Mr A W Smiîth is home from Toronto ongounivel sity. Our ice creamn parloir wiIl be open diaring thU le season with the best of ice cream. D. oiiigTheC Temple of Fame will be produeed by Mth ais ofteWCTUonM da vn- InMaY 1t S ILYti MUUNT[DI Two Toronto chaps pulled up here rn the wes, on Monday, tired enough to, die. They sait for a uime, and visited one of the 85cts hotels for relreshmeni, They were o hi wav to Olshawa, but bv mistiike, made off in the direction they hsd corne. They must have seen their mistaike soon, but they did flot turnagain. The cars in Toronto were in opersiion on $1.50.Sunday artd were used by church goers to their great convenience as the ra ftell ai the hour of service The Toronto papers E W \,T aim thaita great many wbo opposed the j granîîng o the franchise for Sunday cars c' ii?' . >~ fused them on Sundav. As the days rec- Cuf n S- eipts were to be gîven lao the hospitals tbe ANI) patrons i)f the cars were not partîcutar as to il (h) USwhat thev put in the box, some tares rsnging B uttons. " 2sct Judge Barreit gave a decision recently that is of consider,îhle public nterest, but partîcularly so to executors ot estates of de- -A T-i ceased persons fi is a common practise for ezecuioi's ta hold s public sale of eftects and to accept promissory notes from purch- j] ast-r- of the chattels for nine ten er twelve S. B ar ar onis:asithe case may be. In the case re- fer red to, this p ractîse was followed, but S. B r a d tl tent was go id when tf was made, hore the 12 months were up the principal signer had sîîld oui and grîne to the States and the others were wortbless. Judge Barr- W IEIT B B et (f-dedî that the executors were hiable for the loi,s Boatheuse and Boat for Sale. With carpeis, cushions and oars. C. H. ~h Ç rn irr Burnham Apiv to W. F. Bllîngs,ýht î h d' ran rlr- %.Mai th, týQ7 FRIDAY, NMAY -2m, 1l17. LOCAL LACONIOS. Queen s Bîrthday Vîsîtors Stewart We lls, Tî'ronu Chas Wicks, of i)shaw6a Rabt Bimell, reenwoîd. Mr iRotî lldcri, Toronto. Mr Mel-ville Hall. Toîronto M4r Berl Abraham, Toronto. Master Fred Yates, Toronto D)r Starr Tî)ranto. at Mr B Po)wells Mis>. Clendenan, of Toronto at ber home Miss Mary Nicholson, Toronto atitîintie Mr andI Mrs Jos t)illman ai Mmii Iilîman's Mns Robinson and daugbîet of Toronto. Wmn Rabson, Toronto, ait M m Rob- ,on's Mrs R Suow, Parkdale StiMNi Il tHaw- kins Mm-i Jna Tanner, Torontoî, atiMNIrB Plas- ketts M rs M b.rtfiin. Toronto, at %rM1N Jcln- tvrs Mnr1-ttchinson of Pari l'erry at Mr.- A inets Mr Wm SomervtlleT uoai NMr Robi Bannes. Annuai Meeting of Friends i..aada bal iýearly meeting of Friends a i., bît h-Id in hir rmeeting house, îbree nies wt--t of Whitbv town, the 29th, 3oth an i 'o î nst On Saturday evenîng at 7.30 o ic k tht-rt- wîli e a temperance meeting -n safîhath morning ai oý 30 a public meet- rit- for worîship at 3 in the aflernoon @s"ses ,ion of the- sahbath scbool association Miday mornîng at îo.,3a anoîber meeting f,îr wîirship and the business of tfhe haîf %riý meeting AIl are cordîalty învited to attend Atti culturaJ Implemnents jThe- andersigîied begs leave to announce f o the- (armuets of the aurroanding country that Se bas p)urchased the Wbitby foundry admachine shîips, recenily opersîed b>' the Mowat MI'g Co , and is prepsred 10 sî;)lplia fullrie of agrîcultural implements. such as hînders, mowers, raires, horse- Cî'esuttiig boxes, grînders, plows and rt')rnsheligL ns Castings of aIl kînda ruade 10 injer A fuil stock of repaira kept on hand for ail îifemenîs t-ver mnauafactured in the shop W A Fraser. 6oe Per cent. jTht- Toronto Star bas been exposing the "ara~iriîa'that is sold by deparimental stores in Tor i mb ai cents a bottle, said to b e t-quaI t" lite standard vsirieties lîke Ayer's snd Hood's sold à t one- doli-r. The staff i was snalvized and the cost of manufacture showîî ta be flot more tban five cents a gal- lotn, andth iSt il contains notbing of value as aRlot medîcîne. The profit on each botule s close on 6oo per cent. This is ont>' in keeping witb the h'arvains' advertised by tiiese cîîv hoga and fakirs to catch the fool and bis moneN., whicb verily are t-ssiI>' part- Misses Bella andl Alice Smiîth. aI Mn Geo S Prts3 on a4thb Mr and Msrsý Spatltng. Trînto ai Mn C King's. Cýhas CarnpbeW 1.Ta-r)ant ' at Mr j K i.,irdoiu's. Misses Bitrting. Pickering. the- guesi ofi Mugs I. Rit, PMr n 5liTaylor, Turmntiai hi.. home, Part vý Ilittbv Mr and 'tirs Jno Pernnel, l'ankdalv. at Mrs W L RBarnes. N r asol Mirs Oeo Beale, Suanderland, at Mr W litâle , Mr- Fathrrtnghatn. of To)ronta--, at Mms NcGillivary s. Misses McKenzie snd Boîuî-r, Toronto, ai Mr Jna Humus' Mm Wm Irwîn, Ton triti> juniciton, ai Mr I a-s Nich olsoan. Master Walter ko-s > (),'Prt Perryai S-h,îiff i'axtîmn',. Mliss, Patter-on aud NMr Marn,. Toronto, ai Mt Jîmu Pattersîn's, Mis-, McD':nald Tortonto wîîb ber father Mr 1) IF McIî,nald. Mr Jn'i Co'itusan, Toronto, visiting bis ý-srrt ai Rial H'itîI. Mr, FSmîrbes 'f Tîronto, tht- guest of Dr .ný' Ns McGillivary. Mr and Mr, IliG, Haîcheson and Mr Doug- a-, Atý:out aofl'art Perry ai Mr-i Aunes'. Nli-. oeI.Mtss Lande, Mliss and Mm and NIir, Star if Tmrontoaiatj B Poweli's. Mi-io, -,'x and~ Messrs Bt-rt and (,eo Smtih, TUrîtît i) wiîhi Mis.. A Smîith, north ward. MIis..1-'liartnell and Mr Bert Dartnel. n I-aIl.. ai lits Honor Judge Dant- V"s' C:ar;i Davis and %Im Harvey Greene, t T-, 'it, peut the- 4th wîth Mm aud Mrs M-- .ALMcLeman, Mr t)ewart G Wells and N:,, C l'iudhomme guests of Mm sud N'y.. t'n A ytr. iMt-,- Tht-rt-sa Keltz and Eidna McDon- .. al tr Lt-a Keltz, Toronto, at the W! Iivbouse, tht- guests of tht- Misses handri.- At Haywrd s T.;e st chance. In leas than 3o days lA > w a rds stock wîll be sold t-n block ai 1 îtt- Uti the dollar. D-' rua wanî bargains ? Corne now. 'lir(ieb t'a> tiig $5 womth of gcods wil bave tteir fart- paîd during this sale. Hayward. St-ntoua Accident. n netumuing from Bowmanville on Mon- day ntght somne of the Wbitby Étiremen met viha sernous mîshap. Tht-y had spent a n'îst enjoyable day, and were drivihg along pîst Mrs Lauder's residence singing mer- m'y about to o'clock p M, when suddenly tice horst-a madr for tht- ditcb and capsized tht- big cavered rîg in wbich the>' were nid- 1 ng It happened that during their absence fo r the day Mr Thos Devereil contracted wîtb a lot of men and teamns t move a lioase (romi Perry sîreet 10 bis propert>' op- lx-)site the Ont. & Durham exhibition grounds. TL.ey had hauled the building to trie place rntioned above as the scene of tile accident, where night overtook them, arid îhey lefî ii tilt next morning, but neg- eted ta bang a ligbt upon it to wai'n people who mîght be driving along Mr Smith Campbell waa driving the horst- for the- fin, -n.i., and did not seeth ie dark-colored walls of tht- bouse. He could nal under- tand wby the horses refused 10 go on And pressed towards tht- grater, and, secl»g 1no- thîng himuself, of course he attempted tb mnake themn go along. The struggle endt-d in nverturning the nig and (rtoewiicb thse men were thus unable ta o aP tO UYO themselves. Thoe Rîce hlima £ Urber cf bis front teeth immshed out, whle Omt'e 0, was so badi>' burt that it vas Unpullt dettermine whether ai fMMtha o dbaef lose it. He was muetsh' 1t 'hBtfj Smith Campbell bail tonail dtts#.bfkm and wus otherwlge lnjured. w L Bara". Fred joues and soipe otberf veto oMi«0« lessltjired. Some dlffieuî#y Veu.e#et-, iene adrlvlmg tbe I*jur.ontb0« 4 every livery dglas boy.WS 0Mou str'.Llihtsver, put MnApt * "e 'thet drivmra f ;;%,sadê %Iarkham bt-at Varsity at Lacrosse by 3-1. Mark ham juniorbt-eat Jesse Ketchuma of Toruinîa bY 7j-. Tht- Capîtols of Ottawa bt-st tht- Sham- rocks of Montreal ai lacrosse by 6-2. f)ld (irchards, Toronto, bt-at Aurora at lacrosse by 7-4. Toronto beat Montreat aIt acrosse by 7-1. Whitbv boys at Bowanville:- 2oo yards race, F. Dave>', quarter mile race, F. Davey ioe yards race, W. McClellan. Gaudaur easily defeated Rogers single sculling, tht- race being for two miles and the championship of America, with a aide bt-t of Ssoo eacb and a purse offered hy the cîtizens of Ordla. The talent paid numerous visita bo the Woodbine duning the week, and of course brougbî away more than they took tht-r- Did anybody evern acknowledge coming off short 1 Nurs±ng the Sick. This is tbe title of s most valuable and concise treatise on tht- art of nursing tht- in- dîsposed. It deals with nursing at home, ventilation of tht- sick roomn, baîhing tht- patient, amranging tht- bed, etc., etc. It also gîves recipes for lquid aud sotd foods, aned tells tht- kind that can be used for the difler- etn diseases. It aiso enumerates tbe st-v eral diseases iu which special nursiug is a necessit>', and expiains in plain words tht- directions for tht- performance of these offices. Altogether the book is ver>' hand- somnely goîten up, and is illustrated with a reproduction rom pbotograph of tht- Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on tht- cover, and interior viewa of tht- hospital in tht- body of tht- bock. Tht- pubîshers, Messrs Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal, will gladl>' mail this book to an>' ont- sending tht-mi a ont- cent stamp. Mitar>' Notes Col. Patlerson was in town Tuesday. Ht- says he expecta hi. regiment Ici go to, Nia- gara on tht- 8th prox, fuit sîrength and fuît>' equipped. tn order to encourage tise umtn a cup, vaîued at $20, at tht- close of thse camnp, will be preaented to the compan>' obtaining the- highest marks, to becht-id until tise next conspetitioti. Major Farewell and Warden King vere at Ottawa Ibis week interviewing tht- Acting M inister of Militia towards holding the- 341h battalion in town over tise 2181ta take part in thse celebratiln of Ber Maj esty's j ubilet-. Thse latest imilititry changets provide tisai in the 34th Bail.-No six Compmy-Provision- aI 2nd Lieut. F Howard Anises, havlng fail- ed ta qualif>', bis name is removed from the lisi of officers of tihe active militia. To be 2nd lieutenant provisiouallY, Richard Boy- don Hyland.1 Ai l cotising sud accoutrements belonging to No i Co.- in thse possesslion of an>' of the members tnust be returned ta stores with out further dela>'. Captain flenderson would consider it a favor if those parties who have borroved Portions Of his uniform wouid kindi>' returu thse dame. There are a few vacancies ini the- local1 cotupanies. None but oRMat tidy yount metn need apply. Those on tht-ral Of last camp wiil have tht- first chance. Appllca- tions should be mnade ta tht- captain of NO- , or No. 2, or ta Lieut. W H Greenvood, or Lizzut. Win Richsardson Of NO. 1, Or Lieut. theo King OfNO- 2. Ver>' strict orders have bau saed this year .by thse genr fficercoSadlg regarding the- selectlam 'Of tmett for thé a-- nual camp. As 111. mite*tded to reduce thÇ strengtb of the nsilitlaat ',deal *1lt4de. pend onthe pbysi ne an' à icl )Ofle mesit whether cetrin atdOsw er Wsling on tht e, igb e'Wd*O smeasumeut « -t het wtie tL43 auches -he gt~t5 lL * 9ý'1 5Y cut:thtfc ow w Your chance to get men's tan bot, i ail shades, cheap at $3 for $2.5o, ai Burns' new cash store. The ladies' aid Society of St. Anydrew's church intend holding a grand tea and bazaar on the evening of june i t. 1 1 E Ensign, Uxbridge, was lodged ini jaît YUl î h here on Wednesday, to serve a terni a terni Of two monhsat liard labor for wife-beat- ing. Mrs Rod. Vernon is the guest of her sisterIfw odyuts Mrs V B Woodrutî. Tbey set off on bicy-Ifw todouta cies ye'terday, întending to ride to Man- than in any prevon chester. On Sunday evening next Rev Mr Manning wiIl preach upon the pleasures of the world, a special sermon to the young people of the cOngregatîOn. Chief Constable McKnighi,of Port Perry, lodged Geo. Sharp in jail bere yesterday, to serve îhree morîhs in jait for vagrancy, on the commitlmeni of Wm Batemnan, J. P. Whîiby fireman visited Bowmanville on the 241h, and joined in the procession They report a big crowd and a fait day's sport, but very pour accommodation ai the botels. Miss E B Wass and Miss Batting former>' of Brook lin and Miss Beswick are goiug to run a firat class boarding bouse in Toronto They wvill take possession of their new bouse on Lite fi rst of j une. Master Franik Shaw, who bas been suffer. ing from fever for îwo monîhs, i15 50 Ber me- covemed as to be able to walk around town. His fîriends are gresîly delîgbîed to see hi- oui once more, as he la very popular and was flot for some weeks expected to survive the sttack. The Lord Bisbop of the Diocese of Toronto will visit AIl Saint's church on Sunda>' nexi fur the purpose of admînisterîng the rite of confirmation A large class of candidates have bt-en in preparation for some time looking fomword to the Bîsbop's visit The service will be beld in the aftertieon ai 4 o'clock. At the evening >ervice Mr. Broughal wîll address specially the newly con flrmed. Greatest Ba.rga.ns Ever offered ai the New Sboe Store to-day, Frrday 28tb. $1 $2, 83 boots and shoes for 59c., from 3 ta 4. Fallow the crowd to tht- new shoe stores. M. W. Collins. Rye 4 teet fxigh Mr Chas Spencer. Brooklin, wvas in town on Saturda>', and brougbî in some stalks of faIl rye over 4 feet ini leugtb. Who can beat thîs ? Rec-ord to the Bay. Mr. Purk. Macdonald. of Till's furniture warerooms, took the CHRONICLE Redbird yesterda>' and made a record (rom the CHRONICLE office to the bay and return of 15 minutes îo seconda. His lime soutb was 7.S and 7.5 returro For asisngle record each way W j H Richardson rode as fol- lows. south 6.i5, north 7.40. The distance ia exactlv 4 miles. Mr Geo Dryden appointed Yesterday's daîly papers announced the appointment of Mr George Dryden, Port Perry. as county revistrar. He will assume the duties of bis office within a few days. Mr Dryden'. long business career will stand hîmn in good stead in bis new position Thus ta the long stsnding problemn solved 10 the satisfaction no doubt of the majority of these inierested. jette z3th Major-General Gascoigne, commander of the Canadian moiitia, bas issued orders that .none but selected men will be taken ta camp this year." AIli branches of Our miti- îary system will be represented-Canadian regulars, volunteer, infantry, rifles, cavaîr>'. and field artiller>'. Thte excursion on june 15th will give You an opportunity to visît Ibis camp at Niagara-on-the. Lake. Tbe steamner wili carry passengers trom New- castle, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby ai a uniform rate of Si to the military camp, and St.25 t0 the Falls, the latter price in- cluding retumo trip on Niagara Electric rail- way. Ainaa.l Meeting. The- annual district meeting of the metho- dist church was held in Brooklin on the t9th and 2oth mast. The reports (rom the various circuits were in ail ver>' satisfactor>', there belng an increase in memnbership and ail the connexional tunds beîng well sustained. It was decided 10 juin Pickerng village and' Audie>' charcb together as one circuit, and to leave Brougham, Greenwood, Kinsale and MUt Zion to form a circuit together. Tbe Seagrave circuit was joined tu the Scugog circuit taking in the Indian churcb also. This will form a field for a married and a single miniater, the former living at Ses- grave, and the latter on Scugog Island. The Rev D N McCamus was elecîed to the Stationing comumiîtee, Rev Mr Leith andl Mr Brown 10 the Sunday achool committee, Rt-v Dr Lambly and Mr Hutchinson 10 the Epworth League committet-, and Mr j L Smith to the missionarv commnittee which mett in the fal. The laymen selected to attend conference (rom Whitby are C W Smith, H W Willcox andJ S Barnard. Address ta His Hoasor. On Saturda>' lasi His Honor Judge Dart- neil ht-Id division court for Mars sud Rama 4' ai Upîergrove, and bt-fore tht- proceedinga were opened County Councilor F. J. Gilles- pie and man>' other leading men of tht- dis- trict approached tht- bencb, when Mr. Gilles- pie rtad tht- folowing address: To Hîs 4 I-oom George H. Dartuell, Judge of the Count>' of Ontario. Honorable and Dear ~ Sir,-Perti us, 10 embrace. this, our ifirst opportunit>' since your elevation ta the cou ii-- t>' judgeship, to express ta you on bebalf of H your man>' frienda in North Mars and Rama --the territory included in tise seventh divi- sion court of tbis county-our great pleasu re s at your deserved promotion from junior ta senior judge of this count'. Ithes. been thse happy lot of man>' of us ta have known your Honor for nearl>' a quarter of a century and during ail that long time we believe you earnestly and honestly trled ta do your duty witbout (t-ar, favor, or allection. The judi- ciar>' of Canada is a credit to this Intelligent and rising young cosuntry, sud ibisa our firm impression and hope that you, as ont- of aur mout leamned county judges, will long con- tinue la shed lustre on tise important judicial posiionyou. hve eenpromoted toanso5 actablyfill. SV1td on behaif of .aid division, F. J. Gillespie, J. P., count>' coun- cilor, M. McGraih, J.P., Peter Thaioto, J. P., Gea. Thotupson, J.-P., James McPheutoon, J.P., Wm. Thomîson, George Cleavele>', ex- reeve, Dennis O*tonuell. J.?., joseph Bar- ker, D. McPbee, deputy. reeve, J. E. Eider, J. P,, Tisas. P. Hart, John Adams, reeve cf . Rama, josephs Fox, W. J. Hicke>', Joseph Kenny, David Roms, councilar, Tiss Mc- Dermott, John AlleweIl, Robert McBti,- John Waldron, clerk of Rama, Alex. Masrtin. Hi. isonor in replying adverted ta the 4' -t that a quarter of a century had almust , elapsed sînce ho vas flrst called upon ta preside over the division courts of Ibis coun- in ty. Thse signatures of the representatlve Du mnen froui this part of the co'ny ta thse veIl t expressedl address nov seau was some evld- cSd ence that-ise had endeavored ta fulIl his pni dut>'. In the nature of tllngs 'k as Dot n qunite possble ta give unives-sai satisfaction, lm 6ecause boUhsaides cannot bd vinners. A by jadge o<f it Instance bad great respansil-i ics, because l Ise épeat nUmber cf cases tises-t vas s Appeal, fr= sbis delon, and Ivoig sîel mm as that in'cite-o cf ssuch, l*l'er asholsait R4 liad eûds', vrd ýt loi tis1lîWla hst narties ...1 e toc thiat in the paat ~ê Surrsed dauing* the -lust month we sold a larger number of Men's Suite: ws month in the history of our business, and you1l reruember- This season's big selling à a easily Booounted for by the large and very handsoma&, variety, and the exooptional values we are offering. Those who follow our guggestiono,.andl buy when we say, cau mak-3 a dollar go as fat as two or three will iu the ordiuary way. Here are good opportunities. SPEC lAIDS Men's Navy Serge Squits Only $3.50. Men's Brown Mix Tweed Suits Only 14.504 Men's Good Canadian Tweed Suits Only $5.00.- Men's Light and Dark Tweed Suits C anadian Only $7.50. Mlen's Best Quality Tweed Suite, equal to $26 made-tj.order, For $10.00. ~w. Go FOR SATU R DAy 44-in Black Malalassin Dress Goodig reg. seelng price 60c., Saturday 37'e. 44-mn. Priestlay's best quality figur- ed Serges, reg. price 75c., Saturday 43e. Sample Parasol8 at HALF :: PRICE on Saturday, May 22. WALTEIRS, 5 SLEOF THE Stewart Stock NEARING THE 0 0 ENDO -*tb,..Our stock is well assorted with stylish and,ý. seasonable goods. Every new, worthy style will be found here at prices very much below what you've been used to paying. If you are ini ueed of any of the following, there is no doubt about where you should buy them:- 32-mn. Flannelettes, worth 'Oc yard ..........NOW M en's best 4-ply Linen Collars, regular 25ec.... NOW li Whitby., Will issue Round Trip Tickets for Que.n's :: ]Birithday- -AT- SINGLE TIRT-OLAB8 EARE Good going May 22 tO 24, inclusive. Returning until May 25, 1897. SINGLIE TIRST-OLAS PARE ÂNE ONE-THRD Good going May 2tst. Returning unti M aY 25tb .1897. To ail Stations in Canada, Fort Williamn Sault Ste Marie, Windsor and Eat. E. R. B LOW Agent, Whitby, Ont., C. P. -Ry Tickets, Telegrapb and Dominion Cos. Opposite CHRoNicLit office. 10 SUE IS 10 OFLIEVE Best Campbellford wool Flannels, reg 35c yd .... NOW Cali nl... Men's Scotch Tweed Suitings, $ 1.25 to $i.5o .... NOW 46-in circular pillow Cottons, regular 23C ...NOW 750 44-in circular pillow Cottons, reg. :20c and 25C per yd ...............................NOW 12ko and 15o ,2-in circular pillow Cottons, reg. 20c and :25c per yd ................................ NOWI140 anc .o-mn circular pillow Cottons, reg. 25c. yd ...NOW vIen's 4-ply Linen Cuifs, reg, 350 Pr .........NOW id 150 :14o leavy Ail Wool Blankets, reg. $4.50......... NOW 2O 'ingle FoId Dress Goods, in variety of good colors, regular 20C yard ..................NOW 11 MÂNY DIESIRÂBLE LINES IN ~..m~ew Sprin Xilhioy... S3TIL LEFT AND WILL BE - OLD AT ABOTTAÂ -BBGULÂRBP"91~ Bigelowu&,M-a- W IRM FOR S l8ALEm n4 OLR First olme farcfooacr,,m , eusi the tonusl u tjbtm*gltcousity 9C Hghs icùsa 60 ames la-i,1trsedr - man, tamaaek aud Imz4*co& Onsthe Reféienpcou'sh . ' - -'r. . umisesis W tes n sI fi>I~~ cI~ ~ ~~ " inob Claa vc s atisdeà ?nas____ WM. TILL_ mmd be convlnced that an Elegant line of FURNI TURE -ANti- UPHOL8TERED 00008 is beingZsold a wydonp ekeep, HAVE IT DONE- NOW Re-Upholstering and Repairing before the rush commences. Prices ver cheap. JUST - RECEIVED Baby ,Carrnages. Prices front. AU otser gooéde pro- portionaly ,Cheap 1 UsfU1 and orcamental. - Repsliu,, pbolster- i amm nd à tbkmtg. WM.T[L ,szusan Ci il OffioW iConty Organ. Largest Crcn-la- lion o1 any local paper in Canada - f e ') ' c , ' tv hue 'J'. andi. Ti t îNT, -iw e t li.îî of i 1)a ces LE ict #2&. bîtby. fý )ti . c o. 501