w' tlty' cîel k May Ni Nv t.~iliet a ru-icirai cof tise tacts ohfttse cage e--l -, î aýi-. Îutai'u to Sam ute cwilo il.. iii -n ti] ul' ri% ,I atkod pt-r L, 11ttktht- iii.tkuo --n. lisicis as i~-.;,- ar- --I Tie vou ug aduy le Misa A~~~ NIî,,n at-tural la, orite emoug lu- uClruînancs.audJilit s tîough t tiat lier tr-tii i, as is lot infrr qiieutly tise Cet. '-tu,,ais r -n£ziît on by hard study in Mý, l. LýS(7gi.N tl a e tise fu.laow- mtoit4Illtlit tlro g Isle fal o n îh o0 tuvone about il, for 1I vas jeli t- îcýlJ aîld as afreîd if I said ar.x utu I. t irta y parents tisey -1- iilk,- i liotbrmt Ikept gotting a : i.,!t; a,, at iurFuwi<o nervous tiat il ui-u.ttaunghi tie trouble e -r -,: -- ilr(lil UI y visole syotem. -1à wîuirv Ie-as so bad tiset I bad tIo i1 till i1 j f to ecîtool, and I vas t it- \r Wiu2 orse. 1I oond nor '11Yui .b-caus;e 1 would let every- 'au-I frquentliy visn I et- IIt- wtlk, 1 would hall. My ---r u-I I- en aling f-r a long time %%as t- h s-o us -nK Dr., Wiliamns' Pink t --rt- Ie-pnglim 80 fiticistho-y SU!,l lý i e- ouîd medieine for me. Be- iýt ri rst 4-x e-as doue I vas feeling Il 'cmbcturand after ueing the Pink iti a tuntiîuli, m %,heelti vas Itr isi lularow more t-han a 1-tr r r-u dît-nlînued ttiuse ohftise r- ii 1linvenotuaël a tise aligistest tr--f ic uj, raledlv sinice. I atn 5à tis- I r % .liii arn I>ink pille saved me 1i 1, f îni-r v, and I vould E-t VCi re-r-ununound tisew for nervous l>r Wliuît-punik pills are s-aid anly itir..et. -artinii tise firmns trado mark a- tt-pr,(p)rliîwinel red ink>. Bear :1 titiiJt t t Dr. IVlanîs' Pink Pis are tipi'F t-r tId tin Inilk or by tise dozesn or lliflIr,.i tuttiant cdcaler visa offers euh- t- i, ti ti - run ig tryiug to defraud ý )u and i oi tl ho avo i ot. T he public ru-1'al-)ciiutioîsed againsi &Il other @a tâitifýietibîood huiliers a..,' nervetionies, PUt ip uin s.-nilar iorm iutended to de- Ct-.ve. Tîîey are ail imitations vione ruakers bope ta, reap a peeuniary advan- akle frein tise vondermlireputatiair echieveti by Dr. Willians' Pink PI-a At-k Yaur dealer for themn.4 Tise5 Pille are manntactured by thbe1 Dr Wilbam,@ Medicine Comnpany Broek- vditi, Ontario, sud Schenectuady, N. y-,9 aud are sold ouiin bxer'do.ring thse1 firbS trade Mar niz d v air 501 !ion Courts. Fifty Years Ago. ,Wbccu1 Imagine thliothIià sshOnld be Tule 111tCe Vhtre. In eighteen t1lnety-threie 7bat white a<rid-wonder ai arch anti ouJ ,shadow the nations, P-olychrome... Iucre st the Fi sr -as the prize conferred on ,Ai-er sPis 0v ýythe '-w'rid pretcrred. , liage-like, lhcv a record show, ""C tCY :sartcd-30 omeas g. Ayer's Cathartic Pis haqve, from the tiMe of their preparation, been a oontmnuous suces with the public. .And that Means that Ayer's PIJJs accomplish what is prom.ieed for them; they cure where others fail. It 'waas ftting, therefore, that the world-wjde popularity of these pile hould be recognized by the World's Fa.ir modal of 1893-a faot ,wiichi emphasizes the reoord: 50 Years of Cures. LIARD STUDY IN SOHOOL. Nl ANu- S \« E R11E-:A TTACh.OF ~ W S'DANCE. A 'i.tn -,r I.ife for a limle Made Msrr,-CoUu. i N-t LUse lier 1landei hi i tilii r )-ffi ilt ta Xalk- N ,rr i-o-i i .-troqnlent cause of mn' ' -.-l\ ut 1 .f!.i 1Oue ol tise e0-t h trca Il, Lofutthse nervtes, c -- r ': i ru late.A corres i tnv U uî laulV ai Selbv ut. 'ut. uî cie u t, i %% t tis trouhli Il--...- r-"- t-e-anvoue sntfer r - u i i-f ,- u -itnpu-cr s tor t vi t-nouv jerkirg antIv . A hLt~l. ft . - t îie,- li dcould oual ue I;-rr r , at. S 'ill Anivîing she ut -rtri ý p à I li'î eub h it (ild in- a. ,r . 111-, tuwI ist aî u rti, r i -, 1 - i Ii.!&i,- lw n alii tiîîow t c' î,- Lî<- Ibeard itat sise heuj iIl ~ti cre-i -n Itduiei tise trIltil of tise t-&tiil rl es-tiout tLe tee ber. The - j--ruci ii pille -true, and believ P n ci ni a Pl hi M On Thursday last Mr. Wm. Tay-lor, troprietor ofthtie lien net house, catne tefore justices T H Glendînning, J H urtîn andtij A Mavbee, chargeti with ýelîing lîquor after hours. Ten e-ut- esses were calleti. but as they had not >eceivet i lquor after hours (for want of he travelling cout) Mr Taylor was noui 'onvîcted. Mr R M Noble, Canning- on, Iooked after Mir Tayior's interests, rhiîle Mr T W Chapple conducted the -ase for tise prosecution. We were iot present anti for that reason not in positon to Criticize the actions of tise ýrosecution, but severai complaints iave been matie to us re Mr Cisapple's tanner of trying to brow-beat the law- er for thse detence and also some of he wîtnesses.-Gleaner. STILL IN HIS PRIME. Norrh instînga O dest Inhabiant Hais sud lienrty. JoulisMaore, of Bancroft, Ont., casa o1 thse oilet .n-d best-known rem'deutu oi H-asttiga ('ouaty. cau boa-et of won- dstruut health and vigor for Lin age. -, Altbmhon Iarn over 84 yeare ai ege.' lie s&Ys. -,i fel.as Youngun aser 1 dî c. " Mr. Moore, howevar luad &a.narrow eas- cape front deatb about a year ega -"I 1.11.3 so bed cîitb indigestion,"' ie write-s, tliiet Le doctora gave -e n up.Itre Y&rIL>U t aIE-,ed remedtes but found tFu-m Do geot. G- da , vourpo)pular dcugg;st, F C~. HUîMnIuir.es. se-ut me sU aample cf Dr. Chaae's Kiduey-Ltvcr FiLs ta try. Tme resuit w&â imar'.ellauB. Aftfer takI uG ta-a I e-as aille ta get up. Then I sut: for a box. I could soon ef-t any- thing. Iu a short tins'-1I as able ta walà z two mtes, ta Bencrait and battIt vi:h ease.' Dr. Chase'@ K-idney-Liver PUil will, eithout faiL cure a4l kidiney, liver, et oms-ch aud blood troubles. For sale 4~y ail dealears. Price 0-5 cents. One. l,i l a dos»- ana cent a dSe. Ednsiou. Bates & Ca..,mniatnralo, Taranto. Clsese's S"nu o! Luuaeed anM Tue-V pCntLfa in tbe @.test dWsovary for canue1 atlnisautcoumumptoli. It [0 pleas- aint, quicI aindi cera 25 cents. Frieu.di; from Dumabarto a Ucled on Wm. Hutcisins o oday lest. Mrs. Young is Dal imnPraving as rapid- ly as iser frends vouid huke tlasese ler. As tise rein Suuday hast prevenled ns froun geltinsc oui la churoi ve iearned tise Ré-v. M. Goid, Of Whitby, oceupied tise pulpil liere. The heavy msin Saturday uighi svel- led aur river s0 that Îh eaused a smali wauiaut in Wm. G. Bernes' Mil dam. But the same vas PrOniPtY repairedu. Mns. Hopkinas nd Miss 0-ortie hav" returued from their vis ith ll rimds«in Heapoler and 0-ait, 'sud report oeunfae- turing eatablishleitS in a prosperofil condition, sud ties re f nxuflY iiu part of the countr. I don't know hstdl hO Suttedo viti our retired fArmers ieret*'y e4"'t-ge their gardeuing don u M ave geotio neaarly bine on Mue. Thse bopelea-s, despairing, and aIl who imagine tîîey are lot-t, because the doctors bjave fauloîl, tîtoulti re-joice. to know tisat Paîne's Ceiery Conîp-nund fuly meets the wors. cases, snd never fada ta restore lost isealtis. IL is no vain or idle boast e-heu tise de- cituratiotn us madie tisat Paine's Celerv Cotmpound cures wisers allailier meena8 lail To-day e grand army can voucis for tbe trULis of thue statemeut made. As a proof tîtet Peine's Ceiery Coun- Pound cure-s in thse darkest times of dis- est-e andl misery we gîve the esumouy of Mr. F. Ftuter, of Ottawa, wiso vas saved aL, almogt Lise tleveutis iour. Ho says : -1 consider it a duty ta acktsowlediqe the greet good tlist 1 durived tram your vialuabie remedy, Peine s Celery Cous pouvd. For futur years I endured ter- rible agony and misery owing ta pains lu my isead and ciscst. Life wus a burden ta me, and ua living mortel could de- scribe my sufferings. I weu treated by doctors, aud used useuy patent medi. cines, but uothing gave me relief until I used your Peine's Celery Compound. 1 thauk God for tise day il vau brought ta ny notice in tise OLtawa pepers. 1 have taken three bottltes of tisenedicine, and to day I cau ruly say that I feel likeaa new man. I feol certain thai if thse suf- ferinR people of Canada would only try Painesà Celery Compound Lhey would ha cured I wii recommend thse rernedy visenever I1isave thse opportnnity, as it is tise best ever given to sufferers.' Whitby Township Council. Thse regular monthly meeting o-f t-ho couucil for tise Tovnship cf Whitby vas held on Monday asat vhen altise mous- bers were presant. Mr Rosa, ohftise Western Road Mach- ine Co, atidreset the council as to thse nierits ch their Machine. Ou motion cf Messrs Smith and l~et- chou, tha tender cf Jeasie Cook for cor- porationu lumber vas accepted ai 813 per thousandla for pine end $10.50 for codar, free ou board cars air Brookhin. On motion of Messrp Willis and Smith s by-lav vas paased to bor-av $2,000, if requirad, for current expenses until the receipt oh taies. Mr Fred Rat-ch, of Whitby. addreesed the comincil re t-ho purclisue cf sever pipe, andi, on motion cf Messra Smith and WiI- liie, an order vas given him for 180 tedt of iwv incliat tic same priceas lie soid ai hast year. On motion of Meusrs Smith and Ketch-. en, the clark vas inst-ructad to ceuse notices la b. plaoed in the differentr gra- vai pita torbidding people ftra iaking gravel or salîi out cf the pute vithant sut-hart-y from thse overacer of higlivaye ; alo tram diggiag-isoles for senti on the aide oh roada, lhereby cansing danger ta the public. On motion of Meurs Rogers anti Willis tise.accounts vere ortieredt o b. paid : John Harris, vork. 42 ; Holiday. Bras., gootis ta W Fox, 013.88 ; lire Suider, board ta Mrs Mils $5. Tic council adjourned utiii Monday May 2lst, air 9a m. as a court of revisian sud for ailier business. Ayer'a Pille are recomnmended by leading phyalcians and druggistss tic mont prompt and efficient rsmedy for bilicumeas, nousa, omtivenssa, indigeston, sluggiahbuems of the liver, jaumadice, sud slck headache; slso ta ne- hieve coli, féerns, ueunahgha, sud nheumatlsm. Berln inl ta have a bicycle faciony. If a cid's ead is seifydoaDotcomb t!- bain, vhbin i a pi tcratchiritate th. sua but bruab genîly. -After vaeiing lishe ,eu tioroughlys dry it, sud rply Dr Oii' WOOd's rhOSâ3bOdflg.-The Great English Remedy. Ith eutof over «U years treatug tthousands of caseswlth ail known duundIl at last we have dlacovere.l the true remedy and treatnent-a aomblnauion that wlil ffect a prompt and permanent 'cure in ail stagesof &exuai Debdtty, Abue or Excesgrs, Neng e.,Wakn,ws, Emisstons, Melgai W'orry, Excssitve Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcokolie Slimsuais, ail of which soon lead to Insanity, Consumptlon andi an early grave. WoodIs 1ef Tklg. Phosphodine hms been usati successfully by hundreds of Came that seemed alinost hopeless--cases th"t bad been treateti by the most talcnted physi- lans--case that ware on the verge of depslr and insanfty--case that were totterlng over the grave-but wlth the continueti andi perseverlng Use of Wood'a Phosphodine, thase cases tha" hati hee giron Up ta die, wer restored to man ly vigor and bes.th-Reader you neeti Dot despr--no mat- ter wbo lias givon you Up as Incurable-tb. remedy ia n w wthln your reacli, by ILs use you can be restored to a lite of usafulness andi happinesa. Price, ane package, $1; six packages, $5; by mail free of postage. 1 One wsliease, stgauaraaieed to cure. Pamphlet fres to any atidrema The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.,, Ca.nada. ft 74i« Wood'& Plîospodlne Is sold by responslle wholesals and retai druggts ln the Domlolc. Saved Her Drunken Hnsband. She Finally Administered a Remedy, Without hîs Knowledge, and Cured Him. A correspondent vrites;: I bad sucb a happy borne and a noble, big-hearted brsband t-ill ho look to drinkingr, first Lisrough saciabiliry, tison because tise fiendiish desire vauid came over him, crazing hlm for drink. 'II vas beart-broken. My hiappy home was hast ecoming one of misery till a fniand toid me to try a liquor cure called Anti Booze. I vas wiIling ta try any tning, 130 I sent $1.00, as ah. auggeeted, ta tise Oriental Chemicai Ca., 20 St Alex is St., Montreal, and by returu mail I r- eeived in a plain wrapper a litLe box of pis. I put anc of these in hie coffe every aight andl morning vithaut him knoving il, (as îhcy dissolve immediate- ly), aud in lesa thani a week, tao my de- ligisi, he stopped driuking entirely. "Amti-Baose lias ehaugeti my drunken liusband inta a saher, induetrions happy man, and I feel it imy dniy ta e others about it, They wili send fuIl inform%- t-ion vint ch oarge ta any vho viii vrite them. ofJ. D. H."g PYNY -PECTORAL Positiveiy Cures COUGHS and COLOS in a surprisingly short dîne. It'. a mci. entifi, certaIne, trisd anti trus, soothing anti heating lits affecta. Ws. C. MOCOUBItI & Son, reprt a alete, Bouchette, u Gae..u ofbrn edoaiîtt cta teanaet cre ve Rcene t m iong-slandlng oi& MR. . H. Hu-rr, Choealt, jý28 Yoage St., Timaul, vritst-, DAVIS *& L The Greek Royal Family. Mise Constance Sà teliffe vrites thug in the Westminster Gazette, on the- ladies of the Greok Court: 6*Queen Olga in a frequent visitor ai irie hospitals, but il in among the autaste of societ>' in the St-aie prisons t.lat lier form ie mont frequently ta ho seen, vlien ah. can be spared froin the uies of her home and ber Court life. Next on the liâi stands the Crovu Prin. ceas. She in the most gifted, the mosi energetic, the most ambitions of the daughiers of the Empresa rederick, and it is generally believedae h lasgreat influ once in the family cirai.. Smo. sahe ar- rived in Âthens she lia become more Greek than the Greeke. Greek politis are lier favorite aubjeet of conversation, and hor babies are to b. brought up ao. i cording ta Hellenia tradition. Tihe char- acter of Prince. Marie, King George'. only snrviving, eau b. given in a nutahel;. When the King of Servis and lier cousin, thle Grand Duke George Michelovitchl, in tur sued for lier band, ae gave each hie caRge viii deoision, saylng se.'did flot intend to marry iii th. question vas settied' Mn Wm Gibson, M P. for Linclm, bas the maaonry contras: for the Victoria bridge en- largement Ai Montreal,ý Pauhzu'sPILapasses the acting spea. ificaily upon the diseased orgamîs, stimauatimig te action the dormentum" !»_ of 9M esysbein ihereby rewmng diseses, - set 9 great la the pêve of hii, meilicins ta eleanse s6d par- îfy. tuai diseases o moftOUelVerTny fan d nature are driven tmcm the body. Ut D Ours. wrel P O Ont, vrites: 'I ha"e tied Pari- eees'a uisi sud id thon] su Ëexlet medi orne, and oue. ht ill viii oU f.' Twelve penson bave been droweed sud 8100,000damage dons. to property, by fi".> in Basteru New Zeaue. Nearly ail infants are more or 10~abeet diarrhos saudcb oompliats vsl eig of D 1 D k ifrlv"x tâvmr 11<.> lIVJ. onuabox. or 1W b=4sfr*,~. E. htb oucl wiiii sont by rad xrOm aDy dealer, or 8aâ on receipt of price.. Couneil of Et t by met Monday, araCIviiRLir ofal drngffiste rdrctb al r ithe hedofble. hi saa e Dr. Williams, Merdire1*c znay fo omncto a edfo hsKREsMKR RT subr dd e& c ie . 1t wicb ihmetCnthecopaingo quckbrassbeig Havlng Moved hua aur new prem1sesi 1 aeprepared ta extend tise range of buoinco 8'thr -ddru. he at' frm ACommnictio wa red fom bosAil work pertalning to the harneus-maiz andi saddlery business wii b. doue ta saU mentcompratielymy ahop and stock. compared with other reme6dues or ruedjoal The Guarantee Co also wrote the counicilDnastreWif WOOnVILU Mr John Pose, agent for Lhe Massey,W.C VEL , The village assessment for 1897 iser mcoin. he ta el he Counil as $80.750, as COmpared with $77,128o in*eesroadmahneTo emde A.xibt 1896. sest ok well and was re presented GRADTlw EANTi meT Able Theeary cosig mveas the best ini the mîarket, but the Coun. The arl cloingmovment has not cil, recollec-ýng last nomination, decid- o8 xrs al al....:8S yet matured in WAOodvilîe. 1t is pro- ed, on motion of Mesrs Henry and TAPGIGWOW&» posed to adopt two nights a week, ýStocks, to shelve the subject for 12 No0, Exroc al ceil ...... 5:648 pa Tuesday and Friday. mionths. No.,Passiengxessr.... :4à I Mr Sock inrodceda b-la toap-No, 7, Locam xtepeS..........6:2408 Mr Arch Campbell has Covered the Mrit ollcs intofduce a by-laweap.No. 18, asne- di ..24p ,Lzistmil wthiro siin, .ofcutst no 1 applications, except Mr Power, whoNo1,EpesMaldiy....8:6pl pattern, making a geaPl'r Tmet xRsMAIl daily- . 8:06 p nr a th eppp ea an e eh w a e prese iL and m ad e a p erso n al bid fo rN o 6 E x r s ,d i y ce t S n 8 1 a B Mir Thos Rear has js u fieadgtît hol ifclyNo. 6 Express, 9:67xep un. &2a Jutcompleted a being the salary Finsfly a compromisej, No. 14,aExp res2:87 a! large henery. The building is ioox16 waa effecred, he getting $75. No. ,2,oEpres,6:2px feet and îs intended to accom m odate O n mlotioni of M r ;uy was instructedN o 2,E p e s M al &iy . 1 :7 P f 2oo bîrds. to notify the G T R aut horities ta remnove ;'tponsga Thn bor hoealth heîd a meeting cll quack grass complained of by Mr :îpo in al.. 00 Grw eThse comimittee appointed t) IDLAN DIVISIO Gerwrsigned the Office of chairrnan Robrts sideroad reported sgainst open- O L MamGi..................8:20aT n of thse board, and Mr John ('unn was ing tt od h eoto ito fSOI apoitd nhî lae TeInpctrMr He-nry, was receiu-ed and adopted. ,Maiedol ln 4.......:40 pu -as flotified to -nake a general inspec- Mr Ross gav'e notice that at the next TOBACCO -M a o l...................40 p t tion of the village at an early date. asebitg,.f the CiLy Fathers,' he will Mîxed SOUTE Dîedat hs rsidece th con., Fl- introduce sonie legsatotarodlL din, onTuhs esdy iito u endlth fx From Lindsay ...........8:50 anl do, nTusay av 4th, Lachian road diviiions et Mount Carmel. ...................12:86 p caet hscutyi 84adcm eepae - uo eifoCamneron, aged 77 years. Deceased On muntlit of MIr Stocks the follovîngMi............. 80PI to Edonwhee heli%,d eer since. Davis $i'.10; F F.îwkk, relit-f of W DavisDO I ON B NK fie was the father of a large famil1v.,82-73; G M AshIey, relief of Mrs Crandel m $; A W Fare-el, relief of Jos BrowmieMa............:4 pn who are ail grown uP, and the most of '2 74;. 'vra John Ditîgle, relief of JohniPi p -$,0,O tbem marred n thse saie neghbor - A braîîîs $3.>0 . lidigeits- Nrs Burg- C0,1lýj, ý apital a d u ,$ 50 0 0 hood and doîng well. HI-s remaîns oyie $3, Mary McCarthy $3, Jas Hobbs - , - - $,0 O wcere unterred at Eldon church cerne- Sb. Ruwe-sou,ý Iutchison, stationary $1,8000l0g Lery, on Wednesday, the 5th. He was i.3.5o. Road and bridges-T Sleep $4, A thin flIy fibre-food fluid, wh.ich a staUnch presbyterian and alwavs G; (oolicdge $1. u-tuck Lu the old kirk tilI after thse On motin uf Mr Henry thse Council ad- . s' iiikcs into the pores lavnga V ibn A e cv union. lie was a Conservative in j'i-urried to 31st of Mià y, at 10 o'clock. Va.sC..yfilxi OUsld polîtîcs. The CoeUrt of Revision tw meet the sain e l4..,, bul.I.ishii'lmusi NEWCASTLEC day,, et 2 o'clock., p mn. ca About three o*clock Thursdav morn-t Puvs lr.Rub this friction BotaGnrl ýnrn ueine.. Ansrnse newnrastire, Onrn at Lf WCa.ude, little, and Io1- a brilliant, Trnced blewV e U- saeth h c antro loêia igetO Tetrts wndow in front of the store and sever- Four Years of Agonv and B hog . J. THORNTONt al lamps n thse rear. The parties wre Neither varnish, turpentine, manage enrched to the exten *: of 15 cents for M i e r .n o a xf ar h le th e r s alu. p r s n their trouble. 't s evident that they oYataprm'sete rselU t prs i anN oh the gootids in he store. werea-fer ash s t e),did ot olet A Marvllo s C re B Pa nFA t R B A N K ' The remains of Mr John Gray-, who Celer> Compound. LAIf LtP O IS HY~ lied ai Woodstock on Sunday, in hîs a Esit Cou . 7 i t year, were brought to Newcastle Three Botties Suffice To Make Mtr. n d0-hndav, via tise G. T R. Mr Gray PinterReal E8tate Column -esideti at R'chmond îHill prevîous ntrWelan trn.M . W.COLLIN S, SOLE AGENT FOR WPT9'PRV Snall Frami! Hou ...adLt inndr% akîing Up his resîdence in Woodstock. tri- - _ o B a a a s I s a I a John and Byron streets, Whitby, Will b. sold very cheap. LOTrS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, noirth ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Asb street, north ward, wil.l b. aold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stables. Situated on Byron st.. Whitby, tbe finest residential street ln the tawn; wîthin tbree minutes walk of the post office. Tbere are three lots of land with -an entrance an two streets. House in perfect repair. For particulars apply ta L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. VIMVIOUOR, and V/TA LIT>' RESTORED IN 30 DATS. GOOD EFEOT AT ONCE. CATON'S VITÂLIZER. Gures gmerai or sileoll debtilty. wakefnl am, sernaorho emimaisua, (p.- teue7, paeat etc. C~orrectefm fUtoi diserdôe, causait ly emon or oisess, quickl7 rsstontnir lstManho4 lino14 or yong, givlng vigr and 'stragt- h ier. for- mer weakiiesa prevailod. Convenieut package. siPle, effectuÂi, and legitimate. CURE 18 QUIOR ANtD THOBOUGE. Don't b. decelved,-by Imitationg,. malit on Caton% Vitajiaew. fSent saed il your drug - gistd oes not have it. Primesiperkge., 6 for $5 fhwrttem £uaraateeet oouploe- OUme.Inormation, refergnoes, etc fre. and oonMientil. fend nstatexuei ciUc«»e an 95ote, for a weekts trWa treatment. Ouly one, ment te each person. CATON MUI. CO., BOSTON. WASS Wln&dsoOnt. SoId by A H Auin, DrggitWbiby >~ las. -- A - e- -r - it may bô velitoe 51mb, rip tie wgsW dimam es 7d vS MMe m wetc he isad lîveti for thse past ten % a rs. lie is a hrother if Nirs John ;ilendenning. motiser of Mr Cististo- plier (ilendenning of this village. Tise funeral tîuok place from Nr Glenden- ring'q residence here. Tisursday, ta She Bowmanville ccmetery.- -ies. CAN NINOTON NER. tIBER. NGLEIS LýDWOODý BS, ETC 1, E-) IONEI? CA) '"HE R. e eds D T T t tail \T k t>-iAi ýl 1 1