Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 7

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Wi.it>iy, Clerk Msy4 Ni ,,,.y 4, u,' î.t 5o Years of Cures. BISHOP B. W. ARNETT. SWAYS A*IFîIEN('I.'S WITII 1iisil MASFl'AL\ ELOyUENCE. lie Write,î a Letter of More 1 ban Uisual 1 ion Courts. A'.lberta lv second daugbter of (le,) NIandl Elizabeth Palmer, dîed at lier parents .rcsidence. Church street, )n Tuesda'. afterno-on, aged twentv- i w vears, ten miî)ntlis andl five dav s. 1AlJtliOugb she lias n(t been considereil r îbust foir perhaps a vear, lier fatal illne'.s over-took her some two months _ t Wî,'b1erforee. Olin. three tuiles nortb 'be funeral t>iik place to the 1 lîsciple id \Ftî:a firot to-ar D ayton andl Spriug- ceieterv. ust west of the village. tipli. il locateil Wlberiorc,. 1University Mut c sr itb.s expresseil for the ai i ne lt Tîi-eoouzicèl Setniinary. bereaveil parents andl sis4ers in thein Tlîes.* Wîî inh-iitiiitis oi learniiz have I ri 'utile. c1ii'il iatînîîîliistens arii tesecliers I.' niess the cattle owners of this vil- Ili tilîii' piieiîwlist nileil eieueatiuuai lage keep the bovines in untîl after c,' ii ne. resles liimhop lîrijatiuiti W. Ar t bise trees set ont arounil the firebal t.i-:î, 1) 1) , a div-ine %lislé of erepecîsl are securelv boxeil. it would be a char- îirouinitnc ijte of bis tbnilhiug ee 'itable aet for somne lîttle fellow wîth a wii hcilie Lias swaved wany wbîî ificiali sharp axe to cut the said rrees off as ..înîîrîg the lîughlici liii - ecbrreh, near the roo)ts as possible. The boxes i-o ii e i is more (ili'.tinîeuîslled tau li. wîll be put anounil the trees as 500fl as tl.,crnaterial can be secureil, andl those Nv'ii o own t.îws bave no right whatever t) IrIsist uçion an'.' peed,. as cattle are %%utaw elien runnîng arounil the 1 ree(ts. t )wners mav talk as tbev pilease abouît cattie diîng no harm on the 'treetS, but the>- are a nuisance ail sthe same tii everybody. As a mIle thosýe who persîst in pasturîng their ito, k iip. nthe itreets are men who ~ stro-ngl'.' obIeet tii comnmute the statute abor so tliat nails andl plank inay. be - purchasea to nepaîr waiks that have 1 been tramçîed upon by thein own ani- rnis. lili"H,)P B. W. ARNEiTT. Tliere are several children iu this lSefore being Plected bishop he was à% village wbo seemn to please themnselves l'iigwinister in hi@ charcb and aise a as tii when tbey attend school and '-tr'. proinnenîrit epublîcan. Ile repre' seben they don't. andl as a result thev, ""oted i me nitn) in the Ohio Legilatore> are awa'. behind those of their own 1' 'n sevonal ye4rs. 1agze. The result is that they become lavinît ,iven tlîîs sketCîi of tbe bishoP, al] the more careless and eventually t e lill(%Iîwiî testîînoijiîl frovu bîmnw wîl wîll drop oti attendîng and nemnain in i- found very inLt resing readîuig aud fui ignorance ail the rest of their days. I expiins 1îtseif. We have one boy now before our 'r. wbomn t .msa coucet'n ni:nds eye. w-ho is perhaps ten years of '"lai Ajiil, 14594, vîjule on rtfl wB"ag e, set -s in t.he firsi. readûr, and a houxe Ir,,uni Pliiiadeiphla 1 calîught, a very smanter. more intelligent and active ý-0ver Cu)iîd, whichî soon developed into chiid of bis age would be difficult to rieuîtuatisin. IL vas impossible for tue find in the village. But he pleases to nist by day or sleep by nigbt. About himself about atteruding schooi, and ttie finît iof Jone 1 waa compelld Lo take those te whom bis future should be a t,)iimv lid, whene 1 rewuiwed for some matter of concern, either do flot know uUis- \lien 1 was able tO geltip, or do not cane whether he attends or 'i)U!d onlv gi-t abut by the use of cruteh- f Tef! cm i.sdterbnain not. Parents are supposed te look ,.Te fll at)(,on nd berhematomafter such children, but when they do eyrew w.rîýe, laî'ting all ubrouglu tile vin- not. il. thenl devolves upon the state to ter of ' '94 andl 95 1 Suffereil as I neyer do soi aud statutes have been made iiufferetd before. 1 tiîouglît that the and provided for suchicases. We shal sjirng w moiild briug me relief, but it did be pleased to sec the trustees act ini i't, citî..vijuertlv 1 was forced t.o cancel this matter.-News. "(,Dei li' N Ini J une, 189>5, î.ny vfe sard, iýiîsbup. 1 rosi so tnuch about Dr Wil t laiDS l'lili l'Ile, fsuppose youl try them nirdo andi amie ilt tluov w:!! not help you ?' 111 saîd, 'N'). iberelasDoneuse of getng c~~ - ' tIi-m ion w,' have- tnîed alnotit everytbîng iuai. buas 4ien reconmmended to us, and L O none (, f the remeilies suggeat'ed seena to, biel1l uy caeî~. "Shie saut nmore, but vent toe Xea. 01110,. sud bo1tuglit a box oif tbe Pille. On1 Leir retirn eue gave nme a dose at nemiJ and anotber aet nîglut. She vas only à - called one ime to atteînd to me dnring MDCN tlîat uîabt. TR E f fl M DCN -For inouthis previous alue had been cereaan Biset Dhisis trm a s oe c'alled throce tn tour imes durung the PhupM e te iwvr seof.lusSore. niglit. The nexi. day 1 took tkhree doses oif the puis%, snd tue second uîght I vas EqlTo It Dot dîsturtied. My vîfe, for the firat ime in nu tre than ten9 monthls, had a An Iriolumân vag hauling vater lu good niglit'a Sleep1. I barrels froua a amail river to sopply the -'1 lave fît lbut a uîghit's elefip sinise inhabatants of ttue village, whicli vas tha: tme on aceount of the nleuuiatism. flot previded mltb watervorks. As ho 1 carry a box (if Dr. Villiauas' Pink Pilla îuaîted at the top of tbe bank te give bis in niy pockm-t wberm .er 1 go. eani a roat before preceeding te rnake III chi -rfuily bear e-iiunony aud hope bs9 round with the water, a gentlemanuiOf tluat others uuay fiud relie-f as I did. i have recoimmonded 1)r. Wiliame' Pink the icquisiuive type rode up and altier Pill te everl peple.paasiug tbe tume of day, s.ked: pille rs fovralol u Ma. How long have yen been hauling --Yors fr Gn andMan. water for the village, MY go0d man?"' BENjAmi,î W. ABNITT." "lTin ycars or more, 8or," wua the Dr. Williams' Pink Puis are sold enly simple reply. ad O in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark "Ahi And bow MADY loadedyn eyv wrapper, (printed in red ink). Bear make s day' ? in mmnd tîxat Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are "-Frem ten te fiffleo, accsrdin' tic thc never sold in bulk or by tbc dozen or weather, Sbr.,, huudred, aDd sny deugler vho offers sub- *c«yes.'Nov.,'l have One for yen Pst, stitutes iD thie forni is trying te defraud said the gent4emuIau 0 h1ing-. "Hov yen sud sbould be avoided. The public much vater hary ,,hmdold sItogather?"' are sIsO eautioned agaînat al ether 90 The Ilhia.Ok8bie.itbb u U*0 cslled blood builderesud nerve touice, direction o ie ieab ih - 0=6Urn pt up la sinilar zorin intended tic de- glv9g bis toia ,tbe WoS5t t 8t u> ,celive. 'P'--v are ail imitations Wheo replied: makg"t !oooe ',)resp s pecuniaIry advIbu- 1"Ail the V e, ~tisai 7«ldon' s îage - 'thecwouderful reputation theronoer." 1Our Queen. 1 .1() 1896. PAIN -KILLER THE GREAT Famlly Medicine of the A ge. Trakon Internally, It cures Diarrhoea, Cranip, and Pain in the Stomach, 8ore Throat, Sudden Cc Ida, Cou gha, etc-, etc. Us.d Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruisea, Burns, Soalda, 8prains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgiat, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet Noe artidJe ever attain.d le such unbounded populai . 117 -SàLý Ooe,','<' W 0 CUn tva, tostiony le the efltoe.ey of the Pain. luirIfe bO ave"0 ÉaeiDPCoieffec'I.in BootbiOg th. nerrest pain. nd "kwow It lo b. àgondard.cue a aystmoupaas.d the P&tn-KMW.. hieh tu the m<M vabaale .famiy rz..dieina novla n.2osne »Výthu ha. i 1t: m a a mol f rmovtng pin, no mbedido, hba. aonired a rspulaUno *quai 10 hr"iDaYU' puin.K Ille.-Nea'Ori New&. Rovaàr, ofitinUms Bey= tMulb.gu ..Pzsan DAvUà,' boid ovoeywee; arUiloe Mr A Scratching Place. Don't fai to provide a scratchiug place foîr your fiwis. Cover the floor wrth ifine hay, leaves or chaif to the de1ith of a foot oîr more, and scatter a handful of whest (or millet seed if you can get it> into the huter, and let the fowla scratch for it. You viii notice that those hena whîch do the moât scratching lay the most eggs. They get needful exercise. look better, feel better, and lay more eggs than those s'hich are denied t.he scratching pen. Beekeeping and Fruit Growiug. In many sec!ions beckceing is con- sidered a necoeaary adjnoc of fruit growing, becanse of the asis@tance of the be(s in fertilizîng the blossoma. Some Orchardîar.s bave borrowed colonies during the season cf bloon, gctting the- use by payiug the coat of transfer frein and co home aeain and a trifle mors. Many New Jersey fruit grovers are said wo have bencebed colonies of becs ini their orchards. Don't spray whcn the biossoms arc open if yen have becs. THE IlB1G'" POUE. A Quartette cf Remedies t bat are Effae 1ng Woiiderfnlt ures. Dr. Çha.se's four great remedties are: D r. Chase's Ki duey -Li ve r P illa, Dr.- Chase's Ointment, Dr. Ohase's Catarrh Cure, and Dr. ChamSesEyrup of Liuueed and Tur- Pentine. bi& lutest and greâttest discovery for &il throat and long affections. -I waa sick for three years," saYB lames Simpson, of Newcomb Mille. 11J triait varions alleged puteut cures and îeveral boxes of a certain pill which bas been greatly cracked np. i got ne re- lief. Then 1 tripd Dr. Chase'% Kiduey- Liver Pills. Riince. I have been able to work every day and feel lîke a nev man. Your pillealaone cured me at a co6t of 25C." ..I have been subject to severe colds every fall sud soriug." gays Mis fattie Delaney, o! 174 Crawford street.,Toron- te.- I uoed mny cough nuediciues, but noue cnrod me utîtil at a coat of 25 cents 1 tried Dr. Mlaa&'s Syrup o! Liuseed and Tu rpent lue." IMy 'buabaud wu@ troublod with the worst kind o! piles," writes Mrs. Jane Potta, of Meyerélrurg. 'l He vas often unable te worki. Since nsiug your Ohases Oiutment ho is eompletely'cu.red. It le trilly wortWlts we»ight in gold inetead of tlhe Pieyou charge, ouly 60 cents.' Il Dbonght. a box of your Catarrh Cure for 25 cents at Mr. Boyle's drug store bore," sayu Henry PL. Nicholle of 176 Rectory street, Londton. Ont. 1 amn thankful te say lt caret me."* Chase's 'Pmedies et ail dealers. Bd- manso5n. :-ts & Co., manirs.. Teronto. 2P1resaervmng ggv The felloving la an English recipe for an eo.gg-preserviflg mixture: "12* lb of unslacked lime, 6 oz. of sait, J ez. of cream of tartar, te be added te 3 gallons cf water. Pour thc wat.er boiling on tho lime and salt, and vheu coid add the bresm oftàtrtar. Place thbe egs in the mixture the followîug day. -L e lime vill romain st the bottem of the jar and the first layer of cggs musti ho embedded ini it sud a&H the oggs kopt covorod nWIth the liquid. The aboes quantity inadsu- ficient for eightiscu dozen of r. Met Cru"e Nteuis Ssott's Bunlulsenle Ced IÀvu 01 psfoM sud bewparsd upc' ' iuelpIft bdlg-, muoMd""ai Je bum suusYsteOIC 1 Fifty Years Ago. 1% i f-i ertdln whilh thî-rf.frw Thlat thought ut a philnnthropic Imian; A i rmrdy that wouid miake lie new For the multitudes that were rai.ked wîth pain. 'Twas sarsaparitia. ns made, you knowr ny Âycr, Soule 50 yiareagi). Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in its in!ancy half a cen- tury ago. To-day it doth "be- stride the narrow world like a colossuJs." What is the secret of its power ? Its cures!1 The number of themi1 The wonder of them!1 Imitators have fol- lowed it from the beginining of its success. They are stili be- hind it. Wearing the only medal granted to -sarsaparilla in the Worid's Fair of 1893, it point-s proudly to its record. Others imit.ate the remedy; they can't unitate the record: M. W. COLLINS) SOLE AGENT FOR WHIITBY. Many of the best known people in the land testify to its efficiency. It promptly cures Toothache and ail pain. Quickly alîzys inflam- maion. Wherever the skia le cut, bruised, burned, inflammcd or dLscascd in any form 111QUlkCuro " vil do lu 'woederful work. The D)r. Z. B. Ibbotsen, Major Royal Scots, Montreal, and Com- mandant of Bisley Team in z894, writes : "'Quikcnre is a treastire, Saved Her Driuiken Husband. She Finally Adruinistered a Remedy, Without hîs Kuowledge, and Cured Him. A corres;pondent w rites: 1 bad sncb a happy berne and a noble, big-be-arted hrsband tili be took te drinkiug, f rat through sociabiity, then because the fiendi'sh desire wonld corne over hini, crazing him fur drink. 'I vas hearti-broken. My happy home was fa.st beeoming one of misery till a fricnd tiold me to try a liquor cure cailed Anti Booze. 1 wus williig te try any thing, so I sent 81.00, sshe sugitcsted, to the Orientai Cheiial CJo., 20 St Alex is St., Montreal, snd by returu mail I re- ceivcd in a plain wrapper a littie box of pills. I put one of these ini hie coffée every uight and morniug witbout biru' knowing iti, (as tbey dissolve immediate ly), and in lesu than a week, te ,ny de- ligbt, be stoppeud drinking entirely. "lAuti-Boose has ebauged my drunken husbsud loto a sober, industrieus, happy man, sud I feel it my duty te tell others about it. They ivili send full i'fnoms tion witheut charge tu a.uy who will write tbem. Fsgged Ot-Noue bustbtose vbo hav eb.- orne tagged out, kuov bat s depressed misW erable feeling it le. AUl strengtbinegobe. Mud despoudenoy bu taken holti cf the suferers. They feel se tbough teein uotbing te liie for. There. bevever. tas àcure-esbox ef Parmi lees Vegetable Pilla vill de vendim lurestr- ing health Mab stigth. Mmadrake sMd Dn- dellon arm ivo o! the articlesu ssigiatq!tlto composition cf Parmslews lle. The Quesu oe ber arvIaddprueb jubilco week, vyul bt eooràitby oona Mus m. st " amdnatsvu ae iauguld sud unalule te spdana exienflm. Millet. Ompouud Irea PHIs mode bh«.ion "ai gave ber color. 'WG doses25 onte. Il by A IlAill.fU Lor Bsistwibo r~f4t@ 3 tu, 5S A Turkish Joke. A capital anecdote is told of the late sultan. He was very fond of gossip, and sent for the banker, Abraham Beg. to learn the smali t.alk of Pera and Stani- botýl. As Abraham was being con- ducted to the sultan's resîdence by the master of the borse, that functuary begged hlm. should the sultan question hlm on the subject. to say that the funds were at 3o, bis majesty havi.ug been so informed by his minidters. Poor Abraham consented. He had net been long with Abdul Aziz when he vas questioned as te the funds, and repiied as be had promised. To the horior of the banker the sul- tan expressed himself delighted, and handed Abraham a large bundie of bonds te sdil for hlm. Abrahami sold ati12 and paid Abdul Aziz 3o. The sultan had origiuated that little "joke." 1 Dear .ditor.-Pleesslt orm you resais that it writteo -teonfidestalli, I1 WimaMI. iu a sea leu«.ese vartieulars t sgen», e bosesthomcu re, by vhicb I wvas pomma.w mtly restmredto te eb sud mÎl~ osie Fear of smEeting firom norvmud tyïimn)a w.skmas, »ntht lasses ivea sbrnnkua parts. I vuaobbedanivuddbth quaskanýxtil 1 uess r oe- f alle, mankint, tut thauk beaveoï ba oirVeR. vîgorous anti stregsud vjulebte make tib Is W Rs mesuefi~sên au sffit5ti1 b&" notbiu'toesItus--ati êussgM a firnu bei th@,broup nuIvsle nias mu dadrouofheluiagtbe. ývqfeii*S W*. CALVERLET, HA1NMe NAINE, WRET. Having moyed into our new premises, we are prepared to extend the range of busines. Ail work pertalning to the harness-mahing and sadlery business wËI be done to, satis- faction. Gollars a speoialty. 0.11 and »0. my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby Railway Time Table GRAND TBUNK AND MLDLAED achieved by Dr. Williame' Pink PlllS. Aak your dealer for tbem. These Pilla are nuanntaotiur.d by the Dr Wi l.am*s Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are aold only in boxes bearing tbe firm's trade mark land wrapper, at 50 oente a box, or six boxes for 82.50. They may be bau troira ny dealer, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla mnay be had of aIl druggiesa or direct by mail froni Dr. Williams' Medicine Company froni either addreaa. The prie at which the pilla are sold make a course of' treat- muent comparatively inexpenaive sa compared with other remedies or medical treaLment PIOKEIMINO There arc some thirty bicycles own cil and o<perated in and around this village now, and the epîdemic has flot been ragîng here more than two or three months. jas King,.' r.. we are sorry to sav, bas flot improvedi n health. He went t) Toronto hospital but coulil get no assistance there. so has returned. His present condition resulteil froui a bail case of lagrippe. A petîtion is now being circulated asking that G; E Algers sentence at Kingston he materially reduced. Few will hesitate to sign such a petition. as t is generallv agreed that seven years was too set ere. lie has now served about à veai anil two nionths. We bil a tramp cal! at Our dug-out the othr dav who actually showed -.îcns of a ile,ýîrc to m-ork for a meal lie gî)t t wo st ks sawn wben lie mas k1t en a Iini b andl allowA d o depart as, - 1 i(k 1 v a s 1p()-,-7ible for fear that anN. mire exertion mîight cause the man .s deeatbh. \When Iast scen hîs nerves p lpeaýrt-itt) bave surviveil the sbî k nictIv *\s tii our O-wn. we can truth- f ulIv sa'. thai. the'. are flot N'et quite "Many daughters have donc virtiuousiy but thon excellesit thernIal. " Prov. xxxi, 29. Beloved Queen snd Emnpress, we Who kept with jov thy jubilee, New songs most gratefully raise. We offer up our praise to H-im, Enthroned amidst îhe'Seraphim, Who lengtbens out thy days. No reign of aIl thy noble line Cati be compared at al with thine- Sixty illustriotis years. A glorlous reigmi! Excelling aIl, 'tet hast thou bowed berieath the paîl, Baptized with many tears. Natures "one touch--the mourn-er's tear, As Wife and Moher, made thee dear To tho'.e oppr-es'sed wiih grief. From kitidly bhern hv message sent, f svtnpathy. with sorrowv blent, Has often borne relief. Sovereign neer laid Patriot's abine A heart and le more hure than thine, Our moat beloved Queen' V'icis.situdes. and war's alarms Neer found thy Womranhood at arma, But self possessd. serene -Tht meek and quiet bpirit" sheds On earxhly curts and crowned heads A glory all us owti. And as in the these graces blend, Tht- queenflyvivrtues fir transcenil The lustre of that throne Which kings and queens have hand'ed down, A'.'"ciate wi'.h the Royal crowti From hosirv ages past. They shine wiîh radiance brighter far Than ' Kohi-noor" or ' Morning Star," And shaîl forever IassU -Robert Awdc. Toronto. Canada, FPQ7- No. 6 Exprefls, daiy, except Sun .. 8:12 a Zn No. 4 Express, " 4 9:57 a mn No. 14, Passenger " 2:87 p mu No. 8, Local, " " 6:22 p m No, 2, Express, Mail. daily..,. 10:07 p m 1Stop on signal MIDLAND DIVISION GOrue NOBTE-VIDLAND STATiONu Mail......................_... 82 am Mail .......................... 4:20 p m Mized To Lindsay.............. 6:40 p m COMINIS SOUTE Mixed From Lindsay ............. 8:50 arn Maiîl.......................... 12:86p m Mail........... ..... .......... 8:40 Pm DOMINION BANK. Oapital Paid up, - $1,500,00 0 1 rplus, « $1,500 000 W"hitby A gencys Generai Ba.nking Business Transacted. 8AVINOS DEPÂBTMENT. lutereui sllowed asthlghest current rates. Nonotice of withitrawal requireti E. J. THORNTONt FAIRBANKS Rieal E8tatG Column, Small Frame House anid Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby, Will b. sold very cheap. LOTS-To be sold, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, nortb ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stable.%. Situated on Byron st., Wbîtby, the finest residential street in the town, wîthin three minutes waik of the post office. There are three lots of land with an entrance on two atreets. House in perfect repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. V/bf, VIOGOR, and VITAL/TY RESTORED IN 80 DÂYS. GOOD EFFEOTB AT ONCE. CÂTON'S VITÂIZER. Cures ealor speoflaldebi. wakffl teoy. paseteetc. (&rrets tmmutim iSsorder. osuseit by errers or ezeseses. quiokly restortlonlet gahbd tu od or youn&g ivIns vigoer a atreugt whére fer- mer weskueprevailcd. Convenieat package. simple, effectuai, ad legltlmate. CU" la QUIORAND THOEROUGH. Don't b. deceivet by lmitttom hum onc Osions Vltaiasws ent sealsil f jurdrg 9 et 4es ot have i. Prim. 41 per >z..,=60;; ,wih riten guarsalse :è flpki. aur...Inormation, references, ecte r.and onflitenila. Sed nti natement of case»&n 25cto, fora weekIs trial reaiment. 0n17 eée sent to each persan. CATON lIED. CO., BOSTON, Mage. WOOD'S PMOBPHODWNE. The Great Bagne&kEoumedyo5 A m» ~ realfomo Rue.wid s lis '0 &p#Me»P.I Sou1 TRAINS G0150 wKSTWA1D. No 8, Express Daily Mail ... No. 6 Limited Express*....( No. 7. Local, except Su.ndsy .. No. 18, Passenger" 64 ..'A No. 1, Express, Mail daily ... TRAINS coINe EASTWAEn I *SI#S~O:Os~sêm-s- m--arn-s.--,- -_ c-S. NER. qBER, NGLEfS IDWOOD BSý ETC 1 i-1 He won't use it, because its "shdne " Iasts too long, and seems too simnple., 'Pays him better to use a wax pore-filer, and polish: up a previous polish. Paid by the week, instead of by the pair,, - -~ he'd shine the actual leather, hard and smooth surfaced, with $K5ZATFM 5HOE ?PoUlSH lOuýER rýý lr., THER. 's' I 4 SC(Cuç '~' t' 't 't"' 't )Y LT, j Blind@. Ur 10vln 5:48 a ML. 6.24 à m 9:.08 a mn 2:54 p m 8:06 p m onum r-,"

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