'j L.XL Io ~, WHITBY9, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, A.IGUST p 27e 1897, NO. 39 ,Iry hi I II I W~ison' s Fly Poison Pades 100, Smaith's Poison Pads 5 cents.. Tanglefoot Stieky Fly, shoots, for re. six LOCAL NEWS LETTERSU. CMCrîLI CounuadxuuNO5,I TOWN LINS. NrHryPlaskett, Toronto, waa here ret Miss tirquihart, Toronto, la visitlng ai Mr W M\cGregcor8. Mins Lena Carsnichael. Oshawa, la spend. ing this week wilh fiends. M ims P Ketupthorn, Toronto, ha vislting ai lier untcles, Mr C Kemptiiorn. M rs Crago an d daughiter, Boarman ville, la viling be r sisier. Mrs G Rodd. 5' ,o pet barrel lu being offéred for wla- ter apples, and 75c for faII fruit. - Tîsere le a gzood opersisg for a wagon nimaker in the stand ofthe 1laie Mr CoakmelIl. Fruit Jar Rings, Bealing Wax, Corks, ]Etc. CHEMIST& WHITBYO 1)RUGO IST, -ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -AN D- WIRE FENCE.1 Geo. -01--.mt Belle the Genuine ÂER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ketoeman Wire Fence Iutending purcliaers uhouid examine thie milI before placlug their order. Do not lei an agent pus an Imitation on you arlen you can get the Genuine Asnotor, ilioroughiy gsivaîsized, and warranted, for less money. More ouibese mlis sold ins Canada to-day huas arsy other maire. The Aermotor Co. ciaim ihey seil one hall th. number of arnd- miii outfits uoid in tse world, at thse present turne. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pumpa for sale. Any Information regarding tbese ouifits arili be freeiy given by writing la GIEO. ALLIN, Pcb 7, 1897-6mo. W 'il iT aY.1 WiSTERN BANK OF CANADA§ Whitby, Ont. BOA RD 0F DIRECTORS. John Coaran, Esq., President ;Reuben S. Hambin; Esq, Vice-Pres. W F (' 0 v " " Esq., W. F. Allen, s. .A. G(i - son, Esq , Robt Mcinl aMD., Thos Patterson, Esq. T H McMilan ... .............. Cashier General Banktog Busne, transacted. Drafts Issued, payable ln aIl parts of Cans. ada United States, and on London, Eng- larnâ, payable ln ail parts of Europe. 39 pcr cent. allowed on Savinga Bank Deposits and cred[ted haîf yeariy. Special attention to collection of Farinera' sale notes. E. 1?. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Brancis. RO8t Farm for Sale SThe Peut Parus s for sale by privi.econ. imet, Witt be sold au very easy termi Appiy %0 V. McBitaDy, Audley. Dow & MVGîL- JJVUAtY, Wbiîby, or L. V. MCBIIAny. yen- *9%' soicitar, Canada Life Builnmng. Toronto. Whlîby. Juiy xg, 1897. 5stablished 1849. JI Steam urbIe and te Woîks' tndas St., i ITBY., I.. jE. Smtk, Sorne eople ln ibis vichulty beard tisei noi4e of th e explosion whch occurreti near Welland Thursday mornhng of bast areek. Mr and Mrs F P F Webster HlenIa, Men- tana, are visiiug ai tbe *ebtevhbomne- stend. They are on thei' aeting tons'. We extend our congratulations. Harvesling arili be about finhisedtiis week, if the weatber continue@ fiue. Tisent fie likely to be a langer acreage of aiseai sown ibis fali (ban usual. Anuieraln "Fartmitg', ibis uîonth osn "Let beef catile. mens take coura e"shoulti b. reati 11 every armer.T e ad vice given la rigisi, and t0 the point. 1>ogs are kepi for varions purposes, but we think ibey are al Sept more or lea for their company andti t watch Ri nigisi alibough ihas abamys puzuleti s teSnow of whai use a dog la 10 proiectitsiaowners properi ywben i is miles away worryhng sonie farusers sheep. Mn Carpenter bas bad bis sbeep worried tance tbis surmer ; il is very discouraging te farmers arisamr trying 10 keep a flock te ceutinuaîly have thern destroyed by these sulserable cnrd. Sti11 ibere is no use of us caling tise doge naines, but we hope those wbe bave doge wili see thai îbey are safe at aigii, 'anti net alloar thesu ho proal around 10 sete isc rnuch tbey cau devour. Part Ferry. R B Bongard of Toronto la holidaylug la tis vieiniy. Miss Flo Dennison la in Toronto on a tare areeks holiday. Misa Clara Stovmn of Toronto, lias bees visit- ing her parenti in t9wii. Mii Mountiiy, Enskillen, le vuatug friendu in toarn ,nd lu Reacli. Rev 1 H Mallett reiuneti rot» Maniteba on Tbursday of iast arek. Mrs C Smlîtb, cf Uxbnldge, lias beca visiiing Mia W Jamieson off ibis pace. Mr and Mrs Walteru cf Oshawa are guesta of Mr and Mrs R 1 Williamnson. N F Paterson, Q C lsataîeudhag tise Grand Lodge of Foreuter S'in'3l'rontc tbia amur. Died ai Myrile on the 17th lit, Annie Prince imilci o:ibmh laie Edwin tieiges, la bas' 36tis year. Peter Maitianti anti family remnoveti on Mo». day to Mdtbroak, arbere bcha secureti a lcc=- ative ituation, Duncan Sinclair ant i embers of is faanily are ai S E Aliscua lincan ; Mr Sinclains Uide son is very ill. The mehodist choral clasa choir diti splenid. iy at Sunùay evening. especially tisebasf an- îhem ai the ciosiug. Policeman andl Mss Fairweathser, of Toronto are vsitinq M rs Fuirwanera parents, Rev j1anti and hirs Whidocke ia toars. Hon 1 rio Dryden la Wednestiaya Globe de. nies the rumor that he v.ili rua koi WesternAI.. Roma anti not South Ontario. Labor day hî on Monday, Se->pt. 6t11, ant isi.à Dominion holidaty, and ail places ot business are cioseti thai day the same as any other bolttiy. Mr Sburie, D-uggist. of Trenton. andtins Minate Bond. aiso oftsi <bt an, have been e of Mns Wm H iscox ai Là akeview Scttage About tweniy Christian Endeavore r in ibis place amui îo Ostusaaon Vcdtesday of lm week, anti hati a vcry pieuasa4 se, exoip tise haine amlagt. whîvh wuas am. 1Mn Fred Corrig-tua1 offTronte; Cudutso m Md Mv.. MaMIllan u&J Wiby; M%- Pe&ns anti famlly off orent Juonetcu Mn j Cavueltias insîy anti Mr E Il Purdys tfflliy. are luncot- lages ai Petits poitnt. Rev E RYoung, asov oa'wue imyuzu ag pastor af tise uuetiod, si chuncb hereeadii ooeupy tise pulpif t atis a b h ez: Sabliati. Où Mooaoi yeve ng 11e arib Imamct and duatai bis lectureb, eliisi views Simca whist bua dvancetinmylethse baSin la toan have nuiittise pvke astourInl ku tre=» te to iaeive cena, bmay tso.ustiai bave in tête peu blt lisesti mca itetibdo <bais'o»eau ed mumy simklug the aMd. tien diucla ahea i aset peramnet.Taomte baiers had t oi n lheir pukea on Wedue. day. Tise l«heaeH P aiseelslisugeti Sico talao tea g anse ofbaeeb&Ml.%Tii. gu » tgse cm comday asti seddl a tledeiai net t isatherfipabyascoeo42toss. WLPmOMt va4 M ussieantibis de-'-sus ce uMotuM bohMboiosts.ls miam aru lbuse. cot anlasd tise bungy Wu d cl-7 Th" asu Peuti & u aws lu Wedmeas isilhe "sl us' oas 44candià kie )wt* isrd tMma aM: R Nir, J CMts»,, L E Kennedy, IL MaCa, J MeCuIo* Usai.Wsfre 14ve W*i. sinag Fas Vput1-PISM lu baud pkieet ut b, sbwsrd âimuma i. t uu.#à . vis, Miss May Tripp spent Sonday at home. Rev W G Hâana, presbyteriani minister, bas Mr Morris, of U3cbridge, was here on Sunday, accepted a caill to go te Mount Forest. Our sohool ta running &gain with a good attend- Whiie driving tbrough Saintfield Tuesday Bnci. afiernoon, our reporter saw the vcry unusuai sigbî of an oid man 88 years of age gang plow- Miss Willis, Scarboro has been thie guest of Ing with a team Of livelY 4 year aid colts. Wben Miss weatherili. we first saw the aid gentleman ha was Just com- Mr Pallister bas donc a great season cuttlng Ing over the brDw of a bill i bis bore head, bis grain wiîh bis new binder. white locks biowlng in the breeze, he having Frank Lawtoni who has been visiting bis loat bis bat. The oid mas booked bale au!, brother Fred of Pembroke has agaiss returned heariy, but In ronverssation said! the horses Were home. jusi a wee bit ton fast fDr him. Hie lu one of Mvi rigali aveberSundy sheolclae aBrock's pioneers and shouid have been -peusion- Party lasi week and a very enjoyable trne wa ed off" years ago. spent. Narrow Escape. Miss; Lynde has lately been tbe guest ni Miss Sunday afternoon Mr A W Crosty and bis Mowbray. Miss Mowbray bas returned to ber sister were returning from Leaskdale, where .tbe achool In Tyrone. former had been conducting service in tbe meibo- Mr Gouid, of Whltby, bas laiely moved hi@ 1 dist church. Just at the top of Munro's bih, bouse across the creek to the old site wbere the 1 about uwo ndles up the 7th of Scott, a cycisi ai- fire took place and Mr Dennis and famiiy are tempted ta mount bis wheei a few yards in front jiving thetein. 0f mise-iivery horse driven by Mr Crosby. The Rev Mr Neville will take charge cf <the aiter- animai became frigbtened aitishe wheel andjump- noon appointmnent here Sunday next. He wîîî cd sideways inta the ditcbh upsesting tbe rîg and address the loague bere on Sabat *' ngon recipitating lits occupants on the ground. Mr mission work et. bt vnn Fi rosby beld osto the Unes and thus prevented a runaway. The wheeimanu topped and :hin s Rev Clave preacbcd an excellent sermon bere were soon Inade as vlght as civcumnstances wouid on S3abbaih. Hm sermons are much appveciaîed aliow. The barnesa wu& badiy broken, and tho judglng froin the large congregations luxa out to dashboard ol the buggy slightly disfigutea, but heur hlm (rom» time ta dîne. the occupants escsped with a severe sbaking Up Most ci the farmers are pretîy owell throuRh and a few samail bruises.-Timcs. witb their barvest. Some crops bcing so badiy Attempted Burglauy. down were vcry bard ta cut. The rool crop ta Frlday nigbt burgîsîs entored the postoffice expecied to be an abuidani onc. here, and wi th a brace procured fromi Rabams Sone ialk of organlsing à bruts band la our wagon sbop, ps'ooeedea te drill tbe yault door. miditt. [t mig hi be a %vise thjng but la aur A h oie half an inch in diameter aras drilled opinion It wili never materialize. Our people about two indues above the combination, some have ne urne te spare just new, but cf course we explosive was lnserted and the fuse atîacbed would 111w <o have, a band uand have the matevial and llghted. The burglar tben appears îo bave if you canoany provide people wiih thme desire. retreaîed outside te waiî the explosion, wbîch Osesasa pomptly fellowed. Tise report aras beard by M HCrosby, arbolives oniy fifty teet aaray. Hie The fisb grot stuck on îhemnseives early ibis immcdîately came ta bis door, and aaticad the week and (or a few dlays refused te recog. bock door of the posioffice open. About the nizé tihe Moset empting baut. Tbey came to $unie lime a man appeared In sigis: from behind their senses veuterday and retu m-ed te their the building, and, seeing Mr Crosby stood and aid love. Mvi jois Reade of Port Perry. looked ai hlm for a moment. Mv Crosby asked camping ai Waubburn, captured a beauty bim wabat ho was daing thure. areupan the -that tlpped the scales ai z6lbs. Capt Mc- man ras away. The alarm wB5 at once given, Gillivary of the 1mw firni of Dow & McGili* but ne dlue could be golta tiste parties. For- vrssy, wiih Mr Hugh Rasa, cf Rosi Bras, iunaîely ibere ta nothiag missiog from the office. Wblîibv, wheeled inio towrs an 'Ttesday ta Thse combinatica cf the vault door ta braises, and vîsit, Dr Hunier of Bald Point. Ca pt Hen- tisatin about tbe caiy damage vible. Mr Ham»- derson sud Eamily left Pin. Point for home iltgn, the posmster, tbinks that the lunes' dont fon Wednesday. Mr Hunter, et New rkn. of tise vault wrsualo opened utai ll-Jounal. 1 Number 1fifty. 1tlrft train going souili on Mon. EOKI day nomsistruck tbree yautigcalle f wo andi i Miss Anna Warren cf Toronto, la vlsitiag haîf miles not of tpe town ai a publie crosslng. wt D A esr One wua kîllietiandt4 tle thersllghtly burt. Tise Ma Re1"o artp ere carneti by. Mv Wesley Luise, of r D Hay o hclI avstn wthi. Cfniende here tisis 1wre. Socuring thse t<.dflî. Miss MeXit of Uxbs'ldge has been visit- Laut week a resideat of Cartwrvight toîwnship lus herfriend, Miss Bingisar. bad a desire'le go le Manitoba an the harvest. Mr& 4ssdrew Davidson and Miss David- crn excursion. To secm he a eedju1 for bis, son, frê1à Ioas, arc visltlng at Mvi H H ticketaïas ecessary andmi lsi fertile brain seOn' *ý]tacets-. solvedthelb probiet». Ha gai two sieri, une be- n,.r a owlie hau ganetot Manitoba. loniag te George Hooey andi anc beloaglrsg ta It- well stiltei w ithth oitya Wila ilson. bath of Cartwrright. A areeli or he'?, X ta ta bc, ha ahIlrmathe uit' a more before he let be came ta Port Penny aid ât eutorra en Tuesday nigisi, a offmnedt 10onc cf Itheaoule buyen a beifdr, andi îuaib horse belonging ta Mv Thsomas aras tld ho aroulti receive aboü 1 $us for 14 anti Av seyasUklled by Ilirbtnlng. The ani- aras aito inforrned ihatt thse bîyes'sps'èfervet mai wà * qutte near the buildings. steers. 1hefeiloar aeni home ami came, :* - ý &gain, saylng lie had tvadedtheibm lmier for tare Tiere ýwlll be un peaeising service ln tise steers, gsving seven dollars difierece. He wa Presbytetlalcisurcis next Sunday. Thse paiti S5 and told arlers ta deliver, the siiers arbets Siiday'sehool will meet as usual, and thse thie balance aroulti be paid ; ihe animais were regulat', C, meeting ailbe hel inlatise delsverqtinb Meurs Jacks and Ba and ihe bal- evening. g-ce pa4id aven. AÀ<car tsys afievrard Messrs 11ev>1, Cameron. of Wick, Moderatar cf bndiWilson happeusci ta meet a neigh. tis Syiiéd af Torante aud lclvpgsion, hIl b M 'ishort distance soutis cf Part Pervy, and Pr.acttuX thse te opeung services lu tise while ýtlkîng Mv Hooey noîlcedtomseatuie resbUran cisurcis on Sunday, Sept 5th. gruslng andi saw aa he believet i as ene of his Tisrc *111 bb es'vice lu tise maralng anti mtera. Ha mid "thore fi my steer," Mr Wi.'l eentîii son then huti hi, uttenion directed te thseiserd, Rev f Wtsn f lvead 9ste i asnd socs expressed imiseif <bai bis à teer aras friendil er. tisis week. He ha charge of Éas tisere. l'bey seau fouad eut more con- a chu ,,Jt olade tise. ciy limiteansd l#B oerning the steers anti suie euougb tise tara a1s en 4ged talcue work, belng ustier aimera aere the propevîy cf ihose tare mea. As tis mat cme th ie Western Reserve son as Meur Jackr sd Boa found out that the eCure»ureau.. cattie acre stolen tbcy premptly deiivercct them M1r lfmes Routley, section fovemais on tte erigistfi nansd are eut $25 la cash, tise G ?'4. bu îe-ceived notice tisai hieterra sud the mua rbo lbs netgbbos't preperty le cf empicyme*t ahi Ceuse on Sept rat. Mr sule la Manitoba. One vçry peculilr fact about Rontde$ beet ai Ibis warrkfan over the arbole transaction lo that ibis mai diii bis f t e eratil li uycpbec worn la iyligisi and did noîising under caver af doinfe à ltisat it requineti cf hlm, buitise li§ durknu, andi arat about the deal ln sncb a over e y'eare cf tige aid mdcv tise new manrthst tisa catie buyrv bati no suspicion, raies efthtie Company, noue o tise raea and arere somewariu surprisedti t lears tisai the over tisi sue are belng rciuined4. A petit ian caille acre stolen. la belnWilgn ed aaslug tistMs'loutley bc Inspiration, pawnshop, and..so-fanth. contictuedun hi« aid positién. We hope it A lucrative andi uta business a startetil inmay be-sacuceesft3l. tewarn d lu calleti. fer a short came, pawashep. An e6ft le being matie tapi caome cf ont For instance, if a voung fellear or an olti feiloar blc ÃŽpitlted cituzens lnterested in street lla oie of Inspiration or a fiiespare cash, tigbtiîg Anmbs;hvtured sglSt [ tihIsue nucamre for Ibat bad stuif calleti their wtlllngess te purchase a lump anti whsejha wlli leave bis aatcb or etber tniaisci. keep hi 3ýbnnlng an durk nigisis. Weý hope gel tise maie, und m»y &son "bloar h la" for tisai a% emeaîs wlll bc made' te have sarne Inspiration ; a bettes'word arould ble stick. this sisocis nedtiimprovemeas carrled spiraîlos. la lime tise cbup redeems bis article eut. lt hibc attenaet to ai once, tise» wc parseti. payung a gecd& round lîleresi, aiU th iseajl isse tise benefitfth ie lgisas soou way ftrm four pe cent te, fifiy pcv cent accordiag .sitihe d«~ al aigisîs are upc» us. to terme etc. Thosmariso do ibis peaunsiop bui- .ThsI week tseve hau beau a reviv*1 attisle ne a sioulti bang ouitishe sigu of thse tbvae goldi- teetl lup selseme andti hese daïkS atîglts en balle te show ta tht publieai sscb a buudy siiotili onvince tise villa gev. aisat à 4frteat aud coîvenleni place to procure aUiie casb lu benefit îîfeyu lampea placeti aloug tiem-front lu toans. Promtreparus iyiusg aroat own " steeî 5*14 toaard tistation aroulti b.. n business te donc by ane cf aur boicîmen. So dots amm ntee badthtia ae are se slow la tisat cves'ybody cunnat get a nuire la on <biS pro-titis maqter, Tise coat cf about a dozen up- fltuble business, bai cLever, and ti keyeti cf. to-daté' : apeatsamrebie tWci a CB1OÃ"Uomneinspecter Penvssos aboulti t an-oatic t e exil»igulsh et, placeti ou seu ibat a a Utmela gîven tî i bisioteirnan andthe atnt î oulti be less thi a-0,anti surely thai ha bas a vegular paarnsisop sigu cf tise tis:ee ibis amoptit cau be raiseti. !Howmany are tgolden balle dishaYetila front ef' bis hotel. tisentwbo drive lafroratlthe country, on 1< la ctes mid *"a change I. as good 2usartt"# it cone tuciurcis Sund&y nigisi tisai tu freqtueiititepatetila ca s ta Party govern. *ouidt4eubscribta25c ? Tise» to kep tise» ment, 14tlu Urne fer a chag." People get oig oadnt bc a greai expease. The we.ary la well dolng ;effic a aePeople, 8seut 11Wbsîne#Ã-men have Premisedto te ep tise in1lai reascnlng officiais get arcary. klid fron~ t V êt gcing., isicis weuld leave only cfpoftute eir arciuous di vtry nesponsible a few for the. villagens te keep. If tise Peo- dattes. .saine pee le tsI thtii if a lttOe ple ar wtlng tise conucil could aiake a» 1fil wre lu te Uccase InspeCtas', Il uo eû~t, on tise vilâaest cits aroulti nepay ot tsa eto.10" ues rmnu%,,gxpce, ariicis aosultiamaîtte ugaliluenbeare o kthrtisa0ifWe'hati Only a fwcents ais. -Let lise lampa be' a bruitinear I sîea tos inge aculti put lu by'subscnipîon rirn all, tisaile frora work fat differenîl p. ialy tu Port Penny, i tisese lintise country district us armîl as tise am no stas olIs anspecter Ferusn, villagesi, andtihie villugers arotilti eep but 1 catie seme very strange fllng. tisera going, etber b an asseassent os' i Ahipar me;ta giv a lUtile tivice : "ke*p subscnlptie» aideti b >au atuaaIconcert your oaa cou or la othes' aortis "kep Tisere leno evsasn isy we can'i have a your mcmli aisn heu yeu are ini Port Pe 1y fe w ligisis lu tise villagr ,and nuow tise ques. andi doit teli ucis. 1< is a fat t isaii ti ton lnafaal taken up let sanie action bc malien co= . lquon cases lua is tbau taken, anti show are art, a 11111e alil., besidea ba beutai an aboulti bave benu stsjcii they are almosi a necessity. secret ; Iifo ua tisai one cbut ycur.lf H anti tise suai aouti knoa. Of' course iW.A.H make due wa ce isbai yu lîve aigisteen mile f oti an d ti hat ya5 conuot lie Luia a Dheoo. expecdtet ô,soar f tbese sideaIlises.Sîjhl l uBU ,S.-Ieuer of VSais. I4oseam usgs ur laitisatelmen a social vii Besideuuo opposite Town gon,b'olz oce lua wiilkeep poauied arnawel awve et you 1dit t ncaav lunfractionsof W A MumLT, 1V 11,orada*to of thueO tise luuneiuermnîie isisîl sforjoucf V*$es'fiss'y Cllae, 2oroûto; Uaru esoerniwaside lio collet! '*a newstyle ofbar." Treig Isall .«m of 1eth*' siese Don'î fera moment Infer tisa: Ilquos t%=s le amimais by h tis a mu t'4 slts aAI abougisi ever uny betel bar la ibis ha.» on Son. p&icuas tiricuwW ungol p aul day, tise leiter otfluhe iaw ta snecty kepi. About - and dutfsiti. Day or,-- s aRi ru~l ibm .,aRIT cf tise 1mW. 'bai la aMuer O« aM t"s4ed b fi.adrluo roi Il -4 :'1 1 s a the lu=e i P» w. o.r o r cgu'w~ot<i~Ou opsst~-, ~yen.~!0 one&eop s Torsa't Dort, A1mPuieaê~ heaves fon hoe on Saîuvtiay, -but tise Doct-on ahI vern» amuitise 'middtle ai Sepiember. If aIl tise isisemmen on tise luire aoulti folboa Docton Huniers examip le anti netuna ai lange arelig tint ner 6 pounda, large (is wauld bo more plentiful D.ack aisooting Mhil sean begin. wben no douis: every noom ha tise Lelanti Hanse arili have its, occupant. VICTOIRIA CORNERS Mr. Fred Vicasrs of Uxbridge, was isere on Suntiay. Mr and Mrs..Geo Tiruton of Broug- ham, visiteti frieutis here. Mr John Summervhlle of Scott, spent Sunday with tise boys here. Mr Frank, King V.S., ýof Uncle Sais Col N F Pattersoî aid Mr Hepburn of Dominion Bank; were here lasi week o» business. Mns Geo McGuire mndchildres arc tise peste of M16. and Mvi. W. C. St John. Mr. Newton St. John of Toronto University, assisted Rev. Mr. B"rrinl service hem. on Sund'ây. Mr R Reyusôlds bas finisiesetchool coatract and we have ruow one of the fineat rural sciuools In this counîy. Visitor: Mis -Waddel of Beavevion- with Mr. and Mm. R. Rynard. Mie Muiehead oh Tormc, with Mr andi Mvi W Doble. IL Ptsckes 'i t ie eAutley, viateti a Wlu IMitons on Btandty lut ArmuanstiPugis bau Éc it ifaimotf zo acres te Reuiben RowaisoetClareflmt, Jae siWilliam Uvaup bave disposeti bt of t teir tnuiraahgaea Peterboro Axvestiti fer Forgery Wm Roes, abo hu heen living ln tbai for. sevenal yeave, waraesteti Wednestiay ln Port, Hope, charget i ati fergevy. The f tohae ges tisai Rosa forgedth ie name aitie amhbton Bridge Ce. te a choque on the Bank cf Monreai for $16 iln bis (aven. Rose, It le furthen claimeti amI te, J D Cralgs purcisaset a louage anc1 ave thse chique ÃŽu puyment, necelvisug çGu la neturn. Tht chiqua wunsot honoret ut tise bair, anme Il was learuedth ie choque ara a iongevy. For smre tisse tise poalIce bave becs leaSing ton Rosa, but tue haisevudeti 111cm tu yentes'tay. fi la nôt long $snce Rosaw araiesteti on* tise charge of fovging Jas Stevensen» nameboa chique, aisicis 11 moidt taFoot & McWinle. Thse MisaisBoohs of Daruleî are vlstting mi Y W Tavions Ura Pillps, ai Toroto, anvlstig ut Mis Smitiss luat aeek. Mv. andi Miss DiciretofPeotone, 111.9 ate visitiag ai Dan Dicku, IM Asis and' daughws' oi Mas'kham ave vist- ai lohn Viunserfeîua. Mr SlalyRbra Tranto bas becs vlsiling Irlenid scrm Mr andtiMs ) oirf'elaote weve vlling ai M Y W Tayrs lmst wu*t. ?"a Spencer andtilittne 1ohHastinga are vtsftng11cr siter, fm:s R Harvood.iSri Madame OoWsp Msutwnsm- nst ba ere au a pnlvatedcladi hioui v ichyiii taceis Uv Y Fraoy, os opaur sUý,ool tiuobsr. ftaa neininedto seli dallesagala, lool)" hale anti b4 M erge elmait of Polio, bilai ba neaee .SAntifSdr1 ftivSus ahse"nCu ai five Scierai tanninlbave ibreauedti tisr libo cIo », -T hse re su a i e ot ve yg rtaufy ino ;; po « -Born*- odemau - 1