y, Clerk May 2 N'yv. 8~ NIlay 4 4fMer, . *0 4 Taking anrnourse ,of Av-ers PUIls the s vs te cm k set iun good working order and a mian begins to feel that lie is Worth living,.lie wlio lia-, becomne the graduai pmý of constipation, does not reA.iI7 the friction under which lie Lîbors, until the burden is liftcd froin itin. Then bis moutitains sink into mole- il 1S, Ibis moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy inan again. If life does flot seexu worth living to you, you mas' take a very different view of it alter taking SAye's Gllathrtc Pilis. SHE COULD NOT BAT. îH' S TAIE ME NT ()F A L AD Y W fi WA ýSA D YS PEIPT 1C. ~ 'dwith Pains in t.he Somach, N aUCi anauj,'omuà tng --Constipa- 11,1 it-idaches and I thor Distreis- st 14 niîîtînlll1iîllwed, Fnrn tiLé-îtlisSrlf)e 1)I ui-p)i a a nd iI.ind red dioîrulersif th'.-! iî i% t, irgalis are lîcCiîîihg aiarriiî n. [ri a-lt hîi itthe peuple i4ail c:amsaiiil5 is a%-- say that uhi-re are 'ta a.itf.ç:îi 1 ii-iikiil [îrmiuetive ifi it. r- -il îîit.r t îî i ilitiigi.tiîîîî). h 15 *it'ilt.~ t~~1îi~a aîil g i dgestitiiu hariti iiiltîîîd, ail the htateiîieiî con- tain niiii,)tr.-rut h t han bas bei-n geterally ad :~-i, ,o h1ti tina-he sately saîi, there- fri-. ili t i, -iethat wîllcure. -lit fthtuta a lliMitwi ti hnriois w s rk cihiitîiio( be r- widtly kuîîwn )1' i I i h p ii .,f NI rs, P. Lussuer, t s. -tii. i. -alii n s i% ecause iif this e'--îit1i- i. tt tatei-tuel 'tu i -pi-i titi.-f Le -inlus. tor Coi î ie- i-.î sIe, saîl, "I had been euirî. rirîta tîisiasth t at aiEt 1 ,'-'ulti i .î,iirie, 1lut Ahiht h i to-c ii e titiI '- a s-nia .'î-.f -r fiu-as 1,' -t4 J 1last t-tîi[ultiii-lit Stin-y 1iti 1't'ho rt nî-.1 - i 't .- et A ndal hi r-.UiîtyL iausea, aunjis bne tî1înes rrîîî.- ..' ,1tîîsîîjîtif'-liîiwed, whîcb 'c-t- i ll n i> n s-ny 111 the' irîterval h s 1- dfritîlu f-rt-r and a' îîQîî Ieadache, -j ho- te itt-teral yiiivtd is1,sed. A t 1 iiihoçpains Ili i tî su tai li uvsI-s8 tiiro- 11Y sapetite v-ss ea%-iîg îîiier. i-i- taâte f,,r iîiyliîtg. ,andt at thîs ;ti-- sîtl-n'fei -asvtaî:t iatr L-- t. ri-iîîýs. ' urgedil iii,- t--try 1ir. W ilais ,11)L PîisR, 5t Uhe saille tine u ~ i neii. t -- r-ailati article Ili i tlat 1iai -r f r iii, ti- îure -f a ptisian N,.it a ~ffl c' vd 1 wà 8lskepîical aud lu A ia)-ts lâte 1rne -a-i ithe an ice milt-e ilat h w-ýuit try tliîîm idi- t, ii ian,- itich ra-' t-, hei-id i ti i ,'tt 1s' h uiik a coupil.- (J 1W .îtîîîa l'nk hl'e tIti-r ecdinotaIsud ii'iv Çq l îî-titi hat iii>- iigeutitit ~ ~, ;- i .n ii r, -eamy. I cttîrued A - i-i- t.,: ýý r-r a jitîli- imre ta i itrtali. 1l hai i [iasurv in statîuig 1t ý i . I-Hditîit At iy age k!i- , r,ia ppaîîrecîates heiîig --tiIV 8 i e- eiiiimls sud 1 less -.~~ ~~ *ta- Iti-a :ii- lDr \\ illiains 1111k i tuI h h-rtît vrvetiiiiieîîd thl-i tii hi r '\V,1- ai1ne link î,Pilla cure indiges i tlî,îîitîii-iîî enraigla. Itçintti , '-Vii uitdanîce, lier' tu8 ht-ai-- a ti îijramt raiir)n, disases if tlîe [1- am t tttiear' 'fu la, chrttrîc er>-sî lue-I il- d it i istr-s palte and s alltiw ciii. -xi it' rtctthe.giiw ()f health. Thieyate' i-iitl-fîr ail trîîubiss ecullusr tii t he t-Nat ex, aui 1 in mîen cure ail cases it iîirig froun worry. oa'erwîirk, or ex - Dr. Williams' Pink Pîhîs are sohd ouiy in bolxes lîearing the firm's trade miark tii-I wrtkpper, (prinuted in red inkî. Bear mi un ui ilat Dr. Wiliiam' Piuk Pille are ie-vu-r u-ld un bnlk or by the dozen or Lindired. aud any de-aIer who allers @ub- ît:'îîiu-ýin tbîs form is; tryiug to dafrauti Y(111 and tisionîti Le avoîdeod. The public aria aiso cantioneti agatinst ail other Puo ilaled i Lood hiliers anti nerve ioules, p-ut upripnm îiiitiiitr zcrm intendedt tade- efcîve. TbeN are ai1 imitations wliose mnykers hope t-o reap st pet-uuiary advau- taae frtirn the wouderlui nelputatiot achieveti Ly Dr. Williams' Pink PUIS. Aak your dealer for thf-m. Ibase Pille are mainufactureti by tho Dr Wi Lîamms Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., antd are sold i l , in boxes bearing the' firms'etri- - m ark and wrapper, at 50 cents a bax, or six baies for $2.50. They may be baan nom auy dea.ler. or v'ill b. sent by mail ou receipt of prie.. Dr. Williai' Pink Pille may be b.d of &Hl druggtsts or direct by mail (rosa Dr. Williams' Medicine Comepany frein Misa S-'niiîb, of Stoiffvilhe, le visutîng .1 T Potter s. Mr Wni Baird, oI Wick. waa lu towu on Saturday. Mr J W DriLole spent Moutiay lu Ux- bridige ountiusiîiess. The rmini oniSaturday prevr-uteti a gooti gaine of base bal. Miss Lîzzîe St .1,bu anti Psoua visited Uîbruige îîu Saturday. MIr A Bxrîiham, who went to Sturgeon Falls bas returuied home. M r Richard Con nors anti family moveti batk ici Lnmîlaât week., Gieo rge ofsL, i the G T R, spent Sutiday uude.r the parental roof. MNr 5W E Hall, our enterpriaung young Iiîerîhant, was ini Caurligton ou Fruiay l"st. Mr -las (>rr, (,f Victoria Corr en, at- taiide-d tLii-cunt of revisîou ou Satur- dany MIr F W Bîryatt V S, oporateti very 5uccesfulîy ounXW Young% cow lest Mr Vantierburg, of Scott, speut Sur.- day at the homie of Nlr C Switzer, west aI tle vil:ae.. A iimbea of Mn Janmes MoCully's frientis are urzing bim ta Reovaahip oI Brock for 1898 Mr C %N'Wlon. aI Vnoomauton, wha bas bedii laid up for smre time with a sore foot atteuded Court af Reviaian ou 8aâturday. We are pleatidta note that Mn H F Breiboiir bas been succeaiful lu pasaing t're- second year exarnations oI Toronto M -dical ceuh-go. MIr Isaac Moore lait on Monday marn- iu g to take charLge of XWin Gondonis plan- îug Iactery ini Udora. Mn Gaordon has, Le-eu fortunate Miisecuninu the service aI gucb sn AI muani as Mn Moone. 1ThMeDe &L. Emulsion s Invaluab!e, If you are run down, as It is a foOd as well as a medicine. The D. & L. Emulsion The D. & L. Emulsion j us tbebest sud mo-at palatable preparatinnai Lad Liver 0Oi. agreeiag wiuh the Imoat dcii- cte aumachs The D. & L. Emulsion larsrbdby the leadig phYsicians ai Inada. Isainarvellous flesh prodîucer and will give yvNu an appetite 4 50c. & Siper BOttlO Be ureyougeti DvisLAwRtIOECO., LTD. Open as Dbay. It is igivan ta avery physicien, the tonnali 0f Scott's Einnhsîon being nu secret; but 0o saccesaf ni imità tion bas ever beau siffered ta) the public. Only years aifmipgwemen»ad study enu producethb«4ot The Sultn bas aonsmnted t6-tibm oxtewoSii Of the arisltice witb Greec for a foTtDeRt fromn Sunday. Dr J D Ksllo«o> Dyput.y On,"dls Ob speedy -cure fuor dysmtery. dlarroea obolsi', sumoeç cmipwt au eScf ED plaits 'ucideutal to obidnu tID. girlnuediate rlif touio Uun frein S u bons.e. It sots vtb weet: 21 ad, isi (alt _ d & 0 m0 md f-'.ur coisis J! ,bé"'ig of tbis rmsici, n yum-~- The mediclue thai eau rescue andi save a buîuan beiug ai-e-r the be-st efforts of medica! men prtve uuavailing shouîd menit the caraful couideration of every sîck and diaeased man anti womatî. Sncb a niedicine la a boom ta t-ha worlid, an anchor of hope. protection andi joy to thosa wlîa have bei-n toldti iat they are in a hapehasa condition aud incurable. Up ta the preseut, medical science has devîseti but oue remedy that IuiIy meeta the wauts ant iesofaIail sufferers. This wonderf nI maducina ta Palue's Cehery Coruîpound, *-a which thoumandin l Can- ada to-dà y owa hife anti good heahth. Haro i8 a st-ate-ueut fnîum a lady, Miss Marihla A. Buhlock, of Roxton Pond, P. Q., a suffener Iu-om liver t-rouble, that i. lu eveny way mufficiently tng to con- vince the tiespainitig, doapoutiert and tiaubtinl. She sayam "-I thiuk it a daty anti a pleasone t-o write andtielol you what your l'aine's Ceheny Compoundtibas doue for me, a onf - faner Iromn liver trouble. ttTwo yeam ago I bad a vary bad at- taek of it, anti called in a doctor wba ne- lieved me aI the trouble, but 1 still me- maineti waak anti ailing, and bah anothar anti more severa attack. I was under tha tioct.orsa cane for fotur maudis, andi me- coived veny littie relief. "I1 was vary weak, uaL able toamit up mare tbau a few minutes st a trne. A luttle muhk taken at meals would distrees me, anti 1 was nervous anti conîti gat but .Heariug what Paine's Celemy Carn- pounti hati doue for a Inienti, 1 gava up doctoning anti u8ad yanr medicine. 1 have taken six batiez and bave recciveti much gooti. I am, able ta eut a goati meal, I sleep wahl, salutam lia dawn dur- inL, tha day, anti caidrive six miles aven rougi raadm wuîhat gatting tirad.îî KEAMRPTON The Cheose Ca moIti anti shuppotififty cheeme Ist week. They weme made dur- ing t-ho third week in May. Mr anti Mm D Taylor have been 'aick for sai ne m, but are impnaving. Mn Levi Robbins is improving slowly. Mra John Brunt ln gaining strength, anti inayget arounti again. MrnC Esud MinsG M Brown speni Suaday and Monday at Ebenezer, asaist- ing on the programme Monday eveuiug. In the absence of thbe organiat 8unday Mis Mary Rtogers very efficently preaid eti. The. S 0 E will hold a "Diarnond Jubi- lie, service in the church nexi Suuday afternoon. The Home CirOe eand ailier locieties yul join with thu*m. More milk than umual ha coming iuto the. ehesfaetoWry, onaequmntly an exra man has b.d to b. employed. MrFP-A Oole hadS b.W ttack of Sciatica ; conxpletely kaocke out for sme dayz. miss us ole ba s on.quit. induiaos. id forapino w.eka. Mr hi apispln for Bug- $Ométinesboi ii ie o u BuêsslpemnîA hiitis loeslit> a». 0-JÀ ~PSd tuux@ii - -~ . s i 8 WEE T CAPORA L AND Thuay mornbuj en. street and secuWe a quazity of thie au. rmeuntai wine of the. methodist ohuroh and saine fruit. The. cellar door being locked, they were u nable to gIretUp luto the bouse. I)uring the sme night Mrs Masan who lives acroma the street w@a arousod froni her alumnbers by a noise at the pantry window. She got Up to light a lauip, but before doing so taok a look out cf the wiedow, snd much to ber sur- prise she saw some persan outaide look- ing lu the sau.e window and another Per son standing cluse by. They immediately, made thxaîr escape. Upon looking around iiu the morninig she noticed that a big piece waa tmorn t of the screen iu the pantry window and that smre permon had uumucceasfully trled ta unfasten the in aide shutters. ht was exactly oue week prevxuîus that WVoodgate & Coxworthsg tailon shop was entered. Ca n it- be that there is another gang operatiug ini towni A navel iaw suit Ou Juite let Mr Thos 'rinkier, of tis village, having been iuformed by a friend that ho cou Id likehy mall ans af hi& plows tii the MeKinnoti Bras., of Markham Toîwnship, called on thein, but mnuch to, hie surprise he was treated as aunînter Iuîper aud told in pretty strong t-armas that n%î one selling anythîng wuas alowed ou thein promisesg. Mr Tînkler laft at once andi thought uotliug further of the mat- ter until a day or two afterwards ha ne- celved a summons ta appear before Sam. uel Milîler, J ustice 'h5 the Peace, at Un- iînvîlle ou Wednesday lust an a charge if trespas At the turne appoiutod for the trial Mn Miller invited Mesans W B Sauders aud A L Stîver ta mit on the Bonii hwîth him and the charge wua heard before the three Magistrates. After the complainanta, Meuars Anjus, and Allen NlcKinnon had given their evî deuce and adrnitted that Mr Tînkler Ma acted iu a geutlemnanly manner when at their place and hati appararîtly thought h-) waa doiug nothiug wroniz lu comîng there, MIr, C. Russell Fitch, of Mac- dbnald & Fitch, acting for Mr. Tinklen, raised the prelimiîuary objections that the evideuce for the prosecutian did nuL dia- close whether or nat the prosecutors were -iun posemaaion- of the property upan whîch the Lrespams waa supposedti t have taken place, andi furthen t-bat it wasu no proven that the landi mentionet wua ".wholly euclosed.uî Their womshipmsItar full causideration, of the matter decideti that they muest duami the case, wbich ,they accordingly did, the prosecutors paying the osts. The decision wua evideutly s po)pular oua from the ap- lîlause which greateti the judgment- Free Press. SUJNDERLAND Mr Geo B Gjordon speut Friday iu 10 ots. Per ]Package There shail ho showera--we'r. getting The ring cownienoed operationi on Monday. Mr Walksr viii, vo under- stand, be butcher for the term. Mr W Lêbmau wu in Markbam on Saturday last. Mr Flavius Reesor bas adorned bis Verandab with a coat of shingzles ail laid right side up and four inches to the weatther. Two Mimien gentlemen visited with Mr Jeo Monkhotise on baturday Four of our Sporte were down to the tront fishing on Satnrday. Kuowiniz that the people will not believe Bish storice, tbey do ncot like to say just how inacy Lhey got. True ta the mnaxi m,-Clean liness is neit to Godlness-the ladies of the con- gregation turned ont and gave the chnrch a ight g.ood cleanxng on Tuesday. It was indeed à commteudable act. Ouor popular bandmaster le nos devot- ing bimself to agriculture. He actualiy paralyzed our citizeus wben be appeared in hroad daNvIjkt wîrb a dence, frizzy fibrous undergrowtb on his upper ip. Mr and MA Jno Dasvis, of Glasgow, spent Sunday at A Mantle. Rolph Forsyth had a bee one evening last week, lenolishîng the slîied over hi,; barnyard. We underst.and he intendf ouilditig on a larger aud more improved scale). Tlhe Road and Bridge comnmittee of Pickering tp. and a sîmilar comumite fram Uxbridge tp. met bere on Sauda last t.o consîder the advi8abili ty of putt-~ Ing in a concreta culvert in front of Brown's botel. After much deliberation it was decided ta let the maLter rest for a imne a. thiege dîd flot seem to hitch riglit. The man who is always notexug the mates ie his neigtibor's eye invariably bas in bis owu eye a beau %tiont the size af a Rood big log. The uerai of the hate Mrs Niehswand- er, who died ie Msrkliam on Thorsday, June 3rd, aged 80 years, was beld bere at M.- B. C. cemetery ou Saturday forenoon. The funeraI service was one of the !argeat seen in this eammuoity for soinsMe ime, wbicb showp the esteeru in whicb shep was held. Deces.sed at ous Urne lived bers. There died at Altona an Satnrday, June ôtb, 1897, Rosa Ann, only dangliter of John and Margaret Scott. aged "7 mas and 21 days. Her iliness was ouhy of short donation but ravagyes of braie fever proved toa powerful for sncb a young child. Dark CIouds Rollod Awvay. One of Death's Agents Subdued. Paine's Celery Compound Brings New Life to a Roxton Pond Lady. DERB Y A ND OLD GOLD 5cets. Per Package Cigarettes, RETAIL EVERYWHERE-.. uuu u.uu u uipd mýMM-uuMpmuuÀm A thin aly fibre-foad fluid,whlch sinks into the pores Ieaving a velvety burnishing film outslde. Rut, this friction coat a ýMÀMý" qwýqww U ýit i di i nor Mite, and la!- a brilliant, e- lasting, lustre dawns through it. Neither varnish, turpentine, wax, ta parch leather or Seal. up its pares, i- q q q q q 5tIER 5HoEtWjOLI M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. The Bicyclists' He's awise wheehnan whose tool Rat bag contains something besides medicine for a daruaged machine. He is just as liable to puncture hà r - <~ miore liabie to bruise himself, than X 5 NOV If 1 ouly bast a n.ptc to break hils wheel. "Q uickcure" L is the emergency cure for unexpected injures. Lint for applying cornes with every pot of Quickcure. Make your own plaster-lay it on the wound, Quickcure -will do the rest-quickly, surely, painleuiy. At all druggists 2 5c., soc. and $i. oo. THE QUICI¶.CURE COMPANY, LT. QUgago, eCA. GREENRVE Mr and Mrs jas Fowîer visiteti Mn and Mrs William Hoover an Sunday hast. Mn anti Mrs J B Wuu-ts visitedth -e Iatter's parents, Mn anti Mrs N Bice. Mr and Mrs P R Hoover attendeti the funeral ai their sister-in-law at AI- toua. Our senior foatball team went to Charemout îast Friday ta have a game. -We are sanry ta say they came out a little behind. W G Bannes, aur cosancil member anti partner lu a bauking business at Stoufiville, has two teams hauling logs ta bis factory-. (Janadian Wpmen Consume IMllons of Packets. Milions of packages o!f1iamond Dyea are used by thbe women of Canada every yoar. Tii. sale of these houaeholdl friendis l increaaing sa fast tubai ai timea thbe manufacturera have difficuliy in fill- ing the aidersa t ipour iu (rom thbe wboleaale andi retali trade. Tue onormous andi fant iucreasing cou- umption o! Diamond dyea indicatea im- mense popularity, due of course ta quai- ituy, strengiki, brilliaaoy and. (misa sso! colora. Diamanti Dyes give colora tubai lait iii tube maierials are wora out. Every color in true ta naine, tiie realta are à lwfà ja pleaaing andi satisfadtory, andi they are sold at thbe sanie pice as iii. comna-ou iinitationi tyea. When buying package du1frhoame dyeing sem that your dealer givews yen th Diamond Dyos, thbe offly' Itod iu thes vorI iti, ii.oaiy âoIi*-1- you val. for yo!ir monoy aêtint, - Agitation in the wanld of homnopathic mmdi- cies has boomen ve1 yseul ai pragrs, as iu palides snd religion-bm difficultieg af opinion snd the iudividuality of men bave been parent ta tbm diagweeenu sby whicb tbm standard of these badies have boom olevated. Sa with 'mest of aur famnons preparatious-foremost ln illustration cf wbuch trutb stands the worhd- Fanions remedy ta goneral debility and langoux ' Quinine Wina,'-amd wbicb, wbeu obtain- able in isé genuine streugth. la a miraculous crealtor of appetito, vitality aud stimulant, ta the general fertility of tbe systeus. Quinine Wino and, its itprovement, bas, frein the firsi discovery of the great virtuss af Quinine as a unedical agent, bedn ioeai the muet tiser- ouglly discussed remnedesm ee affered ta the public. Ih la ene cf tbm great tonlos and Iife- giving stimulants whicb thea medical profession bave been couxipelled ta recouiue and prescribe. Mosurs. Nortbrop & Lyman, of ' Toronoa.bave ri ven te ibm preparation af their pure Quinie Wine Lthe great cane due tu iLs importance, and the standard excelence ai tb. article whiab they offer ta tise publicecacies int tb market purged af ail the defecte wbicb skilful observa- tion sud scis'ntific apinion bas pelntmd oct lu tise leu perfect preparation ai thbe pasi. AIl druggiats sun it -Praf Ândreexpmct toa tnfionsSplîxbmrg mon on juil. 2Oîb, ta discover ibe Nouthol in bis biloon. Mi Aubrey hieardsley, wbo bu beau in bad bealtb for smre taque, as napldIyr ovuicig, snd la able ta resume Wark Oreneeot a * Dear Editor.-Pouminfom uodons. tu a asId to pjtcli f sguni., houait, home mirt, by vsii IvsWe"û* ently rSgtordtoîhoath sud cIaMlY sir,,et years0aisuffeslug from moirns déilhiyamzuo veùaknua lght Ilmsses sud vesiaranhonI part. I vo robs an aidled'but 8" trsg p vhhb,oh fa ane tbhisp.tafr moins- Ose huosu ta aau ufo us, I bs1 are prepered tu extezad tha"ag oibuanu, Ail work pertaining tô the harnssmaking and saddiery business vii b. doue tu satis- faction. Collars a speailty. Cail&adse my ahop and stock. W. (CALYEBLEY9 Second door west of old shop. Dundas Shoot, Whitby Railway Timo Table GEÂZI] TRUNE AND MIDLAND TrRAINS001 WSTWED No 8, Express Ds.ily Mail....... M0 à a m No. 7, Local, except Sunday .... &:50 a mi No. 18, Passenger " i .... 2:33 p mi No. 1, Express, Mail daily .... . 50 p mi TaAINSB 00150 ASTWAaD No. 6 Express, daily, except Sun .. 8:04 No. 4 Express, « 9:57 No. 14, Passeuger 3 :08 No. 8, Local, " " 6:17 No, 2, Express, Mail. daily-. 10:08 amn a ni pn pm pn MIDLAND DIVISION 001190 NOBTE-VIDLAND STATIONr Mail .......................... 8:08 a mi Mail............................ 4-20p m Mixed To Lindsay................ 6.35 pin CON9ING SOUT13 MIzed From Lindsay ............. 8:87 amn Mail ...........................12:46 p m Mail........... ..... .......... 9:10 Pmn DOMINION BANK. 1 apital Paid up, 1surplus,- $1,5009000 - *i,500000 IWhitby A gonoy. General Bankcing Buainesa Transacted. BAVINOS DBPÂBRTMENT. l uterest allwed at highe.t ourreut rates. No motice of withdrawal required E9. J. THOINTON, FAIRBANK'S Reoal E8tate Column1. Small Frame House avd Lot, cornier of John and Byron streets, Whitby. Will be sold very cheap. LOTS-To 6e sold, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Asb street, north ward, will 6e sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stables. Situated an Byron st., Whitby, the finest residential street ln the town. witbïn three minutes walk of the post office. There are three lots of land wlth au entrance on two streets. House in perfect repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. Vi/M, VIOGOR, and V/TA LITY RESTORED IN 30 DAYS. GOOD EFFEOTS AT ONCE. CÂTON'8 VITÂLIZEB. Cures geferalaor speoial ebtifty, Iwaleffl ness. epermaterrhe emiMeststmp.- tenci, paesfa. etc. &,rrets fumottema dtaerdsra, oaused by errers or -exoces quicklY restortuInslet anhoIn old or ycung gving tigeand flt0- M vhere for- mer weakusas prevailcd Couventeait package, splefteotual, s» legiLumate. CiTEZ 18 QUICI AND TROBOUGH. Don't te decuive by kmttos.Inaiut on Caton% Vnasizeas ent s"a-l fyonr drug- gist dcesnethbave it. Price 81parypkge., a fur 85, w vita wlSts uraatee « mpl.gt cure. Information, refermeaetuiýfre anai conaidential. irend us statemeut os case and MSoto, for a vek~s tria treatment. Ouly oms, sent ta mach poesn. CATON IM». CO., BOSTON, .11*88 WOOD'S PHOSPI ~lIah -1 ORE tDFrR The Wod- Coi r itt t r. L t.tZ ER. R OOD- ETC b t (of- -t edf misSut-n sers ail 'T ). F A 1. eIG)OçRETTES. 0 i m a -à ý-- - A THLETE -- - à WOOD,$