Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1897, p. 2

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MMhe i Saine. 0141 Sarsai That's Ayem's. TI sarsapanilla as il na sold by Dr.J. C.Aye aqo. Iu t.ýe labor dîfferent. There ru auces lend speedt i experierice. But t] rila ha the sarue oi that muade the record- of cures. Xvhy don it? MWell, sv'ne ru conditionî cf the Bis! raspbery. " Doul saiti, "Got ruight hi better benry. But aiso, lie never did ton't we better the sa Wec can't. We a re same olef plant that Indians and tbe Spai bas not been bettei ince wo ruake sarsapi peundti ocf sarsapar we sec no way cf irn1 0f course, if we wer sorue secret cheruical we right. -. .. Butç We're makiug thc ast sapariila te cure the diseases. Von cau teý same clef sarsapai cause it womks thea cures. It's the sovere purifier, ant-it's Avd CORRESPONDE PICKERING. Ste41A Eleanor, euly i hale V'iîliam \ Vunîv, Oued ut resitlence, King etreet west, afiemnoon, a"eti20 yearm si Thue Pickering Towr-sl Bchool Association boldo is tien un St Audnew*s church h nesdsey, thue 20W cof tiltîsun programmnne ef rare meit wil edTIhbe c3immittee huave be papers by senie ver>' able spi Wve lîar froru s reliable Dr Tueker, formnerlv of this Toi-quay, De-on&liire, Enela h.e itiagaun ufferiniz tron it case that mtatie liis lat few soîsson of regret to bis friendi must be gettîng Up in yearsi John Leslie lias; occripied sluop goule ses-enteen Veti' plueti bis calline, itat cf a Ile bus now tiecitieti tpen s lias renuiti the centre bop iblack, to wlîich hoe will trans nomis &boutte fireit cf neitr bu@ aio reiîted the rcsitiouc tien witb tenew ahop un( hua faul y thons about Jun trust the change mu>' ho bon A esitieut cf tutus village w1ilIpppr Fut s dpumnintal eîîy, sponding serie 818 o1 irnannem. The paper ho pur bila 10 cents per rol. Wheî sanie bung ho was a rolaboli to sendti th te samo store oll. Tiltslie couhl not get. s1derable enquir 'v a country m ut Lacan was discoveredtit puper anti fumuilil( thie nih.ssîi lie cnly chusrgeti 8 cents per Wss ltss eeling prî .ce. Xery papor wa8 manketi1"14 cents III cents ou bargzain dus." uther sniap given away.-Newi O RI LLIA WiU have free aeate St. James' cougregzation i -oidy 'tn ing b>' a voeofc toi one to bave free seats int Hlitliento thesesouehave 1F.e line, but the practice cf api thoni lîst grown ti:li it was fe rnatte-r hadti t e setlIed in s masnsfactcry- te thoâe ttho wh tuluCa to lie froc un fluet as welI -News Letter. A dolicate oaperatton Our Younug uthîete, J J-ne: Bornetune been trouibleti W gowtb in the kêes joint, whi hutptireti thle uéiet cf the Ihi wsck, Dm. G.Iclîirist, assisteti by Ar'laigli, operatet, anti rewove aiziîous fgrowth froni Le joint pleuuseti to report îluat Mn. Kr almest well, anti tha.' ho will foct use of the luS uagain. Ruuaway accident ho thùiaght tbat 134Woihi'p oi&beM LNYOAaoT jusified ini boing Ai lenient «peida e M N O)V, Miss May Gibbons is now with cit What could be a more smlItr e. Polio. Maestrate Latfferty saud that, h. friends. esting or appropriate way frtedrc hadI deterijed to give the ladà anotherG , flg Thomas Graham spent Sunday in~P tors of the horticulturalsceyt chanuce, and it a the asat they would Whitevaje. mr h imn uie pailad ergthis would be hedere thi ede, W RK Duncan Macnab lhas been rather in- planting a jubilee tree i tecor ves liable tco seven ye rs iglpri onment, d sptree a f w a s.h us ar -ndl o disposedwoldfor aldfewr days.hadgsimilar sturdy anu long-ie he same old so that if at an>' time the>' xnisbehaved D orsoSou .le iieda av i nmdanuae ~srae rd themeelves in n THEh enBce-haeiUnmd u crd o aNh as aB aE I &D .y he enencMWJ rimsnstou w e vsiedatDiamond Jubilee elm o would without fail b. imposed. He had Peter Rusnell, Sanford, is here with case may be ? The smae 'er 50 vears also decided to impose the condition that theobetter, as it Albdebe forething t oratory it 15 they ahould leave the couit>', mo that 0f Sicknes8 and the Shadow of W. ovthetn arid aughas ere oted b eeainafr iodern appli- thoy the>' might break with ther present Graver Thing8 W .h Souvi îîe friends ov h rwer dayagte ratio n d is co t to skill and a ocaio sand get away from the stigma wt tu il re dso e u d y o l e n te lgendtlat th asp- of their cri me. He impressed upon the - Miss Lena Wilson has bees indis- gnrtoadtelgn e asa- lads the serious nature of their crime and R LI posed. with quinsey but snwr-igbign em ban sarsaparilla of their rsn position, urged thern to R BEING IFT D COvering. ihtepswudb uch0 inas rde hircaatr n the vdMISS Jessie Kennedy, Bloomington, N I Y L >Ao Such a tree could be planted( thsm D't we better f row them promises to reform.-Packet. rom Thousands Of Homes in was here with friends this week. forCMFU4Fdecadepea monumentndof iuop andthe LINDM. ho.SAY eforfmyOa d a h are er usay 3 eca.ie aiLer ea aI hop and the Canada. ~~~~~Eggs brought 7,-/c. and butter 1C h oa huhfleso jtlss "he Wethe Ar. emon Tuale d a - theloyalhhoughrketnessof the îtize avles " had ee a t the Aaeyo usa evening MGog Robt Milne, Green River, was hereu &IoLida.Watvrs laemd hee9entered bis reaidence, and but for MrGog York, ex-chie-f enqineer On. o Li dsay. Wbs atver mustdn i e doubtless, their tml return would have made a RoOd< Hall and a residet of Toronto for Tesday wt his mother for a short q eoc.Tes-snfrt d. W'hy good haul. Wbhii the family entered the over 80 years, rayé,: 'q wa ubjet Urne.doenc.The salsonfor te latn bouse the thieves made te ecp yrùeunwatîsw for anumbero01years. p Talbot shipped ntecaldofIlisogbe kw ursil the the back door, leaving their ndes cone by nand crn die ddme ngood. stock from this sanonhercaoatelad od e inaisaIlesumm r usigte taîning silverware and ern apparel, MY left limb was so stiff 1 oonld soarcely the City. WVEM~ictoria anenerally known tcured the on the floor. Chief Bell ie looking for Loet aronud, and in aacending the stairs 1 w J Graham and wife were in the perhaps it is not so en £ nuiards. .it the guilty-parties, but as yet hua been un- tal Ldt rag myseîf along. Th 1iyfralwdy ihfîns r-4 ' Hlbro onv htm red. And successful in securing îhem. painwas intense. Two aaial viales of ora e dy wthfi-'b amongauhrxlie ol i Muuona Reuatsm urgRve oefueturning home on Monday. prospector, r otDrausaw arihlaahn cn-mrDacin eller h a ee cdapdishe greaiest relief snd 1 arn now feeling il, Geo 1.rquhart, Stouffville. is here DrngteYerI8 . bsoter ctov riesbtBasjutsrka rilla plant, wahes bgmache pubie.H aes t ca th silendid healîli sud have flot Lad any this week painting and decorating for UrlgteYa 19, hsoe dcvrislasj otveen. hers bpaeoetepubli. H o ie&< returu of the. old troubjle.~ Duncan Macnab. For fuil paruiculars ses advestisements, or apply to splendid ledge of coal. Theldei re making -one fo.ie8an nte orpiael Munyon's Rbeumatismn Cure seldoni D \V Kennedy bas got niceîy settîed LEVER BROS., LTn. 2 Sm T. TRM 3 t 35 feet wide, exposed 4o os compoutid bouse. The larger one, inteiîded foîr "'lie I rellv noet beLicurs, sud in his tin so, and wil move bis and runs from comparatey lo we're flot. botels end boarding bouses, wîll boli for- curea in a few laya. Priee 25C. family here in the course o1 a few days. grondinaVERTON irct ne old sar- ty eigbt pieces. and wil beo muId at 810 Mu nycu's DySesaCr positively L Pilkesuho reha erected B VETNmuiAin r New York u sanie old eacb. Mrs. Wakely, cf Cambridge et., cie I ob fIdgeto n twana ai.ec ln h rn Mr Geo S Wallis took in the horne Ayres, an expert fom e c-li' h a enuigon o on ii n eure ale.forscf Indieso udBOfarneril ec logtcfocf bis show in Toronto lut week. north Friday and lie examie lîkes it splendid. The inventor in to be Munycu s Colti Cnre prevents pnen- GMabaasEros. were - suhsters F-f ra h.pae.Teer qualitygo riU< be- c0ngratulated o hmo b aindashers reak 2 &3c.ina ew ahehmoshoweat Tronto eflasterhanoe fIt ure. da o avr lasu beaa uuaoctiuuafevrvWbrut hstrua o au d . r. Alyers ays th e caI Dame olsl been attaineti by persistance and pîluck. hus cce5.a h hreso t ornolst ansu verre f ns.Mr thr a th eetSuuy einbodMnnyon*s Coungh Cure stops ccnglis, week. Thcy secured flrst prize in Messrs Meale andi Way, the newpo-ver), few feet down, will be c eyfn ~ign blood The prospectus cf the Sturgeon Point nigbt sweaîs, alîsys surenesandd bot the Clydesdale and Hackey reosovBre' rv, îtn r fr.Hotel Co. (limited) habeen issueti The îîy heuls tue lnngs.P ePrpet lsea wl sseptae ls n etng af larernin'a illior in the th alt he wuld athe fr hv ion o capital stock in piaced ut 820,0(0, andi the no,8Kidney Cure speediîy cureï; Canadian draught and in the thoro- tgrove. largednin wlininb omec th e The wud ate hv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b j e t f h e o m a n i s t e e r e t u d p a i n s i n t h e b a c k , *o n o r g r o i n s a n d i a i l b r e d l s . t e i c e h s u m b e r t t e l y .s e r a s u o e d o l i r e . equip a thoroughly modemn hotel on th., tnsf kidediee.Pce2.. of ioronrwrescrd We nPMMianJwsinTonon n c svr l poahit l a seie c f lutd oedstoyedyTre utnshew yu Haah ur tp ea-m ongratulate the boys upon bav- Eriday hast attendîng a meeting cf thefrmterioaadsudMr begînin cflua. Bsson Th plns howache in thr ee minutes. Price, 25c. ing sucb fine animaIs.CLAcuni.itaonf ccalsonyormle a magni1ficent summer botel, w.i'th wide Munycusa Pile Ointmeut ptie CLAcuil.Basw'brgetho-s balonee veanah. ec. ad wthabutcure llfore f ile. rie,250. - The annual meeting cf the public Mn A D 1-orrison's bandscme "-juble of the men interested witb ib 1.a0conielare l ranah, tcsudor th about ura il ora f ple. ric, fll relied itwil eana orun 15 odlar fgest.ir iooma for te accum .Munycus Bîood Cure eradicatea ail] ray wshcdin the Workman hall cottage in Ethel Park lbas been complet- folyr th cm ad, a Gods edfrtepe- LulyliF, ofth odattionbuicfiguesthI spooeit impurulues ot tbe blooti. Pries, 25c on Monday evening. Frcm the sever- ed and in a credit te the Park. frte n o edf L er mofthe hgt h uidngwt electricil'y, and Munvocua Fetuale Remedies arfi a boon al reports read, or ibrary is in a flrst- plAt> hleswilbidtolr e Po f this district.-Warder, lie n oth r 1 te e hn e com unidjca t ointwl e bu e lw m en cl s o dtion, fnancially and other- cottages in Ethel Park uring this m ont. n Tbnsdyith Limpny anti adjaent ints.Tm e 5- MuI nycn's Asthma, Remedies relieve in %Nwise. Over fiftecn bundred bocks MrTEet(cbosptfrmStr- - ea. S abd t 00 inontha. c m pa nydpo e ex pnt ing tm o e $1 ,. i u e n i c r p n a e d . P î e e e issu ed tu rin g th e y ar. T h e olti day tilI W e tne day w ith relatives in T or- VR Nl A l v i L up Sbbah 00 i erctig ani euipiîî th boe!,board of directors wcre re-elected, ex- onto.- next conven- beautifying the grounds, etc.-WNatch. Mfunvon'o Catarmnb Remedies nover fuil. cept T Dunn bcing clecteti in place cf MEJhnMoenna, bohu bo hereon ed- an.SHOULO KNOW TFA here on Wbed nan.The Catarrib Cure-price 25C.-eradicates Mr Edwb bias remnovcd to Brook- Mr ion MJus Birc ohartis n ill be preqent- ~~~~~the diseuse from the system, anti the Ca- lin. wrii nJsBrhr'scrig n esu romied -blacksmith works for the pat two years, *enprmiedLarhTales-pic 2c.elane nd Monday cvening Sherman Ruod hsierebi conne etion witb that flrmi bekr. arsth g-u-imîy bou the j> Cr i awndrlP urchascd a fine looking heufer fcr anti Becureti a position in Peffenlaw. source thatt w-ay tbrough. the Ilnerve tonie. Price, 25c. sagtr h a uhapup village, is in doo Of huppiness MnosVtwzr etrsls i e -ed alookîing animal that those who tale soJatutad' Min, of md, anti that oorthousandsofP- ice . daglimpse cf ber bespoke for a TeBaetnRreBetesAsc be sanie dis. nheBthvrtonHorseBrcfemriesc wutfuî women. Personal Iettors te Prof MUnycu, Il roast that was sure to be prime. Sher- îatiun bave beeri offeret 82,500 cah for yeurs here a , The woman who&e sàud 18 Albert St.,Trnonwed man proceeded to kil! ant idress h sThe Dr. nre r ace uTfo neia duorono adsweusedcarctshanti bile 5hepStnarde. The sofl mThe 130w.b panan tbre eia diefrnydsae acsan hl doing oh thougbt Royal Sr à w se tregthin ------------------ tat tte lungs wcrc not right. He b>' a Yanîkee wh-o in aruxicus tos8ecure this bis present I sapped by dcbili-snt or C J Brodie, VS., who pro- grand horse. ,rs and there - tating drains, due STOUFF'VILLEC. nunceti the carcass unfit for foodi, the M ihr iar' at oot sheemaker , , te weakucss anti The followiug in the arrancemnent cf animal having be ufnn ro uiesvslua ek ee4,bt o dieue f heor Lcrss &dstricts: York-Stouff ville, thrclsis of a very adivancedi nature. Mslosntna Sto et s~ .a a e arnirEXTEe nAL e. ant bc intePrewcmen, canno eMsMa' intePretasp cibe toMark arn, Aurons. Aunoea, Riehmond Insteati cfmaking flrst class beef the the guemt cf the MisesLecokCeari iz l145 qUikuacsi= 10on S ei~ lt sfe bs ua hapy SeiuotI 1h1 udTectnet I. OtaieBe. eat was burieti at the direction cf the Beach, ut present. lsazse moih eoflysfbuteOut frOm vertcn, Wbitby, Cxbridize, Port Perry hcalth inspector. hs pstv m n oîe a sîictibs. hLIradaKILERThjg5jt. ce in ne haps. b u tpernd "insay.îweA nfue ntio pilsypstie unt.niPer&.DYutr dh aim, bton. i'idu>.A e nt nportant proof that outward appearances cannot Masre o Mn M i V s hsrodouthicf Nom- i P& aInd-KILLER omp, i ilmefrnsber. a-eeua5ynls owi frcwi :n es brr M MWSL(>d o -r nelo.aet da woy M rsgu alst i wi fre, vzlay-no rsuffice as te the presence or absence of wich. Wbile weîcomin n tou e Pe-MKnmafILLvcsEI,Paim m im efca.ia hsafit nasmdsucb disease. Mr Rumobr deserves ormtg wtree>'sa> e a r IskoraD-%èe. Rheaaulmuiual5erIum rd.isi nit thraffu-- a1.enmDnamne or on unother nian'e the tbarîks cf ail our people for bis 0HUrmedstwboartdurin bisry e sne Mr ABuckorI.LLhe UXtTlI5Tmand Àsv dsfrght with gi-est dar, r. Even if certificats under the penalty cf beingptgbr se purchasoti she escape% m-h ber lîfe, it i> only te live a etczhegrs udatmepuotrmtato nth atr sbt ebti lmaesnuny frint ies. ecehee AWDE.N-bingu m u D ZmAI= TB storrei te inyrttheol a nî. hirityrdlsstot futenamo nddlea xplsonPr.ptaTioiiste mtaraseedli hd ad sny rind.rES i r e nsnbThouatids cf worneîn have fcund a sure, t s 130 noreinstaternent. put tbemetApo DISa.eti wuî M Ati' hamesspntSuda' ist-w aADSPEuajs vm mcbhased cost and certain rernedv andi have apoken in tin Mn dyaeve he irt d_________________.iigMriAnds ainerSutton Lruamed frtemDuraos.iii uncertain words cf ita almost miractiloua odY eD9tefrtfishing PAIN-KILLER" n uttn.Il the wsutira mm having te action. came iPihaudne frmbttwOAIN -101LE - td it.Ua u in it aunane o rinbu tw.T C Hodzkilaou, cf "Simcoe Lotige" ne 1¶auIe. Feprmier, Pluatev, saiomdi et, mutdbuti This remedv ia Dr. Pierc-e's Favorite I3- -antis noon the clouta disi)psd tithe.iie înntî nTusa ut .~noreiaîSbI7weBwayWL ix, baeer nlstuy. Frt-Clott inintg,5o statups. puu nfrain htw1 iraevi Mn MelIntyre, cf Oullus, who openet 9 e' tii fore I nowîgefor baions t whe- et ab.G[ERiL DALoS ut a barber shop in the 'mon Blocka wlihsoMý1 kowldgeof he werebout wil b - -- -- -short wbile ugo, left luat Tuesday fo aihgeaI uitsbly rewardeti. Pieuse senti any in-. Orillia, baving securet a position thon.XgEN5 njb. Les BOUGAMornntion as te bis whereabouts by 'msil k outbos a obe mn yDr. A. P. Mrs. N. Burton, cf Claremont, is heu-s or tiniving te bis parents ut above-let, ~aT he oftona ntio e aair tonce. t. We are NIiêss Boom, of Markbanî, wus hiers over ville, P 0, Ont--Tribune. addcrtn uie ewudrs no, ia noçv Sannay witb ber mothler, %Lü is some- - ---- the remrnuk that a fresh coat of paint ap- 1 have per- what iutieposeti. pl~~± .pied bath tnenl1 n ext.ernaly Ram A number cf our sports bave viait'et T r r POITS , ~ALTONÂ waald flot be intrnall a Dufflus Croek in ouest of sneket- and id~h on s îorarta cter e e eek ln vain astey matie se;eneDr Agnew'a Livor Pilla are are a Purel>' illion. OOs s eysriul » Roussi Eau. urneti Thuretyi' nmiug anti was esuset ver>' gotihanîs. s rl Vgetablo CemponntiA Scientifi. Dan ici Stover, Toronto, is visitiuig Dea, Edtor.Peaum ntnu-m vur rester, lv a teaun cf rinaway herses, diven b>' George Biandin ie hou-e witb bis brother cal>' Studieti Fomuila. The Af- here this week. that il wrttn tao onfidentiahy, I1vii mail, Mn. I)ennîs O'Connor. Mn. OConnor John, after au absence of sone twenty ter Effeet-s of thbe Medicine Misses Josephine Kester anti Mar un a saied letter, partiewam ofa a grenuil»., wae mret irniui, frotu the faunenal of bis yesrs, in Illinois. Re notices many Have Been given us niuch Stonifer visited tu-ents at Hilli an>' boest borne cure, by which I was perman. uîut, Mîýs. Menanit>, anti dnivunff a cab changes in both thc people andthue place. Cetisitiouationsas the is ently reatoroti ta health and unny vigor, aiter s-chiche contaiuiug seven ladies. Coming Irumediate Re- week. years ai suffernng frnfeu-vans debility, aial ihewn Tuckere hbill the tug camne unfast- E.Wlobabiaetrieifrtueanuts. Frank A. Hoover leftu fer Cedar weaknesa uit L.bsses and weak ehruaken enqti, tbe herses broke into a rmn. The pilrpoee of putting a atone foundtiton be Ntr thmno henltfeaasG v nMndyweeh a e-part". a ssrabbed snd awiudtsd by the, Not o wth m nu-et he m elet f"iuu~g Gro e a Man ay, whee he bas Se-quseku un tdl I neau-y lst fat in umaaknd, driver eaizîng the perilons condition cf ueath, but the surong wmnd cf Sstnrday -PWn»td Purge»-sand nueC&Iug curet eunpioyrnent with D Rayîner. but thank heaven 1Iam now wel. Vgrsa th ocua i e s uhaoutitbe' edit net susuai s neiruprovernonts suid POWer-thtnk of tics. Poinsuteu tliron ontt o e modantseiu tbatthe structure was tbrown aveu- ant fyn utue e inIo fu . A large number from bere, atended and strong and wkicii toalte ibis certain thron ot o th rod, nd eoig tat f Yn Met ue ediine lok fr te sans ni cuse known ta ahi auffhuera. I bave he wftcs fast losiugr cou trol cf thi ermes, wueeketi. Most pleasant. safear anti aureatot ke. thbe funeral of tube late Milt.on Kester, notbing ta moîl and want no auaney, but enr iurnt-d them wucte iteopposite W. The joint commuaites of Erakine anti Dr Agxuew's Luver Pille au-e suprenue in Stouffv'iiie, on Sunda>'. We extend a firm belie'er in the unîversal brote-bo,,<jof B. 1.-wneîucf'F. The ladies re"led ont, St. Join's preabytrnian chus-cha met ut; cases af Sick HedceBiasusu- oun sympathy to the bereaveti widow m i 1am esro ofhep -the unfortimaite -"t une of thltun being burt, ttlough te T.- Penchera on Monday evenîng te au- îow skia, Constipation, etc. 40 dames, andi famil>'. yau perfect seau-ocy. cabt- %%!cîî was owned 1)'y Mr. Fra8en, range for cou- pîetinig feue., plan ting tr-eas 20 cents. Soid b>'JEB Willis. A number of propert>' owueu-s on Addmcsq with statnp: pus- ueu was a cotuplete weck.-Tiunes. aut otlier impovoeuts lu cennection tetotcek fti iiiyhv b 'LoD iet upis 'he hyouug lais, 1Il tAge and Robin- wiîb St. John's cernetuer>'. ntieceut cres i bis vicisasit>' bae W..T0 BOXD,5A9eus.Supple,qa 1%o, Wo otnnitedtheburlay a Mr Alx. rqaar ba goe o te hme Warren Woodruff, et Pickering., s fs ig.If something of this kind The Forty-eighîHighlanders av58 e pted -i E ('aras about tbree w eekaa am of brecues in thbe township of Seotut. hati been doue a few years aga the the unvution tu Braitio-d on thie Quesea' rip heforecaePolice MagistratsodLaffeomt>'eon gpbfr oieMg8rt afro, Hereafteu- Zophyr will b. bis homne ut- mvt noucWorf oeta speckleti beauties wauid not be so Bistbday. Tuestia>' for sentence. Large petitions, rsas. Aloi. loft arl>' Tuestudau-monuug Geo Wood is makiug two tnips tO neal>' extinguisheti. u<j»mSusrru, Dawu i 3s, Ont »My with about thmeo hundreti ignature, woro anti thus avoidettbe embarasment ot Toronto per week insteati f eue. We We tioticeti a numbes- fror» eue of "For Boyau-ai yers wtt PainseuinuMy 11b. presenteti, usking for lenienc>'. Mn Geo attezîting a fauewell banquet on bie be- are pleased to see bis business increas- tube suu-uounciug villages fishing ou the W"ic Cntinuet getsluîg woffl V ;u tbuhat> 1) Grant also mappee anti rade an hI.ig first day of May. It would bc well for wre sQ severe hat I culdt ersi nighs.ik loqluent pies tubaitic mig hi ha temp. Brougham junior football clb organiz- Mrs Wm Camnpbell is spending a ew them to remember that they are liabie toak eue bai afi MiUe'Ctmouipound ri a> j et wiih more>'. Ho bosotihis centen. et on Suturtis>, May lat with the follow- weeks with ber mother, Ms-s Davis, in ta a fine, as Ma>' ustu is includeti in the ad am peieçily oudd." e ý1 tien en the >'ontb et the prisenersansd auniig officena :-Preaident, Colin Phiipa; Toronto, in enter t.bat she might ir- close season. Mtbouh it s-hJerineM8ah thbe tact thai, tho>' but beeonlot mie tube vice preaident, S. H. Stevenson ; captas» _____________ taito the Ph. ho ba ui o retmn.>n et 'uthe commission cf tube crime b>' an older Lorne Bus-k ; uae. captuan, E W Bodeil poe e haph ar nd f iels spleudid. - oit by A H A1hi., bout. Ho aise drew attention to the secretary aiud is-asurer, John L Gevue; Visituors: Mrs Thornpsou, Taronto, As thbe strengtb et s buuJdlxudepesida upcn » &qgls rnurked tentiency cf legialatuion to corr-ect, xanaging comniite, Robt Cawan, Hugl with ber sistuer, Mu-s Chishoir»; Miss ithe saiidity afi lis feadation, no healîhà dependa X aw- -D14 h h of pelàa tai. ion iaatead cf puniahment in tealing witb Stevenson and B Liuton. Puactice Mon- Spencer, Brookiin, wituh her brothes-, upon the. condition oethue blood. To «Wpl i.. - i», tube youag, anti thougbt it mncb wiser if' Wetineadaya anti Saturclays. .> F Spencer; Mrs Hoopes- wituh heu- pau-lUes sud cause the vital RuI t ta beconue - out cf those who have mate one slip in- ýa pieuse write t- thbe seu-chas-y. Gildes-s with heu- sister, Mrs A How- thebset peweruiland effective medicine la <3c»ipc»d waklu-u rs ae uue" mie f atout of heu-ding tbeuui1i . hartoneti j Wight 115 Ibo. or un' letu. AlliUa, ud Wakiies"So4b Foro Caia< By B 1 - -' lt -Not byA dollars 'nn î'c, bl-it bon trthaw-Y, bc.- cf Ma-tuenty in ,he vity. 1heti Br Czana-dia n fic.t£t-y': dia-n capi-ÀLI. Em ployezs,al îke, are evem-Y dollar pali -bicycles rernainis The Red Birci star estimiation cf the bath at borne andta examnple ci Canad, tempu-ise. You can ' semne '97 cataloguie_ yliîjto Se a wo to yotu by sending -, Th£ GoDold Bic) BRANTFCL Branches: -Tor St. John, Win Aus.. andi Capet ENriz Wbat s!taîl we do t' ruonti jnbiIee day? Tiie husereaatiel lian i rtl(iu oni~t Aftem whucni they wer ant i wî.. Mrs. tSnîuel Bray Campbeîll ae on the t-II socu mec' ver. Thefit r-s IlavP,,-' ing opela-îonis. 11Le extent. VU e lit r-e1-t- crosse cf th e t-ed soetr Tbe Ittv. M-r. .Xlaro eccrietitue puîçu L- -o preactiet an întnîî-ý conire2tfitio)n bag v DIuIaUL anner@à.ry -r late r. Not a ereat deal bas lanà vs'. There Las of main. Oid farruers i, suet a-i a:kwarti îpriu We are sor-y t e no Mountji y hbasbecmu hast writuug, but wea soinewLat necoveret speety isecoven>'. Muse Bertie Gilber-t Penny wioere ahe hue bi erally the cburch hoe sncb occasions by visit feront uppointruea on account of bud wt were cnt on Sunday. Abrday wus wel pup~ils of the. sebool.T et <of the. aske andi naon ; the aiternoonW ing tr-eaý with the îleual ing anti the cî-ewning o Who was Misa Etiith .Frank Campbell acte ,wbicb a varieti progra ii tbe scboolroom, c tions, readines, soies a with a speech au- twn. was taatiy tiecarateti flowens. Laat *Wednesdy week eveçt toak place M itE Thos Wosten, when bi was merrieti to Mu- W prising "alr. At 7.80 exceedisligly eha.uming, bine buter trimmed and ribbon, and w bunch of white eh"y led forth by her uiels as; the. rganu traineti weddixsg maroh, playe toeher, Misa Wugg. tied by Bey H I AUi The follwing are smre were prsnt-: - Mu--an and Uns W J Ormiaton S- Jose9ph &.sht Mise J'Dyeri'Mr Fred -Bey 1Reyno1d, u- Hugh C Gilbert, Mr - D A Tu- Wi~n oten, Mr- =4 Mr Fred- Harîbgt,Y -rowelL Mit- aud Mu-s Jeî Annie Bimaeomb, Mi Mr- and Mn-aLev i *l< -by 120,menm lent 1R fnofCeigube mL j meyvery beau«QIMa 'j

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