Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 1

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- - t -..,. - ~u~ct-5a-u ~-zserea The' Chronicle. VO.X .WH1TBy, ONTAIRIO, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1897. N.2 I K - - - - I -- Fresh Arrivais A. H. ALLIN'S1 PM<II -i1 l \1 M i)iV TA\RT \ 1' >- 1 SlI . i- , . S $100 u',101 (4IPR. C 11\sI< > (hln ut sîall i~ - tk of Munyon's Remedies- A. H. ALUIN, Cilf II MIT x lll W HITBY, î, tT ONTARIO. 1IN DMIN1L L S WIRE FENCE. Sella the 0-enuine AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and, the Ketsletuan Wire Ferace t nîrt-nd: ng p î'îr( h.isers srlti, dex a nitte thts tri, r' ý-rt 'pimi Irîg 1fît-t- or der. Iti0 nt leI art igtiitiltut .ýn rutatiiîn rn ou wbeîî "Sou t i at t rI fi'- (,rr- îî ne At -i'r. t b1ortugh lv Ka!aitn d t uîîufa rratit-ti for less mi-mues-. NI,- ifr-si e'- îîii5 s-lu tid nCanada tu-dat- tha n i iv il fier make The At-r nictu-Ct. t m.t l ' rirtc hait t lu iomer id virit rni'l mitits "tt i r the aurld, at the pi-esetn Ail s15 ie.n of Wood ant irlon Pompa for' Sa ilet Nrtî r- r rli r tgard tngt- t fit-t- ults wil tI ii .rre g br-lt f i t intutt- t F(, - ti-er -Omit. GEO. ALLIN. \%'i utTFt WiSJEBN BANK OF CANADA@ Whitby, Ont. BO(A R [) ()F 1)>1 R ECTO R-,ý LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CRffio5îCLE COstsxSPOaNDrECL MAN CEMSTERI Mr- R \ Va-crs lo'st a valuable brood mare ont Sondav 1ast llîrth t-()fThursd(-ay, Mav 1i31h, the wîfe "f NIr R S P.irks, uf a tla iigher. Mr John Harrett of Park IH 'Il Was viSiting 1 here tht, acek a îîh hbIs brother. Mtr antd Mrq \rm Tborndrke, of î>akwood, were vistsîîîg ai Titos Grahartos over Suri- dà% Nirs G S,)nle-, tfWthwts vistitng liere luit a 4e, k witl her parents, Mr and ~r W If Vtartfen 'tlî.s Til't- flîirreîtttof Park H ill dauglîter M\Ir ohît Harreit, has camne here 10 kcc-p h -e for heir uncie, M r Thî,s Harreti. ( )ie of tir cit 'zens traded hor-ses last vveek Iai ricaet dliv t-eîrî, he eveit b%,gelling lýib hait (ut-tht lirst lime in four >ears. Mr NI S1-, meiotne hosit(if the Revere ht elias ' rrhtieithe ahut;chutel, andt fo, i- fii l lrt ias ficen itaînreil anti neatIî lurrtts1hcuî 1- ervihtig is nuis op îtodate, The'rtirrniers of the lownish-t met in the lai nhai, hi-ne on S'aturulay a,-roit t Tý) ti-,tenfn was sismallT h1 e ;urI ni pi suat iuvnressavas the e.xaniinsîtion of the Ntillsr11t ï te anîrîsersarv services of Sfic Manches- ter 'ý-ntiav scttur,ï i b Wf7te iithcrcon Siti i' ..~nexi 2 ;rd n1- The Rev I r I..amty o f i H i,.klin sAill îîeâchbin the miîrnig nt ip) ;(). iiiteîrii.sirr 2 0 .4 itti vefltfg ai -. Ctîllcîi tîu aI t ea( h nietiîg in aid tif the scftionl. 0in Mliniiav cîctiinr fitlowing. tte Rev Mr Rose if T nri )-i Il deliver a lecture in the- t hiur( t .fi, tîîsit t . NMr Rlts s -l; knia n here, anti alilarc acquianîtiwitfl bis Imoris as a speaker. We hiupe tficre may fie a large altenidatite. IiiaNdl somee - .- s.r.imriiar Res' J. B. NMcClaren matie an exchange isi laete tlr irrt a fi- ll -kao.twitîb Rtv A.McAuley of Pickering hast îu, the pace ite tIltr ^ithfthe uilac ooth, Sondas-. NMr, cAult-v's dîscourse ht-rt-in tifrfi ac, i~illir lbtht nme f Ii-tht- afternoon was practîcal anti hehpfui anti mari, bas lit-cii antit-. 10 s tir scribe. butr a uhapeitdb h oirain raier th,în cause bard feetintg f, r relî tsvsmc preirc ytt oîrativen oM thr- att teuf. a-c retraîin from gtvî1urg the NIr James Routhey, section foreman on tht- uriptleasaRnrneas. An actîto bas bein en.G T R , bas bt-tn takîng tnetament wiîb the teret i g.tîiisi ithe parîy, anti probthafl) sonne Markbam cancer tioctor for a small cancer in jgîit mai fie dei ited fiife case ta rmade nin- lc)". We are glati to lt-arn ubat he is lîkelv teriesti n g.i uo get ri of it wrîhoui a very greai deal of B' lie tH5\t Eolast veck wc noticedtrobe i iiatai me-rig tf te tcene cmmîsut- aster John Vipon i s home from Toron- crs of Southi i tniaru.. bt-Id recetnus a jjttnse 10,hbre he bas bt-t-nin tht- hospital for some tîme undergoîng ircaîment for bis stifl ftir tfîe sale ol sont- anti bt-ci-aas grantedti 0,kîe.H o bl ob'i oeat M rs 1JDeI>et, tof i'1icp Ir is a pruflcm vekrie.H snwaltobdi omad cann~u sos-e frits ib Ina ptîron , teest ason 10 hope thai it saihI yeît-orne icouis!direti antIllet-ont- fi-cni Scagrave liard- alrgTh.)ko earn h rahi h Iv recuigiizeti Vie are lîleasedt 10noie tht- iTh-wrolraingt-bechnh- stanîf taken fus-Nîr Burns in the work of Ibis mtl] dam bas bt-tn suspentict, ant ill not s-car, fut ssii] refratin fi-c m gr.. îrrg )pll be again gimut on with unît-sa an arrange- io of ihe ollier fellitws. Ouir.-ibn ment ts matie btta-en lantiiord sud tenant co)rrc-spuiuderit fia' expresset fitmat-tf cor- to cachb btar a portion cii tht- expense An con- rectîv anti we hâ,ve tit- sdimue vit-sts. nection a-îtb tht- work 10 be doue. ~ P C U'ana'.i Mrs. %Vs. Kerr- bas bt-tn very aîck for tht- lasrîiwo veeks anti ai tht-time cii wrlting la Town Lina, oint ans- beter. Sfic bas suflereti intensly %Ir Lou Ta % îtri-s n tht- sîck liai Ibis froîn a gathering in ht-r ht-ad anti bas hati to wet-ek Ftgbt an attack of erysipetas as welI. \Ve NIr V. . Snrt f Osaw preche inhîpe to soon bt-ar that she ic- eetting better. Ami- WS. Sm3n lat 0f (>saaprahei n The Whilby district meeting vas ht-Id Aimutiscfîrch asiSunia.bt-nc%%e o~ dusday anti Thunsday. Iu con- Mrs Foibergill bas, been vcmv sick, l'uL at- uccion wiîh it tht-rt- va a t-onvention of are glati to say she ta now mucb beuter. tht- U oman's bissionary Socueties ofthtie M r. Coakaveil returneti honue last district which was quite successfui. The S-aturdaî- from bts trip tu tht- ()I Country. flt report of tht-st- meetings t-au not be Wc are gladt 1 say bus bealth as somnes bat given Ibis week but viii appear in nextisl- improved. sue ofthe CHRONICLE. Tht- Christian Enticavour on Tuestiav Tht- board of managers of tht- publit- ib evcning hati a iterary programme anti bray met asat Tburstiay cs'euing anti etecteti social chat instcad tif ihe ortiînary was' of tht-seofirs-i-sien, .Ktcn BRUVKLIN WVe hear sorne talk of the formation of a bicvcle club in ihis village. Last Friday was arbor day at the a;chool A report of the proceedings will be given iu next issue. Mrs. T. Chirin an(, Mig-s Chinri have i-e- turned from three weeks' visît wih lriends in Toron to. Rev Thomas Manning, of Whithv preached in the Nlethodist church last Sunda, eveming. The Brooklîn Specialîv Co. presented their farce "The Grat ce Roh bers" at Raglan AModa eelnig t i uruh a A rcowabdtiniug 10 Mr urouc.lilas train on Tuesdlay mnorring. Mrs. John Kerr ba-s bt-en title tick a-lth a severe aîîack ol grîp. Shc is stît] confluet 10 her bcd brit rs uow gcttîng betier. Tht- eles-ator company have engagetiMr- Frank Laion ttî give their big buildinga frcsh coat of paint. He expecîsi to stari thî work ai once. Pure Prepareti Paint We have now a fuît assýoriment of colors. Ftrst class qu.ýliiv îîrly. Alsu lt-ad, oils and drv colcirs. Holltiay Bros. The Iiraimatic Coi are bitîcti b give "()u in the "liet-'ai Ashîîrn, for tfie R.T. of T, cituncît rtere, thît. ( Frtday) eveniung. IiIr. -IC, V!chert, paslor of the baptiýt churcît here, huis titis ctum',leted lus Itturlth ytar ai Mtc'tlasier Univcisity and secure( dezrec of H A The ni-main-, of tht- late Miss Mary Mav- nard, tif %Whiîby a-rrt-intenreti in tht- Grocve Sîde cemetcry on Sunlday afiernoon. The funenal wa-s a vcrv large one. Mnt. Sil-en, wbo hat becu ttopping with ber inother. Mrs. J. Pollock, for iwo months, tefi wiih ber family on Tuestiay for V ahi- goon, wbere ber hîisbaud alneady la. (O Tuestirs of last week, Mfiss Mfauti \%ickett, eldesi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R %Vickeîî, (tif Tormnto, forrnîerty well known residenîs of Prooklin, was married to Dr. cuutuîîg h- srvce a _ rncae- p-, dy;t-ade ooF. a-ti--ai-' .R fin toai ' reiint ,,t. îmevs~ ----------------b d raurr .St-otlibraria"U,-D. J ie a Holtiday; auditor, Res-. J. H. Harris. Books flmti ,u1Vice fî- uFtiu r Mr. H. Sonîci-, of tht- 4îh con. reuteti tht-mse eeeagt nWtctaaio K> ,W. i AIllen L .1 A(t t 0u, Post tai-mfortri Iis year ai ý'joo, antI bati . ýo to 5_3o andi lroî 7 Ici S Wp...anti on so, Eu, Rubu Mi-Init", iu-1) , fiýs stiteti to %,%rk on it, but owing to some Saîurdays froru 7 to (9PM. Tht- librarian P.iitirsririF -o4obîctioîr matit by ont- of tht- partît-a who will also be gladti 1 make ext-bauges aI auy T iH NMNMiai---------------......Cashii- i butît tht- morîgage, be bas given it up. WVe tme wben he is in bis office. # ,undersuanti the lai-m is to be put up atIt is otdsorgn okt te General Bankîng Business transat-ted. auction again. tIl ais mot dscporin vorkvillagtempi Dratis istueti payable in aIl paria of Can- Sr IV Casas, W. ekt>' exama in Physici-- ti-ce ptanting or au>' cuber kint cil work ad. 'nt.tt---,tates, atutiou Ltondon, Ent--1 îogy ant i Dcîsuion Max. go anti 30. Mabel d oue outsîde of tht- lent-es. No sooner is hlandl. Imiable in ahi parts of Europe. 34 Rowe 52, 30 ; Milton Sturcy 49. 26 Nettie tht-rt-suit of thse laber dont- beginning 10 b. pet cetit lt-ti ou Savîngs Bank Deposits Carruthers 47, 26: Georgie Golti45 1 A- apparent tissu soînt- îarauding t-ev tornes anti ci-eritreuffif t-ar]>-. Rowe 48, 18; Flot-t-ute Carpenter 40, 22 , lu- nidtsb- ettit-to -ey SIucital 'Itternti on (0 Coll-cti'n ofý Arthur Mat-ke>' 32, 26, Lizzie Fotbergil Ir: thing within i-es-h. Tbt- viiter bas noticeti Fiimn'r' îzY iti'-i, 6 ; Annie Carruthers'37, 16 ; Walter Rnâdi Ibis veek several young mnaples vitb the Friiti,8. gleut-v. ewgrowth ah t-att-n off ln spitecil tht-se 27, 18. unoyances wbicb we have to content vitb, E. D. WARREN, 1 Arbor Day was celebrateti at our st-boni in I hope tht-rt- will be no greviug veau-y lu Manager of Whiby Bi-ancis. ,fne stv'le. Th-et- maple t-es vert- planîed this kinti o! veli doing. bv dîfferent tlasses Beautiful fiovering Early Cîcains- plants ai-e in tht- wintics, anti by tht- pup- Oui- met-chants anti tradesmren wil tarI 'IYNTEDlu EVERAL FAITHFUL lsts chorus, a pretty little mîrror vas prOctur- rycoin fterbuiespae WV- Mn r oi- \V to 1 utravet fori i-- - d for tht- achool. Aiter whaî bas b-en otis ayclunsing O n thibsinaesaceso sard ve hope that parents sud guardians eau Tuezdalunest. O nd is datanto '- mifi-tata t)it ,fm-dj usi- tin rri tii-o yuillfindt Ieir vsy 10 tht- st-bonI 10encciur- tathiumeriig ueda ont Tssal] _ ekvadevt-uiugs turing tbe suin- oIa I Salary - 't-. payable $i sttl ni et- age boîb chiltiren sud test-ber lu their work. business in Ibis village wiul b. staspendeti penses. P')itiutn permanent. Refcrwuîce. Enclose st-If atdresseti stampeti cnveit'pt-. Manv vert-tht- inquiries as Ici vhai ur promptty ait 6.ýo. Tht- public have gent-- Tht- National, Star Builditng, Chicago ,-î17-8.We-st itend-d dtiîg wîtb tire proct-t-ds o! ousiy assistet insuthe pasî iu makiug the- - ~the concert ht-Id in tht- TownUnLte st-booI cari>' closiug movemeul a sut-ceas, anti tht- on Mar t îîh, Ht- vishes Ici ame ibat il ai- two eveuings a week of fret-dom bave bt-tn Establishied 1849. foirdi-tsugmt-at pleasure ta invite any oe thoi-ougbly appreciatet b>' thoat wbo votait intrest-i t toitani st-tt-"Cy-lpeta"otberwise have bteun coufluet in stores sud anti tht -Copying Pati' that vert- purchas- a8plaes ite sar aîw abterunbealtar Wk;W,, <~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~e wtht-e proceetis anti a grant of five dol-. lttal hane limet.e apaa- cop i nif Blac-kies modern' cyclopedis, eigh: volumes, letsuer bintiing, balf morot-co. It conlaînatlt-ar anti concise information on almoat t-verv subjecî. Tht- advant-ed pupis are quit-kIlt-larmnug tise value of sut-h s vork lu tht-jr school. Tht- pupils andt tat-h- t-r ai-t highly pleased at beiug able to atit sut-h a valuable work te tht- equipmenî o! tht- st-bonI. Tht- pst is tbe "Sut-t-tsa" cep>'- ing pati. It las-t-i-y useful for taking a num- ber of impressions irai an original cap>'. Tht--Sut-ceas viii gis-e frami to t2ao, frai tht- ont- stamp. The pad lsas gond ht-hp an vu-tit-n exaîluation woik. Insteat ai nst- ing the examinaîlon questions on tht- black- boas-t a suffit-lent nuise-oflcopies la pi-l ed with thie padt t gis-t a cepy toe esth pupil. This training assista tht- pupils tabt-coe at-custemeti vIls the- prinîti examination papers for Entrant-s exams. We muai net foi-getishe excellentl alat-" blackboards that vert- placet in tis chool last tes-m. Tises- vers purchaseti irom Messrs E N Mayes- & Ca, Tarante. Thse siate mairestise best kint ai a biackbeas-d for scisool use. W. have nearly iSo sq fi-tIoa blackboas-ti' sus-face. These boarsa ert- put up lu eus- st-liol by Mi- R Oke lu a s-es-y ol'kmanjike mannes-. AlIev us te say tisat ve have a ps-agressive st-bonI boas-Ith ie pensons ai Meurns Geo O'Conner, Mf Mat-key anti Wm 0k.. Ms- Wes Cars-utisera vas a uit-tbes- ofthe boardt at lthe lime tise biackbcas-ds v'enu procureti. MalbIc and Glanite works! Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. HE. Smnithi (Formel>' Wolfenden Warks.> Importer anti desler in MAREBLE Asi GRANITE MONUMENTS,,Et-., af tht- laies: ma- teriat anti designs. Ail kintis of Ceîete-y vark. Oui- womk guai-anteti. - SERD sFos DEsîGNS AND PaîECî4 WANTED. A gadd gent-rai servant at once. Appi>' at Ibis office. WANTtD A cap>' ai Bt-t-is Illusi-ateti Atlas of On- taria ceuni>'. State lovesi cash prt-e. Ad- ii-es or appîy ai CHRONICLE Office. Whitby, May u4th, 1897'. AGENTS. I am jus: startiug thse beat thiug Gfor moncy making yeu have st-su for many a day. You-nanae andi atidi-sas ili briug tht- golden islos-mation R P GLASGOW, Tas-on- Mr N Byt-s-is maklug bigJ bis buildings, Mm-sI-vin anti fari Bus-keton te Mw-Cbbpmauis boq ViaItas-: bMisa Whiteoak six Mss-kharngu "erd tW X Mrs-A T &I' Oo Mess Visac 4g~0g id -rMorsho Woitan;m- anti ùwt cf MUr, " e ùes *i1r Jolis W. A. H. BEÂ.LL, IL - Isoues- of Mars-aage Licensea. Retildence oppoIte Tovn Hall, Breeklil. W A MCINEzLY, D V S--Graduseofthe n,- tiano Veterui->' College, Tes-ente; k8anesar] menîbes- af tbhsOntario Medicai Society. Tresteal! iSusasea ii ofise dssznestaed animala by the moet appi-avet mettiod. Aima pas-liculan attention te surgit-ai operationa and dentistxy. Day os- nigiit-calla p-ornptly l attended za. Office and neuldenoe s-omm Outas-le. We can supply aIl kintis of Field 0 and Gas-den Seeds, either in6 bulk or package. Flower Seeds b in' great vasiety. Manimoth i Long Redi Mangold Seeti. roc. é R,, tas-nip Seeti, all standard fI varieties, s-olm lb.' SPADESb' -HOES5>, RAKÇES, etc., at closest ps-kes. Fersmers are rpectfullyre questcd,'not to-placetheir os-des-s till they -bav-e seeù mr tampl'e$ anti h*d ous - eein1SQaý ity the be$tandpri'*êçtbe lcwtcai. PORT PERY. other and who were endeavoring in their A9SEDUal. Miss Stella Ackerman. of Peterboro is a humble way to live and act consLstently as Miss Lillie Balfour is expectedhborne Saturday. guesi of Miss Eita Brock. mernbers of the church and as chrisîlans, neighbors and acquaintances. How is ilt to Mr -S F Tohnsion and Alex Smnith attended es Mr Frilank Parroldths lown. o n a> *? If reports, rurnors and conversations the sale by Van Horn's on Wedcuesday. ess t o M r ra k P rr of hi t o n .a re t b e re l e d o n th e y a re a t d a g g e rs M r J o h n D avid so n is d o w n eas t p u rch a i g Mrs ( Dr) Norton of Shelburne and Mrs A crawn, and many of them speak of one an- cattie for ahipment 10 McKee, Iowa, U S. %V Roberts are visiting %Irs W L Farrish. other in a way neither calculated nor in-I Mr Alex Smith is puuting in spare time farm- The Indians of Scugog band are very tended to bring peace and harmnony among ing. Hef is working the lot north of the Eng- lhankful to Mr D)avis for two armn chairs for themn again. To show how it la affecting bah chorcb. their church. many of those who were previous to this un- Carpenters and hricklayers are busy ai Mr. fortunate matter endeavoring to live Christ- Balfour's bouse. Work will be commen-ed at 1 congratulate the Rev j M Cam",ron lmiu lves, 1 have heard somne of those who a al aeo rKr' an pactor of the Wick and preshyterian churches 1 favor the church party say :'I do not feel a al aeo rKrabin n being elected Moderator of the Synod Of jright"' andi again some of ihose who have Preparatory services on Friday. Communion Toronto and i Kngston, andi that toc, by ac seceijetisaý 'I do not feel right 'in myi on Sun day. Conducted by Rev Whitemnan. clmto. It speaks highly for the rev. 1 mind and heart." This sh' ws ver>i plainly RvRdodwl xhneplîs gentleman's popuilarîry andti ntellcctual ai-I that things are in aL 5ad stat at ta e- Several catîle grazing on the i-asts. On tainments and that he is well liked by hîs i nîy prevails where some monîhe ago every- Tuesday three barely escaped being struck by fellow laborers in the church. thîng seemed to be going aloug smoothlv an engine ai Mr Valentine's crossing. The Rev D N McCamus lasi Sunday andi to the benefit of aIl concerneti. How t10 Mr S F Johnston bas purchased an upright LEt b wp o-qheve, ' baéiù t~<e petSii, t aLn t-- - ira e s tram 2nci im ot tbv any . A earn thai etortîs have been iand laggie, have com menceti music esson ?. a 3rd chap. thîrd, fcurti and fifth verses'.nmade, but tbey only drift fartiier spart. By Mrs Geo Datitison was in Toronto last weekc lccondcm med the strong wordr, card th-wypol'akî il ee ofrtoewtessing the cnnferning of degrees ai McM.as- plas-ing, horse raclng, dancing and kîntireti who have bad a say in matters ta îry andti er Hall, ber sister, Miss Burneti, Greeubank. anru-semenîs givrng the opinicons of promen- heal the sores that have been matie; rigi receivunR the degîce B A. i cli m en of al the churches tbat dancing as anti prompt steps shoulti be taken bv the Our fniend the Gizette Cor., waa mieiniormed jnow carrieti on as doîng harm 10 the young. prominent men of the church party anti the at he stateti last Sunday was Mr Radford's lare- Tht seceders anti have outsitie ministers anti lay- weli. Mr- Ratiford, we undei-sîand,' wilI be TeRegistrarshrp rnen scîccctid, men wbo are known as goot i wth us for a tew Sundays yet. tIf not alî eady, gazetieti notioubt if soon living men, honest men, men who will do f wîll be that Mr Ct-o WVIDryden of ibis îown tbcit duty wfîhout fear or favor, antilt-t The concert ta be given bv the- royal templar-s îrropritoi of the Paxton, Taie & Co, f9untirs tbem endeavoir to seutle aIl the differences, will he a grand SUt-ccSs and abouiti be well ai- s tu be tht- new regîstrar for this cuunty, anti bring bu'îh aides together, anti have tenditi. In addition 10 the dramatit- club from r ifan whom no more sîtîtabie a rman coulti he cvcrythtiîg settleti anti the baîchet burieti s Ey Brookefoling able ant wili asîst arppointeti He fias beeu accustomed tlu <ecîîly that the subject wiîî neyer agaîn CMredoty MsssTagr Brooki M antiMsGrhd otffice work for mari v years anti he wîll be corme t the surface. The lime is not far CladfrmonThecoMesrMtagllbgart Brook'sd found to tbe an officiaI who wîll be bothr distant when corne of rbe parties concerniet Radl.d.dTieson5certsw- e ie l e' *courteous anti oblîgîng anti very careful in shahi ha ve left Scugog Islandi, as in thehalAdiso cn. fris office work. flailcogtua-or course uofi-vents they wîll go to other fieldis W IE citizen on his appointinerit as tf coulti 001 of labor. Then what ? 'silI ail those HI- have been gîven taonore more worthy than feelings ant i bckerings stitl remnain ta stir Mrs jat-ph visiteti friendsisnl Stoufiville hast Mr Dlrvden, the courîîv îown will have a. tip sirife anti enmiîy anti batreti among the *eek. citizen of whom if cal. be caiti that he wîll be résidents of the Islandi? Diti those concern- Mi- anti Mrs James Evans bas been be!re visit- a woribv resident anti one wbo wîil have cd t-ver îhink what gondoti aI resuitfrom ing tbeir relatives the respect anti conifdence of those wîîh sucb a state of afiairs ? Lt-t those who holt Mx-s D R Betstn was with friendé in Chai-e- whom be shaîl do business in bis new bard feelings one Ioward annîber, commit mont lasi Thursday, sphere. 10, memory the tbirteentb chaptet- of firsi Mr- anti M r Wilson, of Rat Potg,-shr The Lacense Commissioners Cîîrînrhîans, andti deu turn to tht- Lord's wth frienda for a short'lime. Prae ahr Prayer in the sixth chapter of Mattbew and In the norîb endi of ibis r iting there is a t-cati tht- îaîh ant i151h verses. 'Bhesseti are Mi- W S Major bus the carpenters on getîing gooti deal of titssatisfaci ion with a mxajority h ecmkr. bis barn together, for tht- raison: of the commissions. The buard is composeti.J OT radMsJae aeo rc od of R. Mackie, a tenmpérance man but not a W.J.No-r M-atiMr obJamSei's o K ay .iBakRa prohbbtionist ; P. R. Hoover, a go callet Mi- anti Mrs Josepb Laughlin, of!hryod puoblolîlonîsi, but as bis acis prove, a wCbaeMrChsrywoodnunay sboddy probtbîîionst ; anti J. Burns, a pro- iW orth Mwas at Mi CatHris oing Sundaq be hbtionist La the biht, in practice anti prînci- Mnleia Freda Cad r tesuin e tbbe ple.Being wbat la calleti a tempérancer Knowing tcnMr andCherryodamutel aui-ne fTrno r boramajority of this ritiing expecteti con- & Meninai M rs muel Dicksndroientiesar sîsient acta ai their banda. What do tht- pedig ewek eie itbfrena nd elties people finti' In the meetings of tht- board, Toe lm ..,,Ios Bran occupieti the- pulpit over on the tibat tao men fought bard anti carried every - sixth las Snnday and Mu- Connor, of Brougham, îhing, ant istregartict a large petition andi That oui- prices are 25 ta 40 Pei- cent. cheap- occupieci the bapuat pulpit bere. several deputation.rs, where they were asketi er than any otîser undertaker in Ibis dis- Boue pediers, gypsies and tinkers of eves-y arn- not ta grant a lcense, but grantet ifilin tht- trircf. gnbekdarmki ti perncsee face of a péttion of ninety-eight ratepayera That we have the Beat Hearse, anti the- fin- aginabte fine ware aiIearpar r anc bi- oui of one bundi cd and îwenty residing in est Casket Wagon and Casket Sleighduigtefn ahswei-bvng the village anti section, In the other in- in thîs couuty. isWielare peased ta a-tuht i Hoda longa- stance a pet ition was pi-esenieti antisppt--- That we conduct funerais with decorum. white cey raessn atuha will baemuhu e along cd asking for a license, anti aller a gooti deal Thai we take more pains witb oui- work hlIereb il aemtbueo , of fenciug il waa granteti, though il set-ms than do the majoriîy of Unticitakera. Mrs McCay will lt-ave foi Owassy, Michigan, tbcre is no provision matie or aîîoweti for That we use kidi anti liste gloves instead of next week te join ber busband, wbo bas get a such a license in Reach township. I yen- cheap cotton gloves. good position there in a niai-bIeshsbp. turc ta support the CHRONIcLE'S statement 1 That we use appropriate door and ai-m Mi- Tisonpson, of Mount Pleasant, was bei-e ibai no two hotelkeepers in South Ontario drapes, fine floor muga, beautiful pedes- last week seeing aftei- bis stoire, Hfe intendts tu wouîd have acteti as Messrs. Macki i tala anti draperies ln black or wbite. bave it repaanted andi evei-hauied insade, llaovsi- have douet, but wouîd have bte1a That we tieliver aIl Caskets andi Coffins in Mi Rcodgers, of Kitasale, viqiteti aur Sunday more consistent. Mi-. Mackie dlaimis he iS oui- Casket Wagon or Casket SieIgb. Scisool Iast Sondas- mornine as s delegate fs-cm - as gooti a cm pt-rance man as Mi-. Burns, That we give every order our personal and the Sontb Qntario Stsodas- Scbool cauzention. bis f ir .M' ci ideas o! sut-h a principle ar prompt attention. Qieanme ri eeatne h uea vervfarfetcedare nlycréaion 01,hý5of the laie Miss Beie Paler ai Pickeing tast brain. Hîs actions of recent date are proi.dof F,,pni,,PL Go. Thuradas-. Miss Palmes- bad rnany fritsi ei-e. of svbat I say. As for Mi-. Hoover I arnUes p 5IILIL We ai-s soi-iy ta lt-arn tbat Mr Albert: Thoraton cretiibiy informeti that the probibitionists of is net enjoyîng very gocd healtb these tisys. Pickering selectet i hm as being a msn on W. J. NOTT, MANAGER. Mi- Josiab Pugb lis aise ves-y 1ev and is hardi7 whom that eleément in the ritiing coulti fulty expecîed ta recver, rely to do bis duîy withoui fear or favor. Port Perry, - ont. A p ai o seventy settlesaloft LocSm Hill But what do we findta 1 be tht- case? This last Monday night for the TemiSatingue dis- same Mr. Hoover appt-ai-sta have solt i hl- ____________________tnt-t. They wul seuile in thse neighbephoo<j of self for a mess of pottage, or shah I1 say bas Georden Ci-eek and viii travel by way of Stnitb's tbrown bis temnpérant-e principles anti con- GIRKaNWOO» Fails, Carlton andi Mattawa. Quite a numbe- sisîencyiti tht- vds anti voteti whiskey. rT .MDnl saa naVùt ri eewsotsen hnio bt-tr ant i wne every lime. r'he îemperance M-,T .MDnlu wyo ut soibr a u elgttmof pt-opte of Pickering shoulti gel a piece of Mr-, F. Tait, af Oshawa, calieti on fs-ents ene Seme ai the local boier plate papes-s wba are sole leather two inches in diameter andti ie a day iast week. centinnally winding therselves about depart- leather string te it, and bave stamnped on it Ms-. H. E. Stevenson was vilsh friens in t thseniental store. sheutti remenabes- that the- get " A shoddy prohibitionist," and below iî city ever Sunday. the- bal of tiseir papes- printed iàatise City lu a "Consistent-y, thou art s jewel,"~ and pi-e- Seednsg la nov a thing of tise past witb moet olzeap printing ieasdry, and whes-e tise en- sen ilto r. oovr. f i digusingta ee f te frmirs roud hre.pleyees get ne bettes- par- tisas wbat EatoD's sentit 0 Mr Hover It s dsgusingte ec o th farner aruntiht--e.bands geli. We bave ne use for boalls plate men, wba dlaim ta be men of prominence lu We neîicei Mi-. F. M. Cbapman, of Audles-, reading matter. tht-i- respective sections, ant inluwbom theirinOrmcsoe arcnty neighbors ant ilbsiness associates place ~oi ia u a eety every reliante, anti commonly speakin aie Rev. Thom., of Pickeiing, preacedt t alasge U E L. D rue o hno ani roit, n mnyintace cangregatien Sonday nuos-nng. W4- are gladtu t sec Mr-. Albert Taylor out bet-av the- trust plaet inl them by the coi- Mi-s. Cochenour, ai Toi-ente, la spending a few again after bis severe sickness. munity lu which tbey liv.I fully recognize weeks witb ber parents andtfi -ends. Ms-s. jardine la nov fais-I7 on the road ta the- fat-t that until there la a change we mnit Soins of the- sports as-e naking good use ai thbe recovery fs-en ber recent- ilîness. have a lit-ens. law, andi white sucb a law is Siout fishing. Saute fine catches bave been The Uxbi-idge district ai thse Methadist lu existence ve muaI have lit-ensed batela. matie. churcb meets bere an Tuesday & Wednes. The lit-ens. board must grant lit-entes, but Witie attending te the cttlc lasi veek Ms-. day May 25 & 26. when a petition la entered againat granting A. E. MadilI was severely kiched by oeeoa theis, Ms-. Glendinning bas aimast eastis-ely a lit-ena. anti signed by a large majos-ity ef on tbe beati. receveres fsrn Ibhe ijuie r lu n h peole n asecion th coinisioersar Tht- czeaîery la now i-nnning "Mer day. A accident mcntioned lut week. rnoralty boundta 10grant tbe prayer et the- gooti amount of milk la being bi-augbt teoit fsrn s.J . alnyeam aco petitione-s. Wbat do ve finti secenly? In ait dus-sttiens. M.J .Vletn rie oeo St-agi-ave a large and ably supporit-t peti- Mr. W.G.Clark wsidsoe wt h rpFiidas- evciug, fi-rn the nines- near Pas-sy lion asked Ihat ne lit-ens. b. grantedt teb a nipseivtste~ Sontiandi reports goti profits in thse Oct-an House. Rt-sut : a license vas grant- tht- msofa tht- pas: wcek. We are pleasedtiu minîng lin. cd. Froî Utica a petiticsn was presented se i S-hm eut again. M.MxHr eto fna oigt asking for tht- Dafe -Hanse a lit-ens.. It Th-se bas bt-en a nunibe- ai utw chais put lu M-ianud11 o odymrdgt vas gt-anted 1 To be consistent the Ses - tht- chut-ch for the-nueoa the chois-. It la net-d- attend a business coilege in Tos-oaato. Mr-. grave petition sheulti bave beera granteti legs to say th"c are a gi-ca: auprovement on th Han-y Bs-diseur left at thet-sanie lime tuf1M1 a vhen tht- one traminJîlca vas granteti. It aId ont- situatim n Parkdaie. Messrs. Geo. Black looks as if a gond deal et underbanti vire- Ms-. John Saison, ai Kinsais, conductedthtie Iaac Mas-dent, alRtover tisict. otue pulling had been dont-. At any s-atet-hie ac- league meeting lassiweek. Ht- bandît-t tht - 7a rdn a1 ie itit tions ai Messrs. Mat-kit-sud Hoover, as-c jeti"A Gooti Naine" fn à vers- interesting anti ouSzAB" round lv cendemnedrti e ier inconsistcncies instructive way. Anwsriurbu abl Mtutda on tht- board. Mantay ila the Queens bfs-tday and aur foot "akuePoitssea hot.l a Ias .oueucsod s Let Bs-otiserly Lave Continue, bail club laqefing ta have a grand ceisisiation on This lt" asbur liai bMs-Sade F o r s o ie io n t bs p a s t t ise u m r l a. s s a n tid e e u i u r u t i a t d y e m s i a i h s b l d n u a h u - . u i s atiherents of tht- methodist chus-ch lufat-t Tes-anto, Port C; ,,Highsland Creek. antissd Se-e' ulig s ose iseulti gis-upe tht-~ ~ ~ ~~ ~o aes ethtret aiS' gg 1 es-al ter place. are expectedtu taplay for tht- dii.lreacmodto ocmercult stpes-ateti, of theguesteebt- .4 If! i~ * r ose - i i mlos. -r- ut 'c t- -e - -i -e - (çOs f (t r y. 1) A ( -(/- 1 1 1 ýl 1 l'

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