-~ - -I-~- 8SWEET CA PORA L AND A THLETE 10 cts. Per Package G IGAORETTES. DERB Y A-N 1) OLD GOLD 5 ets. Fer Package tRETAIL EVE/YW/EBQ~ SGrenadier and Butcher. A Mlltary Bandsmn of J.) Years' Stanlding and a Young Butcher Experîence the Marvellous Curative Powieis of DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. INVESTIGATION. A NEWSPAPER lu the Case of Mir. Fleury Pye Diabetes had Bronght l'Nralx'sis.-- To l)octors said Wm. Wade was Dvinig J Brlgbt's 1)isease. Dodd's Kidney Pis :»:zCured Them.ý EýL<- o f t hem itoi 1S a ciifiterest i îîg stOrV to a -New spaper Reporter--My Pye p.ave-d in the Marine ltaî at t1he Luke of M-elliiîgton's funeral- In the Royal <;renaheitrs' Band for *20 vears-He had given Up lj'w}îeflI lskidrey Pilla cark-d him.-Wm. W%ýad e, after leiizck for vears wîth Býright's Ilisease and bis life despaired of, t4-sth' the power Of 1Ddd i bKidney Pille, and is now in good bealth. Frem Mail and Empire.' was getting worso every day. My son The epuatin wch1)Oý1, K,1Oe i n-Iaw Paid he had heard of several wo- Tht reut Lîn whclîDods Koe men in Parkdale wbo bad been cured cf Pillse eîjy te, day must Lave it'lit kidney disease by using Dodd'g Kidnev upon a broa.d foundation of suetiirhtive, Pilla So bo got a box for me, and -I quialîriee. To verify tine view, tt ai tet akirg tbem. Before two days I aud Empire representatîve yester'lav In- began tc feel botter. I took that box and vestigated two wonderful cures tbat have týenotbers. Bv that ime 1 felt se weil leen much tiilkid of in tbe 'E ist Enl of that I stcpped'taking tbem, except oca- the cîiy, and tbe rerouieuof the, euquîurY sîonally. My bealtb is now first rate, are' wortb recording. but I etili take thbe pilla, off sud on. The first mani int-ervîewed wae Mr- "Lust winter I played ixty nigbts at Heniry Pye, 115 Pape ave H. je a itbe rînk witbout the leset iueouvenince. getal, happy, prosperous looking mati Yeeterdav 1 walk.d ten miles. Last of sixty five years, and was very pleaeed 8ummer 1 could no more have doue that to se anvone Who Wîsbed to ta-k about liban fly. Reahly, I feel myseif geîting Dodds Kidney Pills. "Wby shonidt 1 stronuer every day. I can mun up the talk about Dodd's Kiduey Pilla ?" asked four fiigbts cf suaire Cc tbe baud praotice- Mr. Pye. "ln tbe firet place, they saved room essier fiban I ccnld crawl up tbem mny itie-no doubs abont tbat-and ~ilset aummer. I'm juet about my bealtby the second place, if itLadu't been for i weigbt, and fit am a Bddle. tbem, 1 c uldn't bave kept my situation. -Itl oDd'sinyPlaaral A neghbir f mie, rs.Farrllshes arigbt. I've startied a dozen people tiakiug great Methodist. w&@ cured by thora, and tb.m since' I wae oured. My daujebt.er. sile calle Lhem God a Kidney Pilla. wbo ba@ been siok aud ductoring for a -But you want te bear my storV. I'm long Lime, has bequu to tae .thbe Tableta, a handeman, yen know. By trade lPn a and abe sayg Lhey belp ber ai ucthing Bihîeinaker, but six yeare ave I laid awsy elcte bas don.." ry lut, andsine tonbve ee a ember William Wacie, the niueteeu.year-old In0 V pn omge 'ebe e e son of Mr. Henry Wade, the well-kuowu oftue Royal Grenadiers' band for twenty 1 East End butcher, 940 Qùeeu street est, nîors 1. IjostiedLb. MarineoButiwaB another. wbo it wus reported bad Enllond. neI plaed 'tthe MDuke Betd inbeen marvellouely oured. Wbeu ecuby Enelnd.1 paye st he ukeof el-a Mail and Empire represeutatize, he wau lirwîton's funeral, in 1852. in thb.seaof boisting a bundred and-forty -For thirty-five years I bave lived in pound quarter cf beef to hie shoulder and Toronto. carrying it jutote . hcp. In the winter I play at the rminka. Two yearisa go th. firat nîght waa very cold, ani I goti chiiled throuiat. That wae the begînninrgof my siokueso. Last sunmtier. wlieri the Grenadiers went te Lierlin, I couid bardiy geL hreugh tbe day. The uext memning 1 get rip feeling pretty weil But atter breakfast I was takieri wth trightfui pains in my back. 1 btd to send for a doctor. He gave me morphine, sud proeouriced iL a very bail case cf diabetes. lu a week 1 lest torty pounda of fleab. I would drink se mucb water that I would go eut sud vomit iL But I w-ould corne in witb jaet as kreat a thiret as; ever. I muet haved-. gi loue cf iL s day." dakgi "-But could yen stili get round all riglit ?", ~Weil, ne. My right leg began to be ,paralyzod. and at tMrnes my foot would swing about as if I bad ne control cf it. 1 was living on Grant street thf n, but as 1 coldu't walk, I tbougbit 1 migbt as well ride a bit fartber, sud came out homo to Rot the countiry air. 611 bave been aecnstomed tic play in the baud at tb. Exhibition. sud hast year, as Lb. Exhibitibn time drew near, 1 ae anaxioue te stick it out for Lt te- g' gemeut, ibinkieg iL weuld be rny last.J 1 vas bsginning te feel the paralysie in' my flugere, me tisaI-1 could acarcely work tho keye. IMY Iriends, Loo, tbeugbî iL wss al ncp with nie. "$Durme tthe Exbibitlon I slaycd viLle my danghiter, who lives in Parkdaie. 1 '*Are yen tb. boy tihat was thought tic be dyîug et Brigbt's disoase a year sud a baît ago, sud bad beon given up by twe doctors ?" asked thbe uewspaper mane. I1 am, sud iL vas a prouiîy close shave 1 bad."' " Weil. Yeu don't look mach of au in' tant or iuvalid now." "Yen eaw vhat I wus doiug. WeIl, I wae as goodase a cerpec syear sud s hait ago. Is'll juitiake a minute te tel yen about iL. "Six years. ago I had a bail attaek ef dipbhria. I vas justi over it vhen I woui buuting, sud get a relapse. Kid- uey trouble set in. Ih would come backi every sprieg sud fali for tbie. -or four weeks. 0f course, the attacke becrnie more sevore, sud in thse intervals I wu5 cf litIle tuse te myseif or auyone els.. "A year ago last fU 1I1gSo, so bad thal two doetors vere attending me daily. Il vas Bright'a diseasé, uh.y said. They maid, tico, that if I got over tibalsttack I would not be able te - work frcxyss Before long Ihoyl-vo m e -Jtogithe sud said niy dosule vas but a à mtterof. fev veeke. It vas then 4uat some'oee brenget eue abeol Dï>W8 Kidney Pla I tois fiteen boXe , 1wai ttred. 66J cotionu.ta- 04l, USoeai ally, especiafly .1 qà 7lung. 2<oQW 1 eau do auhêivë .e4ail work end- fos first-rate &Ni -it.'X-.Dod'R bua Y liuafe"iIr Fimny Thiugs. He-Can I dance with you to-night? She-You might try. Papa_,Sine qua non,' means somne- thing you carnot do without. Little Frank-Oh! a wbeel ? Indian Agent-Weil. what do you want now ? Poor Lo-Want to change lJony for bike. Ugh! si ster went tr hi-i ho- i-lit to Sig "-î mail -111tr.t' t for is te retain its brightness. That knives should be sceured regu- larly evemy time tbey are used. That drops of water sbeuld neyer be allowed te dry on the steel blade of a kuife, as thc mark muade is aimost per- manent. That the ifleur barrel should be raised froru the floor te, preveut damp. nees. That food should be kept hot for late corners by standing the dish in a pan of hot,~ water, keeping the food closeîy covereti with a lid, À goodly number of our &mmr.aue improvinit tbeir farm. by building utraigbt IIl ,l fences, planting tese, ete. Mi W C BtJohn lost à valuable colt w ,N IOS IE S E last week. I We are infonned that there bave been ClJltED 20W TEARS B no bai tUmn eighteeuniMoves in t"is RE$GUARAN-iýTEED O NO PA YI ueighborbood duuing the laut few menthe. _____ O Mespre F Vicaru and F Darlinsrtoc, ofIl St FO ACSEW Uzbridge, epeut a pleasant day's fiehing $100ANNOL O ACUE WF ou the lake bers one day luet week. SEL.F-ABUSE, EtIISSIONS, VÂRICO' The crope ini ibis loeality are compar j CELE,9 CONGEALED DRAINS, STRCT" acively good. <Jp5 OLEET. SYPIEUS, STUNTED A very suocessfnl L A Lea was given by PARTS, LOST MXANIIOOO, MPOTEN Mrs R Acton on Wedneeday, I9tb mast. Cv, NERVOUS DflLITY,, UNNAT- Privat. pic!uics on the lake bere will URAL DISC-AROES5, ETC. be the order of the Queeu'e Birthday. Mr Earry DeGeer bas finisbed the contract of painting the store premnises eNwM to Teteti h be~r He h.aa alsco ecured the painting Th e ew Meto Treoftheitis te of Mr CGreatest OFasooveryseteAge Weare pleased to observe the lively littie AEVU EU FOR CURINO TrHESE DISEASES business corarolled by our local mer- T'iousande of roung Mud middIe aged moneann fly Swêpt m. pr Ifau chante bere. Their methode of business grave, throiigh, EARLY INDLISCRMIONS. EXCIESSES, AND BOOD DLSAE.I inake hem o patrnage.you have MIy or the fOilowing Symptome consuls us beore.tin 5tSc lato. A"e 7qUu er. mk hmdeservingofptnae vous aud weak. deepoudenl and gioomY. sPeche before the èyes vit1i dark circles nader The Geerumet basbeen etitioned weak back. kldneys irrtable, Ppation h ouf the heart, baahful. dreafleand he mierientbsbe eiind los., sediment In urine, pimpies on -the face. eyes sunken, hollow cheek& careworn fradaily balsrvc ere and tbe Pub- expression. poor memory, lifeless, lîstruatUul, Iack energy anti etre gth. ttir6d mor- jeet is, at present receiving tb. attention inge, restiesa nights, changeable mootis, weak manhood, scunted orgaus and prema- of tbe Departenent. tane deCay, bone pains, haïr 10080, Bore Clireat etc. e ti- "t i S itk " 'But you said she sang beautifully." ..No, 1 didn't, I said she was a beauti- fui singer." Srocket-Did you wife run inte any- thing when she first geL ber wheel? Bloomer-Yes; she ari inte debt. Dodo-Now, teli me, what do the people think of me ? Penguin-Arid make you an enemy for lîfe ? Not imuch' Bownell-Do vou thînk the Cubans will eventually gain their liberty Hamkness-No; you remember '-The pen is mîghtier than the sword." -You seem so cheerful when v'ou have to move, Mrs Dîggs." Yýes, such a lot of our uglv wcdding pres- ente always get broken.- "Ç Qu ateroak has sued a bicycle man- ufacturer.' -W bat for ' -lie says thte man has forced lis arm chair fac- Xtory in to bankruptcy." Wickwire-\Iudge has an india rub- ber imagination. Y'asle-l nd ta ub- ber is hardly the term. There arc bounds to india ruijber. Strawber-.Vhy do 'ou îhinkvou wîhl have any trouble in kecping the engagement secret - Stngerly-I Wa tu tell the girl, had 't 1I' -My husbaîtd s neyer a bit moved by the pathctic scenes of d play, is vours ?- '-')b. y es. They generallv nuve htm clear out cf the bouse.' - Do vou know a good tonie for nemv- ous persons. Simpkins ý- "No:) what I wanr. to find is a good tonîc for peu- ple who lîve with themn." * I wisb I was a sollambulist." said the spcculativ*e tramp. "Whv N' 'Cueden I cud save trouble' by walkin' innme sýeep.- Husband-What do vou want with that thing ? You'll never have any use for it in the world. Wife-l3ut tjust thînk'. it was marked down from a dol- lar ten te ninct-seven cents. '-What was the peculiarity ot Me- thuseîah ?" asked the teacher. --lie lived to bec 'emy old without even learn- î ng to ride a bike," answered the smart boy. "There are many more women living than 1 used to thînk." 'le that se 1 .'Ves. Before I married 1 used to think my wife was the only woman in the worîd." D YSPEPSIA CUREL BY DR. CHASE. .FOR EIGI-TEEN VEARS W.W.HIGO ESSUFFERE[) -DR. Cl-ASE'S KIDNEY- LIVER PILLS EFFECTED AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURE....... .. .. .. Messrs EDMANSON, BATES & CO.. Toronto. DE-AR Sîets,-I take the liberty of writing to you regardmg my expenience wath Dit. Cfa Kiivt'Liy£ PiLLS, and the wonderfu cure of dyspepsia of z8 years' standing cffccted by then with three boxes. I amn as wIli as 1 ever was, and amn a man cf 64 years of age. I have re- commeuded Dr. CNri S'aKuaoes'-LIvE.ÇPILLJ 10 a great nuinher eft'People and they ail say they Cupid br8aesl bis bow sttheb. igret cf 1, face full of pimplies. HoiIw checkes unken eyes, aud s sallow complexion wil defy bis best iu. tentloua. Boauty i. more than skin deep. The Rkin ia m.emy the surface ou wbicbj is wrîîteu in plain charactArs tbe condition of the boey. Dr Pierces8 Golden Medical Dis. coveY is gond for Lb. complexion hecause it nakes the body bealtby-because it clears sud purifies the blod, mnakes the digestion %troug sud clears ont imputities of al] kinde. Bv încreasîng the ability Le asaimijatdnuntri- cous food. sud by the infusions oif iLs own in- gredient.s iL enriches the bl-od sud Po0 makesý "cuîd. bealîhy fiegh- ht cures diqesse cf the 'tinZe. liver, stomach, bowels skin sud scalp, siinffly because ail thee disease spring from the same causqe-a disorderbd digestion sud cune8quent imipure bood. After Ten Long Years Of Mental and Physical 8uffer- ing8 and Failures With Common Medicine Paine's Celery Compound Oom- pletely Cures Mrs. Hopper, - of Thornhil, Ont. WhaL a blessiug iL wonld be to human- ity if ail suffering men and womoun knew ju@t what Pairies Celery Compoun)d is able te do. The work that cannot b. doue for tbe sick in long yeare of experirnonting witb other modicities lit successfully carried te victory by Pain.'. Celery Compound in a tew short woeks. The cure ut Mme. Hopper fuily proves tb. assertion ruade above. Aftor years of failures misery agony sud despondeucy, Peine's Ceiery Compound ruade a 'uew woman" et eue wbo bad become saruere wmck-oue wbo was fast ueariug the grave. Have faith, sufferer! A strong deliverer is ready Le receive you. From te-day let vour hope b. centered in Paiue's Celery Compoune sud its power Le cure. Ih bas neyer disappointed any; iL canet fail with yeu. Read Mrs. Heopper's wouderfal esti- mouy: "With very groat ploasure sud satisfaction 1 wish tec sdd my tesoimoy te what bas already been said iu favor cf Paine'. Celery Compound. For a long ime 1 suffered f mcm genemal debility sud unu-dovu system. Having hourd cf Pain.'. Ceiery Comupound, I detierminedi tic give it s trial, sud I arn happy te gay iL bas doetsfer me more good bE 1 c an express. For tee years 1 .doctored with other medicines without any good resalta: but altier usig Paines Celery CompoendI amn perfoctily restored tie healtih, can est weIL, digestion is good aud my sleep izswaeet sud souud. Al- togetiher, 1 ram à ne oemusu. 1lways recnmmend Pain's Oelery Oompound te my frionds. "6This is an insaît.," declsred the. pris- oner ie tho police cout. 11Wbat do yon mean, air?2" reared thé judRe. "Ima prefessional rider, your houer, aud here I'm oharged witb scorohing at tue raie of eigbt milles an heur." ils report PainsKinue - ut i - Il HAMPTON Messrs Lander and Spamting of Tor- ente, spent a day or two witb friende heme this week. Mise Salisbury bas eturned after visiting her parents at Mitchell for a few weeks. Miss Gertrude M Brown spent Sun- day ai. Mr A E Clemen's, Tymone. Mr F L Ellîs contemnplated visiting England in the near future. Mm Frank Parr bas engaged a young mani, Mm A Sproule fmom Guelph dairy scheol te assist biru in making cheese thîs season. Mr Thos Eliiott bas bad bis milI run- ning for about a week. The heavy main Thursday came near washing away the dam the second time the break beiug only pamtly filîed. Several et our young ladies spent the 24tb visiting with G M Bmower -Cedar valley fare. "11 The Reform meeting last Thursday was weli attended the sentiments cf those who spokç were very hopeful. Mm William Martin is imnproving_ bis residence. Mr Thos Wilcex bas impmoved the appearance cf bis home by thc addition cf a new fence. Mme Perie and son, Markdale bas been visiting friends here for a week. Mr E Hastings visited friends in Scarboro, ou Saturday. Agitation lu Lhe vorid cf hornopathic medi- oines bas been l&& very iseul cf progres au sin potiticzansd religice-the difficultie, of opinion sud Lhes iudividuality cf moen bave Seen parent te the disagremenui by wbicb- the standard of these bodieshave beau elevated. Bo vit), mont of or fainnus prepaatioes-.feremost lu illuitrution et wbîch truth stands the wvend- fanionls reuedy te genesal detîility and langour ' Quinine Wiue,"--od wbicht when obtaWn abls iu uts genuine streugt. laa uilraculous creater of appetite, vifiaity sud stimulant, te the genara fetüfty of thse syaten). Quinine Wine sud, is improvernt, bas, from thse firât dlscovery ofet ogretvîrtues of Quinine a. a medieai agent, beau oune oftthe mou t tsr- ongbly discssed mendiei ever efeèred te thse publie. It iso»eof he geat, oulcS ândfe- givugstimaeushic c t. mediçal profession, bve been Soouped'te meeoogmu sud prescrilse. Nkosa Nortbmop & LymaoftTeronte, bave vn te .preparatipu of ui-r-pare Qiine "Çine thse great camduao tis eporane, sud thse standard excelene oe!'th. article viicli lIhey ýofes' ttIbe publieoooees fietalisé mrkst -Mr Tisma& Nllsuîyà s, ex-speakeroet tie, Ontario 'Legisîsture, deuf os tise report-tisat' ar ýb bSeuafldtotbê ente5 j (.Piwblshed liy Requeit.) foem bereaders î etWr mlea9é'pipr tu~t Iwlg1dV sedPRZ7tmy nTertrm Do you know of a case whelrern faid to cure any, 'kidney amn~ If so, we wan't te know i.Oe Isold wïthot sigl omIn~ ANTI BOOZEî THE ORIENTAL S REM ED Y,..m w- : The New, Safe and Sure Care: for Drankenness. to asantariuru. It i se b.adoeinis- :tered, withont the patients kDow.: :ledge, witih hie food aud drink. Vie: ieue are cured without their kuow- :ledge, oreditiing the change to, the :force cf tiheir own will. a A NTI.BoozE is put up inCo-: :venient fortu, aud sella ati81.00 per: :box. Three boxes $2.50. It vill be~ :forwarded prepaid, sealed and i & Mount te OrientaI r20 St Aleise Stg t, NEW. BUS LINE. JW'MEETS ALL TRAINS. FIrst class accommodation. Orders prompt) attended te, CaM set hotels, or exeçutes orde lsft at Newport's livery or caffage factory opposite post office. WM. NEWPORT, Pro prietor. Whighy, July 1. xg6-X py. WAÉTBD, sund.wnimg six buurs dailir, w -ixdays aà weil DiEWIDEA 0O.Bmfc, ont. Cigarettes. 4 1; * j5 IILY '?rn- ruIl" " I t n CID. li-BY. 15' 1 CE. 1 lý&tà ngpl 1 0,