T1he iChronîcle. VOL. XIL. WHIITBY, ONTAIIO, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1897. N.2 qITER S INK ye. Al eresh Arrivais DIxUG STORE. IWtkF CRVAM OF TARTA-'R, ROCHIELLE SALIS. -<VLIIIIUR, 1 MCAMIHR INSECI T W)R $100 WIRE FE NCE. Geo. Aflin -.w.e Seils the Geruine AER- MOTOR., of Chicago, and the Ketsleman Wire Fence lnîendîng purchasers should examine ibis mîlI hrfoce piacîng their order. D)o nos let an agent put an imitation on you wben you can gel the Gecuine Art motor, îboroughlv galvaiiuzed, and waccaiîîed, foc Iras monev. More oi these mils sold in Canada to-day than sny osher maIre. The Aecmotor Cc. claim they sell one bail the nuniber of wuind- muli cuiflîs sold in tbm worid, at the present lime, Ail stYies cf \Wood and Iron Pumps for sale, Ars' infrmation regarding these outfits wîll be fieely guven by writing to Feh -- 1897-6mc. GEO. ALLIN, U Iil 15V W&STERN BANK 0F CANADA Capital Authorized $1,000,000 Surplus 105,000 BOARI) OF DIRECTORS. JoHN COWAç, Esç., President REtiFN S. HAM LIN, ESQ., Vice- Pces. T. H. Mc-MILLA-4, - - - Cashier. General Bankiag Business traasacted. Dcafîs issued, payable in aIl parts of Can- ada, United Stases, and on London, Eng- land, payable in ail parts ut Europe. 3%~ per cent. ailowed on Savinga Bankr Deposits and credîted haIt yeaily. Speriîl attentilon to collection of Farmers' 8ale notes8. E. D. WARREN, Manager ut Whitby Brancis. W ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Mlen or Women t.o trasel foc ce- sponsîble estatbltshed bouse in Ontario. SdaaY $780, payable $iS wrekly anud ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped enselope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-i7-- E.stabliished 1849. MaîbI6 and Granit6 WOAS; Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smith, (Foemerjy Woîtendrn Works.) Importer aid dealer in MARBLE ANDO GRANITE MO0N UM EN TS. Et c.. oftheb lateat ina- beri-ai and designs. AIl kinda ut Cemetecy work. Our wock guaranterd. JW SasRN FOR DESIGNS AND PîRICS. .M FOR? SALE Anumber ut first-class trawberrv plants. Fîral-class varieties. T. S. BRANT, Whiî- WANTED. A good graciaI servant at once. Apply as this office. A% GENTS. 1 amn jusi abartnag the best thing 1-Lfoc moaey makîng you bave seea for many - a day. Your naine and address will bing the g'ldpn information. R P GLASGOW, Teoron- to, Ont. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS.1 CIMONIcLLa CoaaaRsPosNDNcz. Miss Editb Everett is visiting triendsaia Gceenbank. Mr Wmn Duncman bas recoveced fcom an attack of the mumpa. Mr Bert Waslîbucn bas cetucned to work havîng been laid up hy sickness for some lime, W'e are giad su ceport that Mr Wm Ed- isards bas cÃ"iinpletely recoveced trom bis laie iiness. Miss Bertha Jones into-nds lrytng for the pub- lic schoot leiving Ibis vacation. WKe wîsb ber succeas. \-r Jud'-on \V.acd of the business collrge of Toronîtn wîll spend lie sunîmer at home upon ihi- faim. Willie anîd Miss Maggie Wasbbucn bave had a sevece attack of the mumps but we are gial bo report îbey are recovecung. Worth of DRl. (11 ASF1S lla, Ouîr Ira anud grocerv firm bave dissoived part. ni-rsbtp and wîll &ive up the business for the Slitîielt andî Lix or ÇCuri. preseni, as thesu say couler drinks are rcquiced for the bol wraiher. Full stock of Munyon's Remedies. A. H. ALUIN, C11I. \IIST I,. DRI. (GIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Ouc school yard is iookinz ascIrlai as a new pua, the leacher and pupils h.iving kepi Arbor day on FrudAy. Wr are sue tbey are desers-tng cf gr-aI praîse for their efforts. Seeiung ia very' slow wock un Ibis localit' Ibis spcucug as we have had se much weî weailcer The farmers are p-ramîng ibat the next rain Storm may be a dry one. There are greai fish yacns gong the rounds ai pr-se-ntiun thus place. Ail or nmac.y ail of our old sport-s have bren tryîng ibrir luck uin the cooDl waters of Pmubloe 'os'er the hukas and ft away- ah-ce lise ihese unlîtcky manne creatuceýs ahich are causiing 50 nucb trouble iii our frîends, who dIo not belueve un auch a slow way ot catchunz fish as usung a net in the nid style but rather use Ibeir mnuscle un (luving in the new sîvie, îucîîng sornersa uts and comung up feei foremost wtîh thair trntusers ilie-d wîîh these slimy crealures.. and ibeir comeiades pull them out by the beels. S-orne of the more moderate spocla believe in flshing un the latest t ayr wîîb the sIvre rod. Nevertbeles hey aul corne homei- %th beaming counitenances and loaded Aih spoul. An old and re-spt-cîed natuve ofl bis place bas passed assav, leavîng behind hum many sonrrow- ing relatives and friends. Me Thomas Sadler, shose- long carrer of us-fulness bas endeured hum toaail who îtnew hum, bas left ibis wrd of care and sorcow ta meet the ressard Iziven ta tbe faithub taler deaîh. Me Sadier bas been ili for many months, and bore paîuently bis many suffecînga, looking forward caimiy and hope- fullv to the lime wben be sbouud hear the Mas- tters cail. Hua deatb octucird on S-aturday lasi. and bus holy was înterred in ils lasi restîng place on Monday. I'hie dýceased was a native of England and came ta Canada as an early sellier, bsvîng eesîded in ibis piace ever sunce. Wr heactiiy tender oui sympa!by ta the bereavrd relatives in theur lime of socrow. TOWN LINEC. Miss Laura West of Oshawa is staying wiîb ber itacle, Mc A H West and atterîding school. Mc S Bradley of the Salvation Army visiîed bus brother, Mr Robi Bradley Ibis week. Me Whifield Lee s berd (if catîle bas sirayed awà y ; be seema unable ta gef tbe least trace o! îhem. KINISALE BJOOKLIN Our choir is growing slowly but surelv. On Tuesday seven cars of fat cattle were M rs. ($îhson ta reported as tmproving in bealth. sbipped from this station. Mmg. Rei ta quite better again we are pleased Lostt to report. A sumn of money enclosed in a folded Mr. and Nies. Aaron Parkins vsited Toronto IeatbýLpurs;e.. Finder will be 'îuitably ce-5 on Saturday last. ward c yi eaving at Holliday Bros. McCullocb Bros., of Enfield, visited frienda Mr. Babcock now bas upwards of a dozen( bere on Sabbath. ment bard at work repairing the breacb in the enjlldam. It la hoped to have ail fixed Rev Thom cftlciated bere on Sabbath and de- up by the end of next week. livered and excellent di6course. We regret to learet that there is no im- J. W. Sait.on visited Port Ferry on Sabbatb. Iprovetaent in bir. jas. Grey's health.* On John evident.iy cannot stay at home always.us Monday he went to Toronto to taIre a course Mr. Ned Lawrence bas ieased the boh oftreatment at the general hospital. vacated by Mr. Newton and will move thereîn ai At Hayward's, Wbitby. Saturday, May ic, once special white crossbar Toualin 7c, regular Me. Wagner is îernibiv crowded wîtb work à t toc; prints sjc, -c, SC, toc. 12C, regular 7C, present, not betng able t0 supply al] customers 10tc. t2ts best skirt lining SC, rezular ioc at aiu limes. I ad t2c; Sc kinds for 5. Ail customerg huy- Mr. Lewis passedî hrough our viage on Tues- ing $5 worth of gooda will have their face day inorning witb some excellent stail ted cattle paid en route for ftîooklîn. Mr. Baha Yoosepb, a Persian student from Mr. Ino. Lawten has tbe model farm nearly Victoria Jniveîsity, gave two addresses int sowdandiiis n xcelet sap. W wshthe methodist chýurch on Sunday. Mr. sowe, ad î tan ecelentshae. e wsh ooehp is l.aking the course at Victoria John a good profitable crop. preparatorv to fiîting bimself for mnissionary Me. Scott, who bas succeeded Mr. Henry work in bis native land. He bas already Hardy, now cornes to cur church, both be and apeut tbree and a hait yeara ia Canada. bis famiiv. We welcome Me, Scott amongst us. After the librar-y meeting adjonrned on Our S. S. is goîng lt procure a new library for Monday evening, an informal talIr was in- the school. If the order has nol aiready been dulged in in reference to tbe holding of a torw%îdd it i i be sent in at once we under- Diamond juhiiee celebration in tbis village. stand, On the suggestion of Rev. J. H. Harris a Mr, Jeo. l.a;wîon and H. W. McB-ien have committice was appointed, to mneet "next heen doing a ic b orse ealiag. A change wîil Tuesday evening to consider what form thet do nobody any baini. flot even a change of celebration sbouid taIre. and endeavor to hborses. devise means toc carry ing it out. Mr. Jas. Tripp had a very pleaxani pacîv of The adjourned annuai meeting of the sub- young people in one evtning là wt seek. indui. acriberq of tbe public iibrary was heid on gence in nearly ail kinda of innocent games were Monday eventng. Tbe presideut, Mcr. A. enjoyed bv aIl. Ketchen, occupied tbe chair and the other Mr.Chamanis illd o tke hare o th oficers were ail p cesent. Atter routine Mc. (..thspman ta llsedfortsake arge of tre business had been disposed of the election leagudheh ebiRk. Ilu eio an rega1wavSapre. of a board of directors was taken u p.The iand gheib<t eîgatactmnofodai. election was by ballot. Th e new board la uv aid gesi act.compriaed of the toliowing members-E R Rev Mcl)onald look charge of the league Eddy, A C Elliott. Chas Grass, D Holliday, meeting bere on U'ednesday of asat week. AIl A Ketchen, Rev Dr Lambiy, Dr Moore. D ageed that bis exposition oil the divine word w&s W Macclonald and F Scott. The officers a moýst excelient one indeed. wi.ill be elected by the directors. Mc lbos. Sad'er. an cid setier of the nîntb concession, was nîerrd ai Salem on Mondsay Resu. Ieggoit omets ated. fTbe large concourse of relatives and Iruends that asseenbled 10 psy their Iasa respects showrd the esîeem bis Inenda bad for humi Mirs. 'Vice aid lamily siarîrd on Tuesday mocning for Wabilzoon 10 join ber hushand and truendt3 in thai new country. J. \W. Salton ac- companied ber as far as Toronto. Mca Wîce was bora un Kunsale and luvrd wtbîn a short dis- tanne of il all ber ufie. We presumne abe wîll flnd a gzreat change in the western zountry, bring usei t.o a luveus uitIletbwa like Kînsale with ali ts mrany povile-ges and pleasanl surroundinga. Wc lotn ahw:tber many friends în wisbîng ber and becs success. WRITE VA LL Mr Chrîs Reesor spent Sunday ia Pickering vil age %oîh a frîend. Miss Alexander of Fort WVilliam, ta wiilu truends hbrrras preseni. IlcI Wm H Miajor a-il] manage bis sisier's farm at Ath* thîs summrt. Msr H-a-liiof McMasîer Hall wasaia Penna Bink for a feis dsys last week. Mr and Mes Rîchardson of the 8îh concession was ai Mer D S Turner's on Sundasu. MerTosiah Pugb is ai present seiously il. On Friday nîgbîL "t he hed a very parauytic Miss Lynde Of the 41h con, and Msrs Fox o! stroke. New Hlamburg, ý,satid wîîb Ms M 1 Maclcey on - Wr leara Ihat %Ic Thos Bcan bas@ bought the S--aturday. î her store in iht- village. If sîu itlbocks as Wr îhink thecre %vdl be sury i-y 11e nerd of a îbough hi a-as going to rua a deparîmensai gale on the swamp road as long as Mcr Carpen- store. ber keeps bis dog.1 The deluge of last week aasbed oui the race Wr extend our sympaibsu to Mc and Mes 1 ta une place very bad, but a large gang of work- Thos Emmet and family ta the loss hy deaîb cf u men have repaired il. Mes Emmets asber, Miss M Stnckland Osh- Last Fridait nught about oue o'clock a large aw a. 1jmetor vssedorlcsrhus svilae -and for-a tcme-it Owfag lu ome ut the boys and youug men being 50 scaîuered there bas bren no sîtempit ti organiz- the foot bail club. Wr think il would be well to iry cricket or base hall if football wont go. Mr N D DeHaci, Brooklit. Presîdeît Wbithy Township S S Association. met bbe local com- mîttee Isat Tbursday rs-enung, and arranged the programme for ibe convention bo be held un AI- mondas chuiecis on lune the birst. Report of weekiy exama. held at Town Line achool. Si IV Class. Aritbmetic 6o. Physi- ulogy 8o. Nellile Careuthers 40, 75 ; Arthur Rowe 40. 41 ; Flgrence Carpenter 40, 40, George Gol-J 2o, 58 ; Walter Rodd 2C), 42 Mabtl Rowe 15. 55;I Arthur Maekesu 25, 26 Annie Carruthecs 4 34 ; Milton Ssorey 15, 2o. A H. West, Teacher. BUNDEB.LAND Misses Susie and Allie Reynolds sprat Mon- day in Uxbrudge. There'e îoo tnany atones (?) sround BlacIr- isater to be bealihy foc crocks. Miss Effie McPbadenanad tMc. G. Maybee, of Woodvîiue, sprat Surîday ta Sunderland. Our teacher, Me. S. Richardson. wbeeled to Wbuîhy on Saturday, rettirbing on Sunday. Me. and Mca. T. C. Nichois, of L'xbnidge, spent Sunday wiîb Me. 1. H. Glendînnîog. Somme of oui citizena attended thse evangeiistic services at Vroomanton on Sunday evenîng. The dtfficuliy as te thbe hcenseo serina to bave quieted duisa, as nothing ta now beard regardtng if. Misa Effie and Mary Williams, ut Sîouffville, sprat Sunday wth their brother, Mr. E. T. Wil- liams, Our bicycle club boasais of seventeen membeca. Thts succes l due to the energy of as captain. Me. Haîry Glendinning. Ail the farmers are very' busy seeding, îaking advantage ufthebeuhe weatber. Fail wbeaî, ta general, promises a good crop. Thse weatber la ail thai cati be desired. witb tise exception of a somewhat severe thunder stecai on Sunday evening. We bave heard of no damage being,done. The methodiat pitipit was ably filed on Sun- day by Rev. Mr. Barker, of Orillua. Mes. Bea1e's sole at the evening service was well ren- dered and mucis appreciated. The Temperance Quartette hold forth la the methodiet chureis every evening tisis week. As tbey use lime-ligisi views te il! ustrate tiear ing- ing, etc., an inîertuing time may be expected. Que village baud la kindly permitfed te use thse room intisetfar building as a peactice roem, srih isl much apprcciatcd. The baud loses one of ils membera F. Richardson leasing on Saîur- day to leain thse business et a prinier, in the CHRONICLE office, Wbitby. Que wortby townsmuan, Mr. T. H. Glendinning via. on Sinus-day, tbrown from bis buggy wbîle desceuding a bill west cf Vallentyne sehool bouse. i-is face vas severely cut and bruised, but bappily no verY serions injury bappened to hlm, and hie is nov able te be arounid and attend te business. He hà d a vey narrow escape. Oaur Delvîng Park Association bave wake up and have deiermiaed tisatishe fair groundsansd buildings Shahn Ot be damaged by ths mli boy as usual, a smali fée beîsg cbarged for thse use Of the grounds. Tne property eomtuittee are defer- mîmed t prosecuse anycce datsaging thbe build- ing la any way. Soi lookout, boys, and .nend pour ways. was as light as day. NsVe îhînk ihat îî la about turne ibat the sheep quaranuune was rtmoved fru-p ibis township as bbe auîhoriies bave nos yrt spotird a single case of scab. Resu Mr Sipie bas laîeîy beeru la the banda ut the dentist, and tbm Resu Mc Oke very oblugîngly bliîd the baptist pulpul and expounded a very good sermuon. Mca James Taylor bas rrîurned lrom New Yorkr, where she was suddenly cai;ed bu are ber son-ta lais, Mr jacks, who wu suddealy ill. He us now much bebser. Me Chas Hodson ishile trimming apple terra bast wrek bad the misforînine t0 fal1 ouf ot une and broke and dîslocaied bis rîgbb atm and el- bow. Il yull bc a long urne belote he ii have Uny use Of il MANCRESTER Manchester anniversar wilI be held on Sun- day ismek. Particulars next iseek. Me. Win. Spence is greatly impeoving the ap. pearkince of bus place by moving the bain back furîher on tbc lot. Me. Jos. Munro bas resumed bis tramp to Port Ferry. He ta workinR un G. H. Wallace's taiîoring establishment.- Musa Dora Parin bas poasessed berself of a bicycle. Soon she wull he able to maIre regular tnps betiseea bers and ber school ai Myrîle. 1 lhe Raglan division Sons of Temperance wl hold tbeîr anniveesary on Sund.ay and Monds> nexi. Oui Manchester lks are respectfully in. vited to attend. We talcs the totals from the assestnent roll of ibis yeae .-No. of childeen between ages Of 5 and 21, 1212 No. of acres assessed, 63,363; No. ut acres cleard, 43,891 ; total assessed salue, Si 972,5io; No. ut male persns from 21 10 6o, 842 ; No. of doga, 358; bâtches, 6; popu- lation. 3756; No. ut cattie, 6h36; No. of sbeep, 2035 ; N o. o! boga, 1498 ; N o. of hoeses, 2096;- birihs. 4b; deaths. 26. These do not corres- pondi by a long ways te tise resuens maade 10 the Dominion register. No. of acres of woodland. 24W ; No. of acres o! swamO. 11.907; No. of acres of orchard or garden, 62&- No. of acres under lwbeat. 17o5. W P C GRAISAm. Mc Chas Florence bas purcbased a driver. Wilfrid Sadier bas moved into David Pugh's bouse. Miss A Linton la te stay witb relatives near Audley this sumner, Mr Peters, an old teacher cf tisis place, passed through bere one day this week. Miss Cors McAvoy bas gene te the great northwest, where se vil jobs ber brothers. Arbor day vas dnly observed by teacher and pupils. A general clean-up, thse mak- ing cf flower-beds and thse pianting of trees vas tise programme of thse day. At thse close of thse day tbe surrouadinga of thse scboi-isouse took a difierent aspect. After a very long iilness ail tbat was mor- tal of Thsomas Sadier was laid to est in the Salemu hurlai grounds. In bita this section loses another old sud mucis respected citi- zen. He bad lived ln this nelghborisood for- over fifty years. We cxtend to bis wîdow, ciildren and relatives oui symphbin u heir sad bercavement. Dcceased was lu bis :Otb yea.. In connecîlon witb the annua] meeting cf the Wbithy district, to be beld la the methodiat churcb brrr next week, there wilI he a convention of Wcmen's Misaionaary Societies, and aIl ladies of the district int- tecested in mission work. On Wedneaday afternooa the session will be givra 10 re- ports Irom auxuliaries addresaea by M rs C j Pearse, of Port Pcscy. Mra ( Rev 11 S Clark. of v. hitby, and others. A question drawer wili be conducted hy Mca (Revu j H Locke, cf Toronto, and Msic McCamus. of Port Perry, wilI lead a coneecration service. The eveniflg session wiii cpen at 7.45 vlith a short song service, and addresscs wili be givt-a by Mca. Locke and Rev R H Leitch, ut Greenbank. Appropriate music will he RAGLAN. Most of the farmee are donc seeding. House cleaning and gardening the order of the day. A greal many of the childeen are absent from school on account of chicken pox. We are giad tu report Mers Holiiday so far re- covered as to he able fo ait up eacb day. Mes Still left last week for Kennelworth, where abe intends remaining with ber daugbter, Mca Stainton, for a few montbs. A great mnany fat catl ti were hcought here on Monday for Conlin Bros t0 be shipped to the old country and other pints. We would almost tbînk there wouid be a scarccty atter a while. A new fence is being being piaced aeound the school yicd. On Athor day the teacher and pupils cleaned up and pianted fiower seede which adds gcesîly t0 the appearance of the place. Much ceedit is due to the teacher in the wav thinga have been managed ducing the last two months. 0119ENBANE Miss Mary McPhaiî, of Uxbridge, bas been visiting here. Mc. R. A« Stone was visiting bis friends here the first ot the week. A debate is to be the programme at the division next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mes. Weston Phoenix have start- ed housekeeping over the corner store. Mat Eîliott, the deover, was around on Sunday wacningz out bis sbipping cattie. It ta supposed that be acta on the principie "The be tter th e day the better the deüd. ' Mr. Silas Butt, wbo bas been living for the iast two years in the county of Huron, la 00W visiting bis many friends in tbis vicin- iiy. We regret to bear that bis bealth la flot as good as could be desired, the doctor having ordered hlm to stop work tor a lime. We hope he may soon be restored to heaiîb. There appears to be a lacIr of harmony It is our paintul duty 10 again ceronicle the amurth Le supporters ofthtre methodist cun- deah: f n od ad espcte ctiznMr day schooi. Me. joseph Watson, atter near- John Maflon. who foc forty yeaes basi been a lte er atfisevc sspr resident of Ibis place, Pnd wbo for two years bas tednt, bas seen fit to resign a number of been a great sufferer witb that deead drsease tetahr aegn u ihhm hr consmptin. M Maion ws qule a ind s t uch différence of opinion as to wbo la consmpton.Mr Mllo wa quie a inus-too blame for this state of affaira, but all ce- trious farmer and bore the respect of the wboiegrttathtoul socred communiîy. Hia remaîns wece inîcred in~ge h tetoul a curd Mount Carme! cemetery, and were followed to The memubera and frienda of the presby. the grave hy a large cortege of frtends 10 psy the terian Sabbath achool arc looking forwacd asat trnbuîe 10 tbe deceased. Rev Me Butiner to a btg ttme on May 2.3ril and 241h, at ibeir conducted very impressive services la the M E annual tea meeting. At 2..30 p. m. on Suin- cburcb, Mount Carmel. Mc Mallon leaves a day Rev. A. E. Duncan, of Cannington, and wîfe and ten cbiidren 10 motren bis bass. Mucb Rev. R. H. I.eitcb, cf Greenbank, will ad. sympaîhy is frît for îbem ia their sorrow. dresa a mass meeting of the achools of the Raglan division sons of semperance wiiî hoid village and Rev Mc Duncan wiii prcacb ln their anniversacy servies on Sunday and Mon- tbe furnihe hthe methc.odtuchi. Tbe day, May 16 and 17. A temperance sermon b unse ytemtoitcor h wiil be preacbed on Sunday May 16thbsi 7 Queans bicthday wili be celebrated on M,%on- o'clock p ru,l in eîbodiet churcb. Raglan, by day hy holding tea fromn 5 to 7 P.m.. ar.d Resu Mc Bunner of Myrîle ; on Monday tollow- afterwards giviug a grand concert wbîch ing a tea wîli he secved in sons' hall from 5 to 8 wiiî he comprise d of music by the noted o'ciock. Concert begins at 8 o'ciock, conaîsting preabytecian choir, of Uxbridge, assisted by of vocal and instrumentai music, reditasions, etc. Misa M. Gouîd; recitations by Mca. W. ',%. Amnzthsetotake pari in thib gmae Real, Misa Hughes. of Uxbridge, and Mes Edy, Me G Holtiday, Mr M Chinn, Mr M tesanadrssbyRv.Nsg.D - Chin, r Mll ofBrokli. issDavd:;ncan, Leitch, and McKay, of SunderIand. Ashburn, Mr Stephenson, Kinsale, mouîh A for a quarter. Corne out and enjoy your- organ band of RagZlan. Miss Stanton and mesu- selif. bers of order. The Benoklit Dramatc Com- MY]RTLE STATION. pany will give tbeir drama "The Grave Robber" Corne one, corne ail, and eni.-y the Ireat of the Bicîb-On May tb, ai 130 Crawford St. To. season. Admission to concert and tes 25 cta. ronto, the wife of Mc R G Bedson of a daughtcc. Concert alone 15 cIa. At theoffiialmeei,,,, of thi, ....i. t.... t...1-- PORT PEKEf. lames McGaw lefi Iast Friday for the goid ce- giona la British Columbia. Mca (Dr) Archer bas hemn il] for severai days, but in now progressing vecy favorably, Re-v D N McCamnus wili delîver a discouese on -Amusements" nexî Stonday evening. Coatracîce John Siovin bas piaced ibis week new plate glass la the front of the Bruce hard- ware store. lurnisato and a collection taken t.a erray A number of cyctees from Osbawa wbreled expensea. The ladies cspccialîy, and the into îown last Ssîaday, among the number bcbgR public genecaiiy are cordialiy invited. edîtor Chaclie Munday and druggit Charlie The Royal Templars have good reason to10 ones. be well satsfird with the succeas of sheir Somnesime ego it was ceported that a new firat plebiscite meeting, wbich was beld ia butcher, baker and tailor were coming 10 îown. the Masonic hall on Tuesday evening. The Tbey have arrisurd and are making thinga livrly ball vas well filîrd and the large audience for the folksaia home. seemg.d te tborougbly appreciate the pro- ladian Agent Williams bad an Indian liquor grm~ba a ivn hi o'ise fcase on îise..koatas Wednesay evening. Somc a readiag by Dr Lambîv, a chorus and a o-ne in town bas Ibeen givtng liquior to Chie( quartette by members ut R T of T, a rct-Jhsnadoeo i ad tion by Miss Larnblv, a dialogue by Miss1 Maud Deloag and M;asters P Fraynanad M Died at Peterboro on the 5th ms, Kate Foy, Ruutiey, a piano selection by Misa Elma aged 2n years. The mnany frienda of ibis young Holliday, a broum dcill by Mc Eddy's wrîî lady heard the aanotnnoement of ber death witb traiard company ut achool girls and an ad- regret. Sincece sympatby la felt for bbc family dress trom the District Counciior, Rev D N un sheir sad bereaqemeal. The deceascd waa McCamus, of Port Perry. The dialogue and the eldest daughtee uf out bowasman, Me Henry broom drill were aew featucesata a meeting Foy. ut this kind. Both wece given with spien- Buyees were husy sbippiag on Tbucsday of did effcct, and deserved the very hearty Sp- st week. Large numbers of fine fat caîsle and plause that was bestowed on the perforai- hoga and a carfoad of borses. On Moaday and ers Tbe address of Mi McCaaiua vas Tuesday of this week Messes Bongard, Wbeelr forcible, logical, and conviacing. He and jack and Messes Ellîobs Bros shipped sev- proved himarif lu be une of the beat plat- eral carloada of fit cattie, and the farmers were forai speakers of the many who bave ap- rejoizzing at the well filled pueses lrom the pro- peard before Brooklii audiences in con- ceeds o! the sale of the cattie. nection with the battlc for temperance re- A number of bandsmen met on Monday- even- form. He started out with the statement ung and decldcd to have a band la Port Perry. that Wr amust aIl be awake 10 the iinPott- A commibîse wîll wait on our citizeas t sb ii ance of the issujg soon 10 be placed before liberal subscriptions ta boy new instruments, the acc popleshodthe gouretandfrmthat lbas insruments to belong to the town. Sa far the accoplihedthegreaestrefrmChritiban members of the ncw band were former members been brougbt about during the Crsinof bbc old band. su ibat tbey will soon be able in era. Ail linea ut busiaess are affected by play;Mr Reid, bookkeeper ia the office of Pax- the liquor tcaffic, whre ork of secshurîn ptonae & Co. is 10 be leader. A very appro- bcarty co-opecation in the oko engpae namne wculd b- "'Thse Citizen's Rand." uts overthrow. The ficat stcp aecessacy ta tu secure informiation conccrniag the traffic and the evii that flowa from it. Second, set' a consistent example-be out and out againat il. Third, carol aad enliaI with those already eagaged in the colnfiict. Fourth, avoid haîshacas witb opponents but icI il be understood there aiust be a api-it of antagoniani. Fifth, wbea it cornes 10 the question of the reveaue, let us consider our familles and oui homes, and we will, if suds la necesaary, be glad tu psy ont share di-1 xectly from oui pockets rather than have il The ladies of the W C T U acting in concert raisqed at the coat ut the degradation, de-'wt the ladies of the Sons of Temperance and baseinent and destruction of ont fellows. Royal Templars have started a good movement At the conclusion of the address a vote of in endeavoigt e h iieso h ont thanks vas unanimously teadered tu the do sheir vshopig ealye itns fthe îowna as1t spaer wanthe atoal ansm. etes-mua- avoid having a night deliveey. It bas heem the atedwit thenatonalantempractise for rnany people ta do their shopping as W. A. H. Lie as possible, causing those wbo drive the de- iivery wagons ta bc out until midnigbb and la Bus».US Deol7y. many cases encoacis on the Sabbath, wben by a lîttie îhoughîfulness on the part of shoppers this BEALL, I. - Isaner of Marrnage Licenses. could be avoidcd. lb la on.y a habit tisai sbop- Res.deaoe opposite Town Hall, Br-ookli. pers ge ln ao; I have heard nome of oui mer- W A McINEELT, D V S.--Grsduate of the On-. chants say thaitbtey have known people te put tuan-saVeterinary Coliege. Torontio; Honorarn oft their huving purposely until ten o'clock Sai- meniber of thbe Ontario Medica] Society. urday evenings witb the resuit tisat the cleeka Treate ail 4izeaseà o! the domestutcated were compelled to work later on Saturduy nights animais by tuhe mont appeeved method. Aise ihan there was any nced te do. Ib la ta be de- partieular attention to surgirai operations sired tisai those who bave been in the habit cf attnddn str. OfDearibt cl]. rorknpsopping late wiil bave a littie more conceen for attended . Ofc u eaee ok the mercisants and dclks in the future ln doing tiseir shopping on Saturday tuîgbts. W. J. NoTr. :liT1,: ': lre. Worth Knowtng We can supply ah] kinds of Field- andGaren eed, ethe -inTisat Ou r puces aiC 25 te 40 per cent. ciseap- and Grdes eeds cthr un Ci tisas any other undertaker in tibia dis bulk or package. Flower Seeds ticti. in great variety. Mamrnotb Tisat ve bave tise Beat Hearse, and thbe fin. Long Red Mangold Seed, ioc., est Casket Wagon sud Casket Slcigh lb. Turnip Seed. all standard luintisa county. varities ioc lb.SPADSTiai ve conduct fuserais vush decorunu. varieies, oc. b. SPDES, we take tMore pains w#th our wor.ý; HOES, RAKES, etc., at closcst Jtissu do thee majos-lty of Undertakers. prices. That wo use kid and iHâle -glom i nstead of cbeap cottos glovus HÂRVEBT 15 OOuseG., appropriate- dffl and as-u IMUVEST 10 COUMO dra elifou ruga, beaùful pedes- tais.aud ,draperies lu black or whit, fWWhât about Binder Twine? That ,vo delly r ai. 'aÃket and -ciCom-nI F4mes ar resectilly r: ous- Caskoit-w*g99>norcakt,tslcgb. F4rmers a-C - resectfully re- r order.oout- arnd qucsted, not. to lplace-ifieiýr4mers promspîpt Çioiû. tii theq have seen -our i' maiipies-- aun d 0,d Urquot"t,>s Qu e so Fù itr Ca iytebest and prcete o Poe-,.-Perry, O.t i ut ~~ - last week Rev Mr Bunner was invited to remain a second year. Mrs Maw has iately sold ber steed to Mr Ashton, the liverv man, for two bundred and twenty five dollars. Mr Charley Mosher left ou Saturday of last week on his wheel for Bradford to spend about one week wxîh his mother at that place. In my itemns of two weeks ago instead of cal- ling the lodge at Raglan Foreesters i made the mistake and called them Oddfellows. Mr John Clarey, school teacher at Ashburn, occupied the pulpit bece on Sunday morning last and preached a good practical sermon. It seems that thece was no need for planting more trees - at the school grounds here, but Arbor Day was impeoved by cleantng the yard. After working soute weeks at the Massey-' Harris works Toronto,- Mr Robert Chisholm retucned à ii0eli îgt.and bas been employed on the C P R here by Section Foreman Francis. Saturday, May i5th, special hargains in groceries. Brooms toc., I2iC, 15C, 20C, 25C ' see themn. Look at other locals. Custom- ers buying $,5 wortb of goods wili have their faire paid. E R B Hayward, Wbitby. In last week's CHRONICLE we understood thie South My-tle correspondent to express a wish to correspond for thiîs paper. Now, it seems to un that if we both aend items the same week that some of them would be mentîoned by both of us, and we make this suggestion that 've each write alternate weeks and if that doca not-suit the cor- respondent sonth if the editor thinka it the better way we will relinquish al our cdaims and allow the able correspondent at the sonsh to do al the writing. Myrtie BuMues Directory LrvzBsT CHÂAGE-Hav-U1g pnrchased the Liv- ery Business recently carrled on by the late dim Barreit, I amn prepared to laccommodate tiravellers anad otîhers wlih rigs at reaeonable rates. Cemmeroiai mon deait with liberaUly. Sl.abiing for horses. s.nd good care given them by rellable men. The Oshawa, Whitby and Myrtle stage doe. not mun on Bn.ndsys* DAVID ASHTON, Myrite Station. Seagrave J Sharrard spend Sunday last at his home in Uxbridge. The Sleep Beos. have commenced a ben- nery, which we expect wifl be very prosper- ous. Our Sons of Temrperance division intends giving a grand concert on or about the 4th ofJune. Quite a number ftrm here attended the social at Mr J Morrow's. The evening be- ing so fine, and good roads, a large crowd was present to partake of the good thinga provided for tbem. TYKONE Mr. J. H. Manning bas been suifer- ing with pleural trouble. Mr. Byam, sr., of Millbrook, and grandsons, were recent guests of Mr F Byam. Our broad-leaved maples have again donned their fair and changeful dress and ail nature is looking its best. The senior league gave the return programme for the juniors on Sunday alternoon, consisting of a talk on the topic by Miss Patter, a paper by, M isg Mowbray, and a solo by Miss Cade. Large uumbers of catfish are being cauglit i Scugog at present 1Robert Stewart also lias a wheel en whicli lie makea good time. W. Herring, jr., is erecting a dwefling house at the corner of John and Burr as.& -James Stewart the present occupant of thie lames Scott farta, intends moing to- aMlmtoba next. year. -y ;-Tisefarsers ara uuu8ly lusy Wlth, tlieir spring eeding sand viii fluish nea-ly aiu Pcrcy Stayer bas urchgt asennwwel~ wlieh iis teachrinluèhôst tise. 2thirIlwhet.filds te.ýWospaiits £or,- GaÃ"s-ge joblw ina ps-sticeq degy où' bis 'si- footes-" 1'*I, ;-4 -f nât aspee4 -s thé~ ia.tct Sortsý - k bas one 'mas-s t ~least' -vz,, you )have a reateur Vsaw f tacutry- lÊs"u pà lsist.g A. H. ALLIN'S W INDI)MILL S -AND~ Lilway eamship ets î,agt. i ri iii :le --lad 'uhe A n sl Il îact =O OR due' A 1