Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1897, p. 6

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Uhooky 'Woni The Daey. an kiss the fiddle an call k his child. The ]%«ruia o eig bu win h He mwore ter it he didn't mean ter part (Jars of GotPeng id th The sun shone, but a raw, nipping with it an asked lit.s pardon fer whut Sez Ckora Madden ta private McFadden: Cr fGoigBrs 'wan blw i frni he ive. Terehe'd had ter do. He would have bit "edadYer a b.d 'un i back again. shore's hee1iiver.fer he Nov tiuru ouyour tceslW nyorougtkesec e2 ,wu nof0 of thaw, save upon thebc gisoesh iefrhe Ver bell li unhookit, hnyu on uky eon 30uthe l egsothdeprtinhe loved it moren ail the world besides. Ver CaP lB 0on croekit, months old, two meals a day are suffi- stebrlegs the deept rus i The Then he begged Easton ter go back Y e rnay DO(tbe dbrunk, cient for food. A breakfast of table dsreftteoe thsesrt he. Thleit with him An carry the fiddle, so as ter But. b. j.'bbers, ye look li scraps, softened with bot skimmilk, is bringhim uck.Wan-two 1 wuooheof ir'too wa dnese rte , albith rn hmlc.Wan-îwo i admirable, and for supper a generous vsthefs lstMonday f in narwih a Easton he went, an shore 'nough Ye nsonkey-taced divil, l'il jolly ye through' quantity of grain-say wheat and In- lahe rt ae ocrn fi hc the Frenchmnan won the first turn. As wan-swo1 dian corn, fed alternately. They can lag atof the county felt the live- the second begun it loaked like his Ve ime! Mark ,gto itotetafedn tti ]iest interest. eyes t1z glued ter the bail. Toward Y ac ateezl nCnhrlPrk get wnen thtexthaeernd t tke The eager onlookers had lounged in- gwe thyavlardtoaka side. Now they stood in gossîping t he last it begun ter roll slow, so slow Sez Corporal Madden to Private McFadden wide range and forage for themnselves, grusabout the big, red bot stove. It ye jest bar'ly see it move. Seemed "A saint it ud sudden bteprec rvsta oiss groups ~~~~~~like it wanted ta stop on bis color an To drill such a mug! u xe1nepovsta oiss wanedstllhaf n hurof12 te . Eves front -ýye bao . e fed make much more rapid growth, wtied setilo lesf n ou ain nt the could'nt somehow manage ter do ItL Chin up !-ye gossoon, ye' keep healthier aud develop into larger1 time asetfrucsal asegn Unlv thet He wuz bettin stili an the black, Yevejaws like a goal- and handsomer mature birds. But hourhad truk itwas nlielv hatWhen the bail crope aveu an hit so Hait. y. teather.tipped 1001. yC aecr ott edt rpein n ihose most intimately concerned wvould slow an easy ye saw it couîdn't git off Wan-two 1 sce thart t oo ff into te feids and show thow their faces: sa there svas fno 11Wnt hse htte oofiotefed n restraint in the speech that ran about he flung up bis hands an feul back, dead Vs whiskpred orang outang, t,îî fix you woodlands puomptly after breakfast. tiie room, ~~~as er door nail. Wben the doctor Wan-two! obls rvln as fmr "Hît erplom shme. eiter ocme, he sa'd the Frcncbman's hcart lime !Miak! Dutesapeaet as fmu "Ilt's r pumb hame nethermo' 'Ve've eyes like a bai !--cari ye see in the dark tait amang pool ts at thîs age ih ner iess. I'd say that ef 1 waz gonta u ek ntestanhdbe be traced ta their being'àîîawed ta lin- be hotfo it - tllthi aidmn much fer him. Sez Corporal Madden to Private McFadden gri h olr adadaoth bsa foitataî, tîniegbngeardedman 'Then Eastan he taok whut the fel- 'Vtr iRger wants paddn-- .barns inde stlesyard ndaboimuethe l r h d w n a h t h ' o r e o ' S u re m a , ye've 12o shape bs a d t b e . r n ig1m u e sd ou t ik he îd tîe îgtesae1rhdwo nwu edbrydo Behtnd ye yer shou:deua stagnant wateu and eating tbings nat dao akîk s e poe.him and had h*m buruîed décent, er -Sck oui like two bow1ders intended far them. Feed them out i neighbo r edit vely.Fie wasrnd btau dîdn't pear'ter be no bod%' else t er Ver shins lis as thîn tefedawyfoiierpoty n negbrnedaiey lewsrudsee wbut became o' bim. \hen that As a pair of penholdeus shew tfiem th way o thera p!rindr unctuausness, wîtb a big haak nase \eWan-i*o !shwtim heayta pgOa standing out aver a huge double chn vzdnhecm npnhome wth 1îronning braak for their drinking water. te e' eweto,-n*the firlie unrier bi s arm. the cniv mor- Ver belongs on yer back, ye lew In the carly morning thcy shold 'skeem er me e cwent an "m ta I thing be h ad ter show er ail he'd Warî-rwo aeatmporthmadwsea îeerjdmn. ccan dnscitaak crwa,."- lime !Mark otams nlnlk odesmrh Easton Clark hl a a'paîd's tmach ten- '.P(),oéieleilcu He woan .t have i' m dhry as a dog-1 oai tsbpake, but 1 bark t1tmcee te"edv t~tî opulPiaetkarapoe h naos per tion ter bis faum as he doue ter that ezMddnt lFdri ng. and atter fiiing their crops neariv, thr îdî ledna benwhr be harded mmn said, winking hîs eveS «"M\e heaut it ud gladden seek the water and shade near mîidday. "'au're right. Birother l'eînish. lie bard. Then leaning acrass ta the YT»'egt'o biske vereve Atter resting and dazing tili the coo -oiiidn't now, shore,' s.ud a third. asn(er'look" Sav, lixbv. giseo ac Cap e asoî y-.fternaon. thce' agaîn go on a grass mu look at M anvt atrctin\arg'ret. want ve? She's 'lis hait! thai J Say- happer but until t'me ta tomn home- li ansr.rand a n wthaddtrat n cm thdle an no mîstake. I'd know the Wîîilve heed ahai 1 îa.d ye ward ait sd'w.Tuky fln coshsam -svu s;ound abher cf she wos plavîn with 2War-tso ;happer trne want vers' little feeding at C( hitîeng ar s e islaum. As t 1 ()others. 'Taîn't selood but meller a> Be >abbeus. 1 m dhryer than Bria Rru nîgbt, thoogh t s bes't ta affer thcm a ci thik o EatonCiâk. run upasllarvt'st oppies. an carries so ye kin Wan îwo hnflo ria ttmt hmt thin a Esta Clak. bungup a .Chear it at th(- yard gate mighty ,sghaa s Taurk1 for cikeassotlrielr aehg wuz in the nortore. an admonition o n Wh a 's ,u .f rc, on orne at evenî*ng the Lard, flddlin thc'ic 5o vears fer we il as y'ou can On the peazzo. i uster enisPrtfrhelk: Ta]] perches or big trees they sbould Bi cvery dance in ten miles round an ual alwass ould tell when I rade past thar '-ýz (orporal Maddea ta Prieste NlIcFadden have for roosting places, and, except b: baw thîngs wzgnwihte derb l'lnD oaoes ike you, fooznogaine% wither-thetferajere1 bsid .ay 5 ieyo n xrcmely cold so.' rslyBi fo îamoetnitcuîstfe yaethe way he played. Et he wuz felin Iitae ofîhr ethr hyaebs u tdor s.ee lave o' the saund Ttaenoath wahr hyaebsouofor. '*H-m-m' 1 reckon e hink 1,a lly. bad sold bis terbacker fer er- 1'm dvîn' fr-ahr The white torkeys are cansidereri woldn't *a' been no sin cf NMuier Clark nîuhtrsthm squar witb the ware- Corne on. if ye ilk- adyslibet'A had took nmaney fer it andl give the bouse and the sto' keeiLr, oVCr ea uarîber bnad'sath blone.torb maa-trm Cc he'a asasou. homee as the bronz-e bn g gentier and mancy ter hclp yc an ycr tracts, Broth-beudatloi'TeAknwTr. Whaî, îo mare docile in nature. They are smnaller BO e akr-sia lyong feilaw ePhr an 'To)m Meri1weatbcr.' an 'HenrN Anid ve'Il pav the potheeri however, and it is thought that wbit wbo stood a little aside wîth bis hands ilpstnunec au' nsechlîe Y\'re ad-sy, burrgenerallv are more dict u inhi ocethi hi tppdb tkones.Bot cf be wuz befet as'er thing b;tlb ,Mark 1diflcult to rea r. dlct n bis head, bis springv. well baoted fcet h ad ' a aes, er the corn wuz aut The Rigîrnenis El t tîhered to 0-U YE,, me spark ~v se settosyi h is acn an no maney ta boy ma', 'cmmnas' be -Robt. '4. Chambers. IGnaoy setostttio usn.n hefrs dncngbd seen 'Lîzabctb tornin and patchin Gnaoy l A iueBuothar Barkem eycd him ber aie frocks, that wuz fit fer the rag- b b *- An mowintienctebbe u n ag-whv. thon I telli i'c. Margret les (..ueen Victoria, vwh aa arn in Ken. in ranîg ilnc. he bok at îailcd aut>13 Ilv în the Lass rrGundsIS, De r îgtnPlae a h dnberadoil hîs cracked, higb kcycd pulpît voicc: er some cm tberi ioie tntîm apmcon~cîdni'Palae,. Dute daf Ker nd omîhO "Rabert Lompkin. yc speak as an ecm encido dad ui Kn, ortB; lues that sonds lîke er aost cbîld crs-- son of George 111- Heu mother waa Mjc' nat basin understandin, anc vît in the in frismmm' tria Lousia, the tauutb dauizbteu ai'f gall a' oîttcrness, the bonds o' îniqoitý - fer ifliriî C Fuanci%, Doke ai' Saxe-Coburg Sealfeid -it the trcotb îs the îreutb a Many' Urnes this somrmer I se rtcid~adaae i epodIKn tteBl~ made me mad ter sec Laston Clark b' a r tcmg i est ter kecp trun giana. The Queen married Franct8 AI. P heamin the oie gai. \Majer's gat cm go Cot=on * 1fie-tre etAgutaCalaEmnePic lettîn ye sinners dance witblout pavîn Mwetcebead, eibowCharlesI lav besPrgot thefidlerwhe hecoud Jestas asvwhie hadelbw ýit.1 ly h's 0tacconpanied by Ioss of energy, at Sîîxe-Cohumg-Gatha, second sonn af the g ot $ 3 a n îg h t ta h e îp sp rea d ab ro ad m W s t sf c i n o u r t é u d e D k f S a x e C o h o u .CG th a . Q u eV i c thc puore gawspiî." dollars he give fer Magret than aut er Iack of tog r wer, mean.s taris ils lineaiiy deacetided ftrmEgbeuîr "Wcll. l'm shore the aid maier wunz thrmny htevrb pet C eficient SUpp1 f flOUriShl- Kîig out he Angla-Saxans (800.836) libéral cunaugb. So lnng as bc had That's wbat makes me wander sa that mS t h S freiS1 (mtin h Noias e on ( noney he gîs'c$:? a s'ear ter every %Cs'orbd gîve Bige Prrtcr a lien aun ne1a qu on t Henry Il. 115,-4), whbas nmother w&8 the church in hearin af i' d.tbough bch r. Id 'a' thought bc'd 'mast as sainI s' sion fmuce vn ite of Geoffrey Piantagenent, Maoud'q dîidn't bclong ter none ot 'cm,' 'auggî'chim ncnean 'Lîzabcth." siner, but 0f resistance and mnother was Matilda. vite ni' Henry 1. ai Lumpkin saîd with spirit. Bige tbaught bit' mauuted ter a3d1.£xnce At any age but Engîand (1100). Matda's maîher was J. Befare the uinister cauld rcplv thebotteam-aswbbcozs s 2l' '"h nv v Margaret, vite ut Malcolnm IL of Seat. tali man wha ha»d ske first broke kecu atter it, 1 reckon," said a îoong- esP tfin ouhftit oles land (1057). Margauet'a father va.s in: "Weil, I'm soury fer the major, îng fcilow in a soit of patcbed jeans the risk 0f Iung disease. L<>S Prince Fdward, son of Edrnond (1016>. O0f who had bitherto been silent. He had of fleshan a og ardU, KgEmu wsteonfElird tbougb maybe it's bis own fault. kew .salccsstodra a .dacuf ret'atKniEmmdvstesnu îîie wold't donc wheo mendid-borrowcd grîzz.ed aie and skitnd aimathost ta - igm(1014), andi Ethelred ai'Edgar (9.58), Ed wuD a onts e lik e dmnin bis seses e ar n ki ane los gar of Edmund (940), Edmund Ot Ed yard $5,oo o mogidg te pu intr e th bronnes o hisga-mens, he EIder (901), he ut Aii'red ut Ethel. p~ atn m ug dgft r porî e ma kth- e o w s s of1 bis ar mw ents il th is o f (83") and E th e ivo f o b, ( 2 patntfermain aa auwnnotin e'e wsec. I wuz t,ha wen althî uoon.r I.th înageneta cou Phi the felîcu that gat bit-that ther o-yccwo -apnn.0ewn 1 tinue ta the Tudors. Henry VIIL de. OIÈ lick ut Gcrgy-be woz cu slick anc ter At the majer's, I mean, thar wîth sâmi scended fromn John oif Gaunt. fourth son b tl.Itell ye. He taok the majer in that feller trom op no'tb, that come t of Edvard 111. (2326), anti he married Dei slick as er gouge. Maers 50 boncst dow n yere a bi1rd huntin, an got me te, of Cod-lver OTwfth the fi o Eiaeha ok duhe fEwr t -îselihe eve duampcnoterkau-art 1-sowhirrond. Weaa- cd.ho.hf. emees teseca E izabeth of. Hry Ve-s- au2 ter, betb. Seema like the Clark stock bas neitbeu reflrsed nor sober. Thr sno "Ianachr"a.relo inha by uslng 8.8.8 ter skip every other gineration. When ground whatever fou believing that the tired feeling tone of voice which one Easton corne ter be 2o, the oie man he Ne eln oa s iess sensible of doesn't alwsys have to know Brooklyn No other rernedy possesses sncb iper- mi give 'lm ail the crap tbey'd made that the grave responsibilities ai' the ballot, women to hear. fect cleansing, healmng a.nd *jf » and year on the plantation an built him er or less eager ta puuify public life, or "Be seated, madani," oxclaioeed thoeproperties as BurdockE BloodBityers and flatboat ter carry bit down ter Oleans raise the standard of morals, than ber chivalrous clerk, whirling tho chair around Itnot only cleanSes internaily, but kt Ad<: a-tuadin. As ter wbut Easton donc sîsters in Canada. Whatever may be for ber wit.b sucli a hurat of politenosa hal, wben appfied externally, al wit itnobdydid't evu rghtkn w wman's claimi to freedam and equai- that ho quit. forgot his business, sores ulcers, absicesses, scrofuious sores He tells that he got good money outen îty, we mnust conclude, therefore, that '1I mean I wanrt t bu>' one," ah. ex- blotche, endpur, ec. esavin te .1 the stuif. Then he got ter thinkin ~hse will flot seriously modity the will pWued.sinda n rr sa aes ta'n't nuff lielye ter e in h ew of tbe men at tho poils. So mucb bas "O0h. I beg your pardon," ho said. Taken interil>' t rernoves alrnorbid been'tsnideof ber interes£ iandhwiîîto "M.ay I1ask what kind madam?¶" effée.or waste rnater froin the ss'tem, Mai no ma' in bis lifetime, sa be sot in teuretkaaleta hse "The kind you have not got ip the SOd the elhy rglte the sorans jeestuh t oslie smoke. 'Tw an' t eî'îe e ink be aia ie-ta hale store, l'Il bet a Slie. " Oc terestorungth sorc, se'ge h acs i' it smel. Ye ay ' proy he rin w adsppitenliver, bowels and blood to healthy t o c w o h v e n p o o i g w r a n " B u t v e a ug e t in , m a d a în , if v o d o a c i o L & so mgbty long befo' ho i'ound ho bad aoewohv enpooigvra not have 1£ inu stock." on t jest or bundred dollars loi" in bis pocluet suffrage as an aid ta the warfare "Yon can't, *either, I'rn ainosu sure." 't an told bisseli' he'd better walk hoe against intemperance. la wiIl be a re- "iNew designa are constantl> on tiie 50 a to hae aat mch er howbislief to those wbo bave had grave fear market, rnsdam, sud surely ecnap gran'sir. wofdai the increase oi the number of p!y su>' demnd ruade upon us.' "As îuk ou b ave it, through vtrwh ee heddinof pub-111t"ou £hin.k so, <doyen?'ie as4ed M . M. i h"at very nigbho stepped insideone lic questions ta the court of sentiment if ah. had been £0 147 furnitUMn. stores er themn gamblin bouses, an thar ho and passion, and not to hat of reason. that morning oui>' to, e disappoiâi,aitFO BTj, Y saw er little yaller old Frericbman eaoh place. 'lWeo», arrbave Ro~ ot-OR AJJ a-playin roultte like he wuz posessed. 0* 9 le D*g go a* l* * * *Ob* ac ofrt tbbtl-as o ff--a a in the . Y Every ti e he laid on the black an fer 0 bsa t k of iii th v ii to a spinga u o the ... ..1 a erwhile hc jes' raked in the maney. e 7? ell fJ!TISith at vilI how mynotgasn" n eu f'ghix r But bis luck couldu't last. Soon he'd *thaiuo fe a ntgforeseeouiChemist and ci Dxýgis. rok tre he' wo anai hehadbesde. -dZZ ù~to go borne bfeorslq'ç14at lgitti, so' Tise Iost a]h ' naIl rndb si e . - z n gO y daugte; *hst hqM to liip w!Ïtlr tii.BY Thon hc ju.mps up like er crazy man anlehuw6kadokn'orirb ", ays ter Easton that bad Leen standin b les' * heowak ud cooking fhae au bodI- h» behind whar he sot; 'Sir, y. look pila egti hyepett ottf brt oesai i uuwv-opnp~! > - lui an honest. Lend nie nowý, I do beg ** If jeu hare a chair like that, just olaft îth' on tms -t1014id t0 o t , S o. I niake ye ah sui e of it, u p r gi wma>'. - U %e u y i é a g ri é r t e -d 'two, three times ovair. Den, sihenIAnihag u ryigjo pla f» stm4:A -J.sve it,çwhy. I break dis bank, dat eè*e i; snpen ojo. *des» -r I I, é*o« 'wilein rme.'r Up ta date the,,sutvo and #pré eg. fo ",W.eIl , Eastou he triel*. ter .;eason tman h»asDut been bu. .êoiau PPIy t >deý 0fA5;t witb W0U jmnI' "ýwith the üýh ' an ffredIër ive hiim * uad1 mbîWis bouse girjsfo0 '$44hd Sui cis"ter qu »Iripipbut ' a aWffled. y, auOria' by al vot jhat wuz no gg, and the ups ô t, ait Wl ecWil thepMs- "wtrz that l*Wènt wùh the fmeh fel. *~tiGI 'lier ter !s-omsthy-wuz doseA byI- *1et IlAà ' itb t, nk- tisai'heMlle » hav th unobu, Sakin tW3' ~He dinet ,gau Marg4r ét t ' Se idiave "*-* 1: tai~ ~#. .~ 4 t piful *Asauw g-à g'ret C&têehrzof th AFTER TEN VEARS SUFI rwo ]Box O'.n MILVEIrTON, 28TH rJI Gentiemren -For the last ton been troubieâ with kidney dis so had at iutervals that lu be-d at rîight nor stoop to the gr I had tried althbe ren'.edles arithout elTect, but heard of E nrPillsand procured a boL. am Mst appytoSay It i sake as w.-ll av, for others tuba Lcct1.y cured aLLter uaing; four bo, JOHN JOHN E. FAREWELL, Barriater, Couiity Crcwn Att( Oüunty Solicitor. Office-Sauti ourt Houl§e, %4 hitby. JAMES MUTLEDGý 3arrister, etc. Office f ormerly )y Farewell & Rutledge, next R rock St., W thîtby. DAVID ORMISTON, B ttortey-at-Law, Solicitor in aonveyancer, etc. Office -In outh af the Poat Office, in ilock, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL arriater, etc ,-Money ta Loi ,f Marriage Licensea. Office iaock, South aofIMarket, B, ock Si DOW & Mc(GiLLlVRý ýarriatera, Solicitors in Char ffice in Mathisan & Hawkena' ýrock St., 'ýN hitby, aouth ai Onta W. E. YARNÃ"LD, D.J lunty Surveyer and Drainage ,rt Perry, Ont. )rs Warren d A J. Moore, M. D., F. Warr Brookio. Wli fce hours 9. a. M. Offce hc to 11a.n. toM gr- Prx'vale TelePhonle Comv D. P. BOGART, .D.,] .ysicani, Surgeon and Accoti ace and Reaidence next toà burch, Dundas Street, Whitby. ental Surgery in ahl ita branches ,ended ta. V. A DAMS, CýýDEN] Domsa aver John Fergnson's cdott aidence-No. i, The Terrace, Vhitby. Jan. 29th, 1896. )r. Ml. wigntmanjmlo uàe DENTIS T. rer GroS ig aagero. Whtby. Ký Open ever>' Saturda>' niglit. MH NEW Wz=o PPMEF, Auguat 318st r893- WANTED ____________ den and Women wbo can work bard talking 1wriung six hours daily for six dayâ a we, FatiaadBI8adBee 1wil1 b. content wîîb tan do.ilas weekiy . oeing Sl./SndEVC6 NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford. Ont. A fullline of the latest varities of Sweet _________________________Peas ln 12 separaie kinds. 'Narned Tuber- us Begonias, in-all colols frosa pureWbite ,FE-I N SU RAN CE. toDark, Pink, Orange, etcî_&mn4bo_ U. bulbe. ec ag %nu±acturers' Life & Accident GEO. BURCHE.TT, -Porist. Insurance Co., Toronto. Api8,8g.bfy 3«~eu£ Capital Stock Lits Insxu"noe Vo.GCIH A S. SCOTT te continent. Nivety per cenu ~*1a1S C ' usulatiois i:£surplus is returned to Ihe Cy -holderL AUil aims are idwi ct AUCTIONEER; WHiTïBZ ONT. y ordiscount on proetof cfduathor ~ uesgibegs e usonc Ibt ihe mrt fendowment hAs tùen ot îa ien e r sailoé 'andtmc trlt of J. B. PO'WZE4LL, viiibe thpfloue#orfas am fta >. ltDS 98L AtHPUL bitb. ov 85 men. or Women ttýraye r r _______________ Wsie establibhed, house lu nOn~taro.- sesJNO. N-OBLE,- ioso felf adeistemeîéôe alttIin<i 0f TIi.Dlvi.!on courts. OUXTY F ONTAIUO 1896 WmTzie-D. C. Macdoel Witby Clerk Jan 3; Feb. 3; M arch 8; Oct l2; ÏN.1v2; Jane 2: Juy 7 Bop. 2i t.2,tv Dec. 2. 051sa-D. C. Macdonol, Whitb>, Oerk ; Jan. 4; eb. 4; Mmmcli 4; àpril 8; Msay 4; SJune a;ju.y 8; ep. 3; Oct. 8 ; No. 4 ; Dec. 8, LB BOtJRAN M.GleesosiGreenwood, C erk.- Jon 6; M aro liS, M a> i J l ' Ee.4 NOV.:5. j. W. uil, Port July 20; Sep. 28; lNov. 18. ' F E R I N G U K B B t o sD G . . J s e p B . Qo u l d 1 T j b r i d g e , IFERINO Clerk-Jn' 3; lvrch 24; May 9th; JUly 14; Oct 14 ; Doc. 1L. C,&NIN TOI- G8 Tg6 SmUit., C n uirgton, re jan. 31; M ar h 2b; Ms>' 20; Jisi>'lb; ct. PuI.'!, 189M 15; Dec. 17. years 1 had BEAvZIToN-Geo F. Bruce, Beaverton, se, being Clerk-~March 26; Mlay 21; Juy 16 ; Oct. 16; Id not lie [n Doc. 18. 1 cold fnd Clerk,-March 27; May' 22; luy 17 ; Oct. 17 EDodd's Kid- Dec 19. By order, for my own J. E. FAREWELL, ,t I am per. Clerk olthe Peace. D X e-% Octohel' 7th 1895. AGENTS f,0L -e, 1 have ever see,' writes Lord Lorne, about Queen Victoria" 'Sales unpecedened. Fasy tu make ise dollars dsily. Btg commission. ______Outfil free te canvasscrs _______ THE BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., ,ý Q. C, ' oroni o. torine>, and hI V'iîng aofîlANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFUL - WV Men or Woren ta travel for e spohible established bouse in Ontario. Salay $780, payable Si5 weekly and ex- ýy occupied penses. Position permanent. eference. ïoyal Hotel, Enclose self-addressed stamped entelpe. The National, Star Building. Chicago.-17-8. 3. A., SChancery, Q E > a s the Office McMillan's DENTISI. - ~ Cor. King & Yongo S3t. Toronto. Le B., an. Igeuer For thse neit three months I amn giving '- Soith'a pecial attentionl ta patients rm a disi- t., Whitby, tance. A=n atîli xaking plates in rubber, - $e, celluloid tlO. Gold and silver filling ýAY, ork crowning by 6.at'lase operators st thse most reaanable rates in the cit>'. ncery, etc. When in the city callin and let me exam.- new block ine your teetis. I make ne extra charge. ario bank. C. J. RIGOS, Dentast,gcflth east corner -____ King and YoDge Sts., Toronto. L. Nov. 8th. 1892. )Engineer,W uH A N R COAL, kfooret k LATH, 'eo, M. D. .itby. : CORDWOOD, ýours 11 a.Mn BLÂBS, ETC. usnwcaisosAGENT L.D.S.For the PEOPLE'S :'hr t.COAL CO., TORONTO. Ail Saint's N. B.- Office and Yard js ato pramtly Uptown Station. Wh71tb-yi Oct. 25t, 1894. On the sme night sommoe bro the cheeae-fatory ; it i8smuppoaod the smre gang. Mr Evan Morris 0f Holt, whiîu ing on the barn beloniging tor Evana, wua killed on Friday luat ing 36 feot. This if one of th :ebocking thinga tibat has bs around borii for smre tirne. The 'vas heId -Sunday luat, whieh wa aytoend.d b>' the people of the diing ooLintiry. GOODWOO0». MrSPOtiweIia moving to -ville t1bie wèik. 41 r P Lavery i .PpyrMr, Oftwelps bouse. id- vats ana siater ef Cla We injg friwda bore on Sun, Re.. Wýit-ltbeh onaW.ed --m he- 'à huroh lut Sut S* r ois. I inr"hd the Mi (1DO You Use 1 It's the best thing fi lhair under ail circumst J ust as no man by 1 thought can add an iir his stature, so no prepa eau make hair. The1 that can be doue is 1 inote conditions favora growth. This is d o n Ayer's Hair igr inoves daudruif, c:ean-, scalp, nourishes the Si which the hair grow.- just as a desert willIL1 under rain, so Laid hea(l hair, when the roots art ished. But the roots m, th.ere. If you wish vou to retain its normal col if you wish to restore ti tint of gray or faded hl Ayer's liair Vi1 A THAINK OFFERI~ A CLERGYMAN WRITES HALF 0F GRATEFUL PE Dr. Williamo' Pink PîUls Iqtoi Heaitb and Tiiey Wish ùO:o ers ta Know lt-A Letter Bring Hlope to Manv-. Medicine GeLa SucLi Praise. The following letter wrtten, Rev. M't. Lawson, Mt ~ at Riicbîbucto, N B., s{îehté in ti est mannser tbe nierîts of Dr. Pink Pilr, and a perusai af IL wi why this great rnedicîie i15&ù thousands of homnes throuizboii Miuion--it cures when other lail. RICHIBUCTO, N. B., April 2r. Dr. Williams' Medicîine Co., DE&ARSIRs -I am tglad to fui thae toliowing voluntartis' given ial, with the fuilest pe-rli'aîar the names and 1,lace. Tbev d.. tbank offtrinog ta God an3d vour L Mrs. Wm %Waruian, of Moiti ýuear here) aays ber @on Allien vi iroun birth. He could hatrdiy ev food, and bis parents had but lit that he wouid live long and tii wbo attended bim were oft te ss ion Titi seven years of age liec in that condition. Then the u Williams' Pink Pilla was be.uL der them he recovered a.nd iQ strong healthy boy Mr. WVart boy's father, also adda bis testit the great value of Pink Pilla, sý "Il suffered forypers with a bad i t 1 1 naed Dr. Wiilli&ms' !înk tbey cured me." Miss AnDme adds this evidence with enthns' freedoîn. -I was weak a~nd si( did flot knaw the biessing aof go, tili 1 took Dr. Williamns* Pink used eiglit boxes and have since the beat of healtb. la tact I1 sick 00w." Here you have tbree me-mbe family reetored to health bv th your oeedici.qnd yo. n ld à tegate ITAKE. NO OTHER.

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