Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1897, p. 2

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r~ <i Do YOU Use It? 1 t's the best thing _for the hiair utider -ail circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to - his stature, 50 n0 preparation cati make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro- mote conditiops favorable to growth. Thîs is d o ne b y Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re- moves dandruif, cleanses the scalp,>n trishès the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert wiIl blossom under raîm, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are- four- ished. But the roots must be there. If you wi.%h your hair to retaîn its normal color, or if yoti wish to restore the loat * tiift of gray or faded hair use Ayer's lair Vlgzor. OORSPONDRNOS (Crorvded omi laiutweek 1 Mr Franks Âdasosn of Toronto la the gueit cf hi. cosinl, N Adansson. Mrt O R Green oailed on old ionda lait wo.k. fle la tha saine Jovial, good. hearse4 halie as of eld. Mr and Mm O L Maokey, Kinsae, @pent Bunday at Mr. Levi Mackeys. Thsemous are building th*. fousâstin tôrt t . ew barsn1Mr Arthur Joheaton lai galng te have er.ute in a short tis.. À cueiber fraie tus viciis1atteuded the eleiing at Pickering. A eBiants *veeiug vwu speet by these presens. Bo"d vers bas boeerdou. entuis part a! the toweship. Several of the pati. musters have had the oa. astones ogather .d up sud put Ie pilai. It woutd h. a great deal pleammter driving If thse roada voee ept clear of aIl lomuestI Mr Coenor of Broughamn gave a very iterestleg diacourée te a large ecugre- gaLlon Bunday nioreing. Mrs Fred Lawtoit and child of ?em- brooke. are at presout rusticating va her parents. Mrs Lautousa old asoaates are pleaaod to have her inu thoit m"is aan d hope te soon se ber reglin han goed heslth &pile. Mms R R Gihion of Toronto aise éovisitlng Mr aud Mm W Tait. We regret to say Mr W Clark la still Unable te attend ta bis dutios oin tbe tarin. Mm Judacu Gibace alsô 'nott e covÇtrieg vary-r*pidly. W. hope to seon hear of thom-i.poodil>'recoveriug. Rev McDOucald -aed faily meoved te théir new boni. at Blackstooe lait Wed- aoadlay. We juin in 'isbiug- e" a happy audsucocesaful stey et lackatock. Rev r r lare sud bis famümlyuoved jutc, tue paraceage ou Thuredael ï Mines Ada Rogers sand Ada HloltbÏ, cf uit Zien league top-kçtkhre of eur tecigue te be conoiratulated open the Bie man- mer lu whleh tbey cocdueWtsd ti- service. Any tme, wheu tiiey srtevith ce they snay b. iure cf a iierty w.loome by the. mmrocf tue league. Tin. sohool foot bail aisie vl.t.d Km-i sale snd played there, sud sa i s l mÀlbÏd the boit of tihe gasue. Leslie la ta, play the rtt m match au the. football gnoï,d bare to-motro', Sasucdy. ÀA goëd tbs expect.d. St-vers) froc, be ttteudiad thse Auci. Verary services at Bnoughaus êuSonday, Mrt Hart7 Caroron jsId Lird4a>y Mn W OhalluieUO ef 8nttof4 Wut4 ve hore on Ftid. Mrt Jud TWadlt vuiaIli oniha o Mfoa4ay lait $Md b.gthas e - prett>' road cars. Idisa Ausle8mi4b, t eau a beee ývwstil o uvp i"is vea, thé #*ta et Mr. sud lire. Wui, Mlatyr Bay ut ai nd f J w Oowap, c .1 4tn lrIl )I "Ont iof kmbtoseê'&Wit10v Mc R aj lïac*od, of Oanilot u ee of iog I' m'lofît Ù1utowu0. exé b éosne~r mbôo1a .n ow on and our vfitiage,, i - flooded wfth Young folk& frome s ii M~undlng aclsiiwho are tryins teii exi. f Too lae for -lait issue.) Mr& Wm Croise of Detroit ia visiting with frionds. M r John Burnett wlieelod froni -Oeh- awa on Saturday, and spent a fow day@ with hie parents. Mi« nBrtton and Roberté, Lixbridgo, have been apending a feu' daya with f riands. Mr John Turner is ereoting a fine rai- donce on hie farms. Ut J Burnett la making a great im* provoment on his rosidenco by painting the axtonior. A largo nuinber from haro attended the 8 0 T oouventjun hold at Myrtie, on Friday of lait woek, and roported tu bave spent àa rt>'enjoyable time. We hope that the pupilé wiII b. suc- cosiful at the entrance azains, ua tho year lias beau a vory liard on. wîth so0 many in the clams and ac, large an etteudance. Mr, Mrs and Mies Jofftey, of Bruokln, spent Wodnesday with fionda. Mr R Bongard. of Toronto, in home accoonpanied by a gentleman friend. Misa 8 Towksbury of Coldwater,. in home for holidays. Mr V Balfour of Lindia>'i. home for a feu' days. n~ifila the heati wlth luteuseot Je?. eometties the 01ea a Ofma , se li' h.sltb 01 tbe ýmmie. iwbp,, as tor- 4&dieas of the. or- ('I tiie *0rvs ami Sh~ au" rack their isallu linlueucte tmôm*saulabltaad beipful dlsosllu wiUecomie aoured. Tl* vif. that ptemlsed te b. a ebeerful, cap.b audwlln elpmAtaspiséa ber: b lsu byprovig a eek " st :mir.fs beIls. twvsid. Taisunfotusate o«tca yo*asruanegtW "te, *Tbe.xW#t meditls Dr, pilet'Piitl Preenrlptlo. Over goo,oIeu have *%Id &0 lu uusellclted lettera te o dsevob Dr. IL V. Pierce dchef conu5tI5«plcim te the Kuvaida? flotul ma S - iwsmki tutd!, a% Eufflo, N. y. The ForiePo .lto"arts direeg o p"s thse .o.gs that iaie lfehood am itiiiodps bic. It niaisesthenistouMsd healthy. X if insansuation sudMsootetcal. 15 relleves testlaupati 1 srvs.I po Pa-e"Afor , netherhedsud Iusurmhtiie b of the cbilI AUm- uediçisç dealera 5.sen 5, is in order when some inter- esteddea1erendeavorstosup- ply ýyou with tires that cost less money when you ask for Eleciric Tires with the herring bone tread. Don't let him t5Il youfish stories about olluer tires being just as good. Tell hizn you have a littie herring bone story of your own, and register your kicks firmly and for.. cibly. M buch of your cycling comfort will depend upon how well, you do t, -for Electric Tires are strong, resilient and durable- They do flot slip nor. throw mud. Punctures are easily got at and easily repaired. They are made in a variety of colors and are 'an excep.. tionally nice tire inappear- ance. .wad a l« liter l eet but phymlo."# J' 1- 'fi - 'T : 1 ~J 'J lIWjIIIffilj~~rt:ai,~"' - '1 7 t. Out livory man bas purchased a nov bus, and Claremont can nov say. they have a covcred bus second to noue le ti country. Misa Atnie Lesper bas fult recover- td froin honrecent attack of typiioid and is about agatu. Tii. C P R have completed thet rack liftlakith is section. YThé mca en eo dIscM6ilged Mouday ulght. W. are piasod to .soc oý ur véterln- agios dolng business, _but tbinkttle ahoýâld iard s<ne other place ta the -ublic atretesté to row rstwheïk fiingîspavns,. It viii ho very likoty w cause a ruflUO4iy accident, wo say noti- iusg as Co the psesiug of aio The. ma~ n'yiocdsýf M isa ýM TaJlor gmuddemïton QIMn 'floy~er iv plexsse p um s *1bervety happy smat- riaàeat-St LoDuis, lto. It toçis plaea 1evdmsai. ie hMband ,'f. Mn À Thea Cow sud Ber Dr Ink. Ifa a1ars~uwaa teat hitàgeif t- agsuuesupiste -lmkop lia hard cf mi1k-g4fviaw en.Wlutbii stbe, Auigive titan vaer-inu uait a a4btat tii. veight dtauk by e eaai oas b. *a eutaiid, sud b. on -baud se IbiS "Ob oowmsybav al as viidesure, a"d vheu ah wa tI . hlave beau ttreugit a&.liti. ezp.rkome -of;, i. bled, sud th* quauÎtibydruak b>' 0e ou vwa " foasadut. h a su epet gu é mieil sot ~ ~ ~ m efet olu pnn tisas a vak biforste f ti.fae athse hir - tank vilbe- saiwoed Asua t-beeov* Oaloved 'to dciek ont of the bstui agauT il wuva mad vti ii oWa Md it vas mimd PYY-EGOA W. C. MoCouaxxsa on, leuthe au - mbsa ottau l Mn W fiat-ou itunt-uada>' ber. s Oomni i avsltiug frîetud asr $. R Ostoby sud w 8Sooqtt set aurday 0OOtpby istes"estthae stof "ud Wdoum s ek rub ta*d in, tb.o,m as ail thea pOUPU bais wuthem. Ur "sd M"saOmsby,. ofSharoi. »a lasOx10hy, e io an. vislfm out WasO r M aul roture ta We¶ ies àbbitî A" sud m u etqe "ao e ou 4q. tii b. gee.ely b"VauNr - I We very nearly had a thaw here Iast Mr.Pi'i wéek. YSaiI a». Mrs Albrïght is at present very Iow leagu. toi and is hardly expected t0 recover. oniq Erst PlSYID» im Mr and MTs Larkin, of California, is ing of die 1 at present with John Larkin. M r Lar- to on Sat kin was present at the Corbett-Fitzîm- work was mons fight. Rame, bis Farmers are busy these days cutting ia?'*o a»yt hay. The crops are very fair around Not a bu here. 'Biligan' bo had aBK The Revds Siple and Oke attended bard, mah the temperance alliances meeting at field fen'ee Brougham on Saturday ldst. town and Mr S B Lyonde has returned home learu that Iro1m Ottawa. He was there during A IDiaul thie iast session of Parliament. residents E Our teachers Mr Hawkey and Miss Richardson have gone to their homes in *?fyrone andi Fergus respectively, Mr and Mrs joseph Evans, of Clare- mont, was at Thos Beare's on Sunday. Mr Metcalfe, of Markham, and Mr and Mirs Dobson, of Epsom, were visit- ing at James Thorriton's Iast week. Mrs A E Major accompanied by ber mother leaves next. week for a vîsit among friends at Detroit, Farmers are much alarmed at the damage wrought by a worm that has arrived in myriads in som-e sections o! the country. Its destructive work is most apparent on maple and apple trees. The worms commence at the top o! the tree and work downward devouring the leaves as they go and leaving the tree bare. The worm in many respects resembles the conimon apple tree worm but on close inspec- tion wiIl be found to be diflerent. They are longer more siender, less hairy and instead cf the .white streak down the back, have white spots the size of a pin head. Mr and Mrs Major spent part o! tbe week in Whitby, Oshawa and Darling- ton with friends and relatives. Mr Major purchased a new buggy while a vaY. IRobt Vardon bas again sold- bis driv- er and bas bought another one. Mayor Rose bas lots of new potatoes of no. one quality. He says kt keeps him busy watching the cussed tatoe bugs, Miss Laura Pugh is with her sister at Port Union. Miss Lillie Major entertained a few of ber friends on Thursday evening last. Quite A number attended the excur- sion to Guelph and were highly pleased witb tbe trip. Our town was rather quiet on July Some o! the politically tended the conservatîve Brougham this week, inclined at-I meeting at A school mistress in this township vas teaching ber pupils how te walki straiglit and after walkîng tbe crack of1 à floor sbe asked them how did shei walk it, when ene yolýng lad answered1 ',bow-iegged." Jen Liscombe a wayward lass froni this township was sent to the Mercer ieformatory for six menthe for vag- rancy by Police Magistrace Kingsford ln Toronto lasi week. A number attended theý Buffalo Bill show and were delighted with what tbey saw. The baptist ladies mission circle met as Mrs Jaceb Turner's on Tuesday a!- ternoon. Thos White- bas sent bis litie girl tu the bospital so have an operation pet- formed upon ber eye., Mrs Moth, of Toronto, was at ber liser! Ms.~seh Wilson, last veek.' Mn ndMrs 'Lacgliîn, ýo! Cherry-. vw«od, ere, witi fiends bere oi. iun-ý -day. MissIta White vaas with, friendq lu the clty lut week. Six om e ivdthebt es snd Mfeltow andvere dul-y -hutallod aU .ho bgptiss ciiunchon S'un- ýtlate: Mi ss GraceWioa ýti sùch high honore a:4iie isgogy. )efI of the vîllagers quise, ays wathing tlsçir choriies age kid. thinR VahIU becanse it Carnegie, that k woI bouge ln flot contm and anotbý of the wo at the rot if there il tbemn. Cc ing dona. rock recee P., wbile found upc narnely. a qunant.ifies Value. Pi depa.rtme experte t the-se coul sunce of P ,wbatéver. the day.)q Kinnionna mach ijuS for this a strnok.-I Thi We YOU MUI palue's the As a i physicali bility. You ki bavele sipirits, 'roublea dition ise immedi.t Tha: that Zna plyzns ti sues, 'a esueain anie bet op dnrn uai a U "dj in beau-. tisse.

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