Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1897, p. 7

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Flfty YearsAgo. rh l i the, stamp that the letter bore which carried the story far and wide. çuf certain cure for the loathsome Bore That bubbled up (rom the taite tide of theblood below. And 'twasAyer's naine And hi& sarsaparilla, that ait now, know, Th nt was luit beginning L fight of famne With its cure& of 80 eurs îago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the original s3arsaparilla. It' bas behind it a record for cures unequalled by any blood puri- f ylng compound. It i. the only sarsaparilla honored by a medal ait the World'a Fuir of 1898. Others imitate the remedy; they ci't mlt.ute the reoord: PUT TU THE TEST. TUIE MOST CON VINCING AND AB- SOLUTTE PROOF ýGIVEN. That Dr Williamt' }Pink Pilla Cure Whou, Other Medicine@ Fail-What They laeDune for Other They Will Du for You. No reniody of modern times bas offer- ed more, or atrine proof of its sterling inerit than lia Dr W' illianaI's ink Pilié. The cure& are flot those of people in for- vigil lands, but from a&Il parts of our own country, and the stateniente made are easîly verified by everyone in the vicinity- ini which the cumresrported occur. WVheîî such proof as this is offereti doubt Iluut cease, and the medicine mueut b. iiwarded the palm of superiority over al othors. Rveryamail bringo letters frein ratetul îîet'In iial parts ot Cana.da, who have been cured by the use of Dr Wilallia' ePink Pllas, sometimes atter veari ot illutesa and atter other niedicines had ftild, and it asiiihe worda of grati- tude spokon by sufferers thus reatoredtict hoalth that h.a& croatud the enormous de- ma.d this imedicine hati. The following lutter is but a fair samnple ot hundreds coinatanrly being received- The Dr William.i' Medicine Co. DItAR Si".-I have great pleasuro in bearing testimuny tu the medieinal value of Dr Williams' Pink Pilli, an a bloud paurifier and health restorer. For ton y cars 1 was a victîm to a complication of tr)ubles, beginning with quinsy and fol- lowed by rheunistism and bronchiti. My physicie told 'ne the trouble had becoie chronio, and thât every *winter 1 wuld sither have tu houas inysoîf up or vo te a warnier climiat.. Two years ago 1 vas confiaasd to mny bed and routai from F'ethruary uniil May. unador the doctor's caro. One day while o ri ofetthe Cures wrouiiht by the use ot Dr Williamas Pinîk 1ills, 1 determined to try thon>, and 1 foutid a cure nt loirin thirà splendid ineiicine. 1 usodf a domen bones oftthe pilla and 1 have lievor been bott.er ina my li e than 1 amn now, ansd-1 have net been troubled in any way with my oId coin- îîlants since 1 disceatiaued tbe useotO the Pink Pilla. As 1 have already stateti 1 waa a suffererfor yeais and àuring that period spent a amall fortune ir doctr' iiiedicinea and druge, only te firad ira the end that Dr Williams' Pitik Pilla aiom Splastied what ail other mediwes fait to do. WVhen my fInonds vho kraow hew futen I1vas laid asi with illneua aked mne vhat cured me 1 amn always happy te Ma4 A »1lbrio 6 pêaïs h 'P.Boivertoaolà kteu a o~ so Btton o W.90sviI~ 17 gaine wlth the Buttera eneu Qunits à large piaeni* froua W*p&vgj1. wu' held tiafarber'. groe êon ÏW Jubile. day in Bavrton vas teyal1y clebrtsd, andi a large Orosti of peopi. tcek *avantage oet h.efanseah'a enjoyeti a gooâd ay,$ertinit. The dtflr. ont asmoes were well eertpated.Th4 bicycle race bati noelos thon twoaty tn- tries, the. plate prime belag sonl>y Fred Little, of Thoborah ilo the firet and »ôe ondtitie prîtes were won by A. 'W. Kpl. ly anti Froc) Smltb. The buse bal ma»tch betwee Ra rtton andi Weodville reaultoti inau an ay vin for 'Voiville. Tii . la- crosseO match b@tvweon the .OIlim-andi the "Oheekers" W&% a splendid exhibitioný of oor national gaine, andthie score 7 te 4 in Orillia's favor la ne critoripsa ef the. nlay whicii Wa a garise rernarkably troce frein ronghraoas, anti waswonetby the qnperior condition ef thé Oiilia boys The concert ina tbe ovonlng vas vol &t- tendeti. and the day's Pr-oe&ui neWas1 voutad up by a iflonster'boufir, helti by the B O B. loulo, en Treloavoe'. Mil anti a large display etf ireworits under the able managtement of Bignor B. Alibit.. Mn. andi Mm Wilson, et Toronte, are bolidaying in tovra at preout. Mrg.. oraten andi Ma-. A. J Reii dn ftmilies aceoraparaiet by the Mise, Annie andi Bath. GillisPie have 'nioveti int Mr. Aloi. Hamilton's pretty otage in Ethel Park. Plckering Oomaol. A special meeting cf tiie Pickot4ng township cornceil vas beld inlu Piokqr1ng Village on Satnray evenin"g, the l'9th. muz. Membpro aIl present eK"ps lMv Underbill. The reeve ýeAbo *ha4r, A communication vas rad frêtu '.13' Farowell, Q. (0-, ne jud e7ment cëf 'Jutige Dart.nell, a-specting the. Local Option Vote. Mr Richards, socondoti by -Mr Bornes, zoovet that the clerk b. anti la boreby i starctedt teascertain frein the owuenof landi throngh whicb the O P-R Coestraok aune how mmcii bandudoitoinp anjpur. chased froin sud ownots cf lauds Ill Ibis municipality. Carrioti. Mfr Beare, secondeti by Mv richarde,1 moved tbastitais couneil iavlng carefolly consideredtheii application "ndte by Mes- sa-. DuVea-not anti Jones. 'Solliltors, li behaît of James Gordon, John M Gerow and other ratepayera, vo the re-sbruls. $ien et the By-law t t eeaMI lb.Local Option b ylaw, begRepspmltfraly t. siate, that whil otet a-tnsng tic aubaint a By- law, We ar@ etftii. opinion litai thiiu mediato future wonld not b.anopportune Lime to e aeLiubinit tii. sain, believing sait vote if taken lin the buay aummer seanon woold vet be a fi r aprffluiative cf the wiabep of thc people*.1n a te-W-b mission oet LiteBy-law vo deatre snch' a, voe uasiyl be as near thé. deare cf tb*. asole cocn be taken. Andti aaepy oftisrsolntion b. forardod bythe clprk tic tii. aid solicitors. Oarxl,. Mn Richards, seondeti by 1fr ,Rs movf d tiai the resco gamt liiiod« o the treasurori favor cf J Il Coutier for thse surn et $12 20 fer grading on Sud con roai, eope t$ 17, le andtiO%, aspe on Mr Boe, aeeoatdudby lMr Beloards, unoveti that 'eorsas fi ba b riusbrngh te thse attention c tibia M<*ui>@I.t tla clause' 0seven of a pétition cnuetn a- mon ' 0the rattpýeS cf n01ti i fwnbip. sakingtibia eoeuttàlfor a re-abmwlucof Trhé tll g ïare ýWlone u bsle e ia Iôhtà,Ù Iebuaker, 5 .dro v. Mv.Thc. .O'Kofeo, lieOConnor Bt., Wiuser ofGold VWatches. . ReF.Bid, 5ôiDivision Streoet, Riuig- Mi.R~etA. Bfbbett, Carleton Place. MWIn. B. Lawrence, Istobie Mine, Sudbury. Mater Gordon (J. Wilson, 468 Rideaua Street, Ortawa. Mv.- ~L. P. WoIlla Tamworth. The ébove competîtlon w-II b. continued oach menth of 1897. LERBROSU Ltd., Toronto. Tii. Canadian Bisley teain will have Moto work thon ever wiaing the' colonial Pris., on account of the inoreasot numnber Of rafieren nov ln Englanti frein the oth or oolonies, vie bave beet attendinq tic dtuuonti jabile. oolebration. Lient. Ring fet t.456tb rogimont la again on the teamn tibia ear. ME bu beon eltener or% the Canadiau toam ithan sany etftiieoth- Ora, haViOR w on hio pl*oe, la 1884. 1885, 1886, 19,1888, hiW 1896. R. ha a stieaty, rnuiable abot ant i alulti do volt tiia r. Lait yar at Bislo e honr tb. golden penny, a pris. giaen by an Raigliasi uepaper. Re bas alwaya dont veil a&thte provincial anti Domin- ian meetings.,la hMnthe. 45tih basau alei ropresentative. Ir9iugis 'Sosea Trpiy. Lait jear Sth. editor of tiié Canaduan O)ddIIIov ffereti a valuablo trophy ina tiie shape cfaà silver coi>, te the letige Oeolng tise greatesti number of nov mmir. Tii. Lily ofeibo Valley lodge cf tibia tovu doterminedt t vin the avard andi enaetiloaly set te on vk itis tbe r.- suit that they won, soecrring 57 n»v mombe.tiie higiiesti et any lotige inOn- tarto. At the. panti letge beld tn Belle Vii. lest veek the. trophy vas preseuteti tiith Lindsay delegatea, Meisis0. W, Roagian, W MoWaters anti R E Btin- son. The dolegates arrrvet inl towu Tburstiay night or last wok on the nighbt train frein Bellevile ina oetpany viti Dr Bingiamud tiMr Harvooti cf 3anning. ton anti Mr aBofetCainente. Toy vere met ast te station by the. lotigi bore andi voe tirhIen to tiie ledge reemnaaccoua> anleti by the baud. At the rooms,a sech 'os vire tiellioreti iy Dr Binghaan, Mr Harvooti, ithe ologatée, Mr Harringion, and euhers. After- ainging tiihenational athom thue gaîhering duuperseti. Aà P«« Siami Pire utartet i n Dr Brottd's the. solerin. sqaurgoon's stable about 4 e'cloeh Mon. dAy aftIeroon andti ve? quickly, bier. tii. arrivai of tii. brioadetiiheviiole ph.. as a Mass cf dames sadnd WiÉ- att tb. curling rirai. Ath titéuthei falsm vuas00$ iu the a"retea ra vers guweptin bmli*ng the ater cari t atihe meut end-'cf lent stre#t. Valuahle tUrne W" losî$ti i to the iiie«A. tio, CI e. 6bl v agei a mmtmoe liasvas let' de rnea. W. uudr stndt b~at tbi hai&Mesbus been la Ihis e c>u4itiu fér seai MouIse. 'Phe,eÃ"un aui aboutI e.. uiat upWuirý nié mnbdaat ltaI qsklj. Tiser. a- y vary o«g v1Ndab t iase cf& Useth&,'ant-MA *. h14- AND, A THL ETE 10Ott. Ptsr&-Pttk&ge e%..IGARETTESi' DERiB Y AND OLO GOLD 5 ots. Per - Package Cigarettes, RETAIL E YERY WHERE....m& .-f M. W. OLLI1ý Si eLAGENqT FR ~T àmoshop an'411usud »& W ALVIHRLEYo second " est emt f c hOm. Mundai Street, Wiibp 4e. Ï local exCep$ Bunday ....8:0a. lio: là, 1>amseuger" ...:8 p m Xo. 1, Bapross, Mal -.dally 60 P am N'o. 6 Expreuls, dallyj exoopt BSun . 8 1 Noe. 4Epes, 9:57l o.14, Paisengrif 80 Ne. 8, 6. " 817 so, 9, Express, MAIL tilyo... 10:08 ama ama Pmn Pmn Pmn MIDLAXUD DIVIS81ON mail........4.0. .4 Co........8:08 ams mail .......................,4:20 pam Mized To Lindsay..............:858 p ma UIxeS Frein Lindsay........... 8:87 ama a............. . 194pml Mail .............. oul 1pi DOMINION ýBANKU F sitlhd ip 1O.9 1 urplusL, $191,500 0 W»hftby ag.noy. General aTrm 6# d UI'RdNlSE8ttM oum-n. Eanking Buainese Small Prome IROUse arad Lot, corner of jobuaand, Bytron atts, Wltby. WilI bu soiti very c Cap. LOTS-To besolId, lots 394.md a"8, nortir ROUGI! CAS? Ious£-O Ab stret, north yard, whll bei d'ceap. Chea. Aàfne. two stcry brikbohma* i suatblea Sîitiaated eus Byron aM., Whkby, 'iti.fineai reldenttilW t tlà iii Th, ¶ere aie ireealoté oflan4wltb a :*epait.' For partcliçsitrapI Jk-Ros esSai.Agent, Wbit>yi ont A inan may iresm jrdgementî sd t4i taler uuaj ileetH1 il is dIpestIv09#M! pleicalud thie vhiWte yoaliowsb east. Wi paie poor. istst r able, ReIotie bit* cmostpat.Ion ie qi "aY ta cure to lt fs the teaut baruntcd en 'ruey hum iduvm ail1 tisai move. nTbsr, ypmrsstisud d ve afford te duorthM aV Actf-ie inlais c eu sto61 f »DM# MedIosiAama"éth. à tuéeOnpy cd tisa *3Ke Pale people." Dr. Williïam' Pink PtIla m 801s1912 in boxes bearlna'the -ilmm a rd.enma? aud wrpper,(printed lrd ink. Bear 'N in mmid triat k. WiUjaoes' PinkMÛ nover sold inlu bnk oniij'III, 1*0* oS hundreti, and gaw ds*Ie.t wbp ,ol> iLn teiabia re mla-iQ%o ernm a u at uulti Vo bé asoîdiéTb* --"0 are &Wse autie ned ýAgdnlauU « . oalld bleeti buldot u t Pît nlu ulia mtu *iopto U 'tan frouathb. wmoan 4Oh.Va~byDr. bik b rtv inÃŽl, ih.. 7 .I. 'i M Iattr~4»Shp 'sud short froua heelto bal. lAry Sisces creupwards toc slharply for sùch feet, bending theut injurk-usy,. Pull r' idÉéd boxf to., alightly iêurving #ides, anad.utyai efélec aed Bttttonipd, Congres.; or \( Oxford. 'Rack-Tn--Seal &oms -Carnmine-Wine. Sizes, 5 to il -Widthst, D. to L.E. Godyuar; W cît.d. $3, 84o, $5. Ssp~ k &eii sole. "' AALO5fM C -MR a temSWoM jâ 1 a 1

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