Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1897, p. 1

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TIhe Chironicle. VL I.WIIITBY, ONTAIIIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 119 1897. N.2 LUUAL NtfflVVLt.IITESI CIMONIcLE CaMMOPasrasCI. WKITEVALEz Mr. Meicalfe, of Markbam, vas boe wîîb fuenda lasi Sunday. Miss Li=ze Pugb ta witb ber sister Bt Ciare.ý mont for a lt-w veeks. Mr. John A. White bas bougbt the other UÀt- ilejohu faim for 81750. Mrs. Wm. Boi cd, af Toronto, la vltb frirnds ber-e for a'A eek or sa, Mr. aud Mrs Holden, ai Msrkbam, vere at D. Sý. Turner's on Suuday. Mr. Walcs, aofNiai kham. la spending s few days wih friends ber-e. Mfr. rminion, of Wbîîby, vas bei-e lust veeli on busine)ss we believe. Mr. sud Mns L G. Anuis, ai Part Union, was at Pt-nus Bank ou Sunday. Miss Grace Wilson, ai Toronto University, ta homne uîîh ber motber for the pr-raout. We are pleased ta sec Mi-. A. E. Tharuntan hîmacîlf &gain aiter bis ret-eut inesa. yuîîte a number from bher-e atlended the banana socal t Bouhai su reor s i-st,Mîusjj». A couple of the village kîds undertaok la bave a knockuut last week, wiîb the resuit that anc bas a shadv coiored cye. F armets in ibis setion ais wasbiugP their sheep tht-se days. Ili s ratber- laie but the water- and westher ha.s bren so cold tbat it jhas ual sale t0 doi 1btfore. Town Lin1, GRUESWOO» Miss Mabel Reynolds la vlsitlng Bt Mr. T. Mr W G Ward occupiedth ie Audley and Osborne's. à&It Zion puipita on Sunday. Mr. T. Harris spent tva days in Neyecs- A number lt-rn bere attended divine ser- tie receutîy. vice at Brookliluon sabbath eveaiug. Miss Matai Ctug, ai Toronto, la visiting Jas liat-bren, af Salemn Cornets, is busily iriends la the nelghborhaod. eugaged blasting Blanc an the McKiterlck Mr. Fred Davey bas gane vitb lte volun. îarmn. teers into camp at Niagara. Thc bcdf rings are again ruqping full Mr. Thomas Mot-comnbe had anc af bis best bst. Saine very choice cattie have already Cows k1ied by the cars Saturday. been killed. Mr. Walter McGregor la laid up vlîb sci- Mr aud Mis F L Green spent Sunday atica. His frieuda hope for a speedy re- ith tbe latter', mother, Mrs Thos Steven- covery. son, af Kinsale. Rev. J. W. Shier, Bobcaygeon, pald bis Rev T H McDouald is away attending the sister, Mis. A. H. West, a fling visit this caulereuce. Wr hear hc is gaîug ta leave veek, on hi. retut-n (rom methadist conter- tht. circuit Ibis year. euce at Bovmanville. Mrs T H McDonaîd bas returued froin We understand our storekeeper l9 dolng a Ottawa, wberr she bas been attendiug the rushiug trade just nov, if ve can judge by lfunct-aI af ber braîher. thc amount af goods whicb ve sec bim hs&ul- Mumps are sti11 quite prevalent araund ing fram Ibhe station daily, il must be truc. ber-e. Misses Minnie and Emma Wilson are Tva bands ai bar-se dealers camped on vîctlins a0 them this week. McGregor-'s aide road Manday and Tuesday. Mr jas Rogers, Pickering, afficisîrd for Tbey secin ta take na thaught for to-marraw Rev hdcDonald on ssbbath morniug and de- for îbey pr-avide for anly ane mes! Bt a lime. iiver-ed a ver-y lnîeresting and instructive Sr IV Weekly Exam. In Gram.. sud Aritb. sermon.* Max. tooansd 2ao.-Nessic Carruthers 62, Severai ai the teachers and afficers ai the 165; Art Rave .56, 165 Geogie Gold 52. 165 sabbath school vere absent Sunrlay main- Milton Storey .56, 145 ; Walter Ro4d 44. 0 ing. Guess they find the hours torar-ly for Mabet Rove 58, 130; Art Mackey- 44. 140 couveujence. 1Florence Carpantet 30, ia5 There is a boom lu football at preseut. Severai (armets tank In a large drove ai The boys mintd competîng for onueaf the voung catie ta be shipped nt Whitby for- prizes at Rosebank to-day, Fridav, and are Iova. There la a question lu aur mind about doing saine greai practicing for same. Tbey the visdamoiofseliig off those youug catie lbave a!so received ain invitation ta play at to be taken out ai the country ta be sold bvi the firemen's picnic at Pickerin on the 2-,,,r 'stansix kuiguis ai tue road passrd the speculatar- at a goad -profit ta -t-he f-eeder, i 11- li'T 1 b IT , tT hroug ibish vlRe last ueek together sud a titra by hlm aI anoîher profit ta the butcher, bard looking loi îbcy ver-e. Tb.ry bunked in the- Wouid il flot psy the farmera better t0 keep WHITBY, - - ONTARIO.-scol ose over nigbi, them inli they got the fiuished prit-e. Mr and Mrs. A. E. Major, M-r. Hugh Pugb, BE.OOELIN ________________________________Miss C ara White, .Mr. L) d Turner, Mr, Frank Whtieî MNfiss Hancah %Vhait-y, sud Mr. A. Miss Nichais is back iroin Toronto ta ne- I borupson wert-in the- cîîy lasi ver-k. mainî for a lime. NN7 I T 1 ~ I . F Q We nou.e Ibat Road Instrucier Campbell in W J Marquis, former-ly ai Picker-ing, but W 1 1) M 1.. L-.-JL' S hîs tour reports haviug vsit-d Little Hll ansd be nov of Si. Cloud, Minu., visited frîeuds savs ihai the roads leadiog ittailî ere fqirty here tbis week. -A N I good but in the piace were raîber muddy. The farm ibat beiouged ta the late John ' rs. A. G. Wbite. of Markham. tsala her ais- Banner, comprising 67 acres, viii be oflered XV BI J~I3Ç(E ters. Mrs. Waîte. About îwo weeksa&go she for sale b>- aucîlon at Whitby on0 301h inst. sîih ver unor-unat acidet boke The Suuday schoal picnic viii likely be he,- arm, but ris prugrersxng vet-y nicely ai pt- eld about the last day ai Ibis monîb ai -010-sent. Oshawa on-the lake. It viii nio doubît e as aM. Tý T. Whitr is the ltira couvert 10 the successful as usual. (~eo .AJ~.iibict-sdi:nn hîs sectîion. Lit-. White la veil in f A large for-ce of men sud trams bas bren Geo. 000e tbe'~~~~~~li-ses-oie-eand ore would tbînk s-oud bardly eggddigtesauelbrti ek be lîmber eiough lot one, but no doubî be vii Tegage d onte stlueelar Iis week. Sell the Genine ER-succrd.this village la included ar-e Nessrs C A MOTOR, of Chicago, and Lasi ek 5Mr. E A. Major was bt-eaking in a Aliema, Chas Grass sud D Holitday. ct, %ahei- reare-d up sud tell over on a largei the Ket8leman WVire Fence Sione andi niur,-d 'tsi-faso îoîer-nally that il had Tbe higb vater that iolloved Mauday's tu be kîied. -The animal was a wet-y goad oe anc cridaaytefliz hthdbe ýî ikrcrhaser,shîd examine th",'ht-rt-for-e the lmss is cousiderabie ' doue at the miii pond. This is the second wriî . li- lre plaing îhr irert b ino: etl ime that the work doue bas bren al vash- ai, agtîr pu-,aril nîîîatiîon linou a ht-n Nr.E ajr o u-o-, aJuggd î ed away, since the break oct-ut-trd iathe <angi- 'l iruîc Aimiîor horîîîhlMr A fborupson for these urmmtr Mr. Tisomp. spriug. (an el 'ie ,erineAei-otu, ihrouhl:sin %l himaclf be agent for Simmers, tbe seeds- and an %,iaiî arranied, for- ess nonev. men. of 1 orînia, aud also agi-ni for the Farm- Mrit-joseph Str-atford, presideut of the Fat-- M '-rt io thi-se rinîls siild in Canada lu dIay c rs Binder Twîi- <Co., ai Brantford. mers' Binder Tvine Co., Brantford, address- iýf an i su hier mirke.The Aerniijîor Co 'ed s public meetinghr atFiyevn cii ni h. se:i-rone hallt the- number of wîrîd ' A persan in ihis section bas bren bothered inginte ne- o grie r-e and kFrîdaye ru Y -ittlîs si-hi trithe- wîrld, at thet- setquie a hît wiîh skunks talctng bis chickens, and t, i luThe ntea iarculîr-and kindredu t'lle 'o he sat a trap ont- nigbî. The next oinlg tapîts. he atendantlenas 5ma], bu ýii Si\ e 1 f \Wuod and irun l umps lut- had the oder:lnrrou lfinie animal tt-apped. uHe itos isgaveresp-rs. esd10ave- draggi-d tht- animdi 10 au open field, pîted strav itictuwdtes sile~î < iiare tgard.rîg tht-st- outî6îs ar-aund il sud burni il up. skunk sinel! sud al The ladies' aid society ai the methodist bii 'rr ýtil ti ix ritng IL; Pathmasrer Pennock is basing the differ-ent t-burt-b bas jusl t-bard a very successful sireets graded aud flard up tht-se days. The year, dur-îng vbicb lbey have raised up- il E(. ALLIN, das-s. The township ha gr-auîed a suin ai yards af i $10, vicb bas ail been devotrd ta e, -5 Fi m ni-ny lor to bave the wesi potiu better shape t-educing the sinali debi stili standing ou the _______________________________ tnian il bas bteun for several years. We notice a par-souage. They hope ta be able ta make zz pamrplet iss.urd by the Ontano goveruimenit aieiy as large a payrnrnt again Ibis year. i!iusîratees ver-v pîainly ibe bet- f i ood sud Mr- Robt Hay recrived notice ou Wedues- cST H~ AN 0F~AN BA had ronds , but in our opinion ve vii l have day that bis tendt r for carrying the mails & STE N 8NK O CA A tht-m untir]vi- gel wîde tir-es aud also do away betveen tht- post office sud station bad bren On.Aith the saaule labor systein. accepted. Neediess ta say the public ar-et W hitby, nt Tht-re as ta be a baud meeting on Wedues- ve il satiafird that Mr Hay bas bren r-e-sp- -- day nit for tht- pur-pose af calltug in ail ai Ibe poiuîed, as he bas pr-ovrd binseif a careful ; ustruments and sindiug up tht- tont-ru forsa servant af the post office departmeat. PHARi ) <F' IIRF.ÇTî R, ime ai lt-ast, but ouly a feu shoved up. Iu aur Report af the standing ofthe pupils ai the opinion tht-r-e set-ms ta b. pienty ot mat-ual ta junior departint ai Brooklu scitool lort-hie iiîSsnk ' kresideni R. , ~iS.ket-p tht- baud goîng but s local test-ber- don'tmoîaiMa.Tennsaiiltepps ll.iiîliî F \îielie \ iii' in, st-m ta(oiv ver-y successful. The preseut baud o acht- tlas. at-e givra St-r. II, max. 120-c F,;, A1 A l'en E.sî; - J. ('i1C.siarted in i 88,bSud tht- fit-st six years madie aver Lattie Whiteior-d 94, Nellie Coiveil 92, O%-. -i-. isi;- Rbî h iio-îihd )i i , is 83000 t il sînce Mfr. Tr-esham irit bas gi-asiiialy vair Wilson 88, Grant Eddy 86, Pearl Ree- huit r-. r- 1- o;.decliued. alibougb iberp la nearly$400 iL iRatr-on 84,FrankRe'n sRas.Wariue 67, T fil \cNtîJi.... n ... ............Cashier- meurs in sud about the village. Mr. Thesham laaison 84,11 ra. 20-ini uetnifr-arn brrta test-h the Fusillera ai Landan, CaaWlo 2 r l a.IoMni Qent-a Bukig irîinsa rasatte. isu iat t-tk e a-cptr Ie posiition ai thc Craig taS, Clara Cook teo, Nellie Spencer f [)ralrs -oueid, Ipasable 'n all parts ni Can- baudmasîr aitbe Wellington Attille-yband. 89,illyS obencer8, Loue Laigio786,r ida, Uti.tv-dSats aud on London, Eug-MiueSncra, agcCag78Cla and, pay-.ableein ahi paris oi EuroipeRgln.Caiton 6,5. Cassjus Spencer s9, Artiut- Coak-9 'e ciiallowed on Savîugs Bank Depo Br-hs-tRtlnsn nJc vtth ile ,well 56, Gea Banner 53, _RalpbMar-shall 52,h in]ceý'e an veatry. o01ir Atrcn Black, Of s Oaughter. Fraak Agustus 42.-St-. I PI. Il Max. 100 S~ (tttnttn l cr/r- io t~ Miss Aggîe Or-miston is slovîy recover- Laura Fowlie 82, Jenuil Grass Sa, Patience attntoniiii - îl(n f ng fromn a severe aîtat-k af inflammation. Frasuis 71, Elma Chevue 7o, Jennie Cstit-s Fiiei8iloe wi(-8 f69, Mary Cowie 68, Clarence Bit-k!. 67, jas Mr Tom Forester sud Arthur- Curtis, a Hueson 65, Elmer Bit-kel 61, Ford We!!. 58, E. D. WAIRREN, Oshawa, Suudayed at their parental home. Char-lie Elliait 54, Ralpb Citeyne 53, Tom Manager- of Whjtbv litant-h. Mr JJ Ormiston la home fr-ar Manitoba, China 51, Jerry Anderson 37, Audit Cook 28. uhere he bas bt-en for the lasitbrec montbs, Jr- I Pt. II, max. 90.-Flossie Bray 66, Bes- sud thînka tht-rt- s no place like Ontario trt-e Langiord 62, Frank Scot ,5, Cecilia lIAN'IEI> -SE\'ElAL FAITHFUL' yt. Fraukisit 58,-Dat-ty Delong 53, Frank Cun- WYNl eri or \Viîuieii to trav it- fut re- Miss Ver-a, thb. uttle daugitter ai Mr- £d. ninghtam 53, Jerry Baiiey 14.. Preparatary I sîuonsitile eFtan)iî-h,-d houu-e ltiOnîtrio Hoilîday, merchant, vba for sam ine re as Pt. II, max. 90-Lixale Pîrie 77, Walter Ban- "alav PYabe $1 wcUv "nd x- eensuelrîug train spinal disease, is.grad- net- 74, Willie Pirie 7:2, Wiltie Histop 69. ~ienses. liu>sîlîuin pttmauet-ni Reitrteice I Ually sînkîng, we or-e sot-ny la repart. Char-ic Spencer 68, Mabel Ciin 6r, Fred Enclosýe st-lf addrt-ssed stamnps-ufcrs --p MILr James Stauton la borne (rom Fenelan Skinner 57. Relis Waning 55, Olive Ctcyae Tht- Nationual, Star Builing, Chicago 0 4 rnkC7y45 s lasn-reotd ____ i Fa ils, w ht-te he bais bru for- ttc pasi Iw v e rakalb4. tcasn a: r-forpo-t77. . F veats iearning ta b. s photogrrapher, and enaEdyveraertnatefr ott. .F Established 1849.' Tu.-sdav 100k the picture i Raglan iciaaolEdyte-br sud scholars. W. A. H. ~h14bySteam MaibIe and 6ranite w0rks; Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. Smith, (Formeriy Wolfendea Works.) Imnporter sud dealer- ta MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. Etc., ai tht- laîcai ma- te-i-ai and designs. AIl kinda af Cemtery work. Out- vork guar-snîred. 4W Szt-i FOR DEsic.Ns AND PatetîS . COUNTY COUNCIL 4 COUNTY 0F ONTAIO. Thte next meeting af the Council of tbe Corporation af the Counîy ai Ontario for tbe yea r l897; vilI br hetd, at the Cour-t Hanse, la thc Town ai Whitby; on Monday tihe 21s1 day ai June, instat, -t th. haut- aftua o tlot-k in tbe afterueon. AUl accounîts ta be laid teior-e the Council mnust be for-vsrdmd ta the Clerk, properry oertified, aI least tht-ce days befor-r the Meeting ai 1he Cotnt-il. Datcd at Whitby Ibis iaî dayof Juue; 1897. JNO. E. FAREWELL, Couuty Cler-k, Couuî.y af Ontario. _itea umber of oui young -bravos" ru- liîsed in the volunteera and let on Tucsday morning for Niagara ta driil. Mauy vere the tears shed bv the motbers and sweet- hearts at the parting of the boys. I s our sad duty this veek ta chronicie the death af Mr Wm Gilroy, who died on Saturday mnorning, aged 61 years. There 'sas nothin g about his heaith Up titi tbe last ew months af bis 111e t', give bimacit or hîs friendsanay cause for alarin. He vent about hîs vork as usual, aitbougb Dot feeling very weil, until spriug, viien bie gave up bis farmn, îhinking t-est mighl be tbe bealer. But rest, and ail that ioviug frieuds, witb the aid of the best physicians, could do, were of Do avail ta that drcad dicease, consumption. To those with wbom b. mlngled, bie vas quiet aud unassumning. His remains were brought ta the churcib here, vitere the im- pressive services ai the methadiat chUtrei were cauducted by Rev Mr Wctheral af Prince Albert, Ont.; thence to Haru- dea's cemetery for internenrt. The large cortage that folowed hlm to, bis lasI restiug place showed the respectai the CommunitY. Much sympathy is fett for bis vite sud fa" miy in Lheir sad bercavement. uty1e EUsUUM Dtreetoey Livxnur CnÂncs-.Havlnt puroasMtic Lfr- ery Buuaneoia roaently oarrtsd on by th& l669 rJan Barrbtt, I amn prepsred la e uimOffli traveflors aud otiers w1lb dge 4s.1.D5O rate.. CemmercialSende» moub#'y Stabling for hors, sud foOd M» , Yen thena by roUi. lemon. rbe Oshvwo MZuy. asad Myrtle stage do«o ,noipsar n ui DA,àvAsaTwON, Igrtle gStIOn. Miss Ethel McNeil 'bas Iben ind1- posed. Mr. iBerry, Bethesda,sAd4re0ed,4the league Sunday evenbilg- Mrs. Conley and Mss>,ýWasting- ton, Bethany, visÎted. :hirijam's ros cently. Buut»m Dlrsesy. ELB - lainer af Marriage Llcenmsa Besdence opposite Town HaIL, Brooklil. W A McNEELT, D V S-Oraduate ai the On. tario Veterlnazy CoUflge Toronto; gonorarn memuber af thé Ontario IMedical sootty. Treat4 &Il 4ipeaaes af the dornostlcated amasby the moot approved mothod. Aima particular attention t surgloal operationa and dentistry. Dal or night calisgla pI attended se. Offce and reaidence raoklln Ontario. Bangholm, Champion, Clyde. Elephaut, Greyst.one, Skirving's. Hall's Westbury, 10 cts, 12eCL 1Bros.,-S15ectd, per lb., according to variety. OTS AT CUT PRICES -We a= clearng, out the boajceO -Wemen's Boots, .Shces and Sýlp- -pfers a rat ret ed pri4e& , -coses mmT TtuYS andT~~ ati 80 inst. Wbat might have been a very set-loua ac- cUideàn hapendrnd Mhe r-s unEmmer- .aytoth ciy ndaut-y ert-r una tiiet wad tathecity suduas there asa att-oui wiud tey h r ee uîîîghtup ,an bei wheu tcat- use eamegheudcuang ith the ditcha sd ple.îMg Im ccupantsa h rgupn aatno n ile. MrEmmerson va for-tut nougb u ua rth iug ve seer- ui- burt, buî anot 50 ih isvirl ae she t b0oradly u o buie s ere rplte., bu foetsorîne no bo vee brokn. W A1UDLEY Hurt-ah far Rosebank ta-day. Sever-al teas have bren ta Toroanto vitit ha>. por-k, ec., ai late. Suuday being couirrence Sunday Mr. War-d occupied nur pulit ubicb bie did in a ver-yt-ird- table mauner îudeed. Misses Bray sud Neai vieiîed Mr. S. Bray's ru Clarensont on Sunday st. Miss Kate is speuding a visit vitit us nov. Tht- abrewd yankee bas bren lu aur midst buy. ing up tbe youug catie of laie. Quite s number of sut-h raging in agea tram a fe-w mrnhs 10 2 years bave letfi ur farinera. Wbeîher ibis lsaa wisr movo ermains ta b. seen. Audley Sunday at-bool ta lu bold anoîher pic- uic ihis year in about tva yacks. Thà- pi-ait- vas omitîrd last ycsr but a fine lime ougiti ta be bad ibis year sud make it s jubilce year for oui- Suudsy st-bel FuIl particulara viii be givea oral veek as la, the lime, place sud prit-e. Our E. L. ai C E. of last Tuesday eveaing met aud vas coaductrd by the pt-t-ident an ihe tapit- ai the -Subjeci of Fluant-e." Next verk Mr-. W. G. Ward. ai Greruwoad, takes aur league sud as be ta dreply itlerestrd lu league vork sud a n anailiaddition theretu Wr expect ta ae a large atteudance. Ont- boys. Wîll Maddatord and Albert Bell, uho at-t in the N.W.T., write borne Usai tbry are lu lave wiîh the climate sud appear-ance ai tht-lt- ut-vhome. As ta the tc aiofthe boys of laat yt-at, tht-y repart a great gain lu flesit. Wr hope îhry may continue ta meet viîh sut-cesta tht- prairie vrai. Word cornes tbat the propoaech -auge an the circuits la ta corne int effet-t. Heacefortb the Greravood incumbent bas thte faut- appnt- asents sud Audtey sud Pickeria go loget bat- as ai Vot-e, This arrangement vil! be satlafactary ta mosi ai us, beng bitter titan ttc vay ve bave As s neigbborbood i% knova by the people ai bt, so this applies Wr migbî say ta be- yaung follks. We believe tbat Audley bas a choice nuinher of young folks sur-rotndiug it and ai. îbougb lbcy are not so numerous yet titere la gi-ester number af fine youug mearasd vain bere than lunmot places. It must be truc since the voung ladies, ubo vian t ete occasioually, r-e- mark. Chas. Lynde bas beecu canrng ttc advis- abillty ai purctasing a traction englue. Sa la sec them sud lest fr-arn ibse vbo bave uacd thorn, te sud Mr. Irving visited Mr. Musiard's in Wbit-bu-cb, -eceuty, witb Ibat viev. Ttoy passed îbi-ougb Staiaftville sud found h tat be a vet-y busy place. Ibcy sav there the gasolime engine at vork, vtich requires no fi-e or stesa ta rua it and t-an te madie ta rua lunleas han aiR a miute Mr Edwin Letcher, Lindsay, vas in town hast Tuesday. Mr. Ed. Mebarry, from tthel'4ortuwest, la borne on a visit. Mrs Jas Bavinan left on Tuesday mor-uing for ber uev tome lu tue uorttvest. Dled. ln tte 151 cou ai Reacb, on ttc 5tt inst., thc infant daugbter ai Wm Cook. Mr sud Mrs John Reid, ai Wbiîby, vere visiîiag Mrs Reid*s par-enta last Saturtday sud Suuday.ý Philip Foy, a for-mer reuideut ai Port Perry. was lu lava hast Friday sud met vitb A large number ai ttc Sans of Temper. snce division sttcndcd thc open division at Seagrave hast Ft-tday evening. The tovu looks vcry pretitsl u eafy nantitof Jutue. No malter frot wht dire. lion ance1pproacs the tavu h looksu lîke a beautitul for-est. Visitors ail say Part P'erry is anc ai thc preuticat iuland lavas iu Can-. sda, sud il veil deserves tue cane. On the mot-ing ai ttheî6M inst., every boat sud canoe vili te lu use; tuaI la the day wtcn zuakinonge fislilng le ahlowed,' Sever-al parties froar a distance, liaidlsg severai Americaus, have sent ýword té> bave oats, fistiug tackle aud guides lu readlness viten tbey -arrive. Solier Boys Corporal H PLucas, ofCo" *-aNy io-t1 seecrted tue followlng to Somprn"-biss-- panytegotoNagart cSnMp.,vlz-.IA p4t, ray, i J*M esosi,I AQ ua ~ e b ~ l Briest. . 'bouse sud ail for $30. This la a barga-in sud abauld find a ready pur-chaser by June i6tb, the day trolliug commences. A large umber of the young people ai the lova vcre at the carly mar-niug traini ta sec thc soidier baya ieavc for camp. Whea the i11. 25 farenoan train arrived at the station the long platfor-m vas crovded by aid sud youug ta see the car loads ai volun- terraho ere going ta camp. Cl. Pater- sou looked every luch*a military man as be passed thraugh lava ou bis vay ta loin the volunteers. The boys expect ta camne back iooking like Nortb American Indians lu calor, aud appetites sa sharp that a" aue ex- pressrd la, "I can cal baise nails." WeIl dcserved honora Dr. Herbert A Bruce, sou ai aur lovas- man, Mr Stewart Bruce, vho for three years past ha, been ia the beat medicai bospitals of the Eurapeau continent sud wba passrd viîh houars, bas bea appoinîrd professor ai surgery lu Toro>nto university. This speaks bîghiy far aur former yauug cit'xen, aud is a veil deser-ved bonor ta be given ta a Canadian. Dr. Bruce is expected ta ar- rive hme on Sunday. Last Friday's Mail- Empire reads that another af aur yaung men, John W Crozier, bas passrd bis first year ilawtat iOsgoodr hall. jubilee Excursion' Port Perry uivision Sons af Temperauce wilI bave an ext-ut aln on jubie day, June 22nd, ta Lindsay. The Jubiler celebration ait Lindsay wili be the brst lu the Midiand district. Tbe Y.M.C.A. have pepar-ed a grand programme af bicycle races, basebali and football matches, baud competition and field sports. Over 8300 la prixes viii be gîven. The commodious steamer Crandella bas bren engaged and a pleasant day's out- ing mav be expecird. The steamer viii leave Port Perry dock at 7 o'ciock, a.m. - sharp; Hodas ladig 8 'clock, arrivig at Lidsay about 10.30 ;ieaviug 5.45 p.m., sharp, givnz excursionists seven hours at Lindsay ta enjov the day's sports. Tickets, 5 Cov ber-ding 1Since the t-av vas kilird an the tr-ack last yweek mauy af those vho ovu cava have to-o tsiderrd the quesýtion of(eugaging s good mai c ta berd the covvs, sud watt-h the cr-ossiugs at t-sin ime. It vas lhougbî by est-h oaur ov îug a t-w avpying len cents a werk fer rat-i cthiat a r-cable petsou -ould e egaged, and as there are about fity milch cava in lova it vouid psy sut-h a pet-sou ver-y wun tbrougb the sesson. Let those vho havi cows give Ibeir naine ta Mr. W. Marsalal and steps viii soou te lakea ta engage a ins. If uthing ta doe the G.T.R. mnay compel persans ovaing cova la keep theix ioff he roadide aitagether. This vouid be a source of trouble ta rnany as good paatut-c cannai be set-ar-d canvenient ta the lava. The pastur-e on the roadaide. la good. Let steps te takrea ta have a meeting lu the lava ball vher-e the matter t-su te talked avtr sud ail arrangements made ta berd the cous. Il ua, e shah brear- ai other cava beig killedl brire the season is ver. The transfer It seenis that Mr. Pstr did ual succeed at thr lit-ruse cammissianers' meeting Ibis veek irn aving the licanse ron M. Williams ttansferred ta himel. Tiis is ardly fait. Mr. Parr s a recrt camer ta lav, sd la the course ai business e bought te liquor sd shop business r-am Mr. Williams. The comminssioners alovd Ial Port Pet-ty as raîiîled toa s hop liceuse. - Mr-. Williams bad s rigbî ta selI is business ta vbhom e likd, so long as the pur-t-aser as a proper busi- ness man. Mr. Parrt la sminuoa meas, av- ing carried ou business ta Blackstock for some years. We have a lites. la, snd as long as suth a isv la lu force we must ave licanses. There la no use ofa aan or a ev incatinkig îby can tbwar-î suth a 15v or prevet a hp licanse ram being co- dutted lu tiia ov. Sut- b ing the case the commissioners sbuld tranfer ttc sop licanse ta Mr. Pari- sud alov hm ttc privi- lege ai soiag ta te public vitrîer e itaa capable persn ai conducting a sop licanse. I arn credibly iformed tat as scon as Mr. Parrt tk possession b. gave strict and posi- tive orders tat no nc shuld e allovd to drink liquor by ttc glass ou te premises. This dfitisef sbas Iat Mr. Parr intends ta confor t lathe icter and spirit ai thc la. W. J. NOTTr. Worth Knouwing 8ometimeq&m.., Tat our prices are 25 ta 40 Per cent. ceap- er than any ther undertaker in this dis- trict. Tat we ave the Best Hearse, and the fin- est Casket Wagon and Casket Sleigh in tbis couty. That we couduct funerals witb decoruin. That we take more pains with ur work than do the majority of Undertakers. That we use kid and lise gloves lnstead ef cbeap cottoý gloves. That we use appropriate door and ar drapes, fine floor rugs, beautiful pedes- tas aud draperies in black or white. That we deliver al Caskets and Cofns lu aur Casket Wagon orCasket Slelgh. That we give every order out personal and prompt attention. W . J. NOTTI, MAAGEL Port Perry, - o Part Pope 'Gi Oic- id. :-Thcre wi tissu- ohansia 1, FRESH GROUND IJELLEBORE.ý -o- PURE PA RIS GREEN@ -G-- Pure Insect Powder. Ohurche's Insee t Powder . 1 N Hortop and Frnk Hanson bave indulged ln a pony each fruin Mifler's assariment A" thougb oniy sinailtbeV daim ta be speedy and easily managed. We understand tbe new library in the Sunday schoal i, nov an band sadell be doly disiri- buîed in the near future. We suppose the offi- ciais are daîng what they can to aiethke echoal attractive. W F joues, ai Balsain, la arouud acting as agent for tho Decriug firin af manufacturera an the other side. VWm. ciaims he eau sell you a binder superior ta ail Canadian maires, also most auy ather kind ai faim impiements at the iowest living profits. Many ai aur fariners soid Young catie for the Amerlcau market for grazing purposes. Meusrs. Walter and Rayai Rogers, J W Stephenson, Jos Stephensan, los Tripp and athers were amang the coutributors. Ile sam e ere shipped from Wbiitby au Tuesday. Wbule Mr E A MeBrien's twa youngest boys vote playing in the yard one wba had the chop- ping axe in band bad lte miafartune by accident ta cut three fingers off aithet first joint ou thc band ai his brother. Dr Moare dressed the band aud the Uitie sufferer la doing uioely- Mr Wagouer bas completed Mr Ina Rodd's nov market wagon, and it is an excellent woelce indeed, built af thc test material sud latest and test style af construction and painted up fit to kil. Mr Wagone and bis staff af warkman eau give you an excellent job ln mast any Uine. The beavy tains af laie bas made the land ai- m<ffî impassible ta work upon. many af tte farin- era are found almost idîs waitig for'% change In the weatber. We imagines tbat e'er another monthbuha rolled by the cry, wili be thie reverse, tao mucb dry veaubes, as ane ettrme gnrly folio., tbe other. gnrly Collector, vere aut on Mouday lasitbrough tbe heavy f fai i ntrying ta secure. tii.defici- eucy stili due the paster af ibe circuit; ve are pleascd ta bear of the succeas that attendeti their efforts. Baine dissatlslacto seema ta cxist with saine of the eburci adiierents but osesaud a igrec that R1ev. McDanald's full salazy sbauld te fully rWeuad d e hope h vil! te catirely paid up. Remember the lava social given undes the auspices of "t metbodlst churce, lune z6th, at the residence oci Mr S Mackey. Ttc Cbaremnt bras, tand vii provide mnsWc Several elocu-. tlonlsts frotu s distance are expected. A snimp. mostuw b dby the ladies off the C o n r e a t i n .b y r e s id e u t m n i s t e r s . Admission a" sud! z5oProccedsisnm aid of cburclifond, RESIDENCE FOR SALE$' 1 s-n1 redto_ iras In Buik and 10c. Tins. A. H. ALLIN, 1Ros. Mis G Goodiellov ai Nev York, la visîing at Mr Wm Spencer' a. Master Walter Smith is quit. sick again and under the care ai Dr Archer. Mr Wm McClintock Sr. had a large attru- dance at bis barn raisîag iast Friday aiter- naon. Mr- Heur-y Lock speut a 1ev days ai last vrrk visitiug bis daugbîer, Mrs Stouehouse, St Scarboro. Misa Jessie Bell, sud Miss Fia Richards, ai Uxbridge, vere visitiag iast verk at Mr Thos Grabam's. Mrs Gea Hoîboru sud daugbîcr, ai, East Gviiieusbury, vas visitiug ber-e ist veek vitb Mis C Thompson. Mr John Muara. ai Pittsburg, was visitiag ber. iaat veek wlîb bis parents. He retura- ed ta Pittsburg on Moaday. Misa Lottir Daulels, vbo bas speut the st year vith ber suat in Battîr Creek, returued ta ber home ber. st vcck. Mrs W C Heard ai Epsom, is bere attend- ir.g the aick-bed ai ber daugbîrr, Mis R N Evera. Wr ar-r pieasad ta lest-n that Mrs Ewers îs lmpraving. Mt- R Hoibur ai East Gvillrnsbury vas viaitiug brrr Suuday vilh Mis C Tbampsou. He retururd ou Monday, takiug Mr-s Thom- paon haine vith hlm, for a visit Mr sud Mia D J McLean rrturned fiom their vedding trip ou Friday eveuiug iast. Thev sprat the greater patt cf their lime lu Muakoka. Ail join iu. vishing Mr sud Mia McLeaa a vcry happy sud prosperaus mar- rird 111e, The Sans ai Temperauce divison bas ual met for some 1ev veeka. Visitiug membrs from sister divisions are dissapoinîrd upon coming here sud finding no meeting. Wr hope the members may tbink ai tbe matter, sud makre a great effort ta camne out evrry Friday night. P. C. G RxHA x. ]KINSALEC Mis Gibson la atili quite poorly. Mrs Chas Mackey is visitiug fiends iu Eufld. Mr John Lavton bas changed baises again vith a Colymbus mn. Mr Hailiday, af Brooklil, attended aur Sun- day afternuou service bere, Mr Frank Hatcb. ai Wbitby, visited friends; ln this vicinitycearly ibis vrek. J W Salton affitcaîrd bere ou Sabbatb Last. Mr Buntiug not being atle ta attend. Mr Fred Rcsger sud Misa Fia Noble viaited finds on the front road on Sabbatt la.st. Mrs Stephens la quite unvel ai late. Dr Star-r bas hope. ai ber recovery. Peter stl continues bis milk route ta the Greeuvaod creanaery. Mr Ward, af Gr-ernvood, took ehargeoaitbe beague ber-e on Weduesday nigbt, and pleased s (j j il nn à 1 Ki r %ai r% 8 rmrgrr-@%O% 1 - cen t n Lt b- h 1 , n il e L t f 1 )nt.

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