Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1897, p. 6

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"Se onut*' t the ohmo..B' Pe&tr'selosr'n ,0i bark te or tcee. 1 go on with yer tais, Shoot. It was get migbty interesr.in 1" Bub Lumpkin i rupted. Bhocky Waters, the bani oed hum keenly for habf a minute, th went on: «'A.sI wus selin wbcn that thar os i iu bis mouth, I seen an heard the wbt thing. On. day in November that üI no'tbe'u felr-Rayne bis name i-l.( or letter ho h.ad writ ter socnsbody ba whar he corne fruin, an he wuz put0 over bit er sight. do I let in ter baun it up. 'Twus long toward 4 o'cloclî we'd been out aII day-an I traipoed o tbrough the orebard, whar w. went th inoruin sas we started. An wtîo shonld utamble ou ont thar but 'Lisaboî a-getberin the bast er the winter apptf an 'Bige Potter a-eettin on bis hausei lookin at ber libe he'd give hie sacs t est ber up. As I corne up I hsared hi Bay : "' Miss'Lizabeth, rny mind is madei te: git married 'fore tues tirne ust yea Tell me, now, whut do y. tbink o' n chances ?' se6h, s 'Lisalbetu, colerin up, bi settin her /eeth tergotber, Ireekon Y( eau do it , o you'll go fur erough ws fi-arn home. Thar', women a-plenl that would marry Old Scratch hisseif hoeasked 'em fer the. sake ofhbavin "Mca, on thetr touibsiones.' "Bils face got pokeberry celd, but 'foi ]he eouid open bis rnontb I corne tbrong the bigh weede, an ses 1 : 'Hello, 'Bige l'Il trouble y. ter that thar letter I se a-sîickin ont e' yer side pocket. FI searched an searched fer it, tel I'm ni about hip shotten.' -Thet waa pyore bluff. I hadn't V reason in the wurld toc îhink ho ha4i wbz I wanted. But it worked. He gîmar the dockyment with no two word. an ri off, sayin he muet go find the majer. -Tbat nigbt the oie man toe me hol 'Bige bad corne er dingdongin at bit 'bout intuse' money an wouldn't let hit erlone tel] be'd give hirn this yece ien c ,Marg 're t." "W1onder of 'Bige thinka abe's wut any part cf t, $300 ? Reekon tîe'e mai tbougb. Tb@ land oughter fetch couisu erable moren the debt. But I dunnu .iîeither, Moueas kase, an there ain nobody muoh Ley toc want »ehcbor b; place,' the chia bearded min said med, tatively, twlddling bis thumba. Shocli Waters gbared st hum through narroý lide, then said darkly : "Gentlemen, hors my racket, nei whie yo've got time. 'Bige Potter know ho cain't have 'Lizabeth. H. thiuk, î,hongb, h.'ll taek. hie spite eut gitti: Margi-et. Now, tbere'e Borne on us ber wouldn't mmnd seein bim fooled. Whei the saie begine, be'bI bid lively-no doul o' that in the world. Now wbutever t cries, ye abH beip me ter cry ergainst hurt Never mmnd ef it's in the thousande- raise hum. I know whut I'rn dem an y ail kno w me. Bhocky Waters aint neye yit Ieft ecuother feller the baq ter hold. 1 That ye aint, Shocky. l'Il stand b: ye, ne matter whac she goes," Bel Lnmpkin said beartily. "So'll 1," eaid the thin bearded mat The Bey. Mr. Barked dropped bieseaddle bags, gceaning aioud. Brother Bennisi gave a aly chueble, saying aside to thý sberiff: "lBixby, 'pears like tiiey wanter malt rue werk fer ye." "Sb i Thar r.bey corne 1" tbe officej eaid, unlocking the fidle case sud thruet ing bis baud inside. H. meaut the tondt to be soundiesa, but lu soins fashion i drew forth a sort oî muified indescribablj soft sud sweet. dccc each man there involuutarily bared his head. Shocky Waters muade haste tc eet a chair for the. major. Bob Lumpkin fetcbed another for Elizabeth. Bîzby, the sherif, shrank ont of sight like oe suddeuly diseovered doiugi an iii deed. Eiizrbeth'e head beut ligbtly in greet- ung, tkîeu se. ooked at the cbock. It backed a minute cf 12. Witbout hesits. tien ah. etepped forward, teok tbe fiddle f romn ite case and laid it within her grand. father's hande. He teck it tenderiy sud laid bis cheek te it, wbisperiug : 'Marg'ret, Macg'ret, how could I put ye in pawn i Y. that I nanied for my Marg'ret, dead and gone. 1 w" 1 badl died firet. Now y. muet be sold at 12 o'clck -the laws sys it. I doue iL myseif, Marg'cet. I ain't geL ne rigbt even toc break ye up and save ye from that man. Goodby, my girl, god- by 1 I-I wo't laI long witheut ye." 'Lizabet.h at bis elbbew sie beard whiî be @&id. À topucb made ber tucu to lace 'Bige Potter, lean, eily, smartiy clotbed, emiiing aI lier a cadaverous tri- Mmpb. "If you had mny feeliu for auyhody but yeuref, you'd put a stop t.o this," he said cadet I. broath, noddizag toward the old an. 'Lisaheth's lip curloti. ar1 ail811yeu have left hlm. Don't tryloÏ0 t. thafi away, tee, " sheadin bis own >Iy. H. wheeled sharply about, gnaving bis coder lip. The elock va& atrihlug.,The. Sbeiff bat! laid anao Msurorel anvau cryinq, with a wIU el- Uempnt- 09ol.fl;"oteraa ais flwl ' _ "U8.'egJar 3hrr craoa Ic4tII fida t, tloine nlighty *"T' toc .~taif lpwmuch fer itý? Bld nov I Wrrante noS ti >ar leur riç rs.1 on owu t <e oer ontir fia r" OYO emm bolr 11 t 0r ? Pivo 4pilars *1Ton 1? Oh .huckbJ (*en_ ~~.o.oe~r!Bid Losing Flesh You naturally lose fles~h in the su.mmer and runnîng down Is w0 easy. You get a littie weaker e.ach day without hard- ly noticing IL. There 15 loss of appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. , Iron and tonlcs and bitters- may afford some te'mporary relief, but what you need is a f'ood for body, braiin and nerves. 5ciU &M of Cod-liver 011 with the* Hy- pophosphites, furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh in summer take Scott's EmuI- aIon now. Don't waitt il fait or wrter before beginning. For a t oc. a4,oby'&h draki"l f -50TT & 80"XEE, gie >Oas Tbo employing puî ogf Lsd0,7. ae ave reducod thi euro-b 5117 G 524 Per woek. ObronieDesgnsiofb X mcd blci e Psjý'riôs Pnslver tV e" éld i. sr o1dm.qu m »)wao. . The Ias one p«4ot BrthrBauter, I fergot you wus he-- ýb«- bb f *Who bide? fWb. b. ide? Ten,, e hWSqIme athe pi Sty t T*ëoty'Bve "do 1 h.û 1P Tbanky, in 8hooky.That'.saort o'lii " r- "A bundr.d boes1 No use in m"ki r, two bites of a cherry," 'Bige Potter maid en shortly. d'Malte it two bundred," said Sbooky. IL "Tbree bundred," called Potter. e "Five hundred even," Bob Luoepkm r Shouted, Betting bis ha& 80 far back that st it tipped off and (.11. But nobody iangh- ,k ed at the. diverting spectacle, for Potter IL WR.. sonting, bis face apoplectic. "A Sthousand 1 A thousand 1" 'Two thoumand, sng out the thin lt bearded man. Sbooky bail juast whlsper Sed in his ear. "Make it three 1" Potter sbouted furi- oueiy. -"Make it four 1 " retorted Shocky. Bob 2Lurnpkin began the double shuffle as; rsomne slight expression of bis joy. "Five thousand 1 My debt, an-an- intrus' 1" Pott.'tr cned in whit.e rage. "No good. Six won't git ye, Mar- g'ret," Sbocky hait chanted. balf cbeereil, bopping from one foot to the other. The sherif stared wildly about. The bidders, tit seemed to hum, bad surely loat their inindB. He became more than ever etr tain of it when ',Bige Potter hue "Boyau thonoand 1 1 must-I wîlI have f that fiddle " -Ye cant have ber, 'Bigzy sean Heres eighi tbousand over boe," Shockv Potier cboksd and gasped, "Eigbt thougand five huudred 1" "Niue 1" shout.ed Bob Lumpkin, whiie the others heid their bresth. AIl eyei, turned on Potter. Once, twice, thrice, he opeued bis lips, closed them with no sonnd and (.11 .ulbenly back nas the sberiff cried : "N lue thouaand 1 Goin iL *9,000 1 Nine thousand once 1 Twice 1 Thre time-an ont. Sold to Bob Lumpkiu's hid 1 Whar the. money's ter corne froru maybe tbe Lord knowa. 1 don't, for certain. " 66Don't ye be oneasy over that, Mr S herif. Pm bore ; dont y. tergit that, Sboeky called ont as Potter alunk sway -Money talka, moet as prutty as Marg'ret here. V've Rot the eash fer y.. So gim- me the. old gai. Jea' one minuit, major; then ae's yourn ter bave an ter bold- witness these presenta." Major Clark stood np ver! stwaighr Elizabeth wan eobbing on his ah 'ulder. She bail faced ruin with a langb. Rescue broke down ail ber fine coumre. The oid gentleman liied hie hand and asked in a voice whose tremor h. trisd in vain to mask : "Shocky, what à &aIl this about? What does it mean? 1I-I1-e i t possible that I have got back my land ? "4Yes, majer; yer file, too, bise Qoil 1" Sboosy @,%id, and as b. spolie all heade revsrently bowed, -Now, aIl ou ye, looky thar," holdingZ the fiddle so thé liRbt. "Spe themu thar letters inside o' M argrer -'Fecît Stradivariaâ, Cremnon a,' they say. I dont know wbat tbey means;, thev're all su foring tommne tel mue But t'iis rnnch 1 duo-Mr. Rayue took notice on 'ern while be wnz beré iast fail au writ back ter one o' his ehumep that he'd fonnd er eddle down in thee- rooral precincts that wuz wuth er mint o' money. 'Twus that letter b. bost an I fonnd 'fore bit wnz sent. Shouldo't bé s'prised ef somebody e1se read hit whule hit wuz lost. "tAuyway, b. toid me he'd trv ter bn-v Marg ret, only it 'peared ter hum er sin fui shame ter think er partin ber an the major. So, wbeu I corne tor fiud ont bow thinge wnz 2oiu-weli1Mr. Rayne soon knowed s mucb as me. The upehot of it is wbiut ye jese-now seen. 'Bige Potter The residents of this ecbocl section are making prepacatuons for holdhng a Union Picuic in the. beautiful Grove of 5dc J Stewart on June the 2brb. W. ex- peer some 4 or 5 scheols to take. part, they havîug aiguîfied their intention ef doing se. 'uriqngpum 'o~ mZ ïgo.a 41u.xa pas a nuepr pea g.Mld.3r03 Ta O r (T'o laie for last issue.) The Rev R H Leitch attcnded the meeting of conferance at Bowmanvîille last week. The holy communion wiil be observ- ed in the presbyterian cburch on Sun- iay, the 2otb inst. Dr. Archer has a number of men en- gaged erecting a telephone which will -un from Port Perry via Shaw's Seule- mnt and Greenbank to Epsom. Tbe boss of the gang does not appear to be very weil posted as to the geography of this locality, as he got off the track and for nearly 3 miles dug the hoies for the poles in the wrong place. Mr John Lee bas been under the weather for a few days, but is now bet- ter. Mrs W lanson, who bas been in poor bealth for a long time, was taken last week te the Toronto hospital for reatment. We hope* she may soon be back, restored te healtb again. A Everett got a bad shaking up on Monday last by failing from a wagon. The methodist choir and a few friends to, the number of about thirty met at the home of Mr and Mrs James Ashton ou Thucsday eveniug last, the principal object being to dispose of a fne cake preseuted to thers at the Marsh Hill anniversary. A good time was spent. Mr Walter Ward is home from, bis trip to the obd sod. Road, work as-the order 01 the day. t t p L ti t; NBICYCLES^AN> WÀKCM ES ?OR Durlng the Year 1897. For tuli particulars see ad verti sements, or mpply te LEVE BROS., LTn., 23 SMTi-rST., TORO ATIEA Mrs A Hoover speîut a day witb Sim- eon Ressorst of Scarboro lust week. Messrs Bnrkbotder'e are spendîng a week with friends in Nottawasaga at presen t. Mr Jno Cnyler's cf Mt Albert spent Sunday 1a8t under the. parental roof Mcn Lapp. Oliver NiRhowan)der of Toronto for- merly eft tus place epent last week visit- ing bis rny friends of tues place. Misa Ethel Speare spent a day with ber cousin in Toronto net long ago. John Johuson'e of the 7th con Pieker iug spent Sunday laet with A Lott ef tbîs place. Mis T sud J Dunkeld ispeut Sandsy at with Mr Coates eaut of Clare mont. Isaac Myers cf Cberrywood spent a day witb Mca A Hoover. Messrs A Wideman and S B Hoover took a trip te Whitby as jurymen on ruesdsy and tiiere being noeuaes on, the Court was disrnissed, aud tbey returnsd tiome the same day. Mr Bevj Cowie of the. Township of Marsais epeuding a couple of days wiub bis brother Robert cf this place. J Brownoberger spent a day with E B Hloover net long since. W. expect oui football tearn wibl soon De open for challenges. Mrs C Lott, of 8rniths Falls, was vi8it- 'Dg with ber uncle, H B Lott not long since. TH1E TRAIL 0F DEATHR .0' il It begins at the Throat and ends at the Grave .0B How mnany a humnan liie is unneces- sarily sacrificed. .4 s ,j There -are many remedies eu the market for the cure of consu m prun, but consumnption. once i reaches a certain stage, cannot be cured. Iu professing, therefere, te de what s impossible, these remedies prove thernacives to te sinply humbugs. Consumption is a disea.se which destroys the tissue of the lungs. Once gone, ne medicine can replace that tissue. Good medicine rnay arrest the disease i-yen aftreue lung is wboliy gene, as long as the other remins sound. Once both are attacked, bowever, the victiîm us doomned. Just why people should rislt their lus-es te t.his dri-ad disease and go te grai expense aftece-ard.s te, check it, it us hard te conceuve. h uis mucl casier prevented than cured. Throat troubles and severeýolds are uns usuai forerunners. A 2C -cen t bottle of IDr. Chassa Syrup of Linseed and Turpentu wilI drive these away. Lt is, without doubt, the best medicine for the purpose ru te had auywhere BEXCEIS This village bas at iast evinced a bicycle craze. The gentlemen seem to tbink of nothing else but making tbem- selves proficient in the popular amuse- ment, and thev have succeeded fairly well, consequently the bicycle ivery is booming.- The many friends of Mr. John Stew- art were grieved to hear cf his death on Saturday, june 6. Tbe deceased was one of the pioneers of the town- ship and owned one of the prettiest farms in Point Mara. He was beloved and respected by ail and will be much mîssed in the community. Mr. jim Maione5 formeriv of Orillia, but now of Iowa City, is spending a few days witb bis brother, Mr. John M alone. Miss Minnie Roach is visiting ber brother in Beaverton. Rev. Father Cantillon, of Sunder- land. spent Wednesday with Rev. K. J. Mc Rae. 4 G WOOD9S NO0R WAY PINE SY R UR THIE MST PROMPT, Plossnt and Perfect Cur for Cougb. Coldu, Anthrna Dromobltie, Hoars.uoe, Bore Throat Croup, Whoop- Ing Cougb, Quisy, PaM in the Cheft and a&l Throat, Bromoban sd Lung Dlese. The healing anti-consumptive virtues of the Norway Pin, are oombined in this medicine with WI14 CherrY and other pectorl Herbeansd Bal- marne to ake a trire upecifi for ail forme of diueaSoiginating fromoolds. Price M 25c. àMd Sc -FOR SALE BY- J. M. W :LL-IS, Chemist and Druggist. Brock Street, WHITBY. of tIi. Stnîsi, LTÀer revsd: hythective Wbile seuting a bear trap in the #oods iu Snciwdei township, Muskoka, the other day, David Rose gnt both hanrds caught in the trap. Being un- able to extricate tbemn he was compell- ed to remnain a prisouer until the fol- lowing day, wben be was discovered. H-e suffered great agony, f rom the ef- fects of wbicb, and the exposure, be died a couple of days later. Lily of the Valley bodge C.O.F.. Lindsay, bas won the $îoo silver cup offered some time ago by the Canadian Oddfellow to the loilge secuiing the largest number of members during the year just. closed. The number of new members added during the time stated was fifti-two. On Monday afternoon last Mr Henry Logie, tbe weil-known (armer just east of the tewn, met with a very serieus accident. A hired man was ieading a mare and foal across tbe yard, and Mr Logie was assisting the latter, when the mare suddenly kicked out vicious- iy, striking bîm a terrible blow over the left kidney and knockiug hum down. He was con%'eyed te the bouse and Dr. McAlpine summoned. Upon bis arrivai it was found that the kidney was badly ruptured. His sufferings since the accident bas been intense,@ ,over tweive ounces of blood having been passed, sbowing the serious na- ture et the wound.-Watcbman. MajoJ.. Sam Hughes bas been pro.. moted t,3 colonel of the 45th. Earriîter, etc. ,-Money to Loin. Isuer of Marriage Licenges. Office - Sxn.ith's Block, South of Market, B'ock St., Whitby. DOW & NeGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Eswken's uew block Brock St., Whitby, sonth cf Ontario bank. W. 9. YARNOLD, D. L.S.. Qounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. £utbical. Drs. Warren d Moore.1 J. J. M ocre, M.D, Brooklin. Ofice heurs 9. as.Im. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office bourm Il amm te il R.m. te 2 p.m. pg Private Telep >wne Communicaftion. D. P. BOGART, iu.D.,L.D.B. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Itesidence nsit te AUl gaint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgecy in ail its branches promytly attended te. W. A DAMS, (3&'DENTIST. Roonisover John Ferguson's clothiug store. Resideuce-No. i, The Ter-ace, Byron St Whitby. Jan. 29tb, î8<?6. Dr. H. Wughtman DENTIS T. O'ver GOsS & Ganger's. Wh!tby.- Ký' Open ovory Saturday uight. WA NTED Men and Women who eau work bard îalking and writing six heurs daily. for six days a week, snd wil he content with ten doilars weekly. Âddress ' NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford. Ont. LIFE INSURANCE. Manutacturrs Life & Accident Insuranoe Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insurance o. on the continent. Niuety per cent. o aIl accumulations ot surplus la returue d te the policy holders.Ai l ainis are paid witbout deiay or discmunt on proo f ut doatb or rnaturity cf eudowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. Uit, 98. Agent. Whîtby. W AXNTED-SEVER&JL FAITHFUL Men or Women trtavel forr . apo usible establl0hed- bouse in - Ontrio. SalarY 8780, payable OrS weeekly and ex- penses. PoSitiou permaesnet. Reféreqç., Enclo6e self-addressed etsmed Tbe Natiol, Star ftildi~l3e go-$ U? EXTrERNALLV Fpor aul pains, Aches, Som0 Joints, îBpr&bai nÉueOS Scald[, Bu=naBUtnga, Bitea end Chilain& INTER NALLV For Colda Sre ThroBt Croup;, Âsthmua, ColiC, Diarrhoe, Fleurisy, etc. 37 AL DRusU00 " s o DALEMB Posostee.. MOD 000. PC* BOVTL& Tu 1)DODOS MEDICINE 0Ca JOHiN E. FAREWELL, 44. C., Barcister, Ooanty Crowxi Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office-South lVing o1 Court Houa., Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Olfice formerly occiipied by Farewell & Rntledge, next Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whltby. DAVID ORNISTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ch.ancery, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Post Office, in MGMRIflaii Block, Brock Stzeet, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL, B., 13L RJGGS Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the neit three menthe I amn giving epecial attentieon te patiente f rom a dis-. tance. Arn atili making plates in rubber, $8, celluloid #10. Gold and silver tilling work crowniflg by furut-camis operators at the most roasonable rates in the city. When in the city cmli in and let me exam- ine yur teeth. I mis ene extra charge. C. RIGGS, Dentxst, south eit corner King and Tonge Sts., Toronto. Nov. Ste. 1892. Wu H. WARNER. DEALER IN AGENT For COAL C0.) COAL, LÂTE, LUMBER, SEDUGLE, QORDWOOD, BLABSP ETC. the IPEOPLE'B TORVONTO. Office and 'Yard just East of U ptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ASK YOUR STATIONER -POR- SPARTICA, Tmm MEW WMTf l'AmiP -AIND- TAKE N~O OTHER. August 3151 1893. F/o wering Bulb8 and 8e6d8. A full line cf the littest varieties of Sweet Peas lu 12 sepacate kinds. Named Tuber-_ oua Begonias, lu aIl colora frein Pure White to, Dark, Pink, Orange, etc. grand bulbe. Lilies, Tuberoses, Cebadinues, etc, large bulbs. GEO. BURCHETT, Florist. April 8, 1897. Whitby. ýCHA S. SCOTT, AUCTIONEER; WHITBY, ONT. The underslgned bega te aunonoe-that he bas taben ont a license for auctleneering, ant «Mi b. glad te fiff eiders for tt= is asOtf busi- nem Hs. Heboola villbe beptant J.;-H. Longs office, wbere a i nformation may be obtulned. C. SCOT Whitby. Nov. i,'g4 JNO. NOBLE, O1iU f Tne Diuiwen uts OOUNTT 0F QITàmBlm U. CzT,- .' Iac4Iuo% l, Wby C. Jn8; Flb. 8; UuOh 3; -& 'l ; ïgà?.2; Ju s2. JUJy?7 sep. 2 t ;Nt .8 Doc. 2. onuawà-D. C. MCdo2eli, WhitbY, Cerk; .JO,. 4; Feb. à; msrch 4; àAprnj ; 8y 4; junes; lyt;, SeP. â;ct. 8; Nv.4; Dec. il,Wod B»aotJe8AlIl.M o Iionl, Greenwod 0iork.-J&D 6; ]soh 6; May 5; Ju17 9; Sep.4; Nov. 5. PORT PEaa« - J. W. Dnrhm, Port perr, Clerk-J&5L 29; Marob 9; May 1 Jn]y 20; SeP. 28; Nov. le. (vlUbi Clerk-Jau. 80; MarcI 2,1; MsY 19t.k; 3 14; Ocet 14 ; Dec. 16. ,,,,,,TOI-GeTgeSmnith, Canniflgton, jan. 81; Méacch 2b; May 20;YJnly lb; O)ct. 16; Dec. 17. BxEÂ,IBoUN Geo. F. Bruce, Beveten, Cerk-March 26;y*MaY 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18.p.HrUtgov UPTIISGBCVZ-nf'S P at UtTrV Clerk,-March 27; MOI 22; 111)Y 17 ; Oct. 17 D 1 . By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Poee. October 7th 1896. Fl TXTTQ The B.-st Popsiar AGIEINUSLite of Hec Majesty i-,eevrsen,"wn:-es Lord Lorne, about UQýufeu Victoria." Sales unpecedenied. Easy to malte ve dollars daily. -Big commiission. Qutht free to canvassers THE BRADLEY GARRIETSON ýCO., Toronto. WT ANTEDSE'ERAL FAITHFUL YYMen or Woxnen to travel for re ' spobsible established bouse in Ontario. Salary$78o, payable $15 weekly and ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose aelf.addressed stamped envelI3pe. Tbe National, Star Building. Chicago.-I17-8 - (j I Afflict-ed with Pains in the -Stu Nausea sud Vom t ug- tion, Hesilaches sud urber L> siug Symptoma Fuliowsd, Frein Le Sorelois, Sorel, u.)ue. Dyspepeia and kîndred diort the. digestuve organe are juCfliu iugly prevalent amîinug the peuple classes, sud it jela al a toay that tho few ilîs afflictîu'r îiinikind producz. mors cealiiîuisery tban. indigestion. said that happuiîezs and a g-ud dig go baud in band, snd the statemei1î saina more trunh than bas been geL. admitted. It may h. saely said, t fore, that theu unedicîine that wil] dyspepsia is a blessuugtie marki prorueror of buman happmnees, good work canmiot be tii" wîdely ku Sncbh 's the opi'nion of Mrs, P. L, ,ot Sorel, Que., sud ut us because o that able gave the folio wing statemý a representarive of Le Sorelois. soine rime paast' ah. saij, -I had auffering (rom a maiady thar ac 1 conld not define, but whucb proved a severe strack of dyspepsia. A fthi meal 1 felt a sensation of over tu: even ahen b had esteniw u'su. spur This feeling was accouupanied by i pains in the reg<'n of theo una; frequently by naisses, sud eomý vomiting. Constipation followed, added te my misery. lu the jute; euffered from fever and alight -heat and -become geuerally indîsposed ties the pains in the atouîîach wa eevere. My appetite wsa8 eas-îug bad no taste for auytbing, sud a stage my son, Alfred, assistant tmi of "Lde Sorelola,' urged uie ter William.' Pink Pilla, at the saini urging mue te read an ai-ticie lu that which r.iated te the cure ef a airniiarly sfflicted. I wua akeptic ýdid net believe the pilla wnuid bel but a few days liter I re-read the sud decided that I would rry thus cine, sud I have much ceseobn to that I did so. I took a couplei Wilhama' Pink Pillea aher each me littsi by littie perceived that my dig was becoming more easy. I cou the. use cf the pille for a -little, mon a month, and have pieasure ini that my cure iz complete. Atn »<6 yesrs) eue greatly apprecistea Lable te enjoy- cne's meals, and >the day-I1 began te use Dr W'iliims F«PIs, -ad I heirtiiy recommend tè ,other aufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla cure i tien, rheumatitm, neuralgia, ioc ataxia, Sb. Vitus dance, nervous -ache- snd prostration, diaeases o biood. such ais acrofula, chronicete lia, snd restorea pale and salow plexions teutth. glow cf health. T a apecillo fer aIll troubles .peculir feinsie sox, and. in men cure aill arusig from werry, everwock,c Dr. Williams' Pink Milaare'soli in boxes beering the firm's trade ansd wrappor, (printedin red in) iin mmmd thaDr. Willias' Pink Pi nover molditi valitor hy ~ee di buadred, sud any'desler who off.r - ettuin th fou ietryiug to d yen sud aboulA ho usvoided. Ti are l asoosutionod egainst ail oti oseieA blooti builders sud nervet pot n§ in-eiiiillar tortn intendeti eë' ve- They -arw ail imitations makm hope ftn roap sa pduuirya t -fronthle vonderful rp i - cieî'ed by. J)r. W xil4amie'Pint àe leYur dealer fo6r Umm. ~f<?hsPille are manuiseturet b: c ~ ~ w4 *'",5-p555J5f uJt5J5F55 After.a... Takiný a course of Ay'er" rP11, system is set in good wor,- order and a mani begins to that life is worth living. who has become the graf<. prmy of constipation, dots realize the friction underw. he'labors, until the burd& lifted froni him. Then mountains sink into m(, his, his moroseness gi place to jollity, lie is a ha- =au again. If life does seem worth living to you, may take a very differentv of it after taking Ayers Gaîtc Pili SE OULD NOT Bi THE STATEMENT 0F A 1 WHO WAS A DYsPErI'I'1 C. 1

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