Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 2

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* / *The Sanie.. r gme Util stbéy euiIe.me è Thst's Ayeres. The mare old This wu th.e ut Ig.90 garapgrillia as it wus made and, 1 fOU(lht four hlmi1 bled fur blm, As slwoug b theaStet î'd rave, &Oid by Dr. 4~. C. Ayer 80 v.'"'. Audtwben tbrOugb him 1 lest My bat «go. la tielaboratory It ln Thia le the bat h. gave. 4iffeent.Ther modm apt1- y boots vmesof the neateut fitt dîflren. Thre oder apli- A# fine as bots cotild be:, suces lend speed te skil and For hlm 1 gave away sn1 boots, experieuce. But the marsapa- Ââde .boe e rilla la tie.Mmre Old mraparilla My cyes e esof the deepest bine, Nor lustre did they'ieck; that made the trcor--a0 lesTS But cow o u yn seb bth are ted. ofceie. ly dontwt better And bue is aisO b mcl1 It? ~elIwe'r unuli l the M{Lnonq u vaneer beautifui. it? Wel, -wee muchin thuIt vas et oiamis conditioni of the. Blahop aud the Old Alcohol, lie touched It Up, raspberry - ,Doubtle, " lie And what d'ye tblnk of this? of , God mîglit have mxade a He promlsed 1 should courage have saidFor adl the ls of life; better berry. But dotibtleil, The bravest thlng he made me do aie, lie neyer did." Wly Wus beat my litts wfe. don't wle better the narmarilla? He *romised he wonld give me wtt, And 1 should nuser b. sead, We can't. We are usîug the insiend of uhich he took ay - Sam@ oit# pga.%t that cured the The littit eue 1 had. ludiena snd the. Spaniarda. it The hcalth snd wealth lie promised me liasnet been bettered. &mid He nevet, neveT gave; But wheu lie'd alen mai 1 bd, ince me. make sarsaparilla Ceni- 1 ud mymeif a &lave. pound eut of araparillat plant, So noflouilI fight for him no more, we asec1ne way et Improvement.. le% eae aliedsyto me- 0f course, if we werc makilug iVU loic the ,Corps" to d %y! smre secret chemlicai comuDiid - .-@*6 we miglt.... But we're net. iMPIUTE We're making thec mre old sur- Mr. A. J. Christie bas resnoved to Port saparilla te cure the same eld Hlope. diseeses. 'Jeu cati tell lus it Mr&. RelIpr sud family are viiting re &Omo *ld aargapar<flla be- latives in Sharon. caus It erkmtii.*amecEd Mess".. Hanalton sud Tunstead, of cause ltwo overtelgube d Uxhridgeâ, vere in the village on Sunday. ettre» It'm the soeeg bod Nitqo Bertie Manning, of Toron to, le ¶purifierad-itla vrs.~ viitng at the hou.et Mr. Wm. Knight. M r. Jas. Ras, of Port Perry bigb school in epeudiug bis vacation witb bis - - parente ber.. OORR SPON ENCERev. W. H. Webster, junior minister OOERBPON ENCE on the circuit for the paît year, was pre- oo:-:0-ented ou thbe evening cf bis departume PICKMRINGwitb a purs. of $15 aooomnpanidwlth an pICEE.iHGaddrsss signed où behaif cf the cbureh Wilie riding - bicycle lu Buffalo a few aud epwortib bague, thaukitig hlm for his dsys go Mitls May Gordon feil aud in samesetuees ansdsalin uthe. ork wimile doiug so breke ber iog by collidiug witb bers and wibing hlmmvemy seueees for thie eurb tone. Ihoth bous e esbroken the future, indîvidusilly, and lin thead- and abs vili b. couftned te bar ootu for vauemsut of the. cause of Christ. Mr mOïo tiie. Webster ieft for Queeuîvîle, wbsre hoe b Mrs. Dean, of York, Enilayad, la vieil- tstioued for the. nexl year. lng wiîb ber cousin, Mrms. W. J. Daie, and lait week att,.uded the Friends year The wiclow Iy Meeting. BefQre returuing home abe apist h wili visit Niagara Falls sud other Cana- a Y t thto dieu points of lutemesti. even the Most Philp Khot wh sevedbisappen.callous.hearted. Pbdîp Rbot, wc servdebia a pmeu tiossbip et biackammuhbng witb Richard .- ns ti lu the Eleerd, met WiLh an accident su a «Wammvo mall at> Rat Portage tb. othar day, aud i fe luvpriv eensequenoe lest bis loft arm ust emi ab support U P e n the sibcw. Hieismnu>'frîsuda boes iiivhlch mhe lied dseply regret bis mifoittine. eeud, id ber For th it t ew weeakt tbm ity Papenrs - - =ad*be will &Peak lun<b.he staffeetionate torma uteowed y htom Imaginable of the cuntry ecuaîua. This of thie One nsu esuniemsetfli <c prevade lhe metropoli-lua al tht e nd tan anctume for a few wesks snnumlly -, 13on vbomshe sud dosa net show mtach signe cf sbatiug ber love sud aftection. A man hibunoright util afier the exibition, wheu the moul te sacrifice bis 11irin the uusd rac for mOney, baek and hayaei pbrasui take the pro- by negiectig him bedlly heilth. A Mas1 minent missives. Oveslit te hînsself' sud te bis vif. aud chii. dren toi lire s leug aud helpfta l 1fé. If a Inuthlm &ge et bury sud buitie vs aire masn ould ie be.muet keep besitit. apt '< forges the eting place o f our Heslth le a usatter cf a 11111e Patch bens Venerabie aud booveddsad. A Visit te suddcte. Look after the t ie aliments cuirvakltm smetls.will51 ues aud the bit slluentevwll tlke Camsof theus- Olues &Ëu mi akep W"'es on e 000-atsee. Th viiiaerrcomte. Dr. Plercele vinCe th Mos SkPtici OuthicPOIS- GldenM cal Dlecovtry keepé the bbody While the îîm.ggle for bmead ma>' prevent lu peret e ith. prou u rdlicafte Vnsu>' from tdvoting ths Lme tIsai voulti tht ltte allmets-thst lu erig ons tRacs. IL --. - id IftbA Î erlug Phàrmaoy, but latoI>' cfTeroato, bas bosii appoinlsd manager of thse peu"i drog îmore ai Guelph, fer tise mnier mentis. As tul* e u@ofihse mex- (CIwvdeotUm teusive atomes ilu WstrnOxtailo VS lma' Ofthtie fammh"s bi tetehsy Muet cogratulate friendi Anderson on bitsnt W.- i..(h. sud vifefc OlgazyAl. w«lflatve Isw4 berts, ame bmre itb bis paIMno t. f 'Wor tisbveae"» vacation. W. regret tomla tisa lmbu i ~s~'S~ ,~liels been il for sminedveZka mai o t. dI" M oIiW f «OU il - ge cal itare for typhold fever. butlol s la. n. o utd u ir.wu grstilug this, Isproes. beon astu t S- wbis au ad .14 15NNUSbis b provse oudion te & Soum o f Ma i *tudei f tt .ml% f1in 4 t gmaiation tbis luoserous frtepâs. 9»-à-On We * u tW1 'nSuS lir.Vuston.. vhs bbasà las r . à! od:M ý ouste for a forusght, vwsut"on MltiseenI otkosr de>' sud bi o te Stkt to ù bompit for trestusaut. lèr hW* «W.gà"".bc Who hbu besula ise 9*b«Opi tu MM woe tinilwe l, nosl lm t Ml l beau.i- devis étain maîjs I nceulodul wlle naga ueuis 01.trn t1bé Thirow Mud-. An important feature of the Electric Tire that is flot generally recognized, is the fact that the construction of the herring bone tread is of such a pattern that the usual suction found in other tires is broken and it is impos- sible to throw mud. When the rider of the Electric Tires strikes a wet, slippery road or pavement, he does flot suifer mental torments, but watches the other fellow get the streak of mud up his back as he slips and slides along.' The Electric Tire is a boon' to cycling humanity, for it renders it possible for the righteous as welI as the wicked to ride in slippery places. Go thou and do likewise. Haifing aud îuruiP boelng la the. eider oS tue day. M Harmalaisl kepti buoee:ractingCU bons>' tii... tys. 1( Mesurs B Brown and j Wbieford ba. becma mombers cf tue metOIut chboit. Quite a imber freinbohe.sit*b4tM ibm oelabratoms of tbe'battee oftise;bc7u~e tAISE*T lu Utbridas ons thé Igub sd report bai' nortc ing a geodt ime, Cztq Q it. a n u m b e r fr e in he r s satt de t Z I 4 WBElLoore anti mutr Auni. 11lst W Toodt>' t0 spestà afow vekoa iisti friands St Toetevaier- 8SBulidgeO uaalmrohul of Ibis pla* has «rOted a av eb'W fo« 9"oos~4 a&den cf bis ama> oustoufei. Lavit Rme had a l. b«latm ~ de, t»irslsg Mmbo eBakae. ial- !DUb tetosaete ot«a DOW lstore tiIm. 'Visa gh& have beau s a t odi Wie.60 toot pleewotomnd&UâS ai seWU ic uI lxthP uthal lise~ ~ ~ ~rn ltgas.,utduy e pe1 tea tbow *4 ormmdditY«ýVP - t*sat o wrl a ooei tag~~~~~~ ltlOiliBUit "grat demsiod ai th, e*~a.d lthfevlIgitbfiUS ~tiiltb t s Op t» *iuisromwthemaouudatut4fl a -ay ---------- - I eee hI __ To Pevou ReHg Oholera- A. Wiseonsin stock grever, writlug te tiie Iowa Horneaiesti, asys: 'We belisîs, if y ou could educate lime breodens sud feeders bow &0 feodsu nt tala came of their bogus, thera voulti b. "*y littie hep choeramlin tise ceuntry. W. believe bog choiera eaut b. préî.mttsd. We bais ralseti hope for 86 yeats sud bave hati bolcirs butonce durng ihi 64 gwi..Theue la 1tS mueli crn fêi te "g. ilt> of food aboula b. Led, pigabioula gsi verl' ltde ooreisun. 07 èrbe as nsaisbe si.Xti. Iluhe, 5.1 for healtis aid prowtubthe âMI-aitai iulm o C ftliiifr iev" M tup 1-oMr tis* oh*fflo oste thé>' umier v bave thebeg t sEa odgrsssPsatteenddia tii. sat .ê ashiai shy viii atjpleutyr IOk.~ 0 etul fêta, goti letu d aboie a1é Èod piaut0,sh"P luf, sa amboula Tî lîam&oui eWe7 y. th bitxu an fr o oir . 6# ëd p pydoi h Md if esué nh sIieisaeS. Pata la Ike Mies, e. Menfthol Plaster TDAVIB'&LAWWINC% CO-# Lmn Prapsieotu. M qvIIMf Per Leggot sud famay are with P Pryfuiende. TMiss EIle Ruruhor ie ber. wifh Peeple for a short Bty Miss N McLaren is tbe gueut of frieDd, Mies Jennie Mîcheil. Miss Cliapoeen', of Toronto, is vitli Gibbons aud farnily for à vieiL. Mies9Dotuswe 1 bas retnrned frot, Month'& vsi-twji'h ci(y fr 1ends. Miss Nettie Gibbon@ aud Mise Wal of Toronto, are bere wîtb friende. liMilme, V.S., of Toronto, waa 'ith biS Motter and Bsters over tbeL Arnott Leslie and Arcbie Kerr, of P Sriug, were bere on 8unday witb D biedy and wife. Geo Oerow, Esq., has been oonfina< the bouge for a week but i now tu better. A beavy cold wistehie troubi Peter Leaper, of Toron to, is borne - ig parente jusi; uow, Hasue mre tien of Vâlisig the old cou ntry tuis sa mner. Jobn Wlîit@on raieed a commnod hemn on Tuesday afteruoon, wberu tht gi*tlance of tha neigUboume came in1 handy. Mr aud Mrs Brodie of Markbam, here tbis week uilh ibeir sone, Dr. and Veterinary Charles. The old cel are iu good health. A H MeKay and bride have reui and are now niaely 8eeuled .in theiri little home opposie the markiet. wish tlîem longç lif&tiud mnuch happir Mrs Barry Ibompson returned1 Detroit on Mýouday whpre ebe hall with ber dauguter Sophia, wbo boa1 il for sbtue weeke, but je now a better. The cangregation of Erekine eh held a meetng ou Monday evening, after oon8îderable discuesion, iL vas ctded not to extend a cali to any Min for some weiks yet. Tbe band boys were at Brong Mouday evening playing at the Ste son karden party, and we bear that magsie was rnucb appreciated. A nul of our villagers attendad. The pie-nie on Dominion day bere der the auspices the of MAthodist Se sehool paeeed off very pleasant. the attend anoe was very. The race gamnes were mucb enjoyed by the C ren. Ira Boyer's driver gaI fearfully ei a wir 'e tence tbe other day, and it ni fit te drive for weeke, It ins surpi the nutuber of accidents tibati tibrougis barbed wire, yet eacb year material ie used more extenaivel, fencing.' A couple of deer have been seel quently in D Fort;ytbs vwoodis, mouti of the village, doring the past tîwo'w They are but fawn, Aua this le eloei mon for sucob animaie 1$ is to bp I that no one will be fooliab enènl shoot tbem. If they oould b. trapi sortie way and domesticated, wha' pets tbey would make. Receutly the body of a man was: lying beside the railway traok tbree miles euet of bers. He valsi ed fairly well, but there wus 0 upon thbe body tilit would serve for tifloation . In the pocketa were à a bruali, soap and mli glas a Sn ehalk line, B peari, hsndle4 kuifi foot ruIe and coeebewiug tobsuce an Ottawa Journal, b.arling date of 25tb. The body was that ofa &bon& sixty yearm cf ego,sud,' weigh about 140 ibe. 'Death Wuex eiîlaem sunstrohe corlieart fae, se wae no mark et violeuec on tbê Coroner Eastwood dseîded thal à quest was not neeeîmsary and the. », *bvameftn hrglf bhW Undà To - Bristo-l SARSAPARILL PROMPT AND -NEVER FAIL&S .5 '1

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