of the Woman'a Guild, was a vervf pleasant event. Mr. Frank Blachfod's violin playing wss a rare treat snd was ac- knowledged by aIl present asaone of the besi players who has ever appeared before an Oshawa audience. Misses Taylor and Mc- Kee, of the O.L.C., Wbitby, sang solos which were greatly apprecîajed. Misses A Hansen, G Lukre, M Thomàs, and Messrs Babbitsnd Pushon, wbomn are aIl well knowti as favorites wiî h the public. also as- sisted with the programme. Mrs O'Deli and Misa L Bambridge were the accompan- ist of the evening. Town Cotuil. Met Monday night. A letter was read from the secret ary of lte Fine Underwriters' Association notlfyng thse town that on ac- count of its delinquency ln cornplying witb the demands of tise association lte fine in- murance rate would be raised r5 per cent. alter june iset. On motion tise letter was laid on lte table. A letter was read fromn -the Oshawa bicyle club asking thse council to intercede wlit te Oshawa Railw.ay to have a cider path made between thse rails of' its îracks. The sîreets commailîce was ordêred , t ec al gout thç matter. Deputy Hezzlewood âsad-4 motion In favor of grpnî. -lng 9 SI Edmbasson sioo on Nov. iset, provid-, cd tsai be aslow thse town lte free use of tseý jparir ail surnimer, *exceptîîsg on holidaya and on other occassiona when thse pàrk ta hired _tg picuicklau Particê. After a considerable di lcusdonthe -malter w.as laid over tili ne t imeeting. Thse fitnance cpm.: mfitiee. repçred thse followlng amnounts for j>s~pea~ iFilfnCe mttee f954;, o,-ret -$à124o ;fire and water $44.4ô; îown' . $75,1'plI f 2. Thecrmitlg, 4, r $17WÃ".35. an U e çýb- q Thse hîgisébool 'entreacé and public leavlag examtnatioins wll be beld tis a ear on lise 8h of lune. R A j little bu as good a d4lay of are worka, lanterna, flaga, etc, lu bia window, as is t0 be seen in any town of ibis aise. Tise Sons of Temperance box aocial Mon- day nigist atUVacted a large crowd. Tise boxes sold (rom 40C upwarda and a very good sum wiss realized. Messrs W Foster, A Hall, W Thsomas, F Hunter, sud Misses M Phillipa, E Sobeny, Hazel Ellis and A Hobbs assiated witiste programme. Fruit Tree Spraylng The second spnaying aI êMr R j Mackic'a orchard will take place on Satunday of tItis week. About fifty fruit growens were pi e- sent at the first spraying last week. AIl pan- ties inîeresîed in fruit gnowing are invited. As spraying is claimed to relieve fruit from aIl tise pesta that destroy thse crop. hIs laof great interesi 10 tisose eugaged in fruit irais- ing to ise well informed as to tise manuer of conducting tise operation. A moveunent la onl 10 impose a f(et or$25 on iht owners 0f the excursion steamer tisat i ta ropoaed to put on the route beiween Cobourg and Toronto tht coming seaso.- Cobourg Post. It is hoped that tht Oshawa Harbor Company wiili want a (air suice of tise business usaitishe deparîmenîsi stores expeci 10 do wîîh tht boat that they propose to put on tise rouie between tisese towns and Toronto. Il is only rîglît if the depani- mental stores inîeîîd to sink tht towns tisai somneone in the totens niake somnetising out ofîbhe operation while it is in progress and tise Harbor Company is tht cnly one ibai can be isenefited and that only as long as il lasîs-Vîndcicaîr r. Mr E M Underwood and Mrs Underwood left for their old home in Littleton, Neuw Hampshîire, on Monday. Mn Underwood came here about eight years ago, and ws associaied wîth tht Cedar Daîle Worka untîl the plant wss removed tu Cote St Paul. Mn ai d Mrs Undenwood were very lîighlv es- îesmed for their social qualîties good citizen- shîp, and we are sorry io loose ibem from Oshawa. They have property, however, ai Littîtton, and have reîurned Ihere 10 their former îles and old acquainiances. Miss Underwood will join tisem ai tht close of ber teachîng year ai Kirkfield. Ai tht asat meeting of tise Oshawa bicycle club tht following offBcers were elected Hon presidents,, Reva Talbot, Fletcher, Fatherjeficoît and Mayor Hart pres-, P H Puroshon - ist vice-pres. H Gregory. 2nd vice-pres, G Brathwaite; sec, Chas Mundy Incas, L G Cassels; capt. Geo Pediar, ji. îst lieut. Bert Woon ; nd lieut, Jos Hast- ings; bugler. Aif Cowan; pace-makers, Ar1ir Williams, Frank Morgan sud A Webster; executive commiiiee, P H l'un- shon, H Gregory. G Brathwaite, C Mundy, L G Casseis, G H Pediar, Bert Woon and S McLauphltn. The club wîll take iheir run every Frîday night, as usual, weaîher and roads permîîîing. Tismet young gents of Bowmanville, who mnust be badly amîtten wîitistis iGJWn (or somne of its female inhabitanîs) paid us à, visit in use pouring ramn on Sunday after noon and proceeded 10 cnt qoîte a dasis Tisey came here dead broke. wert 10 some of their frienda for tes, and when they wanted 10 geî their horse i the Queen's iad not enough 10 pay for tht (ced, so thev îold tht hosîler thai a friend of theirs would set- tie for thern as îhey came to set him. How- ever, tise so-called friend failed to set tht- point, and tise horst (ted is stili unsetîled for. lu is tise rtquest of tise friend that tbev aI least brîîîg îS cents 10 seutle iheir bilI tht uext urne tlîey psy hii a cal, tt is of somne importance to tise trade o, Oshawa and tht (armers of tise suri-ound inp country 10 know tisatishe Oshawa rolci milis is now in tise handa of Messrs Sharp & Campbsell. Tisey will endeavor to so con ducitishe business tisat tht miii will be kept i0 constant openation. Mr M D Campbsell bas tise nepatation for making a unifonmlî good grade of flDur, sud will have no troubie bo get the local irade. htislas good thing for tht town to have tise mfll in operaîlon as i brings trade hene tissu would nol corne wert- it not for lise mili. For this reason il is in tise inierest of eve-y isouseisolder îo give the miii a triai, andi seethtIatue familv supplN of flour has the Oshsawa Miling Cosis rand. If the grade is asi good. and tht price right, wisy sisould a local iudustny not gel the iocal Inade? Thse Long Expected. After .raany threats tise lire Tnderwiiers' Association bas finally notified the towîî counicil tisai after june it the town of Osh awua wil be rated#nt gcrade lowner, wbich about mutual inaurance sounda well, but wiIl nevyer ammount to anytising One ia not ohligtd to inaure at ail, but ifsa nigisi patrol is engaged business men could afford 10 reduce tistir insurance enougis 10 p5y bis salary. Tisent may be a few business men wiso wouîd rather seil their gooda or build- ings to tise insurauce companies. Sncb mer wiil naturally oppose tise idea of s nigist patrol. but thse majority want aIl tise protec- tion tbey can afford to psy for. We would auggest tai tise own constable be ordered 10 do nigbî service, and tbat people who -çome int town ta do business be allowed t0 stand sround as long as they pîes.se. -:000: Oshava Buauom Direotory. 9 L. VICKEBY. barber. Bimaoo s treet.. BROOKS' LIVEET. Blmcoe street, north. WM. ROLPH, barneon maker, Smcoe street. r. B. MOTHEBBILL, butcher, King St,, West. Da. PÂTiISsos, Dentijt; office over Rowse's store. ' k. J. BT&LTwi-DOM2lnion pianos and organe. Simoosutreet. W. E. Dyza. General Agent Ontario Mutunel Lil, Asanrauoe 0o. Agents wanted. wnIIiAM Jý. Dz.us Dominion and Ontari o Land s3urveyor, Civil Eànginfer, Box, 57, 0"i- &W&. OosexaxcUL HoTux.-4. 0. WOOE Provlrletor. imodem hostelry, amatiand o=ifortably eqtîipped. D. m. To.-Caterer for Bange, Assembliez, Wed- dingo, Suppers, etc., etc. lmc&Il kinde of floyers. los. Houzxmaux - Whltby-Otham'asa.gelins. Leaves Osh*wa , s$a m and2p m. and Whitby at1Oam aad4 PM., joawa Oc7, manufaetnrerof fine crig carIe, W ns, 41an4 s of calteraand aleiab .a peiay lcaw Bwun*,pa$àAer-ma.. aorIoi. 1»90er li Wealp pe, emug dlstoepénts, 011 vrnI6lw. betsh.t wù-dowqnace.s,n W sare, etc. I4 roulW s%=kke t -ôou"taIt Dost IL .,t#pB. ~ ilt,, House4çcaning is thse order of the day in this burg. The Oshawa railway cars now run to the beach but travel is light as yet. - Mr. F. G, Hines has moved int the house owned by Mrs. Walsh, of Buf- falo. Mn. Frank Reese was obliged 10 ne- tunn (nom Cote St. Paul owing to iii- ness. -I MAPLE GEOVUC Mn L Hill bas tnoved to tht O'Con- neil farm. Mu andMns W j Wood visited ai Orono Sunday week. Mn H W Foley, Toronto University, bas been horne for a few days. Tht litenary departrnent furnisised a good programme at the ltague on Apr. z2nd, topîic, 'Lessn from spring." Rev GW Marvn, M ABD.Ph., D, gave au address on the '-Bibliisal ac- count of erection and, mutual science." UTICA. The following is tise standing of tise piupE cf Utîca aciool for April. L GiIroy, ieeber. i Class. G Lawuon 92, Medd u83, G Eliey 217..R'HOrn .94,B eard softW Calma zx94 P Tawn Z25. R Htqrper i, i. dd93 jwit ,&een F K!,edil6.Pa Caim 198 6 62 i - -. .---- - . ________ eM.Wmn. J. Chaplin, of St. Cathan- Unes, paid a flying visit to Cedar Dale ennoute to Moutreal last Friday. Messrs. A. Brooks sud Leslie How- ard ai-e coutemplatîng a trip 10 Liven- pool about Monday of rexn week. Mn. Plaskett has almost*recovered front bis injurisýs recently neceived in a ru naway sith a team of hoises aîtached to a seed drill. Chas. Goodman's ai-m is getting along better nose. Ht bas been laid up for about three monîba s itis it. Ht is under Dr. Coburn s tneatmet. Messrs. English. Paukhurst, Reese, Inch and others have gone 10 Cote St. Paul, P. Q., to nesume wonk at the Can- ada Edge Tool seonks Ihere, Station Agent Kain has now on sale Canadian express money orders which will be of great convenience to tht ne- sîdents of South Oshawea and Cedar Dale. Thtesetathen was rather shady the past fese drys, and work being slack §orne of tht local sports, forgetting seben Good Friday seas, took it for granted that last Friday was Good Fni- da', and made up thbin minds to go dock shoing. To make tht day mort- successful they managed t0 gel a flock off their neighbors docks and took themn along. When they took thent out of tht box they îied a string to each of thein legs witih a weight attached, placeci them in the water, then made themsel- ves a nice cover and sat dosen to watch for tht gante to come along. After waiîing some lime îhey coiscloded the game must have gone to tht loweti marsh, so the next best thîng for them to do was to take out their powvder fiasks. drase the corks and take a charge of eye opener, an article they aîways take shen goine honting. Then parz, of tht company seent dosen to tht low- tr marsh-some cail it Hall's marsh- and they found that anothen party was dosen there bagging docks at a great rat e, They then rcîunned, took op the docks they brought wîth thent, and went home much dîsgusted at their Iock. \Ve mighl say tht neighbors docks have not returned yet. No doubl. they will be kept in place of tht gante duc ks. EOWM &NVTLLEC W Iellyor, of Cobourg, spenit Sutiday ai homne. W ,V Tamblyn, Whitby, was in towu on Wednesday- Miss E Glover is visitiug ber aister, Mrs A Bingisat, St Thomnas, Misa Mantha Peste is visiling ber cousin, Mrq A Colwill, Newecastle. Bon-In owmauville, outhe 3rd imat., the wife of)J A Veale., of a son. Bor-In Bosemativille, on Aprîl aStIs, tise sife of Chas Warder, of a daugisuer. Mn Jobn James and Miss Ellie 1 James, of Oshawea, visited relatives in tosen Friday. Died-Iu Bosemauville, on May 2tid, Jane Hutchison, relict of tht late Johu Hibbert, of Laytou, Essex, Eug.. aged 79 yrs. Tise ratepavers are &gain invited I0 vote on suotiser rubbtr factory by-law, for the granting of $6ooo as a bonus. Be careful bow yon vote Ibis tinte. Married-In Bosenianville, ou tht 5tb inat, at tIse residence of tise bride's parents, by tise Rev R A Burriss, B.A_ Mr H Flet- cher, to Miss Mary Fishîtigis. Married-In Bownsanville, ou tht 41h inst, aItIshe resicnct of Mi- S Snowden, b3- lise Rev R D Fraser, M A., Mr Juo E Cocis- i-sue, of Hamilton tp., 10 Miss Mary Jane McCltllau, Bosemanville. Bosetusuville can now bosst of a Chailit Fitzsimmons sud Joisn Corbet. This lime Coi-bel was kuocked out in tise second round and Cisanhie had la sing ta the tune of $4 and coats before P M Haines nexi morn- îug. visteal n CunTc sls ek bride, Enfield, April 28tb, by Rev H h Aller', Mn Wm Gnîffin, and Mis.s Mary A Wotten, botis of Enficld. Meat". LEÂcji.-In East Whitby, Apnil 29th, Grace Leachs, reict of tise late Simon Leachs, aged 7o vears. ANNs.-At Port Union, Scarboro, May 2ud, Jatnet, relict of tise late Levi Anais, aged 73 Years IALL 1A111 Jupt Roo.ivod 2000 Roils of those veyy beaiitiful k-imsr(oan Papors, wlth Bordera ta Match, -wioeh wilbe sold eheaper than- -êvrthis.yer &hoa lt r Mra Kerrigan laeflot so well again. Qulte an excitement aItihe S O T on Fri- day night. Miss Rolpis, Port Penny, la vlsiting aI Mr Wm Parras. Quite s number sttended thse spring show et Port Petry and also ai Toronto. What la needed: Window shades on thse west aide of thse Presbyterian church. Mr Jos Ferguson, Queen's Uniaversity, Kingston, la home for his summer vacation. He succeeded in securing the degree of B A. We congratulate you on your success Joe. At a meeting of the Blackstock Dairy Com - pany it was resolved that Mr R T Stillîman be placed in charge of the factory (or the preseut season, This ila ajudiclous selection and cannot (ail in proving benefical 1 al] concenned. It was also il ecided to do away with the practice of carrying home whey in the milk cana, but instead al] cns will be partially fllled with spring water befone leaving the factory. This is an ides thai mîghî as well be adopted by every factory in thet trovince. It would ensure cleancas, sweet fiavored cana and a beiter quality of cheese. CMARE& The continned wei weather bas delayed the seeding, especialiy on tht low lands. Henry Deacon and R Tindall visited Tor- onto last week and report a good show of ! orses. Steven Hurîbut bas improved the front of bis grounds on Scugog street hy a new picket fence. Tht saw and shinZie tulîl has completed ils season's work, as ail the tituber has been manufactured for the present. We are infortîed that ('has Williams, wbo bas been seriously ili. is at present considcred t0 be convalescent. Quite a number are planting fruit trees. We notice that Mr John Beacock bas set out a new orchard of over ont bundred trtes- The laige raft of logs sold by Henry Des con 10 IDundas, Flavelle'& Co., wtre taken to Lindsay last week by a steamer frotu Lindsay. it is said that a gentleman front Mariposa bas the contract 10 bnild s large summner resoni for Mr Sando on "Oak Point,' Wash- hurm island. This building on Washburn, and aiso Mr Stevens' building at CaS-area, should give quite a large accommodation for campers. coupled witb tht hotel at CaSsarea, and ougbî 10 satisfy the taste of ail classes of visitors. South Dar"lgton A voung son arrived ai Mr Louis Trult's recently. The rri-er meeting on Tuesday evening was weil attended, Mrs L J Dîck te, of Oshawa, visited ber sîsier, Miss M E Vaîîcamp. Mr W T Curtis bad his band badly cui while pîtiing on barb wire fencîng. Misses Editb Power, Lida Crumb and Mli Flîntoif visited Mr Samuel Burgess on Sun- day, The base uine S S held their fourtb anniv- ersary in connection with the school on Sun day last. The bouse was filled to overflhw îrtg wîîb a very appreciative audience, The programn consisted of singing and recitations by the children of the school and speakinc. hw the Rev R D Fraser, Dr McLaughlin, Mn R Osbornîe snd Mr Allin, The only draw- back was the very unfavorable weaîher. iUX BIDGE. A young mati named Cameron waa rn in" in Sattird;ty afiernoon for beîng iutoxicated snd crcatîng a disiuroi-nce on tht sîreets, Wben ht -o,ered np ha was allowed to go. Lsst Thursday nitzht tramps eutered Mr L) camptelî's store sud belped tbemsei ves to wbaî- ever ibey liked bes,,sud ibis iucluded a nîce txiescer overcoat, a suit of clothes, several palis cof panîs, jewellery, lies, handkerchiefs, hais, etc. Mn Ctxnapbell places bis bass ai about $100. Every cifont is beîng made bt.ntace thethiîceas China Wedding. On Monday Mr sud Mrs 1 B G-ould celabraied .be ts-eitiu-tbauniversary tif iheir weddtng day il their homnein Mai kham township. Several friands sud relatives front Cxbnidge wene preseut io psy their respecta and jcin ti tht mer-y mak- înZ Maîy Mr and Mrs Gyould live Iu celebraît hkeir dia moud anniversary, ta the wish uf ail. Serions Charge. Lasi Thursday afiernoon tht town wss set azi.g bv thse rews tisat Carl Wilson, a marhle cu1ter wiolbas be nvoedai apf smab1 Your Price and Size TIsats att se wsant to know BotIs Foot and Purse cati be fitted salis- factorily, and il is impossible Ici gel bezter values than set give. See These Prices:iM'ý Boys' Hesvy Laced Boots, pagged soles, sizes i10 o5............. 95C Boys' Pegged Laced Boots, lined round tot, aizea 1 to 4......... 75c Man'a Fine Caif Naedle Gaitet ... $1.25 Childa' Button Bootsa a 35c, 50c, '75o ___:0ooo. JOHN Simcc osi-I Gall at 1 BA LE, )e Street. SA- -W A. PELLOWS, and seebis Wroughit Steel -AT- $ 50.00.1 Also bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $5.50 to 025-00. th ifnce awe;;c;=fVS;d and h bau pait Zlwhatto-paisind A bstapit Sed 0forit4s 9a1e.tbls For booklet, AMea 19 Set viers. Antoine Bîreet, montreL fgomarae THE MEJ This Man- Téo BuIder8. Tise underslgned have received instruc- tions 10 asý for plana and apecificationa for atone caIlle sund IWors stabling, under build- ings on lot 2, gtIt con., Plckering, 1 accom- modale 4o head of caille snd ta torses, w-itb sufficient rool cellar, accompsuied by tenders for lise work sud matenlala. Apply for in- formation 10 DOW & McGhLLIVRAV, Apnil î5th, 1897. Whitby 4000 Spt'uce Tree8 For sale. From 2 10 5 (cet iigh. Twice trausplanted. $15 per zoo. Also 2000 appit treeà 2 years from thse graft, mostly imnproved varieties. Apply ta S. C. WILLSON, Home Nurseries, Pickering, 2j miles wesi of Whitby tosen, Whitis P.O. March a9tis. '9.-î8-6in. Han a Dose of PRUITERIS INK In EUS Eye. We hire a space in this paper and pay the printer for puttihîg ink on it. Then if the ink stnikes your eye, we have accomplished our objeCt. The more printer's ink we get in your eye the better for our business. You see the point. We want you to read our ads., and we want your trade. Gel our prices, we are offering BARGAINS in ail Unes. See our large assortmet)t of RINGS in ail styles, at ail prices, for ail people. You are wanted by The Jeweler' aM4 Watch specialit~ KING ST. W EST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch our Window for Snaps. FOR -o-'~Railway AND Tickets CALL ON OSHAWA. R. C. Carte'r, AgL Dlf N.I, IN- $100 %ot Foul stock A.H WHEITBY, w 1 i1 WIRI Geos Sel - Mc the hniending j mili before pI an agent put can get the ( galvaîîzed, 'a More oith15 than suy ot dlaim they se Miii onîflîs sý lime. Ail styles sale. Any inforn wiul be frcely Feb 7, 1897- W9ÏSTERI Capital Ai Surplus BOA JOHN CoWÂN REuBaN' T. H. General 1 Drafts issue< ada, United land, payabl per cent. silo and credited Special Fariner#'â W AN TE] Mon sponaible ei -Salary $78o, penses.P Enclose self Tise Natia Eastab'W hib -1 w' and de MONI FOR SA i VOL. 'Fr-es FIUSE OWNERS KNOWLht te way 10 inaintain a Rood selling alefor property lis t keep t M good rpa!ÃŽrNeyer lèt i run dowii. Adelayin tise1 use of paint may not be dàngerous, but it As bad business plicy. it As poor ccnomy, - Notiang makes more-show for lise. m nl brightening up a home thanjudiciouse f pit The pitbitgod abit tvc 'Van should know-îow easy il la îcuse a good paint. You shold know the night Parut 10 use s* tri ht s place. A bath tub, clair, table, cupiscad, bgy wagon, floorj, plow, houscw a ba:nyi beworthmïoremoneyifiiswe1paiUted 1 h seil look zoper cent bettes. THEINERWi-i;WILLMNS CO.~> apecl al int for ail the"-a*4ffu=et paint freçspups.pent cxaeY1 i

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