too nurnu8 t be giv.uherl.~r eouple ars vry Irnéh eteern.A bcth et borne *sud 4wy rom- it." Maniy were the. eoîrtlton ngo ishes -they receiw~d. Aftur bh o.rmony t.he P!arty retired Io the diulnîg hall wbere tables were loaled with gQ)od tbingq msuit'tble for tha orcasion. The evening until midnigt wua speut tu ail kinde of Rames when the party dsparted, thinking of thé ,-oesd rime and greatly wondetirsg ho would bo next. Anoter page oft gi5 pleasant evect took place wben the boyp txied to take advantage of* the happinegs of William by playing on pans, etc. The hove were fno, to be fnr2,-tten and Wil- liam- wcasfL)ot the lad tb forget theru. He trrated thte crowd and iherehy sent !1iirty or more homne happy besides the regular guetste. A Young Woman Missîng. SfJIi F(iRMFRI Y lýl.1F.DIN OSIIA',%A. V Cô, (in Friilav last the Toronto Star an- Notby dopion oniincen ithat I ss Mary Prurdy, com- Not by Adwoption. . vaireCiW pi ,pi *si lv, adwoformnerlv liveul in 'lj7HE Red Bird is Canadiars, not )ç >hawa., was înissing. under decidecIlv bircause thze happen o bcK pe-iiliar ciri urrnetanu-es. -She was bureci dollars in ft, but because utW5 nt a s\car agri. anud proved t0 he .u boru that w.1y, beîng orginated un cîi >- n I-on evn Canada and having grown ru ycars I t h.îOwever shie bas been aCtingý of rnaturuty in the land of ts nat- 'h Audfre h n- vity. Red Bi-ds are biutin a i-rs i uc' cldore tlemor Canadian factory erected îry Cana- iî-or hin>g-. .nd wiîujlci be unibîr dian capital. Eroployers and cm- ti i Imtîlkîtihen utensuIs ancldulTferent ployezs, alike, art Canaduans, and thinQs, of wbIosin position she was per- every dollar paid foi- Red Burd Itîv l,,aw;arc bicycles remauns un the country. %( ekagsh cmpin The Rend Bird stainds high un the roi tinunm-weeks ango she laîn(-)g estimation et the cyclung polic il . uit %vas preunwîl i-vi utn t both ai bomerneud abr-oad. a fittrng I it.1ii.sss0realeiuont tas- exampie of Canachan "kul and en- îo lbnsc rnig then on full opera- terprisc. Yo can have our hand- Itin s-ho I1d tic oser. soi-e '97 catalogue, prouuiuuced by 1i Xli Ks I WTH T1F tIlNXFR. ('?to y ob edanwoui- adrt.ees. lr aitiSbuwever, became more to yo by sndingyour ddres îiti1fîLc and peculiar. and. io spite col The Goold Bicycle Cýo.,Ltd. the lac t fhat ,he was a guod cuîck, shie BRANtTFORDO~N-T-. w' uld P1"al! s-orts of h îcks with the- itinncr. on one occasion being found Branches Toronto, Menti-ri, ro.sinic me a'upar.à tis and boiling thie St. John, Wiunipeg, Sydney, amli> f-r a dininer ws iiih she %sas pi-- Aus.,. and Capctown, S. Africa._ p ing I'tps6 erI 1FR (1 OTHFS;. bstTliîursclav night the master of Sir- liise went dcswn stairs at a late EN FILLD. u)îr sec that evcr\thing was ai! W\111 t ' ali1 weI- o to c,,nt-b ii e t iti 1u,îiiisereuadeul Nîr. fani lMrt;. Vil Laiti t, iT l n0ouSatucday ,iiiiut uaî. Attt r I tiii they were tresUs] ro caku- Mus i-un- Bray and iss Minni- ,lî l-I -ie ou the sick liet. Maý ra>eý Fi-i turt-t- ver. Tii.- f r iirs i as-e about fois-u-]see-d ilig uîpt 11 - Els-,u-ssSrau-us bai-r iiuqIsl- i ..i kî onthe- libto quitte atý -t1ýt \\ e i- (i.i fi- i- mit aloniAunt in ILui. .Mr. Pi-lams, cf Qi-eue circuit. l-iiiuls* i eullpit --ru Sundas, lai-t, Ht a il ti1) t t ru1iuu, t 1iic ti- Fe - 111 on.u. i, i-i.ns-s-~il n ies dii-uu.l-it(>1 h(l u(ean n Ila, alîts1 %rbli ry Fe rt-ce8-. Particiîtrl- lut, r a,,t R Lrat deal hias beeen doue on th- lmu i s - There bas been a gresi deu- cf1 i iuil. it (ifartnars say tbey neye-c sa%. s-trIj a i a-ward s-jirmg. We>ie orv to report that Mr,; Jmsnes- MI-iutiî v tuas ein uucb worse siucs- iiO lIuut %Ni tuuco, but we are glad she te nuis me tiuîe A i at cecovered and hope tIIr be-r 1 it.dNiecovery. %I IÉ-iBei-tii- Gilbert is borne fi-ui>j Port 1-crv s-ç% i-ori- e - b acbei-n v. UIL1u tic . l-r ituiît, Nîrs- Dr Archer, who, %Nt! aî-- kal1ii tu lýtuit, us sume botter, and Iut)s lu.i-rît t, ' li mauy frîeuds bei-e that s,-.î. n L'"01i bI,sWeillagaun. Mr Rteynolds, caâtle bn, s-c, s-.ijpu- ctle feout boeeat BlaWaUs n,1t I- t Tuoë(iuuy. It te a long dtsiuct,,irItt fat cuitie froiu--e tii lu.. uuso-un- > larmuert sliould make tic ýr larwieusnsu êouI a way tha suctu a drive wil be u riecessary. If the friniers do not look sfteu îbseir own intereste not mnan>' bnv- e- will dou t lor t1îeriu. 'rie weitîlem on Sa:urday uitibîs latelv iase not 1-Fen- very Rood for t)Ue orLauiza- tin of thte- organuzatuin of thé Boys' Ath- lric Assocation, but we hope to have It bocrniug un a short tinie. Lqst Thon-day the women tni-ned ont atuil gave the Methodist chunicî a îhoi-- ouglu clseariuog in onu-r that tiuev înuibt rê.upectfu ly rciuve visuiors ou Se ia.y, wluuch wis quarberly Suudav hi-ru, Gen- erally ti e churcb bei-e ltecrooviui-ldou sucb occasions by visituers frein the duf- l-eut appoiutmnent8 of the cii-cuit, ont on account of bad weatber nuti iuy wreuut on Sunday. An-or day was well enployed bv ltihe pî pis of the ochool. The yard wau clear- t-d &Ji the sticks and sIoe. in tbe fore- Doulur; the atternoon wae epent lu plant- inL, rees witb the upual cerernony ofsiang rug an] tbe crownung o! the May* vQusen. wl. lîî as Mise Eluttu Tavîsb asuit tier l'rauk Cainpbell acteut as Dui Aftei- wilîi a varie] programme was rendere] iun tle schooroouu, ce ueisting of recit- tions, r-aubuute, sotuue andl dnets, mungle n.ili a speech or tuvo. The scliooiroor wasui tstîly decorated w ith cedar and]' Las: WNýednesdsy week a ver 'v interesting i-veut look place at the resils-ncs-.ofiMr Thos Wotten. wben bus]arugiti-r NMai-y was msrried te MI- Wm Giitho. oor enter prusîng tailor. At 7.30 the bride, lookîug exceedunigl>' cbarming, in a drese of' sk-s bine loster trimrnod wiib beocude sllk an] ibbon, an] wearîng in bs-r haie a bunchu of wbite chryeautbemunniuî, was led forth by ber uncle, Mr e ni Powell, as the organ strained forth a rus--odions weddiug iiarob, plsyed by our effilcueut teacher, Misa Wigg. ýThe kuot was- then tiod by 11ev H 1 Allen, of Columbus. Tbe foiowing ai-e some o! the feu-nds who were pr-sont : Mr and Mrs T Hill, Mi- and Mu's W J Ormisten, Miss Wiu, Mr Josepb Ashton, Miss Jennie Ashîton, Mr TiTber., M. PD A PTrnamerMi-1nm rs.11 I~L;t. In the kitchen hie found aIl thle fi sirq iinfaistzu-ec, .,-clthe cook- i-h 's nu h t. svit h thie flamnes spout- inLý andl riuartngzUP tlue ppe in a moi-t ,iý,iing marisner. Th.e stove wa- pice kit] 1()e o<haî appepred 10 hbc wo4itcO s-turT. anud thiq. whicn emipti'eci mit inlt>) a patIlit) water, was recognized as t lie -rIs bt--t ssioter îauket. i-hie w,siiîmo)ned from bher bed, n-h cre s-ic was- sleepung eeundly, but prifcsserl t(, have put notbing bot cîrnl n the 1-ir- She thien went back hi her bcd and thât was thie iast anv-bod%- lias seen cof ber, N AI,\-ii- iil -tEl S Io the niornîng. hier bcd was found macle antI ex c-vtiîingiin perlect orcler. huit she was niot there. nuir îuld shc Thie Lcii-I as i1551sI-utersin the city. but nentiier i if îbem hai s-cen ber. and a marru-cI sister, Mrs. I)irant. iof (Osh- awa. wbo h,îd been notified, bas, not s-cen ber. ard w-ites anxiousîy for fur- ther news. il 1i'SsSoSSiiil1FR. Whetber the girl în her demented Ftate bas miade avvav witb berself or Las stuurted foir ber borne near 13urks Falls is a ms-stery thiat the police are i trvîng te fathomi, She bad ý8no, wbicb slîe kept cbangîng from bank to bank, rbinkîing each was unsafe, and at last accoonts shie bad this sum of nionev on ber. iThe girl had a sun-stroke about thiree vcars ago. 1 STFR. The missing y'oung woman toi-net] up at fiarrîson. wbere sbe bas fruends, and] is being well care i for. ,ORelief for *-Troubles lu comsuTEiv'EoN d dail L"«;, *DI5FAsff..spii'irNG 0F BLOOM> coKhGH. LMOI0F APPETITLý DEBIUTV. the baeltica Of Skis * artile as. me"t maatfest. 5V ithe &i i- of TheD. & L Enolsie. 1v o * r iS!.ha,.king a uughwhleh had reoubuedmofr sver yrr. and hâve aed cuuauermuiy un w eurh it. 1uikesi ihi. EmiCion s,, velu 1 w's iii visesithe Urne came &around u-o 5er. sud Si1 Per BoUtle *DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD., MOiMtu A Mutua lEMstake. Two ladies stood on the doorstep cf a fi-end's bouse, waiting for admission and] they became very impatient at the delay. --It's very odd te be kept waiting at M rs. Dacley's,'- said eue. --The door us usually opened se promptly." .Se, it iS. l'm getnig ver>' tired." Il wonder if there is absolutel>' no one in the bouse ?- --Of course there are people in. We'll ring agaiu.' - Yen rang before, didn't yen ? «-WXVy, ne. 1 îbought you rang." ,-Well, I was sure yen rang. How ridicîtbeus " *-Yes, isn't it ? The oe ! uhm an, ndth IIDNEY simiple. inter- licr the drrec- ti -H l iltv te >cir ita'in by iith icourt -ai, r -onie 5tii dfld n u, the s-. u the t1ictirce -. -1 i- Maplo Grove Mr. Wrn. Cox has put an addition to bus house. Mrs. Sam Forsythe bas rnoved into town. Mr. Sam Sharp bas a goslinir with four legs atid s.nOter wutb Lret, botli running about quite lively. Mris. Wrn. Everson is quite ill ai ber daugbter'e, Mr&. Will Snowden. Mrs. Ran ton je aloo ailinif. Mrs. Minnie Tyler ie very ili at tirne of writing. Mr. Geo. Power preaebed Snnday in aisence of Dy. Marvin, wbo l isieting bis father in Prince Edward county. Mr, and Mrs. David MoPhereon, Co- lumbus, Ohio, axe visiting ex Mr. Robt. Moore's. Reader, if you find a brasa weigb scale beam delîver to C. M. Cawker. Etnut&kilea Messrs. Jas Potter and Albert Tordiff bave gone to England. Special sacramental service in metho- dist cburch next Sabbath evening. Mr. Jas. Chapman je the lay delegate te attend district weeting in Oehawa. 11ev. Mr. Adams, Orono, preached an excellent sermon in the mnethodist chorch Sunday evening. Arbor day wae dnly observed, a num- ber of trees were planted, the yard clean- ed and decorated after whicb Mr. Noble gave bies cholars a treat of lemonade, candies, etc. Visitore: Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Adamse and danghter, Orono, gueste at the Par sonage; Llev. W. A. Mallett, Sougog, gueet of Dr. Potier; Mr. B. C. Virtue, Manchester, guest of Mr. Jno. staint.on , Miss Ollie Stepheus, Town, and Mr. R;chardson, Betha5ny, at Mr. C. Wil- liam'; Mrs. N. Byers and Mr. O. L. Byere visiting in Port Perry. BOsIP'ONN LIVER TROUBLES W ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL Men or Women to travel for ir- sapDible establishied bouse ln Ontario. Salary 6780, payable 815 weekly and e«- penses. Position permanent Referenoe." ESclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-174, Prie no eaU per Box, or 6 for 83.80. At DruggLst.s, or MalIcd on Recpt of Price by T. MIL8URN & GO., Toronto. Cylilng Besoluionz. Rrsolvrd-To trnd the- vi-rygreen- iSet youth upon the earih. To swhom l'1il imy (,Id machine For morte îhin 151ce its orrh. }eoved-1nverit a hik, suri rise To beat iil cýc e i- ce, And siripis r-VOU uinr. z A good word thât îhe- ra-e. Rtr.solv-d-I'pon thc paih 10 ride A, -nf cr i a ri, Reic orun if 1 am spied By -air apinin Rrsolved-Mosî carc<(u'lv 10 dusi And oil m vne%, And kt-,ik aav ali cance of rust By meatis of vaselIine. ResOived--no het-inz on a rac- The cýcarng cause ii hurts. Resoive- To waive this rute in c3se lm lîppr-d some "blooming cevis. Resolved-To u-te no nt e Iiess suear, li)n c l t (i) o, ut e nuo>L rp a t , Buî i- ap a-1 mv poccArs îo si-arc l s'inp hi->death. Rr-sciv.-d-Th, i-ptiià -y pig to kill, 'Phaz trru g iiil s unize i-f, Un Cets, of, toursc 1 ch-nce to fill The roui -pig " mvsi-If. Rtsoed- No tandi-ru mies for me Wih m ili-n jârk (,r fAîr, U L'-- ni quie coovînced that she la fit «,o do hi-r shari-. Irish Cyclîst. Beware! Whenever in need of kidney treatment always be true to yourself and refuse any substitute 'or imitation of the or- iginal and genuine Aaitation la the worbd ef homoepatbic medi- cimes has been iciVersoul of progresa. as in pobitie aud religion-the difficulties cf opinion and the individuality ot mon bave been parent toe .disagreemerns by whicb the standard o! tbese bodies have bomo ebevated. Bo with moot of our famous prepaatioa-foremoet in illustration aif winch truth stands the world- famous remedy to general debiity and langour ' Quinine Wine,"'-and wbicb, when obtain- able in usA genuine strengtb, i» a miraculous creator of appetite, vitality and stimulant, to th. general fertility of the system. Quinine Wine sud, uts ianprovement, bas, frsm the frit discovery of the great virtues of Qaiine as a medical agent. been oae cf the muont thor-I oughly discussed remedie ever ofeéred ce the publie. It is one of the great toalceanad lifd. giving stimulante which the medical profession have been coxnpelled to recognize aud prescnbe. Mesure. Northrop & Lynm, of Toronuto, bavei given te the preparation of their pure Quinine Wmne the great care dur te its importance, snd the standard excellene) of th. article which tbey offer te tthe publiec ooee into the. market purged cf ail the defeets which sykiful observa- tion and scie-stiflo opinion bas pointed out in tlm tesperfect preparation et the pust Al druggaetsmuei t. Sir Donald Smith, Chancelier of the Univer-t sity 01 McGIIT, bas promised to endow a chair in zoobogy, A Gen«flu Offeir. f bbusd1y Requi.) Dear Mr. Editor :-W-ilyon kiadly a- formn the. eaders of y i rva = epeperytbat I wiil gladly unad PYE te a=y isa'frtaiC Lst Mauboed, Nervoms DIxity,ý'igt Lasses, Varcoclispbteney aud--tiser ts of youthful faly, vaniçularsof a simple andi inexpensive msas ofuà lf-enme wblcb aier be- iug humbugged and lmposed upoin for yeaM. by quachesud.patent,medMone lharks, oued mie in -a Ifev ïèe*& I a~ notdilg to "U lor, atcpe wut.e p ea"a tI héI, tie h lo* -iM -,bat, uua 1, iews*4 flidesbave beesu ' e uua4 vic r Qsi pobig I*,o 'wi~* ~ drea Md~star o fine o~.Ads~ of oa anmd e setanup if ooavemkIeat. Trmnte, ont.i «fCGrsei! eluk" The milb gaýve a vicions tug at the pump han le and jumped into his waz-on. Givin t to bis spite by whipping hie horse unmercifully, he sped down the roa4 leaving the air blue behind him. For years he had left home every morning before daybreak with his caris half-filled with milk . These he stock- ed up with water from the old pump, and then proceeded te serve his cus- tomers. For the first time in his career as a purveyor of pure milk from his own dai-y, the pump had !ailed him. Semebody had broken the handie. It was too late to return home, and he hadn't the nerve te 'borrow any water from bis neigbbors, bardened though he was. In the midst of bis reflections he was accosted by a straruger, who order- ed him te stop. at the same time dis- playiog a state dairy inspector's badge. With a much better grace than the of- fical had expected, the rnlkman pulled up bis horse and uncovered the cans for 'inspection. The resuit was a corr- plete surpr ise to the man with the b-dge. He was utterly dumfounded. For the flrst time in bis life aIl the mîilk he tested was absoluî.ely pure. The news spread fair and wide. Soon the mnilkman had flot a rival left in the place. The monopoly mnade him rich, and everywhere he went he was proud- ly pointed out as the one honest rnilk- man. PIS£ DALE One of Walter Sonley's cbildren is down with iniflamnmation. Tbe Rev. W. R. Barker, of Orillia, oc- cupied the pulpit bere on Sunday ane, preacbed a very earneet and intereeting serm on. At the meeting whicb wa8 held in con- neciion with the Sabbatb echool it wsi, decided not to bave an anniversary this year. The debate between the Sono, of Pine- ulale, and the Good Teruplars, of Crese well, cornes off a week from Friday nigbt Mr. Wallace je busy preparinz te build on the farîn be recently purcbased frow Mr. Baird. We are sorry te say that Edward Eow sarn seeme te be getting weaker. J. C. BoTT. A women never knows the meaning of lisp pmnees and content until &he us tbe mother of a healthy, happy cbild. The healtb ot the cîîild depende on the bealth of thb mother. botb bef ors and after brtb. Most ail o!wom- ansa weakneRs and particulsrly tbe wesknes that mosit strongly influences the bealtb of the chiidren, coimes f coin Borne derangement er disease of the distinctty teminine organs. Dr Pierces Favorite Prescripition will cure troub- les of thie nature. It shon d b. taken regular iy by every woman during thbe entire peniod cf gestation. it give stsrength to ail the organa involved. lessens the pains o! cbildbrih and me-ures the heslth o! botb mother and child. Send 31 one cent staînps to cover 0051 of mailing ouly, snd receive free a copy of Dr Pierce'@ Meducal Adviser. Addresst, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, IN Y. Woodetock hie asked the Dominion Govern- ment for a new public building. Show Them Up To The Plublic. As the pnblic-particularly the ladies -are 50 often swindled by profit loving merchants and dealers, it je weli thait people sbould bave an exarnple cf what us done in tbe sale of certain packagé dyes for home dyeing. The rnakers of common and adulter- ated packaee dyes sell their cmude olr Oshawa Division Court. A curling of the division court was held in the tewn hall, bere, on Tues- day lacî, Hic Honor Judge Dartnell, pcesiding. The business before the ceurt was very ligbt and quickly and easily disposed of. The follewing cases were beard: Farewell vs. Fields-This was a suit bcought by Mc. A. R. Farewell, against Fred. Fields, East Wbitby, foc $14.73. being a store account. J udg- ment for plaintiti, witb coste. C. A. Joues for plaintiff. Hugo vs. Fields-This was a similar action te the above, in wbich Mr. Hugo, Columbus, claimed S13.55-a store accoun-from Defendant Fields. Judgment for plaintiff, with costs. J. F. Grierson for plaintiff. Elliott vs. Wilcox-Judgmeut sum- mens, in which D Wilcox was ordered te pay Hy. Elliott, of Hampton, $5; per month. by cousen t. J. F. Grierson for plaintiff. Hinton vs. Graydon.-Tbe parties te this suit live in Hacmony, aud the de- fendant, Mes. Mary Graydou, is a mether-in-law of the plaintiff, Mi- Robt Hinton, who sues for $îoo for a board bill incurred by defendant, Who aise entered a couniter dlaim foi moue>' aud articles given plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed that defendanut came te live with him in April 1894, and continucd te reside there for sorne time. That he bad only received a few emaîl sume frein ber and that forty weeks board were still due. The defendant claimed that plaintiff rcqucsted ber te live with bis family. and ne mention whatever was made cf paying for ber board. That she had donc work for the famil>' and had assigned te plaintiff heu rigbt in a supposed fortune of about $i5,ooo, in which she .ad a fourith intereet, on tt4 verbal understanding thnt if le re- ceived the fortune, he waste keep ber during ber lifetime. But it subse- quentl>' iranspired that a ucarer heir than Mrs Graydop was living and ber dlaim was wortbless. The judgc look- cd upon the suit as a family qua-mel and nou-suited the plaintiff without coste, and allowing defendant te wjtb- draw ber counter dlaim. J F Grierson, for plaintiff; L K Murton for defen- daut. King vs.'O'Regan.-Ia this suit Jno O'Regaa was subpoeued te show cause why be bad not complied with the or- dem of thc court, made last September, te pa>' Mr Wm King monthi>' instail- monts in paymcut ef a claim for eut, etc. Thc order was reuewcd, defen- daut te pay $3.00 per menth. H E Morpby for piff. PABMELEES MPIposflseea te Paver o! sceing specitically upan lb. diseaed organe. stinulating te action tbe direimant eneOrfies et Ibe syte. tbereby remocvinutbst--,disasePt alimait every »aie asud rature are drives frein tb. bodv- Mr D CarswellCsswlle- O. -.Oit, writes: "I bave -trled Parinlee's Pilleanmd fiud tbei anuexeollent Mediie, &Bd oua lit Winb seil weILe MrObas Mous.Q C bas been- SPolmt Jadge of lat outatjo N<t of ApO& A Short Bosd to bealM w. a.peed tO -tito. unflog roina broniooub1athutbrou- éWhiis, e1 arni, lumbagottmions> ihbeaunausi exiprlted -uipg(wor i cimdbreatau iiidney-çoupissul.b 4e nroutiii. ts inexpee sdeetleend, oX5 BLEtame Ou.. Lodm*a taX rste-tbia 7rue vu ibe 21 2 a ~AN TI -BOOZ E T REMEOT y the ne reme g to ThaN Saiafe . t an pue aCure s :t dees fitot teesipatienrtiemnw.: :ledge, with hie food and drink. -Vic-: time are cnred without their know- :ledge, crediiting the change te the: :force of their own will. SANTI- BoozE is put up in con-g :venient formu, and selle at $1.00 perE :box. Three boxes $2.50. lIt will be: :forwarded prepaid, sealed aad in a: :plain wrapper, by remitting the: Orime entao l of chr e,-eigt a oec er JA: E Chemical Cooo,OE NEWt Aex~BS, MonreaL FrtCltraccmda.ders pomet of e Newpaoerteeig e ar monece ao oposte o stoffi gce s. NEWPRTsro riABZ ALOA, oono Ot IetaiNoetslvr ?craectory OATOWYS", WEAK, ERVOOS, DISEASED BE 09509000 CIJREÎ) IN 20 YBARSU WrOURES GUARANTEEO OR NO- PAYI $1000 IN FO ACSEW SELF-ABUSE, EIIISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- UR13 OLEET, 5YPILU5, STUNTED PARTS, LOST MANIIOOD, IMPOTEN- CV, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LJNNAT- URAL DISClIARGES, ETC. The New Method Treatment is the Greatest Disccvery of the Age AmueWlaE FOR CURING THESE DISEASES Tboneands of Young and middle aged men are annually ewept to a premature grave through EARLY INDSCRMTONS. EXCESSES, AND -BLO4iDDISEASP-S. If you have any of the foll=ig symptome consuit us before lIt J too laie. Are you ner- 'voue and weak, despondens and gloomy, specks before the eyes w1th dark circles under them, weak back. kidneys irritable, palpitation or the beart, bashful, dreams and loases. sedlmpnt in urine, pim pies on the face, eyeas Unken, lrollow Cheeka, careworn expression, poor mnemory, lifel ess, dIstrnstfui, lai-k energy and pAtrength, ttred morn- ings, reetiesnigh ts, changeable nioode, weak manhood, stuned 'organe and prema- ture decay, bone pains. hair loose, sera throat etc. YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS1 OUQ NEW METHOD TtJiRATMENT alone can eUre yon. and make arman 0f you. tTnderjts influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified 80 that ail pimpies, blotebes and ulcers disappear; thie nerves become etrong as steel, go that nervous- nes,. ba8hfulnes and deepondency disappear; the eyes become brIght, the face full and clear, energy returne to the body, and the moral. physical and senai s"stems are invigorated; ail draine cease-no more vital wa8te from the system. The varions organe become natural and maniy. Yeu feel youreel a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We invite ail the afficted to coneuit us confldentialiy and free of charge. Do)n't le: quacke and fakirs rob you Of yonr hard earned dollars. TV. wiUi cure yo.. or me pay. RAS TOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASEDI SYPHILIS le the mos: prevalent and most serions BLOOD disease. It sape the very lii e biood of the victim and unlese entireiy eradlcated from the sys- tern wIll affect the offsprlng. Bevare of Maeury. 1=ZETAT ELOOD DX5EAMI It only su ppresses the symptom&-our NeW METIIOD postIvely cures It for ever. YOUNG OR MIDDLE-A(jED MAN-You've led a gay lite, or tnduiged ln the follles of Youth. Beif-abuae or later excesees have broken down your eyetem. Yeu feel the BynuPtOme etea.llng over YOU. Mentaiiy. physlcally and serualiy you are flot the man YOU used to be or should ho. Lustini practie reap rich harvesis. Wtf you heed the dager signais. Aeyua vtctlm? Have You boit hope? Are you contemplatlng marriage? READE ! Hasyour blood been dleeased? Have you any weaknese? Our New Method T iamen t wlll cure you. What It hae done for other8 1: will do for you. Consultatiou Fre..1No matter who han treated You. write for an honeet opinion Free of Charge. Chargea reasonable. BookA Pr... -The Golden Monitor" (illuatrated). on Digeases o! Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. Boolk on -,Diseases o! Women" F'ree. &WNO NAMES USED WITNOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sont C.O.O. Nomanes ou boxes or envelopes. EverYthing COnfideetlal. Question lgt and cosi of Treat. ORS KENED & ERG No.48SHELBY ST. ORS KENED & ERG N ETOITY MICH. MILY H AT IN- 11I3I Y. j -i. 'A a CR5' EN CE. MA R KS, N S, T-ive& N, - -a. i 31 u.i