Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1897, p. 6

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m6o it poot r jointso ,*n lcoked ont upour ib. tinii ý'*êW,"Wwhich, #lth the e14 LOM e wuaîva gvaelug upon it, êW11Part, lth: oufr oid herse, tbertOh. dou't de thlat 1 Tii. field- woculd i ook quit.i sîrsuge vithout b*1 w- sud îrn sure I wohdut ha"e r4ny appetîle -for breakfast if 1 dldn't j ~ hm cerne up te the deor for bis bit ofbread.o "4Welit :sfbsll Mine him Soret>' My- * ueit ; but W'hat's te b. douet Tii. voet'. due on .Saturda>', sud I cau't -possibly màIe -it up witiout seiling old Butte. Evn'rythiug seerna le have goue iii witb us, 'sonielow, ince your pooç mother dlod, but vo muat taire 'viit fortune sonda. Thero's a <air at the. towu'tomornov, no you 'd botter tale Biaise there sud se. what you scari gel for hlm." Next unorning, accondingi>', away vînt Chanica, witb s ver>' rueful face -hdlo.g for he teal ligne upon bis eld tnlînd, vie seemod to know thal there %ýàâ sorntiing vroug, snd, instesd of golrig along ah his usuel brisk amble, asng his lihead sud moved as alowty : nd coiemnly as if lie wore drawing a Oavle. Charles himecif wuanuol muci hep. o» r. Tii. thougbî of loaing hie tavrr vZ ho aned loecal out cf is banid ïüd1o116w -hlm abo~ut liII a dog, njuite took ava>' the. plasu re et the, hrigiil as~i~I~ .sê ii.green flelda sund tils tisit iovrà,viiliho would have eiJoSe ver>' muoh at su>' otier tifute. Ands b>' thu lime he got bo the tovu, ho folte.e »kMta hehar-di> oaned te est ~Unu bited and- chies. wbich bis carefolfatber isd Pot, in bie p4ookt.. ~Rt3cltheâtir and buitis ofthéi fair, w1it $Ii10 i*ginos t* sim Pfà4eýb? îEs, beapid with boys and cakes, &44 ey1 4d eand acrobate and jù#gglevs bs4ghtene hM up, s ittile sud ho vas ýgis< tic fid bLet old »laizs <,toWu e-sged priai, sud le m. ýthat 2b tûsu v"e bougit hlm seemed to e tb. ad-uatured fellov. "Ify name's Bla, toc,"casïd ho, as h.oI kL.th bridie f rom Charles' baud ; "Iso ,I'm bou nd totake gccd cane cf aiby amesake. I live on lthe Orolr-Etbugo tanin, net fan frein bere, snd if you ever vaut -hlm bacI agalu you'il krnov viiere te find hlm."' And rnow came thé. psying cf the. mloite>,%vioh Charles stovwed saa> in the brasatof his jacket, wihh no elai atisfaction. But, unluokly,, ýFarmer Biaise Lsd bougit se mri> tbingp ahesd liaI day lhii h. tound -himacîf ratier short of gold and silver moue>', sud hsd to maIe up lb. amount vili a :)tee bsg tuB of copper piecea, wbich Charlcsi fouud a ver>' unhandly lhlng te carry. 1 "Yeu vIl) have a poor chance, _M lad, on"* a ouai>' road at nighlfcI, vill tih" b45 of mtue> clinkiug lu your bande, " sua the keeper ot a littie inn abthe cerner cf the market pi*ce, vho kuiev hlm vo)). "'Botter romain berm for the nlghî tiau ,be robbed on tie va>' he.. l'Ilgive you a bigts o<grg u elcomoe." ai Bt Chanit thhugit et hic falier, t.JusüI% et titis poit tâte rod dipped / dèvu inte la derk usrrw guuy>' o10 lipg on oreue ýýaide b>' L thick, lhu, sh.sl vili.o the. other, a bust i a iaad atreani weit daablid fand t J iniq amuug 't e blbo bovidoru imon of ii hael7 nued'the th1.k, beard and tS . hujp -biùk$t.h o1 orne 0. t Miké hiwm iUgly aosi, as ,nheroeaver iaw.ý Poot, Chaulés hardly kiw #het 14 do. is, , Uiithought was t et te oltiier upiaet tii oier or gir, hlïm work euough to keep him bus>',wvilàe h. himueif got eut cf reaeh; but the. blghwayman's baud vas upon -oeeof the placts lu bit heliters, aud h. sew liaI thst vould flot do. 'There wun nothing for il but to try aud gain tilDe. "Ilf you don't leave me aon," cred ho, quite defistly-though, iu reality, lFil .-&Il for bètp aud there are pter.ty o! folks eonîing beci f rom the. <air who'l har me!1" ',Are there?1" retorted th. thief, with a grin. "«As if the road wouid be dsd quiet like Ibis, if there were e many people about 1 No more fool. ing; baud over your moue>', or 1,11 sbnd s bullet chrough you 1Y" But jusc as ho snatobed ut the bu.g a briltiarit ides oecurred te lie boy. "If 1 can'î keep it," ahouted b,, 1ycu saent gel il, auyhow 1 "' And in au instant h. had fiung the bag with II.i&ustreugth igit acroas the, str.smm ticthelong grass ou the other ide. Tii. iighwayrnu, fea.ing that il miglit roil back mb to tevaten, or slip mbt nom. bol., snd se escape him in the. dankuese, jcmped dovu sud lespe over the streaui sfter it, doubîles meanlag te take veugeanice ou the -boy lter ou, But ho vas reckoning witi. oUt litslboat. Tiie moment Charles saw bis back turned 'o eprang jute isaddie, aud bangng tle. orie's amuIs witb hbit cab, vent fiying dcvii the road ât full galiope wviii.the astonished robuer, loft alon. iu the darnuess, witb euiy % hudul ot coppers te ceufront him, howted aud ahook his fite in vain. Wheu old Giraud, as bo ast by the fre nuuriug bis nheiimatism, board the borse hoofe ceune clatlening up le lie door, ho hbougbt lb inust beoa fre or a mounted poicemen seul te amonst hlm, and bobhied ont ini a gnet fluvry. But the. nexI, moment he recogis.d lie - ooe eofhis con. Chartes' fstory wuaso acuWd, tand ever their tittie aupper et black bresd aud onion soup they laughed st the adveuture tilltheii smokold clr attera .choed again. Mater Chartes had, in taet, don.ea btt*r ulght's vork ta hblu.yned. Net cri)>'did the highvayrn a snag fatoh a price-vhich L vent an d loft theina good suce vîthout- touchinir pourBilam'a purchase mone>' ti. t old. Seigneur De Millet,1 tegreautimmft et ti.viote district, vas so deiighted at heaning Loy the robber had beeu oulwitted, Ihat ho sent for OharlesL sud teck hlm luteo hie ovra service., The. lad 1aavod euough m»uey troru hie vuges to buy hack oid BIaise b.. tore ver>' long; sud for lyemasialer, vhenèuer an>' uupromlaig affaîr turu. ed eut viii, the. people eit he diatriet used te ciii it "tbrowiuîg coppers ovin the. stream." Po« fuît partlculsmss d»0 ieunior-pply tc LIVIR 1 t0% , ; S om Ut., 0wT FPUnny Things. '«Can you tell me, professor, if this amber jewlery la geriuine?*" ,# chatseasity determined. Soak It'in atcobol tventy..fotr hours. If it', genuine, it witl then have diasappear- ed. " -i love you !" exclaimcd the Count. and a look of deep affection welted up in bis aristrocratic face. 4-1 love youl!" he ropeeced. They were aloneilutbe elegeuty ppointed drawing-room of Boodlegreat. Sr. "I love you !" le protested for the Iloe. ndtaking,,up, Docile.. greet.s chequebook, which- had been leit on the table, tie Couant warmly presaci it tceMbsat. Counset-Whuc is your aqge, madnm? Witness-il only kuow froin what i've been toti. and you just told me that iearsay evidence vas not valid in court. bo Ydo you atways hiave your egga, -1 prefer themIn l a form whlch re. quires thern te le openci in my pres- ence' Uncle Sites (inart gallery)-Giininy crickets, Maria, but the'-u ertios is oid felle rs! Aunt Maria-How do you knov? Uncte Siiaa-Why. teck et tttat air picter. It'. signei "Jones, '97.'" Marketrian-Yes, Sir, steaks have1 gene up laLe!>'. Epicuiua-l thougb't as muci. That lest eue 1 bouzght <rom you scruck nme as being ratIer 1*hlgb." "4Dearesr' 'Tii New Woman spoke affectionaîeIl te lier delicate 1ouug huabani. nRie dofti Angera vwetobuuiIy scwing buttonsuponberample bloom- en, vile VI is fo t hgerity rock- cd the baby. He lookci up osveoîly,,ïnto ber oyes, "Wbaî is k, darllng?" le lcvingly iuqulred, "Dea)resi," sie repcaîed apptovingi>' "Ibese pies am e tter cb hos"e mcci- er used toMake."*1 And hisboatwavs *noexçnesuiy gl*o; dceet by tl verdi etapp=1eîCico frOnt biésterà0ge haL -iThe Circassin Iooked .viLlidiagusÏ upon thievmordtswaller. ",Sir," te tîsgd haughtily. "do yeu suppose for -amomnstet 1vould placeny 4hildreu w0tîh a'-atliervieo ebitpiovith-aknite? N; Lirejeçt lhomefor féw hys. me 0OBBrown b4 a.d bis examin. àt~i tii th&shool ;o Pedaito , Toron. le~ in got sfteets the eos, îÎaer whioh it dîis u*psu. Iu , ulop4a0 off robsi'ds thos ameetd irodoe buê fruit, and 0eacepc #omethâ l dôlo .toechosk the. ravagés oft ýlâi c meny crehardi ln Ibis lo- Miss 8 eBull. Stilrling, le stoptng ithe obeese faecory for au indeftete perlod. M r A 8proule, assistant ohee màker, bis taken bis dipiomea ad gone. Sorna armets ln Ibis locality bae. started baying. Theb;o will b. short butgran i geeroIi ooknirwell. Mr& Fred Maitou sud obild, Ilocbeeter, N. Y , and Mr Lorn. Bastings, are viait- ing Monede ber.. Murray& La.nman 's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEBTEST MOST PRAGRANMT, MOST RPRESHING AND ENDURINGO0F ALL. PERFUMES FOR_ TME HANDKERCHIEF, TOULT OR BATH. AU. 688881811, PERFUEEflANS Tb. following are the promotions in be B.osvleobo.From III ce tv jr-Haa edvards 80 reu ent, ýRitobi. Gathrie dg. AFred BoU8 6B -$anders 676 Water, eavewCU, Luoy Ma son, 86., *r't.d BoW#ion' 60. Xi te iI Ratio Lynde 79 par cent., Arthur Lynde -17#, Tioýmes Lytde 8M,,James Boo*r b6 *Tm mswbed u s ook on-Y grsrnoisr. composiio, bietory, aud geography in tbe tir(>Atu. Sav.4Bu- Drnhu IEuubarnL She Finally Administered a Remedy, Without bis Kuovledge, and ÂOoruoad.nl.wul*es:1badeoa ppy home 214i ànoble "bg.leatW lbu& 41,lbis took'to, drlrnint, firet $brolii .oêIityýtbfa bec"». tb# fieb dIs* rwoqaldoom, avec hlis oaanWet frdusk Parayi d'. i l tma àU lbm ,Pill e rs piat .a rSfl 'b" e 00 snts "14,by *011 rupgistt on, Undi en pIluht meor lit Ib6, stad nsvi# pte aeth"S DO S KIDIW 27u.l Doddà. ed<ii co.:-Tom*ie. Gentlemen-À new medicine calIod Dodd'a Kldnoy Plle han hein recomind- ed to mle by my phynician, and, by hie advice, send on. dolar,th price et two boxe&. P"eae end Lhem wtotdolay. TOM utrnly, ANDREW FILEINS (atcn, MoPherson Go.,emn"ss JOUXn e. AREWELL, fieCes Bsrrst.sr Oouuty Orown Âtor S& an Conty êolloftor. Ofisce-Bouttb »g oe aor aouse, Whitby. Buiriter,' eto. Ofice former occupled by Pareveil& BRtiledge, nout iBol M, Brook S., Whitby. DAVID OKMUSTON, as A., Oouveysoet, ec. , 00ce - I the ffMe South o1!the.'Poil 0100ice luoMlluas Blook, Brook Streut, Whbby. a. TOVISO SM1Ts. LL. DB.# iBrrIuler, 4elo..-Monep b Loin. immer ofMari e Licous«s. OMe - Omllb's Bioc, BuT f Maket Bok 1., Whlby.' DOW & MGIL&IVJRIY, Barrllte, Sollollors in Ghgoourys t office inusMthisosi à Etwkeus uew block Brook f1.. WhIlby, south !of la*l0o b"sh o Bt urvoer aud Draimnge Enln, Potmry, Ont. ors. Warren if Moorpe. 3. . oore, M.- D F. Warrens M. D. Brooklin. hlj O0fice heurs 9,Ob. us. Ofice heuresil1sam to.1.DO& T .inLJ>osp.U Ph ie uda sc r el, lad à by Xi, .- atieuded te *whby. J*xr. igli, 180. Dca.,î»,hl$b, Qerk W. IauuPr fryoierk-"ý'- 9; a>.; 00 eYm; a14cr. 1 CÀ . x oseph o. Guly D *, Oct. iCi Oc0,3176De- R.]Bue10Votn ]Jan. sl G1; 0 mab 2 1; 5790Jul 1; ot. ; l»C'18., V-Ths- . Bri ue avSTO plerk M arcb 2M2; M' "Juiy ;Oc.1 De è By order, . .VABEWELL olerk ai the ïesce. October 7* e195 The Biult Paptilar TT life of HOr MsJesty ihave evO e acc," wrlte@ «làcr lOre,"bout Outfit free 1 o4/J~ TEE BRADLEY GARRETSON O. Toronto. W YATDBE LFAITHFUL M!len or Woeu Olte travel for »e sphable ettabllshed bouse lu Onterio- Salry 7~o pyable $15 weekly. d X pe pS elüëù lperman*ent. Referenée. ~close ..lf.addrue5'oàitped e1lvelope. The National, Star Buldig -Chcgo.-17-8 Cor. RIng & Tonge M. Toronto. Foi the. neat 02 et mentise amglving specîf) attentionbo te, >àt4aufrein a dis- lance. À= n al plates lu rebb«. 68, geflnled f0sliver I-SMu vo;rk crowi'il tb Ii6lISS eprlti à% b. Mo", tuaeuiablê ý ràS atestlb. oly. Wheu n ulb.elty 061au l00a4 jI et ü ýexar- tas, voin ti4 pý Alte ne etra olge. Ï »Utisk ottiti sbat ocrer Klngud l!erutc W. .WANR OPAL, LATE, L!JMBER, 5WGLI~. ~@I3~WOOD, ULAU,4 E'f O. AGENT ' For the PEOPLR'S GOAL 00.1 TORON TOi. office and Yard just East of t3ptown Station. 148K YOUff STATIONER -101-- L2~iIT Flfty Years Ago. ai Who could Imagine that thi. mhouid be . Orbe place wbere, tu elghtcen ninety.îhree Irbat white worid-wonder of arch and bc dome be sbould shadow the nations, polychrome... t flore at the Pair was the Prize conferrcd w on Ayer'u Pille, by the world prcferred. rl oChicago-like, they a record show, bi dOuc cthey started-59 ye C g. aî Ayer's Cathartic Pls f have, from the thme of their preparaition, been a continuons hi suoea with the public. Ând that meanal that Âyer's Pill aooompllsh what ia promised ti for them; they cure where l othoe ta 1.L Iwas fitting, t therefore, that the world-wida J popnla.rity of thes. pill abould I 'b. reoognlaed by the Worlsi's pair =Moal of' 1893 -a tact ,whloh omphaalso the record; 30Vears of Cures. À MÂTTER OP JUSTICE. 18 TEE WAY A YOUNG LADYO0 NEW BRUNSWICK VIEWS IT. Suffoied Froin Headaches, Pain in th. Blde aud Heurt Pslpitsuio-Shs Things Birnîlar Sufferers8bhouid M Know How Sb@e Fouad a Cure. Vrooe the Fredericton Gleaner. miss Alma Miller,of Upper Boutbsmp 0 tout 1.B.. la a daugbtérof cftM. Est* Miller, a weaiîby sud inifluculist fermer,c -sud the Young lady if e generel favorite1 îwong a vide cirole of acquanimaes, -wbo bave bcd ocoasion te Congraculate ber upon. bar comploe restorat.ion to ,hesIth, aiter asasvere and icrying ilinesec Whou a correspondent of the Glesiier- cied opon bât, sud requestedl chat the <aimet mgb be given for publication, the- Young lady, chouicb ual et ali axious for ,publioity, oovercbeless gave ber consent« in th. hope chat- ber experleuce-m=lt prove beu..ficial to morne of th. eu ynung.girls whosê ceondition of bebtliit aer shilar tO what ber'& van prWrousj Io bet cure. Misq Millar stated th as, -when ber ilîness began lier mother vis -zuabie 10 look eiter the affaira of che bos.bold sud the duties largoiy de- "vlied upon ber. She <.11 -berself grow. log weak and -a.a iîed, bit; Vfelt "h ,the muet> keep up. 8h. aya:'."Notwitli standing mly efforts I fouudnI.i'ëf groi- Sy omplexion becee sl lo CIndMy aeesucken inrny head. I waa-troube viii tines >eh-sortuesat, oet reath 9"& -Yýpitsio ofthe liar nt mitt irneal1 PÂBAIO lad ~mw r. MIZthy kiua -p-o. paý&U ý

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