Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1897, p. 5

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ets. CJongo ýca»s SILVER MOUNTEO, 85etsy %xV You SUNION> 'AliPETS, ýY STAIR -à S TAI1R il l;tr~m' '.t P tti-4 il ss. Th!ing. "SONI [arrîs - h tt ilt chess.tt incess. '-n %v c ct ( ILE tAiib persona rses w-Rh t-ducatioa, tht, mn tino ,u. NEV $1.50. C-iff AND Linksl Buttons . . -A T- J. S. Barnard's, ~i it Qfronit1c. omiea County OrgaxL.- Largest Circula- ion of anp local paper mflCanada FUIPAY, NMAI 1 , 1b97. LOCAL LACONICS. lit cM ) mr las re u rn ed boNew - '.'u-.liamlnon ,of Aumiies-.has giane v ý i 1 hn-e n t-. aIhome ate-r sîîend- u 1n t n ie (- j t V M ., Mmv maigiter îýf D C Macdone'l, w Ats h )roc oser S-u nday. - . ..cd tics mie lf rcady- made 7 ç-. - t %,, V (1tW aîters. 5 -\i,'i mîenthe famnous barn bold- Vi,-. .--.er, was in towîi Tue-(aav - v mrîni' retuiied to Toronto on t> tm t snding bis holida)s ari e. ex;iess nmessenger. hietween .4 l'air> -,ouiid lias be-e-n home form e1 cream par:(-)r will be open during .)a r 'ni hanîl at Burna' ne-w cash store * - r - pm'.and latest styles n ladies' * iîil i rmsti aie n London, Ont. the -stimmîner wther, Ilimason bas ,-t ir e '- thern iates M s. -t:as'-t arrived home frmm Man- 1 - } g .rn 1sunmlay florning after c srv'nioniths n ihdt cri)y. ;in mens readv-made tweed eTe-mpc le fFaewîhbe repeated Vuit Thieîprogranme ali be so -'->as 't, make a mueen'a L>amond I -Far eweil was n Toronto on Mlon- - xamen'! 'î. ihe annual miimier of the Ba- n- - '-s-er.mna le vas a representative of i t-iiiî,si raid volmnteers of 66 M 'il,'rd-în bas bougbr a drug hu- , saikerton and wiî leste Luck now * ' - in rnmediaieîv (Paul fia-, ad a great -.rexîereice mn the drug ine and wîlI i mi,-(ediynie-ci with succesa . Our be5t a-'e-. are with iî ii %l- M i 1Foy, hoieikeepe.r of this ow-n, oas'. gmed iui Her v Barbe-r. Toronto i rc'lmt.rs are- callei to me-et ai Mr bar- f'fi ce mon Th u rsaua s . N--i t hb Mean- w> crtht h )!r-i s rumîning along trrithetirame ),- . .'M The lb h ouse it- iiii-nisbed, ari ab rierï stanmd it ill 'e nl),)ssible 10 ,-'i la 'icemîse for some timc 10 corne. Bliîu iF'rMaci t th,. iS(7, ai i 3o Crawforth St. T 'rcnt(-. the wfe of Mr R. G. Be-mion, of a 1 k uime-il ter Ta Rent Taso comrfortahle re-mdencesatailoy e-rtal gi gond tenants wîtb amaI fîmiies. Good (-a!iat>-iy N p PlY to J R Plmmip, Whitby. \ -1 Ž 2 , .9 if Sermon ta rýoung People Tire Re. [Dr. Hare preached an instruc- t e andm profitable sermon to the young pea- l'e in the methodibt tabernacle on Sunday tesening last. His theme touched upon the progress of the Hebrews from tht land of b>)idage to the land offreedom. But the suiimeci whmch vas emphaaized in a mosi im presive matiner waa the impossibility of os- cap~ing n later years the- consequences nf sins committed in esmîmer lIfe. An earneat exhortation to keep beart and hIfe right witb onea mnaker closed a sermon of practical use-lness. A Capital Appotabinent M r. WV. W. T am bl1ynr, M. A., b as been a p- '~pointed apecialist mn English aud Mod- e-msatai owmanville hîgh achool. the en- gage-ment t0 commence after the holidays. Wc are much pleased to hear tbis, and need flot add tiat the- Bowmanville people bave rmade a capital selection, for ibey knov thai a,. weIl as w-e do. Mm and Mrs Tambls'u and iheir cIe-ver and accompîibhed family wmillbe much missed be-me, as there bas nmi i ien a public undertaking of an educational. 1.-ne-ficiarv or charitable charate-r since ¶iii-v re'ided beme in vbicb tb.ey bave flot al (me-mm most ene-rgeîmc. The ladies are very ie -ini expressing their sinceme regret in 1,.ituring vih Mms, Tamblyn, wbo takes a -.iing hand n everyîbing good. Football Match rh.- Pcrt Ferry foniballista came down r-re- 'n Saturday aftemnoon t0 do a luIte- k- king wtb tbe Whitby boys. There w-e-me --si-rai vacandies inrieach of tbeieama, wbich 'ieled in witb Brooklin players w-ho I mptued 1 corn -nia --vnft-secthe- play- 110w cash stom e. b Ummsr N M&rgach and G Seldon Plcker- lang spent SuudaY wlîb 1Mr Sîeldonk.. Remember the' Choral Society Concert May 26tb. 15 cents to ail parts of the bail. Tbe Ladies Aid Society of st Andrew's church wil bold a bazaar and -tes on June Mr John Bircbaîl, Columbus, vas tu 10w Saturday, and called a: the CHRONICLE o fice to shake. Mr. Geo. waterhonse. express messeng between Toronto and Detroit, spent Sungd in 10w-n wnth bis mother. Mrs. W. Q. Johnston bas returne<i to Mui kegon. Mici. She bas been here sice la, (aIl with her mother, Mmrs. Ross. Mr. Josiah Pngh, Wbitevale, is very il with diseaft of the tbroat, so bad that il a] tmost bailles medical prescription. A memorial service wîll be held in th. barracks here nei Sunday evening. Adji S. Bradley, Wvho îs resting here ai preseni has been asked to assist. Mastei Fred Woodrufi la the champiol bov cycliat of the town. On Sunday he rod! 32 miles mn 4 hours. Wepredict that Miss ter Fred wîtl make a spèe y rider. A blind man was here froru Saîurday unti Tuesday. H-e makes bis living enter-tainnji with violin, mouth organ, banjo and voca music, lunasbich lines berna quite an- artist. General Bargain Day Friday MsY 141h aI over the two stores and between .3 and o'clock. N'our choîce in the window of* and s3 boots will be sold for 65cents. Polisi 5 cents per boutle ai the New Shoe Store NI W Collins, Whiiby. A recital by the senior pupîls in oratori will be given mn the concert hall ofthe coi lege, on Friday evenîng, MdaY 141h, 51 7.3o Ail are cordially ins-ited. The following i! the programme i. Little Lormnai and thi Elephani [Dance, Rudyard Kipling ; Mist Lilian McKee. 2 The Death of Dr Mc Clure, Ian McClaren ; Miss Maude Cameron 3. Old Foîks. J J Fakins; Miss May Schell 4 a Indignant Nellie b. Prior to Mis! Belles' Appearance ' Miss Mmriam Seara 5 Sergenis to the Lions, Lew W~allace Mli'-9(eriie D>unlop. 6 Lily Servosss l'ride, Albion W Tourgee , Miss Nellit Housser. MAY 141h, ai 7.30 p mn, 0 L C. No Drilling Here tbis Year There is now very little prospect of hav. îng the volunteers here for drill in June, un iess it bc ihat they be allowed io pitch theii tenta a day sCier ihey come back fmort Niagara. Whitby Choral Society. In response 10 a general request tht Choral Socîeîy bhas decîded 10 repeat thg concert gîven on MAav the Sth, on Wednes dat eveiling May 26th. The best choruse, %vill be repeated wîmh a number of new ones There will be but one price of admission, it' cents to any pari of the Hall. Gîte ihý s>)ciety a good bouse ai the closing concert. Maj)or J E F arewell, Q C. for J udge The Toronto News of ast Saturday had the following -By an amnendmnenî 10 the statutes passed in the past session of the l'egislature ihere is a vacancy for a second îudge to assisi Judge Darînell in the couniy o( Ontario. The policy af the Laurier ad. minstration has been declared 10 be that o1 filling such appoiîtments wih practîtioners lrom a distance. In Brant, however, ii was found to be neceasary 10 choose a local man, and Mr. D>. A. Hardy was appoinîed. Ini O>ntario county a similar movemnent is on foot, and s large section of the community are agitaîîng ini lavor oi Matjor J. E. Fare- well, Q C., or \Whitby. the county crown at. tomne- In mnilitary, Masonic and education- aI circles Major Farewell ma a well knowm figure, and iwîll probably gel the position. Excursion tb Model Parn. Mr. Wm Rennie, Superintendent ofthe College farni, ai the meeting of the Farmners' Institute ai Oshawa recentîy. invited ail far- imers 10 visît the Mode! Farm at Guelph and see for themaci tes the success of his method of resîorîng and maintaining the ferti'ity oi the soit. The new aystem is a four year ro. tation with only, one plowing. and is as fol- lows Fi rat yeam. hay or pasture ; 2nd year, bas' or pasture , 3rd year, corn, moots, rape and Peas ;4th year. lait and spring grain and seed dlown with a mixture Of17 Ibs. red dloter. 3 Ibs alsike and 4 lbs. timothy. The results are sbid in be very satislactory. To gîte allJarmers and their familles an oppor- tunitv 10 viait the Agricultural Coîlege and Experîmental Farm at Guelph at the most favorable tîme for inspection a grand excur- sion has been arranged for June tf', iâ and t9 b>- Grand Trunk Railway. Fare from Oshawa Sînro, Whitby 8zo5 ;ehlîdren hall pnice. Watch for adveriisement in ibis joui - nal late-r. The farm la a splendidi object les- son. Everybodv shouid sec it. Young Hawkenas Bath. There is some-thing about a boy which makea him longr for an expedition 10 the Mrs. Fmank Harria vas Iommierly Mms. Byera, under which latter cognomen she is more than well kuowa beire. She mare-led Frank Harris two or thmee years ago, but whether or not withbhis consent we know not. Since their mnarmiage they have had a continuous honeymnoon, vlîlcb vas endered somnewhat tragic by a fime at Oshawa a year ago, ini which Mns Han-la had a twelve yeam nId daîighter burned to deaîh. Hamris and bis vile have lived in various places since their marriage, and have experienced many vicissitudes, ending up ln thein returning t0 Whitby1recntly. Tbingp have somnehow growa at cross pue-poses with theta, se much s0 that on Tuesday nig ht Mes Harris man Frank out on the road in bis abitgown. Once sbe had bita on the turf abe ran bita up aud down at higb apeed, he screaining murder as loud as possible. The Prospect of a murder in tbc Hardas family did not ap- pear to greatly work upon the feelings of the Lockrtowu quarter of Ibis noble bumg, so they ail tried to snome on, leaving the prin- cipals in the anticipated tnagedy 10, have it out. When momning began 10 daivn Harris leit the necessity of having a pair of pants 10 bide ',àmself frm the inquisitive raya of the ising Sun, and possibly fromn other eyes, se be borrowed breeka and sougbî refuge ini a neigbbor's bouse. lu the mneanîlme Chief Constable Calverley bad been aaînroned and took Frank borne in grest fear te gel bis clothes, vhicb vere hiddes la MnY places. Thon Harris and the constable vent 10 Police Msguttrate Harper's lu quest of law, but before a sammous could be h"i a boy came rusnlsag lu to say thot Mrs. Harria bad drovued berseILf Sure .neugb Mbs bad Ibrovu botsef Ou ber fac. loto a water bote near the creela,*Whtb rusa bock pf theilr lot. soute.mn 1 W héerear*'pUl- led ber out, and the soos becm*WlihloIltIY momposcdte gise the Smeuble udrsMeý oîhen sacs about as hly*', 00,odt' ever wuasbeard. Sbe Wlautdg0 i )I for thape. . ouô vemoner by buylug your foot. wear st Duras new cash store. Botu uad lest for Sais Wlîb carpets, cushions and cars. C. Hl. Burnbamn. Apply to W. P. Billinga, Wbit- by. May,5th,187. To Reat On Euclld St., Whiîby. Good Brick House. Good garden. Apples and smail fruit. Modern con veniences. J B POWELL. April 29-3in. Havuards Local, The nicest stock of trauslins, prints, cre- pons, Dresden silk3, etc., ini Whitby are at Hayward's. Alil new goods. Crepons 7 and qc, regular îo and i234c. Special Iow prices ini aIl lines, Saturday, May i5th. Temple of Fan,. May 3it. The Temple of Fame wiIl be repeated on Monday, May 31st. The admission 15 cts. ht is rntended on tbe occassion to mnake the affair pariake or the nature of a Queen's jubilee celehration, and much ofîthe perfor- mance will be bent in thât direction. This wîil mnake a splendid variation in lte enter- tRinment, and wifl' nîroduce a highly pop- ular idea just atp resent. Considering the popular nature nI the entertaînment and the low price ofl admissiotn charged there should be another bumper house. The Dryden-Smith Suit. The private examînatior of Mr Wm Smiîth ex M P, n connection with the Drydenî- Smith suit for slander îook place here on Frioay bef re Mr Barclay, Messrs C J Hol1- man and John Ball Dow acted for the re%- pective persons 10 the suit. None but the parties concerned being present. and thi% being a private examînation for the discov- ery of lacis in connection wiih the case, we are not able to repoît correctly as to the re- sults, but is reported that Mr Smith sorne- what modifjed the newspaper reports of his speech as complained or, still asserting, however, that the vacancy in the registry office waa made tise of t0 defeat him in the eleciion lastJune. WeU Done Whilb7 Township. The overseers of highways in WVhitby Township aîonig the Kingston road have hired men to rake ail the loose atones from the turnpîke. ht only took a day and a quarter for one man to raite ail the loose rock fromn the turnpike between the eastern lie of ihis îown and the separating lines hetween the two townshiîps of WVhitby. Let East Whitby and the towns of Oshawa and Whitby follow suit. This îown bas great need to send a man and rake fromi Star's hilI îwo or three cords of stone which were supposed Io have been broken but had not been so treated. These rocks will neyer make a road, and mnight as weil be removed irst as last. They would be first rate to make a loundation under a barn or 10 makre a stone pavement, but ta macodamize they ar sls.It is highlv to the credit of Whitby town'hip 10 set this example of raking awsy loose atones fromn the Kit gton road and we hope ail munîcipalities along here wilI take the hint. Mm James Bmown, the genial wicke-t keeper of the postofilce, took a macadam cast of bis ".pbizzym abogany" on Sunday asat. He fhad be-en uortb on a sixty or eighîy mile run an suwas conmîng dnwn Rices billi nta 0w-n ab a .2o rate, wbe-n ail of a sudden tbe wheel bucked and turne-d aixty-five somer- saults. Meanwhile Brown bad le-fi it and w-as hurrying aloug in the ditiection*of tovn. He- irdt lit on bis crown and spun round lîke a top for a le-w minutes. Then be lurnemi a cartwbeeî or tva, after w-hich he eut a pigeon wîng standing on bis e-ar. Fnally be- took a great leap mn the air and plunged forwaid, aligbiing un bis face in the centre of the- bumtipike about fifte-en roda from the spot w-be-me he dissolvemi partnersbîp 'viîb tbe bike. A splendid cast of bis face vas taken in the macadam. The outline aI bis cIe-ar cut aquiline nose ia brougbî oui beautifully, also the Roman bow- sud pmomninent chin, -the- onîy defect beiug tha-i in the hurry to take the cast mostly aIl the akin vas vmosied from Jim's face. H-e la thus at prese-nt a martyr in art, and la goiug atound vlîb bis head in bis grip, for tht reasort that it la scamcely prose-niable. 1Ten Day. for Dickt Collina. On Friday nigbî Dick Collins vas an- raigne-d hefore P M Har-pe-r on the charge of wiIc-be-ating, Co. Attorney Farewell prose- cuting and Mr G Y Smith eprescntîng the defendant. Mm. Smith worke-d the case pretîy ve-Il. By pleadiug guiîty be prevent- cd the covu from calliug vituosses 10 shov boy violent was tihe couduct of Collins vixen rhe Iound to bis surprise thai be vas a better >mati than bis vife. Uncle Billy Wicks and Mm Jebn Mathison ati mm Collins' bouse vhmlst the decisive battle be-iveen Collins sud h-is vile vas aging, sud Colline Ibreat- ened to poliah îhcm both où vbilst be had bis baud sieeped lu gore. Tbey escaped vith bheim livos, but vert on hand lu ansver to summnonsea 10 give an accouni of tht struggle. Mm Farewell w-as compe-lled to accept Coltina' pIe-a ni giiy, but put Chief Constable Calverley int tht box 1 to stify as to tht constant complainîs about Coltina' trouble vitix his vile vhen be gels drunk. Mr Farewe-Il aise, announced that upon the neri occasion of Collina beiug brougbî up Ion ibis offence be vould lnslst upon a berm lu tbc central prison being Dick's evard. Theme is a auspended sentence bauging aven Collins' be-ad uow, aud sIte-r se-nenciog hlm 10 ten days i jail tht magistrate declared tbat if he ever had to deal vitb Dick agalu he vould seud hlm up for about tvo years. Whcn Collins leamncd ihat be had tb stay lu jail te-n daya longe-r be w-eptcrcockodilc te-arsansd dctamed that be would die before his be-mm would expire, and tht very thought of bis eamly demise under sucb distrcssing cxcumstances caused the court also 10 me-lt intote-ara, It vas indeed atearful occasion. Waz-ml up au Icy Subjsct. Had the pe-ople of ibis town knovn w-bat an iuterestlng e-vcning Prof. Parka, of Tor- onto Unlversity, vas goiug 10 glve those w-bn came to be-ar him-and il vas ail free, too,- lecture on bbc "Ice Age lu Ontario," tbere vould doubtless have been many more pre- sent than there w-e-me. Full of ilfe and vigor vitb a fine voice and an enthaassa that vas contagious be go: se varmed sip ove-r bis icy subject as te vin for bîmacl ve-lI-merited applause. Aud Ibere vere a bundred on more appropniate pîctures tbrovu on a screen by a magic lantern. Tse-se tieîped a great de-ai to the understandiag of tbis la- creaslngly luteresting question, "Hov and by vhat means did the land and vater ia Ibis part of Canada take bs its present shape?" It la osly vithin the- lasI'le-n or tve-lve yeams that ge-ologista have dcvote-d to the study of bbc ice age or glacial epocb tht attention vbicb scie-allissnov geserally agmee the importance of thal greal agency de-serves. For many Ibousand years at thmee different limes vih h ide intervals be- w-een, Ibis part of the vomld vas covered deep with ice-. Acting with Iremendous force, mucb tbe arne as a carpe-ner's plane dae ou a woodtn surface, the North Arne-i can continent vas smootbed imb lis present condibion. Once Ihe-re w-as a great iver, calle-d the Laumentian, fiow-ed acrosa Onmario from w-be-me Georgman bay nov la to the- place 'lake Oatario occupies. Tbe route of this rive-n as seanly as cao be settle-d vas that wbich may yeî Jae choses for tbe lhue of rail- vsy ofeinsg the shorte-et -mileage sud le-ast resistance- be-ve-en tbe waters of the upe- sud lover lakres, startiug eos of Col Cng- vood on the shores cf Nottavasaga txay snd eading at Wbltby. Thero vere other local refereoces in the- lecture of absorbisg inter- est to those w-ho bave looked into the sub e-ct of tise geotogical condllons of Ibis prt ofthe couotry.'At the Dose Re. rMH!ep 1 Brand T New Goods. Go W E laim to have a mucli better stock this season than we ever had. You'l find we have the best goode, the newest styles, the greatest variety and the lowest prices. Present values will enable economical buyers to get just what they want. To show you how oheap we can seil we make the following Ab..SPECIÂL DRESS 44-in. Black Figured Menetian Cloth, worth 60e , reduced to......................... 43C 44-in. Priestley,@ Fîgu red Serge, regular prioo 75c, reducevtO.................... 44-in. Shoppard Checks at 25c, 40c, 5Oc, 6OC 44-in. Black Cotton Creppon, worth 30c, re. dnoed t.o ... .......................15e 42-in. Shot Silk and Wool Alpaca, (extra), Se e ont selection nf Robe Dresses for..... ................... $ . 0 t Specials on Sale Saturday-.««..,, O PRICE&~.~ HOSIERY Children's Bibb Cashmere Hose, double knee, soe, heel and toe, Special, at... 25a Ladies' Extra Fine ]Ribb Cashmere Hose, Ladies' Extra Fine Moco Thread Black Cotton Home, double sole, spheced ankies, Hornsdoif dye, special at ... Men's Extra Fine Ail Wool Cashmere Bocks, double heel and tbe, Special, M ..................................... 25e 25o Special line 10-4 Marseilles Quits, worth $ 1.50, Satnrday prive 89c. 49 Men's Readyniade Tweed Suits, regular prive $7.50 to $12, Saturday prive $490 Lace Curtairn 25 ctS. to $7 per pair. ~w. #Ladies' Capes $1-35. to $8.oo Whitby. ADA --A. Will issue Round Trip Tickets for Queeu's :: ]BfrthdlaY -AT- 'ÉINGLE FIRST-OLAS ElARE Good going May 22 to 24, inclusive. Returning until May 2.5, 1897. SINGLE 1FIRST-0LA88 TA=E ÂNE ONX-THIRD Grood going May 215t. Returning until May 25th, 1897. To ail Stations in Canada, Fort William, Sault Ste Marie, Windsor and East E. R. B LOW Agent, Wbitby, Ont., C. P. Ry Tickets, Telegrapb and Dominlo COS. Opposite CHRONICLE office. 10 SUF 1510 BELIEVEI WALTERS, Winding Up Sale, :TE!ADT :TGCE CFDRT 100DB lÀIýN 10 DAYS.ff", If you want any of the snaps, do flot delay, but corne along at once and secure them. We guarantee to ave you 25 to 50 cia. ont every dollar's worth of goods you buy. The Stock is yet w-cIl ausorted and mffords a chance vemy rarely offered of securing gnod, staple, high-class gooda at and below manufac- turem' prices. We on/y iention a frzv aofI/w tnany Bargains 32-in. Flannelettes, worth ioc yard-------.....NOW Men's four-ply Linen Collars, regular 25C,.NOW 1 i-JC&Jl On.,. l3est quality French Kid Gloves, reg $1.25 .... NOW Extra quality Kid Gloves, ail colors, reg $i .... NOW Black Henrietta (silk warp) worth $1-40 yd.... NOW Best Campbellford Flannels, worth 35C yd ....NOW 26-in. fine Grey Flannels, worth 25C Per yd .... NOW Men's Scotch Tweed Suitings, regular $1.25.... NOW Ladies' full fashioned fine Maco Cotton Hose, regular 25C pair, Sale Price 3 pair .... F OR Table Oilcloths, regular 25C-----------------.......NOW Best $1.25 Corsets--------------------..............NOW Good 75C Corsets................................... NOW $1. 750 $1 250 190 750 500 200 $1 500 We have stili left a large lime of Spring Mfillinery, which weare offering at greatly reduced Prices. All the Store Fixtures for sale, including Spool Cases, Tables, Stools, Stoves, Office Desks, Mirrors and Safe. Don't Forge! thalttis Sale on/y lasts io days.. If convenient do you.r shopping in the morninge and avoid the crowds. Bigelow & cCaw FARM FOR 8ALE First css farta of zoo acres, more or less, in the township ot Cartwright, couury et Durbama, comprising west halI of Lot -Ne. 2, 4th con. 6o acres cleared, ehb. remaluder cedar, tamarack and barr;wood. On the premises ia a good bouse and outbdllte, and finIt class orchard and other couven- iences. The place is aI at present oCcpled by Wm. Hunier. For particular. Apply -le WU BAILEY, Wbltby. Wbltby, Mar. i, z89z-tfé Boer for 8ero, Im prvd Brshr Cazuv p .ed 08Er WM. TILL and b. conviced that u Rleg=tun ie- of FURNITURE -AlN- UPHOLSTERED- 000D8 is beiug sold at avay dovs prie-es to kee-p in tonch with theELA"D TIMS& HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholstering asd Repairing be-fore the rush commences. Prices very cheap. JUST RCl Vae. $5b Carnages All other goods pro- pomonMy chesp 1 Sverything muitable, usefai snd orametaL nsd Uuderalsï WMe TILLs wmTgy. spring il, here, a"ti E i  ASËIERCAN A ND C ADA ¶ I PAR13Â1 doe, erLot No, . 8. P~ it yMUZgbôassd '50", aüsfl ti Wbr, April 171h, a97 0Parasols 25 cents to S-.00. We have decided to FOR 8ALE A od dvlng bose, Toy gentîs, s lady or chlleu adrive. AiseMitado bugg, Apply JAS '.SAWDEN. MM an GO sd POUI&TRY - ~eux~iPrompt1y Mlwo.I 1 , 43c $12 remove the 1 , ý L, 1 , , . 111 ý i Prices from New, Goo-ds, GOOIDS is Whitbye 501

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