1preidest Polk ta' the Wlate Bouge chair, Whbile l 40Zovoîl sDetor Ayer Iloth vero buty 1er humas veat Ont te goveru sd oue ta boit. And, as a-premtideut'u power ef wt! Slometinies dependa onua liven.pliI, Mr. Polk teeh Ayer' iisai1trov Fre bi ier, 30yem « go. Ayer's Cathartlc PlUs were demigned to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themaelvea with griping modiaines. BeLug ce.refully prepar.d and their in- gredienta adjusted to tI4e exeat céeeuitiee of the bowela and livér, 'their popularfty was li-_ stantaneona. That thée popu- larity lias been ma.intained in 'wefl arked -i the modal award.d thees pill at the World'a Pair 1898l. 50 Vears of Cures CORRESPONDENOE Assultod by Vc.tp&dà Mr Sol Oppenheimner, butcher, bad the somewbat unpleasant experience of being held up by fopads while re- turning home carly Sunday morning. After closing up shop Saturdiy night, Mr Oppenheimer vssited Maundrell's restaurant and it vas about ene o'ctock when he st.arted for his home. at the west end of Mississaga street. in com- pany with Mr Robt Frost. The latter lefti him at Albert street, and Mr Op- pehier continued down Mississaga seetalone. Nearing WilIliam street be noticed twe men just aicai of him, sauntering very slewly. and as he carné Up they parted, one taking each side ef the walk, and leaving reom for Sol te pass between tiem. He bade thetu -goodnight" ln passing but received no answer, and was hurrying on when be recçived a trernendous biow on the side of tic bead which knocked hlm into the (ence. and before he could e- cover he had received a second one, knocking hlmovf bhis feet. He had a pocket kntfe ini bis hand with wbicb he bit up at his assailants, cutting one of them. he thinka. in the thigh. His loud outcries for ietp soon brougit the neighbors to bis rescue, and vith a couple of part ing kicks bis assailants let him, running up WYilliam strcet to- vards the Coldwater oad. They tekt their sandbag, whicb vas a long stock- ing filled with gravel. Scvcrai of the neighbors started ln pursuit but esrly lost track of the fugitives and gave op the chase. Mr Oppenheimer was not much the verse for bis rougb treat. ment, althougi he felt pretty sore the next day, and carried a bruise on tie side of bis bead. On Mouday after- noon constable Geo Clark arrested' NtIson Huntley and Edwand Breso, 4otow n boys 18 years of age, as the culprits, and they appeared before them euhb Vo 23 tioith i s'ite t nra prison. vitir bard labor. Bresm e the onevWho vwu Cu tby 'Ur. Oppèeu.. heimer vien be useâ the 'kulfe, thé wound being aéreraliInches lm&g seul quite deep. It wu tbrog is buylung Sti(kn PlAger, etc. oto sI-,theeut th aýthtircnstablea flrtgot uisfr télue. M1v. * RUsa61no sud e011, ot Sand Îôrdt, a"s iIfr#tbà ~ik Ma. Watà cn cf ttford la vith Moinde, fittefor 'sà liane. Jro b n rytiée oa . M, frotta thé ciëty Peter Diamoidae daubtar le ilii but Mlls M ýBurton, of 'Toronto, là wlth ber parents, N Burton sud vif.. Mns Preston of Toronto, le viti beor parents, Gao aMd Mrs Âaîaldge. Misé Alice Gilîman, of Toronto, la bore witb ber aunt, Mn Pallîstér. Mnoi. Dolphin bas roturnod efter apénd. lnga fe tdays with Oapnéy frionds. John Heod, or., is rery loy, sud bis destb may b. iookéd for et sny minuté. John Barry ceeebrsted the. glerlous twelftb at Zéphyr, very lukoly on bu nos. Daniel Forsythe bh a d bis hedge neatly trimmed sud the iniprovement is Mm Boes. etunned lait week ater sending a couple of weeku vitb Aurora aud other friends. Mfr. Bunbuny, sr.. returnsd te Aurora, on Tussday week, after spéndiug a cou- ple of veeka heréabouts. The township road machine lias been in thie tocality for s few day.sud is do- iug good vork. Josiah Evans' uew bou&e ie rapidly neariuq compîstiou, aud vili be oeoupied as oon asfinisbéd. à . carlead of cattié vus shlppedl freni ber. te WinnIipog on IThureday weék, sud tbey ver. s bandeoruelot. Mrs Legott of Markbam, vas hère laut week with ber on, Itor Légott. Tir. old lady oujoys good beltb. John Barry hss bis viud miilin uwerk- iug ordér, ana it is quité an' addition Vo hie property relue héreubouts. Miss May Oarbutbas héen .uffering fromn some affection of the oye for thé puti few veeks, but la orne botter. Mrs Lintou, left for ber horne lu Dà & kota on Tuesday, ef ter spéuding e menti hers witb ber brother, Niobolaa Bur. ton. E. Denuisia bas storéd bis furuiture,., and with hi. vif. and daughter bas goe to Michigan te spéud s fev veeka vith friends. Peter Rusueit mo'vod bis bonsehohd effecte te Cedardale on Wednémday of last week, wbere ho inends tu peruManéety Joseph Ravson, of Reou, vue hors thii veek for the parpose of akiug a bore. bsck vith itlmfroin Grabain Bros, stables. Miss Movbray, of Tyrono, sud Miss Moaa, et Durham, voie bore ou Mon- day. Thsy ere both toaobermsud ae Dow ou racatioun. Jobn Wason, of Iowa, le hère for à i few dsys with friends. Yoavs &go, Mr. Wetson vas the gilt édged tailor ort tis part of thé couuey. , B.P. Souper sud vif. réturnéd from thé north on 8&turday, whare thé; haro @pont thé put few webks. Mi. Ioocper bas boee. fil ince bis retva. Mms Dophln le bavln¶ moiw idows of a more Modevn design paod in ber reli- deoe., wile lb. intemiorof thé PUlal 1eing r.modéled AsuItmpwor.d. John Underbîli, Sebant on thie KoNeb f 2-- 2 rm -d -moin stale S Do wpe*y or Inclination lu ropr hi s tise isrt of tes iros we 4itY tose %bat they oae ded to 'Unol té) InspcterM~la, .8.of Tq.wito, wu boe i ou nM*y 1uvm«&*is -a6.1*1 QMté h>o 0 sIeti >l4Uabrid# « oy béta"14 voiat la suîioedtbelIg.mIMouh yy tib i U L %uujIllua V itm Poisonous Druge and Dangeous o- -truni# truý4e îgvewuay VoAd-: H1UNDRÉDB are being OtTIE». If You Are Ailing, No Matter Whït the Disease is or How Many Doc- tors Have Falled to Cure You,- Step Into the Nearest Dnelg Store, Ask for a Guide to Heaith, Bu' a 25C Remedy and Cure Yoursclf. Mm s8 Niehohs, No 149 Ontari o stroot, Toronto, aya ltjwvassuffering sevérely (rom nérven trouble wbeu 1 began usVug Muiiyon's Reirhdies. 1Iwvaso10bad et imes that I eould flot speak suddvas ab- solutély povesiées te do enythlng. It aie affeoted me greatiy vhéu eatiug aud 1 %as completely run down. One sud one haîf botties of Muuyon's Nervo Cure coompletely rest.ouedmtue, Vo altb. I have ince bé.en feeling entireiy velI." Mnnyon's Bboumatiom Curé seldom faite te reliev. in eue te Ibres heurs, aud cures in a fev dayis. Prioe 25c. Munyon's Dyspýepoia Curéeostively cures ail forma of Indigestion n istm aob, trouhis. Prie., 25«r. Munyen's Celd Curé prevente pneu. monis sud breaks up à , ootd lu a fév heurs. Pria., 25c. Munycus Cougi Curé stopir cougbs, night avéats, allays sorénesan d speod il7 heals thé' ugi. Price, %5o. Munyous LKdnoy Curéeapedily curés painsini thé bock, loins or groins sud aIl forme of klduoy diseuse. Prio, 25c. Muuyon's Héadache Curé stops hesd. ache lu tire mnutes. Prie., 25o. Muuy on's Pilé Oiutmonî positively cures a&H forms o p item. Prie., 25e. Munyoya's Blood Curé eradicatés sUl impavitdes ef thé blood. Prie., 25e. MunyouWa Female Remédies are a boon te all women. Mnnyon's Asthme Remédies reliev. lu 8 minuteaud eureo-pormanentiy. Prie., Muuyou's Catarrh Remédiés neyer fait. Thé Catarrb Cure-price 25.-e-radiostes the disesé from tb. systeen, aud thé Ca- tarrh Tsbtsts-pricé 25.-oeleausé sund héil thé parts. Manyon's Nerve- Cure le a wouderfut nerré touic. Price, 25é. Muuyou's Vitalizer restoros lest vigor %rce, $1. Persouhi lettere Vo Prof. Munyou, Il aud 18 Albert et., Toron to, ansvered witb frée médical advi.. for suy disesse. Thos. Postié, who bus béén very siok for semé timé, ta luiproring. MUn. Farméry, cf Toronto, la visiting ber numerona friénda hem.. Miss Webb, of Totonto,.ie visiting witb Wm. Bark, of Barn Br&@ ferm. 1r. snd 1frs. Eh Wilon viaited with Mr. sud Mnr. W. A. Fller lest veek. B.and Mrs., Eues Bice aud Miss HUM s e tohison visited Uxbridge test week. Making bey la thé ordur of thé day in thiloeality and crops ood. Grain liesBie bhas sà g»ng of about à dozon LSuseullaçpeaonlsu MiT 5" '1io rï%onou1ht h *Oc Ih 000 , w4hu en 4tueln unu poe thon tW ti th , h.ony~OskMalqta 0b. coup y!at~é lor t ]R h 4h.*présèenl '7i,,, .>201 10, uor,1Mi Suarts smbrnftetii.h u a'0n. eoualîi. the asseau No17, Roeh and Mariposa, on a basis of Beaoh 6.09-Per 60nt. and Mariposa'41 or cent., te b. lin force for tbrê years Yao MoPArlano, Esq, bolng ealloed ln à @ chird atbitrator before the aboya deoision wus arrlved ut; 1nu the case of Union sec- tion No -2 Brook, and No 14 Ret«fti, the décision vas that Brook shahl pay 64 per cent. aud Reaob 46 per cent. Mr John Watson coooplained of a patcb of o± oye daleo boing alloesd te, bleu- nom opposite Mr Wbittor's preperty, lot 19, con 12. Ho vanta theni dostroyed. A deputation eonslsting of Meoas E J Whseler aud Thos Jeffrey wsîted on the oounoll. Mr Wboo!er vas tho 'principal spokomman, ho uaid tho objeet of their ap poarltag wus o mak. a proposition to the Couneil regardng tbe graveliug of tbe road opposite lot 17, con ô, about 80 roda bs.d beon suitably turnpikod for reeiving gjravel and th.estimat. made of the. cent of gravéhing was 080, and if the counoil make a grant of 820 parties in Vie bout, Win supplement thé ameunt tte the ex. tent of $10 by volunteer worh, 13e ald hc hoped tecouneil vould entertain the preposi ueR. Tho deputation thon withdrew. On motion of Mr 8eephdns a grant of $20 vas made to be ozpended for gravel- ing opposite lot 17, cou 5, provided vol- unteer work to tho extent ef SI» is dons, and Mesue T Lambe sud M VPsir vers appointed ooanrissionsrs to eipendsd said grant. A depctation oonasting ai Mr James *Munro, ez-résvê and Mr Isac Clernenco oame bofore ehot conoil. *Mr Muino introdad thé subjeet of thoir mission, be said about 80 rode of thé road opposite lot 19, cou 12, wu. in Queo Vrim te receive à ceat of grevel sud an orpenditin'. of $28 judiiciosly mon- aged wou1d socomplisi the objoot the de putatton b.d, 1» viow-tbo, graveliug of ihat portion- of tb. road réforrod 10 and rnaking * pérmanest job of it. Mr Clomeneo mid hoe cquiosood lu the roearka nmade by Mr Munno sud vould futtbor stat4,:that shepid Vhs amount aak- ed for ho grantod h. would flot ho afraid te gçaraute Chat no furîber &id would b. requirod on tiai portion of thé rosd for ton yoaru ; suitable ditching would b. oomploted 80 as Vo, carry off surplus watsr, and ho vas satiaifiéd that the amnnt asked to e b. oWoded would be a judicioua investmnt. Qu motion of Mr MoDonald a grant of $26 wu nimade in compliance with thé re quest of Lhs deputation jnt heard, and ing lsame -, Ueo w iseh el tor iGmovn Sbrul frn under bridg opp lot 20, eou il'; John Hovsam $8 for plsclng rtiing ou bridge opp lot 7. con 12; John Qin 82.76 for rmpsrIii ralli'tno Broderlck's1 bil; Joi FMallk #.75 for' 87 loadae Sous prevWu.wnat dfor iaigents $44M~u aldptothe town1trea*- freepor, oôululy 1, being thepoed le io costa, of six yearling cattie sold appeared in mreponso to adîertising. Mr. Chas. Windatt and Mr. X.C 'King are winning manfly good prizefi at the Biisle matches. Mr Windtt has been'Ieading the Oanà dfan tèýii' bavizig won $125 in one match. The, Shooting has been very good by thr Ce.nadians all vhrough. A Blackstook hotel keeper wus fined $20 and coïts on June l2th and on Jufte l3th lie conimitted another breach of the license act and paid an- other $20 and coats into the township treasu ry last gSaturday-ratber heavy draugbts for bot weather. A Bownianvilie fariner has been fned $50 and $7.95 coati; for selling t.en cents' worth of eider to a woflafl who called at his fartn bouge for it, saying she wanted it for a sick woman whom her dootor had orderod Vo drink eider. This was a heavy penalty for doing what was thought to be a kind act, but it Wa" the emallent the licenne Iaw allows. This should he a warn- ing Vo others not Vo seil eider on atly Plea.-State8iman. ?AST YO1JR PRIE Porbieon.ot jInoa.,s bigtIn «efeigy. Your hea.ith iu n.ot goed, yet you hard- IY kn.ow what is uéba tter wlth yOU. Your btW.nffl, too, in cm. the deoLiai. PeopIe da the old el»Uti spirit you showed tu a oner yearu. The secret of aul thia fla that yeur constitution in worn out aud your btood in bad. $et [bath right by the umaOof Cha.ue' Kld- Dey*I14ver-.Pits. One box. 'vli croe 0U fypavais. Aà i monts pecollar 10 wommU Be.rotau. :IL nerv&tý*L Seisia., i'oor bIoud. Miver eomap)a1nti .JMof appetîta Severe kidzà ev disesusm Thoujaadjli of uuferqrg have- publ!tly leutified to the efftcacy of Obases Kid. vey-Liver PRIs. They are the beit, @0 use the buit. On. pi I a dose; one. cm-t a dose; 25 Oeuts a, box. 'For &aie bY ail dealers, or,by the~ menulucturers, Edmaneon.Bates £ o. Torontob Elle Chass'u L'seed aud Turpontine for a"Il t'lSo&t and luc troubles. Large botl. aniail dome, al priSe. 2U. The barns of Mr John Gowiand, 7th con. of Markham, were desîroyed by fire on Friday night luat, together with the contents, a f ew farm jimplements, etc. The fire broke out about-11,30 o'clock - its origin is 'unknown,' but, ,trampe art suspected. Last Saturday merning about tenu O'ciock Mns Allen Monkhouse's baby wandered into the back Yard and vwent tu sieep. A few rMnutes later ifre Mnkihouse isdtbbb n eecelve letief oI'ders evefydafro ý_OuntrY -Places ,fo~r ,DtamOtid, -Dyes. Liels ,aýy thir Vilta ê srekceper bas -been,,talked intQ ,ýboyig one ci the ,Very inferIb io mkes put up wo ontward- ly imitate, the world.famed Dlamond le.Thé y have' trier4t hese dye and:hc 'e~ut ~frifr-and 1055 of goods.' These cou intry sotorekeepes (many of thein) wMl nob put: Int a stock of Dia- mond Dyes until tbey get rid of their poor goods. This means- los of trade to the short-sighted dealer. -Diamnond Dyes are certainly, the favorites ini country, town andI city, and -all live merchants seli thein. .Any lady in the country who cannot obtain Diamotld IPyes frorn ber dealèr cati writetô, WelIs & Richardson Co., Montreal, for the-côlor requiried, stat- ing whether It le to dye wool, cottoli or silk, and the dye WHIi be sent by mail. in Spo'lng lime qat Pu" 91Dlo0 by uslng Bà .9.9 No otiter remedy posesses sncb per- fect cleansing,. healin and<,4uri g ropeties as Burdc (Ut 5r. t not only cleanses internally, but it beals, when applied externally', al sores ulcers, ab*wceesi, scrofuousSores, blotches, eruptions, ctc., leaving the skin cleansand, pure as a babes. Taken internalW it ýremov#es ail morbid effete or vaste matter fron the system, and thorouifhly reg4eates al the organs of th boe estbrig Fthe étomacli, EERYI Lv j Potwl udr ilRutcî laiunce foi Outiteéci Geo Phü anD avard i Ar sud otht An Order Deputy.Mi the townsh tusb. 'Phflfip L icg of h jears ago1 rio recoin oornod au actire, -Vhs éread to t 5 net las rBear coOfmyittee, foltowing sund éxpens c p B traý WM ProctÀ Joiy ist, e Mv Bai P5ssage of1 counts :-Y ton culverti ari on a=c ceunt of sW 0ev, pervie athers, $8 1896, cf Spl sud for hea avard $6.i Mr Richu sud bridge ing of the f neu, dravIl lot 3 as p.e et and rigli $3.75; Jai road se Plie road teadit A Booth, & filliug wasl bolt, etc t( Larkiu, gra sud 14, $7. peste, 90 e Poe lot i gravelling 13, cou9. iota 12 and Burk, grai, '7, 83.20;J gravol supp sud vight i ra vehling $1.40, ad yards eofg opposite 1«- iug hillopj Carleten, b 4th 'ou,. ý rond machi ditcb sud' toIVn linoi eutrort onu putting lu ltovunline,1 grarelJling. lets 18' i gvaeélint] $475 ; J3 lots 18 and r, i lut Ti mi.- ýQwi