I N There are many bought in things to be -.,-MATE FOR INSTANCE Cold Cream, Camphor Ibe, Camphor and Math Camphor. These and a number of Toilet prepara- tions are right in season nov and thea there are a hast of things that dlaim all seasons for their own and which we can supply better than any other store ia town. We wigbht mention among these Hair, Tooth, Nail and Bath Brwshes, Tooth Powders, Oomba, BpODge8, Etc. Je E# WIL LI/S, CEMIST & DRUG018T, MEDICAL :.HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY, MAY WHITBY.1 28P 1897.1 f N Non-Ju"a~ itainga. Thse sprng non-jury sittings ai tise high court ai justice opent-d here on Moaday morniug, His Lotdship Chief justice Sir Williaen Merediths presiding. lanson va. Clyde-Actian ta set aside a cou veyance ai landi. Wm. Clyde, ai Reacis towsai near Grccabank, receivet saine landi unter his tatber's will. At thse mind- ing up sale ai chattels after bis iather's death in 1893 be bougbt staff to thc value ai $262, givlng bis note for the amouat. Tise executors solti the note ta, Wm lanson, tise plaintiff in the suit. He aflerwards tricti ta recover frain Wm Clyde, but coulti not realize an bis jutigment, as in thse ieantime Clyde hati matie a conveyance of bis landi ta, bis sister, Haunais Cl yde, for $î3aa, m-ich bchecclarca she paiti out aifmncys m-ich aIe abtaineti as follas : $300 iran ber inother, $saa iran ber sister, Mn Hadgr son, Raglan, $3aa h-onmaney sise bad i it- tien am-ay la ber truuk, anti $3ooa aibel earned- Miss Clyde sm-arc tiat ber fatiser gave ber 53a0 and $aaa at différent trnes shorti y before bis ticatb. Tise $200 sbe te. ceiveti iran ber sister wam baram-d an a iate ai 5 per cent. At any rate train Miss Ciyies evideace it mould appear tisat the $lioa m-as aIl paidti ta er brotbet, anti that the transaction ai canveysucing tise laund vas straiglit enougb. His lerdship decideti ta dismiss thse suit as against Hanuais Clyde wît h coma agaiust plaintiff, but allowet W tuCIlyde no costs. F N Raines for piff; Paterson Q C, for defendant Hannab Clyde. Liscanbe vs Sadler.-Action fat fore- ciasui-e ai a nartgage. Tisas Satiler as-net 45 acres ai land near Greenwoati, anti mort. gagcd it ta Miss Isabeila Liscoinhe for $i4.a. When tise martgagc came due oe Pamtider m-as occupiug thse fart an a five yesr lease, m-lidh diti nat ru ontunutil 1896, aud then praceedlugs s-etc takten, ta forecbose tise mortgagc. These procetdinga bave been staveti off anc way or anothes unili nov, and in tise meantmme Parrindero bas put in anatiser ctop. Xcflanald &j Fitcb, counsci for Parrindet, repudiatet i the. agency of D Ormiston, solicitor, ai tbeir agent,' on tise groundti iat be s-as not autborizedt la eceive service ai papers far thein, but bis lortisbip mouîd not postpane tu.i on tisis grounti. After saine psrley, it1 vas decided ta record j utigmeut fareci asing tise uatigage, but allowing Parrintier to bolti possession until taI! for- a reasouable rentai, mhicb m-l prtil)bly be Sioa, Use «me as in previaus ycars. Cisapple, M1 P,1 for piff; McDonald & Fitch for Parrintiet. 0 whtby Tffm aLochs. Mr Aler Chishohmi laspeudîug a 1cm- days iu tom-n. Mr FS Emwnsala at bhmense aselw ville W a sfem- day.. Mgr W M< Greeewood la home atter writing hi# .~ nuuticn era-mnadonu sut ooix The $.wn talet m-astSo carefUt to talme a PiO UteCbienicW5 8.1. p for tise of gy l edbrated W'.om-i 't i Far tva years la succession threa Curiha ai the electarate ai Seagrave petitiaued tise briard ai licease commissioners, objecting ta, the iicensing af a bar in aur village, and eacb year in direct apposition to the atrangly ex presseti sentiment ai the commuuity the comnsunity the board bave fiagrantly tiare- gardeti the p rayer ai the petitianers and ai the large delegations m-ham-cnt ta Wbitby ta urge upon the board the necesstty ai grant- hngt their pettians. WilI the board or any member artie board explain why the petîtion main Seagrave m-as reiused and the petition iran Utica granied? Permit me ta ask Mr Hoover. a membet ai the liccuse board, if the botes. ai the Utica Hatel ha aima an ex- ieacbetoit."Aima Mater?'" Bua.erlsnd W Breibora spent Sunday hantise city. 11ev G W Dewey anti tamiy are vislting ai W 8 Yerez. Mr Vallentyne and Ltmay spent tise 4tb ai Button. Mr A Burubain leaves ibis veak for Sissigeon Falls. H Atkisou spent thse 4tis at him home ai Vizgintia. Misses Etiuti sud Minuit Ruas spent Suntiay n Canulugian. i Thea Joastan apent tise z4 vith bis bro- ther Mr C johustan. J W Tbompson sud Master lames, speni Tuesday in the ciy. viiting ai Mr Hardas. Mr E T William. is extremciy busy jusi nov mhich speakas-cl for bis succesa as a vet. liessrs Glendinnug, Wilson anti Richarstion speut the 241h pt.catarlaliy lu Peffrlas-. They broughbt hame a good catch of cata, suckers anti rock basa. The meeting aftie inethotilst ministers af thse Uxriige district met bure ou Tueatiay anti Wcdnestiay, The circuits s-etc m-cilrepresenteti aud a very succssttîJnetung ascarrnet on The methodist choir acquldit i very credit- à bly on Tuestiar evcning Thecquartette cain- paseti of Messrs Stuart, Dewecy. Valentyne sud Yerex renderet saine very accptable sugiug. Ashburu At the services ou Suntiay, aine nes- me- mbers unitet mith the chu rce. Mrn Jos Pearson, Toronto, m-as vsitiug la this nehghborhoti a couple aiftisys. Mrn j Langdon, Toronta, speat Suutiay with ber tiaughter, Mrn R Heron. Mr Kerr bas canneucedtîearing damn hlm barn, sud expects ta commence stone- vork in a couple aifs-eeks. Miss Lilbie Balfour, m-ho returneti irons Zep- hyr Saturtiay, is pragresmlng very avaurabîy Miss Aggic Balfour accompanieti hem. Queen's Hrthtiay paset off very quletly. A fes-visiteti Oshawa-t anme teokinutue pic. nic (?) back nartis: thse malarlty stayedfat hanse. Rev R Whlteinan, Port Perry, officlated at service laiît, lait Sunday being Sacrameut. Rev j Ratitord occupiedtheUi puipit at Port Perry. Mm Alez Smiths sustainet qnhtc a hcavy ioss on Wctiuustay afturnoan. Tva o o bs valuable cattle tisaimetc grazlug on Use oad s-ee tcsruck by a imelgisi going Eastansdhad ta be kilicti. The concert given by Use Royai Templars mai m-cIIatteadeti, and m-aias splendid esuc. ceas. Thc draim-ai m-ciel recelveti: Use several numbers of the progransmetc bghle appreclatid. Rev j Ratiford acteti ai chair- msan. Rer. bMr. Radford accupiet i S. Joha'm pulpit luit Sabtiatis. M4issBircbaiti. of Beaverton, lasa guesi01 the Mwisse sScenes. Re,b"l .EF.Has-aiti ccupied Use usethodisi pulpit lm aitSday. Rer P Mode W-iloccapy tise taptit:pispit fer île um er:e-mouts. T. H. Dmncaster, ai Cauulugtan, vas ia tam-n o08 Thussdy Oi laut m-eS. Mr. Jlobm McGsi& oif e , la ere Onù vst to is brohez, Wins. ai of du <tseWoet bledir. a c coto4kltfaê rue ~MçléO9îC 'Died ilu'Part Pon cthe 4tlnk" gg,, ,W.9 aidest me cfV n Edm-ud Maïo. a r a«o mpossble for sncb gentry ta break oui. Pai-cm-il sait ail be hadtotdovausto kick oùla cw boards and itvas easy vork to gai out bu &d kt vwsno trouble at ail ta cet onm ol'Port em lackup. Tise linal chapter in mei capture un ta a clame eariy ou Wctinestiay narning. epnty Sheriff Guutiry anti bis brother, af Goti- Ii. amrved lu tom-n at anc o'dock t. thé mm- g m-uatsaitY irostise Crovn u omuy ai luta cmncty, backced by tise Attorney (lmera ad tock Fareveilta Kinumoapeaeteairyon ýe 7.40 atm, tr ain auffed sudSIsac iand e m-I nos- serve bis tbree years seteonceo Worth Knowing That out pices afe 25 to 40 put cent. cbap- et tisait ny otber undertak. t l tt.dis trlct. That m-e have the Best Hearse, and the fin. est Ceaket Wagon and Caiket SIegb- ln thi. county. That m-e coaduet (nacrais mith -Ieeorunî Thât m-e take nmt pains with'or wotk tadotemajority of Uiidetsers That weuskid Dalite glove. Instsadof che.p couDa glove. Thaw m-e use a te A.docirsd t drapes. lim orugs, bà unutupee. alnsd drapeýries lu biac or mbt. That we delfrî4 ýJ Ca*keta u Ci.la oeou persoWal and tIO8O FrntueCoe M Aaefl pa Carpets, Rensember you ean get tsgand item- oda at prices, yon pay for baËkkmpt4stocksat Burns' new «Mcssbsoestore. 1 Mr. E. D. Warren mangr oai tbe Western Bank, spent the holIday m-ith his mother sud uiaters ini Chatsns. Mrs Hendersan, wife of Major Hendemon ai Toronto, and ismiiy, m-cre the guests of Mnr A G H eaderson on the 24th. The attendance at the choral societyse re- petition an Wednesday night m-a very sunm, there being only about sixty In tihe hall. The chorusus m-ere the same, m-lth one ex- ception, and m-cre given lu much more tlnished style. The salas were ail nem-, and ere excellent. Those m-ho attended say t he performance was far ahead ai thse so- ciety's first effort. Wanted, Tm-o or three Boarders far the sumnmer. Home camionts. MISS HAYWARD, Laburnuin Cottage, Whitby. May 27, I897-tf. To Rent. Tva comiortable residences at lm- rentaI ta good tenants. with amail familles. Gaood locslity. Apply ta J R Philip, Whitby. April 27, î897-tf. Ratrance Clama Henry st. Schoal. Honor Rall for the montha ai April aud May. 1 Class bonors. Minimum 66§ per cent. R Dow-, W King, L Kean, R Stephen son, E Dovney, V Tamblyn, H Bryaa, E Rass. Il Class honors, min. 5o per cent. E Deucreil, E Strain, J Meen.B Hawken, M Murphy, J Johnston, A Howdea, M Mow- bray, R Turnbuli, E Nicholson, N Richard- son, J Hyiand, J McArdell, M Hoyt, M Bew- eIl. 111 Class honora, min. 45 pet cent. H Paxton, H Mannint', J Jewell, D Stewart, W Bell. Number in the clama 37. Highest standing standing standing taken 73 Per Cent. S iuday cars Lu Toronto The Toronto street railm-ay company started its cars on Sunday last. la antici- pation af this the city authorities tricd ta gct an injunction irom Justice Ferguson ta stop t. The statute says the Sunday cars shall nai be aiiowed ta, run until a voteaofthe people bas been taken. The contention of the city was that the vole had been taken, and m-as favorable, but that the bylam- had not been tlnaliy passcd bv the city cauncil. Judgc Ferguson hcld that it vas not neces. sary ta pas. the bylam- except as a matter of ity record, the vote being sufficient ta authorize the runnlng ai cars. The decision seema ta 6e a fair one, but rather peculiar aiter ail. SZAGRAVZ The anniversary at Rethel on the 24th m-as a decided success. Miss Miliy Oda, af Toronto, is spending a Ccv days wltb ber sister, Mrs. E. Frise. Miss M. Rey'nolds bas returncd irom a visit mith friends in thse city. Our village vas a scene ai mucb excite- ment on Manday morning luat- A youag1 man known far and wide for' bis rascalhty m-as handcuflcd by aur mizistrate, Mr. A.1 Millet and Constable McKnight, ai lPart Perry. Carpets. Carpets, A. Saper hati R. Brown. af the Ocua Hote Seagiave, befor Justice Batemau for having th blindaeto bis barroncs dom-n durlng proisibit bourm.The case wsdismisseti vit casl against Saper. Thie nieibcr oaitise Cbu-ch af the Ascensic regret that Unt. Oarry has remaved (ron tas ta Mîibrook. Tis lady wasaun arnest worke ha that cburch and I-i be very mucb misseti ic ber kindanes andi vise counsels, Mine Hast Taoley, af the Revere Flous( Manchester, bas had tisat m-cIl knowu basîlir tborougly renovateti sud the hictrior looks à dlean as a new pin ; travellers say ibis bouse vs neyer go camiartable as it lis nom-. Tise Rugistrar appnoiuîed. Thursdsy's Globe, 27th imat., gays G W Dry dea bas been appaintcd Registrar af DeeU i, and fur tise Couaty ai Ontario. The citizansc this towvuare pleaset la ear this as G WDry dea is m-cl! worty af it. The Qute'a birthdy palssed off viery quirtý anti only for the numerous &Mai boys aud th mare nuincrous fire-crackers anc vouldti uk1 m-as Suinday. There vere a great many visitai in tom-n anti mauy citizeas vent ta ailier place ta enjay the day. Ibe Toronto papiers of lmat wcuk record t tact that '*)octor" W. L. Maman, formerîy i ibis tom-n -as drau'ued. Hi badYvas faun ili tbe mtsd a.nd water on the bank af ihe Don, jus above Qucen street. He hsd (allen on the pîîîn, and brumet andi cut bis face, tbcrTolled it tht water. Faix Warulng If that botalman m-ho Curnisheti the stomaci and brain disturber last Sunday ta saine four c fiye or more tn tom- and w-hao-ee badlyI - -spîfi1 cated' doas go aain lbu vili bave the displcasur af interviem-iug [nsp*-ceor Ferguson. Ia future #ha] give the naines ai thase m-ha drink and ge druak andi the name ai the hatel wba furniibe, the stuif; ibat Party bas beau warned so manj times lit looks as if hie did not care for the law oa ayone else mc long as the shekels m-cnt ia tbc iL The Part Huron 'Sun ai the î5th inst cautain. ed a noiof a the dcats ai Wiliasm White m-hi was seve-al ycars ago a resîdent af ibis tam-n ht reuda --lu tbe demis. af tbe laie Wm White m-ha pasacd saayon the 8tb masi ai the age ai 74 ycara, North Part Huron bas last a citizen -ha m-as ver) mucb rempecteti for bis klndly dis- position, bis sterling integrity and bis averiar îa ail sassand i dsboncsty. ' be deceaseed m-5. a descendant ai a familly ci the samne naine who came ta America in thse Mayflower. He m-as boru in Darlîngian, Ont, marned la 1852, and lived in Pari Ferry till 1879,. m-he emoved ic Michigan, m-bere he made bis home anti! death H-e leaves a m-île andi a famîiy af twa sons and tbrce daugbîeî-, ail gros-n ap andi comniortabiy settieti, andi conslst ai James L. an engineer ir West Supenor. Wîs, George A. au artist ir Boatan, and Mrs Gea Baker ai Lexington and Mrs Joscph BascmOf Fi ort Huron and Mrs A West af West Manitoba. Weddlng balla One of ibose inieresig evenis to wbich the. yotung people ai t.he tam-n looketi Corward ic with picasure iaok place yestcrday (Thursday> m-ben ibe Rev D N McCainus in bis usual happy mnanner united in tbe hoiy bonds ai mâtnimoay ai the residence af the bride's parents, the Rev C R Sang, B D. af the Manitoba metsadimi canCer race ta Miaule V, the auîy daughter of Mi Stewart Bruce. The bride m-as beautifully at tired andi looketi cbarmiug. The Bruce famiiv bcînz anc af the promnnt familîca la this dis trci there m-cie many trieuds andacqîantanoes pwesent ta wîtt hes imartae.Th nany bantisome andi costly prescats Kiven ta the brid, testified ta thse popularity ai Mes Sing. m-ho ws rcgarded as anc ai aur best young ladies ai thse os-n. The methadisi churcis lames anueai-ncst s'arker la the churcs, christiao endeavor andi isbbatb scsoal ; the Rev Mr Sing lis ta be con - Kiratulated in secw-îng as pantner anc so vorthy Tbe best vishesof au citisnm are given ta Rev and Mrs Sirîg and wisb thein a happy and pros- perous carleer through lie. Csptured at lest. The public m-tiI remenher some weeks agit reading of a man calleti James Farewell being akan by guards ta Kingston penetentiary asti- son ai ter the legs shackles m-cie removetijud i d raint a G.T. R. train sonem-bere near Brig bt an m-hile going ai the rate ai foriy miles an bour and m-ha made bis escape. Sevei mecks agit se m-as again captured near Stratiord and gai im-ay tramn three canstbies Sunday nîgbt be stoppet nea Sagrave and hung araundti iat section ail da .Sameone intarmeti Mr. Arthsur Kâflcr tisat Fa-eU m-was ai a ueighbors, hie went to Fates-ci and induced ita gentus ta coie mith hlm. tling Fares-eii that a quati of palice tramn Uxbridge m-as atter hlm. Hem-tiI- igiy m-eut mitb Mr. Millet m-ha iaak Farewelinl bue hatel and then iat an upstitr roam, and îsd ltguarded m-cii nsde by auumbcr of men ad tisen telephoned toi Chîcf Canstabh-ie Mc We have the Newest Patterns in ALL WOOL CARPETS, UNION CARPETS, TAPESTRY CAIRPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS BORDERING, TAPESTRY STAIR SILVER M~T S1.5-0. *EW -A T- J.S.Barnai Our Talloring 30 That means you have onlY 3o days more to buy goods from ZHI e - W :R ID. -Then the entire stock mil! be sobd en bloc at a rate on the dollar- During the 30 days I will seti Dry Goods, Clothiug, etc., regardless of CSt, to clear for CASH. Commencing Saturday Next, May 29th. To quote prices at a sale of this kinti is useles-aaS-we ate bouati ta sel at somne price. I have the uicest stock of wash goodsis îu ,'-xj uts, Crepous, Muslits, Dresdens, Brilliantiues, Azur Sitks. i tm goods, atur own prices. LADIES TRIMMED HATS AT HAFýRCÇZ This is the last chance. WhateeryÃ"ý#t ",,~ Bargaius for ail. My olti cust.omé only, unless stock is solt, f GROCERIES--ý Special drives 4t GOOD BUTT Always AT GIBSONS. DAYS. Days. Show You CARPETS, and CK-RPET LININOS. ALL WOOL STAIR A18o a Fine Assortment of LACE CURTAINS. Dpartent MM Offiai Conty Orgai- Largeoi clan of auy local paper in Ct FRIDAY, MAY Di 14 LOCAL LACONIC Queen's Blrthday Viagtors. Stewart Wells, Toronto. Chas Wicks, of Oshawa. Rabt Birreil, Greetîwooi. Mr Robt Holden. Toron to. Mr Melville Hall. Toronto. Mr Bert Abraham, Toron to. Master Fred Yates, Toronto. Dr Starr, Toronto, at Mr 1 B Po Miss Clendenan, of Toronto at Miss Mary Nicholson, Toronto Mr and Mrs bos Dhhhrnan at Mrs birs Robinson and daughîer c) Wm Robson, Toronto, ai Mr son 's.1 Mrs R Saom-, Parkdale. at M! kins. Mrs Jaa Tanner, Toronto,- ai keti 's. Mrs M Griffin. Toronto, ai 3, tyre 's. Mrt Hutchinson af Port Pcn Anaca. Mr Wm Somerville, Toronto, ai Barxîes. Misses Bella and Alice Smnith Ricels. Miss Gardon, Toronto, at Mr dan 's. Mr and brs Sparling, Tjî.ýpn-t King's. Chas Campbll, Toronto, a-, Gordons. Misses Burting, Pickering, th Miss IL Rice. Mr, no Taylor, Toronto. ai Mr snd bits jnaPerincl, Parkci W L BRames'. Mr sud bits Gea Beale,- Sun, Mr W Beale's. Mrs Fotbcriugbam, ai Tarant, McGilhivaxy'. Misses McKcnzie anti Banner at Mr Jna Burns'. Mrt Wm Irwin, Toronto Junctic jas Nicbolson's. Master Walter Ros a Por, Siserif Parton's. Miss Patterson anti Mr Manu,1 Mr jno Patterson's. bis MeDonalti Toronto mith Mr D IK McDonald. Mr Jno Collinson, Toronto,y siater at Rayai Hatel. lira Forbes, af Taranto, the g and Mis MeGillivary. Mr anti bis H G Hutcheson an( las Armant of Part Perry ai Mrs-, Miss Powell, Miss Lunde, %lis -anti Mis Starr-of Toronto at j B P Miss Coz sud Messrs Bert andti Toronto, witis Miss A Siu, nor bias E Dartneli sud bit Ber Peclon Fa1is at Ht. Honor Ju nell's. Miss Clara Davis and Mr Harve -of Tarantoe, spentthUe 4th vith N RP R Bird. Mfisa A Mcemas, bMr De -anti Mis C Prudihomme guems Mrs Wm Ayers. - Misses Theresa Keltz sud Edu -aid and bIt Lea Keltz, Toron Whitby Honse, tise guesis of Baudet. eAt Haym-srt's Tise tait diance. lu less Usa Haywatd's stock vill 6e soltie rate on tise dollar. Do yeu m-sut bargains ? Cc parties buytug 85 m-orth af gcocb4 their fare paiti turing this sale -lu retutalag front Bowaanvill day aigl*à s-me of tise Witby fir We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentleman who bas ha.d large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and who is favorably and well-known as a First-class Cutter. He is now in charge of our Tailoring Department, and we Guarantee every garment to please or nlo Bale. 'Leave your order with us for a Suit at I ANDREM Fancy $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. v/ M. Rsse China. Her8 18 a Good Thing, Quatly /he Choices/ are the three points which lead the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering done on shortest notice. E. J. JOHNSON) Brock St., - Whitby. Ride the Beut, and only the Bet. Hzgh Giade The Massy-Krarris is in in the Firgt tank, and la fltt- ed with ail the. lateat lus- provemienta; la atrictly High Grade, and Guaranteed. Cheaper Grades« Duko sMd Ducb.n, and Priuc. Md Prizios. Guaranteed. E.eb914 Special Grade and Guaranted. P Ice Lw.rTh=nÂy Lamess.WHITBY., ONT. nber 3o dayr, rerous. j'MatRe..I OeCAR LADl " PMW WNDSOR E. R. B. ELAY! GauuTy 0< ntrl. T mER TO IWXT fJL bà a8 tibCol Gemual Seulu;is tbe PemS. t OONO F- ONT&Jl m-fil haed la the.COIUIT ý%Q lthe TmowM yÛW-al, Fan,,1 Lu 8tOok~...h% I SALT. i cr oa MmuiohCORN.tU m-e EsagSEEr CRN i alt I<A~ i.Iua ui ,i~ ;..k~W tU4 t*hi st Stee ~tlp~ ~~g à uw~n1~ Of Short Notes. The sentences of all the Melanctbon fire- bugs added together amount to 52 years, an average of a littie over i0 years each for the five wbo were convicted. This sbould prove a warning to those who cobltemplate sucb deeds. On Wednesday Prof Andre set out on an- other expedition ta the north pale. He in. tends ta take a ahip as far as possible, after which a balloon will be tried. The expedi- tion mnay be regardcd as an exploit more than anytbing cisc, but whst cisc but an ex- ploit would onc term any expedition to the regions cf perpetual ice ? There can cer- tainly be aothing worth discovcring in a re- gion where thcre la five or ix montha or total darkness every year. IThe neri big fight in this Dominion io upon the prohibition plebiscite, and those opposcd ta prohibition of the liquor traffic cre getting teady. The cry agaluat the clergy worked sa veil ia the Toronto Sun- day car campaign that it is La 6e takea up aIl aver the country. One wili hear f-rm the mouth of every whiskey supporter a tirade against " these here damned preach- ers" The clergymen are ta 6e represented. as the enemies af mankind, and are la 6be pîîched Inta in every direction. As coin- parcd with their awfu Iprescbing the cvil ai the ruinshop is ta 6e represcnted as a bics. sing, and thase who sacrifice themmaelves ta the m-adi of dlspensing the fiery fluid are ta 6e held up as public benefactors vhile tbe preachera are ta 6e bcld up ta public cxe- cration. Many in Torontaom-ho proclaimed iheinselves as opposed ta Sunday cars ai lowed themacîves ta be worked up ta vating for Sunday cars as a protest againat the preachers for holding the sarne opinion on the question as tbey did. It beaus aIl -bat blunders and inconsistency people can 6e led into by dextetous campaignera. There are thousanda m-ho favor prohibition m-ho wiii shlow themseîves ta 6e turaed cîcar around by anc crv or another. + A Il the Newest Designs.*-<- A Large Stock of ný Dinner Setts,- Tea Setts, Chamber Setts,. Full Line of Fresh B eliab le. G roce rles. LAST 30 Days.1 --*Patterns to Selec '~No other One Haif ýt Frorn. House in South Ontario will Are the Assortment That We CARPETS, Variely the Largest ./ Congo CARPETS, HEMP STAIR TBY.1