Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 3

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tber*' wlth al*àIo he uq of01bu fh 1fToo il wilh T. rit omeei.bai i0oad fzui a 14bteGlbbxoud Misa Waford of T4oroto# gr% haie wibb frieuda. 11 bs olLer »bâ&stonsover the houl :,-&teottLesiue aud Arohie Kerr# of Piok- rigwmr bore on Suuday with D Ken- Geo QeGrow, Esq., ha. been oonfined te ~tbe bouse for a week but is now wueb à fbit s &bavy cold vrais the trouble. Peter Leaper, of Toronto, ie home with btParents jua% now, iHe ha@. mre no ton of vintg the old country this snim John Wbltson rs.lsed a sommodions bia on Tuesday afternoon, whon the as- ulitano. of the nelghbours came in very haucly. Mr and Mr. Brodie of Markham. are bors this week 'sith their son@, Dr. Oso aud Voterinary Charles. The old couple are ina good b,,altb. à Il MeRay and bride have reururd ana are now nicely settled in their cov liffte home opposite theo market. We Wlhthem long tif. and xnuob happineise Mr@ Havmy Thompoon returned (roui JDetroit on Monday wbore ah. lias been with hem daugnter Sophia, wtio bas been fil for ibm. weekm, but is now much botter. The. cangregation of Erekino churcb héla a meeting ou Monday evening, and after oonidorable dïscu@son, it was de 4' àded not to extend a cat to any minister for smre weeks yet. The band boys were at Bronzhamn Monday evening playing at the Steven- son gardon party, and we bear that the music wasg muob appreciated. A number cf our vittagers attendod. The pic-nie on Dominion day bore an der the auspices the of Mmthodist Sabath sohool po.seed off very pleasautty, and the attendanoe was very, The races and games were much enjoyed by the ctiild- r*èn. Ira Boyers driver got fearfully eut in a wire fence the other day, and it not b. fit to drive for weeks. It i.s urprieing the number of accidents that occur througb barbed wire, yet each ye4r that materiat is noed more extenaivety for fencing. A couple of deer have boon seen fme- quently in D Fornyth's wood, south-ea8t of the village, daring the past two weeks They are but fawn, As tkins iB elose sea, son for snob animgtleiL is to be hoped that no one wil b. foolisb enough to shoot tbem. If thoy could b. trapped in omne way and dloneatioated, what fine pets tbey wontd make. liecently the body of a man was found lyiniz boude the railway track about three miles east of bore. H1e was dresa ed fairly well, but there was nothing upon the body that would serve for iden- tfeation. In the pooketo worq a razor. a brush, soap and amati glass, a mnasous, cheilk tins, a ppari handlsd knire, two foot mile and taome chewing tobacco, and an Ottawa Journal, bearing date of Jane 28th. The body was that of a mnan about Fixty yearse ofmga, and would weigb about 160 lbo. Death wae due to eitber sanstroke or beart failure, as there was no mark of violence bu the body. Coroner Eastwood dscided that an in- qaest was flot uscossary and thp rromains were takien charge of by Underlaker Bundy and interred. The mansg identity etili rernains a oeystery.-News. To Cure RH1EUYATI[SV Bristol's SARSAPARILLA Ir 1s PROMPT R E L1A BL E AND NEyER FAILS. AÙk pur Drugesit or Dealer fori 1 c!1ISTO LS SARliPARILA. M4~ Mi0ni.Âlhaw-ay bas beau wlîb er grandanothor, Mira Moltyr., for s Tho tovnshlp Tomperanea Alliance it boe .on Saturdsy, July B. vbeu a teteudauee as neftt. ~II~ai Wilon, c»0v, fornî.rly et laolgbore nov for a raonîh vitAi 'o ebobol]. Ws hoar t T.-B- WxllIs' borse gel ttmuot et- Marbmau"conDominion Zî~~s4d nopono lu ebead buthe bel biéa e e rned eut. , v ShoSïsu nsud bride,WbI Mtchell, 'bp vltb ber at " Ja . O. Ban - i s*ds Tbe@ ua oul -wbo &Ualfor aprspenou um v u% ito Beon o Stnfdl The Siok and SWhfti hd o tÀp* peal to Rimiri li THE NUMBER CtIRED: Increases Each Day, untU b e. o cord -lias been made thatý The Victims of Disease who have -beeu Restered te Health Bles the Name of Munyen.,, Mr G McKay, Button West, Ontario, Canada, aya:-'II begau using Mun yons Cure for nerveusoesa sometime mgo and have experienoed splendtd result. 1 hiad been studylng very bard for smre time and wauira an ozceedir*gly nervous condition as a eoasequuee. The sou stant itrain was telling ou me seversty, but coeamati viai, of Munyon's Nere Cure gave me relie£ anad I have uo beait- ancy ina reconimending i"i reoesdy." Munyo'. Rbaumatiom Cure setdom fails te retieve in on. tote m honte, and cures in a few day.. Pries 28c. Munyon's Dyppsia Cure pouitivoly cures ail forme .of Indigestion and stom ach trouble. Price, 25c. Munyon s Cold Cnrs prevente pneu- monia and breaks up a oold in a few boums. Pries, 280. Manyon's Ooagh cure stops ceugbs, nîgit. sweats, almaye @mrenées, and speod iîy huais the lunge. Prie,25s. Munycu's Kidney Cure speedily cuoes pains in the back, teins or roins ad ail forme of kidn.y disease. Pries, 25c. Munyoa's IoadacbeOCureotop& Lead. ache in tbnee minutes. Price, 25c. Manyon's Pile Ointment positively cures aIl forma of p ile@. Pris,, 24ô. Munyens Btood Cure emadleat« ail impurities oftbte blood. Price, 25c. Munyona Femnals Reaiedies arn a boon te li wotnen Munyc' Astbma Rernedies relleve lu 8 minutes and ours peroeauently. Prlie, si. Murayon's Catarrh Remedies nover fail. The Ctarrh Cure-pries 25c.--eradca?.es the diasse from the systeai, aud the. Ca- tarrb Tablets-pnîco *6.-cleaase and heal th. partg. Munycnas Nerve Cure is a woaderful nerve tonie. Price, 25e. M nayen'. Vitalizen resioros lest vigor. Poreonal lettens te Prof. Muuyou, il and 18 Albert st., Toronto,- aaswared witb free medicat advice for auy disease. Bizes. - A span is 9 inches. A hand is 4 inches. A size in collar lesi inch. The naile S2 S loches long. A nautical knot le 6, ioo foot. A site in cutis le half an inch. A quarter of cloth le 9 inches. One iundred quarte make a cask. The hedgehog is se inches iu tength. A royal octave volume le io,t9 by 6 ti- The ordumary pin is about i inch long. A pace is censidered te be about 3 fteet. A size in finger rings is 1-16 et au inch. A bushel le equal to 210,2cub)IC inches. One hundmed epoontuli makeOone quart.j. , The mocassinis froua iS Inches to 3 Deeks are f ron 26 te 30 luches lu beight, f The ordinary human ose le 2 luches long. The cemmon red fox les 1)4 te 2 ft long. A size ina stockings is thrft-qnaMtef cf an inch. Knitting needles are usu&lly 9 inebCsý ina length. An OntarloLay K ê oada POU soned jwtç!JUuW5tu5 on "# '*51 DUE7 R f, Utd I Bi i3ru Vauoe 017. DItr Eram"ao Q A590, ie:Bih 599, WiIU Burton 517, GAnts-Ostker 529, mal' Ortydetmns 461, Effle Duhan. 641# An- dieu Puuwoâiok 60, Lqon&Md ?enwiok 47&, -Ùay "'Ga-ad 520, (rtrude Glover b72, Mabsi QrGgu1405, AlU0e Hill1429, Olive loopez ô78, Wiiis Hgamblyn, 551, miliei.Mauon-4O7, Fis Muon 608, LoaD Muaon 492, Rtilda Maxwell 670, Artur Morris 522, (Clarence Meath 548. Colin Mean 870, Bd Pattinson 492, WYiîtie Ro«e 492, Ethel Soobeli 488, Taibet Seobeil 431,- Suais Stanley 440>, Nomsi Staplocon 532, Maggie Trebelcock 504. Tyrene-Mîss Adetaide L Mewbray, teeoher-May Byam 547, AlileOrsoper 628, Alma Pottard 478, Coma Scett 478, Bort Creeper 469. limydon - Miss Ettie A Campbell. teacber-Addie Broad 582, Maud Creeper 525, Riieda Hudson 532, Edith Trewin 446. Hampton-' pj Groat, teachr-Louie Blliott 506, Effle Robbins 427, Ewart Creeper 476, F M Hannan 428. Enniahillen-W W Noble, toachr- Wim Gilbert 495, Esmond Hall 422, Sher- Wood Pottor 475. Baker's-W J Trenouth, teacher - Elsie Orchard 463. SS. No. 5, Darington-Miss Bertha Morris, teaoher-Melbourne Allun 444, Clarence Smale 568, Chas Wight 461, Laura l3ragg 517, Allie Wight 490. Maple Grove - Miss Minnis Spry, teacher-Ethel Aiford 624, H Tyler 4484 S S. No. 10, Darlington-Miss Mary Creba, teacher-Arthur Hoar 486. S. 8 No. 13, Darington-R Stephens, teacher- Victor Hooper 573, Clarence Smith 539, Wilbur Woodley 476. Saem-Mise Minute Howison, teacher -4&e. Hutchinson 443, Eflie Rutledge 567. 8 8 No 8, Dtrtingto-E W AllUn, teacher-Plorenco ,eunungs 428. Union-E C Hezzlowood, toacher- Minnie Gibson 501. 8baws-Mise Ada Biekie, teacher- Pearl Riokard 506. BjCxSmeoCK 8 S No 2, Cartwrigt-I B Barclay,1 teseher-Npllie Hoimes 505, Bertha liooey 572, Edus .lobb 426. 8 8 No 1, Cartwrlgbi-- Mies Georgius Hyîsnd, toucer-J H Devit 516. Burkeon-Frsnk Moore, teshr- Lorr-mo Hillier 486, Cesueron Cowan 4'27. 8 8 No 14, Maiposa- N Rieh, teaeh- or-Emma Bruce 491, Effie 8w-sm 446, Nellie 5w-sm 428. PUBLIC SOHOOL LEAVING Wrote at Bow-manville,-Hattie Clow- ns 722, Gertrude Creeper 641, Ada Cry. deraman 624, Wilfred Morne, 880, Ethel Skiner,655, Locua. Williame 798. The following obtaiuod outrance stnd- ing ouiy: Flonouce Fraser 675, Olive Uittle 547, Kats Virtue 884. Wroe t iBlacks:ook-Chnisie Arum 685, Carnie Beaceek 718. Oscar Fas 618, Stella Holmes 657, Arthur L Hons 670, Russell LausinR 681, NeWei Osvsld 744, Wm Taylor 66, Herbent Tivwi 618, Leuisa Watson 851. Minai. Beaock obîainod Enînance standing euly viib 628 marks. 612 marks ncoesary ton Publio e oo L.avlug. 2U por oul ou oaeb aubjecitfon Entrance standing. The follwviuq pupiIs pased îLee ous. laations ab Osbaws: Sllas-R MoLarn tasebe-Jobu Baker 542, Wm Baker 422, A Nîce, 540. Enfield-Mias B S Wlgg, tesebe- Cap ei47. N4, Darlington-Mnr W W Haneock, terhw- Wonden, 441, a Osborne 4M, An Auni 48. 1No S,9I>erlngtu-Mr J M Rbre taaebu,-A Oèentae 478, 0 Webet.r 461. Buslaooe hpgÃ"-MrOc w s81mn t.aiir--~ ltIon6M. Public 8Bool Leavlug xsl tou-EfBoar 6%2,a CURES l-i m- lias eviettiag triends loem Mir WC st T J h ae repa1rod and etpalutid îhi -ilz pah» sand bitipltced ber once more in the take for the suai- Mr Ed Shannon returned last weekc frota Chesterfield, where he Lad been visiting bie sister. Messrs Walter Shier and Geo Um- phrey hav;e îaked a higb place in the recent uriverslty erams. Rev Mr johnstonf, of Chesterfield, made a flylng visit bore last week on hie way home'from Winnipeg. He speaks well oft he- gteat north-west and its prospects. We are glad to hear that Rev Mr Reid has accepted the unanim-ous cal te be permanent pastor bore, hIsanity In Summ.er BROUGRI ON BY NERVOUS AND MENTAL TROUBLES. PAINE'8 CELERY COMPOUND THE GREAT TOWER OF BAFETY. Nervous disass, when aggravated by mental distuntuancos, produce more cases of insanity ln the hot wsather ihan ai any other season of the year. Nervous headacho, nerveus dyspepsie, eleeplesnes., and obroul osutipation induce depresmion of spiite, oxtreme weakness, mrbid fe4rs, despondeney andtague; cm t dread insaumty cornes slewly sud surell Nosvou suferns aàedread ef bot woathon, Finding them lvos despmr lu the pit et misny thon they wsre lu the Isprng and early suuuuer they are in utter des pair. Thousands whese cases have net tbeeu met by treatmrnta they are nov under an leudly callng ton help. Theme is hope aud resous for you, reader, if yen are oesof ihs suiffers. Yen are in aeed of Paiae's Cslsny Cern. ponud, thai great Dnilden efthe nervens systma. Is vitalising actioncomemnuces with the fint-boîtle you use. Yen s000 begin te teailsthat yen are dmlly drink- iug healib. The velum.e o blood li-. mediately lucreases lu tLe artenies, sud tbe body la falîy fed sud aounlehed. 'Your appetîte becoms koeen d namiral, ihe tirsd nres aud brain are etnength- eaed, sud yen foot impulss ofbealt thai cheor the seul. The power ef Pain.'. Cslery Cern pouud over notions summer dise. le admiited by tous of thouande who have uaed îhe mînvehlous mediolue. Thia ne- mankable remedy wîll meut' aaunedly meetjyour sansd gi-veyon a Dow life.; il *Illay iL.etc.urdaion ton future happlussu. sud long yesrs. Weak. wnetched., and lufirrn reader, vs ceunsl Yen teOuxake use cf tuas life-reetorer ai once, sud Oeloy tLe iune hleaarngm of Tw-e stiFbi cases et stinstroke oosumnd lu ibis vîinit>hut veek, MP. T. Boyn. ton sud Mn. L. Rpobents vers boti Pro- trated for s day or tvo. Quit. a number etfoonyoung people et- tended tbhe c reuasocial'ai the.a»nie MW i lasI<ie* Barkor u spe0diog astee dylberonds Ds ¶>n d:agaýwuroundiiet e lit R.Ooob a gadmaly improvIsai lsT.'C"e., wo sbee au itl 'aêsi>for soe, .wesà.wt à,aduy tii. reéàlt of saniwxident soins aintho agefgtting, weaker $il ithe tisas. hëM hèrewîU e achange for Uiq botter On tii. 201h uit., asdon tOMr. And, V114 Wms Bverm. VAACOQLEEMISSIONS, NER VOUS DEBILITY, SYPI4ILIS, -STRIOTWrUE, OLEET, SEMINAL lWEAK- NE8~ PIMLEè,LOTMHOOD UNNAtURAL DISCHARGE$, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASEU. éyen réciandalnleces: u'mend scir i la MtrTwttul- walb6 or cImm% al CURES GUARANTEED) OR NO PAV-CONFIDENTIAL PïATtgiwm THEGqkvli nbJea tm besme e ànervous wreek. A friend wlic had tered=îyDam.Kennedy LU oflat= dme totry thmuL1di smultwo mentbsueê 'Va. d tseiadylago 1sa=now manniid h ave tvo h"zaltbr "1)"Varlocela ruade Ml it.misble. 1 is wesk snd VARICOCELLECIIR nrvouse,9 eîas ukmn bshW&"ugoleybair tlium uo.j~~Tha'Golnoulter' oienod k flu le-w etodIreauto sdLeueured me tn a f aw we.k.-L P. P&M O,Ionea, JeR n P. EMELRSON moteshi. exielende. 1-lveou o EItS§INS LU* firnAecoo Iendsemi habit. M le 9 physoslljEally nd mentait Famldtosd vasgol. &Krm. N.1 Ito ny hautIn. 1Aiesned the TRUTE sud Oteé(CAUSE.85 bna ýudmlytvtality. i took Vie NNoethod Trentuient and vas urs!. My fluast1nk wus, ure-<1of courarmptin. 1bave sent tbem insuy paets,s»e wou eecureci. Their Novwliethed Treatent supplies vigor, vt an sd evnulienîflrn"This terilble blod disesa wus In. my sypetfer aiglit O1~WL~U4~l1Diuyogis.Bad tekr» mercury for 1w-o jeas, but the dises. r lean sd blotches on the. okin, ulcér l lin te moutia iud o tonff une u plIsaluonet o hair vi-skume, etc. Mi' brother, vho haibhem curedide iert mimd Hri tre b re. Ilnneai sud Rae-reomeddnuu The ono e[ e ek.sdItank No dnuto Lm.bcretura oeth*s 17 Y BARSIM DETRIT0l,, 2OO.OOO CUREO. NO RI8K. s vlotim Have ynet hoc? Are yen ontmlfa uùr N~e Mot îs!le$rit, V «= Wb"st b i for MuI f COSL, R& emasycr oibuendi P o auh oè nlon Ie ethai s b lersa isio.ale. BOOK fl -rL_;e~dm MLnito (Iluatra s), NA»lasesÈon.laI et*e cutpe, ýiL W^INO A UB lTOTRI1TBM CONSIENT. PR1.. 0 M ti a 0 0D. Nonamea on boxes or suive hg U1 00, i. Ques*ion letan sd oost of OgSi£N#Ey N.14881'ELBY ST. Howsrd N Grant, ef Toronto, bas pur- cbassd'O T Wrigh'& photographie bu.l! Ai iiI-F neas, sud teck possession os, July lt. U l 111 Mn Grant bau - had conaldonablo oxpen- EUU SU WWW ip.botb in Canadisu sud Amonloan ______________ chupies, sud proposos tumng oui highessle: grade werk capable vith al&B.heirpror - TH ed meihodu. Ses biscase et samptes. E TH E flINIUL sud cIatie bsstudio, 1Eatleysa Block, up- MD.,II~-O ain, if yeunas eauly ltolauIS" REM Oe.u photograpb. Mn Wright go.. te Toron- en w.jThe New, Sa'fjle L Md Surare. Gospel Wsgg@u.for Drunknues. The gospel waggou of the Torontto «m Palth ~ ~ in Msinaivelutovu Baturday: RET N bibnenmd$I sftornoon, ila-chare kMoeur% soa, 3:T dm net neeastaie roetI Leekis, Pii, sud LÃŽ à"#onssd *durnag 'te s& nllarium. lItc«Mi b. tdmbiom1 the w-o.k servrices have boon beld ee", wîlout, the patets -ku . evenn opii. snnr Q MM1858 su, ed, vith bsfodsdink.YI. Peter atriot, The, Mission garn e.a I tAm. ar efodadiuhesi hou ko neither saler> onexpenumt thoue lu 3 edge, orditing tii ehange toeti charge o et ii. ok, Ue« o'wu ohlectioxi g,,g~I le b. taken, but -b> ta"t sects itI ii.noed support wml .gvnb A Ohyistita peoplesa ttie waggoi gon thotu TI-put-up i Ib te"n te tovu. Ail the 4boie 1naffd edaonleimt rinsund soifs s41,00 pen gentlenien- atakia scourue tétudy abh I box, TIhm .boxes 1250- .t ill be the Toronto-ibi.Insttuts, sud am tiie forved&prepaki sealed *ad, Ina lssoat mî ts Mr Buer.qse4t pl'~ai rappor, 1> e 1"8 g 1h. fui or chia, teengau.- la iusion * u' Mount - Wonk the. Mn- Lawrena. ala snephea Uwwgo o e*es-Mid. Dmar MV r~tr-Wl &a~a t' r 105 ~hwRb05pê te* î2t ,44 es*m~.~ p. r log- IS Iqê e 41 J" j.olI M t wpoI ~ ~ls ocs WM,$~WP~ Pr Ladiues heuld renienbe Dlm yes are theoxl and nuadalîerated dysalu, The imitation dys sod us usmes have bnlk euongi, fennUis cf the contents lae hamp sud vorthiam lngr aangerous te 1u»0 imd banale Dimond Dyeu, prepareà selenîlfe pninopies, aue atv iff- Woo, aMdi sntli; th Vautam es beuomen of Çau prelaie.. An Ounlo lady v$tulug moud Dysas«Ps 'IYour Dismod Dy.s'iuÏ bae.everued; ,ti> mwse te von vii sud neye 1lied oosotoun & -s sme, ehap d" tît-o log equa to te ,Diàuwà -"a V"of g __i ines iow, a ýemyl o alps iimedée ,rait 1 'dr o 1

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